Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 14, 1 December 1916 - 10 February 1917, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. ----------------------------------- --- Divisionol Headquarters, 20th December, 1910. INSPSCTION DY CeATINDER-in-CHIET. ANpimdöntond. Map Roforonce 36 N.W. 10.000. In continuatien of Circular Momorandum No. 36, dated 19th Dec¬ cmbor: Tho Com ander-in-Chiof will rido up to tho flag-otaff where Situms: ho will rcooivo the Gonoral Saluto. EveTTGTION: -Norf Tho Com andor-in-Chiof will ride dewn the line. Aftor he roachos tho 44th Battalion tho Sonior Bandmastor will tako the first op ortunity when tho way is clear to cease playing and to move tho Bands to tho plaoo soleotod noar the entranco to tho ground, where thoy will halt and faco north. vvon Pheg: When the Commandor-in-Chiof takes his stand noar tho entranee faoing seuth, tho troops will march past in fours, each Platoon giving tho sclute "Eyos Right". Tho D.A.A.4.Q.M.G. will suporintond tho mevoment. Oero must bo takon te oloar quickly onoo past tho Commander- in-Chief. HUMARD ROUTE: Troops for ARMENTIERES and tho noighbourheod of Squaro 26 will novo straight to tho by-read loading from Map Shoot 36 N.w. A.18.d.6.3. to STEENEROX RAILUAY STATION, in which 10,300 read thoy will halt and fall out. Tho Staff Captain, 11th Infantry Brigade, will superintond. The 11th Infantry Brigade will havo arrangemonts made ready hore to give hot tea. All other troops will olear quickly to tho wost by the main TEENWEROK read. The D.A.Q.M.6. will bo en duty at A. The massod bands will romain until the Commander-in-Chiof has left tho ground. H. FARMAR, Liout. Colonol. A.A.M. Q.M.G., 3rd Australian Division.
- 0 0 0 0 0 eQ 0 oko ao oOd. 2o Pres Ternsben oas MG CN S o voc. co S. Ages Bands. .o5 ".c0 ur Cu ST BJe Cogh a 2u 9350 17 Cog2 Coyas so V xxxxxxxx uus r rr p ig Kurr Tau 977 8e. (ou 4987 20g 4350133 JA2T98T Cou.4198 m xxxxx rnnn A5 t rrur pynitr rurr e lau Tort. Bde Cay4A 80 a 227 85 COu4S989 CoudsB n xrxé xx rrern ir grrrrrrr Pxr rr rrxgr Kels 1075 30/6. OgA38 r OUA2T1 s S4.R/S. 87 nvrrl T xxxxxx Loloe 2 4. E 0 a ( S o 0 £.E... ...2.M. Dret 8. Z vr a Sadle (Sutstol.
405 Oed sinfernge: 2x ln Senschitigt (eitjan) NRE Tt Hitzgehet.
PECIAL OlDER BI Major-General JOHN MONASH, C.B.,V.D. Commanding 3rd Australian Division. Divisional Hoadquerters 22nd Degenber, 1916. Tho Divisional Commander has pleasuro in promulgating to all ranks of tho Division tho following mossage from the Commandor- in-Chief, General Sir Douglas Haig, upon tho occasion if his insp¬ ection today of dotachments from all tho Units of the Division:- "Tol! om the Army in Frango is vory proud to havo thom with us.- They look liko men, and liko soldiers.- I'm sure thoy'll do woll.- Tell them I wish them all possiblo goed luck". H.FARMAR, Liout. Colonel. A.A.8.Q.M.G., 3rd Australian Division.
32 --------------------------------------- ------- -------- Army Form Ge123. "C Form Dupicate),/110 manmmasg eee 9 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No ONGKAEA Tt Ue banr Charges to Pay. Brs a Banlo 18 4 O1. Received. Ih Handedinat. Rurst erer a e sut 3od Fret Tnnspreansr AAA a Gur Ker Hrr Aut shes Arstutos Metf gunt A gelzdl rggstat. FROM PLACELTIME Bic WE 492-M437 500,000 Pads: H WV 516 Fonns C.2128.
(A.A.G.. A.I.F.) 25/49. Sory. AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCEL (2.10/13) ist Anzae Corps, Hsaiquarters 24th December, 1916. Brigadier-General H.W. Grimwade, C. R. A. 3rd Australian Division. It had been decided that the artillery is shortly to be reorganized into six-gun batteries. This will entail the curtailment of a certain number of brigades, and the reduction of a considerable number of batteries. It will probably be possible to utilise the services of surplus Erigade and Battery Commanders only by their reversion to Battery Commanders and Battery Officers respectively. To enable the G20.C., A.I.F. to decide as to the best disposal of these Officers, will you please submit a list in order of merit of artillery Brigade Commanders and Battery Commanders respectively, with any recommendations you may care to make regarding the employment of particular officers. Where Offieers are of practically the same merit, they should be placed in order of seniority, as, other things being equal, the juniors of each rank must naturally be the officers who will have to revert. After reorganization the artillery of the division will consist of two brigades each of four six-gun and howitzer batteries, regarding which, and the formation of D.A.C., detailed orders will be issued to you later - the remainder of the artill- ery with the 3rd Division being absorbed in making up other batteries, while 1i 18-pdr. batteries, and one section 4.5" howitzers will become surplus to the requirements of the A.I.F., and will probably be disbanded. J. L. VHITHAM, (sgd) Lieut-Colonel. G.O.C. 3rd Aust. Division. for A.A.G., A.I.F. The above is copy of a memo forwarded direct to C.R.A. 3rd Australian Division by direction of Lieutenant-Ceneral Commanding. J. L. WHITHAM, (sgd! Lieut-Colonel for A.A.. A...
Terbe "C" Form (Duplicate) S1BTEO Ha MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No, of Diensaget Charges to Fay Obee Stamp. SM 806 21 £ 1306 Buo OKoke. Service Instructions. Handedinat. 4441 ORerfglm Raaherg T0 2 Gypyste Bur Sandefe Hundbet Dag ol Miondt in repii 3o Fundber AAR G0ro Sirterogt gentte Chrestne Hesseral Rvet Autirge tovet so aud Bu to Jant FROM Bovyut PLACELTIME I 15 w15000-M151 75,000 Pada H4s 2/16 Forms(O.2124. (5688)
24taTk 2 Arny Form C. Di128. "C" Form Duplicate) 131abarg do, Fr dushene! MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. N. ODsg Ioreererf Charges to Pay. 2r Buo £a 4. Slämed - .24..... om O SUp Hamslo Stim Handedinat/ TENE HONRSH Aach Bon TDees n0h 7In repsg to Numter Prncer Run06r AAA 2412 2. 20 Gou Skan Ko ast en 25 ars 30h Bror al Haatv AENL NICHOLSON FROM PLACELTIME 3ae Ben W. 4182-M1437 600,000 Pads. H WV 516 Forme C.2L2.



Divisional Headquarters,

20th December, 1916.


Map Reference 36 N.W. 1/10,000.

In continuation of Circular Memorandum No. 36, dated 19th December:-

SALUTE: The Commander-in-Chief will ride up to the flag-staff where

he will receive the General Salute.

INSPECTION: The Commander-in-Chief will ride down the line. After he

reaches the 44th Battalion the Senior Bandmaster will take the

first opportunity when the way is clear to cease playing and

to move the Bands to the place selected near the entrance to

the ground, where they will halt and face north.

MARCH PAST: When the Commander-in-Chief takes his stand near the entrance

facing south, the troops will march past in fours, each Platoon

giving the salute "Eyes Right".

The D.A.A.&.Q.M.G. will superintend the movement.

Care must be taken to clear quickly once past the Commander-in-Chief.

HOMEWARD ROUTE: Troops for AMENTIERES and the neighbourhood of Square 26

will move straight to the by-road leading from Map Sheet 36 N.W.

1/10,000  A.18.d.6.3. to STEENWERCK RAILWAY STATION, in which

road they will halt and fall out.

The Staff Captain, 11th Infantry Brigade, will superintend.

The 11th Infantry Brigade will have arrangements made ready

here to give hot tea.

All other troops will clear quickly to the west by the main


The D.A.Q.M.G. will be on duty at A.18.o.4.2.

The massed bands will remain until the Commander-in-Chief has

left the ground.

H. FARMAR, Lieut. Colonel.

A.A.&.Q.M.G., 3rd Australian Division.


Diagram-see original document




Old sniper scopes ?

2 d Army pattern

Search lights (actylene )


Waterproof sheet




Major-General JOHN MONASH, C.B., V.D.

Commanding 3rd Australian Division.

Divisional Headquarters,

22nd December, 1916.

The Divisional Commander has pleasure in promulgating to

all ranks of the Division the following message from the Commander-

in-Chief, General Sir Douglas Haig, upon the occasion of his inpection

today of detachments from all the Units of the Division:-

"Tell them the Army in France is very proud to have them

with us.- They look like men, and like soldiers.- I'm

sure they'll do well.- Tell them I wish them all possible

good luck".

H. FARMAR, Lieut. Colonel.

A.A.&.Q.M.G., 3rd Australian Division.


"C" Form  (Duplicate). 116  Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
Sm IE 23 Bns
CE Hinton
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay
₤    s.    d.
Office Stamp.

AY23 XII 16
Handed in at  NYC  Office  925pm.  Recd 10 7 pm.
TO Genl Monash 3rd Austn Divn
Sender's Number.  ABC
Day of Month  23 Dec
In reply to Number.
New  Zld  Divn  send  best
wishes  for  Christmas  and  New
10.20 pm
FROM  General  Monash
PLACE & TIME  23  Dec


(A.A.G., A.I.F)




( Q.10/13 )

1st Anzac Corps,


24th December, 1916.

Brigadier-General H.W. Grimwade,


3rd Australian Division.

It has been decided that the artillery is shortly to

be reorganized into six-gun batteries. This will entail the

curtailment of a certain number of brigades, and the reduction

of a considerable number of batteries.   It will probably be

possible to utilise the services of surplus Brigade and Battery

Commanders only by their reversion to Battery Commanders and

Battery Officers respectively.

To enable the G.0.C., A.I.F. to decide as to the best

disposal of these Officers, will you please submit a list in

order of merit of artillery Brigade Commanders and Battery

Commanders respectively, with any recommendations you may care to

make regarding the employment of particular officers.   Where

Officers are of practically the same merit, they should be placed

in order of seniority, as, other things being equal, the juniors

of each rank must naturally be the officers who will have to


After reorganization the artillery of the division will

consist of two brigades each of four six-gun and howitzer

batteries, regarding which, and the formation of D.A.C., detailed

orders will be issued to you later - the remainder of the artillery

with the 3rd Division being absorbed in making up other

batteries, while 1½ 18-pdr. batteries, and one section 4.5"

howitzers will become surplus to the requirements of the A.I.F.,

and will probably be disbanded.

(Sgd) J. L. WITHAM,

for  A.A.G.,  A.I.F.
G.O.C. 3rd Aust. Division.          

The above is copy of a memo forwarded direct

to C.R.A. 3rd Australian Division by direction

of Lieutenant-General Commanding.

(Sgd) J. L. WHITHAM,


for A.A.G. A.I.F.



"C" Form (Duplicate). 137 Army Form C. 2123.   
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
SM GGp 21 Bns
CH Sykes
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay.
₤    s.    d.
Office Stamp.
AY 24XII 16
Handed in at AUO Office  740 m.  Recd 8.20 pm
TO 3rd Austn Divn
Sender's Number.    G 649
Day of Month.    24
In reply to Number.
General Birdwood sends Christmas
Greetings and Every Good wish
to you all

FROM 1 / Anzac

PLACE & TIME 1830 [[?]]



"C"  Form  (Duplicate)  154 Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
Sm KK 22 Bns
SR Smith
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay.
₤    s.    d.
Office Stamp.

AY 24XII 16
Handed in at YCK Office  1050 pm Recd 1056 pm


3rd Aust Divn

Sender's Number.    Z 297
Day of Month.    24/12/16          
In reply to Number


Many  thanks  Same  to  you

from  all  ranks  34  Divn



PLACE & TIME 34 Divn

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