Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 14, 1 December 1916 - 10 February 1917, Part 19

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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minimum strength has been laid down for the Platoon. During active operations, should oasualtios bo such as to reduoe tho strongth of Platoons below tho minimum figure given, the nooossary numbers will be obtained by tho tomporary amalgamatien of Companios in tho Battalion, or Platoons or Sootions in tho Company, as best meots the exigenoios of the caso. Under normal ciroumstances, during poriods of tronch warfare, Platoons must not be allowod to fall below tho minimum strongth laid down, but must be kept at that strength by the rocall of mon from oxtra regimental employ, whon nocossary. Every effort must be made to incroase the strongth of Platoons by reducing the numbor of omployed mon. The Commandor-in-Chiof wishes Army Commandors to give thoir speoial attontion to this mattor. The number of non employod oxtra rogimontally is at prosent vory groat, and involvos a loss in fighting power of approx¬ imately 3,500 men por Division throughout tho Army. By a careful application of tho regulations under which reinforocments may bo domandod to roplaco non-offoctives, by pooling, and by rigorous combing-out, it should be possible to roduco this number so that it does not exoeed an avorage of 150 mon por Battalion. Sd/ L.E.KIGGEUL, Lieutenant-General, General Headquarters, G. G. S. 7th February, 1917.
I. A P P E N D IX --------------- Battalicn Hoadquarters. Othor Ranks. ADMINISTRATIVE PORTION. ING PORTION. Biom! Quartermaster Sorjeant. J Serjeant Major Company Quartermastor Sorjoants. Clorks. Storomen. Gas personnel. Trensport Establishment. Signallors. Shoomakors. Runners. Tailors. Pioneers. Butohers. Stretcher bearers. Cooks. Gooks. Grooms. Batmen. Batmon. Instructional Establishmont.
APPENDIX II. Other ranks. Establishment of a. Battalion inoluding attached ... 971. aa 2 2. e 2 D d5. aa as Battalion Headquarters - Fighting portion. 70 70 Administrative pertion. 80 . . . . 80 Four Company Hoadquarters - 9 14 . . . .. . . . . Se 5a Sixteon Platoons. 944 . . . ... . .. 70- 9 28 448 Sick and extra regimental omploy and othor non-offectives ... ... 61 317 . . . . 930 574 357 141 971 971 The above figuros includo those who must be loft bohind when the Battalion takos part in an attack, seo O.B./1635 (S.S.135), pago 58.
AU woo17 COPY. 222]12. COIriDgyplal. Headquarters 2nd Anzac Corps. --------- Will you please forward to this Office, as early as possible, Confidential Reports on the undernamed Officers. Should the report be of an adverse nature, it will be communicated to, and initialled by, the Officer concerned. A copy of the form to be adopted when forwarding the reports is attached. G.S.0. Lieut-Colonel G.H.N. JACKSON, D.S.O./Ist Grade,3rd Aust. Division. C.G.E. WnLY, V.C. Znd Grade, ditto. Major. (Sgd) J. KNOWLES, Major.- A.M.S. Second Army. 6-8-1917. -------------- No. 3708/2 A. Headquarters 3rd Aust. Division. --- For information and necessary action. Report to be rendered in duplicate as early as poss¬ ible. (Sgd) H. H. PRIDEAUX, Captain., D.A.A. & Q.M.G., 2nd Anzac Corps. 7-2-17. Headquarters, 2nd A. & N. Z. ARMY CORPS. ----- Report in duplicate herewith. (Sed) JONN MONASH, Major-General, Commanding, 3rd. Australian Division. 8-2-1917. --

minimum strength has been laid down for the Platoon.
During active operations, should casualties be such
as to reduce the strength of Platoons below the minimum
figure given, the necessary numbers will be obtained by
the temporary amalgamation of Companies in the Battalion,
or Platoons or Sections in the Company, as best meets the
exigencies of the case.
Under normal circumstances, during periods of
trench warfare, Platoons must not be allowed to fall below
the minimum strength laid down, but must be kept at that
strength by the recall of men from extra regimental employ,
when necessary. Every effort must be made to increase the
strength of Platoons by reducing the number of employed
The Commander-in-Chief wishes Army Commanders to
give their special attention to this matter. The number
of non employed extra regimentally is at present very
great, and involves a loss in fighting power of approximately
3,500 men per Division throughout the Army.
By a careful application of the regulations under which
reinforcements may be demanded to replace non-effectives,
by pooling, and by rigorous combing-out, it should be
possible to reduce this number so that it does not exceed
an average of 150 men per Battalion.

G. G. S.
General Headquarters,
7th February, 1917.


Battalion Headquarters.
Other Ranks.

√ Serjeant Major Quartermaster Serjeant.
Clerks Company Quartermaster Serjeants.
Gas personnel. Storemen.
√ Signallers Transport Establishment
Runners. Shoemakers.
Pioneers. Tailors.
Stretcher bearers. Butchers.
Cooks. Cooks.
Batmen. Grooms.
  Instructional Establishment



Other ranks
Establishment of a Battalion including attached ...  971.

  Fighting Administrative
and employed.
  Fighting Administrative
and employed.
Battalion Headquarters -       70  
   Fighting portion. 70   . . . .    80
   Administrative portion.   80      
Four Company Headquarters -          
   @ 14            . . .       . . .        . . .  56     56  
Sixteen Platoons.          
   @ 44            . . .       . . .        . . .  704   @ 28 448  
Sick and extra regimental
  employ and other


  830 141   574 397




The above figures include those who must be left behind
when the Battalion takes part in an attack, see
C.B./1635 (S.S.135), page 58.



"Q" 104/173.

2nd Anzac Corps.
Will you please forward to this Office, as early as
possible, Confidential Reports on the undernamed Officers.
Should the report be of an adverse nature, it will
be communicated to, and initialled by, the Officer concerned.
A copy of the form to be adopted when forwarding the
reports is attached.
Lieut-Colonel G.H.N. JACKSON, D.S.O./Ist Grade,3rd Aust.
Major. C.G.E. WYLLY, V.C. 2nd Grade,                            ditto.
(Sgd) J. KNOWLES, Major.-
A.M.S. Second Army.
Headquarters             No. 3708/2  A.
3rd Aust. Division.
For information and necessary action.
Report to be rendered in duplicate as early as possible.
D.A.A. & Q.M.G., 2nd Anzac Corps.
2nd A. & N. Z. ARMY CORPS.
Report in duplicate herewith.
(Sgd) JOHN MONASH, Major-General,
Commanding, 3rd. Australian Division.



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