Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 14, 1 December 1916 - 10 February 1917, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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OI 20 5 2.p A D P17 (O776.) DDIVITO 0 Pork El. BCans - as Cher above. Onions - 2,500 - STED.Y - TUSDET - MIDEESD-Y - FRID.2. F MDYST 2iCc 5000 LDS -L. m- CMlCS SCSC 2 3. T CD SPUALY. D..S. Truits - in 11 n of S.m - SATULDT M TOC1,250 1ST. Ciseecttes. 2.250 1Bs . SDURLY. Flour - 2,240 lbs . SEHRLT: Cl:F -Lng Po OTE EC LDS- IOMEY. 7171:- Bl.ScLing Powers 50 125T. Lor FCS 210 O-t5 - 65;060 16s. ay - 52, OCC 1bs. Bren - 1000 15s por Daily. Ont truol Linscod - 1 Saok Thrico Jeckly - LONnY - THUESDY - SLTURNAY. Rock or Coarse Salt Fal. Prtrol, O115 D a Coke - 15,000'1bs daily. 8 Charecal - 12,560 Ibs TULSELY E PEIL-YS. Theso supplits ere only included in the Pack for Divisions in the trenches. D.BI Petrol - 500 gallons. Lubrieating Cil - 50 gallons (10 gellons to bo th in oil such es Takc- Cics Castrol 2 for use with Dainlor Ca.S Mnc. Lorries). Pareffin- 100 gallons. C:OSoli - 50 Gealons. GECCSS- 20lbs. Carbice 150 lDs - including 5 - 1 16 tins. Canclos Stearine - 280 16c. Leurinc Paper - 1 Balc. Chloricc of Line - 780 1bs. Whalc Oil - 70 gulls. Cyolo Oil - 5 gallons - MMLY - TEURSLY. Signl Cil - 5 Gallons - MCEL.Y. le ts Captain. 7 Ecaquarters; Ist Decombor, 1916. D.L.d.E.G., Sr: Lustrelian Division.
20 5. 90 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 1/2/16 SETDEW F BIGRN MERS Dugeent accommodation. 255 of Battalion in front line, and dugeonts for 150 men per1,000 yards of front. Wire Parapet. Log books. Gas gongs. General system. Dangerous points. Action if heavily shelled. Ruses. Work in area. Positions of trench mortars, machine suns, steres, &c. Positions of Headquarters. Means of communication and rules as to use of telephones: No Man’'s Land. Snipers and observation posts. Cooking and feeding of the men. Supply of material. Vemoral sprayers. Where to raid. Position of hostile Minnies and mine shafts. Where firing at night is done from our gaps. Whatlines Dr Battalions, &c., would reinforce by, and system of guides and emergency roads. Perisuprs Rifles Perisop
2e 41 55 A few notes upon the organization & working of Divisional Head Quarter may be of interest. - Each Staff officer is the head of a Department or Branch, + has his own staff of clerks, orderlies &c.- Apart from the Head. quarters of the Division, there is also a Headquarters of Divisional Artillery a which looks after all the 18p00 & Howitzes Batteries, the Ammunition Columns & supply & the Frensh Mortar Batteries, & also the Headquaoters of the Divisional Engineers, which looks after all Engineering matters including road & tramway construction, surveying, sramage & all kinds of construction. The heads of both there departments take their orders direct from the Divisional Commander, My ane called. C.R.A & C.R.E. respectively.- The Divisional Commander is primanly responsible tor the efficiency for was & for the fighting operations of the whole Division. He lays down the policy, and prmmilates the plans to all action affensive & defensive, the details being worked out by the staff. He gives decisions on all questions submitted by the various Departments, & superiises the work. ing of the whole Division. - He holds periodical confirences with all subor. dinate Commanders, & personally conducts all correspondence with the Aomy Coops authorities. The Chief of Staff, as the name implies, is head of the staff & is respon¬ sible to coodinating the work of all Departments. He is also head of the General staff, which is divided into three branches, respectively Operations, training & Intelligence. He himself taken the operations brand, and works out & issues all orders to Operations of Hewt, attack o defense, including movement by sen, rail & roady & for all dispositions of toops.- He is the confidant of the Commandes, who communication to & through him all decisions on important questions in all departments He also superises the exeution of all operations orders by all Aoms of the forcee
56 The G.S.O. 2 looks after Fraining, Sclook of Instruction, siversion of instructors, distribution of maps, correction of came, and generally assts the G.P.O.I in connection with operations. The G.P.O.3 is responsible to Intelligence, exanization of censor. ship, interrogation of porsoners of war, examination of captured doe. liments &c; & is head of the Intelligence senise of the Division. The AoB & A.M.G. to head of the Administration & deats with all questions relating to the Mainterance & Upkeep of the Diision, whethe in personnel, stores, aninvals, weapons, vehichs or amonunition. He is chief of all the various adminis tratioe surses, wt the head of each branch working under him. The Dor H. G is chiefly responsible for discplinaty & personnel preations such as promotions, appointments, semonity, courts martial, housing + quastering, crimes & punishments, casualters, matter of religion & bnoral, disposal of effects of deseasel soldiers, pay, Honors & Rewards The P.A.A.M.C. organizes senperries land & see tansport (other than in the actual atea of Sighting) and is responsible for supplies of all kinds, food clothing, weapons, ochicles, Lorses, mules &o. The railway staff are also under him The A.D.M.S, controls the Medical sSanitaly Cevises, from the fighting toout back to the Divisional Casnetty cleaing station, I.c. Regimental Aidposts, Field Ambntances & Hospitals. He is responsible for the health of the Division & K its hygrense adminstration theohout, & also for sup¬ plies of medical stores & squipment. The D.A.D.M.S. is the chifstanttary officer, & has clarge of all Divisional baths, caundrres, disnificting & sanitaly depot, and the direction of the samibaly section inspectioal staff. The A.D.V.S. io chief of the Vettrmary Services & is responsible fr the health, feeding, slipping, shosing & care of all amimals, & the con thre foe annet hapets the hir a lerpenty y teany offere
57 N.C.Os, farriess &c under him.- The Assistant Bovost Marshall is chief of the police, compoising the mounted military police of the Division, the repmental police, the detention barracks & runishment enclosure warders &c, – He wlo carties out the whole of the road traffic contool of the Divisional arca, & the contral of the civil population as repurts sale of liguat, lights & all qrestions affecting the troops. He disposes of prisoners of war (after interropation) + of all civition + soldier porsoner. - He also deals with all Contro- tspionage questions. The D.A.D.O.S. povenres + distributes stores of all kinds (except communition and food) He has to keep the Division suppliat with lothing, squipment, weapons, tooks, harnen, saddlery, stationery bridging materal &c &c. - He is in tat a plosified storskeepes, supplying a very large population. The senio A.P.C. commands the Healquarter unit 1.0, all cleoks, telephonists, drives, rooms, batmen, motordrivers, postal clerky, &c with their horses, case, vehicles, baggage & paraphenatia. He orpanies the offices messes, & moves the wrnt as repursd, & attents the Commans des whenever required. The gunor A.D.C. attends to the personal repursments of the Commander, ast as his official & private secretary, adrangess his appoinments & looks after his Mess, quarter, hooses, stables &c. He dacompanies him on all occasions when on duty. The Field Cashill is Chief Accountant & paymaster, & handles all money, frinds, pay & expenditure authorized by the Comman- der, + keeps all records os to fines, stoppages &c & settles accounts velating to claims to damage by the civit population. The Station Staff Officer deat only with guestions affecting the actual locality on which the Division happens to be living – such as
spent port a peget, toe pegon & wtig puten, 13 contral of other bodie of troops who happen to be billited within the Divrsiand area. The Commandant Dinnnat School conmands & aspanges the schools of Musketry, smping, boonbing, sconting, Payonet fighting &c & which are constantly going on behind the line. In addition to the above there are a number of subordinate officers doing staff duty at Headjuaoten, such as the Claims officer Linnion office (French/ who commends all Interpretes. Diisinal Gas officer irnond Bombing office Dinninal Sinal offices (commands ats the Dis. Sig. Co) M. 2/12/16
G36/12 TRIRD AUSTRELIAN DIYISI Divislonal Headquarters, 4/12/16. RORE ON TRAK LIRES IN THE LEEE DLULSIONAL SECTOR OF THE OORPS POUT. Existing lines are shewn on the tracing attached to this report. They are all above ground and run along ald readways. The portions ever which stores and supplies are carried are marked on the attached tracing by a broas’ at ofther end. Dumps erist at points marked The rails are partly fron and partly wood. As a thus;- (x) general rule, at the western end of each line the rails are iron, at the castern end wood in order to a void noise. The tramline from C.28.b.7.4. to C.28.d.8.7. is out of repair and unfit for use. Allowing for Par, Bpr, and half of e Battalions being cast of a line through CHAPELLE D'ARMERTLERES - HOUFLINRS, the carrying capacity of the tranlines in this sector per day should be roughly as follows. 16,000 1be. For supilies For Ammunition & Bombs 27,000 1be. Por Engineer Material 50,000 1bs. Rolling stock at present availatle consists of 85 trolleys, partly flat measuring 6! by 4 for carrying engineer material and partly boxes for carrying rations se; the latter measure 5t by 3r by 14. A better shaped trolley might be introduced more nearly co-inciding with the shope of commnication trenches. Two achomes of tremlines sean to be possible. No. 1 An extendion of the present line ever-ground. No. 2 Conversion if to a trench system. Little work would be required to make the present over- ground system useful, but the dieadvantage of this system are that the enony, by keeping fixed rifles and machine guns on the various tracks, could conpletely prevent supplies being mnaxand brought up; thus, carrying partiee might have to be constantly resorted to at short notice. If, however, this system is to be adhered to, it is recomnended that a branch should be run along the read from 1.9.b.2.9. to 9.28.a.4.1. with radiating lince to GRANDE JORT EGAL FARM and to point 1.5.c.2.1. This would give terminal traffie to the right end of the sector and Circular traffie to PORT EGAL FARM and trenches in the vicinity. L'EPINETTE trenches would be supplied by terminal traffie and POHT BALLOT trenches could be supplied by circular traffie if the section of the line about PONT BALLOT is repaired. RUMEADS FARM section and LL RULSY seation might renain as at present. With overland trams, mule haulage could be used; with Trench Tramways it could not. If the latter system is adopted, petrol engines or man power are the only avallable means of propulsion. If it is decided to impreve the tramline wveten in the left sector of the Corps front, the question of using the town trams from refilling point to forward dumps at HOUYLLRES might be considered. If used, these lines would largely reduce the amount of animal haulage necessary. But the system would necessitate adherance to special roads through ARREATIERES. which, in the event of heavy shelling could not be avoided by making detours as at present. If a cystem of trench tranways is to be adepted, it. 1s recommended that a complete transverse line shall be run along the exieting traffie trench at the back of the Subsidiary line. This trench is suf ficlently broad to earry a tramline; and the establishment of such a line would not necessitate a vast amount of work. As regards trenches suitable for joining up with this line, ralle could be laid in DURHAM AVENUE without much difficulty and then could be continued along SUSSEX AVENUE, LUNATIC AVENUE could also be adapted for a tram line. MUMEADS AVENUR is too Marrow, WESSEX, SLOUCRSTER, SPAIN, BUTERNE, CKATRAL, and LOTHLLN AVENUES are also too narrow to earry tramlines satisfactorily; thus, a large amount of work would be necessary to develep a therough systam of tunch tram lines. ano Lieut-Colonel. General Staff.
& 14 Seyeant Theophiles. Kengist Lient Colonel Royal Fusiliers Bom Ballarat Victoria. Austalia August, 1871 1894 Lieutenant. Vict. Mr. Rifles 1900 Jany Captain 8. A. War. 2nd Veet Contingent Reserve of officer's Commonwealth RJ. 1906 Oct. 1914 Posted Royal Freschers Nov. 1914 Advutant 15th Batt R.F. Dec 1914 ye Major March 1916 Major 2 in Command 15th R. F. 1916 July 1 Lieut. Col. Attacked 11th Bn Laffolk Regt 1916 Oct E4
1250 te tt Grave t0 thre Nye Far Cemeter Dear Enenies Te Henstan Bois l a mienture to Esguingtion h RisedeB Hence thes i to Threvillages of anmunteer anptale from Lle Ac along Rie Detestred to corner of &ste This Guennerd lows Rie di la which in southerly direction Fabm pson for 12007ds corner onthand. southern

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