Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 14, 6 October - 30 November 1916, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
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Copy No. 1 SRORUR. ArolllenI ORmUP. OPERATION ORDER NO. 1. LARKHILL, 2-11-1916. Reference SALISBURY PLAIN MAP 1/20000. B Fhas Maruap It is assumed that 3 Artillery Groups are in the 1. INFORMATION. line in support of Infantry in trenches. Batteries will occupy the following positions.- 2. POSITIONS. Position which would Position to be be occupied except actually occupied. for danger line. DEFT ORODP. N.2.c.3.3. 85th Battery. N.1.c.l.3. 24 RIGHT GROUP. I.8.c.1.1. 86th Battery. 25 NEWFOUND- CENTRE GROUP LAND FARM. J.10.0. J. 27th Battery. J.9.b. OLD FARM.(Imaginary (Batteries. J.13.a.5,2. J.9.c.5.8. I.12.b. 53.13 107th Batteries will report registered by 3. COMMUNICATION. Telephonic communication will be established by Australian Engineers, from Brigade Headquarters to Batteries, and F. 0. 0. Brigade Headquarters is at RANGE HUT at 1.12.d.83.7. 4. REPORTS. (Sgd) G. J. HAMMOND, Lieut. Adjutant, 7th F. A. Brigade. DIsrnlsynlon. to Divl: Headquarters. Copy No. 1. issued by hand 25th Battery. 26th Battery. at 1 po 27th Battery. 2 : 107th Battery. Battery. . 7. Battery. File. Gen.Comdg. for information. -18 Air Craft, " Lt. Col., Mansbridge. 11. 4. 30 12. Spares. 367 13.) 14.. 50 3. DA
Copy No. SRords Arallumnl OROUF. LARXHILL, OPERATION ORDER No. 2. 2-11-1916. Referenoe Sällspuni Pialn Mar 1130000. Phad Mannap Pa0 A Mine will be fired at M.3.b.41.7½. at a date 1. INFORMATION. and at a time to be notified later. Enemy trenches extend from I.15.d.4.4. to M.3.b.42.1. North and South of these points our troops are in possession of former German Trenches. Lieut-Colonel Mansbridge).S .O., commands the Infantry attack. The crater formed by the mine explosion will be 2. INTENTION. consolidated and enemy trenches between points "A" and "E" will be held. The 7th-Field Artillery Brigade, plus one Battery Right Group and one Battery Left Group will co- operate. The Artillery will act in accordance with the 3. ACTION. attached TASK TABLE AND PLAN "B". Contact Planes will fly at 10', 30', 45' and 4. AIR ORAFT. 1 hour after Zero time, in order to locate the position of our Infantry. The usual signals will be employed. Messages will be dropped at Flag Staff I.12.d.8.7. (SCD) G. J. HAMMOND, Lieut. Adjutant, 7th F. A. BRIGADE. DlsrnlsunloM. Divl: Headquarters.) 1. t Copy No. 25th Battery. Srsnae ty hand 26th Battery. 27th Battery. at- o 107th Battery. Battery. Battery. File. Gen.Comdg. for information. Air Craft. 10. Lt. Col. Mansbridge. 11. Spares. 18: 14./
DLFtN 2 on A 98 ot Ihr ri B2 HosS/ -- e 00 89 145 8 Z 34 505 25. 26 25 aa 21 orf Vr 27 V4 utte ----------------- ore -5674 o 620m. - MINE + BUSTARD TRENCHES - - - Sale 1500: Referenoe e may SelsburyPains oo - FEML. dat 2).16 -- Pzz )
THIRD AUSTRALLAN DItISjON. Camp 18, Larkhill November 2nd 1916. Brigadier General Grinwade, 3rd Divisional Artillery, Sir, After dus consideration of your remarks regarding the adverse report on the inspection of my unit I feel I should put some facts in writing, not as an excuse, but as an explanation which I respectfully request you will bring before the G.O.C. as, although you are aware of some of the difticulties, he would not be. I will try and give them as briefly as possiole, starting with the initial organisation of the 3rd D.A.C. On reporting at Maribyrnong in March last I found the ) personnel, except officers, organised and all N.C.O's provisionally appointed. This work had been carried out by a Lieutenant who was not to be one of my officers and did not embark with the D.A.C. Only dismounted training was done with the exception of (2) half days occasionally when a few horses were available for riding drill but no vehicles. Shortly after half the officers had been appointed I received (3) instructions to form a Howitzer Brigade and B.A.C. As there was a l limited time, about 3 weeks, and no reinforcements being available for this purpose I had to form that Brigade from the personnel of the D.A.C. in order to have that unit ready to sail in the"Medic" with the 8th F.A.Erigade. I had only just commenced organising the new P.AC. when I (4) was told the establishment had been changed and received instructions to leave the work in the hands of Major Woodcock, who was appointed as 2nd in Command,and to proceed in the "Wandilla' and tako over the B.a.Cs. of the F.A.Brigades and organise the "A" Echelon and that "B" Echelon would follow under his Command. (5) Arriving at Larkhill on 26th July I found that the Batteries and Ammunition Columns of each Brigade were training and holding on to the B.A.Cs. with the object of picking out the best Officers and other ranks for the Batteries, and that when they were satisfied I might have whatever surplus there was to form "A" Echelon. (6) Quite a month passed before I received any men,but no equipment, and I had only my Adjutant to help until "B" Echelon arrived and I received a few horses and G.S. wagons so that training was at a standstill. Only six officers arrived with this Section and from that time up to the date of the inspection only c additional Officershad been appointed. 17) The N.C.O's. and men rejected by-the Brigades began to come in but the former being incompetent and the men the least efficient in the Brigades, and the unit being very much under officered, training could not be successfully carried en. The majority of men transferred were Gunners when Drivers were required and unfortunately most of the Gunners would and never will make Drivers. (8) Another change was then made and the horses that had been issued were taken away and we received mules in exchange. The men being inexperienced with these animals further time was lost. As you are aware, Jir, the mules only came In in gmall lots spread over a considerable time. The same remarks apply, equipment (G.S. and Ammunition wagons)
At this stage I had to take over and administer for about a 19) month the 7th F.A.Brigade.. Being away so long at a time when my presence was most needed, proper supervision of drill and training had been neglected and practically the only work done was fatigue for other Brigades. Hardly a fortnight had elapsed between the date of my return to the unit and that of the inspection. A further change is at present being made,in exchanging the (10) Ammunition wagon mules for horses, which will again delay training and I understand that these horses being unsuitable, this will be followed by a further change at a later date for a more suitable class. I beg also to point out that a large pereentage of the horses being received are suffering from ringworm and will therefore have to be isolated which again interferes with training. Camp 18 being the smallest and the D.A.C. being the largest 11) unit, accommodation had to be sought in all directions, the result being that sections of it are scattered amongst huts and stables in each of the other Camps and proper control and maintenance of discipline is most difficult. In conclusion I might say I adopted a plan by which the whole Column could be on Mounted and Driving Drills every afternoon with the assistance of the Imperial W.O's.,who have been attached as Instructors, and that each Section parades once a week in Marching Order for inspection, but I am afraid this is going to be offected the last change. I therefore beg to plead extenuating circumstances and that same be given consideration at the same time as the report. I have the honor to be, Sir, Yours obediently, Adgenec Lieut Colonel.
v 70./ pidzz) ATILLNY Tth. FT.ID 3/11/1916. RELIIIMAI ORDLM. To all Units. Aehe Badh The 7th. Field Ertillery Brigade, plus 1 Battery, Right Group and 1 Battery Left Group, will co-operate in an attack at a time and date to be notified later, but not within the next four days. (Sgd). G. J. HAMMOND. Lieut.- Adjutant, 7th. F. A. Brigade. BUTIOM. Copy No. 1 Divisional Headquarters. No. 2 Drigade Headquarters. No. 3 25th. Battery. No. 4 26th. Battery. No. 5 27th. Battery. No. 6 107th. Lattery. Bettery. No. 7 X Battery. No. 8 No. 9 File. Issued at 3/11/16.
TE Spabadt (No B2/32! ilth AUSTHALLAN IUALTY BEICADS. TR CTNRAL IDEA silhe Map roferonce: 'Salisbury, Winchester and Reading. Eneng (ned) navo invaded England from the North and present situation is a passive defence on both sides. Enewy line running DEVIZES - URCMTONT - THE BUSTARD - DURNFORD -ALDERBURY. i1th AUSTRALIAN LNANTRY BRIGADE. SPECIAL DDEA 3/11/18. Map roferonce : * salisbury, Winchoster and Reading,20000 salisbury Plain and 21, TREMCMEs at BUJTARD IEN. 6000 At 9 a.n. on 2nd Novomber 1918 the 3rd Australian Division occupying trenches in vicinity of THE BUSTARD, and with roservo of ilth Brigade bivouacod in the vicinity of SEREWTON recelved word that it is to conmonce an offensivo against the onmy lino in the vicinity of THE BUSTARD on the afternoon of Friday, 3rd Novcmber 1916. The 5th Australian Division attacking on loft of örd Division. Wor purposes of exo cise the ordor for relief of loth Brigsde in line by 11th Brigado will not be writton but ...... 11th Erigade will file into trenches (imaginary) as if rolief was being dono at night betwean hours of 18.30 p.m. and i.45 p.m. Forppurpose of exerciso trenches allotted to lith Drigade will bo on lino M 3a 3 7 - M 3a 0 9 - I lab 2.This trench will be mukod with blue flags and troops,if in tronches, must to tho south-West of these flags - thore se in one line only will be a wupport trench 100 yards in roar of this also marked No command lino. an treate in to san ay Reserve trench 350 yards in rear of support tronch also marked and treated in same way. 8 stroots connect firing line i Roads connect support and reservo tronches. and supports. streets and Roads are marked with white flags, troops to pass to right of white flags in file if in trenches. Zero time of cxerciso will bo 2 p.M.
DDDS MO 5200ROT 11th AUSTRALLAN LNANTRY BRIGADE ORDER NO. 26. (NovL32./. RABS N N Reference; map: ' salisbury, Winchester and Reading Trenchos ot BUTARD INN salisbury Plain 8000 3rd Australian Division standing Orders for War. Pamphlets: 11th Australian Infantry Bde. instructions for offensivo. 1. Information. Enemy (Red) occupiesgeneral dofensive lino URCHFONT THE BUSTARD - DURNFORD. On 11th Brigade frontage onemy front line trenches run M 3b 2 9 - I 15d £ 0 - I 15d 0 31 - f 15c G 7 - I 150 4 9 I 1Sa 4 8. Sth Brigade is attaxing en our right and 15th Brignde is attacking on our left. To attack, consolidate and hold rour objectivos. 2. Intention. M 3b 2 9 to I 15a £ 2 (marked with white ist objective tlage) - I 15d 8 1 to I 15d 7 22. and objective I 15d 8 3) to I 180 1 5. 3rd - I 16c 1i 27 to I 15b 4 8*. ath (a) Artillery will begin intense bombardment on our 3. Action. objoctive at five minutes before Zero time and lifts will then bo in accordance with barrage map 5 minutes before Zero to Zero objectivo 1. (i (ii) Zero to 6 minutes after Zerg objective 2. after Zero 10 minutes after iii)5 minutos: Zero objective 3. (iv) 10 minutes after Zero to 16 minutes aftor Zero objectivo 4. (v) 15 minutesafter zero to 30 minutes after Zoro 200 yards beyond objective. (b) Infantry frontages of each elst, t2nd and é3rd Battalions.. will be 225 yards and tath Battalion 125 yards. ilst Battalion on the right and attack from M 3b s 9. tand Battalion on left of elst Battalion t3rd Battalion on left of 42nd Dattalion. titn Battalion on left of e3rd Battalion with eeth Battal ion's left on I 15a £ 3. o.0. lith machine Gun company will allot two Soctions (c) for covering fire. One section will advance to socond objective and one section to fourth objective. After reconnaissance o.c. lith Machine Gun company will send the section comanders advancing to socond and fourth objectives to report to O.c.Battalion on whose frontage these two sections' Machine Gun positions will be, in order to confer re the method of bringing guns,ammunftinn and personnel into position for defenco and enemy counter attack. (d) o.c. lith Lignt Trench Mortar Battery will, during first five minutes intense bombardment, ongage points I 152 4 2 and I 15d 1i 1 and communication trenches loading to these positions and will, when fourth objoctive is taken, occupy position in third objectivo. (c) Aircraft contact machines will fly at e p.:. and 5 p.m.
(2) (f) Brigade roserve of ammunition, grenades and R.E. stores is at I ld 2. (g) Rogimental aid posts will be established at M2b 5 9 and I 14d s 8. Watches will bo synchronised at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., 3rd 4. Time November 1918. 5. Reports. Roports to advanced Brigade Headquarters at I lio 8 8. s.H. Jackson, Captain. Asst.Brigade Major, 11th Inf. Bdo. I.I.F. Så am Issued at E S/11/18. c.O.C. Brigade oopy No.1 2. c.O.C. Division. d, Sbreielbt c.o.0. eth Brigade. c.O.c. 16th Brigado syaff Captain. Assist.Brigado Major. eist Battalion. tund Battalion. t3rd Battalion. 4 Rygtsnal 30t e4th Battalion. 10 1lth Machine Gun Coy. 11 11th Trench Mortar Dattery. 12 11th Field Ambulance. 13 11th Field Engineers. 14 War Diary. 15


Copy No. 1.





Reference SALISBURY PLAIN MAP 1/20000.


1. INFORMATION. It is assumed that 3 Artillery
 Groups are in the

line in support of Infantry in trenches.

2. POSITIONS. Batteries will occupy the following positions.-

Position to be

actually occupied.

Position which would 

be occupied except

for danger line.


25 26th Battery. N.1.c.1.3.     N.2.c.3.3.


26 25th Battery I.8.c.1.1.


27th Battery J.9.c.4.2.      J.10.c.

X          "           J.9.b. OLD FARM. (Imaginary

Y          "           J.13.a.5.2.                 (Batteries.

107th  "            I.12.b.5½.1½      J.9.c.5.8

Batteries will report registered by ——.

3. COMMUNICATION. Telephonic communication will be established by

Australian Engineers, from Brigade Headquarters

to Batteries, and F. O. O.

4. REPORTS. Brigade Headquarters is at RANGE HUT at 1.12.d.8½.7.


Copy No. 1. to Divl: Headquarters. )

  "         "   2.  "  25th Battery. )

  "         "   3.  "  26th Battery. )

  "         "   4.  "  27th Battery. )

  "         "   5.   " 107th Battery. )

  "         "   6.   "  X Battery. ) 

  "          "  7.   "  Y Battery. )

  "          "  8.   " File.

  "          "  9.    " Gen.Comdg. for information.

  "           " 10.   " Air Craft          "          "

  "           "  11.   "  Lt. Col., Mansbridge.

  "           "  12. )

                  13. )  Spares.

                  14. )

(Sdg) G. J. HAMMOND, Lieut.

Adjutant,  7th F. A. Brigade.

issued by hand 

at 4 pm
[* DHQ*]



Copy No. 1.




Reference SALISBURY PLAIN MAP 1/20000.


1. INFORMATION. A Mine will be fired at M.3.b.4½.7½. at a date

and at a time to be notified later.

Enemy trenches extend from I.15.d.4.4. to

M.3.b.4½.1.   North and South of these points

our troops are in possession of former German


Lieut-Colonel Mansbridge, D.S .O., commands the

Infantry attack.

2. INTENTION. The crater formed by the mine explosion will be
consolidated and enemy trenches between points
"A" and "E" will be held.
The 7th Field Artillery Brigade, plus one Battery
Right Group and one Battery Left Group will co-operate.
3. ACTION. The Artillery will act in accordance with the

4. AIR CRAFT. Contact Planes will fly at 10', 30', 45' and 
1 hour after Zero time, in order to locate the
position of our Infantry. The usual signals
will be employed.
Messages will be dropped at Flag Staff I.12.d.8.7.

(SGD) G. J. HAMMOND,  Lieut.

Adjutant, 7th F. A. BRIGADE.


Copy No. 1. to Divl: Headquarters.)     Issued by 

   "        "    2. "   25th Battery.            )

   "        "    3. "   26th Battery.            )

   "        "    4. "   27th Battery.            )     hand

   "        "     5. "   107th Battery.          )

   "        "     6. "     X    Battery.             )

   "        "     7. "     Y    Battery.              )

   "        "     8. "  File.                              )     at 4 pm.

   "        "     9.  " Gen.Comdg. for information.

   "        "    10.  " Air Craft.          "             "

   "         "    11.  " Lt. Col. Mansbridge.   

                   12. )

                   13. )  Spares.

                   14. )



Diagram - see original document


Scale 1: 5000

Reference Map  Salisbury Plains 1: 20,000

E.E.M. del. 




Camp 18, Larkhill.

November 2nd 1916.

Brigadier General Grimwade.

3rd Divisional Artillery.


After due consideration of your remarks regarding

the adverse report on the inspection of my unit I feel I should

put some facts in writing, not as an excuse, but as an explanation

which i respectfully request you will bring before the G.O.C. as,

although you are aware of some of the difficulties, he would not be.

I will try and give them as briefly as possible,  starting with the

initial organisation of the 3rd D.A.C.

(1) On reporting at Maribyrnong in March last I found the

personnel,  except officers, organised and all N.C.O.'s provisionally

appointed. This work had been carried out by a Lieutenant who was

not to be one  of my officers and did not embark with the D.A.C.

(2 ) Only dismounted training was done with the exception of

half days occasionally when a few horses were available for riding

drill but no vehicles.

(3) Shortly after half the officers had been appointed I received

instructions to form a Howitzer Brigade and B.A.C.   As there was a lim

limited time,  about 3 weeks,  and no reinforcements being available

for this purpose I had to form that Brigade  from the personnel of

the D.A.C.  in order to have that unit ready to sail in the ''Medic''

with the 8th F.A.Brigade.

(4) I had only just commenced organising the new D.A.C.  when I

was told the establishment had been changed and received

instructions to leave the work in the hands of Major Woodcock, who

was appointed as 2nd in Command, and to proceed in the ''Wandilla''

and take over the B.A.Cs. of the F.A.Brigades and organise the ''A''

Echelon and that ''B'' Echelon would follow under his Command.

(5) Arriving at Larkhill on 26th July I found that the Batteries

and Ammunition Columns of each Brigade were training and holding on

to the B.A.Cs. with the object of picking out the best Officers and

other ranks for the Batteries , and that when they were satisfied I

might have whatever surplus there was to form ''A'' Echelon.

(6) Quite a month passed before i received any men, but no

equipment, and I had only my Adjutant to help until ''B'' Echelon

arrived and I received a few horses and G.S. wagons so that training

was at a standstill.  Only six officers arrived with this Section and

from that time up to the date of the inspection only two additional

Officers had been appointed.

(7) The N.C.O's and men rejected by the Brigades  began to come

in but the former being incompetent and the men the least efficient

in the Brigades, and the unit being very much under officered,

training could not be successfully carried on. The majority of men

transferred were Gunners when Drivers were required and unfortunately

most of the Gunners would and never will make Drivers  .

(8) Another change was then made and the horses that had been

issued were taken away and we received mules in exchange.  The men

being inexperienced with these animals further time was lost.   As you

are aware ,  Sir.  the mules only come in in small lots spread over

a considerable time. The same remarks apply to equipment (G.S. and

Ammunition wagons)



(9 )  At this stage I had to take over and administer for about a 

month the 7th F.A.Brigade.. Being away so long at a time when my

presence was most needed,  proper supervision of drill and training

had been neglected and practically the only work done was fatigue

for other Brigades.   Hardly  a  fortnight had elapsed between the date

of my return to the unit and that of the inspection.

(10) A further change is at present being made, in exchanging the

Ammunition wagon mules for horses, which will again delay training

and I understand that these horses being unsuitable,  this will be

followed by a further change at a later date for a more suitable  

class.  I beg also to point out that a large percentage of the horses

being received are suffering from ringworm and will therefore have

to be isolated which again interferes with training.

(11) Camp 18 being the smallest and the D.A.C. being the largest

unit, accommodation had to be sought in all directions, the result

being that sections of it are scattered amongst huts and stables in

each of the other Camps and proper control maintenance of

discipline is most difficult.

In conclusion I might say I adopted a plan by which the whole

Column could be on Mounted and Driving Drills every afternoon with

the assistance of the Imperial W.O's., who have been attached as

Instructors, and that each Section parades once a week in Marching

Order for inspection.  but I am afraid this is going to be affected

by the last change.   I therefore beg to plead extenuating circumstances

and that same be given consideration at the same time as the report.

I have the honour to be,


Yours obediently,

F. A. Spencer
Lieut Colonel.



Copy No.  1



To all Units.

The 7th. Field Artillery   Centre Group Brigade,   plus

1 Battery,  Right Group and 1 Battery Left Group, will

co-operate in an attack at a time and date to be notified

later, but not within the next four days.

(Sgd).   G.  J.  HAMMOND


Adjutant,  7th. D. A. Brigade.


Copy  No.  1  Divisional Headquarters.

  ''        No.  2  Brigade Headquarters.

  ''        No.  3  25th. Battery.

  ''        No.  4  26th. Battery.

  ''        No.  5  27th. Battery.

  ''        No.  6 107th. Battery.

  ''        No.  7    X     Battery.

  ''        No.  8    Y     Battery.

  ''        No.  9  File.

Issued at 4 pm  3/11/16.


G2 6/321


Map reference:  ½" Salisbury, Winchester and Reading.
Enemy  (Red)  have invaded England from the North and present
situation is a passive defence on both sides.   Enemy line
Map reference : ½"  Salisbury,  Winchester and Reading,  1/20000  Salisbury Plain and 1/5000
At 9 a.m. on 2nd November 1916 the 3rd Australian Division
occupying trenches in vicinity of THE BUSTARD and with
reserve of 11th Brigade bivouaced in the vicinity of SHREWTON
received word that it is to commence an offensive against
the enmy line in the vicinity of THE BUSTARD on the afternoon
of Friday, 3rd November 1916.   The 5th Australian Division
attacking on left of 3rd Division.
For purposes of exercise the order for relief of 10th
Brigade in line by 11th Brigade will not be written but
11th Brigade will file into trenches (imaginary) as if relief
was being done at night between hours of 
12.30 p.m. and 1.45 p.m.
For purpose of exercise trenches allotted to 11th Brigade
will be on line M 3a 3 7 - M 3a O 9 - I 14b 4 2.   This trench
will be marked with blue flags and troops, if in trenches, must
be in one line only to the South-West of these flags - there
will be a support trench 100 yards in rear of this also marked
and treated in the same way.   No command line.
Reserve trench 250 yards in rear of support trench also
marked and treated in the same way, 8 streets connect firing line
and supports.   4 Roads connect support and reserve trenches.
Streets and Roads are marked with white flags, troops to
pass to right of white flags in file if in trenches.
Zero time of exercise will be 2 p.m. 


Copy  No.  2
No.  G26/321
Reference:  Map:  ½"  Salisbury,  Winchester,  and  Reading.
Salisbury        1     ,        Trenches at                 1
Plain          _______        BUSTARD INN        _____
                    20000                                             5000
Pamphlets:  3rd Australian Division Standing Orders for war. -
11th Australian Infantry Bde. instructions for offensive.
1.   Information.   Enemy ( Red ) occupies general defensive line  URCHFONT  -
On 11th Brigade frontage enemy front line trenches run -  
M  3b 2 9  -  I 15d 2 0  -  I 15d 0 3½  -  I 15c 5 7  -
I 15c 4 9  -  1 15a 4 2 .
9th Brigade is attacking on our right  and  15th Brigade is attacking on our left.
2.   Intention.   To attack, consolidate and hold four objectives.
1st objective   M 3b 2 9   to   I 15a 4 2   (marked with white flags).
2nd objective  -  I 15d  6      1         to    I  15a 7  2½.
3rd          "           -  I 15d  8     3½     to    I  15b 1   5.
4th          "           -  I 16c  1½   2½    to    I  16b 4  6½. 
3.   Action.   
( a )  Artillery will begin intense bombardment on our
objective at five minutes before Zero time and lifts will
then be in accordance with barrage map.
(i)    5 minutes before Zero to Zero objective 1.
(ii)    Zero to 5 minutes after Zero objective 2.
(iii)   5 minutes after Zero to 10 minutes after  
Zero objective 3.
(iv)   10 minutes after Zero to 15 minutes after
Zero objective 4.
(v)    15 minutes zero to 30 minutes after Zero
200 yards beyond objective.
( b )   Infantry frontages of each 41st, 42nd and 43rd Battalions
will be 225 yards and 44th Battalion 125 yards.
41st Battalion on the right and attack from
M 3b 2 9.
42nd Battalion on left of 41st Battalion.
43rd Battalion on left of 42nd Battalion.
44th Battalion on left of 43rd Battalion with 44th Battalion's left on I 15a 4 2.
( c )  O.C. 11th Machine Gun Company will allot two sections
for covering fire.   One section will advance to second
objective and one section to fourth objective.
After reconnaissance O.C. 11th Machine Gun Company
will send the Section Commanders advancing to second and
fourth objectives to report to O.C. Battalion on whose
frontage these two sections' Machine Gun positions will be,
in order to confer re the method of bringing guns, ammunition
and personnel into position for defence and enemy counter attack.
( d )   O.C. 11th Light Trench Mortar Battery will,
during first
five minutes intense bombardment, engage points  I 15a 4 2
and  I 15d 1½  1  and communication trenches leading to these
positions and will, when fourth objective is taken, occupy
position in third objective.
( e )   Aircraft contact machines will fly at 4 p.m. and  5 p.m.


( 2 )
( f )   Brigade reserve of ammunition, grenades and R.E. stores
is at  I  14d 3 2.
( g )   Regimental aid posts will be established at  M 2b 5 9  and  I  14d 2 8.
4.   Time   Watches will be synchronised at 
9  a.m.  and  11  a.m.,  3rd November 1916.
5.   Reports.   Reports to advanced Brigade Headquarters at  I  14c 8 6.
S.H.  JACKSON,  Captain.
Asst.Brigade Major,  11th  Inf.  Bde.  A.I.F.
Issued at  5 p. m.   1155 a.m.  2/11/16.

Copy No.   1   G.O.C.  Brigade
                    2   G.O.C.  Division.           )  By
                    3   G.O.C.  9th  Brigade.  )  special
                    4   G.O.C.  15th  Brigade. )  DK
                    5   Staff  Captain.
                    6   Assist. Brigade Major.
                    7  41st  Battalion.                          )  By
                     8  42nd  Battalion.                       )
                     9   43rd  Battalion                        )
                     10   44th  Battalion.                      ) special
                     11    11th  Machine Gun Coy.        )
                     12   11th  Trench Mortar Battery.)
                     13    11th  Field Ambulance.         )
                     14   11th  Field Engineers.             ) DK
                     15    War Diary.



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