Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 14, 6 October - 30 November 1916, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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3rd. Auchralian Division GRAPH Iheving the Total number of men Sick in Lines and in Hospital DATE 1916 August September Tere g en ed a e e et 2 1 a te e e . 1650 1550 1500 1350 1300 1250 -1200 115.0 1100 5 1050 8 -900 850 5550 -350 Dr. Austratian Divinio Graph Continued Showing the Total number of men Sick in fines and in Hospital DATE 1916 October November, 2454 704 on ad usd o pgue 2 pop7 1 510 10 e 9 d nadaro ag a peese 1000 1700 1650 1550 1500_ 1400 1350 1250. 1200 2 4 900 850 Sr 800 $0 700 650 600- 50.0 400 350
3rd. Hustralian Division. Graph Shewing the total percentages of men Sief in 493 lines and in Hospital. DATE 0 1916 August Septermbe 102. 19o Aan t A 2, 156/ 190 a 88 75 10 Drs Hustralian Division Graph Continued Shewing the sotal percintages of wn Sick in fines and in Hospital BATE 1916 October November oner 12 1 popos popfos oppes p p up po po 19 o pesop p . $ 1 4 fdas MEM 101
Discussion with C.JA. 18t Soction. 18 prs & 4. S Nows. 24 -18 pr Ammunition Vagons. 8 -4. Sr Now. 1 - Technical G.S.vagon. 16 - Spare horses - draught. -18 - Riding horses. 206e 232 HorSeS. .33 Vehicles Wd9 Irivers for Vehicles. Spare her ses. epare. Total - 111 Drivers. A ECHELON. D. A. C. Er Soction. 18 prs & 4. Sr Hors. 24 - 18 pr Ammunition wagons 8 - S.Sr Nor. 1 - Technical G. S.ragon. 16 - Spare horses - draught. 18 - Riding horses. Total - 33 Vehicles. 272 Horses. PERSONNEL. 99 Drivers for Vehicles Spare horses. + " spare. Total - 111 Drivers. /11/16 3rd Sootion. Grenades & S.A.A. 18 - G.S.Vegons S.A.A. 3 - Grenades MK.G.S. 15 - Limbered, 2 horses. 11 - Technical Stores, 16/ - Spare horses. 21/- Kiding horses. otal - 37 Vehicles. 199 Rorses. 81 privers for Vehicles. Spare horses. " spare. Potel - 93 Drivers.
1/ No /6 A Message to The Men of the Third Australian Division. You are about to embark for France in order to take your places by the side of our Australian Kinsmen who in Gallipoli and France, by their valour and endurance, have made Australis famous through out the world. In the name of our Commonwealth, I call upon every one of you to endeavour to which resolve that, in the task that lies ahead, you will displacy the highest qualities p self-sacrifice, discipline, devotion to duty and self restraint under all temptations; in order that the reputation which you are to can may rank second to none. You have undergone training in the arts of modern fighting, and in everytting that the conduct of a disciplined soldiery. Remember to apply you have leavned at all times andn all places; for on the manner in which you do this you will be judged. While your kiture venown will rest chiefly upon your Lighting quali tres, your courage in the Face of the enemy, and your perseverence under wthether bath on & off dutyn hardships, it will depend also upon your soldierly behaviour) your prompt obedience, your respect for your military superiors, your martness of appearance and bearing, and, particularly, your regard for the welfare and property of the woren and children of France whose men-folk are away from their homes, keeping us to fight our common enemy. Neep in mind the crimes of that enemy against our Empive, our Allees, and humanity, and be determined, now that the opportu- nity for which you have waited so long has come at last, to work and fight with all the strength and all the skill of which you are capable John Monash Major General Commanding Third Australian Division Salisbury Plain November 1916
AVOODANO to The Men of the Third Anstrellan Dirision. Your are about to embark for France in order to take your places by the side of our Australian Kinsmen who in Gallipell and France, by their valour and endurance, have made Anstralia famous throughout the world.- In the name of our Commonwealth, I call upon every one of you to resolve that, in the task which lies ahead, you will endeavour to display the hichest qualities of selfesacrifice, discipline, devotion to duty and elf-restraint under all temptations; in order that the reputation you are to earn may rank second to none.- You have undergone training in the arts of modern fighting, and in the conduct of a disciplined soldiery. Remember to apply everything that you have learned at all times and in all places; for on the manner in which you do this you will be judged. while your future renown will rest chiefly upon your fightinh qualities, your courage in the Lace of the eneny, and your perseverence under hardships, 1t will depend also upon your soldierly behaviour, whether on or off duty, your prempt obedience, your respect for your military superiors, your smartness of appearance and bearing, and, particularly, your regard for the welfare and property of the women and children of France whose men-folk are away from their homes helping us to Light our common enemy.- Keep in mind the crimes of that enemy against our impire, our Allies, and humanity, and be determined, now that the epportunity for which you have waited so long has come at last, to work and to fight with all the strength and all the skill of which you are capable. JORN MONASH Ma jor-General, Commanding 3rd Australian Division. Salisbury Plain, November, 1916.
146 AMOODARO to The Men of the Third Anstrallan Division. Your are about to embark for France in order to take your places by the side of our Australian Kinsmen who in Gallipoli and France, by their valonr and endurance, have made Australia famous throughout the world.- In the name of our Commonwealth, I call upon every one of you to resolve that, in the task which lies ahead, you will endeavour to display the highest qualities of self-sacrifice, discipline, devotion to duty and self-restraint under all temptations; in order that the reputation you are to earn may rank second to none.- You have undergone training in the arts of modern fighting, and in the conduct of a disciplined soldiery. Remember to apply everything that you have learned at all times and in all places; for on the manner in which you do this you will be judged. While your fature renown will rest chiefly upon your fighting qualities, your courage in the face of the enemy, and your perseverence under hardships, it will depend also upon your soldierly behaviour, whether on or off duty, your prompt obedience, your respect for your military superiors, your smartness of appearance and bearing, and, fticularly, your regard for the welfare and property of the women and children of France whose men-folk are away from their homes helping us to fight our common enemy.- Keep in mind the crimes of that enemy against our Epire, our Allies, and humanity, and be determined, now that the opportunity for which you have watted so long has come at last, to work and to Tight with all the strength and all the skill of which you are capable. JORN MONASH Ma jor-General Commanding 3rd Australian Division. Salisbury Plain, November, 1916.

3rd. Australian Division
Showing the Total number of men Sick in Lines
and in Hospital
No.  August     September

Diagram - see original document
3rd. Australian Division
Graph Continued.
Showing the Total number of men Sick in Lines
and in Hospital
October    November
Diagram continued  - see original document


3RD. Australian Division.
Showing the total percentages of men Sick in
lines and in Hospital.
OF. NO.    
SICK   August  916 September
 Graph - see original document
3rd. Australian Division.
Graph Continued
Showing the total percentages of men Sick in Lines 
and in Hospital.
OF.    October   1916   November
 Graph - see original document


Nov /1916


Discussion with C A.      1/11/16


1st Section. 2nd Section. 3rd Section.
18 prs & 4.5" Hows. 18 prs & 4.5" Hows. Grenades & S.A.A.
24-18 pr Ammunition Wagons.
8-4.5 How.    "     "
1 Technical 
G.S. Wagon.
16 - Spare horses - draught.
[*28}-18 - Riding horses.
Total - 32 Vehicles. √
232 Horses.

24-18 pr Ammunition Wagons.
8- 4.5" How.   "   "
1 Technical 
G.S. Wagon.
16 - Spare horses - draught.
18- Riding horses.
Total - 33 vehicles. √
232 Horses.

18- G.S. Wagons S.A.A.
3- Grenades XXX.G.S.
15-Limbered. 2 horses.
1-Technical Stores.
16-Spare horses.
21-Riding horses.
Total - 37 Vehicles.
199 Horses.
√99 Drivers for Vehicles.
8   "  "  Spare horses.
4  " spare.
Total - 111 Drivers.
99 Drivers for Vehicles.
8   "  "  Spare horses.
4  " spare.
Total - 111 Drivers.

81 Drivers for Vehicles.
8 "   "  Spare horses.

4  " spare.

Total - 93 Drivers.



A Message     1/Nov/16
The Men of the Third Australian Division.
You are about to embark for France in order to take your places
by the side of our Australian Kinsmen who in Gallipoli and France,
by their valour and endurance, have made Australia famous throughout
the world. -
In the name of our Commonwealth, I call upon every one of you to
resolve that, in the task that which lies ahead, you will ^endeavour to display the highest
capacity qualities of self-sacrifice, discipline, devotion to duty and self restraint
under all temptations; in order that the reputation which you are to earn
may rank second to none. -
You have undergone training in the arts of modern fighting, and in
the conduct of a disciplined soldiery. Remember to apply ^everything that xxxx you have
learned at all times and in all places; for on the manner in which you
do this you will be judged. -
While your future renown will rest chiefly upon your fighting qualities,
your courage in the face of the enemy, and your perseverance under
hardships, it will depend also upon your soldierly behaviour ^whether both on or off duty, in your
prompt obedience, your respect for your military superiors, your smartness
of appearance and bearing, and, particularly, your regard for the welfare
and property of the women and children of France whose men-folk are away
from their homes, helping us to fight our common enemy. -

Keep in mind the crimes of that enemy against our Empire, our
Allies, and humanity; and be determined, now that the opportunity
for which you have waited so long has come at last, to work and ^to fight with all the strength and all the skill of which you are
John Monash
Major General
Commanding Third Australian Division.
Salisbury Plain
November 1916


A Message

The Men of the Third Australian Division.
You are about to embark for France in order to take your places
by the side of our Australian Kinsmen who in Gallipoli and France, by
their valour and endurance, have made Australia famous throughout the
In the name of our Commonwealth, I call upon every one of you to
resolve that, in the task which lies ahead, you will endeavour to display
the highest qualities of self sacrifice, discipline, devotion to duty and
self-restraint under all temptations; in order that the reputation you
are to earn may rank second to none.-
You have undergone training in the arts of modern fighting, and
in the conduct of a disciplined soldiery. Remember to apply everything
that you have learned at all times and in all places; for on the manner
in which you do this you will be judged.
While your future renown will rest chiefly upon your fighting
qualities, your courage in the face of the enemy, and your perseverance
under hardships, it will depend also upon your soldierly behaviour,
whether on or off duty, your prompt obedience, your respect for your
military superiors, your smartness of appearance and bearing, and,
particularly, your regard for the welfare and property of the women and
children of France whose men-folk are away from their homes helping us
to fight our common enemy.-
Keep in mind the crimes of that enemy against our Empire, our
Allies, and humanity, and be determined, now that the opportunity for
which you have waited so long has come at last, to work and to fight
with all the strength and all the skill of which you are capable.
Commanding 3rd Australian Division.
Salisbury Plain,
November, 1916.


A Message
The Men of the Third Australian Division
You are about to embark for France in order to take your places
by the side of our Australian Kinsmen who in Gallipoli and France, by
their valour and endurance, have made Australia famous throughout the
In the name of our Commonwealth, I call upon every one of you to
resolve that, in the task which lies ahead, you will endeavour to display
the highest qualities of self-sacrifice, discipline, devotion to duty and
self-restraint under all temptations; in order that the reputation you
are to earn may rank second to none.-
You have undergone training in the arts of modern fighting, and
in the conduct of a disciplined soldiery. Remember to apply everything
that you have learned at all times and in all places; for on the manner
in which you do this you will be judged.
While your future renown will rest chiefly upon your fighting
qualities, your courage in the face of the enemy, and your perseverance
under hardships, it will depend also upon your soldierly behaviour,
whether on or off duty, your prompt obedience, your respect for your
military superiors, your smartness of appearance and bearing, and,
particularly, your regard for the welfare and property of the women and
children of France whose men-folk are away from their homes helping us
to fight our common enemy.-
Keep in mind the crimes of that enemy against our Empire, our
Allies, and humanity, and be determined, now that the opportunity for
which you have waited so long has come at last, to work and to fight
with all the strength and all the skill of which you are capable.
Commanding 3rd Australian Division.
Salisbury Plain,
November, 1916. 

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