Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 13, 16 August - 30 September 1916, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Open for review
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ON I r 2th Inf. Bds. 29th Bn. 30th Bn. 31 st Bn. 32nd Bn. 14th ins. Lde. 537d Bn. 54th Bn. 55th Bn. 56th Bn. 25th Inf. Bde. 37th Bn. 58th Bn. 59th Bn. 60th Bn. TOTALS ENGLAND Offs O. R. 19 983 1002 966 23 30 13000 RELYFORCENENT STATEYENT ET A PL E s Pitand Tetal Equipped Offs. Offs.IC. R. O. R. 109 1. 33 218 23 193 93 17 35 13 17 63 37 60 17 54 123 22 82 12 84 13 1 1 16-9-16 TOTA SH MDORCEMENTS sthbrobh Orfe. Offs./O. R. O. R. 1477 24 1896 13 1288 22 1346 28 1309 1659 15 4482 48 4172 63
A R 7 1 L L E R Y. Available 15 2176 Required 138 for Divisions 2055 600 to form extra batteries -15 plus 1438 remaining 1170 7o reinfercements 268 available for transfer BNGLNEERS. Available 22 697 Required Far Divisions: 518 38 108 t5 258. available for transfer ELONEERS. Available 1278 Required 60l for Divisions 20 678 remaining 106 ITS available for transfer MACKLYE OUY CORPS. Available 588 Required 54 for Divisions 75th.Div. SA 655 25 106 reinforcements, say. 769 available for transfer to infantry (should be neted in Battaliens for Lewis Gun Sections) so A0 30 le Available 15 917 Required 806 25 Reinfercements at 210 78 655 Available for transfer. S0 A No Co Available 544 Required 28 788 250 at 56 255 remaining, from whom say 100 volunteers might be called. Remainder could be attached (Fer Div. Baths, etc.) to Diviabns.
PRELIMLNARY INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE REVLEN OF A. & N. 2. TROOPS BY H. M. THE KING, ON THE 27th INSTANT. S (2). A REKEARSAL will take place on TUESDAY; the 26th instant, of the Review to be held on the fellowing day. 12l. TERRAIN.- The Review will be held on the ground between the MINE MILE RIVER and the five Plantations on BULFORD FIELD. 131. TIE. Lere Time. (Hour fixed for arrival of Inspect- ing Officer).. Tuesday; 3-0 p.M. The time for Wednesday will be notified later. 14l. MEARS:- on beth days a Light Meal will be earried as a Haversack ration, and the main meal will be on return t0 Cam. (51. DRESS:- on beth the 26th and 27th instant, Dress - MARCHING ORHER. 16I. TRANSPORT.— Ne Transpert will attend the Review. (7). TIELD AMBULANCES.E The A.D.M.S.; will make arrangements for two Neter Imbulances to be on the Review Ground. (8l. LATRINES:- Each Brigade will have Latrines with sereens pre- pared under sever near the NINE MILE RIVER for use on beth days named. 19l. RouTE. The Third Australian Division (less Artillery) will be alletted the read LARKHILL --- BULFORD. BorHI Pol a Bono The Br and Cr Greups, A.I.F.; Reinfercements will be alletted the Road FIGHELDEAN---MILSTON, East of River Aven. They will not use the LarkHill-—-Bulford Road, East of Camps 17 and 23. Starting Peint - ALTON (FIGHELDEAN). Those Groups will march under the Orders of the G.O.C. Third Australian Division. (Gal. ARTILLERY.- The Third Australian Divisienal Artillery will use the Durringten——Milsten Ford. They will not use any part of the Main Read LARKHLLL—--BULFORD. 10l. FRONTACES during Inspection by His Majesty are alletted as follows:- Third Australian Division 1200 Yards. Australian Depets 800 Yards. New Zealand Depets 400 yards. (IIl. MISCELLANEOUS:- (a) Units will be as strong as pessible. Lewis Gun Teams, Bembers, Signallers in the ranks. (B) Company Commanders will be mounted. (o) Australian Rats will be wern by all ranks, Including Staff. Larkhill, 23rd Septr.; 1916. Lieut-Colenel. A.d. 8 Q.N. G. 3rd Aust: Division.
N2/6 URGENT WE 22 Divisional Headquarters, LARKMILL, 23-9-16. Readquarters 3rd. Ans. Div. Artillery, C.R.E. 9th. Aus. Inf. Bde.- 10th. 11th. " 3rd. Aus. Pieneer Bn.- A.D.M.S. A.D.V.S. Readquarters, Br Croup. NON O.C., A.S.C.- 3rd. Aus. Div. PRELIMINARY MAROH ORDERS FOR HIS MATESTYS JUETUTON Artillery, Infantry, Pioneers, Held Amnbulances, Divisional Train and Divisional Supply Column of the 3rd. Australian Division will be present en parade for inspection by His Majesty on Wednesday, and will attend the rehearsal on Tuesday, Engineers, Details of Signal Company, Mobile Veterinary Section and Sanitary Section will not be on parade. The General Staff will make arrangements for the Division moving down to the parade ground and back to Barracks. The 4.6. staff are making arrangements for the movement of the treops during the inspection. Roads have been alletted in the preliminary instructions already issued. and back Battalions will move to the parade ground/at 8 minate intervals to allow civilian traffie to ereas the celamn. The same Intervals will be ebserved between Infantry, A.S.G., and Held Amd. alance personnel. Arty. Bdes. will maintain these invexyy each other- Brigade Machine Cun Companies and French fortaf Batt87783 will form one Company of 4 plateons in each Brigade - 3 plateens representing the Machine Oun Company and 1 plateon the French Mertar Battery. Machine guns will not be taken on parade. These compesite Companies will follow the last Battalion of the Brigade, but will not maintain the 2 minute intervals. To enable the necessary march tables to be made ent, C.R.A. Infantry Brigade Commanders, C.C. Poneer Battalien, A.D.M.S. and O.C., A.S.C., 3rd. Aus. Division, will furniah the General Staff by 12 noon on Sunday next, with the langths in minutes that their con- mands will occupy in column of rente. This will be inclusive of the 2 minute intervals referred to above, shere they ceour within a com mand, such as a Brigade, but not where they esour between the various arme. A.D.M.S. will furnish the length of each Meld Ambulance personnel in column of rente without transport. 6.C., A.S.C., 3rd. Aus. Div. will furnish the langth by Companies eccupted by the whole of the A.S.C., including Divisional Train and Supply Column personnel. Br and Or Gronps will move by the read already alletted in preliminary instructions, and will matnally arrange that the tail of each Group shall be on the inspection parade ground, ready move into its position at Least one hour before Lare time. These Groups will make their own arrangements for Civilian traffie passing through the column. They will submit a cepy of their march tables to the General Staff, 3rd. Australian Division, for infermation. Please acknowledge receipt of this commnication by wire otating time received. Jackson. li & Mone-olonel. BOtrIBuRed Dy BPOOLAL BRa B.3 O. PM. Coneras Bakf.
3 King’s Inspection 96 Noter for Orders, & Agende. Isoue today preliminaty Orders to 3 Div., notifying Inspection on Ned- forenoon, Hehearsal Tuesday afternoon, marching order No tansport, Curs ainers, bomber, signallers &c in the ranks, my -imem attendance requied, all tanks incl. Staff to wear Austs. hate. Lavresick ration carried Issue prehminary orders to the several formations, indicating voutes for approach march, frontage available (3 Div. 1200l, Aust Depit 800l, N.2. Depst 400 - Tidworth to attend to Kapstiff, standard & enclosures, 3 Division to attend to marking out pround, aliguments & whiching points, each Fromation attends to its own latores, & to restore pound after use. 4204 Hx Time for Byle Majors & Byde Marters to report & when Formation Hr Inspection: Squalie Onfantry on lince of Battalions, fomed on a half-Hattalin Frintage plations. & a helf-battalion depth, - in Columns of platoons Interaly: - Bet. Companies 4 Battalions 8 Brignden 10t D Dutana Het. Flatoons a Companies 12 (to allo nven tr C. Cow.) one tine of guns dtetn w9go 10 a ltters Artellery: – Line of Kingales in Colon of Hatteries Frontage lives Other ar to form up on analpyous Acty &D.A.C. Adey tomation 3 Anst. Dio Byde Feler A.T.C. (in one body Field ambrtance Auatt. Depot Froop N.2. do do Chayonits having been fixed & officers posted in Kerren Inspection orde 2 oul net oone to attention Orders: 1arade will slope Arms. Royal Salute
Faonde will Shope Arms "Parade will Order Ars sttand at Lase. The above are the Cautions by the Commander of the Parade, to be repeated by all Commander, & passed on by Mounted offce Immediately that the Caution has been f given, the bugle will sound one C & the Durisin Sance will be held sloft Unit Commander will give all except the final executive word which will be given by them when The bugh somle a second t to attoach attention, & when the lance sill the be loveredas t ti bort. As hir Majesty approsde right of line, all Mounted officers will move forward 3 horres legth. - Commander will not move to the right ofpa of thi commands, except in the case of the Commandingo the Austy & N.E. Depst Troops respectively. Eash unit will be & Attention (not the Slope] as his Majesty approaches; – & will youn Stank at lase after he has passed - Morde of it Conmande When the King has passed beynd the Unit next but one, cach tnit will be d ron, by it commande, the orders Io officers to take the Bt will prepare post, & to Maral cast, moving of at once in Lono to the pst Whieling point The left wheeh at first soheeling pount will be at the double March Past ty Hattele Airty on Column of Platoon an Other arms to confim. Between Art L Ip) 10 Bet plateon Distance & companies. Battalins 20 Brigndes 40t Onlyat Hattery & plation Commaander to fie the order tyes sight & Syes Fnt. All officer to salute, with right hand.- N.C.D asting as platoon Comoss to march in Neal
3 the plations All Brigades, Arty Brigade, & Infantry Wuttalin Conmander & officers of yuinlent state on othe Arms, will, after reading a point 50 go part Saluting point, move in rear of Satuting same bare & dismount, then form up by Brigndes, in order, home bont to rear, as on the Inspection parade, - in an ch positio within the enclosure to be pointed out. - Brigade to detail a party of I men to from up, mde a aarount office, in rear of the Haptiff at ? tast as horse holder. tt (under Brigade Map & Sean Najor) will continue the Advance in Colum of plations until the Naed Bulford-Mildon is reshed, thes changiy direction to left, & moving Sortherly & chet along inst side of that road until halted by a Stiff officer, - Platirns In rear will pack up behind leading platoons, at I pase distance. Ab Ligst Hom & Bossel Astillery will donne dear and halt nt9 pcange at C. (Map 1,20000 Arty. Fry pe on hill When his Majesty passer on thie return to Bulford Station, the troops will face the road & cheer. Bands. Are bands of 3 Div., together with 2 bands of Aust. massed. TF7. Centre, & one band of N.L. Frq. Cantre will be The Senior bandmaster will allocate banks to O Royse Salute play- A) Inspection Mash O March past of each Brigude group He will repot at Div. H.Q. Fo special oder on to movements of the massed bands together M.3 Co: L French Mortar B to farm a 4 platoon Co
a saf officr M Sortors O To fort Byde Markers, & see to alignment com Care Pyle ( At 1st wheeling point. Metyli O At 2nd wherling point. M Mother B. Ak pround beygond Fregrtiff to consure that no Check occure Fperhet O At Bulfood- Milston rond to pack-up trops. Ca. Coleman C In charge of enclosures, flagstiff, hoseholder & visitors and bantmant 9 In charge of massed bands. Fotestion E to have pround & all aliguments & points fully Kpfed & marked, & measured out beforehand. Specially to Pahearel in Tuesday: I staf office to time inspection to time interel between close of inspection & byginning of mask past to time March past Agende 1 treon out a smill officer party to murch from a selecty starting point to the fround, in order to test time of approach march 2. Trafps arrangements at Stonehenge Iomn. 3 A.D.M.S. to see to a couple of Aid posts & Amb Wayons As to pavate states. 4 5. As to wonter for Mask hane. On return of troop to camp, holiday to all.- 7. Arrange Fr G.O.C.a mounted bugle & lance beaver X Passes for Visitors. - [en G.1.-
Mhios Dursion Calsulation of Frontage:- A Brigaden (half depth) horsed Artillery 4 (half) dismounted D.A.C. dismounted Assume an averip plation pontage of 20 ples Infantry 1.c say, 18 yards Interval £ Battalion - 22x23 44 do interval m 18 M.G.C.SF.M. Sty. y 225 Totat Hrigdes 4x44 x 478 418 Three Migades Hovee Migade Intera 3 & 10 ditenal Froneers Drs. Tram 25 do say F. Ambulancer t0 Tolal 16 3/0 ydd 310 678 54 x54 74 x 1200
2 + 006





Offs. O. R.


Fit. and 
Offs. O. R. Offs. O. R.
Offs. O.R. Offs. O.R.
8th Inf. 
Bde. -




) 19


1 109 1 10




) 24

30thBn. - 218 - 33
31st Bn. 1 193 1 23
32ndBn. 3 93 3 17
14th Inf.
Bde. - 
53rd Bn.




) 7

1051 - 35 - 13




) 9

54th Bn. 1 63 - 17
55th Bn. - 57 - 6
56th Bn. 1 60 1 17
15th Inf.
Bde. -
57th Bn.




) 13

966 1 54 1 6




) 15

58th Bn. - 123 - 21
59th Bn. - 82 - 12
60th Bn. 1 84 1 13
Totals 39 3000         48 4171 63 4482




A R T I L L E R Y .








for Divisions                                      










to form extra batteries




plus 1438



7% reinforcements





- available for transfer
E N G I N E E R S .








[*for Divisions *]                                                      







- 10%



say 18


- available for transfer
P I O N E E R S .






for Divisions                                                      
  ________ _________  












available for transfer






for Divisions      ?5th.Div.                              
  ________ _________  







10% reinforcements, say.







available for transfer to
infantry ( should be noted
in Battalions for Lewis
Gun Sections)
A. A. S. C.






  ________ _________  







Reinforcements at 7%                              





Available for transfer.
A. A. M. C.






  __________ ___________  







at 5%                                                            








- remaining, from whom say
100 volunteers might be
called. Remainder could 
be "attached" (For Div.
Baths, etc.) to Divisions.



- : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : 
(I).   A REHEARSAL will take place on TUESDAY, the 26th instant, of
        the Review to be held on the following day.
(2).   TERRAIN: -  The Review will be held on the ground between the 
         NINE MILE RIVER and the five Plantations on BULFORD FIELD.
(3).   TIME:-   Zero Time.  (Hour fixed for arrival of Inspecting
         Officer)  . . .  Tuesday, 3-0 p.m.
          The time for Wednesday will be notified later.
(4).    MEALS:-   On both days a Light Meal will be carried as a 
          Haversack ration, and the main meal will be on return
          to Camp.
(5).    DRESS:-   On both the 26th and 27th instant, Dress - 
(6).    TRANSPORT:-   No transport will attend the Review.
(7).    FIELD AMBULANCES:-   The A.D.M.S., will make arrangements for two 
          Motor Ambulances to be on the Review Ground.
(8).    LATRINES:-   Each Brigade will have Latrines with screens prepared
          under cover near the NINE MILE RIVER for use on
           both days named.
(9).     ROUTE:-   The Third Australian Division (less Artillery)
           will be allotted the road LARKHILL --- BULFORD.
                   Starting Point - Stonehenge Inn.
           The "B" and "C" Groups, A.I.F., Reinforcements will be
           allotted the Road FIGHELDEAN---MILSTON, East of River
           Avon.  They will not use the Lark-Hill---Bulford Road,
           East of Camps 17 and 23.
           Starting Point - ALTON (FIGHELDEAN).
           These Groups will march under the Orders of the G.O.C. Third
           Australian Division.
(9a).   ARTILLERY:-   The Third Australian Divisional Artillery will
           use the Durrington --- Milston Ford.  They will not use
           any part of the Main Road LARKHILL---BULFORD.

(10).   FRONTAGES  during Inspection by His Majesty are allotted as
           follows:-   Third Australian Division 1200 Yards.
           Australian Depots 800 Yards.   New Zealand Depots 400
(11).    MISCELLANEOUS:-   (a) Units will be as strong as possible.
                                                        Lewis Gun Teams, Bombers, Signallers in the
                                                   (b)  Company Commanders will be mounted.
                                                   (c)   Australian Hats will be worn by all ranks, 
                                                           including Staff.

Larkhill                                                             Lieut-Colonel.
23rd Septr., 1916                             A.A. & Q.M.G. 3rd Aust: Division.


No G42/67

                                 THIRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION.
                                        Divisional Headquarters,
                                         LARKHILL, 23-9-16.
3rd. Aus. Div. Artillery,
9th. Aus. Inf. Bde.-
10th   "       "      "
11th   "       "      "
3rd. Aus. Pioneer Bn,-
Headquarters, "B" Group.
         "                  "C"     "
O.C., A.S.C.- 3rd. Aus. Div.
     Artillery, Infantry, Pioneers, Field Ambulances ,Divisional
Train and Divisional Supply Column of the 3rd. Australian Division
will be present on parade for inspection by His Majesty on Wednesday,
and will attend the rehearsal on Tuesday.  Engineers, Details of
Signal Company, Mobile Veterinary Section and Sanitary Section will
not be on parade.
     The General Staff will make arrangements for the Division
moving down to the parade ground and back to Barracks.  The A.Q.
staff are making arrangements for the movement of the troops during
the inspection.
     Roads have been allotted in the preliminary instructions
already issued.
     Battalions will move to the parade ground and back at 2 minute
intervals to allow civilian traffic to cross the column.  The same
intervals will be observed between Infantry, A.S.C., and Field Ambulance
personnel.  Arty. Bdes. will maintain these intervals between
each other. Brigade Machine Gun Companies and Trench Mortar Batteries
will form one Company of 4 platoons in each Brigade - 3 platoons
representing the Machine Gun Company and 1 platoon the Trench Mortar
Battery.  Machine guns will not be taken on parade.  These composite
Companies will follow the last Battalion of the Brigade, but will
not maintain the 2 minute intervals.
     To enable the necessary march tables to be made out, C.R.A.,
Infantry Brigade Commanders, O.C. Pioneer Battalion, A.D.M.S. and
O.C., A.S.C., 3rd Aus. Division, will furnish the General Staff by
12 noon on Sunday next, with the lengths in minutes that their commands
will occupy in column of route. This will be inclusive of the 
2 minute intervals referred to above, where they occur within a command,
such as a Brigade, but not where they occur between the various
arms.  A.D.M.S. will furnish the length of each Field Ambulance
personnel in column of route without transport.  O.C., A.S.C., 3rd.
Aus. Div. will furnish the length by Companies occupied by the whole
of the A.S.C., including Divisional Train and Supply Column personnel.
     "B" and "C" Groups will move by the road already allotted
in preliminary instructions, and will mutually arrange that the
tail of each Group shall be on the inspection parade ground, ready to
move into its position at least one hour before Zero time.  These
Groups will make their own arrangements for Civilian traffic passing
through the column.  They will submit a copy of their march tables
to the General Staff, 3rd. Australian Division, for information.
     Please acknowledge receipt of this communication by wire, 
stating time received.
                         G. H. Jackson.
General Staff.
Distributed by Special D.R. at


King's Inspection
Notes for Orders, & Agenda.-
Issue today preliminary orders to 3rd Div., notifying Inspection
on Wed. forenoon, Rehearsal Tuesday afternoon, marching order,
no transport, lewis gunners, bombers, signallers etc in the ranks, max-
imum attendance required, all ranks incl. Staff to wear Austr. hats.
√ haversack ration carried. -
Issue preliminary orders to the several formations, indicating routes 
for approach march, frontage available (3rd Div 1200x, Aust Depôts
800x, N.Z. Depôt 400x.) - Tidworth to attend to Flagstaff, standard
& enclosures, 3rd Division to attend to marking out ground, alignments
& wheeling points, each formation attends to its own latrines & to restore
ground after use. - 
Main order Fix time ^for Bgde Majors & Bgde Markers to report & where. - √
Equalize & size platoons
Formation for Inspection : - 
Infantry in line of Battalions, formed on a half-Battalion frontage
& a half-battalion depth, - in columns of platoons.
             Intervals :-  Bet. Companies 4x
                                      "      Battalions 8x
                                      "     Brigades 10x
             Or Distances-   Bet. Platoons 7x
                                             "     Companies 12x (to allow room for C. Con!)
Order of Formation
Artillery : - Line of Brigades in Column of Batteries (one line of guns & wagons                                                                                                                                                                  on a Battery Frontage
Other arms to form up on analogous lines.
Order of Formation 3rd Aust. Div. Arty & D.A.C.
                                                                  9 Bgdes
                                                                  10    "
                                                                  11     "
                                                                  A.S.C. (in one body)
                                                                  Field Ambulances.
                                            Austr Depôt  Troops
                                             N.Z.       do         do

Inspection :- (bayonets having been fixed & officers posted in Review order)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                by Brigade Command)
"Parade will come to attention"
Orders : - "Parade will Slope Arms".
"Royal Salute"


"Parade will Slope Arms'
"Parade will order Arms Stand at Ease".
The above are the "Cautions" by the Commander of the Parade, to be
repeated by all Commanders, & passed on by Mounted officers.
Immediately that the Caution has been passed given, the bgde will
sound one "G" & the Divisional Lance will be held aloft.
Unit Commanders will give all except the final executive word which
will be given by them when
Tthe bugle will then sounds a second "G" to attract attention, &
when the lance will then be ^is lowered as a signal to give the executive

As his Majesty approaches right of line, all Mounted Officers will move
forward 3 horses lengths. - Commanders will not move to the right
of their commands, except in the case of the officers Commanding x the Austr
& N.Z. Depôt Troops respectively. - 
Each unit will be called come to "Attention" (not the "Slope") as his
Majesty approaches; - & will again "Stand at Ease" after he has 
passed - by order of its Commander. - 
When the King has passed beyond the Unit next but one, each
Unit will be ord given by its Commander, the orders for officers to take
part, & the Bn will prepare to March Past; moving off at once in formo to the 1st
wheeling point. - 
The left wheel at first wheeling point will be at the "double".
March Past
Arty - by Batteries - ?
Inf In Column of Platoons - ?
Other arms to conform.   Between Arty & Infy
Distances : - Bet platoons & Companies 10x
                          "     Battalions 20x
                          "     Brigades 40x
Only platoon Battery & platoon Commanders to give the orders
"Eyes right" & Eyes Front". - 
All Officers to salute, with right hand. - 
N.C.O's acting as platoon Commdrs to march in rear of 


their platoons.
All Brigadiers, Arty Brigade, & Infantry Battalion Commanders
& officers of equivalent status in other Arms, will, after reaching
a point 50 yds past Saluting point, move in rear of Saluting
base & dismount, then form up by Brigades, in same order, from
front to rear, as on the Inspection parade, - in a each position
within the enclosure to be pointed out.
- Brigade to detail a party of ? men to form up, under
a warrant officer, in rear of the Flagstaff at ?, to act as horse
holders. - 

Units (under Brigade Majors & Senior Majors) will continue the
Advance in Column of platoons until the road Bulford - Milston
is reached, there changing direction to left, & moving Southerly 
along & close to East side of that road until halted by a Staff Officer. - Platoons
in rear will pack up behind leading platoons, at 1 pace distance.
Artillery Light Horse & horsed Artillery will draw clear and halt
on hill just east of near near & N.E. of "Vicarage" at C.8.d.10.6 (Map 1:20000 Arty.Trg)

When his Majesty passes on His return to Bulford Station, the troops
will face the road & cheer. -
Bands. All bands of 3rd Div., together with 2 bands of Austr.
Trg. Centre, & one band of N.Z. Trg. Centre will be xxxxx massed..
The Senior bandmaster  _____ ______ will allocate bands to 
play: -                    (1) Royal Salute
                               (2) Inspection March
                               (3) March past of each Brigade group
He will report at Div. H.Q. for special orders as to movements
of the massed bands

M.G. Co: & Trench Mortar Bty together
to form a 4 platoon Co:


Staff officers: - 
Major Jackson       (1) To Post Bgde Markers, & See to alignment
                                       & correction of xxxx intervals. - 
Capt Pyke               (2) At 1st wheeling point.
Major Wyllie           (3) At 2nd wheeling point
Major Wootten      (4) At ground beyond Flagstaff to ensure that no
                                    check occurs.
Capt [[Alnackett?]] (5) At Bulford - Milston road to "pack-up" troops.
Capt Coleman          (6) In charge of enclosures, flagstaff, horseholders & visitors 
√ Senior bandmaster (7) In charge of massed bands.
√ Major Jackson        (8) To have ground & all alignments & points fully flagged
                                                & marked, & measured out beforehand.
Specialty for Rehearsal on Tuesday : -
             1 staff officer to time "inspection"
                                      to time interval between close of inspection 
                                                    & beginning of march past
                                      to time "March past". - 
Agenda : - 1. Turn out a small officer's party to march from a selected
                        starting point to the ground, in order to test "time of
                         approach march" : - 
                     2. Traffic arrangements at Stonehenge Inn.
                     3.  A.D.M.S. to see to a couple of Aid posts and Amb Waggons.
√ [*X*]          4. As to parade states.
                     5. As to routes for March home.
                     6. On return of troop to camps, holiday for all. - 
[*X*]              7. Arrange for G.O.C's mounted bugler and lance bearer.
Passes for Visitors - / See G.1. -


                     Third Division
                     Calculation of Frontage : -

Artillery : -  4 Brigades (half depth) horsed) yds.
  4       "           (half) dismounted) 310
  D.A.C. dismounted)  








Assume an average platoon frontage of 20 files
i.e. say           18 yards.
Internal          4
Battalion  =  22 x 2 - 44yds
    do internal                8
M.G.C.s & T.M. Bty        18
  Total Brigade = 4 x 44 + 4 x 8 + 18 = 226yds  
  Three Brigades  = 678
  Three Brigades Intervals 3 x 10 =
Pioneers & Interval    54
Div. Train    do                                                                     25 x    54
F. Ambulances say                                                                     40 x    74
  Total 1200



Diagram - see original


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Rose RitliRose Ritli
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