Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 13, 16 August - 30 September 1916, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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The 2-2-36 (COPY) G 46/2 C.R.S.C. No. 127644 G. General Officer Commanding, 3rd Australian Division. ----------------- -------------- The attached copy of telegram sent to War Office and General HeadQuarters, Home Forces, to-day is forwarded for your information. (Sd) J.G.KING-KING, Brigadier-General, General Staff, Southern Command. Salisbury, 26th August, 1916.
(COPY) G 46/2 To Miltrain London. 28-8-1916. The following telegram sent to the War Office in response to War Office letters quoted is forwarded for your information begins Your 162 A.G.2.A. and War Office letter 121/drafts /2167 dated 18th August A.A.A. Infantry third Australian Division arrived direct from Australia practically undrilled it has done some three weeks training it should be all sufficiently trained as drafts in about six weeks A.A.A. Special efforts can be made to get ready even in less time those found to train most rapidly say one third A.A.A. This will of course deprive the Division of its best men and also retard preparation of the rest of the Division as Instructors and rifles are so limited A.A.A. It is difficult at present to say when the Division if left intact will be sufficiently trained for despatch overseas but in two and a half months it should be ready or nearly so A.A.A. Its Artillery is training quickly but wants horses A.A.A. Any drafting from so uniformly a young Division and replacing such drafts by further untrained men who will have to be trained and absorbed will very much retard the despatch of the Division A.A.A. It is animated by a fine spirit and will form a very valuable unit if not broken up A.A.A. I place the whole situation before you after consultation with Divisional General and await your further instructions. COMMTANDETH.
nnup Avershllis pirsjos Divisional Headquarters, LAXX HILL, 28/8/16. Mmo. for G.S.O.l and A.A. a G.M.G. DRAFTS FOR SERVICE OVERSEAS. Proposed plan of Action. In the event of orders being received for the special preparation and despatch of drafte, up to 2000 Infantry, from this Division, in the very near future, the follewing will be the arrangements:- First party of 1000 to be found as follows:- 33rd Bn. 180 NEW SOUTH WALES 180) 34th 37th Bn. 180 VICTORLA 180) 39th QUnaNSLARD Aist Bn. 180 WESTERN AUSTRALLA. 44th 180 Second party of 1000 to be found as follows:- 35th En. 180) Næw SOUTH WALES. 180 36th 38th " 180 VICTORLA " 180 TASMANIA 40th " 180 QUEENSLAND alst - 180 SOUTH AUSTRALLA törd Above numbers include 8% excess to provide for sick and other casualties, but only the net quota of 166 per Battalion to be sent. The first jarty to be ready by September 4, the second party by September 11. - The personnel composing the several parties will be selected forthwith, but solely from Companies, i.e. not any from Battalion Headquarters details. They will not include any N.C.O's, nor men already earmarked for appointment as N.C.O's, nor signallers, nor prospective sharpshooters nor similar picked men. - Ecah Battalion will temporarily attach 3 officers and 6 N.C.O's to its parties, specially selected as a suitable instruct- ional cadre. These officers and N.C.O's will not accompany the drafts overseas.
The personnel so solected will undergo special instruction in the following subjests:- 1. Musketry (excluding field firing) excepting for those who have already completed that portion of the Musketry Course in ENGLAND. 2. Bayonet Fighting. 3. Bomb Throwing. 4. Close Order Drill. G.S.O. 2 will make special arrangements for Range facilities and for the Divisicnal suporvision of this accelerated training. but in such a way as to interfore as little as possible with the progress ov the general training of the Division. - Each Brignde remains responsible for the training and equipment of its draft, until it marches out for embarkation.- A.A. M Q.H.G. Staff will arrange for:- (a) Completion of personal equipment of the drafts (through Brigades. (b) Replenishment of personnel from Australian Training Dopots.- As to (a) enquiries must be made at once as to what each man should have, and whother he takes rifle and bayonet. As to (b) it is very important to secure personnel from correct territorial sourcos - so that each Battalion is replenished by men from its own State; - also stepe must be initiated at once. so that there may be no delavy in restoring the units to full strength. Thore is ho objection to such restoration beginning forthwith, in anticipation. I wieh to be kept elosely in touch with all executive action herein. Major-Ceneral. Commending Third Australian Division.
of Rlarn hrgft me 602 S00 275116 trürtttit irüriez ron 14 tiso.wo.80 APPCINTNFNIS,PPSNOTIONS,etc. spprøved by the v.O.0..Australlan Imperial Force. ----------- Headquarters, lst.A.4 N.Z.A.C. 20th. August, 1916. DIvlslomal STar Anzac Mounted Division Colcnel (temp Major-General) H.G.CHAUVEL,C.B.,C.M.G., to be Major-General - Dated 15th. March, 1916. (Authority - Defonce Telegram W 12716 dated 18/8/1916) Third Australian Division Colonel (temp. Brig.General) J. MONASH, C.B., V.D., to be Major- General [Authority - Defence Tolegram W.12716 dated 18/8/16) Dated 10th. July, 1916. BRIGADE STAFES. Aust. Inf. Brigade aih. Lieut-Colonel temp.Cclonel) C. H. BRAND, n.S.O., to be Colonel. Colonel C.H.Brand, D.S.O., is granted tho temporary rank of Brigedier-General while commanding the Brigade. Dated 10th. July, 1916. (Authority - Defence Telegram W. 12631 dated 17/8/1916.) MOUNTED TROOPS. Jst. Light Horse Regiment Lieut. ..O.H.NICKöLL, Supy. List, is granted the temporary rank of Captain while employed as Embarkation Staff Officer Dated 21st.November, 1914. (Corres. 10/162) DIVISIOMAL ENGIEERS 1st. Aust. Div. Capt. (temp. Major) P. J. SAVAGE to be Major, vice Hancox to Supy. List - Dated 21st. July, 1916. Lieut.D.G. SINCLAIR to be Captain vice SAVAGE promoted Dated 21-7-16 Australian Division 2nd. Major J. Pidgeon is transforred to Engineer Training Depot. Dated 21st. July, 1916. Capt.N.C.HARRIS to be Major vice PIDGEON transferred to Training Depot. Dated 21st. July, 1916. Captain D. E. EVANS to be Major vice ANNAND transferred. Dated 21st. July, 1916. Lieut. J.COCHLAN from 4th. Div.Engineers to be Capt.Dated 21-7-16. Aust. Division 4th. Capt.J.H.MIRAMS from 2nd.Aust. Div. Engineers to be Major to Dated 21st. July, 1916. complete establishment. 2/Lieut.G.T.LITTLE is posted for duty to Engineer Training Dopot Dated 8th. July, 1916. Capt.M.J.G.COLYER, evacuated sick, is placed on the seconded lst Dated 20th. July, 1916. INFANTRY Battalion 15th. Dated 19th. August, 1916. The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. TET 1042 R.S.M. CECIL SPENCER GOSS TOFT JOHN PERCY GILBERT 505 Serjt. HEN RY ALFRED EIBEL 711 C.S.M. WILLIAM MURDOCH 172 Serit. VERNON WILKTNSCN 964 ILLIAM LEMUEL EDWARD DOMENEY 1860 EDWARD BINNINGTON 3480 MICHAEL HARCOURT GRAY 5103 16th. Battalion Dated 19th.Aug.1916. The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts WILLIAM BURROWS 52 C.S.M. 419 MICHAEL WALTON Serjt. GEORGE HOUGH 708 LESLIE JOHN HELIFAX. 411 Bat 22nd. LieutSMITH from 21st. Battslion to be Captain vice EIMIGER, seconiai - Datel 13th. August, 1916. (This sancels the nojlficathen respesting this officer published in List No. 77 datel lth. August, 1916.)
AUS 5 22n1. Aattaligg (oontd.) The name of No. 351 Sergeant ROBERT MACEY CONDON t a is as now stated and not as shown in List No. 71 dated 2/8/1916. 22rd. Bettalion The names of SYDNEY JAMES HODGSON No. 153 C.S.M. ROBERT LIOYD TREMAIN 946 Serjt. 523 C.S.M.. MELVILLE ROBERT CUTHBERTSON are as now stated and not as shown in List 74 dated 5/8/16. 37th. Pattalion The undelmentioned 2/Lieuts to be Lieuts. - Dated 8th. August, 1916 S. H. BIPRELL T. A: MEADER L. J. BRENER. Wörd. Bettaliop No.368 G.M.Serjt. HERRERT SIDNEY HUDD to be 2/Lieut. Dated 19th. August,1916. 45th. Battalion Lieut. S. J. ABEL is granted the temp.rank of Captain while Dated 17th. August, 1916. commanding a Company." 47th. Battalton ZAll C.S.M. GEORGE CROWE REID to b. 2/Lieut. Dated 19-8-16. 48th. Battalion The undermentioned Lieuts to be Captains - Dated 19th.Aug.1916 H. A. HAMMERSLEY vice Evans, reported killed in action vice Hartley reported died of wounds; W. HILARY The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts - Dated 19-8-16 152 Serjt. LESLIE st. JOHN. BROWN 3390 Corpl. CLARENCE LANCELOT PHILIPPSON 52nd. Battalion Lleut. W. H. CHRISTORHERS is granted the temporary rank of Capt. vice Hunt wounded - Dated. 18th. August, 1916. The undermentioned 2/Lieuts. to be Lieuts - Dated 18-8-1916 B. H; ARNOTT G. w. M. CAIN MAOHINS UUR SORPS: ith. Aust.M.G.C0 No.535 U.Q.M.S. WILLIAM JAMES COX to be 2/Lieut.Dated 19-8-16 M.G.Coy 10th. Aust. 27Lieut. B. sLoss to be Lieut. Dated 8th. August, 1916. M. 6. Coy 18th. Aust. The undermentioned 2/Lieuts. to be Lieuts - Dated 5th.Aug'16. A. TAYLOR C. H. HATCHER.I The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 19-8-16. 776 Serjt. TOM ROBIN JACK 3568 Corpl. NORMAN GEORGE IMLAY. 13th. Aust. M. C. Co 2/Lieut M.G. STEWART is transferred to 4th.Div.Engrs. Dated 19th. Aug. 1916. ProNEER BATTALTONS 4th. Pioneer Battalion 4304 Serjt. REGINALD VILKINSON to be 2/Lieut. Dated 19th. Aug.1916. AUST. ARUY SERTICE CORPS 1st. Aust. Div. Supply Co unn 2/Lieut. C. de FKuCA evacuated is placed on the seconded list Dated 18th. August,1916. Lieut.G.R.SHIRLAW to be Workshop Officer vice de Fraga Dated 18/8/16 A.I.F. DEPOTS IN ENGLAND Engineer Training Depot The undermentioned officers are posted for duty - Major J.PIDGEON 2nd. Div. Engrs - Dated 21st. July,1916. 2/Lieut. G. T. LITTLE; 4th. Div. Engrs. Dated 8th. July,1916. MISTZILANETTS olerr lst. 4. 6 N. 2. A.C.H 365 G.U.AS. R. v. ILSum, Zist Bn., to be C.Q.M.S., and allotted fer duty to A.A.G., A.I.F. Branch, vice Moxham to Gereral Staff Dated 15th. Argust, 1516. Brarch
20 ORITY TELEGRAM. PARAPRRASE. War Office, London, 28th August, 1916. To. OOTäADDEmR. SALISRURT. 22100 Cipher A.G.2.A. Your 13991 C 26th August referring to my A.C. 162 2a with letter 121/Draft/2167 of 18th August. Please comply with greatest despatch with instructions onntained therein. Forward as soon as possible forecast of numbers which will be available on different dates, this is required most urgently. If in your opinion training will be thereby hastened units of 3rd Australian Division should send drafts to battalions of Australian Training Centre where preparations for despatch and musketry training should be completed. In order to usefully employ the Australian Divisions which are at present in the Field they must be filled up with drafts as soon as possible. The 3rd Division will not in any case proceed overseas until enough drafts to sustain all the Divisions now in the Field can be produced. The situation is fully realised and the Commonwealth Covernment has had the position fully erplained to it. TLMOLEON.
444 JRD AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. Headquarters, 9th Infantry Brigade. 28th August 1916. CONFIDEETIAL. G.0.C. 3rd Australian Division. I have to report as follows;- 33rd Battalion. Lieut Col Morshead - satisfactory. 34th Battalion. Lieut Col Lamb - satisfactory. 35th Battalion. Lieut Col Holborow - unsatisfactory. Special mention. Lieut Yates.- for his efforts as Adjutant to reform administration of Battalion. 3oth Battalion. Major Cooke-Russell (Acting C.O.) Satisfactory. Special mention. Lieut Buchanan - Trench work and general knowledge when inspected by the Inspector General of Infantry. Machine Gun Coy.Capt Wells - satisfactory. Special mention. Lieut Coleman - while acting O.C. during absence of Capt Wells at School. Ratfhn 8887 ... Commanding Vlinth infantry Brigade.
Sar Fomm Army Forn C.2121. No. of Message... MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Words Charge eCodem Recdat This message is on a1o of: ceofOrigin and Service Instructions. Date 271 9116 --.............. .... Sent -Service. . .......... From m ............ ................... T.. 39. (Signature of "Franking Ofoer.") by... ------------------- nanten Kardd T0 Pargrrs eird o Tie nepe 20. Rumber -Des ol Monnh AAA 50 1w ode Tho Aeises Refakaak drafs Att Ay Aeplan akod Farfrark uto 23 fanlang Ba Hanand TEnd mesdeelang hadk coodeled Gangonle o hadt hee ty Arnd brg bergat hranning and A ano thon Saegst K andg enelh Woostarstaa Cnnaalerg ote at hrad Trom dlace 70y Eme Tile alene nng be fennanded ar nas errracef 2) e e e e ... ....................... ............ Sensbunftod Sedtenserorfenot autg ugerame Censor. . Thls une shouud be erased ii nde regulref. 225.000. W14042-M4i H. W aV,Ld 1415
A COPY. C.P.S.C. 138995 A.1. sroPrT ceneral Officer Commanding, 3rd Australian Division. --------------- The attached is a copy of a telegram received this day from War Office, and it is forwarded in continuation of this office of the same number of 19th instant. Please report at earliest possible date the forecast required in terms sub-head B of the third Paragraph of the W.O. letter quoted in attached telegram, and place yourself in communication with the General Officer Commanding Training Centre Australian Forces at Tidworth, (who has been asked to render you every assistance in regard to training and whose cooperation will doubtless influence your forecast. Jorte Colonel, A.A.G. SALISBURY Southern Command. 29. 8. 16.

(COPY) G 46/2
C.R.S.C. No. 127644 G.
General Officer Commanding,
3rd Australian Division.

The attached copy of telegram sent to War Office
and General Headquarters, Home Forces, to-day is forwarded
for your information.
General Staff, Southern Command.
26th August, 1916.


(COPY) G 46/2
To Miltrain 
The following telegram sent to the War Office in response to
War Office letters quoted is forwarded for your information
begins Your 162 A.G.2.A. and War Office letter 121/drafts /2167
dated 18th August A.A.A. Infantry third Australian Division
arrived direct from Australia practically undrilled it has done
some three weeks training it should be all sufficiently trained
as drafts in about six weeks A.A.A. Special efforts can be made
to get ready even in less time those found to train most rapidly
say one third A.A.A. This will of course deprive the Division of
its best men and also retard preparation of the rest of the
Division as Instructors and rifles are so limited A.A.A. It is
difficult at present to say when the Division if left intact will
be sufficiently trained for despatch overseas but in two and a
half months it should be ready or nearly so A.A.A. Its Artillery
is training quickly but wants horses A.A.A. Any drafting from so
uniformly a young Division and replacing such drafts by further
untrained men who will have to be trained and absorbed will very
much retard the despatch of the Division A.A.A. It is animated by
a fine spirit and will form a very valuable unit if not broken up
A.A.A. I place the whole situation before you after consultation
with Divisional General and await your further instructions.


Divisional Headquarters,
LARK HILL, 28/8/16.
MEMO. for G.S.O.1 and A.A. & Q.M.G.
Proposed plan of Action.
In the event of orders being received for the special
preparation and despatch of drafts, up to 2000 Infantry, from this
Division, in the very near future, the following will be the
First party of 1000 to be found as follows:-
33rd Bn.    180)  NEW SOUTH WALES
34th  "        180)
37th Bn.     180)  VICTORIA
39th   "        180)
41st 42 Bn  180   QUEENSLAND
44th            180   WESTERN AUSTRALIA.
Second party of 1000 to be found as follows:-
35th Bn.     180)   NEW SOUTH WALES.
36th    "       180)
38th    "       180   VICTORIA
40th    "       180  TASMANIA
41st      '"      180   QUEENSLAND
42rd     "      180  SOUTH AUSTRALIA
Above numbers include 8% excess to provide for sick and other
casualties, but only the net quota of 166 per Battalion to be sent.
The first party to be ready by September 4, the second party
by September 11. -
The personnel composing the several parties will be selected
forthwith, but solely from Companies, i.e. not any from Battalion
Headquarters details. They will not include any N.C.O's, nor men
already earmarked for appointment as N.C.O's, nor signallers, nor
prospective sharpshooters nor similar picked men. -
Ecah Battalion will temporarily attach 3 officers and 6
N.C.O's to its parties, specially selected as a suitable instructional
cadre. These officers and N.C.O's will not accompany the
drafts overseas.


The personnel so selected will undergo special instruction
in the following subjects:-
1. Musketry (excluding field firing) excepting for those
who have already completed that portion of the Musketry
Course in ENGLAND.
2. Bayonet Fighting.
3. Bomb Throwing.
4. Close Order Drill.
G.S.O. 2 will make special arrangements for Range facilities
and for the Divisional supervision of this accelerated training.
but in such a way as to interfere as little as possible with the
progress or the general training of the Division. -
Each Brigade remains responsible for the training and
equipment of its draft, until it marches out for embarkation.-

A.A. & Q.M.G. Staff will arrange for:-
(a) Completion of personal equipment of the drafts (through
(b) Replenishment of personnel from Australian Training Depots.-
As to (a) enquiries must be made at once as to what each man should
have, and whether he takes rifle and bayonet.
As to (b) it is very important to secure personnel from correct
territorial sources - so that each Battalion is replenished by
men from its own State; - also steps must be initiated at once.
so that there may be no delay in restoring the units to full
strength. There is no objection to such restoration beginning
forthwith, in anticipation.
I wish to be kept closely in touch with all executive action herein.-
Commending Third Australian Division.


(*Please keep for me

List No. 80
approved by the G.O.C. Australian Imperial Force.
Headquarters, lst.A.& N.Z.A.C. 
20th. August, 1916.
Anzac Mounted Division
Colonel (temp Major-General) H.G.CHAUVEL,C.B.,C.M.G., to be
Major-General - Dated 15th. March, 1916.
(Authority - Defence Telegram W 12716 dated 18/8/1916)
Third Australian Division
Colonel (temp. Brig.General) J. MONASH, C.B., V.D., to be Major-General
[Authority - Defence Telegram W.12716 dated 18/8/16)
Dated 10th. July, 1916.
4th Aust. Inf. Brigade
Lieut-Colonel (temp.Colonel) C. H. BRAND, D.S.O., to be Colonel.
Colonel C.H.Brand, D.S.O., is granted the temporary rank of
Brigadier-General while commanding the Brigade.
Dated 10th. July, 1916.
(Authority - Defence Telegram W. 12631 dated 17/8/1916.)
1st. Light Horse Regiment
Lieut. J.O.H.NICKOLL, Supy. List, is granted the temporary
rank of Captain while employed as Embarkation Staff Officer
(Corres. 10/162) Dated 21st.November, 1914.
1st. Aust. Div.
Capt. (temp. Major) P. J. SAVAGE to be Major, vice Hancox to
Supy. List - Dated 21st. July, 1916.
Lieut.D.G. SINCLAIR to be Captain vice SAVAGE promoted Dated 21-7-16
2nd. Australian Division
Major J. Pidgeon is transferred to Engineer Training Depot.
Dated 21st. July, 1916.
Capt.N.C.HARRIS to be Major vice PIDGEON transferred to Training
Depot. Dated 21st. July, 1916.
Captain D. E. EVANS to be Major vice ANNAND transferred.
Dated 21st. July, 1916.
Lieut. J.COGHLAN from 4th. Div.Engineers to be Capt.Dated 21-7-16.
4th. Aust. Division
Capt.J.H.MIRAMS from 2nd.Aust. Div. Engineers to be Major to complete establishment. Dated 21st. July, 1916.
2/Lieut.G.T.LITTLE is posted for duty to Engineer Training Depot
Dated 8th. July, 1916.
Capt.M.J.G.COLYER, evacuated sick, is placed on the seconded list
Dated 20th. July, 1916.
15th. Battalion
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 19th. August, 1916.
172 Serjt.       WILLIAM MURDOCH
964     "          VERNON WILKINSON
3480   "          EDWARD BINNINGTON
5103     "          MICHAEL HARCOURT GRAY
16th. Battalion  
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts  Dated 19th.Aug.1916.
419   "              MICHAEL WALTON
708 Serjt.       GEORGE HOUGH
1733    "           LESLIE JOHN HALIFAX.
22nd. Battalion
Lieut. H.F. SMITH from 21st. Battalion to be Captain vice ELMIGER,
seconded - Dated 13th. August, 1916.
(This cancels the notification respecting this officer
published in List No. 77 dated 16th. August, 1916.) 


22nd. Battalion (contd.)
Lieut [[?]] The name of No. 351 Sergeant ROBERT MACEY CONDON
is as now xxxxxxxxxxxxx stated and not as shown
in List No. 71 dated 2/8/1916.
23rd. Battalion
The names of
946 Serjt.               ROBERT LLOYD TREMAIN
are as now stated and not as shown in List 74 dated 5/8/16.
37th. Battalion
The undermentioned 2/Lieuts to be Lieuts. - Dated 8th. August, 1916
43rd Battalion
No.308  Q.M.Serjt. HERRERT SYDNEY HUDD to be 2/Lieut.
Dated 19th. August,1916.
45th. Battalion
Lieut. S. J. ABEL is granted the temp.rank of Captain while
commanding a Company.  Dated 17th. August, 1916.
47th. Battalion
2411 C.S.M. GEORGE CROWE REID to b. 2/Lieut. Dated 19-8-16.
48th. Battalion
The undermentioned Lieuts to be Captains - Dated 19th.Aug.1916
H. A. HAMMERSLEY vice Evans, reported killed in action
W. HILARY vice Hartley reported died of wounds;
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts - Dated 19-8-16
52nd. Battalion
Lleut. W. H. CHRISTOPHERS is granted the temporary rank of
Capt. vice Hunt wounded - Dated. 18th. August, 1916.
The undermentioned 2/Lieuts. to be Lieuts - Dated 18-8-1916
4th. Aust. M.G.Coy
No.595 C.Q.M.S. WILLIAM JAMES COX to be 2/Lieut.Dated 19-8-16
10th. Aust. M.G.Coy
2/Lieut. B. SLOSS to be Lieut. Dated 8th. August, 1916.
12th. Aust. M. G. Coy
The undermentioned 2/Lieuts. to be Lieuts - Dated 5th.Aug'16.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 19-8-16.
13th. Aust. M. C. Coy
2/Lieut M.G. STEWART is transferred to 4th.Div.Engrs.
Dated 19th. Aug. 1916.
4th. Pioneer Battalion
4304 Serjt. REGINALD WILKINSON to be 2/Lieut. Dated 19th. Aug.1916.
1st. Aust. Div. Supply Column
2/Lieut. C. de FRAGA evacuated is placed on the seconded list
Dated 18th. August,1916.
Lieut.G.R.SHIRLAW to be Workshop Officer vice de Fraga Dated 18/8/16
Engineer Training Depot
The undermentioned officers are posted for duty -
Major J.PIDGEON 2nd. Div. Engrs - Dated 21st. July,1916.
2/Lieut. G. T. LITTLE 4th. Div. Engrs. Dated 8th. July,1916.
365 C.Q.MS. R. V. WILSON 21st Bn., to be C.Q.M.S., and allotted
for duty to A.A.G., A.I.F. Branch, vice Moxham to General Staff
Branch -
Dated 15th. August, 1516.

A.A.G., A.I.F. 


War Office, London, 28th August, 1916.
22100 Cipher A.G.2.A. Your 13991 G 26th August referring to my
A.G. 162 2a with letter 121/Draft/2167 of 18th August. Please
comply with greatest despatch with instructions contained therein.
Forward as soon as possible forecast of numbers which will be
available on different dates, this is required most urgently.
If in your opinion training will be thereby hastened units of
3rd Australian Division should send drafts to battalions of
Australian Training Centre where preparations for despatch and
musketry training should be completed.
In order to usefully employ the Australian Divisions which
are at present in the Field they must be filled up with drafts
as soon as possible.
The 3rd Division will not in any case proceed overseas until
enough drafts to sustain all the Divisions now in the Field
can be produced.
The situation is fully realised and the Commonwealth Government
has had the position fully explained to it.



9th Infantry Brigade.
28th August 1916.
3rd Australian Division.
I have to report as follows;-
33rd Battalion. Lieut Col Morshead - satisfactory.
34th Battalion. Lieut Col Lamb - satisfactory.
35th Battalion. Lieut Col Holborow - unsatisfactory.
Special mention.
Lieut Yates.- for his efforts as Adjutant to
reform administration of Battalion.
36th Battalion. Major Cooke-Russell (Acting C.O.)
Special mention.
Lieut Buchanan - Trench work and general
knowledge when inspected by the Inspector
General of Infantry.
Machine Gun Coy.Capt Wells - satisfactory.
Special mention.
Lieut Coleman - while acting O.C. during
absence of Capt Wells at School.
A Jobson
Brig Gen
Commanding Ninth infantry Brigade.


"A": Form.
Army Form C.2121.
No. of Message...
Words  Charge 
Date 28/8/16
TO Headquarters
Southern Command
G119    28 Aug.    AAA
Reference drafts from this Division
I can prepare by septr 4th
One thousand Infantry who
have completed musketry and
have had some bayonet
and by bomb training and by
septr 11th a second thousand
similarly trained AAA
Awaiting instructions
From  Third Aust Div.
Time  10 20 am
GH Jackson



C.P.S.C. 138995 A.1.
General Officer Commanding,
3rd Australian Division.
The attached is a copy of a telegram received this day
from War Office, and it is forwarded in continuation of this
office of the same number of 19th instant.
Please report at earliest possible date the forecast
required in terms sub-head B of the third Paragraph of the
W.O. letter quoted in attached telegram, and place yourself
in communication with the General Officer Commanding Training
Centre Australian Forces at Tidworth, (who has been asked to
render you every assistance in regard to training and whose
cooperation will doubtless influence your forecast.
(sd) Foster
Colonel, A.A.G.
Southern Command.
29. 8. 16. 

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