Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 13, 1 July - 16 August 1916, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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AUSTRHAN yak IMPERIAL FORCE SRCRET 148 Ml 9 1918 NerEsAs EESAnne EESEL AnL MEEAERALLNS With a view of assisting the operations in the South to it is imperative that raids, and all pessible offensive should be undertaken at ence by both divisions of the Corps, in order to make a certainty of holding in our frent such. German troops as may now be there. Raids must therefore, take place immediately, and 20 must be on a larger scale than has hitherto been attempted about 200 men, or a Company, should be undertaken, with careful previous preparation. In the meantime, to night and until these raids 30 can take place, which must, however, be as quickly as pessible, dummy raids must. be carried out, which should for include all the Artillery preparation, barrage, etc., a real raid, and also any Infantry action that can be devised short of the real thing. The very successful raid the other day by the Royal Welsh Fusiliers was done by 500 men, and was severed by a bombardment and by smoke, both of which were well The point was distributed each side of the point raided. a salient, and while fire was directed on a good length of Enemy trench each side of the Salient, the men crept up and laid down close to the enemy’s wire opposite the immediate flanks of the salient. When the time for the assault came, a barrage was madecimmediately behind the salient with the result that practically all the Germans in the Their success was undoubtedly salient were accounted for. due to the wide frent of amoke and fire, and the placing of the barrage. In all cases of raids, it cannot be too strongly, 50 or too often impressed that we must concentrate our bomb ardment on places other than those selected for raiding, in order to draw off the enemy’s barrage. With regard to the employment of such limited amount of Ammunition that we are allowed for the heavy guns, this should not be fiddled away by firing a few rounds daily, but should be reserved for a concentrated shoot in connection with a radd when required. 18 Pounder high explesive can still be used freely, and as far as the Divisional Artillery is concernedg there is, within reason, no necessity for husbanding ammunition. Down South the consensus of opinion seems to he that the success of our attacks depended mainly on the counter battery work. Where it was well managed, our attacks succeeded, where it was not, they failed. Another lesson learnt is, that the assaulting troops to have a fair chance of success, must start from within 200 yds. of the enemy’s frent trench. Divisional Commanders should, therefore, consider the possibility of advancing their trenches, where necessary, to within 200 yards of the enemy. Now is the time to de it when the grass is long. This has been done with success by the 14th Corps in the northernmost section of the line, and they say tha t the new trenches have not yet even beendetected, by the Germans, owing to their invisibility due to the long grass.
20 The Corps Commander would be glad to have from 700 divisional Commanders any question regarding the employment of the troops in the attack down south, in which the experience there gained would be useful to them for the future. The Corps Commander wishes to impress on Divisional 11 Commanders, and begs them to impress it on their subordinates, that we must fight now, at once, in order to give help to our comrades fighting desperately in the South, and that however little we may be ready, or however difficult it may be, we should never forgive ourselves if we did not make the necessary effort, and if necessary, sacrifice to help them. A point which has been strongly brought out 120 lately is that if a raid or any other operation is planned for a certain night, it should not be postponed, nor the arrange. ments altered at the last moment, except for most urgent reasons. Nothing is so bad for the marale of the troops as postpnement, or late alteration of plans.
N0.O. G/32 AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE yd J1 9 1316 Agadquarters, 186 Ath. AUSTRALLAN DIVISION. 4th Intantry brigade. 9th. JULY, 1916. Tos- G.O. C. 4th. Aus. Infantry Brigade. G. O.C. 12th. Aus. Infantry Brigade. G.0. C. 13th. Aus. Infantry Brigade. O.R.A. Various papers embodying lessons learnt from the recent fighting in the South will be sent out from tims to time. Before circulating them, this Office will 2. print along the top Lessons from fighting in the South, G. O's. C. Will pay special attention to these circulars and ensure that all the lessons they contain are imparted to those under them. D.H Brnard Lieut-Colonel. G.S. 4th. AUSTRALLAN DIVISION.
A05 SECRET. FOURTH AUSTRALLAN INFANTRY BRIGADE ORLER NO. 18. 3/7126. Reference Map 1/40000, Sheet 36. FOURTH AUSTRALLAN INFANTRY BRIGADE will be relieved by EIGHTH AUSTRALLAN INFANTRY BRIGADE and will thereafter concentrate in the LA CRECHE area. Relief will commence on July 10/11, and will be completed on July 11112. Attached table shews movements of elements of Fourth 3. Brigade and billeting arrangements. Units of Fourth Brigade concerned are responsible to 4. provide guides at the rate of one per platoon or similar unit, to be at Brigade Headquarters at 9.30 p.m. on the respective evenings to lead Eighth Brigade Units to their stations. The service of supply passes over with the H.Q. of the Units, that is to say, each Headquarters looks after the ratigning etc, of all personnel of either Brigade living in iysarea. C.O.C. Fourth Brigade remains in tactical command of the Sector until 8 a.m. on Wednesday, July 12th, when the command will be taken over by G.O.C. Eighth Brigade. No Units of Fourth Brigade to leave their stations until all relieving personnel are in their places, and have Tully taken over. All trench stores, maps, defence schemes, log books, photographs and dumped ammunition etc, will be handed over to relieving units and receipts taken. All detached personnel, not returned under Brigade arrangements by noon on Tuesday, July 11th, to be No. 4 specifically applied for to Brigade H.9. AcL. T.M.Battery will hand over all Stokes Mortars to No. 8 A.L. T.M. Battery, and will, in lieu thereof, take over the mortars of the latter at ERQUINGHEM. Billeting parties from units c ocerned will proceed on forenoon of Monday, July 10th, to reconnoitre the billets to be occupied by the respective units on the nights July 10111 and July 11112 in the ERgUINGHEM area. Supplementary orders will be issued as to the move from the ERQUINGHEM to the LA CRECHE area, which will take place on the afternoon of July 12th. The No. 4 and No. 8 Field Ambulances will interchange stations and billets during July 10th and July 11th under arrangements to be made direct between the res- pective Commanders. O.C. 4th Field ambulance will notify Brigade H.Q. of the arrangements made, and of the position to be occupied by this unit on the forenoon of July 12th. 0.C. 4th Field Company which moves out of the line to BAC ST MAUR under the orders of the C.D.E., will notify Brigade H.Q. of the position to be occupied by this Unit on the forenoon of July 12th. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13.
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. PD- The moves of the respective Brigade H.Qs and Signal Sectionswill be carried out under separate instructions issued direct. Movement to RAILWAY will be in parties of 10 at 50 yards distance, thence while south of RIVER LYS by platoons at 5 minutes distance, and while North of RIVER LYS by Companies at 5 minutes distance. All Commanders will concert measures to ensure that the strictest discipline is preserved througout every stage of the move. The completion of each move of each Unit will be reported, wherever possible by wire, to Brigade Headquarters. Brigade H.Q. will be at LA ROLANDERIE until 8 a.m. on July 12th, and will open at the same hour at a place to be notified later. Acknowledge by wire. matmant Major. Brigade Major. 4th Aust. Inf Bede. Copy No. File. Issued at 8 p.m. to 1. C.O.C. 13th Bttn. 3. 14th 15th 16th NGA.M.G. Coy. No. 4 A.L. T.M. Battery. O. C. Transport Park. 4th Field Coy Engrs. 10. 4th Field Ambulance. 11. Divisional Train. 12. 4th Australian Div. 13. 8th Aust. Inf. Egde. 14. Brigale Signal Section. 15. Bede.Major. 16.
MOVES OF UNITS OF Ath AND Sth AUSTRALLAN INFANTRY BRIGADES ON TULY 10/11 & 11112. DDDDDDDD MOVES ON NIGHT TULY 10/11 into the I All companies (each less 2 platoons) of (a) Sth Bae. Vnits) Ar &cBBattalions, C.Os., Intelligence Officers, and one-half Lewis McG. Sections of Ar & Br Battalions. Whole of Dr Battalion. (D) Two Sections of No. 8 M.G. Co. (0) (a) No. 8 L. T.M. Battery. Two platoons of each Company Ac & pBd out of the Line) (a) 4th Bde. Units) Battalions into billets:- Ar Battn. to FORT ROMPU, Br Battn to TESUS FARM. Whole of Dr Battalion - into billets at (0) L'HALLOREAU. Two Sections of No. 4 M.G. Co. - into (0) billets near RUE DORMOTRE. LLLLAAAAADN MOVES ON MIGHT TULY 111/12. Into the Line) 2th Pde Unite Remainder of Ac & Br Battalions. (a) (D) Whole of Ct Battalion. Remainder of No. 8 M.G. Co. (0) out of the Line (a) Remainder of Ar & Br Battalions into 4th Ede.Wnits billets as above. Whole of Cr Battalion into billets at 10) RUE DORMOIRE. Remainder of No. 4 M.G. &o. into billets (0) as above. No. 4 L.T.M. Battery into billets at RUE (9) DORMOIRE. In atmant Major. Brigade Major. 4th Aust. Inf. Bde.
10. 11. 1. 2. Copy Nc.... FOURTH AUSTRALLAN INFANTRY BRIGADE ORDER No. 19 Reference Map 1140000 Sheet 36. 10/7126. On completion of the Relief now in progress, the 4th Aust. Inf. Brigade, with No. 4 Field Co. Engineers, and Fourth Field Anbulance attached, will move on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 12th, from Billets in the ERQUINGHEM district, to billets in the LA CRECHE district. The Four Battalions, and No. 4 Field Co. Engineers will resume occupa- tion of the same billeting areas which they respectively occupied during the period June 12 to 14. No. 4 A.M.G. Co. will billet at NOUVEAU MONDE, Fourth Field Ambulance will billet North of NOOTE BOM. No. 4 A.L. T.M.Battery will billet with, and be rationed by, 13th SPTT Battalion at 5 SLEE. NT-TE. Transport will Join Units in Unit billeting areas. It is an ticipated that the same buildings formerly occupied will be available, but, if otherwise, Units must make the best arrangements possible within their areas. No. 7 A.S.C. Company will move under orders of O.C. Div. Train, but will advise Brigade H.Q. as soon as possible of the time and place of its move, and new billets. All units will send on advanced parties, for billating duties and as guards on advanced baggage or ordnance store dumps, during Tuesday, July 11th. Attached movement table shews destination, route and starting times of the several units. As only one road is available (unless a wide detour is to be undertaken), Commanders of all marching Units must take all precautions to adhere closely to the time table, and to clear the road as soon as possible for the units following. Emphasis is again laid upon the necessity for the strictest march dis- cipline throughout the move; Officers and N.C.0s. being so disposed as stop straggling, falling out, or any misbehaviour. Brigade H.Q. and Signals move to No. 28 Rue de LILLE, BAILLEUL, and will open there at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, July 12. The comminications between Brigade H.Q. and units will, when the move has been completed, be the same as formerly, by despatch rider; that is to say, a relay station will be established at H.Q. of 14th Bn.) and O.C. Brigade Signallers will organize the time table and despatch rider service. Completion of the move of each unit to be at once reported to Brigade H.9. Acknowledge by wire. Matmant Major. Brigade Major 4th Aust.Inf. Bde. Issued at 9 p.m. to:- BiSe Copy No. C.O.C. Orderly 13th Bn. Signal Service 14th do. 15th do. 16th do. No. 4 A.M.G. Co. do. No. 4 A.L. T.M.Battery do. O. C. Transport Park do. No. 4 Field Coy.Engrs. do. Fourth Field Ambulance do. No. 7 A.S.C. Coy. 40. 4th Aust. Div. 23 do. Brigade Sig. Sec. do. Figade Major Orgeri. Br Mary
Ath AUSTRALLAN INFARTRY BRIGALE. MARCH TABLE TULY 12th, 1916. Reference Map 1140000. Sheet 36. FROM T0 UNIT BRIGARE H.Q. & La Rolanderie Bailleul SIGNAL SECTION. 16th BATTALION L'Hallobeam Cabaret du Saule 14th BATTALION Jesus Farm Nouveau Monde Fort Rompu Steent—Je 13th BATTALION 15th BATTALION Rue Dormoire Blanche Maison Steent—Je No.4 A.L.T.M. BATTERY Rue Dormoire No. 4 A.M.G. Coy. Rue Dormoire Nouveau Monde No. 4 Field Coy. Bac St. Maur Noote Boom (No. 4 Field Ambulance Erquinghem North of Noote Boom ROUTE Via Steenwerck Via Steenwerck Bac St. Maur-Steenwerck Bac St Maur-Steenwerck Bac St. Maur- Steenwerck Bac St. Maur-Steenwerck Via Sailly Via Sailly STARTING TIME. 12 midday. 12.30 p.m. 1.30 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 3.45 p.m. 1 p.m. 1.30 p.m.
C FOURTH AUSTRALLAN LNFANTRY BRIGATE ORUER No. 20 111726. Reference May 1/40000 Speet 36. . Reference Operation Order N. 19, the following alterations will be 1. given imnediate effect to:- 16th Battalion, 4th Field Ambulance and 4th Held Coy, will carry out tesday, as early as pessible, the move ordered for teemerrow. Route as preseribed in Order No. 19. 15th Battalien will be the first to be relieved this evening, and relief will commence one hour earlier than eriginally arranged. This Battalion will, immediately after relief, concentrate in Frquinghem and proceed forthwith to billets already alletted in La Creche area. Masmman A. Acknowledge. Major. Brisade Major. 4th Aust. Inf. Bde. Issued at 1 p.m. to: CoPY No.2. File G.O.C. Sis.Sery. 3. 13th Ba. do. 14th do. 15th do. 16th d0. A.L.T.M. Battery do. O.C. Transport Park d0. 4th Field Coy. do. 10 4th Field ambulance do. No. 7 A.S.C. Coy 40. Nar Diary
2 SECRET. Copy No... FOURTH AUSTRALLAN INFATRY BRIGADE ORDER No. 21 12/7120. Reference:- HATEBROUCK SA 1/100000 Fourth Australian Infantry Brigade, with Units attached, as shown on annexed entrainment programme, will entrain on 13th instant. Entrainment of each unit must be complete thirty minutes before the time stated for train to leave. No troops or transport will enter the station yards until the R.T.O. is ready to receive them. Units, other than Infantry Battalions, will arrive at the entraining station complete with all its transport, at the time the train is ready for loading. Infantry Battalions will arrive at the station thus:- All transport, riding horses and one Company, at the time the train is ready for loading. Remainder of battalion one hour before time stated for train to leave. BALLLEUL VEST Station is close to main station, a little to the West. Unit Entraining Officer, with assistants, and guides to lead the unit to their proper places, will get into touch with R.T.O. one hour before the time the train is ready for loading. Motor Cycle of Brigade Signal Section moves independently. Breast ropes for horse trucks must be provided by the unit themselves. Ropes for lashing vehicles on the flat trucks will be provided by the Railway. The Unit Entraining Officer must hand to the R.T.O. a Marching out State, showing number of officers, men, horses, four and two wheeled vehicles and bicycles, so that railway vehicles may be rapidly allotted. A copy of this Marching-out State must be forwarded to Brigade Headquarters at earliest possible moment. Units will entrain with the current day's rations. Both the Train Baggage Wasons and the Train Supply Wagons will entrain with the Units to which they belong, and, with drivers and teams, will be included in the marching-out State referred to in para. 10. The Train Supply Vehicles will be loded with one day's supply. The O.C. No. 7 A.S.C. Company will arrange this, and is responsible to see that all Train Vebicles join their Units, either at their billets or during the approach of the unit to the entreining station, as may be required. The O.C. of each Railway Train is personally responsible for discipline throughout the move, posting picquets at ends of train at halting places to prevent troops leaving the train without authority, and taking such other measures as may be found necessary, 10. 11. 12. 13.



JUL 9 1916


1. With a view of assisting the operations in the South

it is imperative that raids, and all possible offensive,

should be undertaken at once by both divisions of the Corps,

in order to make a certainty of holding in our front such

German troops as may now be there.

2.Raids must therefore, take place immediately, and

must be on a larger scale than has hitherto been attempted -

about 200 men, or a Company, should be undertaken, with

careful previous preparation.

3. In the meantime, to night and until these raids

can take place, which must, however, be as quickly as

possible, dummy raids must be carried out, which should

include all the Artillery preparation, barrage, etc., for

a real raid, and also any Infantry action that can be

devised short of the real thing.

4. The very successful raid the other day by the

Royal Welsh Fusiliers was done by 500 men, and was covered

by a bombardment and by smoke, both of which were well

distributed each side of the point raided. The point was

a salient, and while fire was directed on a good length

of enemy trench each side of the Salient, the men crept up

and laid down close to the enemy's wire opposite the immediate

flanks of the salient. When the time for the assault

came, a barrage was made immediately behind the salient

with the result that practically all the Germans in the

salient were accounted for. Their success was undoubtedly

due to the wide front of smoke and fire, and the placing

of the barrage.

5. In all cases of raids, it cannot be too strongly

or too often impressed that we must concentrate our bombardment

on places other than those selected for raiding,

in order to draw off the enemy's barrage.

6. With regard to the employment of such limited amount

of Ammunition that we are allowed for the heavy guns, this

should not be fiddled away by firing a few rounds daily,

but should be reserved for a concentrated shoot in connection

with a raid when required.

7. 18 Pounder high explosive can still be used freely,

and as far as the Divisional Artillery is concerned, there is,

within reason, no necessity for husbanding ammunition.

8. Down South the consensus of opinion seems to be

that the success of our attacks depended mainly on the

counter battery work. Where it was well managed, our

attacks succeeded, where it was not, they failed.

9. Another lesson learnt is, that the assaulting

troops to have a fair chance of success, must start from

within 200 yds. of the enemy's front trench. Divisional

Commanders should, therefore, consider the possibility of

advancing their trenches, where necessary, to within 200

yards of the enemy. Now is the time to do it when the

grass is long. This has been done with success by the 14th

Corps in the northernmost section of the line, and they say

that the new trenches have not yet even been detected, by the

Germans, owing to their invisibility due to the long grass.



10. The Corps Commander would be glad to have from 

divisional Commanders any question regarding employment

of the troops in the attack down south, in which the experience

there gained would be useful to them for the future.

11. The Corps Commander wishes to impress on Divisional

Commanders, and begs them to impress it on their subordinates,

that we must fight now, at once, in order to give help to our

comrades fighting desperately in the South, and that however

little we may be ready, or however difficult, it may be, we

should never forgive ourselves if we did not make the necessary

effort, and if necessary, sacrifice to help them.

12. A point which has been strongly brought out

lately is that if a raid or any other operation is planned for

a certain night, it should not be postponed, nor the arrangements

altered at the last moment, except for most urgent reasons.

Nothing is so bad for the morale of the troops as postponement, or

late alteration of plans.


No. G G1/32

IMPERIAL FORCE                                      

JUL 9 1916                                                    

4th Infantry Brigade.                                     

9th. July 1916.

G.O.C. 4th. Aus. Infantry Brigade.

G.O.C. 12th Aus. Infantry Brigade.

G.O.C. 13th. Aus. Infantry Brigade.



Various papers embodying lessons learnt from

the recent fighting in the South will be sent out from

time to time.

2. Before circulating them, this Office will

print along the top "Lessons from fighting in the South".

G.O's C. will pay special attention to these circulars

and ensure that all the lessons they contain are imparted 

to those under them.


D K O Oswald




Copy NO. 2

Reference Map 1/40000. Sheet 36.                   




concentrate in the LA CRECHE area.

2. Relief will commence on July 10/11, and will be completed

on July 11/12.

3. Attached table shews movements of elements of Fourth

Brigade and billeting arrangements.

4. Units of Fourth Brigade concerned are responsible to

provide guides at the rate of one per platoon or similar

unit, to be at Brigade Headquarters at 9.30p.m. on the

respective evenings to lead Eighth Brigade Units to their


5. The service of supply passes over with the H,Q, of the

Units, that is to say, each Headquarters looks after the

rationing etc, of all personnel of either Brigade living

n its ^own area.

6. G.O.C. Fourth Brigade remains in tactical command of the

Sector until 8a.m. on Wednesday, July 12th, when the

command will be taken over by G.O.C. Eighth Brigade.

7. No units of Fourth Brigade to leave their stations until

all relieving personnel are in their places, and have 

fully taken over.

8. All trench stores, maps, defence schemes, log books,

photographs and dumped ammunition etc will be handed

over to relieving units and receipts taken.

9. All detached personnel, not returned under Brigade

arrangements by noon on Tuesday, July 11th, to be

specifically applied for to Brigade H.Q. No. 4

A.L.T.M. Battery will hand over all Stokes Mortars to No.

8 A.L.T.M. Battery, and will, in lieu thereof, take over

the mortars of the latter at ERQUINGHEM.

10. Billeting parties from units concerned will proceed on

forenoon of Monday, July 10th, to reconnoitre the

billets to be occupied by the respective units on the

nights July 10/11 and July 11/12 in the EQUINGHEM area.

11. Supplementary orders will be issued as to the move from

the ERQUNIGHEM to the LA CRECHE area, which will take

place on the afternoon of July 12th.

12. The No. 4 and No. 8 Field Ambulances will interchange

stations and billets during July 10th and July 11th

under arrangements to be made direct between the

respective Commanders. O.C. 4th Field Ambulance will

notify Brigade H.Q. of the arrangements made, and of the

position to be occupied by this unit on the forenoon

of July 12th.

13. O.C. 4th Field Company which moves out of the line to

BAC ST MAUR under the orders of the C.D.E., will notify

Brigade H.Q. of the position to be occupied by this Unit

on the forenoon of July 12th.


14. The moves of the respective Brigade H.Qs and Signal

Sections will be carried out under separate instructions
issued direct.

15. Movement to RAILWAY will be in parties of 10 at 50 yards

distance, thence while south of RIVER LYS by platoons at

5 minutes distance, and while North of RIVER LYS by

Companies at 5 minutes distance. All Commanders will

concert measures to ensure that the strictest discipline

is preserved throughout every stage of the move.

16. The completion of each move of each Unit will be reported,

wherever possible by wire, to Brigade Headquarters.

17. Brigade H.Q. will be at LA ROLANDERIE until 8 a.m. on July

12th, and will open at the same hour at a place to be 

notified later.

18. Acknowledge by wire.

J M A Durrant


Brigade Major.

4th Aust. Inf. Bgde.

Copy No.

Issued at 8 p.m. to  1.   File.

2.   G.O.C.

3.   13th Bttn.

4.  14th   "

5.   15th   "

6.   16th  "

7.    No. 1 A.M.C. Coy.
8.    No. 4 A.L.T.M. Battery.

9.   O.C. Transport Park.

10.   4th Field Coy Engrs.

11.    4th Field Ambulance.

12.    Divisional Train.

13.    4th Australian Div.

14.    8th Aust. Inf. Bgde.

15.    Brigade Signal Section.

16.    Bgde. Major.



BRIGADES ON JULY 10/11 & 11/12.


 Into the Line    ) 
 8th Bde. Units )  

(a) All companies (each less 2 platoons) of

"A" & "B" Battalions, C.O., Intelligence

Officers, and one-half Lewis M.G. Sections

of "A" & " B" Battalions.

(b) Whole of "D" Battalion.

(c) Two Sections of No. 8 M.G. Co.

(d) No. 8 L.T.M. Battery.

Out of the Line
4th Bde. Units )      

(a) Two platoons of each Company "A" * "B"

Battalions into billets:-

"A" Battn. to FORT ROMPU, "B" Battn to


(b) Whole of "D" Battalion - into billets at


(c)  Two Sections of No. 4 M.G. Co. - into

 billets near RUE DORMOIRE.



Into the Line   )
8th Bde Units )   

(a) Remainder of "A" & "B" Battalions.

(b) Whole of "C" Battalion.

(c) Remainder of No. 8 M.G. Co.

Out of the Line )  
4th Bde Units   )    
(a) Remainder of "A" & "B" Battalions into

billets as above.

(b) Whole of "C" Battalion into billets at


(c) Remainder of No. 4 M.G. Co. into billets

as above

(d) No. 4 L.T.M. Battery into billets at RUE



J M A Durrant


Brigade Major.

4th Aust. Inf. Bde.


Copy No. 2


Reference Map 1/40000 Sheet 36.   10/7/16.


1. On completion of the relief now in progress, the 4th Aust. Inf.

Brigade, with No. 4 Field Co. Engineers, and Fourth Field Ambulance

attached, will move on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 12th, from

Billets in the ERQUINGHEM district, to billets in the LA CRECHE


2. The Four Battalions, and No. 4 Field Co. Engineers will resume occupation of the same billeting areas which they respectively occupied during the period June 12 to 14. No. 4 A.M. G. Co. will billet at

NOUVEAU MONDE, Fourth Field Ambulance will billet North of NOOTE BOOM. No, 4 A.L.T.M. Battery will billet with, and be rationed by, 13th Battalion at STEENT-JE. Transport will join Units in Unit billeting areas.

3. It is anticipated that the same buildings formerly occupied will be

available, but, if otherwise, Units must make the best arrangements

possible within their areas.

4. No. 7 A.S.C. Company will move under orders of O.C. Div. Train, but

will advise Brigade H.Q. as soon as possible of the time and place of

its move, and new billets.

5. All units will send on advanced parties, for billeting duties and as

guards on advanced baggage or ordnance store dumps, during Tuesday,

July 11th.

6. Attached movement table shows destination, route and starting times

of the several units. As only one road is available (unless a wide

detour is to be undertaken), Commanders of all marching Units must

take all precautions to adhere closely to the time table, and to

clear the roads as soon as possible for the units following.

7. Emphasis is again laid upon the necessity for the strictest march discipline throughout the move; Officers and N.C.Os being so disposed as to stop straggling, falling out, or any misbehaviour.

8. Brigade H.Q. and Signals move to No. 28 Rue de LILLE, BAILLEUL, and

will open there at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, July 12.

The communications between Brigade H.Q. ad units will, when the move has been completed, be the same as formerly, by despatch rider; that is to say, a relay station will be established at H.Q. of 14th Bn., and 

O.C. Brigade Signallers will organise the time table and despatch 

rider service.

10. Completion of the move of each unit to be at once reported to Brigade H.Q.

11. Acknowledge by wire.       

J M A Smart


Brigade Major 4th Aust. Inf. Bde.         

Issued at 9p.m. to:-

File    Copy No. 1                -

G.O.C                  2          Orderly

13th Bn.              3         Signal Service

14th  "                 4             do.

15th  "                  5             do.

16th  "


Map 1/40000. Sheet 36

La Rolanderie Bailleul - -
(l6th BATTALION L'Hallobeau Cabaret du Saule Via Steenwerck 12 midday.
(l4th BATTALION Jesus Farm Nouveau Monde Via Steenwerck 12.30 p.m.
(l3th BATTALION Port Rompu Steent-Je Bac. St.Maur-Steenwerck 1.30 p.m.
(l5th BATTALION Rue Dormoire Blanche Maison Bac. St.Maur-Steenwerck 2.30 p.m.
(No. 4 A.L.T.M. BATTERY Rue Dormoire Steent-Je Bac. St.Maur-Steenwerck 3.30 p.m.
(No. 4 A.M.G. Coy. Rue Dormoire Nouveau Monde Bac. St.Maur-Steenwerck 3.45 p.m.
(No. 4 Field Coy. Bac St. Maur Noote Boom Via Sailly 1 p.m.
(No. 4 Field Ambulance Erquinghem North of Noote Boom Via Sailly 1.30 p.m.

Copy No. 2
Reference Map 1/40000 Sheet 36.
1. Reference Operation Order No. 19, the following alterations will be
given immediate effect to:-
2. 16th Battalion, 4th Field Ambulance and 4th Field Coy, will carry
out to-day, as early as possible, the move ordered for to-morrow.
Route as prescribed in Order No. 19.
3. l5th Battalion will be the first to be relieved this evening, and
relief will commence one hour earlier than originally arranged.
This Battalion will, immediately after relief, concentrate in
Erquinghem and proceed forthwith to billets already allotted in
La Creche area.
4. Acknowledge
J M A Durrant
Brigade Major.
4th Aust.Inf.Bde.
Issued at 1 p.m. to:-
File              Copy No. 1.
G.O.C                             2.
13th Bn.                         3. Sig Serv.
14th  "                            4      do.
15th   "                            5      do.
16th   "                            6      do.
A.L.T.M. Battery           7      do.
G.C. Transport Park    8      do.
4th Field Coy.               9      do.
4th Field Ambulance 10    do.
No. 7 A.S.C. Coy             11     do.
War Diary                       12     do.


Copy No. 2
Reference:- HAZEBROUCK 5A 1/0000
1. Fourth Australian Infantry Brigade, with Units attached, as
shown on annexed entrainment programme, will entrain on 13th
2. Entrainment of each unit must be complete thirty minutes before
the time stated for train to leave.
3. No troops or transport will enter the station yards until the
R.T.O. is ready to receive them.
4. Units, other than Infantry Battalions, will arrive at the
entraining station complete with all its transport, at the
time the train is ready for loading.
5. Infantry Battalions will arrive at the station thus:- All
transport, riding horses and one Company at a time the train
is ready for loading. Remainder of battalion one hour before
time stated for train to leave.
6. BAILLEUL WEST Station is close to main station, a little to the

7. Unit Entraining Officer, with assistance, and guides to lead
the unit to their proper places, will get into touch with
R.T.O. one hour before the time the train is ready for loading.
8. Motor Cycle of Brigade Signal Section moves independently.
9. Breast ropes for horse trucks must be provided by the unit
themselves. Ropes for lashing vehicles on the flat trucks
will be provided by the Railway.
10. The Unit Entraining Officer must hand to the R.T.O. a 
Marching-out State, showing number of officers, men, horses, four and
two wheeled vehicles and bicycles, so that railway vehicles 
may be rapidly allotted. A copy of this Marching-out State
must be forwarded to Brigade Headquarters at earliest possible
11. Units will entrain with the current day's rations. Both
the Train Baggage Wagons and the Train Supply Wagons will
entrain with the Units to which they belong, and, with drivers
and teams,will be included in the marching-out State referred
to in para.10.
12. The Train Supply Vehicles will be loaded with one day"s supply.
The O.C. No. 7 A.S.C Company will arrange this, and is
responsible to see that all Train Vehicles join their Units,
either at their billets or during the approach of the unit
to the entraining station, as may be required.
13. The O.C. of each Railway Train is personally responsible 
for discipline throughout the move, posting picquets at ends
of train at halting places to prevent troops leaving the train
without authority, and taking such other measures as may be
found necessary.



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