Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 13, 1 July - 16 August 1916, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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35 41. 11. 11.40 11 48 17. 582 59 12 Deperpor Left fes copy Message frole that oe attack afly LF ashe pen on srght Helephmst port and in men I have got back coming heports Ashe line om Bombandmant a at 23 DP ot I way with telephon had communigation in N.M.L. that message 2 way onts to 90 wire. ae and ch ther S no the 2 afraid cnt.
14 14 10 15 12.20 you and Br 306 to 22O for given signal out to artillery Stand Stop Artillery send By 22 Dw to 305 Bm Send Artllery received Message through thataiders were still coming on. first Captai, Cox man from is a one He reported runners Laptt. Cors that Capt Cox says He way there he of Parcia in wounded Sat 9h head
N 12 131 1.33 6 they says officer Liarson iformation cant get mmuch coming i gven owing so scatter attact that OfC say Artillery artillery refused to give I had sen but any information Adv. Report Centre pt Wa message to Cosborne Leasson officer, reported and caused delaysd wire not cut. knocked much Parapets toet bombed men omr about not did but bit a good
Later 135 No time. have mnsh of informattion prisone 0 one man this Iiformation received from returned from trenche the took 17 prsoners told him w Osbore sand thata telephons this iinformation passed on was by il ackson. Colo to phine to Pprisoners. reference except the ar that told Osborne Cox es hold he not that was officer M. C fer 10 fire 0 11
146 reported officer Second harson great difficult that party had playing or with wire. M.C going and coming wine both ight Laft angonts empty. me they of dugents full hasnt He them, bembed of a prisoner heard About wounded 20 Im Se X to w
24 Faltermn Candles under Naulin & Harvey Wole Julian & Raderiak Memy Thompnalled oner were TMps Bullen TRoss Dewneat Cpt O.F. Ross Cr Fulton Spp Peaser said he pl bombs in dupont
From Place Time 0 Wc W185113s 1212S. 100.a Pad. S.S. 1.1a. Br Form. Army Form C 2122. AUSMESSAGESEAND SIGNALS 0of14 6 Rsceived Sent JR M 3 Office Stamp. Coda TICS OM CISIN Jerrie THI 41 1 W ar 6 170 40 X 22 for this ae 4 21 S WEESGWNE AAA 705 Anxac Dequis Aad 15 Message from altho last nights operations were not as successful as usual the Co p Commander is well satisfied and congratulate all ranks upon Frew determinet fforts which have not been without feet on the emmy aga The army conemander has also expressed nes satisfaction aad addressed 15 and 2nd Aust Divd and 18 Dw ends addressed 5 and 6th Aust 1af Bde 4 refeated 4f Aust Du Dio this 95au
2l1 ponenene 1 an MSM Headquarters, Mny A. 4th. Aust. Infantry Brigade. No information regarding thenRaiding Party reached me until 2.a.m. Ird-inst. the first being from wounded N.C.O's. and men. 1. The number of wounded treated at Dressing Station was:- Lieut.A.T.Harvey. (Serious) 2 of ficars. 2 (Licut.J.B. Roderick. (G.S.Wd. Both legs). Other Ranks. 10. 2. Missing. 1 Officer, 2 (Licut.R.D.Tulian with 12 other ranks reported by checking of Hicer as not having answered the roll call. He is however certain that a number of men pro- ceeded to 6 billets by a different route. qenteneee obtht or towpot bodta 3. Raport by Wounded men. 2 (Licut-Roderick states that the enemy wire was reached wi thout any difficulty. The wire was not cut and during the delay caused by this a number of casualties occurned - mostly by Machine Gun fire. He himself was wounded in both legs there. Sst. Carcia states - He with a party of 4 men (Dombers) after experiencing difficulty in getting through the enemy wire which in the section he negotiated was practically untouched. Sgt. Garcia and 2 men reached the enemy trench threw 6 Dombs and jumped in. The bay was unoccupied except for Thank Killed or wounded of which there were about 6. The next bay to it was full. They there met with opposition, bombs being thrown at them to which they replied with effect, judging by the cries he states he heard. The part then went down a commnication trench and came to a dug-out brilliantly 11t up. In it were four of the enemy, two of whom our party had disposed of when the dug-out was struck by a shell, wounding Sst. Garcia and one other man. They then vacated the enemy trench. On the return journey, Set. Gareia was again wounded in the head and leg. No.112. Pyte.W.Pike was with Sst. Garcia, and his story is similar in effect only he affirms that the occupants of the dug-out were Officers. No. 2225. Pvte.H.White. states that they found the wire un-cut and only got through after a lons struggle, of which his hands and face bear witness. 4. There were no prisoners taken or loot obtained by these men. £ Chaset Mt. Hent. Colonel. Commanding D.57. Battalion.
310 5/7/16 O. 14th Bn Owing to breakdown of all telephones, it has not been possible to collect any reliable information as to our casnalties, or course of events. Please consest measures to let me have, at Rolanderie H.Q. before 8 arm July 3, informa- tion on following points. J.N. of wounded trlated at your end with any available particular I. Names of any supposed to be unacc- cunted for.- (direct of hearsay 3. Any information of any importance) given by wounded men as to what happened. 4. Were there any prisoners or loot. I am having similar mestigations made at the ad billets of the raiding party Dhntonish Return this note with your reply.
ROUTINE ORDERS By Lt-General Sir W.R. BIRDWOOD, K.C.S.I., K.C.M.G., C.B., O.I.E., D.S.0.. Commanding lst Australian and New Zealand Army, Corps. Headquarters, S118. 40 RaID. 215. The Corps Commander wishes to express his appreciation of the gallant conduct of all who took part in the raid on the enemy’s trenches on the night of the 2nd/3rd July, carried out by a party consisting of 6 officers and about 83 other ranks of the 2th AusEkallan Infantry Brigado. A brief summary of the events is given below:- The party encountered a hostile patrol (strength 10 to 12) in No MAN'S LAND at the moment when our main bombardment was conmencing; this party was forced back into the sone ofoyr fire and all of them were killed. Great difficulty wa experienced in crossing the enemy’'s wire. Our scouts and some of our wounded threw themselves on the wire and formed The enemy’. a bridge for the assaulting party to cross. trench was entered in spite of fierce opposition and severe casualties were inflicted. Notwithstanding the loss of their officers, the N.C.Os of the party carried on with coolness and method. It is estimated that a total of 51 of the enemy were killed. Our own casualties were 3 officers and 20 O.R. wounded and 1 officer and 9 O.R. killed. The officers of the raiding party were:- OOR 0.O. Raid Captain HARURY Lieut WANLISS Lient (mtet JULLAN End Lfent. RODERICK. 2nd Lieut. BWIMSIATTO 215½ The administration of the Town of BALLLEUL was taken over by 1st A & N.2. A. C., as from 4/7/1916. J.G. MOCONAGHY Major D.A.A & Q.K.G. ist Australian and New Zealand Army Corge

11. 35       Left Diversion and Bombardment

11. 39       Message Smoke-oh Dugout "Doggo".

11.40       Jump

11.48       Told that O.C. attack only had
communication with centre ½ way telephone
in N.M.L.                     

11.55½    Lt Ashe sent out message that ½ way
telephonist ought to go onto the front end of

11.59        "Men have got in trench and are
 coming back now"


12.8        Ashe reports he is afraid our line is cut.


12.10       'Out' signal given  to artillery -

12.15        Artillery sent      "Stop - Stand By ".

12.20       Sent Bm 305 to 2nd Div

1pm.       Message through Artillery received

1.4 and Bm 306 to 2nd Div that raiders were still coming in.

1.8 pm      First man from Captain Cox

reported.  He is a one of Capt. Cox's runners.

He says that Capt Cox is on his way here.

Sgt Garcia wounded in the head.



1.12       Liaison officer says they cant get much information on owing to men coming in so scattered.


1.31       Artillery say that O.C. attack

3           refused to give artillery

12          any information, but sent had sent

12          at a message to ARC Adv. Report Centre. 9                                                   
36     1.33       Liaison officer (Osborne)reported

"Wire not cut, and caused delay at
destroyed Parapets much knocked

about.   Our men bombed a good bit but did not



have much time.   No information of prisoners -
This information received from one man

returned from the trenches -
Later Osborne said that xx a telephonist told him we took 17 prisoners

1.35       This information was passed on by 

'phone to Colonel Jackson.

except the reference to 17 prisoners


Osborne told us that Cox told an

M.G. officer that he was not

to fire after 11.50.


1.46.    Second liaison officer reported 

that the party had great difficulty
with wire.   M.G playing on 

wire both coming and going

Left dugouts empty.   Right

dugouts full of men.   They

bombed them.   He hasn’t 

heard of a prisoner - 
About 20 wounded. 

1.53 sent Bm 307 to 2nd Div



July 3

Rockets wouldn't go.
Candles under.

Wanliss & Harvey  Wounded
Julian & Roderick

Enemy [[thompmelled?]] over wire

L Cpl Bullen. -    }
[[?]] Cpl T. Ross   }   Interviewed       
Cpl C. F. Ross      }    in [[ ?  ]]
Cpl Fulton            }

Sgt Pearce said he put bombs in dugout.


"B" Form.                                Army Form C. 3122.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message 14

JULY 3 1916
4th Infantry Brigade

Prefix    Sm      Code    RW
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
At   9MP
From   AYB
By .....................      
To ......................
By ......................
Office Stamp.

TO                4  Aus    Inf    Bde

Sender's Number.    G 705
Day of Month    3rd
In reply to Number

Message from 1st Aug [[ ? ]]  begins AAA
Altho last nights operations were not
successful as usual The Corps
Commander is well satisfied and
congratulates all ranks upon their
determined efforts which have
not been without effect on the
enemy  AAA  The Army Commander
has also expressed his satisfaction
AAA  Addressed 1st and 2nd Aust
Divs  and  NZ Div  ends addressed
4th  5th  and 6th  Aust Inf Bdes
repeated 4th Aust Div

From            2nd  Aus  Div
Time             9.55 am


JUL 3  1916
4th Infantry Brigade

4th. Aust. Infantry Brigade.

No information regarding the Raiding Party
reached me until
2.a.m.  3rd. inst.  the first being from wounded
N.C.O's. and men.

1.   The number of wounded treated at Dressing
Station was :-
2 Officers.         Lieut.A.T.Harvey. (Serious)
                            2/Lieut.J.B.Roderick. (G.S.Wd.
                             both legs).

Other Ranks.     10.

2.Missing.   1 Officer.  2/Lieut.R.D.Julian with
12 other ranks
reported by checking Officer as not having
answered the
roll call.    He is however certain that a number
of men proceeded
to to  billets by a different route.

3.   Report by Wounded man.   2/Lieut.Roderick
states that the enemy
wire was reached without any difficulty.   The
wire was not cut
and during the delay caused by this a number
of casualties
occurred - mostly by Machine Gun fire.   He
himself was wounded
in both legs there.

Sgt. Garcia states - He with a party of 4 men
after experiencing difficulty in getting through
the enemy
wire which in the section he negotiated was
untouched.   Sgt. Garcia and 2 men reached the
enemy trench
threw 6 bombs and jumped in.   The bay was
unoccupied except for
about  killed or wounded of which there were
about 6.   The next
bay to it was full.   They there met with 
opposition, bombs
being thrown at them to which they replied
with effect,
judging by the cries he states he heard.   The
part then went
down a communication trench and came to a
dug-out brilliantly
lit up.   In it were four of the enemy, two of
whom our party
had disposed of when the dug-out was struck
by a shell,
wounding Sgt. Garcia and one other man.  They
then vacated the
enemy trench.  On the return journey,
Sgt. Garcia was again
wounded in the head and leg.

No.112. Pvte.W.Pike was with Sgt. Garcia, and
his story is
similar in effect only he affirms that the
occupants of the
dug-out were Officers.

N. 2225. Pvte.H.White. states that they found
the wire un-cut
and only got through after a long struggle, of
which his hands
and face bear witness.

4.   There were no prisoners taken or loot
obtained by these men.

Chas M M Dare Lieut.Colonel.
Commanding D.57. Battalion.


3.15 a.m.

C.O. 14th  Bn

Owing to breakdown of all telephones, it
has not been possible to collect any reliable
information as to our casualties, or course
of events.
Please concert measures to let me have, at
Rolandirie H.Q., before 8 a.m.  July 3.
information on following points :-

1.   No of wounded treated at your end
with any available particulars.

2.   Names of any supposed to be 
unaccounted for . -

3.   Any information of any importance direct
or hearsay, given by
wounded men as to what happened.

4.   Were there any prisoners or loot. -

I am having similar investigations made at the
billets of the raiding party.

John Monash

Return this note with your reply. -


Lt-General Sir W.R. BIRDWOOD, K.C.S.I., K.C.M.G., C.B., O.I.E., D.S.0.,
Commanding lst Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.


215. RAID.

The Corps Commander wishes to express his
of the gallant conduct of all who took part in
the raid on the
enemy’s trenches on the night of the 2nd/3rd
July, carried out
by a party consisting of 6 officers and about 83
other ranks
of the 4th Australian Infantry Brigade.

A brief summary of the events is given below:-

The party encountered a hostile patrol
(strength 10 to 12)
in NO MAN'S LAND at the moment when our
main bombardment was
commencing;  this party was forced back into
the zone of our
fire and all of them were killed.  Great difficulty
experienced in crossing the enemy’'s wire.   Our
scouts and
some of our wounded threw themselves on the
wire and formed
a bridge for the assaulting party to cross.  The
trench was entered in spite of fierce opposition
and severe
casualties were inflicted.

Notwithstanding the loss of their officers,  the
N.C.Os  of the party carried on with coolness
and method.

It is estimated that a total of 51 of the enemy

Our own casualties were 3 officers and 20 O.R.
and 1 officer and 9 O.R. killed.

The officers of the raiding party were:-
Captain        Cox        O.C. Raid
Lieut.            HARVEY
Lieut             WANLISS
2nd Lieut.    JULIAN    (killed)
2nd Lieut     RODERICK.

The administration of the Town of BAILLEUL
taken over by 1st A & N.Z.  A. C., as from 4/7/1916.


D.A.A & Q.M.G.
1st Australian and New Zealand Army Corps

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