Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 13, 1 July - 16 August 1916, Part 12

First World War, 1914–18
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1. de tfr.m an Ang Sot 2 dant Hraps Tackan D.A.AG. £ I5 Bydr H.O. t ask tthr Hripadad tr frsint lartain infoomakein va frir bg. Gr. Canpang.- On ankring thr Steff laptain at f.m. ti the Bripadin thr litter vrert fr 7 Knvaket at sor dond o ttr Hrigadess voom, vetinoning aftes o fad ze- snant taag that thr Hrigalend kat leift eunp at 3. op.m. iaiet. fi letietrng in a motas cat urtk aome latiis. ITriltt 3).m. - Ang 3) it, B.G, Rankin ealdet tr am me. Hr ori priute rober o pesfeotfrt v nopt delang in dadleng iitt hui cane. - I posmiset tamborit 5 5 Go.2, A.l.f ang vpkaantatone thrat le zngkt tvat toalte.
NI E NTOEA IVIU NI. Gt ovd. Aug 8he Stigns O re bs G oal Melboune. Gese dhes der 22. Dofor Ronng Plosed avelvard at ovs deifoaly oi i tyle + ny de m tte ng ofes os ihnot et nill be feblilo oiet dag. At woverg Hudl of Me Bensl o d go bo tlud of ue, Hutt ptonn s g Gyvaly et wrol Bllas I dmette
AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE HEADOUARTERS. OTH IFANTRY BRIGADE, CONFIDENTIAL. 1916 örd August REPORT ON COMMANDING OFFICERS. 33rd Battalion. Lt.Col.Morshead has a good influence over his Officers and men, is respected and, I think, liked by all ranks. The Battalion is working well and the feeling throughout is good. Major Massie (2nd in 3. Command), Major Simpson (O.C. "A" Coy) and Major White (0.C. "D" Coy) are good officers. Lieut. Sorensen is a hardworking and efficient Musketry Officer. Lieut Carey (L.G.Officer) is and excellent Machine Gun Officer and I propose making him 2nd in Command B.M.G.Coy. 34th Battalion. The above remarks also apply to LT.Col.Lamb and this Battalion. Major Martin (2nd in Command) is a good officer. Major Fry (0.C. COY) has shown special ability in carrying out Musketry Range practices. 35th Battalion. It.Col. Holborow has already been reported on. The administration and the discipline of this Battalion are not at present satisfactory. Major Hunt (2ni in Command) has improved materially since landing but appears to be hampered through a lack of sympathy from his C.O. 36th Battalion. Lt.Col.Logan suffers from temperament and his Officers as a whole are not happy as he does not handle them tactfully. The training is satisfactory but there appears to be a feeling of unrest in the Battalion generally. Major Cooke-Russell (2nd in Command) is a keen officer but his C.O. is out of sympathy with him. This also applies to Major Lloyd (0.C."B" Coy)- Major Blacklow (O.C."D"Coy) Captain Wells (O.C."A" Coy) and Captain Grant (0.C."B" Coy) are good officers. Brigade Machine Captain Wells (C.O.) is doing well. As no real tun Company M.G. work has yet been done by the Company it is not possible yet to judge of the capacity of the Officers. The spirit in the Company is good. Bofebdis cen Commanding Ninth tefantey Brigade. A.L.F.
364 Srge hmnbslaneat, ofnlane, evrske Kas fühld t am-te leylkg, angratg in autwrinE. dingangtin ? Thr 1 a Skipit fneich Spralte. Sunbridled asv inter fork lnprngp. Want g tact Sønehe:- untmhävttirg Anassttodne
(Sed paoasger maskat Don. AUSTRALIAN TIP-RIAL FORGS List No. 74 APPOINTENTS TROMOT-ONS ETO.. approved by The G.O.C., Australian Imperial Force. Headquarters, Ist. A.N.Z.A.G. 5th. August 1915. DIVISTONAL STAFTS. Australian Division. Capt. A.S. LMARI, Aust. Army Pay Corps, Field Cashier, is transferred to A.I.F., Admin. Headquarters. Dated 24th. July 1916. Capt. F.H. WICKHAM, Aust. Anny Pay Corps, to be Field Cashier vice Leahy transferred. Dated, 24th. July 1916. Australian Division. The folloving is the Staff of Headquarters, 3rd. Aust. Div. Appointments, unless otherwise stated, bear date 10th. July 1916. Commander -Colonel (temp.Brig.-Gen.) v. MONAsH. C.B. V.D., from 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde. 76h. July 1916. A.D.C.- Lieut. A.C. CULMAN " E.L. SLIONSON 14th. Bettglion. A.D.C.- GENTTAL STAFF SRANCH. G.S.O.1.- Brevet Lu.-Jol. J.R.N. JACKSON, D.S.O., p.s.o. Border Regt. G.S.O.II.-Capt. (temp.Major) G.G.E. WYLLY, V.C., Corps of Guides, Indian Army. G.S.O.III.Major G.F. WOOTTED, 3rd. Bättalion. ADJUTANT ATD QVARTTRMASTER GENERAL'S ERANCH.MAYNORS FAKOAR. A.A.& d.M.G. Major (temp. Lt.-Col.) L. BaP ons, Army Service Corps. D.A.A.& Q.M.G.- Major R.E. JACKSON, 10th. Light Horse Regiment. [D.A.Q.M.G. - Capt. C.A. PYKE, A.A.S.C. Dated 5th. August 1916. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICFS & DEPARTENTS. /A.D.M.S.- Lieut.-Col. A.T. WHITE, v.D., A.A..C. D.A.D.M.S.-Major C.D. WASSELL, A.A.M.C. D.A.D.O.S. 2/Lieut. W. JACK, A.A.O.D. A.D.V.S. - Major H.A. WOOLRUFF, A.A.V.C. SPECIAL APTOINTMENT, A.P.M. Major Sir H.L. LERING, Bt. Res. of Officers. Australian Division. ith major R.S. MCCREGUR, A.A.M.C. 4th. Field Amb. to temp. act as Divisional Gas Officer pending a permenent appointment being Dated made. 25th. Ju y 1916. fication respecting this officer (This cancels the not published in List No. 69, dated 29th. July 1916.) Lieut. A.L. ROSSILER, Special Duty Officer, A.I.F., is posted eeo. for duty as Div. Gas Ollicer. Dated 7th. August 1916. PTTCADR STAFTS. 4th. Australien Infantry Brigade. tolonel temp. Brig.-Gen.) J. MOTASH, C.B., V.D., is transferred to command 3rd. Kust. Liv. Dated IOth. July 1916. Sth. Australien Anfentrø 7, Srigade. Cap., M.C. FEXRENS-CUY D.S.O., Lancashire Fuslrs. G.S.O.III. 2nd. Anzao, has been apptd. Bde. Majer vice Major Davies invalided Dated 29th. July 1916. Avc Znd. Jrd.
List No. 74 Contd. (2) 5th. Auguct 1916. LIGIT HORSA REGIMEGT. 4th. Light Horse Regiment fieut. T.w. wlLifiMS to be Capt. to complete establishment, and to continue to hold apptmt, of Adjutant. Dated 4th. July 1916. Lieut. O.W. PLEASENTS to be Capt. vice Williams. Dated 5th. July 1916. HEAVY ARTILLERY. 36th. (Aust.) Heavy Artillery Group. Major /(Hon.Lt.-C0l./ F.W. OSBORNE, R.A.G.A. is transferred to command a Training Group A.I.F., in England. Dated 29th. June 1916. Capt. G.St.J.F. McDONALD, R.A.A. to be Major vice Major (Hon.Lt. Col.) Osborne transferred. Dated 29th. June 1916. Capt. M.D. WILLIAMS, R.A.A. to be Major vice Hurst transferred. Dated 10th. July 1916. Lieut. (temp. Capt.) H.C. BUNDOCK, R.A.A. to be Capt. vice McDonald promoted. Dated 29th. June 1916. Lieut. (temp. Capt.) W. TOMKINSON to be Capt. vice Williams promoted. Dated 10th. July 1916. FIFLD ARTILLERY. lst. Australian Divisional Ertillor Lieut. C.A. RIGG is granted the temp. rank of Capt. while commanding 2nd. Battery. vice Capt. Olding, placed on the seconded list. Dated 28th. July 1916. Capt. E.A. OLDING, evacuated wounded, is placed on the seconded list. Dated 27th. July 1916. Zrd. Australian Divisional Artillery. Major B.B. CROZIER, D.S.O., R.F.A., has been appointed Brigade Major. Dated. 10th. July 1916. kc.k.A.(hi.hen Goate Australian Divisional Artillery. 4th. 166 w.O. HENRY MONTGOMERI, GRCVE from 13th. Field Ambulance to be 2/Lieut. and te be sechnded for duty at Artillery Training Depot. Dated 5th. August 1916. ENGINEERS. 1st. Australian Division. Capt. w.. JAmss from Adjutant, to command 2nd. Field Company, temp. vice Major Mather invalided. Dated 25th. July 1916. 3rd. Austragian Division. Major h.O. CL6GSTOUN, R.E. to be C.R.E. 3rd. Aust. Div. Dated 10th. July 1916. 4th. Australian Division 2/Lieut. J.w. BELL to be Lieut. Dated 23rd. June 1916. NFANTTY. 1st. Battalion. The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. 894 Serjt. WALTER ROBERT YAT 666 VALENTINE STEELE ARTHUR 712 HENRY MILLER LANSER OMAS RUSSELL BOMMI 4448 L/Cpl. WILKINSON '29 Pte. FREDERICK STOBO PHILLIPS 37 L/Cpl. ROBERT AUBUPN MILIER Major P.S.S. WOOD FOPDE, seconded list, is restored to the establishment. Lated 24th. July 1916. The undermentioned officers evacuated wounded, are placed on the seconded list. Dated 23rd. July 1916. Capt. M.W. McVLAN 2/Lieut. K.H. MCCONNEL.
List No. 74 Contd. (3) 5th. August 1916. TI -s gyVEI NED. 2nd. Battalion. The underment foned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. 613 JOHN WILFRED DABBS Semjt. 2113 W.O. FREDERICK WILLIAM BEMI CALLAWAY 2009 rjt. JOHN FRANCIS O'CO VELL ERIC MONTAGUE HILLMIN 175 DONALD HELEOD FORRES: 848 781 CECIL ALLEN PURDON 1867 C.Q.M.S.WILLIAM JAMES WALLER 23 30 R.G.M.S.CHARLES EDWARD CLARK 4539 Serjt. DONALD TEALE CAMPBELL 354 Corpl. BRUCE TASMAN BARNES from A.A.M.C. attchd 2nd. Er Battalion. Jrd TYsoN to be Capt. vice Edwards promoted. Dated Lieut. J.d. 29th. June 1916. The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. 11134 Serjt. CECIL OLBERS CLARK 1305 Arm.S.Sjt.HERBERT HILTON FERGUSSON 21044 Serjt. ROLIND BRET ALLPORT COLIN BLUMS 1488 197 C.Q.M.S. HAROLD MACKAY BISHOP 1303A T/C.Q.M.S.JOSEPH VICTOR PESTELL 2900A Serjt. HUGH DOUGLAS ROBB 924 BENJANIN CARLYLE BERRY GEOFTREY LSSLIE 148 CLIFFORD LISTER STURT 1384 EPIC RALPH SHELLEY from lst. M.G.Coy. 3130 Pte. 3034 CECIL JOHN CLIFTON 38294 FREDERICK THOMAS MAISEY 4th. Battalion. The undermentioned 2/Lieuts. to be Lieuts. R.A. MACALPINE Dated 23rd. July 1916. G.R. McKEOWN Ist. August. 1916. The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. NOEL PONER 1066 Serjt. ERIC BALFOUR COSTIN 981 301 Cpl. ANGUS SUTHERLAND ALLEN RICHARD LEONARD TURNBULL 1442 - ALBERT FREEMAN C.S.M. 3883 Serjt. SYDNEY HORACE DUTTON from lst.Aust.M.G.C. MAX ROBERT SHELLEY 3131 Pte. 8601 LOUIS LEMPRIERE AGNEN Fld.Amb. T ROBERT BUKTON B.NNS 563 Cpl. 2nd.Coy.A.A.S.C. JOHNSTONE is transferred to 46th. Battalion. 2/Lieut. Dated 4th. August 1916. Battalion. 5th. Ths undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. 1911 Sorjt. FULFOR D ALEXANDAR BECHERVAISE DAVID ROBERTSON 701 a/g.M.S. 2464 Serjt. NOHBERT JOHN TRACEY 631 Sig.Sjt. RICHARD AMBROSE CUFF 947 C.g.M.S. WALTER BRA BAZCN GRANTHAM 647 Serjt. ARTHUR GEORGE PINCHES CECIL DAVID CHAPMAN 1166 te 264 MONTAGU LDWARD THOMPSON from 2nd. M.G. Coy. THOMAS HEWITT BOYD from 6th. Bat tn. 4168 Cpl. THOMAS WILLIAM GRANT.
List No. 74 (Contd. (4) 5th. August 1916. NFANTRY COFTD) Bottalion. Sth. ühe undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. 1552 R.G.M.S. CHARLES HMARY GOUID 402 Serjt. PERCIVAL STANLET BACMMAN 134 Cpl. FREDERICK JOIN SANDITSON 276 Serjt. FRANOIS JOHN SURLLPTON 617 ALBERT GEORGE BILL 243 Cpl. EDWARD LIDDON SMITH from 2nd. M.G.Coy. 77l Battalion. The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. 415 Serit TJe. CHARLES DAVENPORT COWAN 878 C.S.M. HERBERT NIXON NCENT ROBART DICXINSON Serjt. -T DTARD LANE 380 WAS r 1516 L/Cpl. WILLLAM BOOT ERNEST GEGRGE ROBB 1075 Serit. 703 WILLIAN JAM3S STURGISS GROVE POOLE WOUD LSSLIE SADTHOUSE T Alrk 2985 491 HENRY FRANCIS O:NEILL 2542 A/Cpl. JOHN BERTRAM PLANT from 2nd. M.G.Coy. 8th. Battalio The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. FRANCIS WILLIAM GOODWIN R.S.M. 556 T/C.g.M.S. EDWARD FREEMAN 1630 Serjt. RUPERT DILLOW 1043 FRANX HICK SRUY ALSERT WATERS 409 Serjt. FRANK WILLIAM TICXIB 1037 2TI INSSTL SMITH from 2nd. M.G.C. Cpl. KEN 819 t Cpl. 6Jh. Batt. ARIAUR WILULAM COLSS ANLGY ERIK 404 Serjt. o TV FRANOIS HEMRY HOOKER 7th. 9th. Battalion. The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. WAI Serjt. R SCIPIO MACTAGGART 739 EDGAR FITZJAMES LITTLE T 292 SAAUNL AULRY MCKFNZIE 927 C.Q.M.S. THOMAS WILSON CAMERON "LEY SALISBURY 3 Serjt. RICHARD BEI 728 JAMENS WIILIAM KINT ". 428 NEISON THCMES SCRIVENER The notification of the death and striking off the strength of Lieut. P. DEVINE, published in List No. 71, dated 2nd. August 1916, is cancelled; this Officer is now reported wounded. Battalion. 10th. Laeut. H.R. HEMING to be Capt. vice Hocper killed in action. Dated 26th. July 1916. The undermentioned 2/Lieuts. to be Lieuts. Dated 8th. July 1916. H.L. BC A.H. WAIEFR The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. 748 N.S.M. DONALD O 253 R.G.M.S. JAMES DAVIDSON 598 Serjt. ERLDERICK REDERT WATSON 1457 HERBERT WALTER (RCWIE 1970 HOFACE WARNER LINCH EDGAR KENT 1036 Cpl. 447 Serjt. LINLSAY CLAUDE WICKHAM 500 AIIRED THOMAS HILL 897 THCMAS LEO COKCORAN 278 FRANK JOHN SCOTT
AUS List No. 74 (Contd) (5) 5th. August 1916. INFANTRY (CONTD. 10th. Bsttalion (Contd. The undermentioned officers are placed on the secondad list from dates shown. Major F.G. GILES evacuated Wounded 24th.July 1916. Capt. W.A. WHITBOURN 25th. Major G.B. SHAW Sick 3Oth. l1th. Battalion. Lieut. L.L. Le NAY to be Capt. vice Macfarlane killed in action. Dated 24th. July 1916. The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. 955 L/Cpl. WILLIAM THOMAS DENT-YOULG 882 Serjt. LECNARD CHARLES COOKE 1142 C.S.M. ALFRED JOHN LONG 8e8 Serjt. ROBERT BEATTIE 2911 L/Cpl. PETER WILLIAM LYONS 925 Serjt. LESLIE GORDON RICHI 1618 Cpl. CHRISTOPHER PROUT 2103 C.g.M.S. FRANK REGINALD BEASLEY 12th. Battalion. The undermantioned Lieuts. to be Capts. T.C.B. MOORE vice Margetts killed in action, Dated 24.7.15. B.J. ANDRENS Nicholas 26.7.16. The undermentioned 2/Lieuts. to be Lieuts. E.W.D. LAING Dated 12th. June 1916. L.M. NETTON July P.F. SELLICK 5th. August" The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. 1009 Serjt. JOHN ALEXANDER CAMPBELL 2611 a/R.S.M. ERIC HEURTIEY 813 C.S.M. WALTER HORACE ULGAR HALE 306 Serjt. GEORGE VAUGHAN 2564 KENNETH SAMUEL FIELD BERNARD WILSON MITCHELL 409 C.Q.M.S. ALFRED JOHN HEARPS 4371 Cpl. ALGERNON DENIS TYNAN 104 Serjt. SQUIRE WALTER DOBSON 14th. Battalion. Lieut. E.L. SIMONSON is seconded for duty as A.D.C. to G.O.C., õrd. Australian Division. Dated 10th. July 1916. 20th. Battalion. Lieut. E.S. RICHARDS, Supy. List, is restored to the establishment Dated 21.7.16. 21st. Battalion. 2/Lieut. C.H. HOLMES, Rits, is transferred to 57th. Battalion. Dated 23rd. February 1916. 2ärd. Battalion. Capt. R.F.M. SMITH to be Major temp. vice Brind, reported missing Dated 3rd. August 1916. The undermentioned Lieuts. to be Capts. temp. Dated 3rd. August 1916. P.G.R. PAEKES viee Smith promcted. T.B. FARRELL vice Kennedy reported missing. T.F. ROSSITER vice Conran wounded. The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. 179 R.S.M. IEWIN STANHOPE MADDRELL 153 c.S.M. IDNEY EODGSON 946 Serjt. ROBERT THEMAIN 523 MELVILLE CUTHBERTSON
List No. 74 Continued) (6) 5th. August 1916. INFANTRY CONTD. 25th. Battalion. The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. 509 Serjt. KILLIAN FREDERICK WAIKER 1030 CECIL ARTHUR AUCHTERLONIE 987 ES STACHAN JAl 903 GILBERT KIKKE 26th. Battalion. 1027 C.S.M. ERIC HENRY OLLEY to be 2/Lieut. Dated 5th. August 1918. Rösh. Bettalion. Lieut. C.A.M. DERHAM to be Capt. temp. vice Coats wounded. Dated 20th. July 1916. 3och. Battalion. Major R.H. BEARDSMORE is transforred to 32nd. Battalion. Dated 28th. July 1916. 32nd. Battalion. Lieut.-Col., D.M.R. COGHILL relinquished command and is transferred to A.I.F. Admin. Hdors. Dated 27th.July 1916. Major R.H. BMARDSMORE from 30th. Btn. to be Major and to command vice Lieut.-Col. Coghill. Pared 2Em Juh.g46. 46th. Stalion. 2/Lieut. J. JOHNSTONE from 4th. Battalion to be 2/Lieut. Dated 4th. August 1916. 48th. Battalion. The undermentioned reinforcoment officers have been absorbed on the strength of the battalion. 2/Lieut. A.C. MOYES,l6th. Btn.Rfts. P.J.S. RILLSTONE,Unallotted Rfts. 49th. Battalion. Reut. J.B. WALKER to be Capt. Datod 31st. July 1916. The undermentioned 2/Lieuts, to be Lieuts. Dated 31st.July 1916. E. ERETH L.DeL. GROVE J.H. WILLENBROCK 56th. Battalion. 2/Lieut. A.L. DENNY, reported died of wounds, is struck off the strength. Dated 26th. July 1916. th. Bat talion. 2/Lieut. C.H. HOLMES from 21st. Btn. Rits. is absorbed on the strength on 23rd. February 1916, and seconded to 15th. Aust. M.G. Coy. Dated 20th. Mörch 1916. 2/Lieut. C.H. HOrMMSS to be Lieut, and to remain seconded. Dated 13th. July 1916. 3311 Serjt. WILLLAM STEWART COCHRANE to be 2/Lieut. Dated 5th. August 1916. 58th. Battalion. major C.A. DENEHY is granted the temp. rank of Lieut.-Colonel while commanding the battalion. Dated 27th. July 1916. 9th. Bat talion, Major H.T.C. LAYH is granted the temp. rank of Lisut.-Col. while commanding the battalion. Dated 27th. July 1916. Lieut. K.B. MUIRSON is transferred to 15th. Aust. M.G. Company. Dated 26th. July 1916. Ma HLNE GUN CORP Australian Machine Gun Com Zrd. The undormentioned to oe 27Lieuts. Dated 5th. August 1916. 2874 C.S.M. CHARLES WRENTMORE SNELLING 694 Serjt. ORGE LUTARD JAMIESON 2812 Pte. REECE FRENCH WARREN

16.   At 4 p.m. on Aug 8/16 I sent Major Jackson D.A.A.G. to 11th Bgde H.Q.
to ask the Brigadier to furnish certain information on the M.G. Company. -
On asking the Staff Captain at 4.10 p.m. for the Brigadier the latter went to
& knocked at the door of the Brigadiers room; returning after a few moments
to say that the Brigadier had left camp at 3.30 p.m. in a motor
for Salisbury in a motor car with some ladies.
17 At 3p.m. on Aug 9/16, B. G. Rankine called to see me.   He was quite sober &
respectful & urged delay in dealing with his case. - I promised to submit
to  G.O.C., A.I.F. any representations that he might wish to make.  



The Argus Office,
Aug 1 1916
To Mrs. J Monash
Dear Mrs Monash
Thanks for having placed
enclosed at our disposal.   It is now
in type & may be in the mornings
paper of if not it will be published
next day.   It was very kind of the
General & of you to think of us, With

best wishes
Yours sincerely
Chas. P. Smith


3rd August 1916

33rd Battalion.   Lt.Col.Morshead has a good
influence over his
Officers and men, is respected and, I think, liked
by all ranks.   The Battalion is working well and the
feeling throughout is good.   Major Massie (2nd in
Command), Major Simpson ( O.C. "A" Coy ) and Major 
White ( O.C. "D" Coy ) are good officers.   Lieut.
Sorensen is a hardworking and efficient Musketry
Officer.   Lieut Carey ( L.G.Officer ) is an excellent
Machine Gun Officer and I propose making him 2nd
in Command B.M.C.Coy.
34th Battalion.   The above remarks also apply to LT.Col.Lamb and
this Battalion.  Major Martin ( 2nd in Command ) is a
good officer.   Major Fry ( O.C. "A" COY ) has shown
special ability in carrying out Musketry Range
35th Battalion.   Lt.Col.Holborow has already been reported on.   The
administration and the discipline of this Battalion
are not at present satisfactory.   Major Hunt ( 2nd
in Command ) has improved materially since landing
but appears to be hampered through a lack of
sympathy from his C.O.
36th Battalion.   Lt.Col.Logan suffers from temperament and his
Officers as a whole are not happy as he does not
handle them tactfully.   The training is satisfactory
but there appears to be a feeling of unrest in the
Battalion generally.   Major Cooke-Russell ( 2nd in 
Command ) is a keen officer but his C.O. is out of
sympathy with him.   This also applies to Major
Lloyd ( O.C."B" Coy ) - Major Blacklow ( O.C."D" Coy )
Captain Wells ( O.C."A" Coy ) and Captain Grant
( O.C."B" Coy ) are good officers.
Brigade Machine
Gun Company.   Captain Wells ( O.C. ) is doing well.   As no real
M.G. work has yet been done by the Company it is
not possible yet to judge of the capacity of the
Officers.   The spirit in the Company is good.
[[?]]  Brig. Gen.
Commanding Ninth Infantry Brigade.


Unbalanced, impulsive, erratic
has failed to earn the loyalty & respect of his
disorganization  of the Bn.
A stupid puerile squabble.
Unbridled xxx  & intemperate language.
Want of tact
[[?ruche]] :-    untrustworthy


[*See passages marked JM.*]

List No. 74
approved by
THE G.O.C.,  Australian Imperial Force.
1st. A.N.Z.A.C.
5th. August 1916.
2nd.  Australian Division.
Capt. A.S. LEAHY, Aust. Army Pay Corps, Field Cashier, is transferred to A.I.F., Admin. Headquarters.   Dated 24th. July 1916.
Capt. F.H. WICKHAM, Aust. Army Pay Corps, to be Field Cashier vice Leahy transferred.
Dated 24th. July 1916.
3rd. Australian Division.
The following is the Staff of Headquarters, 3rd. Aust. Div. Appointments, unless otherwise stated, bear date 10th. July 1916.
Commander - Colonel ( temp. Brig.-Gen. )
J. MONASH,  C.B.,  V.D.,  from 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.
A.D.C. - Lieut. A.C. COLMAN       27th. July 1916.
A.D.C. -     "       E.L. SIMONSON   14th. Battalion. 
G.S.O.I. - Brevet Lt.-Col. G.H.E. JACKSON,  D.S.O.,
p.s.c.  Border Regt.
G.S.O.II. - Capt.  ( temp.Major )  G.G.E. WYLLY,  V.C.,  Corps of Guides,  Indian Army.
G.S.O.III. - Major G.F. WOOTTEN,  3rd. Battalion.
A.A.& Q.M.G. - Major ( temp. Lt.-Col. ) J> D'E FITZ E. COKE,  H.MYNORS FARMER, Army Service Corps.
D.A.A.& Q.M.G. - Major R.E. JACKSON, 10th. Light Horse Regiment.
D.A.Q.M.G. - Capt. C.A. PYKE,  A.A.S.C. 
Dated  5th.  August  1916.
A.D.M.S. -   Lieut.-Col. A.T. WHITE,  V.D.,  A.A.M.C.
D.A.D.M.S. - Major C.E. WASSELL,  A.A.M.C.
D.A.D.O.S. - 2/Lieut. W. JACK,  A.A.O.D.
A.D.V.S. -      Major H.A. WOODRUFF,  A.A.V.C.
A.P.M.  Major Sir H.E. DERING, Bt., Res. of Officers.
4th.  Australian  Division.
Major R.S. McGREGOR,  A.A.M.C.  4th. Field Amb. to temp. act as Divisional Gas Officer pending a permanent appointment being made.
Dated  25th.  July  1916.
( This cancels the notification respecting this officer published in List No 59, dated 29th. July 1916. )
Lieut. A.L. ROSSITER, Special Duty Officer, A.I.F., is posted for duty as Div. Gas Officer.  
Dated  7th.  August  1916.
4th Australian Infantry Brigade.
Colonel ( temp. Brig.-Gen. )  J. MONASH, C.B.,
V.D., is transferred to command 3rd. Aust. Div. Dated  10th.  July  1916.

8th. Australian Infantry Brigade.
Capt. M.C. FERRERS-GUY,  D.S.O., Lancashire Fuslrs.  G.S.O.III,  2nd. Anzac, has been apptd. Bde. Major vice Major Davies  invalided
Dated  29th.  July  1916.


List  No.  74  Contd.  (2)   5th.  August  1916.
4th.  Light  Horse  Regiment.
Lieut. T.W. WILLIAMS to be Capt. to complete establishment, and to continue to hold apptmt. of Adjutant.
Dated  4th.  July  1916.
Lieut. O.W. PLEASENTS to be Capt. vice Williams.     Dated  5th.  July  1916.
36th.  ( Aust. )  Heavy  Artillery  Group.
Major  ( Hon.Lt.-Col. )  F.W. OSBORNE,  R.A.G.A.,
is transferred to command a Training Group A.I.F., in England.
Dated  29th.  June  1916.
Capt. G.St.J.F. McDONALD, R.A.A. to be Major vice Major ( Hon.Lt.-Col. ) Osborne transferred.
Dated  29th.  June  1916.
Capt. M.D. WILLIAMS, R.A.A. to be Major vice Hurst transferred.
Dated  10th.   July  1916.
Lieut. ( temp. Capt. )  H.C. BUNDOCK, R.A.A. to be Capt. vice McDonald promoted.
Dated  29th.  June  1916. 
Lieut. ( temp. Capt. )  W. TOMKINSON to be Capt. vice Williams promoted.
Dated  10th.  July  1916.
1st.  Australian Divisional Artillery.
Lieut. C.R. RIGG is granted the temp. rank of Capt. while commanding 2nd. Battery.  vice  Capt. Olding, placed on the seconded List.
Dated  28th.  July  1916.
Capt. E.A. OLDING, evacuated wounded, is placed on the seconded list.
Dated  27th.  July  1916.
3rd.  Australian Divisional Artillery.
Major  B.B. CROZIER,  D.S.O., R.F.A., has been appointed Brigade Major.   
Dated 10th.  July  1916.  to C.R.A.  ( Brig.Gen. Grimwade ).
4th.  Australian Divisional Artillery.
13th. Field Ambulance to be 2/Lieut. and to be
seconded for duty at Artillery Training Depot.
Dated  5th.  August  1916.
1st.  Australian Division.
Capt.  W.W. JAMES from Adjutant, to command 2nd. Field Company,  temp.  vice  Major Mather
invalided.    Dated 25th.  July  1916.
3rd  Australian Division.
Major H.O. CLOGSTOUN,  P.E.  to be  C.R.E.  3rd. Aust Div.     Dated 10th.  July  1916.
4th.  Australian Division.
2/Lieut.  J.W. BELL  to be Lieut.   
Dated  23rd.  June  1916.
1st.  Battalion.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. 
Dated  5th.  August  1916.
894  Serjt.     WALTER  ROBERT  YATES
666       "         ARTHUR  VALENTINE  STEELE
712        "         HENRY  MILLER  LANSER
Major P.S.S. WOOD FORDE, seconded list,  is restored to the establishment.  
Dated  24th.  July  1916.
The undermentioned officers evacuated wounded,  are placed on the seconded list.  
Dated  23rd.  July  1916.
Capt.         M.W.  McVEAN
2/Lieut.     K.H.  McCONNEL.


List  No.  74   Contd.   ( 3 )   5th.  August  1916.
2nd.  Battalion.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts.   
Dated  5th.  August  1916.
613  Serjt.            JOHN  WILFRED  DABBS
2009   Serjt.        JOHN FRANCIS O'CONNELL
175       "                ERIC  MONTAGUE  HILLMAN
848       "              DONALD  McLEOD  FORREST
781        "              CECIL  ALLEN  PURDON
4339    Serjt.        DONALD  TEALE  CAMPBELL
35a    Corpl.         BRUCE  TASMAN  BARNES from A.A.M.C. attchd  2nd. Bn
3rd.  Battalion.
Lieut. J.G.  TYSON to be Capt. vice  Edwards promoted.     Dated  29th.  June  1916.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts.
Dated  5th.  August  1916.
1113A   Serjt.           CECIL  OLBERS  CLARK
2104A   Serjt.         ROLAND  BRET  ALLPORT
1488          "             COLIN  BLUMER
197   C.Q.M.S.         HAROLD  MACKAY  BISHOP
2900A     Serjt.       HUGH  DOUGLAS  ROBB
924             "            BENJAMIN  CARLYLE  BERRY
148             "             GEOFFREY  LESLIE
1384           "             CLIFFORD  LISTER  STURT
3130         Pte.         ERIC  RALPH  SHELBY from 1st.  M.G.Coy.
3034           "            CECIL  JOHN  CLIFTON "       "        "
3829A         "           FREDERICK  THOMAS MAISEY
4th.  Battalion.
The undermentioned 2/Lieuts. to be Lieuts.
R.A.  MACALPINE    Dated  23rd.  July  1916.
G.R.  McKEOWN            "       1st.  August  1916.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts.
Dated  5th.  August  1916.
1066     Serjt.       NOEL  POWER
981          "            ERIC  BALFOUR  COSTIN
301    Cpl.            ANGUS  SUTHERLAND  ALLEN
1442        "           RICHARD  LEONARD  TURNBULL
--         C.S.M.      ALBERT  FREEMAN
3883    Serjt.      SYDNEY  HORACE  DUTTON        from 1st.Aust.M.G.C.
3131      Pte.        MAX  ROBERT  SHELLEY from
8601       "           LOUIS  LEMPRIERE  AGNEW         from 1st. Fld.Amb.
563    Cpl.          ROBERT  BURTON  BENNETT
                             from 2nd.Coy.A.A.S.C.
2/Lieut. J. JOHNSTONE is transferred to 46th. Battalion.     Dated  4th.  August  1916.
5th.  Battalion.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated  5th.  August  1916.
2464   Serjt.     NORBERT  JOHN  TRACEY
531  Sig.Sjt.      RICHARD  AMBROSE  CUFF
647     Serjt.      ARTHUR  GEORGE  PINCHES
1166           "        CECIL  DAVID  CHAPMAN
264         "          MONTAGU  EDWARD THOMPSON  from 2nd. M.G.Coy.
63           "          THOMAS  HEWITT BOYD   from 6th. Battn.
4168        Cpl.   THOMAS  WILLIAM  GRANT "     "        "


List  No. 74 (Contd.)   (4)   5th.  August  1916.
5th.  Battalion.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated  5th.  August  1916.
134    Cpl.          FREDERICK  JOHN  SANDERSON
276   Serjt.       FRANCIS  JOHN  SHRIMPTON
617        "           ALBERT  GEORGE  BELL
243   Cpl.         EDWARD  LYNDON SMITH from  2nd. M.G.Coy.
7th.  Battalion.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated  5th.  August  1916.
3   Serjt.          VINCENT  ROBERT  DICKINSON
380        "        WALTER  EDWARD  LANE
1516     L/Cpl.  WILLIAM  BOOTH
1076    Serjt.   ERNEST  GEORGE  ROBB
2886       "       ALFRED  LESLIE  SALTHOUSE
491       "          HENRY  FRANCIS  O'NEILL
2642   A/Cpl  JOHN  BERTRAM  PLANT  from 2nd. M.G.Coy.
8th.  Battalion.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated  5th.  August  1916.
1630    Serjt.       RUPERT  DELLOW
1949    Cpl.          FRANK  HICKSON
 409   Serjt.        PERCY  ALBERT  WATERS
1087        "           FRANK  WILLIAM  TICKLE
819    Cpl.            KENNETH  ANSELL  SMITH from 2nd. M.G.C.
75     Cpl.             ARTHUR  WILLIAM  COLES from 6th.  Batt.
404   Serjt.         STANLEY  BECK  from  6th  Batt.
7       "                   FRANCIS  HENRY  HOOKER  from  7th.  Batt.
9th.  Battalion.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated  5th.  August  1916.
 739       "       EDGAR  FITZJAMES  LITTLE
292       "        SAMUEL  AUBRY  McKENZIE
728      "         JAMES  WILLIAM  KING
428      "         NELSON  THOMAS  SCRIVENER
The notification of the death and striking off the strength of Lieut. P. DEVINE, published in List No. 71, dated  2nd.  August 1916, is cancelled; this Officer is now reported wounded.
10th.  Battalion.
Lieut. H.R.  HEMING to be Capt. vice Hooper killed in action.    Dated  26th.  July  1916.
The undermentioned 2/Lieuts. to be Lieuts. Dated  8th.  July  1916.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts.   Dated  5th.  August  1916.
 748   R.S.M.     DONALD  CHISHOLM
 598   Serjt.        FREDERICK  ROBERT  WATSON
1457        "          HERBERT  WALTER  CROWLE
1970        "          HORACE  WARNER  LYNCH
1036     Cpl.        EDGAR  KENT
447    Serjt.       LINDSAY  CLAUDE  WICKHAM
500        "           ALFRED  THOMAS  HILL
897       "            THOMAS  LEO  CORCORAN
278        "            FRANK  JOHN  SCOTT


List  No.  74 (Contd.)   (5)   5th.  August  1916.
10th.  Battalion (Contd.)
The undermentioned officers are placed on the seconded list 

from dates shown.
Major F.G. GILES   evacuated Wounded 24th.  July 1916.
Capt.  W.A. WHITBOURN  evacuated Wounded 25th.  July  1916.
Major  G.E.  SHAW   evacuated Sick 30th.  July  1916.
11th.  Battalion.
Lieut.  L.L. Le NAY to be Capt. vice Macfarlane killed in action.   Dated  24th.  July  1916.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts.
Dated 5th.  August  1916.
882     Serjt.    LEONARD  CHARLES  COOKE
1142   C.S.M.    ALFRED  JOHN  LONG
868    Serjt.     ROBERT  BEATTIE
2911    L/Cpl.    PETER  WILLIAM  LYONS
925     Serjt.     LESLIE  GORDON  RICHES
1618     Cpl.      CHRISTOPHER  PROUT
12th.  Battalion.
The undermentioned Lieuts. to be Capts.
T.C.B. MOORE vice Margetts killed in action, Dated  24.7.16.
B.J. ANDREWS  "     Nicholas   "          "      "               "     26.7.16.
The undermentioned 2/Lieuts. to be Lieuts.
E.W.D. LAING         Dated  June  1916.
L.M . NEWTON            "           "      July      "

P.F. SELLICK                 "         5th.  August  1916.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated  5th.  August  1916.
1009   Serjt.       JOHN  ALEXANDER  CAMPBELL
2611   a/R.S.M.   ERIC HEURTLEY
306    Serjt.       GEORGE  VAUGHAN
256A     "            KENNETH  SAMUEL  FIELD

17           "            BERNARD  WILSON  MITCHELL
4371   Cpl.          ALGERNON  DENIS  TYNAN
104   Serjt.         SQUIRE  WALTER  DOBSON
14th.  Battalion.
Lieut  E.L.  SIMONSON is seconded for duty as A.D.C. to G.O.C.,
3rd. Australian Division.    Dated  10th.  July  1916.
20th.  Battalion.
Lieut.  E.S. RICHARDS, Supy. List, is restored to the establishment.     

Dated  21.7.16.
21st.  Battalion.
2/Lieut.  C.H.  HOLMES,  Rfts,  is transferred to 57th.  Battalion.    

Dated  23rd.  February  1916.
23rd.  Battalion.
Capt.  R.F.M.  SMITH to be Major temp. vice Brind, reported missing.
Dated  3rd.  August  1916.
The undermentioned Lieuts. to be Capts. temp. Dated  

3rd.  August  1916.,
P.G.R.  PARKES     vice  Smith promoted.
T.B.  FARRELL        vice  Kennedy reported missing.
T.F.  ROSSITER       vice Conran wounded.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated  5th.  August  1916.
153     C.S.M.     SIDNEY  HODGSON
946    Serjt.      ROBERT  TREMAIN
523         "          MELVILLE  CUTHBERTSON


List  No.  74 (Continued)  (6 ) 5th.  August  1916.
25th.  Battalion.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated  5th.  August  1916.
1030        "        CECIL  ARTHUR  AUCHTERLONIE
987          "        JAMES  STRACHAN
903          "        GILBERT  KIRKE
26th.  Battalion.
1027    C.S.M.      ERIC  HENRY  OLLEY to be 2/Lieut.    Dated  5th.  August  1916.
29th.  Battalion.
Lieut.  C.A.M.  DERHAM to be Capt. temp. vice Coats wounded.    

Dated  20th.  July  1916.
30th.  Battalion.
Major  R.H.  BEARDSMORE  is transferred to 32nd.  Battalion.    

Dated  28th.  July  1916.
32nd.  Battalion.
Lieut.-Col.,  D.M.R.  COGHILL  relinquished command and is transferred to A.I.F.  Admin.  Hdqrs.      Dated  27th.  July  1916.
Major  R.H.  BEARDSMORE, from 30th. Btn. to be Major and to command vice Lieut.-Col. Coghill.      Dated 28th.  July  1916.
46th.  Battalion.
2/Lieut.  J.  JOHNSTONE  from 4th.  Battalion to be 2/Lieut.     Dated  4th.  August  1916.
48th.  Battalion.
The undermentioned reinforcement officers have been absorbed on the strength of the Battalion.
2/Lieut.  A.C.  MOYES,  16th.  Btn.  Rfts.
       "        P.J.S.  RILLSTONE,  Unallotted Rfts.
49th.  Battalion.
Lieut.  J.B.  WALKER  to be Capt. Dated  31st.  July  1916.
The undermentioned 2/Lieuts.  to be Lieuts. Dated  31st.  July  1916.
56th.  Battalion.
2/Lieut.  A.L.  DENNY,  reported died of wounds, is struck off the strength.
Dated  26th.  July  1916.
57th.  Battalion.
2/Lieut.  C.H.  HOLMES  from  21st.  Btn.  Rfts. is absorbed on the strength on  23rd.  February 1916, and seconded to 15th.  Aust.  M.G.  Coy. Dated 20th.  March  1916.
2/Lieut.  C.H.  HOLMES  to be Lieut. and to remain seconded.     

Dated  13th.  July  1916.
3311    Serjt.    WILLIAM  STEWART  COCHRANE to be 2/Lieut.     

Dated  5th.. August  1916.
58th.  Battalion.
Major  C.A.  DENEHY  is granted the temp. rank of Lieut.-Colonel while commanding the battalion.     Dated  27th.  July  1916.
59th.  Battalion.
Major  H.T.C.  LAYH  is granted the temp. rank of Lieut.-Col. while commanding the battalion. 
Dated  27th.  July  1916.
Lieut.  K.B.  MUIRSON  is transferred to  15th. Aust.  M.G. Company.     

Dated  26th.  July  1916.
3rd. Australian Machine Gun Company.
The undermentioned to be 2/Lieuts. Dated  5th.  August  1916.
694     Serjt.     GEORGE  EDWARD  JAMIESON
2812      Pte.     REECE  FRENCH  WARREN



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