Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 13, 1 June - 1 July 1916, Part 13

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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AUS WI Form Army Form G. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No od llussuge Predr. Code. m Words Charge This message is on alcof: Omce of Origin ard Service Instructions. Recdat.m. ------- ---------- Sent Date "Borvtee ................................ At. m. From. By. (Signature of "Franking Oftcer.?) By 1 T0 77 a 2. Tar Kid G.Aelogks Brsgr. 20r Dey d hone In reply to Number AAA r 2 at ore meettnd Mos Grslkad Asoe Hofatrron 10 Hend ad er edd 4 witt. konanetar GrUT erlellbagg sgetle 12 . at a O te a 5 Ba A - af Lgt 310 From Pace or Time Tile aheer nach De Fersprdeh ar serr sermancd 22) 37 5 In t A Stømature of Addressor orperson authorised to telegraph in hie dame Censor. This Hne should be erasec M not required. Ot46 -Mo0 kOo Ltd. Londom- wusonas saooon als FommaOzenn
AUS AUS INPEL - Copy x WE TH AUSTRALLAN INFANTRY BRIGADE. Was JUN25 1916 OPERATION ORDER NO. 18. wne5 4hh : ada Ref. Map 1/10,000, Sheet 38 N.W.4., 6 (Re-drawn B). 24th June 1916. Edition 1. LKTENIION.- 3 Farties composed of Officers and Other Ranks drawn from 33rd, 22nd and 24th Battalions, and 3 Covering Parties from 21st Battalion, 6th Infantry Brigade, will leave our trenches rospectively at I.20.d.8.5., I.21.c.2.7½., and I.21.c.3.8$., on a night and at a time to be notified. The 23rd Battalion will enter enemy trenches at I.26. b. 10.81., 22nd Bn. at I., and 24th Bn. at I.21.c.7.2. 2. INFORMATION.The information concerning the hostile trenches and the portion of NO MAN'S LAND to be traversed has already been oommunicated to all concerned. 3 minutes bofore zero time, i.6.- 00.00, the Artillery 3. ACTION BY will demonstrato on the enemy's trenches from I.26. BilllERT. b. 8.7. to I.21.b.4.3., including Support Lines as well as I.26.d.31.7., (special attention being paid to the main Communication trench running back from I.21.c.3.03.), and any other point on Divisional front decided upon. At zoro time (00.00) the Artillery will bombard the enomy trenches, either side of the points of entry. This bombardment will last for 5 minutes. Wire will be cut by 2" Trench Mortars opposite points:- (i) I.26.b.92.81. and 1.27.a.0..82. (ii) I. and I. gaps made. (iii) I.21.0.6f.2. and I. At 00.04 tho Tronch Mortars will commence to lift. At 00.05 the whole of the Artillery will be lifted and will then have establishod barragos beyond each point of (For details see Artillory Orders.) entry. At 00.95 the Trench Mortars will play on the onemy trench midway between the various points of entry. At 00.20 the Raiding Parties will have loft the enemy trenchos, being in not moro than 10 minutes. On the "OUT” signal boing given the Artillery will shorten on to the enemy's front parapot again. This fire, togothor with that directed on any other parts of the front, will continue until ordored to coaso by If this ordor is the 6th Infantry Brigade Commander. not received before 00.30 the Artillory firo will cease at that time. --- Composition of Partios alroady decided upon. 4. COhpopirIOR and -- Capt.A.R.L. Wiltshire, Officor Commanding Attack.- malunns 22nd Bn. -- Capt.H.M.Conran, 23rd Bn. Right (0.0., Platoon -- Lt. W. A. Cull, 23rd En. Raiding (O.C., Scouts -- Lt. A.R.Macnoil, 21st Bn. Platoon(O.C., Covering Party -- Lt. W.R.Hunter 22nd Bn. Contre (O.C., Platoon -- Lt. R.D. Fussell,22nd Bn. Raiding(O.C., Scouts - Lt. F. Sale, 21st Bn. Platoon(O.C., Covering Party - Lt. J. Carvick, 24th Bn. Left 10.0., Platoon -- Lt. A.J. Kerr, 24th Bn. Raiding(O.C., Scouts Platoon(O.C., Covering Party -- Lt. H.Sandford, 21st Bn. (5-- DUTIES.)
- 2 - Platoons will leave our trenches at 45 minutes before zero 5. DUTIES.- Scouts with 2 telephonists and 1 linesman will time. precede the platoons, laying wire as they go and taking 2 Engineers will also 1 telephone instrument forward. accompany the Scouts, carrying explosives to clear away the wire or destroy Trench Mortars or Machine Guns found in the enemy's trenches. Platoons will move forward to their respective "I positione, and from there open up telephonic communication with the O.C., Attack, who is in our trenches at I.20. d.8.53. Platoons will remain at the "LIE" positions and wait till our Trench Mortars lift at 00.04, and then move forward, the Scouts, assisted by the Engineers, will clear Telephonist with the away or cut any wire necessary. Scouts will open communication just outside the enomy's parapet. Tho various Bombing, Parapet and Blocking Parties on reach- ing the enemy's trenches will act as already ordered. They will not go more than 30 yards to either flank, or more than 25 yards down Communication Trenches. The Covoring parties will leave our trenches immediately behind their respoctive platoons, and will cover the flanks and rear while halted in NO MAN'S LAND, moving forward and then doing the same work whilo the platoons are in tho Thoy will be available to help in bringing back trenches. prisoners and wounded, and will covor their respective platoons when the latter withdraw. Four guides will follow each Covering party and act under tho order of O.C's., Covering Partios. Thoir duties will be to facilitate tho maintenance of direction by parties They will be dropped at suitable points coming back. along the line of advance. 3 Resorve parties of 1 Officer and 10 Other Ranks oach will They will remain in our trenches near the points of oxit. The be undor the order of the O.C., Attack, for any duty. The ficer will check parties going out and coming in. O.C., Attack, will be accompaniod by 2 Artillery Liason Officors. O.C., 22nd Bn., will make all arrangements for reception of casualties. 6. PRECAUTIONS.-The Platoons will assemble as follows at 9 p.m.- Right platoon at BURNT FARM. Contre platoon at DEAD COW FARM. Left platoon at RAILWAY FARM. There they will be examined in order to make sure there are no means wheroby tho onomy might discover which Unit or formation they belong to. They will have their facos and hands blackoned and will woar white bands covered loosely with dark socks which will be removed before entering enemy trenchos. 7. As already arranged. DRESS and BuDIFRENT The Code Signals notifying that the raid will take place 8. SIGNALS. will be as follows and will be sent to all concornod by Dospatch Rider on the date fixed.- "BRAND arrivos at ........ tonight, acknowledge." Zero time will be the time given in the above messago. the As soon as possible aftor roaching the "LIE" position, Platoon Commander will send the following signal message When the enemy's trenches to O.C., Attack, "ARRIVED". have been entered, the forward tolophonist will send Aftor the Platoons have left the hostile "ENTERED' trenches and have arrived at the "LIE" position "OUT" will be sent to the O.C., Attack, who will transmit it
-3 transmit it to all concerned. The Supplementary Signal 8. SIGNALS.- for "OUT" (in caso of breakdown in telephonic communioa- (Oontd). tion) will bo ono rocket giving a golden shower, and fired by O.C., Attack, and repoated from trenchos 50 and 55. Platoon Commanders, whon their men have withdrawn to places of safety from retaliation firo, will send a succession of dots by electric torch, which indicates "GEASE FIRE" All the above messages will bo chocked back and then re- peated to the Advanced Brigade Report Centre. In the evont of tolephonio communication being ineffective a torch exposed for 10 seconds from tho "LIE" position will indicate either "ARRIVED","ENTERED", or "OUT". The signal for the raiders to leave enemy's trench will be green Very Lights fired obliquely by the Platoon Commander or his representative in the direction of enomy's Support Trenches. In addition the runners will bo available to warn parties to withdraw, the word used to bo "BUNK". In dofault of any signals tho parties will loave the hostile trenches 10 minutes after entoring. As soon as tho "CEASE FIRE" signal is roceived by O.C., Attack, he will sond up two bluo rockets, this signal will be ropeated by "A" Bn., 6th Brigade, from the right of trench 57 and from RUE du BOIS Salient. Luminous tapo will bo laid for 100 yards back from the onemy's trenches aftor the platoons have enterod. The 6th Infantry Bde. Light Trench Mortar Battere will 9-ACTION OF ire on enemy's tronch from I.21.c.8.5. to I.21.b.32.2- IACHINE GUNS Details to be and from I.16.d.21.52. to I.16.d.31.6-. and LICH Tho 5th Inf. Bde. have TREI arranged by O.C., that Battery. been asked to use their light Trench Mortars against 55.. MORTA hostile trenches opposite BRIDOUX SALIENT & I.26.d.31.7. O.C., 6th M.G. Coy., will arrange overhead (indirect) fire as under: Phaso (I)- 3 minutes before 00.00 slow fire on the six Communication Trenches in I.27.a. at their respective points of exit from the enemy Roserve line to the Support line. Phase (II) "From 00.00 t0 00.05 rapid fire on targets in phase (I). From 00.05 to 00.20 lift to the 3 main Phase (III Commünication trenches at points I.,I.27.a.94.0., and I.27.b.1.1. When ordered onfilado fire will bo put on Phaso (IV) Support and Reserve trenches in I.27.a. from LILLE (5th Inf. Bde, have beon asked HE BREWERY. SALIENT and T to co-oporate with 1 Gun at NEW FARM in Phases (I) & (II), and 1 Gun at THE BREWERY in Phase (IV). 10.-COMMUNICATIONS- Special lines have been laid from position O.C., The D.T.M.O. Attack, to Advanced Brigade Headquarters. will bo with the 6th Infantry Brigade Commander at Bde. Advancod Report Centre. Prisonors will be sent back at once to Advanced Brigado 11. PRISONERS. Report Centre via WILLOW AVENUE - WELLINGTON AVENUE. Watchos will be synchronised at 6 p.m. & 10 p.m. on date 12. WATCHES. fixed. To 6th Infantry Brigade Advanced Report Centre after 10 pm. 13.REPORTS. ud Major, Copies to. Bde. Major, 6th Aus. Inf. Bde. 11. O.C., Attack. 1.Filed. 12. 21st Bn. 2.War Diary. 2nd Bn. 13. 14. 23rd Bn. 15. 24th Bn. 5) 2nd Aus.Div. Gth M.G. Coy. 16. 6th T.M.Bty. 17. Right Group,Artillery. 8.4th Bde. 18. Centre 19. 9.5th Bde. 20. Loft 10.1st N.Z.Bde ARonger B 23: CRA 22
Se annsten 54 Noere Geinde Riche Boruse de Ritzon Hots ei forzzzes fürere Boufe dese fruite Geläes
Geg and) 29161.
AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE SRORET. JUN261916 OTH AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY BRIGADE. ------------------------------------------------------------- 4th Infantry Brigade. 26th June, 1916. With reference to OPERATION ORDER No. 18 of 24/6/16, the following additions will be made.- Para. 3.- Sixth line from end of para.- after "again" add - "In the event of all communication breaking, this shortening of fire will take placo at 00. 2 OMOAN 3a.-At 00.05 Smoke will be sent: DIVERSION.- From I.15. d.4.1. to I.15. d.5.2., 120 Smoke (i) Candles, 100 P. Smoke Bombs and 30 new Army Smoko Bombs. (ii) From I.15. d.82.4. to I.15. d.10.5. 120 Smoke Candles and 100 P. Smoke Bombs. (iii) From I.18.c.3.6. t0 I.16. c.5.62, 120 Smoke Candles and 100 P. Smoke Bombs. (iv) From I. to I.16.b.0.11., 200 Candles, 200 P. Smoke Bombs. 8 cylinders of Gas, i.e. 1 for every 25 yds, will be used on this frontage. Su Major, Bdo. Major, 6th Aust. Infantry Bdo.
DIuis! Ausrpallk Sadom! Iah Divisional Headquarters, 81 25th June, 1916. AUSTRALIAN Me IMPERIAL FORCE C.R.A. -4th Aust. Inf. Bde. -do- 5th JUN251916 -do- oth 4th Intantiy ZU2. On the morning after a raid has taken place, a short report concerning the operation should be sent by brigades con¬ cerned and the C.R.A., to reach this office by 10 a.m., in order that a narrative may be forwarded on to reach Corps before mid-day. As it is customary for Brigadiers to ses the O.C. Assault and O.C. Attack soon after their return to our trenches they should be able to get all information requisite for a short report, containing such items as.- Apparent damage done by our artillery to enemy's trenches. Prisoners taken. Estimated number of enemy killed. Our own casualties, both to those of the raiding party and those in our trenches. Any variation of the original orders which it may have been found necessary to adopt to meet unforseen circumstances. The amount of ammunition expended by our artillery. Jrode hean Captain, Ceneral Staff.
.2) Fornn 2121 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No od Nlessuge Preir. Code. m Norde Charge This message is om a/cof: Omce o Origin gud Servioe Instructons Recdat. m. ------------------ -----.... Sent Date ------............. --6røvor. ....................... Ab. m. From, ------------ By (Signature of "Franking Ofcer.) ..................----- By. ...... A TO Manf ae Ao - Der a hers - B 351 AAA Hornd Ritie 2 vergg mnct føn 65 eraet a Lraasjonnd faglttaaste galttaes ad o Rilh ile3 Ars rad 2 32. Aagandig 26 tie a Had ss A6 atdeadids A ( uplan t slelidtes aa0. R l. e Lagdag et skattag aften ave An Hoo a Bhe a t Brgun te d ha From o Place Time Io TIle ahoee naah be jerserded ar sans serraacd ) a htt ........ ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. .... . . . . . . . . . .. ... Stønstefe of Atidressor or person authorised totelegraph in his ndme Censov. This Hne should be erased M nöt required. ots) Meo toa Ld Væsen wraenioå løoooa snå FommeOnannd
HEADOUARTERS, NEW ZEALADIVISION. 2 5 Tune. Skar Genenst Monsle Janchne by the Gol nder A. Cop o Paid Orden: nill gud Bleere netern asct er orr oulg copy Ohe Pris paubrenlen reich. Ihe aden are 4 Pntr as Eonprehensne as ang å have Jehs. Jalssanche a Haratene ott In de perid wohrrer igar meg heep if eges Miste. ther sets Wordens ult be sent gaschortty. oers derienet 1. 1 innde Lipg g Pait ooder ditachet wärnett Sn. Rurnd. 2 cr.

"A" Form.                               Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message____
Prefix..........   Code .....................  m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words  Charge
At ................. m.
To .................
By ..................
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd at ................  m.
Date ....................
From ..................
By ........................

TO  Capt A R COX   14th  Bn
La Rolanderie Farm

Sender's Number.    Bm 245
Date of Month     24th
In reply to Number
Instead of me meeting you at
10 am tomorrow please
report here at 9.45 am
for consultation with GOC
and artillery representative
and  Bring with you the
papers I gave you today
and Acknowledge
From           Brigade Major
                     4th  Aus  Inf  Bde
Time            4.35 pm
(Z)     JMA Durrant Major 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.


Copy No. 8
JUN 25 1916
4th Infantry Brigade
Ref. Map 1/10,000, Sheet 36 N.W.4.,
Edition 6 (Re-drawn B).
24th June 1916.

3 Parties composed of Officers and Other Ranks drawn from
23rd, 22nd and 24th Battalions, and 3 Covering Parties
from 21st Battalion, 6th Infantry Brigade, will leave our
trenches respectively at I.20.d.8.5., I.21.c.2.7½., and
I.21.c.3.8½., on a night and at a time to be notified.
The 23rd Battalion will enter enemy trenches at I.26.
b. 10.8¼ ., 22nd Bn. at I.21.c.3.0¼., and 24th Bn. at
The information concerning the hostile trenches and the
portion of NO MAN'S LAND to be traversed has already been
communicated to all concerned.
3 minutes before zero time, i.e.- 00.00, the Artillery
will demonstrate on the enemy's trenches from I.26.
b.8.7. to I.21.b.4.3., including Support Lines as well
as I.26.d.3¼.7., (special attention being paid to the
main Communication trench running back from I.21.c.3.01/8.),
and any other point on Divisional front decided upon.
At zero time (00.00) the Artillery will bombard the
enemy trenches, either side of the points of entry.
This bombardment will last for 5 minutes. Wire will be
cut by 2" Trench Mortars opposite points:-
(i) I.26.b.9¾.8¼.  and  1.27.a.0¼.8½.)     
(ii) I.21.c.2¾.0¼. and  I.21.c.3.0½.       )    and gaps made.
(iii) I.21.c.6¾.2.  and  I.21.c.7¼.2.          )   
At 00.04 the Trench Mortars will commence to lift.
At 00.05 the whole of the Artillery will be lifted and
will then have established barrages beyond each point of
entry. (For details see Artillery Orders.)
At 00.05 the Trench Mortars will play on the enemy trench
midway between the various points of entry.
At 00.20 the Raiding Parties will have left the enemy
trenches, being in not more than 10 minutes.
On the "OUT” signal being given the Artillery will
shorten on to the enemy's front parapet again.
This fire, together with that directed on any other parts
of the front, will continue until ordered to cease by
the 6th Infantry Brigade Commander.  If this order is
not received before 00.30 the Artillery fire will cease
at that time.
Composition of Parties already decided upon. ----

Officer Commanding Attack.-  --Capt. A.R.L. Wiltshire,  22nd Bn.
Right     (O.C., Platoon --Capt. H.M. Conran,  23rd Bn.
Raiding (O.C., Scouts --Lt. W.A. Cull,  23rd Bn.
Platoon (O.C., Covering Party -- Lt. A.R. Macneil, 21st Bn.
Centre   (O.C., Platoon --Lt. W.R. Hunter, 22nd Bn
Raiding (O.C., Scouts -- Lt. R.D. Fussell, 22nd Bn.
Platoon (O.C., Covering Party  --Lt. F.Sale, 21st Bn.
Left         (O.C., Platoon --Lt. J. Carvick,  24th Bn.
Raiding (O.C., Scouts  --Lt. A.J. Kerr,  24th Bn.
Platoon (O.C., Covering Party --Lt. H. Sandford, 21st Bn.

(5.- DUTIES.)


- 2 -
5. DUTIES.- 
Platoons will leave our trenches at 45 minutes before zero
time.  Scouts with 2 telephonists and 1 linesman will
precede the platoons, laying wire as they go and taking
1 telephone instrument forward.  2 Engineers will also
accompany the Scouts, carrying explosives to clear away the
wire or destroy Trench Mortars or Machine Guns found in
the enemy's trenches.
Platoons will move forward to their respective "LIE"
positions, and from there open up telephonic communication
with the O.C., Attack, who is in our trenches at I.20.
d.8.5½.  Platoons will remain at the "LIE" positions and
wait till our Trench Mortars lift at 00.04, and then move
forward, the Scouts, assisted by the Engineers, will clear
away or cut any wire necessary. Telephonist with the
Scouts will open communication just outside the enemy's
The various Bombing, Parapet and Blocking Parties on reaching
the enemy's trenches will act as already ordered.
They will not go more than 30 yards to either flank, or
more than 25 yards down Communication Trenches.
The Covering parties will leave our trenches immediately
behind their respective platoons, and will cover the flanks
and rear while halted in NO MAN'S LAND, moving forward and
then doing the same work while the platoons are in the
trenches. They will be available to help in bringing back
prisoners and wounded, and will cover their respective
platoons when the latter withdraw.
Four guides will follow each Covering party and act under
the order of O.C's., Covering Parties. Their duties will
be to facilitate the maintenance of direction by parties
coming back. They will be dropped at suitable points
along the line of advance.
3 Reserve parties of 1 Officer and 10 Other Ranks each will
remain in our trenches near the points of exit. They will
be under the order of the O.C., Attack, for any duty. The
Officer will check parties going out and coming in. The
O.C., Attack, will be accompanied by 2 Artillery Liason
O.C., 22nd Bn., will make all arrangements for reception of
The Platoons will assemble as follows at 9 p.m.-
Right platoon at BURNT FARM.
Centre platoon at DEAD COW FARM.
Left platoon at RAILWAY FARM.
There they will be examined in order to make sure there
are no means whereby the enemy might discover which Unit
or formation they belong to. They will have their faces
and hands blackened and will wear white bands covered
loosely with dark socks which will be removed before
entering enemy trenches.
As already arranged.
8. SIGNALS. - 
The Code Signals notifying that the raid will take place
will be as follows and will be sent to all concerned by
Despatch Rider on the date fixed.-
"BRAND arrives at ........ tonight, acknowledge."
Zero time will be the time given in the above message.
As soon as possible after reaching the "LIE" position, the
Platoon Commander will send the following signal message
to O.C., Attack, "ARRIVED". When the enemy's trenches
have been entered, the forward telephonist will send
"ENTERED". After the Platoons have left the hostile
trenches and have arrived at the "LIE" position "OUT"
will be sent to the O.C., Attack, who will
transmit it 


8. SIGNALS.-  (Contd).     
transmit it to all concerned. The Supplementary Signal
for "OUT" (in case of breakdown in telephonic communication)
will be one rocket giving a golden shower, and fired
by O.C., Attack, and repeated from trenches 50 and 55.
Platoon Commanders, when their men have withdrawn to
places of safety from retaliation fire, will send a
succession of dots by electric torch, which indicates
All the above messages will be checked back and then 
repeated to the Advanced Brigade Report Centre. In the event
of telephonic communication being ineffective a torch
exposed for 10 seconds from the "LIE" position will indicate
either "ARRIVED", "ENTERED", or "OUT".  The signal for
the raiders to leave enemy's trench will be green Very
Lights fired obliquely by the Platoon Commander or his
representative in the direction of enemy's Support Trenches.
In addition the runners will be available to warn parties
to withdraw, the word used to be "BUNK".
In default of any signals the parties will leave the
hostile trenches 10 minutes after entering.
As soon as the "CEASE FIRE" signal is received by O.C.,
Attack, he will send up two blue rockets, this signal will
be repeated by "A" Bn., 6th Brigade, from the right of
trench 57 and from RUE du BOIS Salient.
Luminous tape will be laid for 100 yards back from the
enemy's trenches after the platoons have entered.
The 6th Infantry Bde. Light Trench Mortar Batteries will
fire on enemy's trench from I.21.c.8.5.  to I.21.b.3½.2¾.
and from I.16.d.2¾.5½.  to  I.16.d.3¼.6¼. Details to be
arranged by O.C., that Battery. The 5th Inf. Bde. have
been asked to use their light Trench Mortars against
hostile trenches opposite BRIDOUX SALIENT & I.26.d.3¼.7.
O.C., 6th M.G. Coy., will arrange overhead (indirect)
fire as under:
Phase (I)- 3 minutes before 00.00 slow fire on the six
Communication Trenches in I.27.a.  at their respective
points of exit from the enemy Reserve line to the
Support line.
Phase (II) -"From 00.00 to 00.05 rapid fire on targets
in phase (I).
Phase (III) - From 00.05 to 00.20 lift to the 3 main
Communication trenches at points I.27.c.1.9., I.27.a.9½.0.,
and I.27.b.1.1.
Phase (IV) - When ordered enfilade fire will be put on
Support and Reserve trenches in I.27.a.  from LILLE
SALIENT and THE BREWERY.  5th Inf. Bde, have been asked
to co-operate with 1 Gun at NEW FARM in Phases (I) & (II),
and 1 Gun at THE BREWERY in Phase (IV).
Special lines have been laid from position O.C.,
Attack, to Advanced Brigade Headquarters. The D.T.M.O.
will be with the 6th Infantry Brigade Commander at Bde.
Advanced Report Centre.
Prisoners will be sent back at once to Advanced Brigade
12. WATCHES.- 
Watches will be synchronised at 6 p.m. & 10 p.m. on date 
To 6th Infantry Brigade Advanced Report Centre after 10 pm.
EC Plant
Bde. Major, 6th Aus. Inf. Bde.
Copies to. -

  1. Filed.
11. O.C., Attack.
2. War Diary. 12. 21st Bn.
3) 13. 22nd Bn.
4) 14. 23rd Bn.
5) 2nd Aus. Div. 15. 24th Bn.
6) 16. 6th M.G. Coy.
7) 17. 6th T.M.Bty.
8. 4th Bde. √ 18. Right Group, Artillery.
9. 5th Bde. 19. Centre    "            "
10. 1st N.Z. Bde.  20. Left         "            "
  21 } C.R.A  
  23:- 4th Pioneer Bn

Erquinghem - Lys 
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
Potage Esope
Coeur de Ninon
pois et pommes fermiere
Coupe aux fruits
N'a foo

24th June 1916


M M [[Podanet?]]


JUN 26 1916
4th Infantry Brigade.
26th June, 1916.
With reference to OPERATION ORDER No. 18 of
24/6/16, the following additions will be made.-
Para. 3.- Sixth line from end of para.- after "again" add -
"In the event of all communication breaking, this
shortening of fire will take place at 00. 22."
3a. -At 00.05 Smoke will be sent:
(i) From  I.15. d.4.1.  to  I.15. d.5.2.,  120 Smoke
Candles, 100 P. Smoke Bombs and 30 new Army
Smoke Bombs.
(ii) From  I.15. d.8½.4.  to  I.15. d.10.5.  120 Smoke
Candles and 100 P. Smoke Bombs.
(iii) From  I.16.c.3.6.  to  I.16. c.5.6½,  120 Smoke
Candles and 100 P. Smoke Bombs.
(iv) From  I.16.c.9.9.  to  I.16.b.0.1½.,  200 Candles,
200 P. Smoke Bombs.  8 cylinders of Gas,
i.e. 1 for every 25 yds, will be used on this
EC Plant   Major,
Bde. Major, 6th Aust. Infantry Bde.
Bm 259*] 


Divisional Headquarters,
25th June, 1916.

G 3/9

JUNE 25 1916
4th Infantry Brigade
4th Aust. Inf. Bde.
5th          -do-
6th          -do- 
On the morning after a raid has taken place, a short
report concerning the operation should be sent by brigades 
concerned and the C.R.A., to reach this office by 10 a.m., in order
that a narrative may be forwarded on to reach Corps before mid-day.
As it is customary for Brigadiers to see the O.C.
Assault and O.C. Attack soon after their return to our trenches,
they should be able to get all information requisite for a short
report, containing such items as.-
Apparent damage done by our artillery to enemy's trenches.
Prisoners taken.
Estimated number of enemy killed.
Our own casualties, both to those of the raiding party
and those in our trenches.
Any variation of the original orders which it may have
been found necessary to adopt to meet unforseen
The amount of ammunition expended by our artillery.
Brodie Wall
General Staff. 


"A" Form.                                 Army Form G. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message...
Prefix                      Code            m.
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words  Charge
At ..................  m.
To ...............
By ..............
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd at .....................  m.
Date ....................
From ..................
By .........................
TO                  OC   4th  Field  Company
Sender's Number    Bm 251
Date of Month      25th
In reply to Number
Would very much like you to erect a
bayonet fighting gallows at La
Rolanderie Farm tomorrow  aaa
I wish to see you regarding
attaching two of your men to
the special party under Captain
Cox for demolitions  aaa
Will call at your headquarters
shortly after 9.30 am tomorrow
on the chance of seeing you.
From    Brigade Major
               4th  Aus  Inf  Bde
Time      9.30pm
(Z)         JMA Durrant  Major
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name. 


25 June.
Dear General Monash
I enclose by the GOC's order
a copy of Raid Orders: will you
please return it as it is our only copy
of this particular raid. The orders are
I think as comprehensive as any I have
seen. I also enclose a 'narrative' of the
xxxx raid which you may keep if you
Other sets of orders will be sent you shortly.
Yours sincerely
N.R Pinwill 
Copy of Raid orders detached & returned to 
Gen Russell. 27/6/16

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