Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 12, 2 May - 31 May 1916, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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No. 115 GENERAL ROUTIRE ORDERS GENERAL Sir A. J. MURRAY, K.C.B., K.C.M.G, C.V.O, D.S.O., Commander in Chief, Egyptian Expeditionary Force. GENERAL HEADOUARTERS, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 27th May, 1916. ADUUTANT GENERALS RRANOH. 1287.— Fermits to Enter Port Said and the Canal Lone. By the Proclamation under Martial Law dated 18th May, 1916, which cancels the notices or proclamations of January 18th, and March 11th, and April 15th, 1916, no persons other than soldiers in uniform are permitted to enter or to leave the Canal Lone or to enter or to leave Port Said, whether by rail or otherwise, unless they are in a possession of a permit. Copies of this proclamation have been issued to all concerned. I.—In accordance with para 6 (a) of this proclamation the following officers or officers of their staffs are authorised to issue and sign such permits, which will invariably bear the office stamp of the Provost Marshal or of an Assistant Provost Marshal, and will be obtainable from the Provost Marshal, G.H.Q., or from an Assistant Provost Marshal. The Provost Marshal, E.E.F. The Provost Marshal, Canal District. An Assistant Provost Marshal. The O.C. Troops at posts and stations where an A.P.M. is not available, who will certify on the permit that no A.P.M. is available at his post The Administrative Commandants at PoRT SAID, ISMAILIA, and SUEL. 6. Officers of the Egyptian Labour Corps, imperial Camel Corgs, and Camel Transport Corps for men serving under or employed by them only. Inspector General of Communications. 8. Director of Works, Cairo. 9. Director of Supplies and Transport. All permits signed by other officers than the above are invalid. If any permits are found to be signed by officers not authorised to do so, the matter will be reported to D.A.G., G.H.Q., to whom all irregular permits will be forwarded. The printed form of permit, on red paper, will invariably be used II.—Egyplians serving under or employed by Officers of the Camel Transport Corps, imperial Camel Corps, or Egyplian Labour Corps proceeding from the Canal Lone on leave to places in Egypt outside the Canal Lone will always be escorted to LAGAzIG by a Police Officer or N.C.O., who will be provided by the officer who despatches the leave party with a permit to leave the Canal Lone. This permit must state the number of men in the party. On arrival at LAGALIG, the finger-prints of each man in the party will be taken by the Officer or N.C.O. in charge, who will return with the Enger-prints to the Officer of the Camel Transport Corps, imperial Camel Corps or Egyplian Labour Corps by whom the party was despatched, after instructing each man at what date and time to reassemble at LAGAzIG for return to duly at the expiration of their leave. The Officer by whom the leave was granted will then make arrangements for the party to be met on the day named by a Police Officer or N.C.O., who will check the finger-prints of the men returning, with those taken previously, and will obtain from the Police Authorities at LAGAzIG a permit to enter the Canal Lone for as many men as have reported themselves. The party will then be conducted back to their duty within the Lone. in the case of abcentees, their names and finger-prints will be left with the Police Authorities at LAGAZIG, who will be given orders to forward to their destination such men as present themselves for entry into the Lone, after taking their finger-prints and comparing them with the prints lett in the possession of the Police. The permit forms can be obtained from the Provost Marshal, G.H.Q., or from an A.P.M., whose office stamp they will bear. III.—The following are the only exceptions to the order that all persons entering or leaving Port Said must have a permit to do so. (a) Employes of the Suez Canal Company and members of their households who are in possession of the Company's permanent pass or of the Company's occasional railway pass, issued to them by the Suez Canal Company, specimens of which have been issued to all concerned. (6) From Kantara and from stations North of Kantara all holders of the green permit to enter 4 camp will be allowed to travel to Port Said and return thence on production of this permit, pro vided that the holders photograph is affixed to the permit, and that his identity certificate (315543) (form 56) has been lodged with the A.P.M. who issued the permit. 1288.—Cemsor Stamps. I is notified for information that all Censor Stamps, except the Triangular Pattern and the Indian Pattern which is in use in the Indian Expeditionary Force ?Et have been withdrawn from use within the limite of the (B/4449.) Egyplian Expeditionary Force. 1289.—Returms—R.A. Personnel. The Units of Officers and other ranks of the Royal Artillery will be given in all medical and other returns, casually reports, etc. II is not sufficient to describe such personnel as belonging to R.H.Ar, R.F.A, or R.G.A. as the case may be. Neglect to give the proper unit to which they belong is a source of much inconvenience and unnecessary (B16334, clerical labour, and care will be taken in all cases to insert the proper unit -JOHN ADYE, Major-General, Deputy Adjutant General, E.E.F. OUARTERMASTER GENERALS RRANGH. 1230.— Forage. With reference to G.R.O. 751, the millet ration for Egyptian Camels, riding and transport, is increased (S.383/19) from 816s. to 101bs. 1291.—Tentage— Issue of Any tents required for use of native personnel of the Camel Transport Corps or Egyptian Labour Corps, (OC/2813) will be issued on the scale of one circular single tent per 12 men. WALTER CAMPBELL, Major General, Deputy Quartermaster-General, E.E.N.
27//2 supperted comprating Hights thee E Sippt 4th Lujanky Brycde 4th Bryaor Machine fem Company 26 Company Deassioral Frain (from Abassia) Fud artellery Byan 4 Fueb Coq. R.E 4 Feet Auetulance and Sanitary dection. Headrarters. 4 De Train 5 Depot Dulty, Supply a (19t direct pr tilel rehii) 10 follow 1s Feight Divisionel Head)nerfees Dursional Artiller Divisional Engineer 11 Divisional Segnal Company. VV. Cable Section (Direct from Tanrailia 4 Dussional Cavally 4 Cyclisk Company. 2 Hight 12 Iufanty Bryade 12 Bryaor Macham fun Company 27 Company Durseosal Train (from Abrosia) t 12 Feno artilley Bryare 12 Feeto Coy Re 12½ Feeld Aubulance Hourtyer Bryade 24 Pioneer Ballt
32 Flight 13th Iuf 2 Briad 13th Bryade Nachene yeur Company Headpatters company Du Prain 3Field Arkelley. Bryade 10:5 13 Feeto company Enqueers 134 field ambulance To follow 3r Hlight Dac 4th Inobile Vetermay Section 7th Company Dursional Frain. workshop for motor Autalance cars Direct from Caus) Field Butchery Daas Suly, Myn foid, APM, Capt Pake, 2 RrO½ Hyat Unknown 4c Ferl Bakery (direct pom [Pil il kebin) Aut 4Di Zuganky Base Depot (direct from Til el Relief 4 Aurt Do Record Section (direct from Alexandria)
5. N.B. Issued with FOURTh AUSTRLLAY LTYWTRY BRIEADE Bde. Routine Ord. No. 517 of 27.5.18 OTERMITON SSHTIL ONRS In anticipation of the promulgation of Revised Operation Standing Orders, the following arrangements for Transport on Line of March come into effect at ence. PTRST LITE TRANSPORT The bulk of the First Line Traneport will usually march brigaded, as bereunder: He will A Commander for the brigaded portion will be named. 2. usually be one of the Transport officers of Battalions, selected in order of seniority, as available. The Transport Officers and Sergeants of Units must render him every assistance. He is responsible for narch discipline and order of march. The same offieer will usually be in command of the Brigade amnmunition Reserve. First Line Transport will march in the following manner to in Twe M.G. Waggons (al. In rear of each Battalion :- order Two S.A.A. do. Maltese Cart I named. (D). In rear of whole column in successive groups -(the vehicles of each group marching in the same order as the units) thus :- CROUP A. Brigade Amnunition Reserye :- Three S.A.A. wassons per unit. Two Tool waggons per Unit - followed by GROUP B. Tools. Brigade Tool Reserve (two G.S. waggens) Water Carts) in order named, in CRourC. Sundry erder of Units. Meas Carts Cookers Spare animals) NOTK :- Brigade Cook’s Cart marches at the head of Greup C. Machine Gun Coy’s. vehicles march with the Company except that its water cart and cooker march in Group in its correct erder of march. Company Ammunition Parks march in rear of their Companies. when otheryUnits are attached to the Brigade, their 1st. Line Traneport confarms in every way to above, as if the attached Units were a part of the Brigade. - A11 Transport Officers and Sergeants, and all officers of Units liable to be detailed as Transport Officers must have in their possession and earried on the person (a). A copy of this order (6). A copy of the Register of First Line Transport issued with B.O. Nc. 511. The prescribed order of march of vehicles should be committed to memory by these officers. Atasent Major. Brigade Major, 45h. Aust.Inf. Bde. O0
SECEET. C.R.R. 2717. 3 TN1 43 W SEYPSPM. O B 1. The ombarkation of tho 4tn Australian Division will corierce at Alokandria on Juno lst 1913, with 3 ships of the lst Flight, For which berthing allotments and train timings are attacied. The troods to Orbart aro :- 4th Infantry Brigado. 4th Brigade Machine Gun Company. 2Stn Cowany Australian Arny Service Corps (From Abbassia) 11th Hiold Artillery Brigade. Atn Fiold Company R.E. 4th Fiold Anbulance. Sanitary Section. Head Quartors Divisional Train. 5 Devot Units of Supply (one of which from Tel-el-kebir). Einbarkation allotments mist be adhered to. No altoration in train timings can be allowod. Tea will be the first meal issued on board ship on the day of embarkation; units ombarking will therefore hare with thom the unoxpired portion of the days ration. rents will not be taken-they will be loft standing--tent Geg bags to be neatly placed inside. 40 Four copies of special ombarlation roturns and four copios of nominal rolls of those ombarking will be required by the Enbarking Staff Pficer. 50 The vehicles of each unit should be cloarly marked in chalk with the name of the unit, oach part of tho linberod wagons boing so markod; and they should as far as is possible consistont with tho econonical use of spaco on the flat train, be loaded so that the vohicles of each unit are koot togethor. A conduoting party of 1 N.C.0. and 2 mon from oach Unit will travel with this train. Special dumping grounds have been propared at the New Siding botwoen Serapeum Wost and Lo.S Siding. Notice boards giving nanes of Units of lst Flight (Artillery excepted) aro being erected. All Kits and bazzago will be stacked on the respective dumps under arrangoments of tho a(D.A.Q.M.G., and an Intraining officer to bo detailed by oach Unit in First Flightf thesg Officers to report to a D. A. Q.H.G. Ft 0930 tonorrOA Di. H.l The vehioles of all Units in lst Flight (Artillery excepted) will bo massed at No. 10 Dump. A plan of Dumps will Do given to Entraining frioers. only tochincal storos and oquipmont should be loaded on vehicles whon ontrained. r. 24 hours notico must be givon to the S.T.o. for all transport ro- Regimental Transport officers will be rosponsible & Except nquirements& For conducting Vohicles and Rogimental Baggage to Dunp. All mnay af paggago and vehicles must bo at Dumps by 1000 on 3lst Hay.
PACE 2. 8. All Daggage will be guarded unor recinortal arrangements. Arrangenano on orrtraining tho Artillory will bo made by the C.D.A. - 10rach Onit will bo at the station f hour before the time the train 1s roady for loading as shown in attachod table. 11. No Divicional Train trarsport will bo available for carriage of nens’ Rits to the Dumps. 12. 1 blankot and 1 waterproor shoot per men will be takon. 23. All helmets will be returned to Ordnanco the ovening boford doparture of a Unit. 14. Mon undergoing Field Rinishment will be roturned to thoir Units under arrangements to be made by the A. P.Mcon tho day of departure of a Unit, the balanco of the Field Rmishmont being carriod out Regimentally. Tho Foot police of Units will be returned to Unite at the sametimc. 15. No kit-bags whatever are to be taken to Franco excopt those for returning the Knaki drill clothing in. Definito orders have boon roceived from France that no Fit-bags aro allowed with tho trcops. Thoy will thereforo dly be taken to the port of disombarkation for the above purpose and returned to Esypt. 16. caro should be taken that no mon of other units embark with the Division. Headquarters, (s8d) E. ARISTRONG, Liout-Colonel, 2Or MAY, 1913. A.A. & RoHobes Ath AUSTRALLAN DIVISION. -
Cable Code C Actual Message 1. It is probable that I shall embark I arrived safely In the same ship as Bde.H.Q. It is protable that I shall go in all well a ship i advance of the Brigade. 3. I expect to embark an pu1. Received one letter 4. I expect to embark on June 1 received two letters 5. I expect to embark on June 2 Reseived there letters 6. I expect to embark after June ? Received four letter 7. Have ascertained that Brigade I Received five leter repers will embark on June 1 Received six letter paper di di on June 2 d di after June 2 Received seven letter paper 10. bure destination ios England, not trane Good luck. to show that the Message is in code syn as "Captain Locke of signed merely Locke it means it is not a code message. Dont put Code & Ordinary in the same telegram. M 28/5/16
3.1 5 23M MAVESIIS 4th intantry Erigads.) Copy oon SAU 2FH. A0 3 TP A T IAN DIYL S T OONE Hoadquartors, B5th. May 1916. In the absence of instructions from olscwhore, the G.O.C. wishos to impross on all who may be O's.T. Troops on any ship, the nocosnity for assisting in the protection of the vessel they may be on. The following moasuros are suggosted i- (a) A look out Sentry with good glasses, on both sidos of the vessol, fore as woll as aftr 1.e. 4 sontries, all on top dooks, night as well as day; to be relioved overy hour. (D) Tyo iachino Guns, if available, with minimum crows alongside thom, to be postod by advice of master of vossol; ono on each sido of vessol. (c) A guard on each side of the vessol, of say 12 mon, under an N.C.O. with fiold glasses, to be posted near two of the sontrios montioned in (a) above - under advice of master of vessol - roady to open firo at once; to be rolioved every 19 hours. All the above to be frequently visited by Orderly Officer, Wear who should always(fiold glasses. The above instructions are only of a genoral nature and are not moant to supersede the orders given by anyone in authority on the spot. ODaniee Lieut-Colonel. G.S. 4th. Australian Division. G.S. File Copy No. 1 2-6 C.DoKo C.D.E. 8-12 4th. Infantry Brigide 13-17 1th. 16-22 I5th. Pioncer Battalion O.C. Divisional Train 24. 25. Retainod.
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