Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 12, 2 May - 31 May 1916, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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H.C.Co One seation with 16th Br ts sestin with B one sectin in Reserve Reseives Reconnoita for concealment & dig in took in lines. (Hattalim Mass) 14th send an office to Hyde 4 8 16th Batt. diect attack Ado 10e taptore 13th a Envelop left Flank Dig in when checked. Signate Disth Follonr 16th 1754 only Fosition of H.Q. Frequent & Ample Reports - both posituve & negative 74-16 IN.C.o. V20 or Canseway
LOTT O AO ASTMHINNTOO ALDLAADUUAEEERSRE; Nee SECRET. QeRed. 1914. With reforence to the following lotter - 1. Commanding officers will be hold personally rosponsible that no oxplosivos are oither taken or introduced into the Rits of the men or into any stores or vehicles which are taken. 2. No article, however omall, will be left unguarded from the time that the baggago is stacked or loaded in Camp until it is stowed 17 the Traneport. Cain 3. Brery truck on the railway, including vehicle trucks, will be guarded in such a way that it io imposeible for anyone to tamper with it. Guards will be told off before hand to at onco mount on arrival of the train at place of dotrainment, and guard, not only the Dagsago whilst on the train, but whilst it is being taken to the ship. SECRET. Hoadquarters, MOR.A.L.MO Information has been recoived from the British Expeditionary Forco that Explosivos have been found in the Baso Kits of the lst A. C N.L. Army Corps on thoir arrival. Those oxplosivos are presumed to have been placed in the kits in this country. Thoro is as yet no further information to hand, but it appears 1Do probablo that this was done at the Fort of Embarkation in Esypt. It is important therefore, that when Orders are roceived to move overseas, most stringent instructions should bo issuod by you to the offect that all baggage of whatever description should be adequately guarded while in transit to the port of embarkation, and while in the dock before being loaded into a Transport. is stackod before entraining, to the time when it is finally atowed on Fron the time when baggage a transport, it should be continually under observation to ensure that no unauthorised porson has access to 1t. 23/5116. (sed) D. HacLEOD, Captain, for D.A.G., G.H.d. clerius trong. out colone. Hoadquarters, 26th MAY. 1918. A.A. E Q.M.Go, 4th AUSTRALLAN DIUISION.
MOTE OF Ath AUSTRALIAN DIVLSION. aaDaDD No.4. SOA C.A.Q. 1918. (1). Roference to C.A.2.19, No.2, para.Il. It has now been devided that all troops will embark in Kheki drill and felt hats - not helmets. All holmets are to be collected boforc doparture and handed to D.A.D.O.S., Serapeum. Instructions as to handing over will be issued later. (2). It is presumod that all Kit bags have been marked. Hoadquarters, Carius tror Lieut- Colonel, 26th MAY, 1916. A.Ac E. dole Gos 4th AUSTRALLAN DIUISION.
X SECRET. C.R. 13930/0/2 ww- Train Allotmont No.1. TRATY ALLC FTS. for the novo of to FTRSI TLIGHT - 4th AUSTRILLAN DIVLSION From Sorapoun Sidins. aww a LL OF tlOr TOr 32-- Unit. COFS. RanES CeS Ga70. nwawaa wwa 1NR 22A.EOT HLLLEEgD. 15t FaLn.NO.S Tons. 4th Inf.Bdo. H.Q., 15 TRLISTLYLILA. do. 23 HAVE 79R. 4th Bdo. M.G.Connany, 40 10 10 HATERTORD. 133 do. GUADl. 4th Fiold Coy., R.E., 12 18 HATERFORD. do. 290 CUTLDA. Sanitary Soction, HAUERFARD do. 25 CATADL. 4th Tield Ambce. 100 15 HAYERFORD. do. 138 CANADA. H. Q.Divnl. Train, HAYERFORD. 1771- do. GANADA. 18th D. J.S. 25 TRANSELNANTA. 7th D.U.S., p TRRADLIS ATLA. 13th D.J.S., 23 HLAYERTORD. 20th D.U.S., HATERFORD. - 22353 32 End. Train, No. 23ON 743, FO! TRANSTENNTIA. 13th Sattalion, 25 332 25 do. 10 21 HAYTRFORD. - 2 25 Erd Tharz, Eo. 33 33 2ATTAT, EOr CA 15th Battalion, 991 25 do. HAVERFORD. - 33 29125 2th Praln NOPPESPOS FOF TRASTE 7274 14th Battalion, 321 25 do. 10 22 HAYERFORD. - 322 Eth prain, EWaPTOTA EOY N 15ta Battalion, 25 373 25 do. 118 21 HAVERFORD. 30 731 22 3th Train, Flats No.EOPTIL ForI Velliclos of all Units 54 Flats. 56 Limbered wasons; entraining at 27 Four-Wheeled voh. Serapoum Siding: 31 Two-Wheeled veh. aCMeeM
40 SECRET. MMMMAME C.R. 18930/2/2. Train Timings No.1. FROH SERAEEUH SIDING TRA LN FI LNGS. for the move of the 4th AUSTRALLAN DIUISION. on the night of May 31 (June 1st, 1916. LCLUAUAAEELIIIAEAAYEYYE CCLLCUUAUAAUABRAAAURMAMUERMAMAAMMQAAAMMAAAAAAAAAQAMDEAALADE mm- No. of Loading Time train Time leave Train. Type Station ready for loading Dostination. Arrivo Loading AAULUAERAARERAMO 8t OMD 8281739A Energency SERAPEUM May 3ist. GABBARY GUAYS. June 1st SIDING. 1438 1845. HAVERPORD 0100 8304/743 Bmorgoney do. 1715 1848.1130 TRANSYLWANIA 0245 8324/747 Energenoy do. 1915 20402210 OANADA. 0445 8381703 Energoney do. 2110 2240 TRANSYLYANIA 0845 53 8404/707A Emorgoncy do. 2310 TRANSYLYANIA 0916 June 131 802/7114 Flats, 34. do. 0110 0310 HAVERFORD 1115. aCMEMMEMMLDL
A05 SEOR ET.MeW 000-0 OR 18930/2/2 Tableal. anmnwaE OIN Fr F M DF FOVAH. ME. OEM To Enbark Aloxandria lst June 1916. aewwwe ALLOTIEEE BERTFIFG ACCOEIODATEAI. OF aannaLDL H.ETRarOTY HET.HAVEREOFD. H.T.CINADA. A UNLT. Offi- Other Offi- Other HoP- offi- Other cers. Ranks. Cors. Fanks.SES. cers. Ranks. 150 2850 100 94E 690 90 1466 MAXILUM ACCOMMODATION. 4th Infty, Bde. Headgrs., 15 13 981 - 13th Battalion, 21 981 14th 20 15th 873 210 21 16th 21 902 - Arty.Sde., 882 11th Fiold 191 28th Coy.. AcA.S0C0 83 4th Bdo. Machine Gun Coy., 133 4th Field Company R.E., 18 12 200 Sanitary Section, 26 4th Field Ambulance, 25 104 6 138 Hoadquarters Divnl. Train, 16th Depot Unit supply, 13 13 17th 18th 13 19th 13 " - 23 20th 1 TOTALt 93 2878 38 974 401 56 1496 TOTAL lst Flight: 188 Officors, 5348 Other ranks, 401 horses. maCL manE P.B.F.
49 4t B9de Camp May 26/16. My dear Bernard. In the hops that it will assist in the tapport between Staff and Anits, I send you a few remarks as to how your Ciocular No 26 strikes me fom the Brigade point of view.- As to attendance at Manceuvres, - I am afaid it is not always realized that the detachment of men by the A branch of the staff is very heary indeed.- I have figuoss before me which show that over 750 men were necessarily absent from this Exercise - for duties on the two days May 24 & May 25. - this makes a pretty big hole 3 Battalions. – Company Commander are hardly to blame for this As to turnont, it is of course quite as easy to turn out the Brigade as smartly on Yanouore as on Inspection, but I have a very vivid re- collection of the strafing I got last year for troning out the Boigsate in anything but the stabblest clother for a night digging operation. - I was told I had no regard his care of clothing. - Different Divisis have different policies, you see! As to uniformity of tussont, I quite admit many farttr particularly among officers, but the General can take my word for it that, - in spite of what Dados says - issues of articer of clothing are still very incomplete; and it is impossible to turn out in anything like umiformity in any single article - hats, helmets, placks, shorts, puttees &c &c. - Do we have to mate sheft as well as we can. The Brigade was not in Marching order - but in fighting order I.c. no packs. - This was the rule in N.2s A. Dis. he not to fight in packs. The slight differences in the wearing of the fighting equipment a inter tional so tax as I am concened, so long as a Battation is uniform. The Battations followed their Ferritorial pactice in these matters, since thei first formation, & I thought it desirable to permit individality in this res. pect.- As, hor, Briade compority is nowdesired, I shall doand up drensregulations to secueve this?- form JohnMonash Clot. Bemard f hens sen E
A0 £65 (26 MaV 1910 Keadquarters, 4th Aystralian Divisien. 2ftn May 1915. Meadquarters, 3rd. L. K. Brizede. Bann 1120.220_ sestE. 19 The follewing Bikaniy Canel Cerps Patrole vill be sent out during the veek ending 4th Juns. Strength of Patrol JN.C.O. and 6 men. 0400 Hour of Start Frm Brmrt. To ViSIT DATH JASAER n Monday, 29th May UNN AM direct to Carp Co 3 Tuesday, 30th Bay H TASSI B 7 ME via 470 (3a.l. 4) Wednesday, 31st Bay BURR UEN C. 4 WUKSMFIS avaCOaAOOOAC vis M TASSI Thursday, 1st June FF TASSA B 2 Priday, 2nd. June KISRIT H C. 4 Vis H TASSI PAREAL Saturday, Jrd June Ux AMN Co Sreet to Cary mow South viz 630 Sunday, Atn Jane H TASSY D 7 Meiys Harrab Road mnan mone Please scknowledge receipt of thie pewe. for infernation to CorS M. McRrelant 5th Australian Divisien PEseneaColonel. Sath Divisien RoleC. thrown 2JAELAE Genaral Starf, Ath AUSTEALIAN DIYISIOR. Briz.Gon.Monash, C.B., D.S.O. Copy Vile
No. 114 GEMERAL ROUTIRE ORDERS GENERAL Sir A. J. MURRAY, K.C.B, K.C.M.G, C.V.O, D.S.O., Commander in Chief, Egyptian Expeditionary Forco. GENERAL HEADOUARTERS, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 26th May, 1916. ADUUTANT GENERALS BRANOH. 1282.—Appointmants, Cammissians, Rawards, Etc. List No. 141, Appointments, Commissions, Rewards, etc., approved by the Commander in Chief, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, dated 26th May, 1916, is issued herewith. 1283.-Dischargas—Tarritarial Farca. I1 is reported from Home that in some cases injustice is being caused by the tailure of Officers Commanding Units to furnish a certificate of character to men sent home for discharge. G.R.O. 455 of 3lst August, 1915, is republished for information: Officers commanding battalions and units of the Territorial Force will take steps to ensure that certificates of discharge and character are sent prom ptly to every man as soon as possible after his discharge, and that al officers send the necessary papers to the discharging authority as soon as it has been decided that a man is to be discharge. The absence of such docu ments often prevents discharged men from obtaining civil employment. War Office Letter 9 London Regt. 12466. (T.F.)) dated 1218/15. (A(2429). 1284.—Ramittances—Allatments. (A.Fs. 0.1727 and O17SS). With reference to Instructions for Pay Duties, 1915. paras. 78 and 79, and Instructions in Pay Duties for Territorial Force, paras. 89 and 90, Officers Commanding Units will forward Army Forms O1727 and O1796, direct to the Command Paymaster. (B16250) 1285.—Raturns. Reference G.R.O. 1233. N.S.M. Telegrams. 1.—Free telegrams under this arrangement must begin with the indica- tion? W.S.M. at the commencement of the text of the message, and also require the word Service written in the space forService Instructions at the top of the form. Information in such telegrams must be limited stricily to admissions to hospitals, and progress of wounded (other than slighily wounded) and sick. No other information may be included in a W.S.M. message. Any infringe- ment of this rule will result in a delay to the irregular telegram. (B(3677. JOHN ADYE, Major-General, Deputy Adjutant- General, E.E.F. OUARTERMASTER GENERALS ERANCH. 1286.—Minaral Watar Battlas. Owing to the shortage of mineral water bottles in this Country, it is impossible to keep up the supply of mineral waters to Hospitals, etc., unless the bottles are returned promptly for retilling. in order to avoid any stoppage of the supply, it is therefore necessary for all consumers to return emply bottles with as little delay as possible. (S386(17. WALTER CAMPBELL, Major-General. Deputy Quartermaster-General, E.E.F.
APPUINTMENTS, COMMISSIONS, RENARDS, &s. Approved by the Commander-in-Chief, Egyptian Expeditionary Force. (Subject to War Office approval where authority is not quoted.) LIST No. 141. GENERAL HEADCUARTERS, 26th May, 1916. COMMANDS AND STAFF. Capt. E. L. Salier, The North’d. Fas., is appointed Brigade Major of an Australian Brigade vice Capt. (temp. Major) J. H. Peck, A.L.F.—dated 24th May, 1916. 2. Temp. 2nd Lieut. J. F. Broadhurst, R.F.A., is appointed A.P.M., Delta District and L. of C. Defences, to complete establishment—dated 22nd May, 1916. 3. Lieut. (lemp. Capt) J. Brace, R. Sc. Fus. (T.F.), is appointed Adjatant of a Batta. vice Capt. (temp Major) H. Thompson (to Baltn. Cind.)—dated 6th Feb., 1916 4. Lieut. R. B. James, Glouc. R., is appointed Adjutant of a Battn. vice 2nd Lieut (temp. Lieut.) G. N. Chapman (relinguished)—dated 12th March, 1916. S. Sub-para (13) List No. 129, dated 6th May, 1916, is hereby cancelled. 6. End Lieut. M.B. Chichester, R. N. Devon Yco., relinguishes the appointment of A.D.C. to Col. (temp. Brig-Genl.) R. Hoare—dated 1st April, 1916. 7. Capi. G. Dalziel, M.B., R.A.M.C. (S.R.), is appointed D.A.D.M.S. of a Division vice temp. Capt. C. H. Thompson, R.A.M.C. (invalided)— dated 24th May, 1916. 8. Temp. 2nd Lieut. A. W. East, Bedf. R. (Res. Bn.), is granted the temp. rank of Lieut. while employed as Adjutant of an Infantry Base Depot—dated ist Feb., 1916. PROMOTIONS. REGULAR FORCES. Imfantry. Essex R. (T.F.)— The notifications in Lists Nos. 29 and 79, dated 26th Sep., 1915 and 28th Feb., 1916, respec- lively, regarding 2nd Lieut. J. L. French, are hereby cancelled. The Commander in-Chief approves the grant of Commissions to the undermentioned, subject to the approval of His Majesty: REGULAR FORCES. Infantry. General List.— The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lieuts, on probation—dated 24th May, 1916:— The following from the City of Lon. Veo.: No. 2290, Acting Corpl Herbert James Scales. No. 2415, L Corpl Habert Hook House. No. 2181, Pte. Ernest Henry Parrott from the Glouc. Veo. No. 2524, Corpl. Hugh lbbotson from the Warwick Yeo. No. 31718, Sergl. Alexander Edward Wrollestey Sall from the N.L. Medical Corps. The following from the West Kent Veo.:- No. 692, Ple. Cormac Machamara. No. 1023, L/ Sergt. Ross King. No. 813, L/Corpl. Arthur Samuel Sagshaw No. 1030, L /Corpl Stanley Clifford Weir-Rhodes. No. S347, Pte. Habert Loslie Westlake from the Northambrian Divisional Train, A.S.C. (T.F.). No. 2384, Acting L Corpl. William Todd Laurence from the R. Scots (T.F. Bn.). No. S/31025645, S.Q.M.S. James Jardine from the A.S.C. No. 19858, Ple. James Stanley Rissen from the Bord. R. (Ser. Bn.). No. 018522, Corpl. George Henry Stocking from the A.S.C. (M.T.). No. 1807, Corpl Howard Brough Sargent from the Eastern Mid. Bde. Fd. Amb., R. A.M.C. (T.F.). TERRITORLAL FORCE. Infantry. Manch R.—The undermentioned from a (T.F. Bn.) of this Regt. to be 2/Lients.—dated 24th May, 1916:— No. 2308, Ple. Eric William Brockleharst No. 2426, L/ Corpl. John Alexander Howard. MEMORANDA. The undermentioned temporary Capts. relinquish their temporary rank on ceasing to command a Company: Manch. R. (T.F.)—Temp. 2 /Lieat. (temp. Capt) A. L. Gripper (Spec. List)—dated 19th May, 1916. Norf. R. (T.F.)—Temp. Lieut. (temp. Capt.) S. J. Steel— dated 19th May, 1916. Essex R. (T.F.)—The potification in List No. 53, dated 16th Nov., 1915, regarding temp, Lieut. (temp. Capt.) J. F. Finn, is hereby cancelled and the following substitated :- and Lieut. (temp. Capt) J. F. Finn reverts to the rank of 2nd Lieut. on ceasing to command a Company— dated 20th Oct., 1915. Local & Temp. Capt. F. B. Jacomb relinguishes his local & temp. rank on ceasing to be employed under D.D. of W.—dated 22nd May, 1916. The Commander- in-Chief approves the grant of temporary rank to the undermentioned officers :— Glouc. Vco.—Maj. H. C. Elwes, M.V.O., is granted the temporary rank of Lieut.-Col. whilst commanding a Regiment of Yeomanry vice Lieut-Col. W. H. Playne (wounded)— dated 20th Sep. 1915. To be Temp. Majors whilst acting in place of Major on H.Q. of Bn.:- Yorks. L.l.—Capt. G. M. Bond vice temp. LieutCol. H. Mallinson, D.S.O. (to Bn. Cind.)—dated ist May, 1916. Norl. R. (T.F.)—Temp. Lieut (temp. Capt) G. W. Birkbeck vice temp. Maj. W. J. Barton (invalided)— dated 19th May, 1916. To be Captains whilst commanding a Company:- Manch. R. (T.F.)-Temp. Lieut W. H. Lillie vice temp. Capt. G. W. Handforth (apptd. Acting Adjt.)—dated 101h May, 1916. Lieut D. Park vice temp. Capt A. L. Gripper (Spec. List) (relinguished command)—dated 20th May, 1916. Yorks. L.l.—2nd Lieut. A. E. Starling vice temp. Maj. G. M. Bond (appid. Major on H.Q. of Bn.)—dated ist May, 1916. S. H. POLLEN, Lieut-Colonel, Military Secretary, E.E.F.

M.G.Co. - One section with 16th Bn

                 Two section with 13th -

             & One section in Reserve. -


Reserves - Reconnoitre for concealment & dig in

                      well in lines. (battalion Mass)

                     14th send an officer to Bgde H.Q.

Advance - 16th Batt. direct attack       )

                     13th   "   Envelop left flank ) Keep trench

                     Dig in when checked.


Signals - Wires to follow 16th & 13th only.


Position of H.Q.

Frequent & Ample Reports - both positive & negative.


14th Bn.  1 N.C.O. & 20 on Causeway.




No. 3.




With reference to the following letter -

  1.  Commanding Officers will be held personally responsible that no

    explosives are either taken or introduced into the kits of the men

    or into any stores or vehicles which are taken.

  2.  No article, however small, will be left unguarded from the time

     that the baggage is stacked or loaded in Camp until it is stowed

     in the Transport.

3.  Every Each truck on the railway, including vehicle trucks, will be

    guarded in such a way that it is impossible for anyone to tamper

     with it.

4.  Guards will be told off before-hand to at once mount on arrival

    of the train at place of detrainment, and guard, not only the

    baggage whilst on the train, but whilst it is being taken to the






2nd A.N.Z.A.C.

Information has been received from the British Expeditionary

Force that Explosives have been found in the Base Kits of the 1st A.

& N.Z. Army Corps on their arrival. Those explosives are presumed to

have been placed in the kits in this country.

There is as yet no further information to hand, but it appears

to be probable that this was done at the Port of Embarkation in Egypt.

It is important therefore, that when Orders are received to

move overseas, most stringent instructions should be issued by you to

the effect that all baggage of whatever description should be adequately

guarded while in transit to the port of embarkation, and while in the

dock before being loaded into a Transport. From the time when baggage

is stacked before entraining, to the time when it is finally stowed on

a transport, it should be continually under observation to ensure that

no unauthorised person has access to it.

23/5/16.                        (sgd) D. MacLEOD, Captain,

                                                for D.A.G., G.H.Q.


Headquarters,                     [Signature] Lieut-Colonel,

26th MAY, 1916.                                        A.A. & Q.M.G.,

                                                            4th AUSTRALIAN DIVISION.




No. 4




(1). Reference to C.A.Q.19, No. 2, para.11. It has now been

decided that all troops will embark in Khaki drill and felt hats - 

not helmets.

All helmets are to be collected before departure and handed

to D.A.D.O.S., Serapeum. Instructions as to handing over will be

issued later.

(2). It is presumed that all Kit bags have been marked.


Headquarters,                         [Signature] Lieut-Colonel,

26th MAY, 1916.                                          A.A. & Q.M.G.,

                                                               4th AUSTRALIAN DIVISION.



SECRET.                                    C.R. 18930/Q/1

                                                     Train Allotment No. 1.


for the move of the


from Serapeum Siding.


Unit.                                                         Offi-      Other      Hor-      Bag-

                                                                  cers.     Ranks       ses       gage.


1st Train, No. 828/739A. for HAVERFORD.                            Tons

4th Inf. Bde. H.Q.,                                   7             15             -             5        TRANSYLVANIA.

              do.                                                               10           13             -         HAVERFORD.

4th Bde. M.G. Company,                      1              10           10           10        HAVERFORD

              do.                                                9            133           -              -         CANADA.

4th Field Coy., R.E.,                                -              12            18          2 1/8     HAVERFORD.

              do.                                                6           200           -              -         CANADA.

Sanitary Section,                                    -                1            1              3         HAVERFORD.

              do.                                                1              26           -              -          CANADA.

4th Field Ambce.,                                  4            100          15            -          HAVERFORD.

              do.                                                6            138           -            10         CANADA.

H.Q. Divnl. Train,                                     -                3           6            -           HAVERFORD.

              do.                                                4              5             -             1          CANADA.

16th D.U.S.,                                                1             13             -             1          TRANSYLVANIA.

17th D.U.S.,                                                1             13             -             1          TRANSYLVANIA.

18th D.U.S.,                                                1             13             -             1          HAVERFORD.

20th D.U.S.,                                               1             13             -             1          HAVERFORD.


                                                             42         705          63       35 1/8


2nd. Train, No. 830A/743, for TRANSYLVANIA.

13th Battalion,                                        29          981             -          25

              do.                                                1              10            21            -         HAVERFORD.


                                                              30         991          21         25

3rd Train, No. 832A/747, for CANADA.

16th Battalion,                                        29          981             -          25

              do.                                                1              10            21            -         HAVERFORD.


                                                              30         991          21         25     

4th Train, No. 836/703, for TRANSYLVANIA.

14th Battalion,                                        29          981             -          25

              do.                                                1              10            21            -         HAVERFORD.


                                                              30         991          21         25     

5th Train, No. 840A/707A, for TRANSYLVANIA.

14th Battalion,                                        29          873             -          25

              do.                                                1             118            21            -         HAVERFORD.


                                                              30         991          21         25    

6th Train, Flats No. 802/711A, for HAVERFORD.

Vehicles of all Units     )     34 flats.              56 Limbered wagons;

       entraining at           )                                 27 Four-wheeled veh.

       Serapeum Siding:  )                                 31 Two-wheeled veh.
















































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Kimberley Hayes Kimberley Hayes
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