Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 12, 2 May - 31 May 1916, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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owon en-ite I thaint the heny writ the difficult, & one that could handly be left entirely to the Siction officer, being apart from Brigade & Ballattion Commanderd, to much the concern of company commanders, as for as the delail of tranng in ladtical Landley + field work an involved. at present the packs without improvement tend to damay & magazines The manyines require to be siperaled, on prinl hold, otherwise if thrown carlisily about will be ingared I cannot be reparred canly. on used again owing to the delicary of the feid apparatin t think excellent adeas could which be cvolved grow the haversack should ge betten distribution of weight; I will be pleased to discuss this matter if required, but nodoult a frens I climiation will do much to some the problional B.
They men have tonher hand during them course, & I learn from Sauad instructors that several hours lach day, have been denored from their own time to stude I think I can safely vay that with one exception, th men are acceptionally compelent guiens, & will be perfectly safe I satisfactory instructors. BGeerdah Smith Capy 17/5/
2FFo A VS2 RA T TAN DIVI570½. Leedqvartore, 17th. Pay 1916. G.S.CHOULNR NO. 24. Cources of Istrnction at Importal Tolool of Instrotion, EYOT. OOLUECHEAT.1. The nert Course of Irstruction coences on Lolday,ay EOth. The Course lests E woeks except the Powbing Courcos Which Will last ten orys (Candidetes for Clees to report on the 7th. June, vido pera 7). REFCRTLLG.2. Ell renks to report at the Tolool by 6 pem. on Surday Loth. Instant. Porties will parch into the School under the Sonior Officer or i.C.C., who will report the arrival of the perty. L.CELNAL 3. Mominel Rolls by Brigades, showing No., Panl., Lene, ROLLS. Tniticls, Unit and Courso are to reech this Office in plicate by 1100 on Londay 2and. instant. in the erent of the Division proceeding to enotler tleatre of operations all parties at the School of Instruction will bo ordorod to rejoin their Uuits. 1f Later it is found necessary to meke any alteration of nemos from thoso sent in en the Hominal Roll, such alterations noed not be notified by letter of telogram, but should be reported on arrival at the School by the Officer or N.C.C. in cherge of the Farty. ECUIPMEET. N.C.O's and ron must be fully equippod and bring blankets, but no ball annunitien should to brought. OFFICERS Officers should bring servants with them in the propor- SERYANTS. tion of one servant to two Officers. PAL. All N.C.O’'s and mon ettending the Course should be paid as Far as possiblo up to date before leaving their Units. SELE TIOH Those solcoted for the I.C.O's Cless should be specielly O Closen with a vier to their beconing good F APLED. I1Biructors. Thoso Selected Br th echinc Cun Counco should have some aptitude for the work, be of good plysigue, keen and intelligent. The G.O's.C. 5th. and 1eth. Infentry Brigadeswill oach detail a Mechine Cun to be teken to the School. Those selected for the Advanced Tolephone Course chould be able to sound read and havo some previous Knowledge of the telephone instrunent. With regard to the Stokes Gun and Bonbing Class, it should be noted that there are two courses, A and Sr. For Ar Course all ranks should roport at the School on Sunday 26th. instant, before 6 p.m. For Sr Class all Fanks should report at the School on Wednesday, June 7th., before C p.m. Each of these Courses lasts 10 days.
RETURi. YAGANCLES. Coples to :- 2370 8. All OrFicers, I.C.O’s and ion mist roturn to their Units on completion of the Courso, under the train PrangOmonts mado by the Co aedont of the Tohool. In the case of Officers, M.C.D'senl Len bein Granted leave by thoir Co.yvidling OfFicers, imediatoly upon expiration of the Course, the Pact mist be notified to the Cormandant at least one weok bofore the Onpiration of the Courso. A stateent showing the allotment of vacancies to the troops unler your Comaand is sent horowith. 10. Please state by noon on the 20th. whether: you antic- ipate being able to Fill all vecancies, and ifr not, how many will not be filled. MRue Capt 2 Lleut-Colopel. C.S. Gth. Austrelian Division. G.O.C. Eth. Infentry Brigade C.C.C. Mth. Infentry Brigade G.O.C. I5th. Infantry Drigide C.Doho C.C. Ath. Pioneor Dattalion O.C. Eth. Sigral Company O.O. Eth. Cyclist Conpany
18 42. 1818 Readquarters, n Mstrallan Dirision 1ath. May B1C. Readqarters, Srd. A.L.H. Brigads. Renap MrCOoe. meet C. 2. the following Biranir Canel Corps patrels vill be sent out during the week ending 26th. Kay. Strength of patrol. 1 N.C.O. and 6 men. Hour of start. 0400. To VISIT SCARE RaroRN JOURNEY DATE Monnar an Co0 direct to Camp 2and. May oMM TASSA Bo8 via M TASSI (3.3) wods be 663 KMARRIT M. Mai via sso (C.4) Co4 eath. Hay RARRM. THRSDAY M w drect to Camp C.3 25th. Lay FT TASSA SeS (B.2) oun H TASSI B03 26th. May Smmmont BuRR inn drect to Camp 6.4 om 27th. May SunnAr H TASSI (B.S) 430 Aot eeth. Ray Please acknowledge receipt of this meme, Enlictineor way. fr LiouE-Colonel. Copy for information to 1. C.Se tthe Austrflian Division. 5th. Australian Division Gath. Division RaF.C. through 2/ANLAG Brig.Gen. Monash, CoBc, V.D. 1 Copy File.
110 t00 90 80 70 60 24 t 195 17/5 56 1 20 42 4 Rerpdgoaph 184
77T EUFFT TPovn Conoo O 13528700 Ellotment of Vecencles. ABAENANE Course Kth., Cyc- Totel Eth. IFth. 1Eth. DSN. Mt.Pic-, Tig.; list Vacancie BC.C. PAC. Bdo. Irto ncor Bn. Coy. Coy. Off. O.R Bombing 2nd. Cours Ficers O.Ranks 22 22 48 Stokesl Cun End. Counse Officers Lank & Filo 12 12 38 Advenoed Telerbo All ranks 103re 7 23 505 2 30 Machine Cun Offioers Rank C File.22 23 24 LowiS OuR Officors Rank a File. .
4 50 30/8/16 ROTE OFAth AUSTRALLAE DIVLSION. 50. 1. OOTNTTTI C.L.L.L2. 1. Information has been rocoived that the woight of baggago to Do taken by Officors will be as dotailed in Fiold Service Rocket-- Book, and that it may include the 100 16s. loft at the Baso. Any baggago beyond this amount must be got rid of before the movo. Should Units wish for Mossre. Thos. Cook to bo sent for to assist in this, information will bo sont to this office by Formation Commandors, and Mossrs. Cook will bo advised. No cameras are allowod to bo taken. All cameras mist bo sont away boforo the movo oithor porsonally or with the assistance of Mossrs. Cook. A cortificato will be rondorod by G.O.C., Brigados and Divisional Units boford leaving that no cameras aro in posses- sion of Officers or Other Ranks. Sacks for tho packing of harness and saddlory are to be indontod For on D.A.D.O.S.,4th Australian Division, forthwith. 0.C. all Units will arrango for a Medical Inepection of thoir Units for Voneroal Disoaso within 5 days of the date of doparturo of thoir Unit whon this is notified. The following letter is published for information. Tho patches have been askod for at once and will be issued as soon as rocoivod. Whon rocoived thoy aro to be at once sown on tho ineide of the Australian pattorn sorgo Jackot (not Knaki Drill). The Ras Holmets and Satchole will be issued by Units on board ship. Hoadquarters, 4th Australian Division Just prior to Division leaving its present position, tho following stores will be issued :- Gas Holmets 2 per Officer and man. Satchols Patchos Pocket Those storos will be taken in bulk by oach Unit and issued to individuals on board ship. The First article to be issued should be Patchos Rocket, which is to be sown on the insido of the service dross Jacket. Units should be paradod after this has been done and tho two Gas Holmets and Satchol issuod. One Gas Helmet will be kept in the Satchel and one in tho pocket of the coat. Both Gas Holmots will be invariably carried both by Officors and men of the whole Division. The Corps Cormander will hold Officers Commanding Units, Dersonally rosponsible that from tho day of disombarkation, the above is carried out as the officiency of the Unit doponds on its immunity against gas attacks and lachrymatory sholl fire. (sed) HOWELL- JCMES, Liout-Colonel, 191511018. A.O.D. Headquartors, A.D.O.S., 2nd A. &. N. 2. Arm) ISMAILLA. - Corpe eusnou Hoootone, VA.A. & GoloGos Hoadquarters, 4th AUSTRALLAN DIUTSION. 22/5/28.
21/ Abbe & 16t 13 14 1 on parade Inspection - May 22, 23, 24 I do not as a rule believe in making speeches to men on parade, but on the occasion of this Inspection these are a few things which I thrunkh I oight to say to you Mam tette In the first place I wish to convey to you, , & to all rank my satisfaction with this inspection, and to congratulate the 12th Rat. tation on the progren it has made in its was training This pattation has suffered considerable disabilities in comparion with other Battalu. cte of the Brigale, by reason of the Fact that for the breat five week of commg to Serapern, the Battation was scattent over the vation port of the Iimer Line. I spate of there disadvantage, the progres han been good) I also think that your tumond today & your steadiness or pacade reflecto codid upon the Nattation, – At the same time, there is a grent deal of work yet to be done. There is a good deal of difference between the best & the wirat platun, between the best & the wad coldie in the Nattation, & you cannot regards youselfes as approaching perfection until the diffeence ob t as difference wooth tellling about betwen the best & the worst pla- town that the Hattalia can tro out is so little that its not with talking about Nobody know better than I do that you have been through a hand and uninteresting time on this hot, dusty, fly infested desirt, with very little leave, & very little disteaction from the daily rontine of work, and I am very glad therefore to be able to give you all a hint that it will not be long now before we shall get away to France I do not myself know the exact date, but I do know that very few of the Ferth Dusin will be left in Eggpt by the middle of Time. I am sure you will all be very glad to hear that What I really want particularly to say to you relates to this
move approaching tramfer to France. atrent Hattalion has made a In the first place I want to remind you that the reputation for itself which will not die as long as the English lanjuap is make spaken in Anstalic.- Of the men who helped to f this Hattation that F this Hattalio reputation, not one thiid remain in the Battation today. The great majority the Gally of you ae newcneds & have joined smce in the Ct stages of a si D Campange & since the Hattahion has returned to Exgpt The Nttation looks to the newmen to help in every way to maintain the reputation it of hadhit has worn, a reputation fo gallantry, to dash, but the poued endevance as I lave done to dy ha good dutt & good behavrou.- Looking closely at you all fere confident that the Hattation of today will in all these respects give as find an account of itself an the Battation of a year ago. you will pul But I have to was you neverthele that the condition in France very different tong ang wored native pop from what you have been used to here in Egypt the aver by his nature healh lation hre which every Chustralian natually feets act amount of 1 dindan contempt But in France we shall be the quests of a great, a brave & gallant nation a people tn every way as good as ourselves, and it is up to us to see that our be- havious when in their countay in what the beharroud of every fod soldier ought to be- dignified, constious & gentlemanly - shewing to the & the Wench soldier French people, the same respect that we wish them to feel for us. Anstralians. Now among 1000 men like you londs whoy I am talking to now, there &waster ssometyng a few rotters a few men who don't care whether are bnt the people respect them or not, who don't respect themselves, men who dimk to excers, who would't stop at robbing


I think the training will be difficult, & one that could hardly be left entirely to the Section Officer, being apart from Brigade & Battallion Commanders, 

So much the concern of Company Commanders, as far as the details of training in tactical [[???]] & field work are involved.

At present the packs without improvement tend to damage magazines .

The magazines require to be [[??]], or [[??]] held, otherwise if thrown carelessly about will be injured & cannot be ------------  repaired easily or used again ruining its [[??]]

[[????]] of the [[???]] apparatus.

I think excellent [[???]]could be evolved from the haversack which should give a better distribution of weight. I will be pleased to discuss this matter if required, but no doubt a process of elimination will do much to relieve the problem      



The men have worked hard during their course, & I learn from squad instructors that several hours each day, have been devoted from their own time to study.

I think I can safely say that with one exception, the men are exceptionally Competent gunners, & will be perfectly safe & satisfactory instructors.


B Teasdale Smith Capt.




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