Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 12, 2 May - 31 May 1916, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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Clothing - Distinotive Celeur Fatches - centinued - 143. continued AMMUNITION PARK. Colour - - - - - Red To have the Numeral Corps Park " or "2", as the csse nay be, in blue, in the cen¬ tre. Numeral to be s-inch in depth. A Sub-Parks To have a bar i- inch wile and g- Rod inch in depth, in the centre, with the number of the Sub-Park below, as o shown hereunder - 6--2---4 Numeral to be i-inch in depth. 1 2 3 25 Iontpedte Hajo A.A.G., s.I!F. Attached H.Q., lst Aust. and N.Z. Army Corps pirrz APPOINTMENTS, PRUAOTIONS, etc., approved by The G.O.C., Australian Imperial Force. List Ho. 54. STIFTS 1st Australien Light Horee Brigade Lieut. J. BURNS, 6th Light Horse Regiment, to be Orderly Officer to Brigade Cor hander Dated 29th November, 1915. LIGIT S3 REGLIENTS 5th Light Horse Regiment - Lieut. J. BUdNS is seconded for duty as Orderly Officer to the Brigade Commander, lst Australian Light Herse Brigade Dated 29th November, 1915. 10th Light Horse Regiment - Captain R. E. JACASON, Supernumerary List, is absorbed on the strength of the Regiment, and seconded for duty in connection with A.I.F. administration in ENGIAND Dated 16th January, 1916. DIVISIONAL ARTIILERY. First Australian Division Heequerters The temporary appointment of Major C.G.N.MIIES, as Brigade Major, is confirmed. Dated 12th March, 1916. Lieut. H. E. D. BRCWN to be Trench Mortar Officer, Divisional Artillery, supornumerary to establishment, Headouarters, and to be graded as a "Sta f Captain, Brigade Staff" Dated 15th April, 1916. Ty 1st Field Artillel, Drie 43 Ma or (Temp. Lieut.-Colcnel) S. M. ANDERSON to be Lieut.-Colonel and to command, vise nristion, transferred to command Fifth Divisional Artillery Dated 12th March, 1916.
14) Liet No, S. . sontinued. ewe : DIVISIONAL ARTILLERY (continued) First Australian Division - continued 3rd Field Artillery Brigade Major (Temp. Lieut.-Colonel) W. L. H. BURGESS to be Lieut.- Colonel and to command, vice Rosenthal, transferred to command Fourth Divisional Artillery,-Dated 12th March, 1916. DIVISIONAL ENGINETRS. Second Australian Division Major S. P. NECCMBE has been granted the temporary rank of Lieut.-Colonel whilst holding the appointment of Com- manding Royal Engineers Second Australian Division. Dated 19th February, 1916. (Authority - List No. 81, Appointments, Commissions, etc., approved by the G. 0. C. in Chief, the British Forc s in FRANCE - Dated 6th May,'16.) INFANTRY. 1st Battalion taptain F. W. W. LINDEMAN from the 19th Battalion, to be Major, to complete establishment Dated 5th May, 1916. 2nd Battalion Major A. B. STEVENS, D.S.O., to be Lieut.-Colonel and to com- mand, vice Cass, transferred to 54th Battalion Dated 12th March, 1916. 3rd Battalion Major O. G. HOWELL-PRICE to be Lieut.-Colonel and to command, vice MoConaghy, transferred to 55th Battalion Deted 12th March, 1916. ach Bnttalion ma,or I. G. MACKAY is granted the temporary rank of Lieut.- Colonel, and is appointed temporarily to ccmmand, vice Machaghten, invalided. Dated 18th April, 1916 7th Battalion Major (Temp. Lieut.-Colonel) C. H. JESS, to be Lieut.-Colonel and to command, vice Elliott, transferred to command 15th Infantry Brigade Dated 12th March, 1916. 11th Battalion Lieut. .. P. O'NEILL to be Captain. Dated 12th March, 1916. (Published in lieu of notice promulgated in List No.40 of 18th March, 1916, in which the Officer's name was given as "T. P. O'NEILL"). 12th Battalion Major C. L. ELLIOTT to bo Lieut.-Colonel and to command, vice Gellibrand, transforred to command 6th Infa try Brigade. Dated 1st March, 1916. 19th Battalion Captain F. W. W. LINDMMAN is transferred to the lst Battalion. Dated 5tn May, 1916. 25th Battalion The undermentioned N.C.O's. to be 2/Lieuts. - Dated 24th February,1916. No. 319 - Serjeant GZORGE CARROLL No. 863 - Serjeant HARBERT CRWTHER FOXTON No. 654 - Serjaant FRFDERIOX E HOHNEN This cancels the notifieation with regazd to these pub- lished in List No. 29 of 24th February, 1916. 49th Battalior Major (Temp. Lieut.-Colorel) F. M. de F. LORENZO, D.S.O., to be lieut.-Colonel and to command. Dated 12th March, 1916: 5oth Battalior Major (Temp. Lieut.-Celonel) F. W. HURCOMBE to be Lieut. - Colonel and to command. Dated 12th March, 1916. 51st Battelien major (Tomp. Licut.-Colonel) A. M. ROSS to be Lieut.-Colonel and to command. Dated 12th March, 1916.
lisn May, 11. 1x) List we. 4 . centinued. PIONEER BATTALIONS No. 1 Pioneer Battalion Major E. J. n. NICHoLsON to be Lieut.-Colonel and to command. Dated 12th March, 1916. No. 2 Pioneer Battalion Major F. .. g. ANNAND to be Lieut.-Colonel and to command. Dated 12th March, 1916. The appointment of Captain J. CONN to No. 2 Pioneer Battalion notified in List No. 38 of 14th March, 1916, is from the 27th Battalion, and not as therein stated. MACHINE GUN CORPS Tth Brigade Machine Gun Company The Unit from which 2/Lieut. J. C. MURRAY is seconded is the 25th Battalion, ans not as stated in List No. 38, of 14th March, 1916. AUSTHALIAN ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Major C. G. G. MöODlz is posted for duty to Australian Divi¬ Dated lst May, 1916. sional Base Depots. 2nd Field Ambulance No. 9 - Staff-Serjeant J. BAILEY, to be Warrant Officer, Class Dated 26th Nov., 1915. I. vice Glen, commissioned. AA UNITION PARK. 1st Ammunition Sub-Park HAMILTON to the rank of The temporary promotion of Captain J. (List No. 44 of Appoint- Major, dated the 5th August, 1915 is confirmed. ments, Promotions, etc., in B.E.F. complete establishment. Lieut. E. G. FORDYCE to be Captain, to Dated 11th May, 1916. Lieut. H. M. TATHAM is transferred from the 2nd Ammunition Dated 11th May, 1916. Sub-Park. 2nd Ammunition Sub-Park The temporary promotion of Lieut. A. WYNYARD-JOSS to the rank of Captain, dated the 23rd August, 1915 ("London Gazette" of 11th September) is confirmed. complete establishment. Captein A. WYNYARD-JOSS to be Major, Dated 11th May, 1916. Lieut. A. H. JAMES to be Captain, to complete establishment. Dated 11th May, 1916. Lieut. H. M. TATHAl is transferred to the lst Ammunition Latod 11th May, 1916. Sub-Park. DIVISIOFAL ARTILILPY. Fourth Australien Division The promotion of a/Lieut. E. J. MARSDEN to Lieut. notified in List No. 42 of 21st March, 1936, is cancelled, the appoint- ment of this Officer to the AI F. having been to the rank of Lieut. - dated 3rd Soptember, 1915. (Amendment pub- lished in "Commonwealth Gazette of 1ith Soptember, 1915). ATTE: DIEDUENT OrPi Chaplain the Nev. F. de M. IEMEF 2 from and Infantry Brigade - is posted for duty to Australian Divisscnal Base Depots. Dated 9th May, 1916. MISCELIANROUS. Major T. GRIFFITHS, A. A. G., Australiun Imperial Force, at- tached for duty to Headquarters, lst Aust. and N.Z. Army Dated lst May, 1916. Corps, to be Lieut.-Col.
List No. 54. (8) 11th May, 1sie. E.trwcte fro. The London G.zette (i) No.29503, ci 10th.March, 1916. Awerded th. Di ting niched Conduct Medal AUSTHALIAN FGRCE S81 Carpe.41 7.3aLL, [ta. Battalion, For conspicuous gallantry on the 6th. August, 1915, at Lons Pine (Dardaoelloa). After the officer and all the non-commiss¬ -ioned officers had boon killed or wounded, Corporal Ball took command of a party in an isolated post, and held the enemy in check until roorganization had beon effected. 1041 Private A.BELL. 23rn.A.ttalion For conspicuous gallantry on the 4th. Octcber, 1915, on tho Gallipoli Foninsula. Frivato Bell was twico thrown off hic observation post by high exelosive shells, but on the onemy attemuting to rush the trench in the temporary absenco of the. garrison, he ran in single-handed, repellod the attack with bombs, killing and wounding several of the enemy. 503 Corporal H.BAENNAR Z0IN BaHalion Sbeen For conspicuous gillantry on 6th.Septombewa,/1915, at Anzac, when ho extinguishod a bomb-proof, which had sot alight, undor heavy fire. On tho 10th.Septom ber he drovo the Turks out of a bombing hole and exploded thair storo of bombs. 87 Se eant h.CHANFOAD, 4th.B ttilion For conspicuous gallantry on 6th.August, 1915, at Lone Pine (Dardanelles), when he worked his way down the enemy's trench in the face of strong opposition, and although at length wounded, he continued to lead his mon against grest odds. 859 Lance-Corporal F.P.CUhn.M, 7th.L.H.Regt. For conspicuous gallantry irom 6th.August to lst.Soptembor, 1915, at Anzac, as a bomb-thrower. On one occasion he stopped a Turkish bombing stwack singlo-handed. From the 6th. September he displayed the grentest bravery and skill, fully exposing himself regardless of all danger. 1080 Serjeant A.G.En'ILS, 3rd.Battalion for conspicuous gallantry during Soptember, 1915, during the operations round anzac. Serjeant Ldwards was scarcely ever off a bombing post, and invariably displayed the greatost bravery and devotion to duty. 20 Corjoral R.L.GaAtLaM. 32d Baftadion for conspicuous gallantry during August and Septembor. 1915, in the Lone kine trenches (Dardanelles), when he displayed great brevery and energy in the constant bomb fighting. 1769 Private M.J.A3LL2../ aTlchion For conspicuous gallantry throughout the operations at Lone Tine (Dardanellos), and especially on the 3rd./4th.September, 1915, whon, by his bravery and skill in bomb-throwing, he greatly contributed to ropelling the attack. 212 Serjeant P.F.AYAN, Sth.A.1.Zogt. Nor conspicuous gallantry during Septembor, 1915, in the trenches at Lono Pine(hardanelles), when he was, on ono occusion, for forty eight hours continuously in charge of his regimental bomb-throwers under heavy fire. 156 Corporal 4.3434RD, 2nd.Fd.Coy. Auctrilinn. Engineers For conspicuous gallantry on the 6th. August, 1315, at Lone Pine (Dardsnelles), in tunnelling to open communications with a captured pleition. Although ovorcome by explosion gases, Corporal Sheppard, immediatoly on rocovery, success¬ -fully completed his work under heavy firc. 355 Private.2.31i0, Sth.I.7.Nogt. For conspicuous gallentry from May to September,1915, at Anzac as a sniper. Wis courage and skill woro most marked, and he was responsible jor a very large number of casualties among the anemy, to Zisa being too great for him to take.
11th May, 1916. Kist No. 54. (7) 1166 Serjeant A.J."ALLISH, llth.Battalion For consnicuous gallantry on tho 25th.September, 1915, at Anzac. Luring an attack, his cificer having been killed, Serjeant Wallish took command and rcorganised his some ao platoon, and by his bravery and onorgy cheokod the onomy, and remained on duty until he was sovoroly wounded. 1922 orl J.WILIL.M, th Battzlion or conspicuous gellan ry during August and Soptember, 1915, in tho Lono Pine trenches (Dardanelles) when he displayed great courage and energy in the constant bomb lighting. 645 Corporal H.D.HOOb, 5th. Batalion for conssicuous gallantry irom the 6th.August to 25th. September, 1.15, at Ansac in charge of the night bomb- throwers. He displayed the groatest bravery and skill in the periormanco of his dangerous duties, and set a fino oxamplo of dovotion to duty. 2079 ato 2.YAL4Y 12th. Bettä, on for conspicuous gallantry on eth.August, 1115, at Lono Mine (Dardanelles), whon he voluntacrod to lead an essault on un enemy trench, the capture of which was most import- -ant. He succceded in his task in spito of vory heavy firo. [ii) Ko. 23507, of 14th. Märch, 1916. Contral Chancery of the Orders, of Knighthood. Lord Chamberluin's Office, St. Jamos's Palace, 14th. March, 1)16. The Ring has been graciously pleased to give orders for tho following promotions in, and appointmonts to, the Most Honourahlo Order of the Buth, for distinguiched sorvices rondered in connection with the withdrawal from the Gallipoli Peninsule. Tho promotions and appointments to date frem the ist. January, 1116:- To bo Additional Hombers of the Military Division of : Class, or Knighte Commanders, the Second of the said Most Honourabla urder: Major-Gen ral tompor ry Lieuten nt. Gon rel) Sir Alezander John Godloy, K.C.M.G., C.B. be Adeitional Mombers of the Military Division of tho Third Class, or Companions, of the said Most Honourable order:- Lieutenant-Colonol (tenporary Brigadier-General) Whito D.S.O., Staff, Australian Cyril Brudenoll )orce. (Pingham --------------- The services of Lieutenant-Goneral Sir William Middoll Birdwood; K.C.S.I., K.C.M.G., C.B., C.I.E. D.S.0., in connoction with the oper- -atious in tho Gallinoli keninsula, havo alroady been recognised in the Gazetto of 23rd. June, 1915. (iii) No.23508, of 14th. March, 1915. His Majosty tho King has been grac¬ osly plossed to confer the Military Cross on the undormon- -tioned Officors and Warrant Officor, in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the field:- Captain CHANLUS STENLEI BESER, 3rd. Coy., Fd. Australian Enginoers. For consnichous gall entry. An oponing having been drivon into a hortile listening tunnel, Caotain Burber, with a ich men crawlod through on hands and kneas, surprised tue Turkish sontry, aud, by barri- -cading a large portion of the hestile tunnel, mater- -ially strengthoned the advanced pasitl.
List No. 54. 11th May, 1916. 2. 8) Lieutenent Alexander Arthur Evans, Tth Battery, Ausfralian Field Artllerx Der conspicu us gallantry at Anzac, Gallip li Poninsula. When ano of the encmy's sholls fell in a gunnit, erol ded seven rounds f 18-p1. ammunition, and cet firo to Ühe brushwed o varing the pit, Lieut. Evans, thewnb dazed by the oxplesion, assisted by only a fow men, beat out the firo. Ho and his party were in great danger of being blayt ur by tho oxplesion of a magazing which was threatored hy the fife. -8--- His Majesty tho King has beon gracieusly rleased to appravo of the award of the Listinguished Conduct Medal to the undormonti ned Warrant Officers. Nen-commissigned Officers, and Men, fer acts af gallantry and devation to duty in the field 882. Private G. 2. A. Rakor, 10th Bettalien fer conspicueus gallantry at Anzue, wallipoli Poninsula, an 7th Navomber, 1215. One of the enemy's shells goll in a gun-pit, expleded 7 reunds of 18-pr. ammunition, and sot firo to the bi nwend, threatening a magazine containing 300 reunds of 18-pr. ammunition. Privete Naker gas one of a small party which beat cut tho fire, regordjess of tho danger of being blown up by tho explesien of the magazino. 380å. Gunner J. W. Elliett, Oth Battery, Australien ljeld Artille ver conspicuous gallantry at Anzac, Gallipolt Toninsula, On 7th November, 1918. One of the onemy's sholls woll in a gun-pit, expleded coven rounds of 18-pr. ammenztier, and set fire to the brushweed, threatening a magezire contuining 300 reunds of 18-pr. ammunition. Gunner Flniett was one of a small party which boat cut the firo, rogaicless ci the danger ci being blawn up by tho explesion of iho magazine. 4082. Corporel D. Orehem, 4th Fiold Cempany, Australian En¬ gingers - Fer conspicueus gallentry at Lone Pine, Gallipeli Penin¬ sule, on 8th November, 1515, when, with ene officer and one other Corporal, he carried cut a daring reconnaissance of the oncmy's underground works under vory dangorous and difficult circumstances. I Mtte A.A.G., A.I.F. Attached 1st Aust. and N.Z. Army Corps
40 - 243 A3 ? I 4 A5 A aa tir Ae 5 5 5
SRORER G2AFRSETER. "" 2. Ma41915), 4th. Australian Division. 13th. May 1918. Headquarters, 3rd. L.H. Brigade. Re Map 1/100,000.- Sheet.9.19. The following Bikanir Camel Corps Patrols will be sent out during the week ending 21st. May. Strength of Patrol. 1 N.C.O. and 6 men. Hour of start. O40o. ------------------------------------------ - MAP TO VISIT SQUARE. RETURN JOURNEY. DATE -------------------------------------------------- UMM ADM C. 5 direct to Camp MONDAY 15th. May --------- ----------------- ---------- ET TASSA B.2. B. 3 via ese (Sq.n.4.) TUESDAY EL TASSI 16th. May -------- -------------------- --- HUBRUMM C. 4 via 430 (Sq. A.4.) EDNESDAY MUKHSHEIB 1th. May ----- ------------------- - ------- C. 4 via E TASSI KABRIT EL mRSDAI HABBAL 18th. May ----------------------------- ----------------------------------- -- UMM ADM C. 5 direct to Camp FRIDAY 19th. May ----------------------------- --------- South via 680 SATURDAY EL TASSI B. 3 MOIYA HARAB ROAD 20th. May ------ ------------ ET TASSA B. 2 via EL TASSI SUNDAY 21st. May ------------------------------------------------- Please acknowledge receipt of this memo. H.svettraligt Copy for information to : 5th. Australian Division. Lieut-Colonel. 54th. Division. G.S. 4th. Australian Division. R.F.C. through 2/ANZAC. Brig.Gen.Monash, C.B., D.S.O. 2 Copies War Diary 1 Copy File.
SRRB AUSTRALIAN nsso IMPERIAL FORCE ( Ma19S) Copz 1o.-7 Rendnurted MAVlA1916 4th. Australen effion. 4th Intantzy Brigade. 13th. May, 1916. The Pionoer Battalion will bo relieved in the front line by a Battalion of tho 13th. Infantry Brigade on Tuesday next 18th. instant. The Pioneer Battalion will camp at Railhead one night and move in to the Staging Camp the noxt day. 2. A Battalion of the 15th. Infantry Brigade will move up to Railhead from Staging Camp on the 16th. and another on the 17th. 3. The rolief of the 12th. Infantry Brigado by three Battalions of the 13th. Iufantry Brigado will tako place on the 17th., 18th., and 19th. instants. Two Battalions of the 13th. Infantry Erigade will hold each half of the line. The reliefs will be carried out under arrangements to be made by 3rd. L.H. Brigade with 12th. and 13th. Infantry Brigades direct, but must be so arranged that Brigade Headquarters, Machine Gun Company and 2 Battalions belong- ing to the same Brigade aro concontrated each night at Railhead, so as to be available if necessary for the Mobile Column. 4. All tents reserve ammunition and supplies, etc., in the front line will be handed over to rolioving Battalions. It may be found necessary to take in or out a few tents aocording to the difference in strength of the various Battalions. Pioneer Battalion will bring back to the Stagi- Camp the tents they take over at Railhead. 5. 12th. Infantry Brigade (Headquarters, 2 Battalions and Machine Gun Company (4 guns only),) will tako the place of the 13th. Infantry Brigade in the Mobile Comumn held ready at Railhead as soon as the two Brigade Head- quarters change round. The remaining 2 Battalions 12th. Infantry Brigade will be sent back to the Staging Camp and Camp on the ground latelyocoupied by 13th. Infantry Brigade, 13th. Infantry Brigade will hand over to 12th. Infantry Brigade all orders eto., regarding the mobile column. er Lieut-Colonel. G.S. 4th. Australian Division. Issued to :- Jrd. L.H. Brigade 3 Infantry Brigades 2 to 4. Pioneer Battalion. C.D.E., S.S.O. 3 to 8. C.D.A., A.D.M.S. 9. 10 to 11.Q. (2) Signal Company 12. D.A.D.O.S. 13. 4 to 20.Retained.
O R D ERS. MOVEMENT .-----------.----.-...-----..---.-----.-------- B/8119/6. To:- A.M.L.O's. ---- Tho Baso Commandant, now that tho position has boon dofinod, has authorisod tho following arrangomonts for the convonionco of officers and othor ranks arriving at Marsoillos from Egypt, th East otc., for passago across Franco to the United Kingdom. All provious notifications are cancellod. No Naval or Military passongor may disombark from any N.B. transport or privato vossol until furnished with a Modical Pormit by tho Inspocting Officor appointod by tho Assistant Diroctor of Medical Sorvicos. The A.M.L.O. who boards the vossol will, on production of tho Hodical Pormit, issuo a Movemont Ordor stating whothor tho boaror is travolling froo (quoting authority) or at his own oxponso. "Froe" Movomont Ordors will bo prosontod at tho Landing Offico. 2. (Chambro do Commorco) whero Loavo à Railway Warrants will bo issuod. All Hovomont Ordors (free or othorwiso) must be prosentod-a tho offico of tho D.A.D.R.T. at tho Railway Station (Garo St. Charles) at loast four hours beforo tho doparturo of the train. Tho A.M.L.O. will tolophono tho D.A.D.M.T. as oarly as possiblo tho 24. numbor of Military Passongors arriving in order that, if possiblo, acoommodation on tho train may bo assurod. In tho case of any quostion arising as to tho issuo of a "Froe' 5. Movomont Ordor, referonco will be mado to tho D.A.O.M.G."m" Baso Hoadquartors. Attontion is invitod to tho following:- (a). All ranks prooood via Eoulogne and Folkostono. (b). Offioors on loavo travel at thoir own exponso (Frenoh concession i Fare) except officers of tho H.E.F. holding a cortificato that thoy aro ontitlod to froo warrant to dostination. (c). Officors not in uniform requiro passports and procood at their own exponse (full fare), tho Baso taking no cognisance of thoir movoment. (d). Officers and Othor Ranks who havo boon grantod passage at Public Exponso to the Unitod Kingdom by soa may not land at Marsoillos. (c). Officors arriwing by P. & 0. stoamor with coupons for tho P. £ 0. spocial train will obtain (1) a cortificato from tho A.M.L.O. as attachod or (z) a froo Movomont Ordor to bo prosontod first at the Landing Offico and thon at tho offico of tho D.A.D.R.T. who will issuo Ordro do Transport or (3) Movement Ordor authorising passage at -foro which will be- prosontod at tho offico of the D.A.D.R.T. who will causo tho corrosponding tickot to bo issuod. In tho caso of (1) officors will bo liablo for full faro, in tho caso of (2) for tho supplomont on tho P. & 0. Spooial Train and (3) for tho supplomont plus + fare. (f). Officers must mako thoir own arrangomonts with tho Railway, or through tho usual Agonts, to rosorvo slooping accommodation or rogistor luggago etc. A.S.BUCKLAND COCKELL, Captain, Marseillos. D.A.O.M.G. 15th May, 1916.

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