Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 12, 3 April - 30 April 1916, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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A0 BONTULOMERL Headquarters, 4th. Auetralian Divicion, Letter of LieuteCelenel Tilney, Comanding Officer 13th. Battalien herewith. 1 alse forward the previcus cerrespendence in thie matter, so far as I held same, as he requests. Incasemuch as the gist of the second complaint appears be be that the erisinal Circular Keme of April 15th. 1916 was eirculated among the officers of two other Brigades, I wish to state that the cepies of this Circular which reached me were marked Confidential, and I nnnn personally communicated them confidentially to Commanding Officers enly and not to junier officers. Ae 1 de not think that the G.O.C. Division intended that pars 6 of erisinal meme was to be premulsated to juniey officers in other Brisades, may I venture to suggest that, ir this ie found to have been done, oither intentionally or accidentally, a direction withdrawing such premulgation to such junier offieers may dispose of this complaint BRIGSGENL. SER Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde. 27. 4. 1916.
1 Nole Dtic Fi Ar in the Desit Jac Day looked hontd t frt tuc D antc ha been th th M Se that 20r thd 4 nep the Cnal Sore fer Nof of the5 e Te 4 23 4 fce t0t fee £ 4 p opo ly fthe p fl. Arthes farion for £24 46 they stay henee hi d Lond Mmd a All the 4 X torpngel 42 14 Henveriat Leberony Fex cept kind lft stopped Work 24 the E day. £4/2 £4 X all te ta Hed 1 2 bateane some distentting to p40 Lety Gaed then the or th t Ma W 242 Wa 6 tmpary Stit ne o fin 2 the t white t 2b0 42 Inenta the 2 t 4 1 t 25/ or ep £ 12 te £1 1 2l 1001
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cadse 46 fe 4 efe ptaff 1 2 do Cn ast har After 8 clook t pop # h ne $24 H 4p in Iita Low pumac t naval tt little Fepte The founed TBk with Chelre the wherever tn Wa Staff Laptin A He went wore ar fyr staf on H. trophi asmival ended in presentation t # lost $1 Sen May X o dinnner th whing May 7 the depir himble r nent nighty tt hatt dure Conratulation sent Cable + Man Fud Am 2 truaged De fon 15 b ti & i Wance & o d Arn orf Fan t l sep 4 rede ed
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10 4th Porugale PaRD A7S. DEMT CONFLLLTAL. No. 83. L NTE L L T CF N O F SUNN4 RY. 23th April. 1916. GENERAL HEADOUARTERS, EGIPTYAN EXPEDITYONARY FORAE. I GENERAL INTELLIGENOE. 2. SITUATION IN IRELAND: wh thee sheett tepef of et is t eet thd dhaf t
PaTD 479. L. CENERAL INTELLIGEBOE. At tho Alliod Conforenco hold in Paris tho Allios arrived at a completo understanding rogarding sevoral outstanding quostions of policy. Tho shipping question was roviowod in all its aspects, and it was dotormined that Allied shipping should bo pooled as far as possibls, and that the high cost of living, ospecially in Italy, should bo mot by divorting grain ships to Italian Ports and by sonding consignments of coal from England. Alroady improvoment has boen achiovod and tho maximim value is boing obtained from the available shipping. Tho Sorbian roprosentativos attonding the Conference word assurod that neithor Great Britain, France or Russia had any intention of concluding a soparate peace with Bulgaria. Tho Fronch Gevernmont have agreed to take immodiate action in transporting the Sorbian Troops to Salonika, rather than to wait until the British Governmont can dotail ships which would necossitate some delay sinco all tho available tonnage is now fully occupied. Tho Alliod Governments have had to refuse the proposed reliof for the Serbian peasantry as regards food supply. But there is no objection to a modical and Sanitation Mission, composed of noutrals going up country to attend to the noeds of the civil population. Suffering is known to bo great, but the policy of the Central Powers in denuding the country of all supplies holds out no prospect of the food consigned to the Serbians poasantry being distributed to them. With the knowledge of the Alliod Governments the Roumanians havo boen exporting no loss than 120,000 tons per month of grain and vegotables to enomy countrios. For the prosont Roumania feols hersolf unable to rosist the domands of the Contral Powers, but she has refusod to allow hor rolling stook to loave the country. An organization named Central Purchase Lobezation has boen sot up in Germany, and this is charged with the duty of procuring food supplies by the easiest routo. The grain from Roumania is brought




4th. Australian Division,


Letter of Lieut-Colonel Tilney, Commanding Officer 13th.

Battalion herewith. I also forward the previous correspondence in this matter, so far as I hold same, as he requests.


In-as-much as the gist of the second complaint appears be be that the original Circular Memo of April 15th. 1916 was circulated among the officers of two other Brigades, I wish to state that the copies of this Circular which reached me were marked "Confidential", and I [[?]] personally communicated them confidentially to Commanding Officers only and not to junior officers.


As I do not think that the G.O.C Division intended that para 6 of original memo was to be promulgated to junior officers in other Brigades, may I venture to suggest that, if this is found to have been done, either intentionally or accidentally, a direction withdrawing such promulgation to such junior officers may dispose of this complaint




Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.





Notes for Article on
Anzac Day in the Desert
Event had been looked forward to with much anticipation. 
Seeing that the [massing] of the
Defences of the Canal could not be neglected
there was, tribulation among those units &
offcers & men to whose lot it fell to supply
the garrison & perform the duties necessary
for the day itself.
All the remainder however made high holiday
for (except for the formal Memorial Ceremony) &
work of every kind was stopped for the day.
Permission had been obtained for all Anzac
veterans to wear some distinguishing mark.
Every man who had taken part in the Gallipoli
Campaign was entitled to wear a strip of
blue ribbon on the right breast, while every
man who had taken part in the memorable
Landing was in addition entitled to wear
crimson ribbon. - The numbers of
offcers & men who thus actually wore both
was very [[??]] - [[?]]


envy of their Comrades. - 
From Reveille at 5 oclock al ws bustle &
activity in the Camps of the 4th Brigade, to get
ready for the memorial service fixed for half
past six. - All units were turned out
fully armed, & dressed in their best parade
turnout; band instruments shone resplendent
in the early morning sunlight, & a firepit
draped with the Australian flag was formed of
the drums. - 
The Brigade was formed up in a huge hollow square
the sides comprised of clearly packed lines of men
20 deep. - A special choir of 100 voices
had been trained for the service. The bands
were brigaded under the serious Bandmaster.
In the crisp cool morning and, with a gentle north
breeze, the service was conducted by Chaplain
Lt Col. Wray - who himself took a distinguished
part in the Landing on Gallipoli. So also did the
Brigadier & the five senior commanders of the
Brigade, all of whom had been decorated for
their conduct of those operations.
The service opened with hymns & prayers &
a special prayer for the dead heroes of the Brigade
Then followed a stirring ^& eloquent address by the Chaplain
which was listened to with wrapt attention by the
newer Australians who formed the back of
the parade, & left few of the veterans
unmoved. - The Keynote of the address was
& Australian nationhood which had been


actioned on that ever memorable April 25th 
a year year ago. -
At the Conclusion of the address - the whole
Brigade was called to attention, & stood in
rigid silence while the Bands played the
"Dead March in Land". - When the last
rumble of the muffled drums had died
away, the massed Buglers of the
Brigade blew the sounded the "Last
Post". - It was a stirring picture to see the
parade of over 5000 men standing motionless
& in perfect silence on the dull uniform
background of the desert to the [[end?]].
The formal ceremony concluded with the
National Anthem.
Then breakfasts - special fare
provided by regimental funds.
Morning spent in Inter-battalion sports,
Cricket matches, donkey races,
Mounted flag races [[?etc?]]
The afternoon, grand Aquatic Carnival
on Suez Canal given by whole of
Fourth Division - programme involved



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