Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 12, 1 March - 29 April 1916, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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2O Plan of 30 Lifle Rorge 32 Tayets Taygets to harranged in 4 gronps of 8- Carl teries occupying 6th intreval between gronp to be ponded- Targets had better be numbered 1 to8- Pran of Range Rough Seate 1 yard from line to line for Section blf seare for plan te a orprore Steart 4 Alelee eeene ee if atable 41
4 He te wa and ff nt Kpuight 4ards
Htelte nte Aatihtdltitnyun BHFHTRINATHTT 24 EACAUNHISN FLAN. X 9t 30 15 -Fargit WW Section at AA Proposed 30 yor Range (Not to scale. N. 15//16
A70. To. AUSTRALLAN AUARTERS, IMPERIAL FOREf -el-Kebir. 56 15th. March 1916. MARI5 1916 4th Infantry brigade. C. 0. Battalion, The personnel recommended for transfer to Artillery as per supplamentary lists Turwashed by Battalions this day will parade at Brigade Headquarters at 1000 on Thursday March 16th. under orderly officers, for inspection by C.D.A. DRESS:- Clean fatigue. Every man listed to be present, in mr order of position on rolls. Conduct sheets to be in hands of orderly officers. DEnmonash BRIG-GEHL. Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Ede. Patta2son P Surnam Meyn 13th. 14th. wnt 15th. a ot 16th. Staff Coptain &f G.O.C. File.
To. To. AUSTEALLAN HEADOUARTERS, yab. TELYELYKEBIR. IMPERIAL FORCE 15th. March 1916. 5078 MARI5 1916 4th Infantry brigade. C.O. Battalion. The time for parading personnel for transfer to Pioneer Company, as per para 1 of memo 4ab/3078 of 14th. March 1916 will be 0830 on Thursday March 16th. Dhuhowash BRIG-GENL. Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde. Co. D. Turmam Mayn 13th. Battalion 14th. Battalion Sr 15th. Battalion 16th. Battalion oreiquut attn. G.O.C. File.
AUETSSNN IMPERIAL FORCE Ath. AUSTRLLLAN IFFANTRY BRIGADE yed HEADGUARTERS, MARI5 1916 Tel-el-kebir. 15th. March 1916. 4th Infantry Brigade. Officer Commanding Australian Records Section 3rd. Echelon ALEXAUDRIR A Court of Inquiry is about to be hesembled with a view to finally dealing with missing personnel of this Brigade, and it has beek suggested that the work of the Court would be greaty facilitated if you could kindly arrange to send up for a day or so the Orderly Room Sergeants of the respective Battalions with, as far as practicable, their records. In this connection the 4 sergeants would not be required at one and the same time, and amply notice would be given you. I shall be glad to learn whether it will be practicable for you to assist in the direction indicated, and if se, whether a list of Prisoners of War could be made available. Im SMINAbL. Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde
1 6f thik to Bdes Mlof th 23 23 22 27 99 Transferred Artillery Suncerdn. Various Wuits sick Seprned Sick thrst Wts 12 204 187 4t 431 16 In te rigade Daile state to 1900 1 S9t Others Total 18 25 159 14 141 908 60 822 37 923 860 874 20 829 29 889 824 37 163 3504 4128. 505 Deficiency 20 Absenties Psolation 10 Total does me include Worton Mussell Dapt salier
Eatabl pents 1
Licture on Grende Fraining 163/16 by Hol. Duncan, G.S.O only Mills boul nor - almost foot proof Bombig partie must workk as a party Establishment. - 259 to be trained fevery man to know hae to use in boub. Bornty Party 8 J.N.C.S. observet, watch & directs 2 Rnet ma 2 Theoe 1 dangs bonet first 2 d N.C.O 4 Furnow 654 carried E Dumpe Counl 7 Spar then 8 Span Carrie 80110 Every man cames goenadiy & 2 pundlages Nmfor cart 10 Sundbegs At ou consolidit all gro I.C barncade with sandbags. I wise screen for party sed in top burriende Punphit of or you an wente
Io tash prity I the ar 2 d 3 resewe partes Ensh prip of pnotis unde an office begnive Dombiy offices in euch Compay A part of Engineers with eash fany frmp of parties Riple Grenadies in Wance a vely good rifle grenade ased to caet the advance, boet the heat of the Comtiny parton fng from the hip. 2 Ripe Gvenadus accompany Each paurty Ever man must have a clear knowledg the plan. - offices must tell a) 00 the men what t going to be done. Supply of Grenades stomans put a Cutan of five behand ond attack diffrcult to get bombs up C pnt te te n te to frod litrucher, drimps of 300 to 400 dimps supply must be prisil for ard giby spare carriess Battatin dumps - with carrios r onse dumps - heve they are hoyed Dirand dimps 1 AANGHAN MaFAINIHG enr Me. CMAND M sult of the earth. Lelect the best men Bombi School - simpletrand advmsed vystern of truches Denribes Courses Standard Tests then must be proparn dosnon up Thoaner of Frenades only Mills - HyteSchool 600 a month it gets 500 dimmmes (yal) & $3,000 lwve formade 100 Spherient fremade enterpuilty CvC. nold Soar

Diagram - see original document

Plan of 30X Rifle Range for 32 Targets -
Targets to be arranged in 4 groups of 8 - 
Each series occupying 6 X - interval between
group to be provided -
Targets had better be numbered 1 to 8 -
Plan of 30X Range
Rough Scale
For Section 1 yard from line to line
For plan         half scale 

Diagram - see original document


Height of Fire Point 2' 3" - Horizontal guard rail 1' 3"
                                                  above firing point - uprights
                                                  say every 4 yards -

Diagram - see original document


Diagram - see original document

Diagram - see original document

Section at AA
Proposed 30 yds Range.
(Not to scale.)


MAR 15 1916.
4th Infantry Brigade.

15th. March 1916.
C. C.
The personnel recommended for transfer
to Artillery as per supplementary lists
furnished by Battalions this day will parade
at Brigade Headquarters at 1000 on Thursday
March 16th. under orderly officers, for
inspection by C.D.A. DRESS:- Clean fatigue.
Every man listed to be present, in or
order of position on rolls. Conduct sheets
to be in hands of orderly officers.
John Monash
Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.

13th. Battalion   Signature Major

14th.      "             Signature Capt

15th.      "              Signature

16th.      "              Signature Lt

Staff Captain.     Initials





MAR 15 1916.
4th Infantry Brigade.

15th. March 1916.
C. O.
The time for parading personnel for transfer to
Pioneer Company, as per para 1 of memo 4ab/3078
of 14th. March 1916 will be 0830 on Thursday
March 16th.
John Monash
Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.




13th. Battalion     Signature  Major

14th. Battalion     Signature Capt

15th. Battalion     Signature

16th. Battalion     Signature Lt

Staff Captain.


File.                  Initials




MAR 15 1916.
4th Infantry Brigade.


15th. March 1916.

Officer Commanding
Australian Records Section
3rd. Echelon
A Court of Inquiry is about to be assembled
with a view to finally dealing with "missing" personnel of this
Brigade, and it has been suggested that the work of the Court
would be greatly facilitated if you could kindly arrange to send
up for a day or so the Orderly Room Sergeants of the respective
Battalions with, as far as practicable, their records.
In this connection the 4 sergeants would not be required
at one and the same time, and ample notice would be given you.
I shall be glad to learn whether it will be practicable
for you to assist in the direction indicated, and if so, whether
a list of Prisoners of War could be made available.
Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde 


4th Aust. Inf. Brigade
Daily State to 1900 16/3/16
Unit Off W.Os Sgts Others Total
Bde HQ. 4 - 3 18 25
Bde M.G. Coy 4 - 14 141 159
13th Bn 23 3 60 822 908
14      " 23 3 37 860 923
15      " 22 3 20 829 874
16      " 23 3 29 834 889
  99 12 163 3504 3778
        Deficiency 505
Transferred   Absentees 20
Artillery 208 Isolation  10
Pioneer Bn 187    
Various Units 14    
Sick 12    
  421 Total does not
include Capt Norton Russell
Sick 16    



Lecture on Grenade Training   16/3/16
by Lt. Col. Duncan, G.S.O
Only Mill's bombs now - almost fool proof
Bombing parties must work as a party
Establishment. - 25% to be trained
Every man to know how to use a bomb.
Bombing Party 8 = 

1 N.C.O. observer, watches
& directs
2 Bayonet men
2 Throwers
1 damper
1 bayonet) first
2      d"       )
3 N.C.O
4 Thrower
5 Carrier
6 Damper (sand bgs)
7 Spare thrower
8 Spare carrier

Diagram - see original document
Every man carries 8 or 10 grenades & 2 sandbags.
damper carries 10 sandbags
At once consolidate all ground
i.e barricade with sand bags.
1 wire screen per party - used on top of
Trench photographs show all Commdn trenches


For each party - there are 2 or 3 reserve parties
Each group of parties under an Officer
Require Assembling Officers in each Company
A part of Engineers with each party 
group of parties.

Rifle Grenadiers - In France a very
good rifle grenade
used to cover the advance, over the
heads of bombing parties, firing 
from the hip.

2 Rifle Grenadiers accompany each party

Every man must have clear knowledge 
of the plan - officers must tell all
the men what is going to be done.

Supply of Grenades  
German put a curtain of fire behind
our attack, . : difficult to get
bombs up

Bombing party takes 80 to 100 bombs.
In front line trenches, dumps of 300 to 400 dumps
Supply must be pushed forward; by
spare carriers.
Battalion dumps - with carriers
Brigade dumps - here they are fuzed.
Divisional dumps

Select the best man - salt of the earth.
Bombing school - simple trench
" advanced" system of trenches
Describes Courses
Standard Tests
These must be programmes drawn up

Allowance of grenades

Only Mills - Bgde School 600 a
it gets 500 dummies
& 3000 live grenades
100 shrapnel grenades
2 Catapults
100 rifle Grenades



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