Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 12, 1 March - 29 April 1916, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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COMPOSITION IN DETAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ enl 33 ! Remarks. Detail x -18)3 Me.a! ------------ Headquarters, Major or Captain Company sergeant-major 1 -! Company quartermaster sergeant .'. Transport sergeant .! Articifer Shoeing smith 1 ) Signallers 4 Privates Sble -3 Drivers i2 Storemen Cooks Batman (c) TTiy1 11 1!2 ! 26 Total Attached- 2 R.A.M.C. Drivers, A.S.C.(train transport) ili; Total Headquarters (including attached 12 128 134 Mechine Gun Section - Subalterns Sergeants 2! - Corporals Privates -. - 10 Drivers (lst line transport) 1 Batmen (c) 1 - 1 2 1 - 125 fotal Nachins Gun Section 1101 -1121 - (a) includes 1 corporal (b) 8 range takers and 8 stouts armed and traihed soldiers and are available for duty in the ranks. (c' All batmen are fully
MACHINE GUN COMPANY TRANSPORT --.----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- 12 Horses 3-- Detail 572 ist Line Headquarters - Bicycles (cooks' Carts (water Mach Section - Wagons (for 4 machine guns, tripods, ammun- Limbered (ition and 4 ammunition pack G.S. (saddles (d).( (for ammunition (f) Train - Wagon, G.S. for beggage and supplies 1 113- 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (d; for lead horses (e) 7,000 rounds in each limbered wagon. (f) 18,000 rounds.
Tel-el-Kebir. 2nd. March 1916. Te. Offieers Commanding Brigades à Divisional Units FOURTR AUSTRLLIAN DIVISION It has been suggested to me that, as a medium for the wecial intercourse of efficers of the Feurth Division, and for their comfert and entertainment during the stay at Tel-el-Kebir, it would be desirable to ergunise an Offieer's Club, lecated in a central position in the Campe of the Divieien. An outline propesal fer such an Institutien is annexed. Its establishment would, of course, require the approva of higher autherity. if you faveur the idea, will you please let me knev, and I would thereupon ask each Brigade and Divicienal Umit to send, cay, twe reprecentatives to a general meeting to go mere clesely inte details and to launch the propecal. Yeurs faithfully, BRIG-GENL. Copies to. . R. A. Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde c. R. E. c.c. lZth. Inf. Bde. C.0. 13th. Inf. Bde. c.0. Div. Sigs. C.0. Div. Train. Senier C.0. Field. Ambulance.
wouars nurzätlim prutsion geriemats cuus The membership of the "Club" te be cenfined te Officers ef the Feurth Australian Divisies. The subseription te be twe shillings per week per effieer. On the full strength of the Divisien, this subseriptien weuld vield (reughly) sixty pounds per week, but in the carlier stage until Divisienal Treops jein, and while the Brigades are under etrength, a revenue of about thirty pounds per week can be counted upen. These sums would suffice te pay for upkeep of building, hire of furniture, piane and ether plant, magazines and newspapere, salaries and wages, and general expehses. Ih simplify finances, the subseriptions veuld be handed to the cemmittee in bulk each week by Brigades and Divisienal Units. The affairs of the dlub to be administered by a Committee cemprising ene representative of each Infantry Brigade and s cach Divisional Formation; the Committee te appeint a Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. A paid manager er steward and necessary servants weuld be engaged by the committee.
Ihe conveniences of the Club weuld comprise:- A large commen roem, with bar and buffet annexed, a sard reem, a billiard room with trs er mere tables, shower beths, and latrines, a reading and writing room, a committee reom er effice and necessary sanitary and managerial adjunets. The bar vould provide wines, ale, spirits, tobacce, cigarettes, cigars and sweets en a price scale to be settled bybthe Committee; the reading and writing reem woul provide a full supply of stationery, and reference literature, also current French and Englich daily, weekly and monthly magazines, jeurnals and newspapers. The billiard and card rooss weuld be suitably erganised. The cemmon reom would have a piano and facilities fer umcke concerts and social mestings of officers. The provision of set meals would probably interfere with regimental messes, but arrangemente ceuld be made to serve afternoon tea on the usual lines, and a light supper ef coffee, soups and sandwiches. Billiards, cards, bar and ether refreshmente, weuld be self supporting on a scale of payment to be arranged by the committee. The revenue of the Club would be deveted to the cost of establishing the building, the provision
i by hire and purchase of furniture and plant, reading matter statienery, gramophene etc. etc., and the payment of services and concervaney. Special arrangements to be made for receiving and posting war and ether news and bulletins of interest. As an adjunet to the club there could be run, under its zupervision, a high class laundry, and the repair clesning and pressing of clething. The ceets of the building weuld be covered by the actual cost of labeur of erection and furnishing, and the tamperary hire for a period of say s weeks er more of the necessary materialt and furniture. It is probable that a Contrast weuld be found who would undertake the provision of all requirements in the matter of fixtures for a moderate fixed sun, to cover initial expenditure plus the prospeetive prefits from sales of refreshmente, and revenue frem games. ähen the club dissolves, any monies remaining in the hands of the committee can be refunded to units, pre rata, fer regimental conforts funds. The Cemmittee would be wholly responzible fer the establish- ment and enforcement of rules for the geed order and manage- ment ef the club on lines chich would render the Club an agrecable and comfertable meeting place for aïf efficere, beth senier and junier, of the whole Divieien.
AU 215/7 Komnal Moll on Offears avarlable t0 lumang 45r Mechine Bem Bonfang ags Addlton (62r 1 Grels. Lvarse ot Demnbroom igeet Kalter lacking in foree ana enetralse 520 Kast Tolask Gallepale esflmanee rørkk Ior Sume deling bae Arrled. da båe for a tue oad Pubordeate ogfraer beit en ometable for Quete a lomanc uhreh no praelrealle, ndefandart. g im Gagt Alofdene Gd. Laurse Dem bedon 1011 ausk hommanded o eomharng en Gallefoli ood feghlen nselt dach tnnetralne ead arll y descplenanean Aot c Bubes. AE 99B
PROGRAMME OF TRAINIFG , LEWIS GUNS 110.30 - 11.30 111.30 - 12.30 12.0 - 8.0. 13.0 - 4.0 4.03 4.30 18.30 - 9.30 19.30 -10.30 Drill General Notes on 1 General Deserip,, ining õi a Drill Lecture ! Squadding and Monday lst. Stage; Drill ist. Stage Description -tion of Gun. ! Opening Address ist.Stag of Gun. Lewis Gun Sect --------------------------- -..------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drill Notes General Lecture ! General Descript; Drill lst. Description Stripping 2nd. Stage on Drill Character -ion of Gun Stage Tuesday 2nd.Stage of Gun istice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D r i 1 1 2nd. S ta g. Drill Lecture Mechanism Mechanism Wednesday ! Stripping Fire 2nd. Stage Direction (1) ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- --1 Lecture Stripping Spare Parts ! D rill lst & 2nd Immediate Fire ' Mechanism Thursday boxes shewn Stages Direction (11) action & explained. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ Lecturs Immediate Lesturs Concealed ; Drill lst. 4 Friday Visual trainin Exa m ination Range Cards ; 2nd. Stages action and Guns Demonstrat preparation Military Vocabulary -ion Drill of atoppages Indication & recognition. ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- Notes on Saturday Prolonged Lecturg Elementary Tesye of getting Tactical Stoppages. Fire Ordere Examination Stripping Elementary Guns Demonstrat Handling Training ready for -ion on Land lst. Stage Firing. -scape targets eEEEEEEBZESSEEZEESEEESESEEEZSZSZSSSSEZSEzEZEZZESZIISEEZEZSESEESCZZEESSSEEEEEEZESCESSEEEGSECZECEEEEEZZZ ZZEEE
PROGRAMME OF TRAINING , LEWIS GUNS (Continued) 1a so.2.9. sso.-1ojo 5 jo,o. 1.o Ijuso. ja,o j s0.30. 30 -40 a 40 - 45. et tontees of Elementary Tactical Prolonged Table "C' Part I Monday Limbered Handling Mechanien vagons. Stoppages 30 yards rangs 2nd t 3rd. Stages -------------------------------- Range Cards. Examination Table "C" Fire Orders Lectur Part I Tuesday Machine Guns General Description Practice in Trench 30 yards range. and mechanism. warfare. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes under Table "C" Lesture. Fire Orders Wednesday! Part II Staff Sergeants Tactical Exercise Machine Guns Practice in Open Wasfare. ....177771111111111711111 Demonstration E x m m in a t i o n Practices Field Thursday Oblique Fire Immediate action Preparation. Selected. Swinging Traverse ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Students return to Un i t s. Written Examination Friday M. E. F. 21st. February 1916.



Officers Warrant
Stf  Sgts
and Sgts
& file
Total Riding Draught Heavy
Total Bicycles Remarks
Major or captain 1 - - - - 1 1 - - 1    
- 1 1 - - 1 - - -      
Quartermaster sergeant
- - 1 - - 1 - - -      
- - - - - 1 - - -      
Articifer - - - 1 - 1 - - -      
Shoeing smith - - - 1 - 1 - - -      
Signallers - - - - 4 (a) 4 - - -   4  
Privates - - - - 16 (b) 16 - - -      
Drivers - - - - 2 2 - 3 - 3    
Storemen - - - - 1 1 - - -      
Cooks - - - - 2 2 - - -      
Batman (c) - - - - 1 1 - - -      
Total 1 1 2 2 26 32 1 3 - 4 4  
Attached -                        
R.A.M.C. - - - - - - - - - - -  
Drivers, A.S.C.
- - - - - - - - - - -  
1 1 2 2 28 34 1 3 - 4 4  
Machine Gun Section                        
Subalterns 2 - - - - 2 2 - - 2 -  
Sergeants - - 2 - - 2 - - - - -  
Corporals - - - - 2 2 - - - - -  
Privates - - - - 16 16 - - - - -  
Drivers (1st line transport) - - - - 5 5 - 10 - 10 -  
Batmen (c) - - - - 2 2 - - - - -  
Total Machine Gun Section 2 - 2 - 25 29 2 10 - 12 -  

(a) includes 1 corporal                  (b) 8 range takers and 8 scouts
(c) All batmen are fully armed and trained soldiers and are available for duty in the ranks



Detail Vehicles Drivers


Draught Heavy
1st Line          
Headquarters -           
Bicycles 4 - - -  
           (cooks' 1 1 1 -  
Carts (water 1 1 2 -  
Each Section -          
for 4 machine guns, tripods, ammunition and 4 ammunition pack
Saddles (d), (e)
for ammunition (f)
Train -
Wagon, G.S. for baggage and supplies
1 1   2  
Total 18 22 43 -  

(d) for lead horses   (e) 7,000 rounds in each limbered wagon.
                                     (f) 18,000 rounds.


2nd. March 1916.
To.    Officers Commanding Brigades & Divisional Units
It has been suggested to me that, as a medium for the
social intercourse of officers of the Fourth Division, and for
their comfort and entertainment during the stay at Tel-el-Kebir,
it would be desirable to organise an Officer's Club, located
in a central position in the Camps of the Division.
An outline proposal for such an Institution is annexed.
 Its establishment would, of course, require the approval
of higher authority.
If you favour the idea, will you please let me know,
and I would thereupon ask each Brigade and Divisional Unit
to send, say, two representatives to a general meeting to go more
closely into details and to launch the proposal.
Yours faithfully,
Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde
Copies to.
C. E. A.
C. R. E.
G.O. 12th. Inf. Bde.
G.O. 13th. Inf. Bde.
C.O. Div. Sigs.
C.O. Div. Train.
Senior C.O. Field. Ambulance.


The membership of the "Club" to be confined to Officers of 
the Fourth Australian Division..
The subscription to be two shillings per week per officer.
On the full strength of the Division, this subscription would
yield (roughly) sixty pounds per week, but in the earlier stages
until Divisional Troops join, and while the Brigades are under
strength, a revenue of about thirty pounds per week can be
counted upon.
These sums would suffice to pay for upkeep of building, hire
of furniture, piano and other plant, magazines and newspapers,
salaries and wages, and general expenses.
To simplify finances, the subscriptions would be handed to
the committee in bulk each week by Brigades and Divisional
The affairs of the Club to be administered by a Committee
comprising one representative of each Infantry Brigade and a
each Divisional Formation;  the Committee to appoint a
Chairman, Secretary , and Treasurer.
A paid manager or steward and necessary servants would be
engaged by the committee.


The conveniences of the Club would comprise:- A large
common room, with bar and buffet annexed, a card room,
a billiard room with two or more tables, shower baths,
and latrines, a reading and writing room, a committee
room or office and necessary sanitary and managerial
The bar would provide wines, ale, spirits, tobacco,
cigarettes, cigars and sweets on a price scale to be
settled by the Committee;  the reading and writing room would
provide a full supply of stationery, and reference
literature, also current French and English daily, weekly
and monthly magazines, journals and newspapers.  The
billiard and card rooms would be suitably organised.
The common room would have a piano and facilities for
smoke concerts and social meetings of officers.
The provision of set meals would probably interfere with
regimental messes, but arrangements could be made to serve
afternoon tea on the usual lines, and a light supper of
coffee, soups and sandwiches.
Billiards, cards, bar and other refreshments, would be
self supporting on a scale of payment to be arranged by
the committee.  The revenue of the Club would be devoted
to the cost of establishing the building, the provision


by hire and purchase of furniture and plant, reading matter
stationery, gramophone etc. etc., and the payment of services
and conservancy.
Special arrangements to be made for receiving and posting
war and other news and bulletins of interest.
As an adjunct to the club there could be run, under its
supervision, a high class laundry, and the repair cleaning
and pressing of clothing.
The costs of the building would be covered by the actual
cost of labour of erection and furnishing, and the temporary
hire for a period of say 8 weeks or more of the necessary
materials and furniture.  It is probable that a Contractor
would be found who would undertake the provision of all
requirements in the matter of fixtures for a moderate fixed
sum, to cover initial expenditure plus the prospective
profits from sales of refreshments, and revenue from games.
When the club dissolves, any monies remaining in the hands
of the committee can be refunded to units, pro rata, for
regimental comforts funds.
The Committee would be wholly responsible for the establishment
and enforcement of rules for the good order and management
of the club on lines which would render the Club an agreeable
and comfortable meeting place for all officers,
both senior and junior, of the whole Division.


Nominal Roll of Officers available to command
4th Machine Gun Company
Major Wilton 16th Bn.
M.G. course at Duntroon 1914
Rather lacking in force and initiative
Capt. Black 16th Bn.
Gallipoli experience with 
Acting Bde. N.C.O. 4th Bde for a time.
Good Subordinate Officer but unsuitable for
such a command which is practically independent.
Capt. Hopkins 13th Bn.
M.G. Course Duntroon 1914
Commanded a company in Gallipoli
Good fighter with dash & initiative
Good drill & disciplinarian.
R. G. Sigge  Capt
B.M.G.O.   4th A.I.Bde.
[*  1
    11 *] 




  8.30 - 9.30  9.30 - 10.30 10.30 - 11.30  11.30 - 12.30 2.0 - 3.0. 3.0 - 4.0 4.0 - 4.30
Monday Squadding and
Opening Address
General Description of Gun Lecture
Training of a Lewis Gun Sect.
1st. Stage
of Gun.
Notes on
2nd Stage
Tuesday General Description
of Gun
Drill 1st.
of Gun.
Stripping Drill
2nd Stage
on Drill
2nd Stage
Wednesday Stripping


2nd Stage

Direction (1)
Mechanism Mechanism Drill 2nd Stage
Thursday Mechanism Immediate
Direction (11)
Stripping Spare Parts
boxes shown & explained
Drill lst & 2nd Stage
Friday Drill 1st &
2nd. Stages
action and
of stoppages
Visual training
Indication &
Examination Drill Lecture
Range Cards
Saturday Tests of
Fire Orders
on Landscape
1st. Stage
Examination Stripping Notes on 
getting Guns 
ready for


  8.30 - 9.30  9.30 - 10.30 10.30 - 11.30  11.30 - 12.30 2.0 - 3.0 3.0-4.0 4.0 - 4.30
Monday Part 1 Table "C" Mechanism Prolonged
Elementary Tactical
2nd & 3rd. Stages
Contents of
30 yds range        
Tuesday Part 1 Table "C" Lecture
Machine Guns
in Trench

Fire Orders


General Description
and mechanism
Range Cards.
  30 yards range        



Part 11 Table "C" Lecture
Machine Guns
in Open

Fire Orders


Tactical Exercise Notes under
Staff Sergeants
Thursday Demonstration
Oblique Fire
Swinging Traverse
Field Practice
Immediate action & Preparation.
Friday Written Examination Students return to Units.

M.E.F. 21st. February 1916.


3 Ambulances in
Divn 4 12 13
Unit qualification
Click & will fall
into line

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