Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 12, 1 March - 29 April 1916, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
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SSpigate Sstabtiskenants Rak S6 Wo Tote! offün Lnit Tie 2! 33 Bipate ha 937 21 45 1017 137 Rikalm 937 145 29 45 107 937 ist #5 29 1007 937 29 45 1017 T6 3167 183 4101 Potal erdd. adadel (24 25 24 32 Ctashal t ait abvore. 187 317314133 25 Tolut indd: attachet 128 1So 128 12 Woec 19913721 4233 Tolt, ind A4 R.MGC (37 26 226 210 Frsnet Ca 41 208 4509 Gramd Fole am Tipr 14: 21 24 21 Dipes Trekion 210.4155453 144 21 (IrmiLoti ta Sülg 201 4310 S9oS 138 ab Tolahe fr Terndag ot Sent avag.- Bipnat O Gutses Atieng Bu anr Tota! 136 Weid amer1/5 AfgiS/A Gonter g 23/316 Regenements.- 101 176.
No. 0s106 w Words Shf Time s as de -11 Station No. G.13. 6 ga) id 2Sedan FEIFTIAN SIATE TEIEERATA. Sentto Remark Tlbe 3l. CHARGES ..) U5 a Hote at pae aalte 1344 . 0 CoNTNENTAL Po To) A:; CAIRE lease slesenne bedroom oondtfatton attachede, avsrnng kondang before Amned Generad, Monashe algi3F.V T eas prarche fiench Gen d kmmmnschr " Hes ior Grssansherfen I beg that the above telegram may be forwarded according to the conditions printed hereon D.Admrinistration est prite d'expédier la dépeche ot dessus dapres las conditione imprimdes ot contre./ a'E..d....)E) saa Wbe - Address¬ Signature
ohamed Sii 98rs INDIAN TAILORS CNvI Milltary Tallor & Ladies Dress Makers Sharia Souleman Pasha Nationd! Hoiel Building CAIRO
Tuchet Sreiche Ktrssbe Jacket Breecha abertne Odl wttor Hndtors tonk o aest O ole 1 Ate Frdbon enct
Shhe foRAUSTRALLAN Headquarters IMPERIAL FORCH ith. Australian Infantry Brigad Mas Tel-el-Kebir. MAR 1 1916 ist. March 1916. 2984 4th Intintry Erigade Headquarters, Australian Provisional Formations It is desired to bring under the notice of the C.O.C. the following matters relating to re-organisation and war training:- Until the transfergof "second wing" men from 4th. to 12th. 1. PERSONNEL. Brigade have been completed, it will not be possible to give accruate final figures; but it is certain that the requirements in personnel of 4th. Brigade, plus Machine Gun Company and Pioneer Company, will exceed the following figure viz:- 70 officers. 2200 other ranks. Since return to Egypt, this Brigade has received only few of either reinformements, er returned convalescents- especially so as to officers. Under these circumstances it ie hoped that a special effort can be made to secure an ample replen¬ ishment of personnel.- Moreover, the progress of the re¬ organisation will depend ontirley upon the rapidity with which this personnel becomes available. It is submitted that the selection of all specialists, such 2. prsciAljar" as for Signal Company, Pioneer Company etc. and to replace the specialists transferred to 12th. Brigade, should stand un over until the reinforcements above referred to have joined, so that a wider field of choice may be available. A supply of Maps of the Tel-el-Kebir district- 150 per 3. MäPS. Brigade- is very necessary:- (a) for the purpose of defining training areas (b) for the conduct of Tactical Exercises à Manocuvres. (c) for instruction in Map Reading;- very few of the junior officers (recently appointed) having had any training whatever in map reading; or guiding troops.
Bvlspor 4. MUSKETRY. The allotment of sites for Miniature rifle range: (b) Field practice ranges. It is suggested that it is sufficient is an urgent matter. if each Brigade range were of a size to acccmodate only one company at a time- so that the 16 companies may use the same range in rotation, at the rate of one company per day. sites can be indicated, this Brigade wan, as heretofore, carry out all constructional work. Submitted that inasmuch as a high percentage of the 5. AmapmizIUN personnel of this Prigade has fired elementary musketry range practices, and as there is a good proportion of marks- men, I may be allowed a discretion to allot a greater pro¬ pertion of the total ammunition available as prescribed in C.R. No. 7/4/20a of 9/2/16 para 3 for field practices and field firing. I have recently carried out progressive field practices, competitive, between platoons, which has been found most useful, and which I desire to extend. 6.BLANK AEMUNITION . The issue, if available, of say, 30 rounds per rifle of S.A.A. Blank, for use on manoeuvres would be most useful in the more advanced stegesof the training. 7.ENTRENCHING TOOLS. No instruction can be given in field fortification until the Brigade supply of picks and shovels is restored. These stores were handed over to 7th. Brigade at Anzac in September last, when the Brigade went into reserve, and have not since been replaced. UbzlON. This is also contingent upon the supply of Instruct- S.GRENADE I ional stores, which it appears, are not yet available, at Ordnance- The organisation of Grenadier Training must there- fore be held in abeyance. e. INTELLIGENCE & WAR TELEGRAMS. The daily promulgation of War Telegrams, regularly posted on the Battalion notice boards, has been much appreciated by the troops in the past. It is hoped that this daily issue can be continued here. The Intelligence Bulletins issued from Genl. H. Qrs. & ist. Anzac have hitherto been circulated confidentially anong Brigade Staff and Commanding Officers and have also been much appreciated and are of value in stimulating the interest of all concerned-. It is believed that the Intell- igence Branch of the General Staff is only too willing to issue these Bulletins to all who appreciate them. Tul a BRIG-GENL Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.
auariüchit Nol 2 MAR. 1945 Sruga HNRRd Ausraiavao bpnde IMPERIAL FORCE Suferener yg o hA.B.1953 TiHarct he MAR 2 1916 ach Infantry Brigade. pollovrng remarks refer to te verrss pares o) ggon meno: 1. Berinned. Doy the hin egon fet thr 2000 remforeimet fom heitern ett preammed ogm defpeieneg m Sther tant bsüle nit be as hao hen irle be a defreinneg, m ifreres - So renedg thii ogm an being ashed to te d 2 d h 3 tsatmit hit shrng Shat offreers ogor hae got- A 2 N. 7 Toreus borll then be eched te meke up defelnen hter tle hransfer from kertvan an Caplete please forward a tetement shoong What are the bepeieneres of the veron Battelen. usten leitorn wrle de ached to mehe then food 1. Senalnots. She isclechon o hrachene das Caperpo and Pisneer Capang to be thadd after gom reene the last of lyok reraforenent (rom Zeitone o 7: Mercd
2. happo have beim denended tt. A fall range es m being laid omt dork o the dett of calhoaten Sontk o he lanal. She gusho o Sogerds renges es being taken 7t. 5. Hone ingprshon is bening forpedrd b. M.Zorn f hrool 6 Almh amtemmitis ii berig Sinanden 7. Eatrenehing bosls an berng demerded. 3. Biendeer stors lave deen demended and nshrachon re Brapde Trenadees Skhost. aue nor bennig pladed. 9 Drtelingenes Sallekiis t Dar Ssleprans au sent b ggon regalartg he 7 Liet Gserd Jel-el-kelri eske Teken 1.3.16
.. 513/4. sten Hu Appendir 142 NOTES ON PROGRAMME Most of the subjects mentioned in the above programme are to be found in the official training manuals and handbooks. Attention is called to the following:- (A). Infantry Training Sections 102 to 104 122 158 to 164. (B) Musketry Regulations. 169 to 171 Paras. 173 to 175 180 185 187 188 to 192 207 to 209 215 to 216 224 to 22 278 to 280 299 301 to 322 324 to 325 327 330 to 335 637 to 649 Parte and Ii Table "C' pages 24l to 248. (As ammended by Army Orders) Plates XIIL, XVI and XVII (C). The official handbooks of the Gun These contain especially:- General description; Mechanism; Stripping; Stoppages: Care and cleaning; Spare Parts. (D). The hours of work allotted to each subject are what x have been proved by experience to be the minimum average number of hours required to get moderately good results.
Kotes Gom NOTES ON PROGRAME Appendir N Most of theesubjects mentioned in the above programme are to be found in the official training manuals and handbooks. Attention is called to the following:- (A). Infantry Training Sections 102 to 104 122 158 to 164. (B) Musketry Regulations. Paras. 169 to 171 173 to 175 180 185 187 188 to 192 207 to 200 215 to 216 224 to 225 278 to 280 209 301 to 322 324 to 325 327 330 to 335 637 to 649 ParteI and ff Table "C" pages 241 to 248. (As ammended by Army Orders) Plates XIII. XVI and XVII (c). The official handbooks of the Qun These contain especially:- General description; Mechanism; Stripping; Stoppages: Care and cleaning; Spare Parts. (D). The hours of work allotted to each subject are what xv have been proved by experience to be the minimum average number of hours required to get moderately good results.


Brigade Establishments











Brigade H.Q 8 1 3 21 33     New armies 1915
13th Battalion 29 6 45 937 1017      
14th   " 29 6 45 937 1017      
15th   " 29 6 45 937 1017      
16th   " 29 6 45 937 1017      
Artxx Total excl. attached 124 25 183 3769 4101      
'Attached' to all above 4 - 4 24 32      
Total incl. attached 128 25 187 3793 4133      
By M.G. Co. 9 1 12 128 150     Circular of 24/2/16
Total, incl. Attchd & M.G.Co. 137 26 199 3921 4283    
Pioneer Co. 6 1 9 210 226     Circular of 22/2/16
Grand Total excl. Sigs. 143 27 208 4131 4509 Total Requirements. -
Signal Section 1 - 2 24 27      
Grand Total inl. Sig. 144 27 210 4155 4536      
Totals for Tentage only 138 26 201 3945 4310      
Sent away:-                
Signal co.                



Div. Base 1 1 - 2       1025

E.S.R.- 155-14

Form No. G. 13.

Orig'l No. Remarks   Sent to       CHARGES
Words Route   At        
Time   Date By       -/3/16

The Telegraph Dept lines responsibility for delay, errors,
non-deliveries, etc.

L'Administration dėcl toute responsabilite pour retardse erreurs, non remise, etc.


A:                     CAIRO


Please Reserve bedroom with bathroom attached, arriving Monday before

dinner                         General Monash

  Not for transmission.           Cette partie n'est pas ā transmettre
  I beg that the above telegram may be forwarded according to the conditions printed hereon.            
  L'Administration est priee d'expedier la depeche ci-dessus d'apres les conditions imprimees ci-contre            
  Signature_______________ Address________          

Mohamed Ali & Brs
Civil & Military Tailor & Ladies Dress Makers
Sharia Souleman Pasha
National Hotel Building           CAIRO


1 Jacket & 1 breeches
of Khaki
1 Jacket & 1 Breeches
of Gaberdine
All with buttons, but no
All ₤6
K.Ali & Bros.
Indian Tailor


Office Copy
MAR 1 1916
4th Infantry Brigade
4th. Australian Infantry Brigade
1st. March 1916.
Australian Provisional Formations
It is desired to bring under the notice of the G.O.C.
the following matters relating to re-organisation and war training:-
1. PERSONNEL. Until the transfers of "second wing" men from 4th. to 12th.
Brigade have been completed, it will not be possible to
give accruate final figures; but it is certain that the
requirements in personnel of 4th. Brigade, plus Machine Gun
Company and Pioneer Company, will exceed the following figures
70 officers.
2200 other ranks.
Since return to Egypt, this Brigade has received only few of
either reinforcements, or returned convalescents- especially
so as to officers. Under these circumstances it is hoped
that a special effort can be made to secure an ample replenishment
of personnel .- Moreover, the progress of the re-organisation
will depend entirely upon the rapidity with
which this personnel becomes available.
2. SPECIALISTS. It is submitted that the selection of all specialists, such
as for Signal Company, Pioneer Company etc. and to replace
the specialists transferred to 12th. Brigade, should stand by
over until the reinforcements above referred to have joined,
so that a wider field of choice may be available.
3. MAPS. A supply of Maps of the Tel-el-Kabir district- 150 per
Brigade- is very necessary:-
(a) for the purpose of defining training areas
(b) for the conduct of Tactical Exercises & Manoeuvres.
(c) for instruction in Map Reading;- very few of the
junior officers (recently appointed) having had any
training whatever in map reading; or guiding troops.


[* Bde Copy*]
4.  MUSKETRY. The allotment of sites for
(a) Miniature rifle ranges
(b) Field practice ranges.
is an urgent matter. It is suggested that it is sufficient
if each Brigade range were of a size to accommodate only one
company at a time- so that the 16 companies may use the same
range in rotation, at the rate of one company per day. If
sites can be indicated, this Brigade can, as heretofore,
carry out all constructional work.
5. AMMUNITION. Submitted that inasmuch as a high percentage of the
personnel of this Brigade had fired elementary musketry
range practices, and as there is a good proportion of marksmen,
I may be allowed a discretion to allot a greater proportion
of the total ammunition available as prescribed in
C.R. No. 7/4/2Ga of 9/2/16 para 3   for field practices and
field firing. I have recently carried out progressive field
practices, competitive, between platoons, which has been
found most useful, and which I desire to extend.
6. BLANK AMUNITION. The issue, if available, of say, 30 rounds per rifle
of S.A.A. Blank, for use on manoeuvres would be most useful
n the more advanced stages of the training.
7. ENTRENCHING TOOLS. No instruction can be given in field fortification xxxx
until the Brigade supply of picks and shovels is restored.
These stores were handed over to 7th. Brigade at Anzac in
September last, when the Brigade went into reserve, and have
not since been replaced.
8. GRENADE INSTRUCTION. This is also contingent upon the supply of Instructional
stores, which it appears, are not yet available, at
Ordnance- The organisation of Grenadier Training must therefore
be held in abeyance.
9. INTELLIGENCE & WAR TELEGRAMS.  The daily promulgation of War Telegrams,
regularly posted on the Battalion notice boards, has been
much appreciated by the troops in the past. It is hoped
that this daily issue can be continued here.
The Intelligence Bulletins issues from Genl. H.Qrs. &
1st Anzac have hitherto been circulated confidentially
among Brigade Staff and Commanding Officers and have also
been much appreciated and are of value in stimulating the
interest of all concerned-. It is believed that the Intelligence
Branch of the General Staff is only too willing to
issue these Bulletins to all who appreciate them.
Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.
[* File Copy *]


MAR 2 1916
4th Infantry Brigade.
No G 2/26
2 MAR. 1916
G.O.C. 4th Brigade
Reference your 4 A.B. 2989 of 1st March the
following remarks refer to the various paras
of your memo:-
1. Personnel. By the time you get the
2000 reinforcements from Zeitown it is
presumed your deficiency in other ranks
will not be as much as 2200.
There will be a deficiency in officers. To
remedy this you are being asked by
GG & QM.G to submit lists showing
what officers you have got - A & N.Z. Force
will then be asked to make up deficiencies.
When the transfers from Zeitown are
complete please forward a statement showing
what are the deficiencies of the various
battalions when Zeitown will be asked to
make them good.
2.  Specialists - The selection of Machine Gun
Companys and Pioneer Company to be made
after you receive the last of your reinforcements
from Zeitown on 7th March


3. Maps have been demanded
4. A full range is now being laid out South of
the belt of cultivation South of the Canal.
The question of 30 yards range is being taken
5. Your suggestion is being forwarded to
A & N.Z. Forces for approval.
6. Blank ammunition is being demanded.
7. Entrenching tools are being demanded.
8. Grenadier stores have been demanded
and instructions re Brigade Grenadier
Schools are now being printed.
9. Intelligence Bulletins & War Telegrams
are sent to you regularly.
Lieut. Colonel
G.S. Aus. Prov. Formations


[*Lewis Guns    recd 2/3/16*]
NOTES ON PROGRAMME                Appendix "A"
Most of the subjects mentioned in the above programme
are to be found in the official training manuals and handbooks.
Attention is called to the following:-
(A). Infantry Training
Sections 102 to 104
158 to 164
(B) Musketry Regulations.
Paras. 169 to 171
173 to 175
188 to 192
207 to 209
215 to 216
224 to 225
278 to 280
301 to 322
324 to 325
330 to 335
637 to 649
Part i and ii Table "C" pages 241 to 248.
(As amended by Army Orders)
Plates XIII, XVI and XVII
(C). The official handbooks of the Gun
These contain especially:- General description;
Mechanism; Stripping; Stoppages; Care and cleaning;
Spare Parts.
(D). The hours of work allocated to each subject are what xx
have been proved by experience to be the minimum average
number of hours required to get moderately good results


[*Vickers Gun *]
NOTES ON PROGRAMME                              Appendix "A"
Most of the subjects mentioned in the above programme
are to be found in the official training manuals and handbooks.
Attention is called to the following:-
(A). Infantry Training
Sections 102 to 104
158 to 164
(B) Musketry Regulations.
Paras. 169 to 171
173 to 175
188 to 192
207 to 209
215 to 216
224 to 225
278 to 280
301 to 322
324 to 325
330 to 335
637 to 649
Part i and ii Table "C" pages 241 to 248
(As ammended by Army Orders)
Plates XIII, XVI and XVII
(C). The official handbooks of the Gun
These contain especially:- General description;
Mechanism; Stripping; Stoppages; Care and cleaning;
Spare Parts.
(D). The hours of work allocated to each subject are what xx
have been proved by experience to be the minimum average
number of hours required to get moderately good results.



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Lorraine DaviesLorraine Davies
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