Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 31 January - 29 February 1916, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
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Rood Betweet DNgades pa ar ) Beelen Orserb, Roor. 6 Bey Sgläk8k] + Comgery Sore + Gergeon"? er Spoced 72. t ate Sgnolers Beglets Roneers 8tCock Line of Kitchers 20 Spoce e T Ty Bee Use een BataVord." Btchet Rood Ostot Weer fomee 36-1, Forgpof Ter5 Teotse ire Wagons Wen or ne attes neiperofors ne of Shos ond Cans -10 r
m AUSArIH! IMPERIAL FORCS Moascar Camp, Ismailia. FFB 16 1916 16th. February 1916. ahh lnhanty otgade O. c. 13th. Battalion. The matter disclosed herein is most unsatisfactory. That a failure in the transmission of orders would be due to an 'oversight' can be taken for granted, but the real question is - what is wrong with the organisation and routine within the ree Battalionnto make it possible for such an oversight;, Under a business-like system there should be a check against individual carelessness. BRIG-GENL. Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde,
Moascar Camp, 8 eia. AUSTRALßüsth, February 19/6- a IMPERIAL FORCE Neadquarters, FFB 16 1916 N.Z. 4 n. Division 4ch Infantry Urigade. The late Lieut. Kerr (l6th. Battalien) was buried on the Peninsula on the day of the Armstice (24th. May 1915) and e ration bag containing effecte was sent te Divisional Headquarters at the Beach on the following day, or thereabouts. Captain Thomes (the then D.A.A.G.) kept a reeord of all effects received at Division. Could it be stated please, if there is any entry of receipt and disposal of the effecte in question. Mit Lieut-Col. Brigade Major. eth. Aust. Inf. Bde. for C.O.c.
Ko oesen Buf- Aice Poh Caman Srlling hei. forl lal Gunan 18 2/ Beav Pa OO Ehe Tilneng Bare.— lochebolen StoR. Coru I don ganding gom Rerentt, for distrihritønaneng gone ofpråas wt.C.Os, aomalt fanckat o Chistar Donsennin, vøtnåt veeshat sork, smeti letatet, a ferd dangs afo: - Thr poøst is that Trag were soate itee- stalleg fod uo, bog a pomatt dreter g smine (agat") thr Puglaut; + d am dure ohe wönkt beiinose Than velomfennet for Rer efforrt aut Rüghlg Ritert, 4 fom vrseto pent ter direct aufaur wordsg Her attsero achwonlakgeonent. Mis Mona Kosanhain partare Govder dave Kringstom-Hrele denn, Inglant. )Dhrnhønest
dice K0 vesen Buf Tohe Caman Sdling hi fol lal Kunan 18 2/. Beav Ba OC 2hr. Tilneng Bare. — Lbocheboden STOR. CAr I don gamding gom Rerenstt, for distihritän anang gon ofpråas +t.C.OS, aomalt faackat o Chstan Donensn, wtnåt vershat sot, sneti betatet, a fen dags age: -Thr poist i t utt t a . Than? 4 for Ackbon
F IP CH 28 Headquarters, Meascar Camp, FER 291916 25 Ismailia. 20th. February 1916. ah Mnanty otgade. Headquarters, N.Z. 4 A. Division Herewith proceedings of a Field General Court- martial in the case of No. 1361 Private C. STEVENS l5th. Battalion A.I.F., wherein the sentence of the Court is "Six months imprisonment with hard laber". As, in accordance with Divisional Order 527 of 29.8.1915 I have not the power to deal with sentences of greater severity than simple "Imprisonment" the case is submitted fer action by a Confirming Authority. I desire to express the opinion that (apart from any quest -ion of reduction of communation of the sentence) this is a case in which it is desirable that the soldier should be sent to prison, by reason of his bad record as shewn in his conduct sheet, and as dischesed in the evidence. I do not recommend the suspension of the sentence. Btutnonaste BRIG-GENL. Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde
Cops Jredesntern Moascar Camp Ismailia s 20th. February, 1916. COAR UEMTI21 Headquarters, N.Z. & A. Division. Requested that the following may be forwarded for favour of consideration by Commonwealth Department of Defence :- The pay and allowances of Officers Commanding Brigades, and holding the temporary rank of Brigadier-General, while so employed does not appear to have been determined by financial regulation. These officers have hitherto been rated and paid according to their substantive rank of Colonel. It is submitted that this question might be considered, in the light of the fact that the pay and allowan¬ ce of officers of the Regular Army similarly placed are understood to aggregate £1219 per manum, and that Australian Officers have in many cases made, and are making, heavy financial sacrificas to enable them to serve in the Australian Imperial Force. sgd. John Monash. BRIG-GENL. Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.
voo biet. BBest Hasm drite + GFaberddine Sant chlenbelt Best boots 4 Shrutie 74 Belays woo f fati gu Cattr 4 Otes enskend Cate. d 12 Handkshfo.V 1.7 1Underfoant Pngedt 2 chave codas ere br Spare Lsøbakke etnst 4 Gegben 4 Eyames." Cnlen Can. Hutvet Havn v eogi Lertebvske Brtg. Destnerng. Tvakkat Envstsfar i Letterte amaver v 557 tipd rets fan hnndige ansfade blenikfad Capkatttrear an delstegpa Melgltugd Glfia Wor lt. Tyt has ame e Liegklidg Seeg koosd Snen gf i Nragap Sor plter. Bifon
ahnd 3n e 115241 Geust, Bredtinngo Honiote Gou S4. Merin B.sibtrries Sione friends aud aduniers o Te Augaes. P.T.0.
Sait Gy a feu Austtalians in England and søue oi Mår Sugliche friendi ttringe Dr. aud. Hre. U. Roseuban Wolbazsel Bosule Laue Ringston Hill Beverld Eugand (Prr. U. Roseutean is sister 65 Buige Senerat 7. Monashe 6. 8.).

Battalion Orderly Room.
Diagram - see original document 


FEB 16 1916
4th Infantry Brigade.
Moascar Camp,
16th. February 1916.

O. C.
13th. Battalion.
The matter disclosed herein is most unsatisfactory.
That a failure in the transmission of orders would be due to an
'oversight' can be taken for granted, but the real question is -
what is wrong with the organisation and routine within the
Battalion to make it possible for such an oversight? ^ to occur Under a
business-like system there should be a check against individual 
Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde. 


Moascar Camp,
16th. February 1916.
FEB 16 1916
4th Infantry Brigade.
N.Z. & A. Division
The late Lieut. Kerr (16th. Battalion) was buried
on the Peninsula on the day of the Armstice (24th. May 1915)
and a ration bag containing effects was sent to Divisional
Headquarters at the Beach on the following day, or thereabouts.
Captain Thomas (the then D.A.A.G.) kept a record
of all effects received at Division.
Could it be stated please, if there is any entry
of receipt and disposal of the effects in question.
Brigade Major.
4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.
for G.O.C. 


Moascar Camp   
Lt Col Pope                KBO
     "      Cannan          TP McSharry Mj. for Lt Col Cannan 
     "      Tilney              [[Sean Bay]] C.O. Ett.
     "      Dare                 Chas M M Dare Lt. Col. Co14 Bn.
I am sending you herewith, for distribution among
your officers & N.C.O.'s a small packet of Christmas
souvenirs, which reached me, much belated, a few
days ago. - The point is that they were made specially
for us, by a small niece of mine (aged 11)
in England; & I am sure she would be more
than recompensed for her effort and highly flattered,
if you were to send her direct a few words of
acknowledgement. - Her address is
Miss Mona Rosenhain
"Warrawee" Coombe Lane
Surrey, England.
John Monash 


Kindly send note
Ettemonson Lt
at H.Q. 


Moascar Camp,
20th. February 1916.
FEB 20 1916
4th Infantry Brigade.
N.Z. & A. Division
Herewith proceedings of a Field General Court-martial
in the case of No. 1361 Private C. STEVENS 15th.
Battalion A.I.F., wherein the sentence of the Court is "Six
months imprisonment with hard labor".
As, in accordance with Divisional Order 527 of 29.8.1915
I have not the power to deal with sentences of greater severity
than simple "Imprisonment" the case is submitted for action by
a Confirming Authority.
I desire to express the opinion that (apart from any question
of reduction of commutation of the sentence) this is a case
in which it is desirable that the soldier should be sent to
prison, by reason of his bad record as shown in his conduct
sheet, and as disclosed in the evidence. I do not recommend
the suspension of the sentence.
[*File Div*]
John Monash
Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde


Moascar Camp,
20th. February, 1916.
N.Z. & A. Division.
Requested that the following may be forwarded for favour
of consideration by Commonwealth Department of Defence:-
The pay and allowances of Officers Commanding Brigades,
and holding the temporary rank of Brigadier-General, while so employed
does not appear to have been determined by financial regulation.
These officers have hitherto been rated and paid according to their
substantive rank of Colonel. It is submitted that this question
might be considered, in the light of the fact that the pay and allowance
of officers of the Regular Army similarly placed are understood to
aggregate £1219 per annum, and that Australian Officers have in many
cases made, and are making, heavy financial sacrifices to enable them 
to serve in the Australian Imperial Force.
sgd. John Monash.
Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde. 


Cairo list
Best Warm Suit √
Gaberdine Suit √
Cholera belt √
Best boots √
Putties √
Best Cap worn √
Fatigue Cap √
Other current Cap √
12 Handkchfs √
1 Sox √

1 Underpants √
1 Singlet √
2 spare collars √
1 spare tie √
1 spare Garibaldi shirt √
Slippers √
Pyjamas. √
Cigarettes √
Tobacco √
Cane √
British Warm √
Gloves. √
Letterbooks √
Diary √
Stationery. √
Franked Envelopes. √
Letters to answer √

Cairo agenda
Draw pay
Wash pack
Block pads
Capstan Tobacco
Cascara (2)
Eau de Cologne
3 tins kiwi (dark) )Bring these to
1 tin Dale's Dubbing ) R. Hughes
Nickel spurs
6 copies War Est. PVII new armies 1915
Reply Letters
Best [[Kimona]]
Xmas strand Magazine
Sort papers.


arrived 20/2/16

Hearty Greetings

to wish you
A Merry
From friends and
admirers of the "Anzacs".


Sent by a few Australians in England
and some of their English friends thoughts
Dr. and Mrs. W. Rosenhain
Coombe Lane
Kingston Hill

(Mrs. W. Rosenhain is sister to
Brig.-General J. Monash C.B.). 



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