Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 31 January - 29 February 1916, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Open for review
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Page 1 / 10

A0 CSTREE. A.L.I. List of Officers serving with the Battalien on 14th Feth 1016. in erder of Benieritz. Present Pepinenta If Prenef-Length of Rank. Name. Appeintment. Servicg-ed from Service in Remarks. A. 1. F. A.1.P. as Fanks. Officars 14 No 7/3 C0 4 Col 10/2. D. 14 2nd Command Margolin Ch Major m Tolery wilton on 17 ofc loy. Harwood R Captn 15 p. if Imlay 9/2 es p Black Yr No Platoon Hartley wl. Lant 9/12 afad Parko E Yr MGoffieer mcLead a Yr Am Edge a 1 10 No Platoon Hammereley 49 7h4 + Th ye Aheaon 6 3 Denten Hs Sr No Morris R Th Ye Metherson No Domerville Rd. 62 Yes H1 Cook No RbH transport Slater I wak a 260 Plakon Bush HW0 as n60 0. filley. as nto Scanalling Lynas wf as n60 Platoon Potts
Thertly to return Officers ikel T BATTALION, A. L. P. List of Officers serving with the Battalion on 14th Peth 1916. in order of Seniority. Present Peninsula II promot-Length of Rank. Name. Appointment.) Serviceped from Service in Remarks. A. I. F. A.L.F. as ranks. Officers Batation 17 to Yes Markes p4 7171 Capt. Norton Knvel 9/17 No "15/7/13 Yes scobie wf. 12t 14 Batahor 14 No Yes Clark G.H. Captn Yis Yes Contlie &JG. 7Lt B3 Battahon 17 to Yes Lt Horne HC. 15 to Snartt C6 Mr Yes G. King 2141 9/r Yes Browne J6 Tr Yes Atkinson Hd. Vir No No. Brettingham Moore Hm Yes Mr Itosk Rob yes Bataton to 13 Major No Wilton E.A. 9/i2 Paull PR Yes Capt. 9/ Parker H6. 9/2 to 44 Evans Lt Yr Yes Cumming R160 8/2 Hummerston A 9r SH adams to Tr 74 Tucker
Copy p4 716 OAERSOMIS To. Cemmanding Officers Although there has been a marked all round improvement in the Brigade as a whole, as a result of the last six weeks training and reversion to peace conditions, I am still far from satisfied with the act up, appearance and bearing of the personnel. Commanding officers, and Company Commanders will realise, as I de, that we must look to the Plateon Commander, as the innediate and most direct agency for a further betterment of the demeanour of the troops, With strict, firm industrious and capable whether on or off duty. Platoon Commanders, little except supervision and guidance will be left to be done by Senior officers. Kerewithbis a meme, covering some features of the Platoon Commander OFFICE ambit of responbibility, and it is suggested that all these (or N.C.O's acting for them) new acting or hereefter appointed, be required to take a copy of same- with any KEkxratkans additions therto that Commanding Officers may sec fit to make- and that they be given to understant clearly that their future advancement will depend on the results they shew themselves capable of producing. st will then remain for the Battalion and Company Commanders to exercise the closest supervision, and unrenitting presure to ensure the attainment of a high all-round standard of excellence. BRIG-GENL. Commdg. 4th. Aust. I.Bd MOasoar Capp, LomasIis. 12. 2. 1820. Te. O.C. Battallon
B fok PUTTTOTOEMIINNCOTAANTTRD The term Plateen Commander eovers both Subalterns and N.CO's acting as such. For the purpose of this memo, the seniers in charge of Nachine Gun Detachments, Signallers, and Transpertare to be considered as Plateon Commanders. Each Plateen Commander should be in pessesion of a nominal Roll of his Plateen, with rank, number, and full name, civil occupation, technical trade (if any). He should keep notes of the men whe are good rifle shots, who would make good scouts, who are competent to act as clerks, who are handy with teels, or who pessess any other qualification likelt to be of military value. He should knew all his men by sight and by name. The Plateon Commander is directly responsible for the soldiery bearing and efficiency of his whole Plateon and of every man in 1t. By being assiduous in fostering the mens confidence in him as a leader, and in his concern for their welfare, he sewat can soon acquire such an influence ever the men as to ensure an all-round improvementin their bearing and behaviour. West men can be readily deterred from wilful or eareless disebadience or neglect, and from intemperance, by quitely, yet fercibly impressing upon them the folly of misbehavour and of following a bad example. The Plateen Commander must insist upon the observance by evry man of the essentials of seldiery efficiency. The following are some of the matters which require his constant vigilance, and for whose observance he will be held responsible. (a). promulgation to the men of all orders. especially these affecting their conduct. 10). personal cleanliness, regular shavingand hair cutting bathing, washing of underclething, repairs to underclething, boots and web equipment. Correct wearing of battalic ours at badges, etc. 1a). Impreving the fit of cleth, articularly Jackets about the neck, where this can be arrected by exchange, or by inexpensive tailoring alteration - replacing lest buttons- removing grease stains from clothing. Care of arms - condition of bayonets. 2 Prevention of unautherised markings on headdress and clething Punctilious salnting of enperters; a seldierlike bearing on (81 all offcers al occasions. (n) Inspecion of men going on leave; and cerrection of defects in appearance before men are permitted to de so. 11 suppression of the use of bad language, Perfect quiet in tents and lines between lights ont and 13) reveille. (k) Eradication of the habit of throwing litter and rubbish about samp lines instead of late erderly bine of bags. Mauis Punctuality. (m) Correct bearing and pesition of limbs and body on parade; correct soldierly gait. (a) Smartness of movement and action in execution of all orders. The Plateon Commander must reaclise that it is his duty, not merely ta immediately check and correct all defects, but to inculate in all men under his command the substitution of good for bad habits - that is, to make the correct thing habitual. In earrying out these duties the Plateon Commander must be able to rely upon the active support and ascistance of his N.C.O's - His first business therefore, is to encure such cocoperation by instst -ing on the N.C.O's setting an example to the men in all things. 1f any N.C.0 fails in this duty, it is the business of the Plateon Commander to endeavour to first (improve the N.C.0 himself, and in default of improvement to secure his retirement in favour of a bett man.
cegay yar 200 310X Br tent 70 yaut Toted Foty 120 18412 bng blacko tk 318 Nr 78 Lst Ront Patt me A off H 32 12 tnt Hator Ch mo offier 16 pat m A.a t0 w X 19p 13 & no E tents in C R.P. PStra offic 9 SHCynallen wyse 15/2/16 79 23000 o 34500 21000 200 29 spacing Lample t extr proce
4w0s BC Ct H.t dit Ct At 1 to a Stre R.1. E me stt th 4r R S 4 Mr te Si a Mo ot d0 1 2 f 1 1 Fes th Sta B2 cq in Platorn Commbor. swbaltern No1 Fliton 2 209 Mene Kitoe Latira 10 11 Hspat 12 13 HoLin 14 15 16 N Comfectin Sipeill Feones 20 tents
ortents & 20 lines F lin tent X Kotchens antores 4/310 11 tent 78 12 11 pou 66 612 1.0 office Maj aot sit A.M offiae R.M.S oft lty Lip offer ty Sto MIG op lt H 24 as oe Sts Est Med X 11 wr 65 mx 226 13 15 12 officer 2 peatin D an 34 250 - 00
ppit Sgt pet. 56 Wede R. Police Froncer 2 Csp P.M.&. P4. S M store 117
-TEL-FL- KEBIR CAMP LaY-OUt for a Battalion Scale 20- 7th Do 11716 -:-:- Road. Battahon Boundon--- 7 --- 5100000,000000000000000000 5100000,000000000000000000; 320 30 220 0 8 29 3 333 B33 $00000,000000000000000000! 1100000000000000000000 C ---- 825 ---:-- 1 53 Road. - - --- - -- 4-20 Jo fbRbicbbir riiraet666x6x8 7 151 Dce CC H.8. Bce ACe
1e port &c Block Containing Divisional Troops Field Arb or 1eft Engineers onrigh 1 /11 60 B. 46 15th T weh Brigades

List of Officers serving with the Battalion on 14th Feb. 1916. in order of

Rank. Name.





If promoted 

from A.I.F. ranks

Length of 

Service in

A.I.F. as


Lt Col Pope H C O Yes No 1 4/ -
Major Margolin E L 2nd Command " " 1 4/ -
" Wilton E A o/c Coy " " xxx  
Captn Harwood R o/c Coy " " 1 2/ -
" Finlay P " " " 1 5/ -
" Black P " " Yes 9/12 -
Lieut Hartley W G Platoon " No 7/12
  Parke E J a/aaf " " 9/12 -
  McLeod A M G officer " Yes 7/12 -
  Edge A Q M " " 7/12 -
2/Lt Hammersley  H A Platoon " No 1 √o
  Ahearn C " " Yes 9/12
  Lxxxxxxxton H S " " " /12  
  Morris R " " No 8/12
  McPherson J " " Yes 7/12
  Somerville R A " " No 7/12
  Cook H J " " Yes 6/12
  Slater R C H Transport No " 5/- -
  Bush H W Platoon as NCO " 3 weeks
  Jilley O " as NCO " "
  Lynas W J Signalling as NCO " "
  Potts J Platoon as NCO " "

Officers likely to return Shortly
15th BATTALION, A. I. F.
List of Officers serving with the Battalion on 14th Feb 1916. in order of

Rank. Name.





If promoted 

from A.I.F. ranks.

Length of 

Service in

A.I.F. as


 - 13th Battalion -
Capt Norton-Russell H Marked fit 6/12/15 Yes No 1 3/  
2/ Lt 

Scobie W F


" " 15/12/15 Yes No 9/12  
 - 14 Battalion -
Captin Clark G. H.   Yes No 1 4/  
2/ Lt Couttie V J G   Yes Yes 6/.  
15th Battalion
Lt Horne H C.   Yes No 1 2/.  
" Snartt C E.   " No 1 5/.  
2nd Lt King G.   " Yes 9/12  
" Browne J. C   " Yes 9/12  
  Atkinson R S   " Yes 9/12  
  Brettingham Moore H M   No No 7/12  
  McIntosh R B   Yes Yes 6/.  
16th Battalion
Major Wilton E. A   Yes No 1 3/.  
Capt Paull P R   " Yes 9/12  
" Parker H C   " " 9/12  
Lt Evans G F   " No 9/12  
  Cumming R H O   " Yes 9/12  
  Hammerston H   " " 5/12  
  Adams S H   " " 6/12  
2/ Lt Tucker V.   " No 9/12  




Page 1 14/2/16

To. Commanding Officers -
Although there has been a marked all round improvement in
the Brigade as a whole, as a result of the last six weeks training and
reversion to peace conditions, I am still far from satisfied with the
set up, appearance and bearing of the personnel.
Commanding officers, and Company Commanders will realise, as I do,
that we must look to the Platoon Commander, as the immediate and most
direct agency for a further betterment of the demeanour of the troops,
whether on or off duty. With strict, firm industrious and capable
Platoon Commanders, little except supervision and guidance will be left
to be done by Senior officers.
Herewithbis a memo, covering some features of the Platoon Commander
ambit of responbibility, and it is suggested that all these officers (or N.C.O's
acting for them) now acting or hereafter appointed, be required to take
a copy of same- with any KEkxratkans additions therto that Commanding
Officers may see fit to make- and that they be given to understand
clearly that their future advancement will depend on the results they
shew themselves capable of producing.
It will then remain for the Battalion and Company Commanders to
exercise the closest supervision, and unremitting presure to ensure
the attainment of a high all-round standard of excellence.

Commdg. 4th. Aust. I. Bd
Moascar Camp,
14. 2. 1916.
To. O.C.


page 2

1 The term "Platoon Commander" covers both Subalterns and N.CO's
acting as such. For the purpose of this memo, the seniors in charge
of Machine Gun Detachments, Signallers, and Transport are to be
considered as Platoon Commanders.
2 Each Platoon Commander should be in possesion of a nominal Roll
of his Platoon, with rank, number, and full name, civil occupation,
technical trade (if any). He should keep notes of the men who are
good rifle shots, who would make good scouts, who are competent
to act as clerks, who are handy with tools, or who possess any
other qualification likely to be of military value. He should
know all his men by sight and by name.
3 The Platoon Commander is directly responsible for the soldiery
bearing and efficiency of his whole Platoon and of every man
in it. By being assiduous in fostering the mens confidence in
him as a leader, and in his concern for their welfare, he should
can soon acquire such an influence ever the men as to ensure
an all-round improvementin their bearing and behaviour. Most
men can be readily deterred from wilful or careless disobedience
or neglect, and from intemperance, by quitely, yet forcibly
impressing upon them the folly of misbehavour and of following
a bad example.
4 The Platoon Commander must insist upon the observance by ev(^e)ry
man of the essentials of soldiery efficiency. The following are
some of the matters which require his constant vigilance, and for
whose observance he will be held responsible.
(a). promulgation to the men of all orders. especially those
affecting their conduct.
(b). personal cleanliness, regular shavingand hair cutting
bathing, washing of underclothing, repairs to underclothing,
boots and web equipment.
(c) Correct wearing of battalion colours at badges, etc.
(d). Improving the fit of clothing, particularly jackets about
the neck, where this can be effected by exchange, or by
inexpensive tailoring alteration - replacing lost buttons-
removing grease stains from clothing.
(e) Care of arms - condition of bayonets.
(f) Prevention of unauthorised markings on headdress and clothing
(g) Punctilious saluting of all officers superiors; a soldierlyike bearing on
al occasions.

(h) Inspecion of men going on leave; and correction of defects
in appearance before men are permitted to do so.
(i) Suppression of the use of bad language.
(j) Perfect quiet in tents and lines between "lights out" and
(k) Eradication of the habit of throwing litter and rubbish
about camp lines instead of into orderly bins of bags placing in proper receptacles.
(l) Punctuality.
(m) Correct bearing and position of limbs and body on parade;
correct soldierly gait.
(n) Smartness of movement and action in execution of all orders.
5. The Platoon Commander must reaslise that it is his duty, not
merely to immediately to check and correct all defects, but to
inculate in all men under his command the substitution of good
for bad habits - that is, to make the correct thing habitual.
6. In carrying out these duties the Platoon Commander must be able to
rely upon the active support and assistance of his N.C.O's - His
first business therefore, is to ensure such co-operation by insisting
on the N.C.O's setting an example to the men in all things.
If any N.C.O fails in this duty, it is the business of the Platoon
Commander to endeavour to first (improve the N.C.O himself, and in
default of improvement to secure his retirement in favour of a better


Bn. tents 310 X 200. -
Front Total Frontage 370 yards.

Block of living tents 10x12=120
Each Bn 318/4=79x          6

Road 9  Path 6x nil.          318/79    9

12 tents for 32 officers
Platoons in Columns






2 rows officers

16 platoons

2 rows H.Q.

20 rows x 10x = 200x

19 spares x 10x = 190

6 tents in a row = x ample spacing for extras

Co officer, Co store, R.P.,

M.G. 8,  Repelling process.



  C.O. Adjt Major BdMO & Chapl. A&B C&D Field Maj & Capt
  10 10 10 10 10   Bn Staff & Coy Crs
              Platoon Comdrs.
ACo Co Office       . No 1 Platoon
ACo Co Store         2
ACo Sgts         3
ACo R.M.O.   path       4
BCo Co Office         5   19x11
BCo Company Store         6  =209
BCo Sgts           7
BCo Regt Police           8 Menus
CCo Co Office           9 Kitchens
CCo ComStore           10 Latrines
CCo Sgts           11
CCo R.S.M & A.M.D           12 Transport
D Co Office           13 Horse Lines
D Com Store           14
D Sgts           15
D Spare           16
HQ Duties             M. Gun Sections
HQ Duties             Signallers & Pioneers

120 Tents



20 lines of tents x 11 = 220       220

E.P. tent line                    15       235

Kitchens                           15       250

78x        11 tents in a row is max.
___          11 rows.
______X12  |←           66x              →  12X ____

A.O       | A Officers  
Maj Office     | A 2 tents  
Capt Sgts     | A    
A.M Office     | B    
R.M.O Sgts     | B    
Chef Office     | B    
Sig Sgts     | C    
Transp Office     | C    
M.G Sgts     | D    
2 Office     | D    
  Sgts     |      
3 AF     |      
24       |      
  1 CO Office          
  2 Sgts          
  3 Sgts          
  4 Med; R.P;       116  







Co Office Sgts       |       117
Med. Sgts       |        
  1 Med.                
  2 R.Police                
  3 Pioneers                
  4 M.G. store                
  1 cosm                

1 Q.M.S

4 Pt. Sgts






-- TEL-EL-KEBIR Camp --

Lay-out for a Battalion

Scale 20x = 1 IN

JM / 16/2/16

|   | |         |  
| --- | | --- *7x* --- --- --- |  
        v - *10x* Battalion Boundary - v Road.    
--- --- --- --- ---  *7x* --- --- --- |  
|   | |   *14x*     | 'D' Co
|   | Total Frontage 70x |   *14x*     | 'C' Co
| Front Line of Messes & Huts   | Space For Kitchens  | Sgt. Cook, Reg Police, Pioneers, Sigs., Sigs., M.G, M.G., M.G., M.G., M.G., Stretcher Bearers, R.Q.M.S + Store, R.S.M., Orderly Room, Orderly Room, Bn Office, Transport Officer, Med.Tent, R.M.O, Q.M Chaplain, Sigs. + M.G.O, Major, C.O., Adj +- *14x*     | H.Q.
|   | |   *14x*     | 'B' Co
|   | | Sgts., Sgts., CO Store + Q.M.S, CO Office + Cos.M., Subalterns, Capts + 1 [[?]] *7x*     | 'A' Co
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |  


          *10x*   Road.    
| --- | | --- --- --- --- |  
| *20x* | *9x* | 3x-6 1/2x-6 1/2x ...       |  
|   | | --- --- 151x --- |  



15x Road Brigades


Block containing Divisional Troops Field Amb. on left. Engineers on right.

Bde H.Q

Water Pipe Line

30x Abt.

Metalled Road

Brigade Transport, etc.





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