Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 31 January - 29 February 1916, Part 8

Recd. 1020
To. N.Z. &. A. DIVISION 11-2-16.
Qa 190 11th. Please arrange for move of 4th. Australian
Infantry Brigade from Moascar to TEL-EL-KEBIR. Details of
move should be arranged direct with D.A.D.R.T. Ismailia.
Please advise this office and General Cox Tel-el-Kebir
date and hours of move.
Address N.Z. & A. Division, repeated D.A.D.R.T.
and General Cox.
H. Qrs. 4th. Brigade
Please say how soon you can be able to move after
receipt of train timings.
sgd. M.M. Eardin Major.
Copies to:-
Gen. Staff
Div. Train
4th. Brigade 12.2.16
Also please state what amount of baggage and stxxgs you will
have (for Railway Transport purposes)
Tents and camp equipment will not be taken.
sgd. M.M. Eardin Major.
Moascar Camp,
12th. 2. 1916
N.Z. & A. Division/
1. It is desired that the move should not commence before
Wednesday Feby. 16th, for reasons submitted personally to the G.O.C.
2. It is suggested to move as follows:-
FIRST DAY: Advance party of 5 Officers and 200 men with personal
baggage, representative of all Brigade Units; to draw
and pitch tentage and camp equipment, prepare kitchens
and latrines and water supply.
SECOND DAY: Nil, to allow time for advance party to carry on.
THIRD DAY: Two Battalions complete.
FOURTH DAY: Brigade Headquarters, Signal Section and Two Battalions
complete, and Isolation Camp (70).
3. For Railway Transport purposes, the Brigade may be taken
as being at full war strength with all animals and vehicles.
4. The requirements of the Brigade for tents, on a basis of
a maximum of 10 men per tent is:-
20 E.P. tents i.e. small marquees.
580 Bell tents.
It is urged that it would be a hardship to the personnel to move
the Brigade until an adequate supply of tents, water etc. at
Tel-el-Kebir is assured.
5. The personal baggage and stores, which includes base kits,
will amount to approximately 80 tons for the whole Brigade. This is
exclusive of ammunition, machine guns and regimental equipment.
6. Submitted that it is desirable that the Fourth Field
Ambulance should accompany the Brigade.
Brigade Major
4th. Aust. Inf. Bde
14th Bn Competition
Best Company Lines
Companies |
Last Week 6/2/16 |
This Self |
Week Durrant |
Total this week | Total both weeks | Percentage |
Order of Merit
A | 83 | 31 | 22 | 24 | 77 | 160 | 80 | 2 |
B | 78 | 24 | 21.5 | 20 | 65.5 | 143.5 | 72 | 4 |
C | 69 | 35 | 20.5 | 22 | 77.5 | 146.5 | 73½ | 3 |
D | 84 | 37 | 21 | 23 | 81 | 165 | 82½ | 1 |
Single Tents Stretcher Bearer
Regimental Police
(P.O. No. 2 G [Arabic] )
This portion to be kept by Sender. [Arabic]
Coupon a conserver par l'expediteur.
Date Stamp. - Timbre a date.
SERIAL No} 4050 [Arabic]
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(*)____________{Notice of payment. [Arabic] (*)
{Avis de payement.
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Taxe percue.
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(*) { "With" or "Without" [Arabic]
{"Avec" ou "Sans"
Remarks, - Money Orders are valid up to the end of the second month
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refunded to Sender except by an authorization given by Head Office.
The Post Office does not hold itself responsible for any delay in the
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Observations. - Les mandats sont valables jusqu'à la fin du second mois
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[[ Arabic writing]]
4th. Australian Infantry Brigade
Moascar Camp,
14th . February 1916.
Feb 14 1916
4th Infantry Brigade.
Camp Commandant,
Tel - el - Kebir.
In order to enable me to prepare plans
in advance for the Camps of this Brigade and attached Formations
at Tel-el-Kebir, I should be glad if you could let me know the dimensions of the several areas of ground that will be available
for this purpose.
The areas required for convenience of administration
and for proper sanitation have been found to be as under:-
Frontage | Depth | ||
1 | Four Battalions (exclusive of Bde. H.Qrs and Signallers. |
460 yds | 230 yds |
2 | Four Battalions (inclusive of Bde. H.Qrs. and Signal Section - in the centre) |
520 yds | 230 yds |
3 | Fourth Field Ambulance | 150 yds | 230 yds |
4 | Fourth Field Company | 50 yds | 230 yds |
Above includes Latrines, horse lines and vehicle parks.
If you are unable to let me have a reply by bearer, I
shall be glad if you will send same to me by special messenger, to
avoid delays of the post.
John Monash
Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.
Frontage | Depth | ||
1 | 4 Battalions do for tents only |
310 x 310 x |
320 200 |
2 | 370 x | 320 | |
3 | 300 | ||
4 | 60 x | 300 |
will advise later
H Moss lieu
Platoon Commanders
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | Totals | |
Total in Bn | 13 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 42 |
Over 12 mn | 2 | - | 1 | 1 | 4 |
Under 12 mn | 11 | 9 | 8 | 9 | 38 |
Under 6 mn | 9 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 20 |
Under 3 mn | 6 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 16 |
Under 1 mn | 6 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 16 |
A total of 42 platoon Commanders out of 64 Est.
Of these 16 have had less than 1 month's experience service
4 between 1 & 6 months
18 bet 6 & 12 months
4 12 mos or over
List of Officers serving with Battalion on 14th Feb. 1916. in order of
Rank. | Name. | Present Appointment. |
Peninsula Service |
If promoted from A.I.F. ranks. |
Length of Service is A.I.F. as Officer. |
Remarks |
Major Lt Col | Herring SCE | C.O. | Yes | No | 14/ |
- |
Major | {Durrant JMA |
" |
" |
13/ |
- |
" |
{Twynam E | 2nd Command |
" |
" |
9/12 |
- |
Captn | Ford HC | o/c Coy |
" |
" |
11/12 |
- |
" |
Barton FM | o/c " |
" |
" |
14/ |
- |
" |
Mark DG | Adjutant |
" |
" |
13/ |
- |
" |
Pulling HD | o/c Coy |
" |
" |
13/ |
- |
Lieut | Hopkins CB | Platoon Commander |
" |
" |
13/ |
√ o |
Perry SL |
" |
" |
" |
13/ |
√ o |
F/Captain | Fox AG | o/c Coy |
" |
" |
11/12 |
- |
Lieut | Henley WL | Platoon Commander |
" |
" |
8/12 |
√ |
" |
Henderson JK | o/QM |
" |
" |
7/12 |
- |
Murray HW | M.G. Officer |
" |
Yes |
6/12 |
- |
Howden HC | Platoon |
" |
" |
5/12 |
√ |
Knox GE |
" |
" |
" |
5/12 |
√ |
Allen AS |
" |
" |
No |
8/12 |
√ |
2/Lieut | Holman JH |
" |
" |
Yes |
4/12 |
√ |
" |
Davis AW |
" |
as NCO |
" |
3 weeks |
√ |
" |
Murray HF |
" |
as an NCO |
" |
" |
√ |
" |
Lambert PAA |
" |
" |
" |
2 weeks |
√ |
" |
Schadel WH |
" |
" |
" |
" |
√ |
" |
Kirkwood JB |
" |
" |
" |
" |
√ |
" |
Lanagan A |
" |
" |
" |
" |
√ |
List of Officers serving with Battalion on 14th. Feb. 1916. in order
of Seniority
Rank. | Name. | Present Appointment |
Peninsula Service |
If promoted from A.I.F. ranks |
Length of Service is A.I.F. as Officer. |
Remarks |
Major Lt Col | Dare CMM |
C.O. |
Yes |
No |
15/ |
- |
Captn | Fethers ND |
o/c Coy |
" |
" |
16/ |
- |
Fuhrmann OCU |
" |
" |
" |
14/ |
- |
Cox CRM |
" |
" |
" |
14/ |
- |
Cox AR |
" |
" |
" |
14/ |
- |
Blainey AR |
a/aM |
" |
Yes |
9/12 |
- |
Lieut | Davidson WR |
Platoon |
7 days |
No |
9/12 |
√ |
Moorhouse LJ |
" |
Yes |
" |
11/12 |
√ |
Orr |
" |
" |
" |
9/12 |
√ |
Hanson SM |
" |
Yes |
9/12 |
√ |
Wadsworth WR |
" |
No |
No |
7/12 |
√ |
Smith B.J. |
J MG Officers |
No |
" |
9/12 |
- |
Stanton FB |
Platoon |
Yes |
" |
8/12 |
√ |
Hon Lt | Laver W.G. |
QM |
as NCO |
Yes |
3 weeks |
- |
2/Lieut | Quire J |
MG |
Yes |
Yes |
5/12 |
- |
" |
Symonds HW |
Transport |
No |
" |
3 weeks |
- |
Roderick JB |
Platoon |
as NCO |
" |
2 weeks |
√ |
Williamson A |
" |
" |
" |
" |
√ |
Simonsen PW |
" |
" |
" |
" |
√ |
List of Officers serving with Battalion on the 14th. Feb. 1916 in order
of Seniority
Rank. | Name. | Present Appointment |
Peninsula Service |
If promoted from A.I.F. ranks |
Length of Service is A.I.F. as Officer. |
Remarks |
Lt Col | Cannan JH |
C.O. |
Yes |
No |
15/ |
- |
Major | Snowden RE |
2nd Comm |
" |
" |
15/ |
- |
" | McShavey JP |
Adj |
" |
" |
16/ |
- |
Captn | Dickinson GF |
o/c Coy |
" |
" |
15/ |
- |
" | Coombs WW |
" |
" |
" |
/ |
- |
Johnson CM |
" |
" |
" |
10/ |
- |
Corrigan J,J, |
" |
Yes |
9/12 |
- |
Hon Capt | Craig FW |
QM |
" |
No |
15/ |
- |
2/Lieuts | Eather WF |
Platoon |
" |
No |
/ |
√ o |
Koch H |
" |
" |
Yes |
9/12 |
√ |
Mundwell WR |
" |
" |
" |
9/12 |
√ |
Wilson JH |
" |
" |
No |
9/12 |
√ |
Lane FW |
" |
No |
No |
8/12 |
√ |
Cooper WJ |
" |
Yes |
No |
8/12 |
√ |
" |
No |
Nicholls WH |
" |
Yes |
Yes |
6/12 |
√ |
Cummins W |
" |
" |
" |
" |
√ |
Terry E |
Of Adjt |
" |
" |
" |
- |
Mitchell A |
Signals |
" |
" |
" |
- |
North FR |
Platoon |
" |
No |
6/12 |
√ |
Langborne AL |
MG Officer |
a NCOs |
Yes |
3 weeks |
- |

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