Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 31 January - 29 February 1916, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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AUSTTA L LANV IMPERI DRCE e 20s A F59101916 ah Iniinieg Erigade. 720 138 Bralstredt Hentsto t dental 1 ehomel un Hhis Bartabon 2 10 bohr tilt oarers S .
AUS ORC Maret Behtole IMPERI 10 Bde 184 oa Ade 40 FE2 10 1916 10s16 A Jhe SShere Arlt o dentests Aualefred ech anas densal Oy Arr Aes Wartaeon Bouch Aodaaen tr B cth. Battalion? A.LF.
AU Wota4 WCyr legge Qnaletygnig Taat for Thachee Eumer- Inen em ihre Tachee den beelkos nerkt he regenred 6o fanssche follonnng tet before henng rlannd av geralefreet machne geners und weannng lke machre genners hadlge:- eats i elementarg trarineng 1-7 7g (Lodak Snateng lepe 2u haz) Skavugt Mnwndage og mechanee v aehon og mechanen - otrepfug o replaeing efare farts - Blaning v care og geu - Domli bafore dunng v after forung - Pacbung waggon v faelana, -Rangefundungg late nauge gureklyg v ascetelg adpat mobunmend for lenght og unage o agjnat ero hy at chast one methed - Lgnallug semaphore defle meanagar at 0worlouunet Thachin Runners iadse Ihr hadge omleg to be wonm byg gnaleprea mechne gnners. ssadge 55 conarad og dhe Attans ItC uranden deg å edrealte endrordened me nøhla om Rkradle Bbadge to be evonn on hhe vreght avem above he etkon. Aboss to mear o m hre Vog le ehevron ro baaga hat the one dascrebeed u Lo be døon.
cory. se. 11/22. DIVISIONIL XXXRCIES FERRU 11. z. 1216. AUSTEALLAN IMPERIAL FORCE Ref. nap:- IEMIIIA 1:100000 [[811 1916 4th Infantry Brigade. cznal EPECIAL IDZA 1. Leoparately herewih. ERATIEE (a). Tveccexy Divieiose reported meceing seer K. s wich objeet of attackiag car line at daus and capturing ISMAILIA. (t). oar Divisional Neusted Troope are in touch winh the o (c). All ether Iafastry of the Divisios ccoperate vith Feurth brigede. 3. To cocperate vith the remminde of the Divieios in forestall- him and as cweny'e ettack by a sight civosce to me etteck at dee. is follewing Feurth Drigade vill be resdy te ves perorrumdn erder:e Brigede Staff, leth, l3th, leth. A Bettaliose. ad is fello- Ihe Brigade folleve Fzvieiena Zendgwartere. by N.1. Iafaatry Brigade. Drigade Sigsal Seetion, Nachise Com Zeetiose and Firet Line fr-sepert wILL nOf take part is the exercice. Under Divieiemal order caly Opz meusted efficer may rice wich Bettaliea. All ether meunted efficere vill march feet ustil efter the aseault. All led hercee and herce rh in ose bedy, under kelde i liet. SIGAnZ, -n will cone up ofter the sceaclt. N.Z. RlFLE Ihece her.ce will eecomble in frest of Brigade Hend Ne lascec er ponsaste vill be takes- dmarters at Greeteoets carried is packe er wers st optios of Commandins Full caterbottles, mad a breakfest ration carrie Offieere- Ihe fermetiose to be sdopted at varicee stagee of the sdvas ros co are se per instructiose premmlgated herewith. BARCH LNUIZZ every 20 MIEUTES, Ihere will be s halt of s -nak s: irrespective of ony ether helt thet may be sececcary. TNe RIGRT of N.Z. INFAMTWY BRIGADE directe dering the xxXL, and the left of the N.Z. IXFIMTAY BEIGADz direete during the peccage of the tAr and the advanee. Ihe peeitios of ASSTMBLY will be marked by I LAKP; car ty rwo Lawrs. The total march from LEVEL CROStINe te OnJscrIvs ie s0oo yarde. Ne.ekiag er talking aftes reschisg peeities of asco- Bayenets will be fired at pecitios of depleymest. Staff Cestain (meusted) vill be lietoos efficer with LLAISON OYYICZY.. Divieional Neadewartere, end vill previde hisself with copy of the Divisiosal Operation Order zo. s- Ne reperte starting reist. 9. Divisiomal osd Frigede Staffe wear chite het bende. ayors
...of Dering merch to Posrrlon or M gro 10. Brigade, Thereafter as per instruetioss fer fermstions herevith. lcd at Lonighem liest-cel. Drigede Raje staff spiee No. I to s. ith. Anst. Inf. Dee. 1Sth. Fettalies leth. isth. leth. Lient. Siator bmand Orderly Offices' File
AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FOOSF Ne. FOURTH AUTTRALIAN IEFYEERDGATT Lhnlig diglk. DNISIONAL EXERCISE Neadquartere, Meascar Camy Ismailis. llth. Fob. 1914 Instructions for Formations TORMITION FOR PAsSING vv-rg- GAE: When the Coluen halte for the purpeee of assuming a bread fremt. ISth. Battalion vill come up en LKFT of léth. End lith. Battalion will come up on LEFT of leth.- both at 60 (sixty) paces interval. Nach Battalien next forme two lines, with twe companies in each line at 30 (thirty) paces interval. All companies in COLUMN OF On completion rear Companies and Battalions will close up toe e ROr distance of 10 (ten) paces from strongest Company in the line in immediate front. CHAE OF DITION: The N.Z. INFANTRY ERIGADE having assumed a eimilar formation on the RICHT of the FOURTH BRIGADE, at 30 (thirty) paces isterval between Brigade-- the whole Division will advance and make a complete RIGHT WHEEL through O degrees. After completion of wheel the formation described in para l to be preserved; but the interval between COLuMNS to be increased to 70 paces. DrrloTFWT! The formation of deployment is line of platoons in columas of foure at depleying intervel. This applies throughout all Battalions, the relative positione of the four companies in each battalion being Ihe four Battalions will themselves be disposed preserved as in pars 1. as followe:- In the front line léth. on the RIGHT, 13th. om the LEFT, with 10 paces interval between Battalione, and 50 paces distance between Companies. nericsattalien wili b. dirretly i reer of 12-7......- at 100 paces distance, and with 50 paces dietance between Companies. The l5th. Battalion will be ecbeloned to the LEFT of the 13th. Battalion, but at 200 paces distance, xx from it and with 50 paces distance betccen Companies. ASSAUI: The assault will be delivered by both lines of the twe leading Battalíone cimultencously, from the formation explained in pare (not from line) the rear fours of platoone coming up on the LEFT of the leading foure durieg the charge, but the two rear Battalione will meve ferward to the objective in quick time, and then charge in twe lines esch. BRIGADE HTADGEARTERS during the passage of the GAP will march between head of löth and 1Sth. Battalions, and after deployment vill march in rear of centre of fromt line Battalions. Stuäghine liestedel. rigade Major. staff. Copies No. I to 3 13th. Battalion eth. Aust. Inf. Bde. l4th. Battalion 15th. Battalion l6th. Fattalion Lieut. sretor dpand Orderly Officer for c.o.c. ile 1c.
AUS AUSTRALLAN IMPERIAL FORCE [[8111916 ith Intiniry Srigade OPEBATIOUS - NIGEI reb 11/12th. ampal inmå A defensive line faoing Nerth and West runs from point X 120 on the sUEZ CANAL - peint 1 mile s. f K 5 - point just N. of first I of ISMAILIA. - K. 105 - E of EL MANAYIF. The Divisional Reserve of the Corps bas recently been meved te LOASCAR with a view to making a counter stroke. ............ MARSATTUR During the previous week the enemy had made several abortive attempte ageinst the line held by the Corps. The N.Z. A. Division had twice moved out with a view to chunter ettack but had s. far had no opportunity of striking Aeroplanes had reported a large enemy a decisive blow. concentration West of EL BALLAH station on Feb éth e 9th. A deserter from the 42nd Turkish Divieion gave hiwself up on the merning of the 11th and etated that his Division with the 43re Divieien had been ordered to break the line This news was and ocoupy IsMAILIA at dawn on the 12th. confirmed frow other sourcee and the Corpe Commander decides to employ the Divisional Reserve in anticipating his attack. .---- SPECLAL IDEA. The N.Z. 4 A. Divieion is ordered to pass through the cap (250 yarde wide) juet North of s of IsMAILIA and attack the enemy where he has been locates by our cooute, after dusk near K 5. NOTEs : (1) A bugle will be seunded to represent the faot that the Division has approached to within charging distanoe of the enemy.
AUS AUSTRALLAN IRERIAL FORCE FEALOJSN isslkis im Apormallks puulsjon. 4hh imtinttfigade onN.6 Dinisienal order Ne. 3 (frainingl. sMAILIA. nef Ebv ort Neneear. Jebruary, I1th 1916. (.)) Diviciene of the ypere rteptrle jyyonsgjjos. cbject is reported to to be massing near K. be te attack eur line at daybreak and espture ISMAILIA. (x) our Divisionalheusted froops are in teuch with the enny. The G.O.C. intende to forestall this attack ond ccunter Lalnyus. etteck the enemy chjie he $6 preparing to deliver it. (a) Ihe Division lese Art(llery and Field Coys.- vill 3. pees the starting poiav (W.level creseing) in the order and times given is the mergis and merch to the Divis- Div.N.2. ienal position of astcably, where the fersatioa for alt paseing the gap wili be eecoed (cce ciegres etd. Troepe N.. eth A.I.Bde. 2131 laf.Bde. ca the richt of Aust. Inf. Bde. 214 N.Z. Inf. Bde. N.Z. Rifleßde. 2159 Peints and distanees : ) frue bearing Dietance from is degrees/ previeue peist marks. ards. starting peist, zcoc i lep Pesitiea of Aebly pe 300 21p e 1300 furning peist. 3oo Peeition of Depley- . sopo nent. rooo a obsective The Divisienal guide will be is the cestre of the .. sulus. Division (left of N.Z. Inf. Ede.) except during the cheel whes he yill change to the inner flank. The Otege Nonsted wiflee will be reswoncible for the rworvoylus. 5. pretectiea of the/ Divisies froa the pecitiea of ssccably. Bayenete will be fixed at the pesitioa of deploymest. 6. BAINIIS. Nalte will be of 5 minutee derstion every 20 minctee HALIS. that may be nececcary. irrespeetive of any yther h
Fernatieas will be as is the diegramsgiesued exeept yumsggjosd. that the distance betweon the lst line of a battalien and ite 2nd line vill be reduced te 30 yarde. Treaspert and nechine guas will net socespasy mmite. shamskuml. 9. Ne hercee vill sccompany the fichting troope except 10. Nonsgs. llewing. the herees of lieisos efficers and Div. N.C. brigadee All ether hereeof/meunted officers will march in rear A meusted efficer per of the Divisional Neeerve. be in charge. Brizade wil A lisison offieer from gach Erigade, che will be mousted, corxUNIEAIIOM.11. I report to Biv/ M.d. at the starting peint. Ihere vill be ne xweking er talking after resching the 12. Licnrs. peeitiea of seegbly. Divieiemal and Brigade/Staff officere will vear chite p1N0! Se 13. The offíeere guiding the colmen vill cap bends. vear a large chite patch es their backs. Reperte to the head/of the colues up to and including 14. nsongs. the pesitios of depleysest, cubocquestly to the hesd ef the Divisional/Reserve. Berennstete teneral staff, i e A. Division. copies as under . copy xo. tar Diery neceres N.2. Inf.Ed.. eth A.Y.Bde. Hifle Brigade signals sa staff 6.c.Detachment otage M.R.
A AUSTRALLAV 8. IMPERIAL FORCE FE812 1916 Captains LOCXE a LEGCE 4th Intuntry Brigade. Reconnaissance at Tel-el-Kabir on Sunday Yeby. 13/1916. 1. General sketch of whole lecality. 2. Detailed sketch (paced) of probable eth. Brigade Camp site, shewing location and nature of water supply, latrines etc. Study, on ground, feasibility of a layout similar to present Camp¬ 3. except that frontage may be reduced 20%. is there a civil Telegraph Office at Tel-el-Kebir, and how far from the Camp? at Tents- are ample supplies available? ol 8. Repert as to chope, canteens, beer stalls, existing arrangement. generally- has anybody an existing monopoly. no Spedial report as to Brigade Headquarters Camp site, in case same has to be detachei from Brigade. s. Question of Transport from station to Camp- and arrahging for same.C Supply arrangement.- leestion-dietanee- transpert- nature of ratione e. and forage. Cex's Neadquarters- where- how far away- is he there? So - fil 10. 11. Are maps of lecality (fer training) in existence? Are any available for iszue? Get o Generally, what will be the yrobable erganisation of the whole force there. 13. R.E. Steres- is timber for shelters ete. available. Aeh A. Or S Huts- numbers available. 14. 24M. 15. Are there facilities for Detention. or 1é. What are the hospital arrangements. 17. Is a Paymaster there. Tor k. Triniate od Ste rfevangte An

FEB 10 1916
4th Infantry Brigade.
4th Bde H Qrs

Qualified Dentists & dental
Mechanics in this Battalion

W.J.Cooper Lieut
Snd for 15th Bn 


To Bde Major
4th Bde HQs
FEB 10 1916
4th Infantry Brigade.
16th Battalion
re D.R.O. 1150
There are no qualified dentists
or dental mechanics serving
with this battalion
E.J. [[Barttlet?]] Adjutant for Co
16th Battalion


per Capt. Legge

Qualifying Test for Machine Gunners

Men in the Machine Gun Section will be
required to pass the following test before being
classed or qualified machine gunners and
wearing the machine gunners badge :-

Tests in elementary training 1-7 & 9 (Borstock 186
Musketry Regs Para 642) thorough knowledge of mechanism
& action of mechanism - stripping & replacing spare
parts - cleaning & care of gun - Points before
during & after firing - Packing waggon & packsaddles
- Range finding take range quickly & accurately
adjust instrument for height of image & adjust
zero by at least one method - Signalling
Semaphore simple messages at at 10 words minute

Machine Gunner's Badge -
This badge only to be worn by qualified
machine gunners.
Badge to consist of the letters MG surrounded
by a wreath embroidered in white on Khaki.
Badge to be worn on the right arm above
the elbow. N.C.O's to wear it in the V of the chevron
No badge but the one laid described is
to be worn. 


Copy. No. 9*]
Moascar Camp,
FEB 11  1916
4th Infantry Brigade.
Ref. Map:- ISMAILIA 1:100000

1. Issued separately herewith.

2. (a). Two enemy Divisions reported massing near K.5 with
object of attacking our line at dawn and capturing
(b). Our Divisional Mounted Troops are in touch with the
(c). All other Infantry of the Division cooperate with
Fourth Brigade.
3. To cooperate with the remainder of the Division in forestalling
enemy's attack by a night advance to meet him and an
attack at dawn.

4. Fourth Brigade will be ready to move at 2115 in following
order:- Brigade Staff, 16th, 13th, 14th, 15th, Battalions.
The Brigade follows Divisional Headquarters, and is followed
by N.Z. Infantry Brigade.

5. Brigade Signal Section, Machine Gun Sections and First Line
Transport WILL NOT take part in the exercise. Under
Divisional order only ONE mounted officer may ride with
each Battalion. All other mounted officers will march on
foot until after the assault. All led horses and horse
holders of all Battalions will march in one body, under
Lieut. A.G.R. Slater 15th F.J.Symonds 14th. Battalion (mounted) in rear of 

N.Z. RIFLE BRIGADE, and will come up after the assault.
These horses will assemble in front of Brigade Head
Quarters at 21100. No lances or pennants will be taken-
Greatcoats carried in packs or worn at option of Commanding
Officers - Full waterbottles, and a breakfast ration carried.

6. The formations to be adopted at various stages of the advance
are as per instructions promulgated herewith.
There will be a halt of 5 5 MINUTES every 20 MINUTES,
irrespective of any other halt that may be necessary.
The RIGHT of N.Z. INFANTRY BRIGADE directs during the
WHEEL, and the left of the N.Z. INFANTRY BRIGADE directs
during the passage of the GAP and the advance.
The position of ASSEMBLY will be marked by 1 LAMP: the
GAP by TWO LAMPS. The total march from LEVEL CROSSING to
OBJECTIVE IS 8000 yards. No. smoking or talking after
reaching position of assembly.

7. Bayonets will be fixed at position of deployment.

8. Staff Captain (mounted) will be liaison officer with
Divisional Headquarters, and will provide himself with a
copy of the Divisional Operation Order No. 5- He reports 

at Starting point.

9. Divisional and Brigade Staffs wear white hat bands.



10. During march to POSITION OF ASSEMBLY, to head of
Brigade. Thereafter as per instructions for formations
Issued at
Staff  Copies No. 1  to 3.
13th.   Battalion           4.
14th.          "                    5.
15th.           "                   6.
16th.           "                   7.
Lieut. Slater Symonds 8.
Orderly Officer to G.O.C. 9.
File                                   10.
L. Binghim Lieut-Col.
Brigade Major.
4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.


Copy No. 9
FEB  1916
4th Infantry Brigade

Moascar Camp
11th. Feb. 1916
Instructions for Formations
1. FORMATION FOR PASSING THROUGH GAP: When the Column halts for the purpose 

of assuming a broad front, 13th. Battalion will come up on LEFT of 16th. 

And 15th. Battalion will come up on LEFT of 14th. -both at 60 (sixty)
paces interval. Each Battalion next forms two lines, with two companies 

in each line at 30 (thirty) paces interval. All companies in COLUMN OF 

ROUTE. On completion rear Companies and Battalions will close up to a 

distance of 10 (ten) paces from strongest Company in the line in immediate

similar formation on the RIGHT of the FOURTH BRIGADE, at 30 (thirty) paces 

interval between Brigades - the whole Division will advance and make a 

complete RIGHT WHEEL through 90 degrees. After completion of wheel the
formation described in para 1 to be preserved; but the interval between 

COLUMNS to be increased to 70 paces.
3. EMPLOYMENT: The formation of deployment is line of platoons in columns 

of fours at deploying interval. This applies throughout all Battalions, 

the relative positions of the four companies in each battalion being 

preserved as in para 1. The four Battalions will themselves be disposed 

as follows:-
In the front line 16th. on the RIGHT, 13th. on the LEFT, with 10 

paces interval between Battalions, and 50 paces distance between

The 14th. Battalion will be directly in rear of 16th. Battalion
at 100 paces distance, and with 50 paces distance between Companies.
The 15th. Battalion will be echeloned to the LEFT of the 13th.
Battalion, but at 200 paces distance xxxxxxxx from it and with 50

paces distance between Companies.
4. ASSAULT:  The assault will be delivered by both lines of the two leading 

Battalions simultaneously, from the formation explained in para 3

(not from line) the rear fours of platoons coming up on the LEFT of the 

leading fours during the charge, but the two rear Battalions will move 

forward to the objective in quick time, and then charge in two lines each.
5. BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS during the passage of the GAP will march between 

head of 16th and 13th. Battalions, and after deployment will march in

rear of centre of front line Battalions.
Staff. Copies No.  1 to 3
13th Battalion              4
14th. Battalion             5
15th. Battalion             6
16th Battalion              7.
Lieut. Slater Symonds  8.
Orderly Officer for G.O.C.  9.
File                                  10.
L Brighim Lieut-Col.
Brigade Major.
4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.


FEB 11 1916
4th Infantry Brigade

OPERATIONS - NIGHT Feb. 11/12th.
A defensive line facing North and West runs from point
K 120 on the SUEZ CANAL - point 1 mile S. of K 5 - point
just N. of first I of ISMAILIA. - K. 105 - E of EL MANAYIF.
The Divisional Reserve of the Corps has recently been
moved to MOASCAR with a view to making a counter stroke.

During the previous week the enemy had made several
abortive attempts against the line held by the Corps. The
N.Z. & A. Division had twice moved out with a view to
counter attack but had so far had no opportunity of striking
a decisive blow. Aeroplanes had reported a large enemy
concentration West of EL BALLAH Station on Feb 8th & 9th.
A deserter from the 42nd Turkish Division gave himself up
on the morning of the 11th and stated that his Division
with the 43rd Division had been ordered to break the line
and occupy ISMAILIA at dawn on the 12th. This news was
confirmed from other sources and the Corps Commander decides
to employ the Divisional Reserve in anticipating his attack.

The N.Z. & A. Division is ordered to pass through the
gap (250 yards wide) just North of S of ISMAILIA and attack
the enemy where he has been located by our scouts after
dusk near K 5.
NOTES: (1) A bugle will be sounded to represent the fact
that the Division has approached to within
charging distance of the enemy.


FEB 10   1916
4th Infantry Brigade
Copy No. 5

Divisional Order No. 5 (Training).
Ref: Map 1/100,000 ISMAILIA.
Moascar.     February, 11th 1916.

1. (a) 2 Divisions of the enemy are reported by our patrols
to be massing near K.5. this their object is reported to
be to attack our line at daybreak and capture ISMAILIA.
(b) Our Divisional Mounted Troops are in touch with the

2. The G.O.C. intends to forestall this attack and counter
attack the enemy while he is preparing to deliver it.

3. (a) The Division less Artillery and Field Coys. - will
pass the starting point (W.level crossing) in the order
and times given in the margin and march to the Divisional
position of assembly, where the formation for
passing the gap will be assumed (see diagram) N.Z.
Inf. Bde. on the right of Aust. Inf. Bde.
[*Div. H.Q.        2130}
4th.A.I.Bde.    2131}
N.Z.Inf.Bde.    2144}
N.Z.RifleBde.  2159}*]

(b) Points and distances:

  True bearing
in degrees.

Distance from

previous point

in yards.



Starting point

. . . . 

. . . . 

. . . . 

Position of Assembly



1 Lamp.




2 Lamps.

Turning point.




Position of Deploy-









4. The Divisional guide will be in the centre of the
Division (left of N.Z. Inf. Bde.) except during the
wheel when he will change to the inner flank.

5. The Otago Mounted Rifles will be responsible for the
protection of the Division from the position of assembly.

6. Bayonets will be fixed at the position of deployment.

7. Halts will be of 5 minutes duration every 20 minutes
irrespective of any other halt that may be necessary.


8. Formations will be as in the diagrams issued except
that the distance between the 1st line of a battalion
and its 2nd line will be reduced to 50 yards.

9. Transport and machine guns will not accompany units.

10. No horses will accompany the fighting troops except
the horses of liaison officers and the following.
Div. H.Q.   5
Brigades  7
All other horses of mounted officers will march in rear
of the Divisional Reserve. A mounted officer per
Brigade will be in charge.

11. A liaison officer from each Brigade, who will be mounted,
and will report to Div. H.Q. at the starting point.

12. There will be no smoking or talking after reaching the
position of assembly.

13. Divisional and Brigade Staff Officers will wear white
cap bands. The officers guiding the column will
wear a large white patch on their backs.

14. Reports to the head of the column up to and including
the position of deployment, subsequently to the head
of the Divisional Reserve.

General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division.

Copies as under-
War Diary    Copy No. 1
Records                         2 & 3
N.Z.Inf.Bde.                   4
4th A.I.Bde.                   5
Rifle Brigade                6
Signals                           7
Staff                               8 & 10
O.C. Detachment
Otago M.R.                    11


[*4aB 2710/2*]
FEB 12 1916
4th Infantry Brigade.

Captains LOCKE & LEGGE
Reconnaissance at Tel-el-Kebir
on Sunday Feby. 13/1916.

1. General sketch of whole locality.
2. Detailed sketch (paced) of probable 4th. Brigade Camp site, showing 
location and nature of water supply, latrines etc.
3. Study, on ground, feasibility of a layout similar to present Camp -
except that frontage may be reduced 20%.
4. Is there a civil Telegraph Office at Tel-el-Kebir, and how far from 
the Camp? Yes. at Station
5. Tents- are ample supplies available? None
6. Report as to shops, canteens, beer stalls, (plenty) - existing arrangements 
generally-has anybody an existing monopoly. None

7. Special report as to Brigade Headquarters Camp site, in case same has 
to be detached from Brigade.
8. Question of Transport from station to Camp - and arranging for same. R.T.O.
9. Supply arrangements - location-distance-transport-nature of rations 
and forage.
10. Cox's Headquarters-where-how far away-is he there? 150x fine paid
11, Are maps of locality (for training) in existence? None Are any available 
for issue? Get one
12. Generally, what will be the probable organisation of the whole force 
13. R.E. Stores- is timber for shelters etc, available. plenty. also tables, forms
14. Huts-numbers available.   2 per Bn
15. Are there facilities for Detention.  None
16. What are the hospital arrangements.
17. Is a Paymaster there. None
18. Miniature of other rifle range.


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