Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 31 January - 29 February 1916, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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EW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALLAN DIVISION. Divisional Exercise - Tuesday, 8th February, 1916. The Division will practise by day the movements and formations that will be adopted during night operations to be held on the night 11/12 February. Fermatione, distances, methods of leading and kepping up connection ete. will be identical with these propesed for aetual night operations. The pace however will be as fer daylight operationse nilt nereddles by Tworake ogprea. The General Idea is as published for the Divisional Exercise on the 2/4 February, 1916, except that all "gaps" in the defensive line will be 250 yards wide. Those required for use will be marked by red flags by day and by white lights (screened from the enemy) at night. Fermation adopted will eonferm to the follewing: - (a) Preliminary movements and formations are to be such that en approsching the gap no change of formation is necess- ary. (b) The gaps are to be passed on the widest possible front and in the shortest possible time: therefore intervals and distances will be reduced to a minimum. Formations are to be such that changes of direetion by (e) Brigades can be effected witheut confusion. The Formation during the approach march should be such a) that deployment for attack can be effected without any extensive- mvement of troops forming the first twe lines. For the assault the formation will be as shown on () ettached diagram. All lst Line Transport (other than machine guns) and (f) led horses will follow the Div. Reserve Brigade at a distance of 200 yards. Each Brigade will detail an Offieer to command lst Line Transport. (Sgd.) W.R.PINWILL, Lieut-Colonel, General Staff, N.Z. 4 A. Division. MOASCAR. 7th February, 1916.
A0 arear Car? smzilia. IMPERLAL TTRCEI, Tebruery 1916. FE8 7 1916 (ah Tamty ne T0. SOTSAETIUG OTTIeETS:- ALL BSICALE UNITS. Vrylleinar Ineizggjongfür Viyi- limil Yygrigs ichy, F1h. 1940 The Brignde must be readg to move tomorres morning at Cels harp. l8th. Battalien will be the Pattalion of direction and will lead the coluen, follewed by 13th, l4th, 15th, xuxxix Battalione in the erder named. Ko. f. Line Trausport or Machine Cun Gectione to be taken: the latter will earry on training under Brigade Fachine Cun Offiser. Nusketry cet doen for tomorrew is cancelled. C.O'e and Adjutante, and Brigade Staff to attend conferenee at 3rig14e Re-dguarters- Mese at 20,0 this evening. u Grrädneen. Apfade Mzjor. u tIf. Rde c. Battaliere 7 Ef
u KOURTH INBANTrU BRIGADE. IES 5s RBTURR 7-2-16. MOASCAR CAMP -------- ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Staff Bell Tents Bell Tents Bell Tents E.P.'s E.P. in Sgt's in lines Lines. U n i t. Remarks. Transport Tents. iIsolation. Isolation. other than Transport. :Lines. 7 -------------------------------- 17 Nil. Nil. 104 Nil. 13th Battalion. ---------- ia! Nil. Nil. 122 14th Battalion. 125 Nil. Nil. 104 15th Battalion. 12 Nil. Wil sog 16th Battalion ast 12 1 Vet.Tent. i Nil. Bde. Hd. Ors. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Bde. Guard. Fil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Bde. Cultivation Guard Nil. Nil. sø 1 Telepho Nil. Nil. 5$. Nil. Bde. Signallers Tent. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. 1 588 Nil. In Bde. Store. ios Used for R.C.churd services. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 484 Nil. ot 1 s. ....................................................................................................................... se 1444 Fir E. Ku tüipk
a eüste ageneng 7l 2 Gtegäten Car Trøs e iet edsvaid o Sornt, wik Rei effälite Leneval Hgonote Søssrantid 14 .
a 0r Agje 34 . 4. 74 12 1o4 2S ol il 100
Mrn ie ien oc Aooasss 'cOx! ALEXANORIA Buss epringstjereg Ne orver: .caoso ERANCHES in connection witte. Menr Bar bé) sonslV. cacor asac AWAL PINOI. n SNINAGAR (KAsweR). 2. Bus Bherif Bachar AGEScVWW.MLLS a co.) sutut (teswol. Hürnamero Ir Rerte rlne dtort tlarardrin (e CG/. Sttie oet Februar Sth.1916 191 Brig. General J. Monash, G.O.C. 4th Inf. Bde., ISMAILLA. Sir, In accordance with your telegraphic instructions of the 7th inst., we have despatched to you the case we were holding in your name, for whic we enclose Railway ticket Ne96484/147. We beg to hand you herewith our account Ne1630, for F 83.5 or 17/2d, and shall be glad to receive a remittance fot same at your earliest convenience. Yours faithfully 245 Atnager. Korngorder 2030 s sant ase serentitname attarbed,
D 1630 . Sus Cherf ache 7.S.1461 Jlerandrie, Setrnariyg 8,16 ( G3ng- lor g 1. Sorask 2. 0. 6. Kilddont Adl, Jomaultdee e neuntwich, Garse)ierrgg genen FAEIGHT & INSURANCE SROKERS & AGENTS Gnten, 55 Best to Juseliav (Glorges on A. Bastorge A intee vurmee nue MARKS & Nos. Hava Sot Baud Uffiik 9A3 C H.D. chakgld Frais locaux Local charges Camionnage 10 Cantage or porterage Fret Freighe Debarguement Landing Embarquement Shipping Droits de Douane Custom dues Droits de Quai Quay dues (Magasinage), Ardieh Storage) papier mbre Ardahal ,stampedpaper). Transport par chemin de fer ae u. 9/6 E0k Ih1 24 Freight by Rail Transport par le Ni B/L No¬ Freight by Nle Frais dencaissement par Poste Postal collecting expenses Menus frais, déclaraton de douane, tmbresposte, Télégrammes, Phone, etc. Charges, expenses postages Telegrams, Phone Bonded Receipt No.- ofea fr Commission dAgence Agency fee and Collection Commission Isurance £ 775 1112 FOr COXS SHIPPING AGENCY Ltd. 5
AUS 5 S 1 S 5 1es 8 oe UNIDENTIFIED CASES OF DEATHS ON HOSPITAL SNIPS & I HOSPITALS. IF ANY INFORMATION OF VALUE WHICH MAY LEAD TO THEIDENTIFICATION OF THE NNDINIDUALS MENTIONED BELOW CAN BE GINVEN,IT SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO DAG, 3W ECHELON, ALEXANDRIA. Palient admittedl 1o 19 General Hospital unconscious ex Hospital Ship -DEVANHA". No particulars regarding Unit, Name, Number, Rank or Initials avanlable; no other possible means of idenunication. Arrived at Hospital in Ambulance with three other Austrahan pa- ten's, all of whom have seen man and falled to recognise him. Date of adnnission to Hospual 13-8-15, died 4-43 p.m, 22-8-15, gunshot wound head, frachured skull. 2. Palient admitted Hospital Ship -NEURALIA“ 28th June, no parliculars regarling Unit, Regimental Numzber, Name. Rank or Initials available. Evidently over 30. Dark hair, brown eyes, clean shaven. On left foot tattoo mark of "The Anchors Weighed". Anchor being re- presented by symnbol. Left arm tatoo mark "Sanlfor and Flag"; gürl in short petticoats carrying basket. Underneath forearm -Clasped Hands" right foream Heart tanstxed wih Dagger. Hands clasped encircled by words Forgel-me-not". Girls head and shoulders and snake. Died ist July gun-shet wound head buried at sea. 3. Palient admitted Hospital Ship DEVANHA" 2nd May, was wearing a coa;, which contained Pay Book of another wounded soldier, no particulars of identification avallable. Died same day, buried at sea. Particulars of wound not available. 4. Palient admitted to 15ch Genera! Hospital ex Hospital Ship -CUIL DFORD CASTLE 16th May. No possible means ofidenüificalion. Died 24h May, gun-shot wound head. 5. Palien' admitied H.M.T. Franconja" IOth May, no disc or Pay Book; no chects, Died same day, gun-shot wound abdomen. 6. Palient admitted Hospital Ship -BRAEMAR CASTLE" Sth May, no Disc or other means oridentiscation. Died same day, Abdonninal wounds. 7. Palient admitted Hospital Ship -BRAEMAR CASTLE" Ih May, no Disc or othen means of identitication. Died 12h May, abdomina! wound (rifle). "SOMALI" 6Ih June. No Identity Disc, no particulars 8. Patient admitted Hospita! Ship avanlable. Died same Jay, gun-shot wound head. 9. Palient admitted Baviere Hospital Malla l3ch August, admilied from Hospital Ship, name unknown. Died sanie day, fracture skull. Buried Pieta Cemretery, Grave No. 6 B. 10. Palient admitted Greek Hospital Alexandria 22nd Septensber from Hospita! Ship „NEURALIA, died lst October gun-shot wound head. No particulars avanlable of any description. 11. Palient admitted No. 15 General Hospital ex Hospital Ship :LUTZOW " 30ch April. died eth May, gun-shot wound head. No identty disc or other particulars avallable. 12. Palient admitted Hospital Ship -GLOUCESTER CASTLE" Gth August from Beach. Died 7th August gun-shot wound head. Buried atsea. No identity discor effechs. Was wearing Australian Breeches (only) when admitted. 13. Palient admitted 25chr Casually Clearing Station 28ch November. No Identity Disc or edtecks. Died imnnedliately afer adhnissten, from exposure. Brough! from Trenches unconscious. T. E. OU EARY. Brigadier-Generdl, Depuly Adjulant Generdl. 3rd Echelon General Headquarlers, Medilerranedn Expeditiondrg Force. 15th January 1916.
Statements Wich Regard to Officers Reported Wounded and Traced to Dressing Stations etc., of whom all Subsequent Trace has been Lost. I any Further Information of Value cam be Given it Should be Forwarded 10 D.A.G., 3rd Echelon. Alexandria. Caee o2 2nd LeUt PRETVMAN. R. E. 2nd Lient. Pretyman was reported missing 10th August, and further reported wounded not muissing on A.F. B. 158, dated 31-8-15. This offcer was seen to fall apparently wounded on CHUNUK BAIR about 0500 on the 10th August. On the 11ch Angust he was reported missing believed wonnded, and on the 14th Angust was reported wounded by Captain R. V. Pollok (Brigade Major) to G.HQ. This report was hased on evidence received from Staff of a Dressing Station which had been at No. 3 Post ANZAC DERE on 10th Angust. Alhough 2ud Lieut. Pretym inds n une did not appear im their books the offcer in charge was certain that he (2nd Lieut Pretyman) had passed through. Cablegram from Stalf Captain 29th Infantry Brigade dated 4th September states that he was informed that 2nd Lient Pretyman was wounded in hand aud passed through to Hospital Ship. It is stated by Lient. Reid 10th Divi- siona! Roya! Engineers that a Sergeant im 2nd Lieut Pretyman's Section wired that he (2ud Lient. Pretyman) was on a Hospita! Ship and further stated that this information was confr med by D.A.OM.G., Anzac, by wire, and a Corporal in Lieut Pretymans Scchon. It is stated that Cnptain Me Cleverty (Brigade Major) htteen minutes before he hümself was wounded saw Lient. Pretyman hit im the groin and sent him wih a man (No. 44125, Sectiom 2, IOth Signal Coy, R.E, Corporal Arthur Leslie Harris, formery groom to Lient. Pretyman) to a Dressing Station, but never saw him again. 2nd Lient. Preiyman was also seen going to the rear supported by Harris, by Lieut. J. H. Polock Oth Roya! Lish Rifles, and Lient. Pollok appears to have lost sight of the party abont 300 yards behind the fring Hne. 2nd Corporal L. Johnson, 2ud Section, 1Oth Signals, wich Sergeant Reeman of the same section state they visited the Base at Mudros to ask after their kits, and were infor med by the permanent guard that Lient. Pretyman's kit had been wired for from Alexandria, and had been sent. The guard could not say from whom the wire was received. Captain Mo Cleverty at an interview with Mr. WHlliam Pretyman (father of 2nd Lient. Pretyman) staied he was under the impression that Lient. Pretyman was wounded in the groin, and this he gathered to be the case sole'y from the fact that his tunic had a patch of blood over that place on the right side, but he, Captain Mc Cleverty, now thinks it must have been his right hand that was wounded. Sergeant Burge who was wounded two days before Lieut. Pretyman states Lient. Pretyman carried his identity disc on a Himsy chain, and knows of it having dropped off on various occasions. It is stated that Sapper Kennedy told Sergeant Burge that Lient Pretyman got out of a stretcher to let someone else get in, and that Sergeaut Burge also states he heard that the ground where Lient. Pretyman was standing was afterwards shelled and caught fre. Corporal Harris refered to above states that he saw Lient Pretyman pass close te him on I0t4 Angust abont 6 a.m, hurrying down the eit towards the shore holding his right hand awav from his side. He Corporat Harris, was taking a message at the time Captain Me Cleverty told him to look after Lieut. Pretyman. The message was an urgent one, but he nonced the direchion in which Lieut. Pretyman was going, and having delivered the message returned to the place ten minutes Jater. The ground was steep, wich thick green bushes as high as a man. Harris searched for half an hour when he was sent with another message by the Brigade Major, 38th Brigade, down to the shore. On the way he passed wounded, but none of these had seen Lient. Pretyman. Harris further states that he heard that the place where he last saw Lieut. Pretyman was shelled and caught fre. No further offcial report beyond that of being wounded 10th Angust has been received.
AUS IEV ZEALAND AND AUSTRALLAN DIUSION. Dirizienal Order Mo. 4 (Training) Conv Ne. Ref:Map 1:100,000 sheet IsMAIL Ihe enemy attacked IsMAILIA from the Nerth on the micht 6/7 and during the 7th February: all these attecke were luromäallon repulsed. Durisg the 8th he is reported to be bringing up frech treope to the vieinity of K.5 with a viec te attack et dava on the 9th Fob. The Division will meve out threugh the defeneive line threugh gap -c* (250 yarde wide) to a position of eeecably Ixxo. (marked by e red flag) 1 mile N.W.of the gap and from there will advance on K.% with a viec to attecking the enomy at 6430 - 9th Feb. os a frontage of 1500 yarde, the left being direeted on K.3. The follewing erders apply to the DAxLICKI Practisc only : froope vill pase the west Level Div. M.2. 8.30 a.m. Creseing over the Caire - eth A.I.Ede. 8.30 ..m. aen AS Isnailis Railway as per margin. N. Z. Inf.Ede. 8.45 ..m. The geseral directiom of the N.Z. Rifle Bde. a.m. 9.0 egap" will be N.w. by w. (leeeg Battns) At distance lt miles. let Line Transport distanee of l mile from the a led Horses ..m. 9.3 starting peint Brigades will (lese M. Guns) assume the formation in which they vill pase the gap (vide diegram). The N.1. Inf.Bde. vill fore up os the right of the 4th A.I.Bde. The N.Z. nifle Ede. less 2 Bettalions) will be in reserve. The peeitien of depleyment vill be marked by three The distance and compass bearing to this pesition poeurl flage. i be communiested on the ground. Nöjot M1. Fer formation to be adopted at pesition of deploymeat ece diagram. A haversack ration will be carried. (agd.) V. n.PInwILL, Lieut-Colonel, Ceneral staff. N.Z. 4 A. Division. Copies iscued to all concerned.


Divisional Exercise - Tuesday. 8th February. 1916.

1  The Division will practise by the movements and

formations that will adopted during night operations to be
held on the night 11/12 February. Formations, distances,
methods of leading and keeping up connection etc. will be
identical with those proposed for actual night operations.
The pace however will be as for daylight operations. & horses
will be ridden by Mounted officers.
2. The General Idea is as published for the Divisional
Exercise on the 2/4 February, 1916, except that all "gaps"
in the defensive line will be 250 yards wide.
Those required for use will be marked by red flags by
day and by white lights (screened from the enemy) at night.

3. Formation adopted will conform to the following : -

(a) Preliminary movements and formations are to be such that
on approaching the gap no change of formation is necessary.
(b) The gaps are to be passed on the widest possible front
and in the shortest possible time: therefore intervals
and distances will be reduced to a minimum.
(c) Formations are to be such that changes of direction by
Brigades can be easily effected without confusion.
(d) The Formation during the approach march should be such
that deployment for attack can be effected without any
extensive lateral movement of troops forming the first
two lines.
(e) For the assault the formation will be as shown on
attached diagram.
(f) All 1st Line Transport (other than machine guns) and
led horses will follow the Div. Reserve Brigade at a
distance of 200 yards. Each Brigade will detail an
Officer to command 1st Line Transport.

(Sgd.) W.R.PINWELL, Lieut-Colonel,
General Staff,
N.Z.& A. Division.
7th February, 1916.


FEB 7 1916
4th Infantry Brigade.
Moscar Camp.
7th. February 1916.


Preliminary Instructions for Divisional Exercise Feby. 8th. 1916

The Brigade must be ready to move tomorrow morning at 0815
16th. Battalion will be the Battalion of direction and will lead
the column, followed by 13th, 14th, 15th xxxxx Battalions in the
order named.
No 1st Line transport or Machine Gun Sections to be taken;
the latter will carry on training under Brigade Machine Gun Officer.
Musketry set down for tomorrow is cancelled.
C.O's and Adjutants, and Brigade Staff to attend conference
at brigade Headquarters mess at 2000 this evening.

Brigade Major.
4th. Aust. Inf. Bde

O. C.
O . O
to GOC



R E T U R N    O F    T E N T S.
MOASCAR CAMP - 7-2-16.

U n i t.

E.P. in
E.P.'s in 
Bell Tents
in lines
other than

Bell Tents

Bell Tents


13th Battalion
14th Battalion
15th Battalion
16th Battalion

Bde. Hd. Qrs.
Bde. Guard.
Bde. Signallers
In Bde. Store.











5  øø
1  øøø




4  ø




ø 1 Vet.Tent.

øø 1 Telephone

øøø Used for
R.C. church


T o t a l s. 21 Nil. 464 9 29 1  

144x4 = 576
             617 for full Brigade


Cox's Shipping Agency

No news yet of box case advised in   
[[?]] xx twenty with Please expedite
General Monash





TELEPHONES 1401 - 1402

Cox's Shipping Agency Ltd
(in connection with Messrs Cox & Co.
1, Rue Cherif Pacha,
(P.O. BOX NO 844)


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