Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 31 January - 29 February 1916, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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t Moascar Camp. Ismailis AUSTRALLAN 22 IMPERIAL FORCS 3rd. February 1916 2158 FE8 3 1916 4th N.Z. & A. Division/ Nothing is known, in this Brigade, of the removal, by a party under an N.C.O., of 4 barrack rooms or booths from the Canal bank. Other Australian Units have recently been camped on the Canal bank. Bn BRIG-GENL. Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf.Bde.
5 stale Srstmkis tr Ript advaner iRosantt. I Som forutin g diveindet avmndig tant, Triplis vnd mest brtunn 14+15 Ta, uf lie istt laakig tonds. dru gråes thn ence ito ufer thun gin tjyle t g. a. dlanan oggrån 3. Li os vatgk usk mersk at taat g fra volag Thrr mten dant for. 4. 1355 Kr frid blbvenget Gnasdg 160. Vangnarsd tr be om liine g aavetr at 2 paraes hrttval, Eovenng 200 gon font. Varpnadt meske 100 gads in foort og Påpde Mam (nard, m lol.g fons SOgør bohent onav. børnesting Sile in sont v read git. I6R Ofr fint flank fatvls. - Evehy 1Sminnte ! N.a a & oar tr te ditastit o omone amt kalfrigkt from diestag advaner tho 15 poimnt, Ihin tekk e ligt tun v regomm Ir rens? (E Hr Shan rstkun 500 g enenng, Eslenm nich talt. - Tatrsd (Trages dnvomnt) arde go Foward t lvaite enenng. Vargnasd. nill dig in a: Enle one g lanen, st 'r 15 5 Hitkahen wået fiomm tove lenes, g tfe dvrnfaanes oa eask dåd, m tir vankks. ad well ehnat np. - foän -e nc tvomm lin g fketamo lopnfaaner in bol. g Tona at deftoging diitanar; 13 a rgg 1th, 1 n ze Sppæas desmennt. Sten all dand, styke falvanan, tait aaveen ii 200 Srom enevong t halts. - ttyre kr tor lertig Hatratrins deflong
ick rigth sankt at ser faaea intansl, i tor luin t uikkin 1oo gds g enenng otelts; 8. Trøst line ovansls uf xesmt line then crarglo uf t tralte fonat behink at lrine tart tåo dragonet 1125 dne saks t chagos, aavd Ou lipnel tom tripete Sne follnds at Stjyads drøtanen 2 1 t Hokshinghangstrrgt + 1o. Klfte Hwaitin tert tullesnf a fomten sår 2os påde legont dnennge tacter, to Cues ske vefonnnng g ttr samt aavandlang hattetome. rebene St. 1. 132 Ksfremanns fi tamt t mnet a Emmterattaak
Ref Man: 1:100000 enrshul luet! arsolzl Iuak 1 Mairlom: lwerzuoyjoss ! DRDER OY MARCH: 5. copy Ne......... pouknn Apörnullyw IpFuwiny sRlpipk Divieienel Exereise Feby, 4 5. Neasear axx Feby. éth. 1916. As for previous exereiees. Yesterday's atteck was entirely suscessful bet the enes was unexpectedly weak and withdrew rapidly pursued by our Meutted Arcops. During the day heavy enemy coluens advancee from the XORTH along the EAST bank of the ABBASSIYEH CANAL and commenced an attack on our line. The attacks so fal have been repulsed without difficulty, but mere esemy troope are known to be coming up. The enemy is holding the W. bank of the Canal which is dry- the water having been cut off higher up. The Corpe Recerve is ordered to move to a position of assembly about ly miles N.E. of K.105 and from thence attack the enemy holding the Camal. This merning the enemy commenced an attack against our NORTHERN defences EAST of the ABBASSIYEH CANAL; but were repulsed. Aeroplane reconnaissance reports fresh To protect himsel: troops assembling NORTH of EL FERDAN. afainst attack from the WEST he is holding the line of the ABBASSIYEH CANAL from and including the pine greve t mile soUTM of X. 6 te K. 10. (The Canal is assumed to be dry) The Otage Meunted Rifles (imaginary) is in touch with the enemy to the weST ef EL MAHSAMA and will petrol the Desert to the NORTH til 11 pm tonight st which heur all patrols North of the Railway and WEST of the Canal have been ordered to withdraw. The Brigade will form up in Line of Battalione in Mass, facing NORTH, cach Umit in front of the centre of its Camp Lines, dressing on l3th. Battalien, ready to move ESS :- Full march- at 2130 tonight, Friday, Feby. éth.-) ing Order, great-coate to be either worn, or carried in pack, at diseretion of Commanding Officers, but each Battalion must be uniform. Ne ammunition. Only Battalion Commanders and one other officer per Battalion to be meunted ; other mounted officers to march en foot, their chargere (led) marching with Battalion Transport. The letter will comprise:- Led chargere, Ammunition Pach Hers ene water cart and one G.S. Limbered wagen per Battalion- vehizles double horsed-Machine Gune on Pack herses, march with their Detachments in rear of each Battalien. other Battalion Transpert, placed under a mounted efficer specially detailed by each Battalion, will march in one bedy in order of march of units of Brigade, the whole, under command of Captain. O.C.W. Fuhnmann leth. Battaliez marches behind the fransport of the N.Z. Infantry Brigade Full waterbottlec and ene emall ration carried, to be consumed prier te final assault st dawn. Erigade N. Ors., 13th, lith, 15th, löth Battalions in the erder named. The xxxBrigade follows the N.Z. Inf. Brigade, and is follewed by the N.Z. Rifles Brigade. The Brigade Transport halts clear of the Level Cressing and falle in behind the N.Z. Inf. Bde. Transport, passinz the eressing about 2205.
INSTRUCTIONS: (contined) MARCH DISCIPLIME: 6. AUuTR gooygs Issued at Copies: No. 1.2.3 10. The Brigade will march while in columa of reute, completely eloced up- do distances proserved- no emeking-ne lighte-utmost silence to be preserved threughout the operations. At the first heurly halt, or cooner if ordered, the rear Battalions vill come up in colume of Route, in succession, on the RICHT of the l3th. Battalion, at 20 PACES interval, after which the Frigede will march in feur parallel colums of reute, lSth. Battalion direeting. The Divieien moves xxx VEsT and NORTK WESI for about 5 miles to a Divisional Aseembly Point; thence the Brigade will move to s Brigade Assembly Point, and thenee the Srigade will advance in a NORTM EASTERLY direetion towards K. t on the ABBASSYEn CANA, with a view to an attack at dewn. Until Brigade Assembly Point is resched, to hend of 13th. Battalion. Idr duma Staff. RAOY MAJOR, 4M. INF. BRIGADE, 13th. Battalien AUSTRALIAN MPERIAL FORCE. 14th. Battalien 15th. Battalion -4FE81916 löth. Bettalion c. 0. C. Brigade Captain O.C.w. Fuhrmann lith. Battaliom. File.
qerzallav IMPEEIAL FORCE i 76s 4 118 Gjos. sth intin Bigade Dirisienal Order No. 3 (Trainingl. Ge.L Me. 8 nef: nar l:100,00 onan, sMAlLli, theet IaMAlLlA. ith Februery. 1916. erning the enesy commeseed an ettack agsinet .ve bere defonees keet of the ABEASzIIzn Cesal : but nin sevoplane reconnaissanec reperte frech ererep) tre ere asceabling horth of l YEDAN. To pretect hinself againet attack from the west he is heldisg the line of he ABBASSIIKK Casal frem and including the pine greve fmile south of K. $ t. X. 10. (The Canal is ascumed to be ery). Ihe Otage kousted Aifles (inaginery) ic is touch eith the escay to the west of KL MAßsizA aad will pstrel the deeert to the North till i1 pe. tonight at chich heur all setrels Nerth of the Railvay and west of the Casal have orcered to vithdraw. Ihe L.Z. 4 A. Divieion, lese Artillery. Engiscer Fiele e Companies. Divisiesal Signel Company, los. eill march at deck to s Divisiesal Ascoably Peist s. of 4. 105. .rnere tprigaces eill attack the ena y's line on the AnhAssIfon Canal with the objeet of 'ng the cendhills berdering the Cenal and engeging the enomy forcee ettacking1 LLIA fro the Rerth. Troo,e as per margin vill pese biv. N.c. 9.30 p-. the s. Level Creesisg. The geserel eal s.£. laf.n4e. 9.30 m. ath A.1.Nde. direetiom of the roste after er ARCH. 9.45 crescing the Railwey will be vest Zad hett.N.Z.n.Bee. by teuth. for 2t miles and s.w. 16.0p. for 2½ miles to the Divisiomal led horwcc ond lst ly peist : from here lise Traaspert. 10.5 pa. brigades vill meve te their xx respective ctarting peinte chich will be celected end marked under brigade arrongemeste. Ihe Division willlbe jeined by the Divieiesel Sigsal Compamy which cill procced is edvence of the Divisioa to the Sivisiosal Asscably Peint asder ceparate instruetiens. Ihe objectives are as follewe : oanza . Zllafastry Brigade - The calient in the encay's lise at Aflack. K.3 : richt not to estond mere than 200 yerde seuth of the calient. Micht ca pise corse (iselueive) tth Awst.Inf.Bee. sooth of K.$ : left on deserted hut . mile seath ef K.5. Ihe aesault will be delivered at 3.43 -. 3th int. Ihe 2nd hatts. D.1. mifle Brizede vill be is r. J. herecc or vehieles will sccompany Brigadee dering the werch to the Divisicnal assosoly Peist except horees of sonns the follewing :- Iches. Divisional Nosccuartere, C.e.c..A.D.c..l staff efficer, and 2 herec holdere. Brizadier, l staff Officer and Drizade N.C. I her.e helder. 2 herece per Battelios at the diseretios of the trigedie All ether hereec and all vchicles cill sarch is rear of the colwes is orter of merch of the weite. A Fountod offieer vill be placed in charge of the herees sad vehicles eech mmit.
Divisional and Brigede staff officere cill vear chite besde round their cape. The Öfficerex reeponsible for-guidiag the Divisiem to wear chite patches the Divieienal Assoably Peist wi betcces the choulders. Ihe Frigadier M.1. Infsatry Brigade vill deteil 12 cclected sea to resert to the Divisiosal Guiding offieers (kejep Gerd'ner and Castein hastinge) at the starting peist All co--dere at 9.20 pm. to assist is keeping toweh. ere respeasible thet touch is hept with treope is frest and they chould heve celeeted aea ready to hasd to three ot e.a coasecting chais sheuld o ga. occur. Ie the evest of a cerieee breach is the line oceuring, the searest Mousted statf (ffieer or Adjutast cill ride to the frost of the colwas and revort the fact : and eimilarly ches a gep hes been elesed up and the celmem is scady to seve os agais. .....-r-mrcer- grosteeats will be eiteer cerried os vors at the diseretiom of Brizadie--- retios vill be carried: to be cenced befere the asscult. Reporte to the head of the celwes. (Ezd.) V.n.PlMwILL, Lieut-Celosel, tenorel ste s.Z. 4 A. Division. copiee as undor to var Diary cory Ne. necords c...A. c.R.M. A.D.M.£. N.Z. Inf nae eth A.I.Bde. N.Z.n.M. tizsals biv.Treis Admia.staff A.D.C. for c.o.c. Anzac.
2. 3. AUSTRALLAN IRERIAL FORCE 4t68 3 196 s 12 Morant3 Stale. ol- LEV ZZALANO AND ASTEALIAN DIY Divisional Exercise - 4th February. 1916. Exereise te test communicatiens. The folleving will pase the West Level Cressing in the erder named at 8.0 am. Divisional N.Q. 4 Signal Sectien. N.Z. Rifle Brigade. N.Z.Infantry Brigade. eth Aust. Infantry Brigade. (Staffs only required but Adjutante of Battalioes will be cccompanied by one er mere signallers). Ne dismounted persennel will be takes exeept these belenging t. Brigade Sectione ef Divisional Signal Company who vill remain out all day. The abeve will march in the direetion of XL MARSAMA and vill practisc an ettack (skeleton) in a Nerth-easterly direction. Ceneral and Special ides will be issued in due course. (Ssd.) W.R. PlNWILL, Lieut-Colonel, ceneral staff, N.Z. 4 A. Divisios.
AUSTRALIAN IOERIAL FORCE kr NlSi ne rul igalamp Arp Arorsalfis i Andsnor, 112300 Dirizional Exereiges . 2nd, jr4. A 4th Yebruary. 1916. Ref:Map 1:100,000 theet IsMAILIA. EEEAL LDEA A defeneive line faeing North and vest rune fro- x 120 om the sUkz Casal - peint 1 mile s. of K.5. on ABBASSlIEM Canal - peist it miles Mast of K.105 on CAIn0 Railway - thence io K ef LL MAMlYIY. Ihe Divisional Reserve of the Corps heleing the line was leeated near the Ferry, but has reeestly bees meved te xonscia with a viev to making a counter streke. The eneay has unsuccesefully attacked our line from the Nerth aleng the AhnAs xzM Camal and from the west/ alesg the Railway. he ie noe believed to be assombling his last available troops for a final effort. cape in the defeasive line exist as follece : (a) Along W. bank of ABBAßslYEM Canal betwees the trees and the Canal. 200 yards wide astride the track runming N.W. from () above Canal. 300 yarde wide due N.of I in ISMAILLA. (d) 300 yards wide A. of CAIRO Railway. soold InZA 2nd Yebruary, 1916. last night the esemy vas reported to be messing os the BBASSIYEH Canal. The Corpe Reserve is orderec to meve N.W. through the line with a viec te sttacking him should opportunity offer. .. pvolAl Inu1 Jrd Pebruary, 1916. The enemy's concestration on the ABBASSIv- Canal proved te be umisportant and the Reserve withdrec on the Dering the might hewever reliable 2nd to MOASCAR. infermation is received of as impending attack alens the CAIRO Railvay. Ihe Corpe Reserve is ordered to move out Nerth West and atteck if opportunity offere. Ith Pebruery 1916. 3. sroiu Iesterday's attack was estirely cuccessful but the enemy was usexpeet zdely weak and withdres rapidly pureued by our Mounted Troepe. Dering the day heavy enemy colwase advaseed fros the Nerth along the Kast bank of the AMsAsslYzn Canal and The attacks eo far hav commenced as attack on our line. been repulsed without diffieulty but 2d encay troope ere The enemy is holding the W. bank knova to be coming up. of the Camal chich is dry - the vater heving been eut off higher up. The Corpe Recerve is ordered to move to e position of esscably about l, milee N.E. of K.105 and from thence ettack the enomy helding the Canal. (sad.)W. N.PINwILL, Lieut-Colenel cenerel eff, .. . . -
20 Bvente : Bemnmavy 4t 1. Zunnber og hdents 4 4. u leoes og each Hort outo sild belongeno b5 each Fele Noret ori bavlatevov banst At Ka oy lnts wee whølly as Levvng rreld Frle L Jlerrts by eack. korst. 415 6. sile sete 2 10 8. rel Frrbe 16 Solal 40 173452 thel he

[*Bde Copy  
4 AB
FEB 3 1916
4th Infantry Brigade.
Moascar Camp.
3rd. February 1916
N.Z. & A. Division/
Nothing is known, in this Brigade, of the removal, by a party
under an N.C.O., of 4 barrack rooms or booths from the Canal bank.
Other Australian Units have recently been camped on the Canal
Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.
NZ a Div*]


Instructions for Night Advance & Assault.
√ 1. From position of Divisional Assembly Point, Brigadier will march
between 14 & 15 Bns , in line with leading Fours.
2. One officer from each Bn will then join Bgde H.Q. as Liaison Officer.
3. C.O's & Adjts will march at head of Bns & stay there unless sent for.
4. 13th Bn finds Advanced Guard of 1 Co.  -
Vanguard to be one line of scouts at 2 paces interval, covering
200x of our front. Vanguard to march 100 yards in front of Bgde
Main Guard, in Col. of Fours 50 yds behind screen. Connecting
files in front & rear of it.
5. 16th Bn finds flank patrols. - Every 15 minutes 1 N.C.O
& 8 men to be detached & move out half right from direction of
advance for 15 minutes, then make a left turn & rejoin the rear of 16th Bn.
6. When within 500x of enemy, column will halt. - Patrol
(Major Durrant) will go forward to locate enemy. Vanguard
will dig in xx. Under cover of screen, 14th & 15th Battalions
will form two lines, of two companies in each line, in two ranks.
all well closed up. - 14th on left of 15th. - 13th & 16th will
form line of platoons companies in Col. of Fours at deploying
distance; 13th in rear of 14th, 16th in rear of 15th. - all
officers dismount. -
7. When all clear, Bgde advances till screen is 200x from
enemy & halts. - Here the two leading Battalions deploy


into single ranks at one pace interval, in two lines.
8. First line crawls up to within 100 yds of enemy & halts;
9. On signal from Brigadier ∧ all fix Bayonet. 1st line rises & charges; second
line follows at 50yards distance.
10. After position taken, reserve 16th Battalions pass through &
takes up a position 100 200 yards beyond enemy's trenches, to
cover the reforming of the xxxx assaulting Battalions.
11. 13th Bn ∧ reforms & remains in hand to meet a Counter attack


Copy No. 8
Divisional Exercise Feby. 4 & 5.
Moascar xxx
Feby. 4th. 1916.
Ref Map: 1: 1000000
GENERAL IDEA: 1. As for previous exercises.
SPECIAL IDEA: 2. Yesterday's attack was entirely successful but the enemy
was unexpectedly weak and withdrew rapidly pursued by our
Mounted Troops.
During the day heavy enemy columns advanced from
the NORTH along the EAST bank of the ABBASSIYEH CANAL
and commenced an attack on our line. The attacks so far
have been repulsed without difficulty, but more enemy
troops are known to be comoing up. The enemy is holding
the W. bank of the Canal which is dry - the water having
been cut off higher up.
The Corps Reserve is ordered to move to a position
of assembly about 1½ miles N.E. of K.105 and from thence
attack the enemy holding the Canal.
INFORMATION: 3. This morning the enemy commenced an attack against our
were repulsed. Aeroplane reconnaissance reports fresh
troops assembling NORTH of EL FERDAN. To protect himsel:
against attack from the WEST he is holding the line of
the ABBASSIYEH CANAL from and including the pine grove
¾ mile SOUTH of K. 5 to K. 10.
(The Canal is assumed to be dry)
The Otago Mounted Rifles (imaginary) is in touch with
the enemy to the WEST of EL MAHSAMA and will patrol the
Desert to the NORTH til 11 pm tonight at which hour all
patrols North of the Railway and WEST of the canal have
been ordered to withdraw.
4. The Brigade will form up in Line of Battalions in Mass,
facing NORTH, each Unit in front of the centre of its
Camp Lines, dressing on 13th. Battalion, ready to move
at 2130 tonight, Friday, Feby. 4th. - DRESS :- Full marching
Order, great-coats to be either worn, or carried in
pack, at discretion of Commanding Officers, but each
Battalion must be uniform. No ammunition. Only Battalion
Commanders and one other officer per Battalion to be
mounted; other mounted officers to march on foot, their
chargers (led) marching with Battalion Transport. The
latter will comprise:- Led chargers, Ammunition Pack Horse
one water cart and one G.S. Limbered wagon per Battalion -
vehicles double horsed - Machine Guns on Pack horses, march
with their Detachments in rear of each Battalion. All
other Battalion Transport, placed under a mounted officer
specially detailed by each Battalion, will march in one
body in order of march of units of Brigade, the whole,
under command of Captain. O.C.W. Fuhrmann 14th. Battalion
marches behind the Transport of the N.Z. Infantry Brigade
full waterbottles and one small ration carried, to be
consumed prior to final assault at dawn.
ORDER OF MARCH: 5. Brigade H. Qrs,, 13th, 14th, 15th 16th Battalions in the
order named. The xxxxxxxx Brigade follows the N.Z. Inf.
Brigade, and is followed by the N.A. Rifles Brigade. The
Brigade Transport halts clear of the Level Crossing and
falls in behind the N.Z. Inf. Bde. Transport, passing the
crossing about 2205.


MARCH DISCIPLINE: 6. The Brigade will march, while in column of route,
completely closed up - no distances preserved - no
smoking - no lights - utmost silence to be preserved
throughout the operations. At the first hourly
halt, or sooner if ordered, the rear Battalions will
come up in Column of Route, in succession, on the
RIGHT of the 13th. Battalion, at 20 PACES interval,
after which the Brigade will march in four parallel
colums of route, 13th. Battalion directing.
ROUTE 7. The Division moves XXX WEST and NORTH WEST for about
5 miles to a Divisional Assemble Point; thence the
Brigade will move to a Brigade Assembly Point, and
thence the Brigade will advance in a NORTH EASTERLY
direction towards K. 5 on the ABBASSIYEH CANAL, with
a view to an attack at dawn.
REPORTS 8. Until Brigade Assembly Point is reached, to head of
13th. Battalion.
JP McGlinn Lieut. Colonel,

-4 FEB 1916
Issued at
Copies: No. 1,2,3 Staff
4.      13th. Battalion
5.      14th. Battalion
6.      15th. Battalion
7.      16th. Battalion
8.      G.O.C. Brigade
9.      Captain O.C.W. Fuhrmann 14th. Battalion.
10.      File. 


FEB 4 1916
4th Infantry Brigade
Divisional Order No. 3 (Training).     Copy No. 8.
Ref: Map 1:100,000  MOASCAR, ISMAILIA,
4th February, 1916.
1. This morning the army commenced an attack against
 our Northern defences East of the ABBASSIYEH Canal: but
was repulsed. Aeroplane reconnaissance reports fresh
troops assembling North of El FERDAN. To protect himself
against attack from the West he is holding the line of
the ABBASSIYEH Canal from and including the pine grove
¾ mile South of K. 5 to E. 10.
(The Canal is assumed to be dry).
The Otago Mounted Rifles (imaginary) is in touch
with the enemy to the West of El MAHSAMA and will patrol
the desert to the North till 11 pm. tonight at which hour all
patrols North of the Railway and West of the Canal have
been ordered to withdraw.
2. The N.Z. & A. Division, less Artillery, Engineer Field
Companies, Divisional Signal Company, and one infantry Brigade
will march at dusk to a Divisional Assembly Point N. of
K. 165. From here two brigades will attack the enemy's line
on the ABRASSIYEH Canal with the object of seizing the
sandhills bordering the Canal and engaging the enemy forces
attacking ISMAILIA from the North.
3. Div. H.Q.         9.30 pm.) Troops as per margin will pass
N.Z. Inf. Bde.     9.30 pm.) the W Level Crossing. The general
4th A.I. Bde.      9.45 pm.) direction of the route after xx
2nd Batt.N.Z.R.Bde.         ) crossing the Railway will be West
                             10.0 pm. ) by South. for 2¼ miles and N.W.
Led horses and 1st           ) assembly point: from here
line Transport.   10.5 pm. ) Brigades will move to their xx

respective starting points which will be selected and marked
under Brigade arrangements. The Division will be joined
by the Divisional Signal Company which will proceed in
advance of the Division to the Divisional Assembly Point
under separate instructions.
4. The objectives are as follows: -
N.Z Infantry Brigade - The salient in the enemy's line at
K.5: right not to extend more than
200 yards South of the salient.
4th Aus. Inf. Bde.  - Right on pine copse (inclusive ½ ¾ mile South of K.5: left on deserted hut
½ mile South of K.5.

The assault will be delivered at 5.45 am. 5th inst.
5. The horses or vehicles will accompany Brigades during
the march to the Divisional Assembly Point except horses of 
the following: -
Divisional Headquarters, G.O.C, A.D.C., 1 Staff Officer,
and 2 horse holders. 
Brigade H.Q. Brigadier, 1 Staff Officer and
1 horse holder.

2 horses per Battalion at the discretion of the Brigadier
All other horses and all vehicles will search in rear
of the column in order of march of the units.  A Mounted
Officer will be placed in charge of the horses and vehicles
of each unit.


- 2 -
6. Divisional and Brigade Staff Officers will wear white
bands round their caps.
The Officers responsible for guiding the Division to
the Divisional Assembly Point will wear white patches
between the shoulders.
The Brigadier N.E. Infantry Brigade will detail 12
selected men to report to the Divisional Guiding Officers
(Major Gard'ner and Captain Hastings) at the starting point
at 9.20 pm. to assist in keeping touch. All commanders
are responsible that touch is kept with troops in front and
they should have selected men ready to hand to throw out
as a connecting chain should a gap occur.
In the event of a serious breach in the line occuring,
the nearest Mounted Staff Officer or Adjutant will ride to
the front of the column and report the fact: and
similarly when a gap has been closed up and the column is
ready to move on again.
7. Dress -   Marching order - great coats will be either
carried or worn at the discretion of Brigadiers - a small
ration will be carried: to be consumed before the assault.
8. Reports to the head of the column.
(Sgd. W.R. PINWILL, Lieut-Colonel,
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division
Copies as under to
War Diary Copy No.  1
Records                       2 & 3
C.R.A.                            4
C.R.E.                             5

A.D.M.S.                        6
N.Z. Inf Bde.                 7
4th A.I. Bde.                 8
N.Z.R.B.                          9
Signals                           10
Div. Train                        11
Admin. Staff                  12 & 13
A.D.C. for G.O.C.            14
ANZAC.                           15


1855 4aB
FEB 3 1916
4th Infantry Brigade.
Divisional Exercise - 4th February. 1916.
Exercise to test communications.
1. The following will pass the West Level Crossing in the 
order named at 8.0 am. :-
Divisional H.Q. & Signal Section.
N.Z. Rifle Brigade.
N.Z. Infantry Brigade.
4th Aust. Infantry Brigade.
(Staffs only required but Adjutants of Battalions will be
accompanied by one or more signallers).
2. No dismounted personnel will be taken except those belonging
to Brigade Sections of Divisional Signal Company who will
remain out all day.
3. The above will march in the direction of EL MAHSAMA and will
practise an attack (skeleton) in a North-easterly direction.
General and Special idea will be issued in due course.
(Sgd.) W.R. PINWILL, Lieut-Colonel,
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division


JAN 31 1916
4th Infantry Brigade.
Divisional Exercises - 2nd, 3rd, & 4th February, 1916.
Ref:Map 1:100,000
1. A defensive line facing North and West runs from
K.120 on the SUEZ Canal - point 1 mile S. of K.5 on
ABBASSIYEH Canal - point 1½ miles East of K.105 on CAIRO
Railway - thence to E of EL MANAYIF.
The Divisional Reserve of the Corps holding the line
was located near the Ferry, but has recently been moved
to MOASCAR with a view to making a counter stroke.
The enemy has unsuccessfully attacked out line from
the North along the ABBASSIYEH Canal and from the West
along the Railway.

He is now believed to be assembling his last available 
troops for a final effort.
2. Gaps in the defensive line exist as follows:-
(a) Along W. bank of ABBASSIYEH Canal between the trees
and the Canal.
(b) 200 yards wide astride the track running N.W. from
above Canal.
(c) 300 yards wide due N. of I in ISMAILIA.
(d) 300 yards wide N. of CAIRO Railway.
3. SPECIAL IDEA - 2nd February, 1916.
Last night the enemy was reported to be massing on the 
ABBASSIYEH Canal. The Corps Reserve is ordered to move
N.W. through the line with a view to attacking him should
an opportunity offer.
4. SPECIAL IDEA - 3rd February, 1916.
The enemy's concentration on the ABBASSIYEH Canal
proved to be unimportant and the Reserve withdrew on the 2
2nd to MOASCAR. During the night however reliable
information is received of an impending attack along the 
CAIRO Railway. The Corps Reserve is ordered to move out
North West and attack if opportunity offers.
5. SPECIAL IDEA - 4th February, 1916.
Yesterday's attack was entirely successful but the
enemy was unexpectedly weak and withdrew rapidly pursued
by our Mounted Troops.
During the day heavy enemy columns advanced from the
North along the East bank of ABBASSIYEH Canal and
commenced an attack on our line. The attacks so far have
been repulsed without difficult but some more enemy troops are
known to be coming up.  The enemy is holding the W. bank
of the Canal which is dry - the water having been cut off
higher up.
The Corps Reserve is ordered to move to a position of
assembly about 1½ miles N.E. of K.105 and from thence
attack the enemy holding the Canal.
(Sgd.) W.R., PINWILL, Lieut-Colonel

General Staff,


E.P. Tents      4/2/16

  13th 14th 15th 16th Total
(1) Number of "E.P." Tents
in lines of each Unit.
4. 4. 6. 2. H.Q
17.+ 4 =21
(2) No of "E.P." Tents
belonging to each
unit in Isolation
nil nil nil nil nil
(3) No of ^"E.P." tents
wholly as "living
tents" by each unit.
nil nil nil nil nil
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