Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 31 January - 29 February 1916, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
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Wrl Ru 30707 TAISSN AleI I 831 HOITII LALLASTOUA CMA CHALAES WIK .ox Vinstol iie .[nalslezf) L eñ zab30 soljgrego Lsgola ALILAMI ,MAO2AOM O00.00:I caM :leA LIAMAI .eesa dfel zee aa ei tmene edt sad: ceeseibal conselsnneoez onsigezeA NOTZAMTOVEI zoltoezlb od: mexl IsssO HaxiaAädA od: so egoozt salsssm emene edt tadt eszegez zetzeseb trese sa.MACHaZ JX le .dtzoñ eis meil corel sl ALILamal xos.te .d..! ZeenlanI Dne vreffiizh seei) nelalvid.A£..K.d . Mör I selteezlb tizetee" mizeK e al ine ovom Iilw (.eve b lsode vmone odt naliestis es welv a delw nainzom werzemot .Telle Velsstzege vo bezev ee e .(vzsalzsml). Szeß sofliß beiaseM enst0 ed: .vid zeq as dozsm le zeßze sl egooir (.m.s O2.8 Levol jeed eit easc lilw siszss (.M.s O6.8o.ll. ..bJ.I.A d5 8 alflamal ofted eis reve ssleee: s.£ O. l tewile XK .s.s OS.Or..b efli.. M .gms meil toerlb smwioe eslot) 4 A g6.Of (tine enelelvibdse zezseJ) ceessldma ams al slames IIle imm sposnn .[smeio-nell -11stà Lzzes. tzeell .S.M ta teham as somce! VZeIC a ebze. .A.X.0 . .1nl .J. ..bJ.I.A M.. .ä..M ciszie llsca.almbA zel
eee tab/2342. Moascar Camp Ismailia. 1.2 18 N. 2. & 4. Division/ Resubmitted korfavor of reconsiderati The ien. acts referred to relate to the Ratton aae of 82d a day- for the whole of tthe Transport ofthis Brigade and the 4th. Field Ambul ane of whom eut. Slater is the senior Trans- port Officer. The Transport moved from Maadi at short notice, leaving these accounts in confusion. I amassured that it is mpratcable tosette this matter by correspondenen. This ie elearly x pety legitimate offical business. Atnte BRIGICENLI commig. Ath Aust.7. Be
se Fr. No.79/4/2 1201-166 AUSTRALIAN TMPERIAL FORCE. THE AUSTRALIAN INPERIAL FORCE HEADQUARTERS. XBRSR. Telephone Nos. 4265-6-7. Hotel Victorid, Teleg. Address: 8, Sharic Shawarbi Pasha, 'STRALIS, CAIRO. CAIRO, lst February 1916 Lieut-Colonel J.P. McGlinn, V.D. 4th Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. I forward herewith for your information copies of correspondence from Mr. G.C.Delaney of Reuter's Telegram Company Limited, Cairo, regarding delay in delivery of a cablegram addressed to General Monash, Fouraib, Cairo. It will be seen that every endeavour was made in this Office in the case under question, and the usual action was taken with a view to the delivery of the cablegram direct to General Monash at the last known address. Lilltt Mnng oh Commandant, The Australian Imperial Force Headquarters.
HeAGE PaauaTlg a. TME GREAT WITHDRAWAI ---r - i ----- - cheersle te Porte . a STORT Of A DARNG RIAN ....... un see ankto 1. Bvey daed o .. LASTDAYSATANZAC r -- iu s. o Now Ow Sohliers let ..... w "-- u d . ORGANISATION AND DISCIPLNNE - a vreer r .. read poondeerterro r oreir A VIVID NARRATIVE. : ung n- mknod o s T ev on 4 W. SPRMNOTWOSPE. re eddd! ned nrekekærtvnnd marde o -- - + ..- M ----- --- an o -.. -- ie n tr rree tr Ted ookd ohet ----- h o otehade sd - ZahkCov) hae U-C oadt ked o o wenee md ore merd ste ie meneeee -o ht ed - t o -d- -- 0 hdoo ae mhet La bro ) randy toast akaae, pot aarded by -.6d --- o-- . -. oos st- o ---- - .. - -- -- ...... .. ansd ui ! I aa a e e .. ..- e r .. o ne ay ur te e- i .. we . en o me mmene a .... sverr sse rnee mr -... d Ir te hopade aed te ded ---. a --- ne --- a- . ong - sr -v- rnr p ohe o omden da I oaet. o topamaber. -. prel, or - P --b l g o l vouk t.-- daomnse o-- o .--- N t-- o ... 1 amorstat on - --- --t v.- .- . --- ". Fer t. I mae hoy Pede omeotekowI. -! N . a m. 12 kake om borr kor iee kost t t u Enpmn te hotorke An ed e dad or tr onte dd odte d oaase oed ome ut- gedste t A r od .o - ohn.xx- a. hed Pe note the oe n nomr d ped rit be- suneoy omared bo mo Ate Caad de Ihote kao d dladk vrrde or Peh - .amd h - b--. ------- . Amme Core ..-- . . ---- .---- - i -hd on ..M med vr - ....- .- e n.t --7 .... - xn Arodd --- ... ttt ... ----0 - -- 1- da.dmk- ked at .. voed TosttetWoler desooe - ...--- ut - - pe å amr we- todee des ray bom ohe banope - - - .-4- d- n d t .... -- .. o wansd o r- r. -- .- r de ookkaa ovddstae tor iee hustordes . ni..... - --------- . d mod a - r . wamd! - -- wrnnly sheet mnier a o ..--- d dne to aheet so in e eee -- - - tweeweton oaasdles Fhe ohe oh -WOLr SCMNAPPS ----17 iu
cer xo.4 bennk yerndlye Divieienal Exerwiee Peby. s. 1916 Bef: D.:- ISZADIIA, 1:100,000 6 aly ywid agprt Defencive line faeing North and ze r peist ef xs o- wile o CAlRo MALLxXX-the-.. t.) Ihe Pivisionl 4.cerve of the Corre helding the liee wee et hee recestly .vt NoiscAk, with leeeted ..rthverry. viee to mckieg a counter stroke. hehae o..cefally ettecked cer line from the North aleng ibe AßßAsffynk caßit, ond from the Weet alesg the Reilway ie noe believed to be escecbling hie last eveilable t eor fer a fisal effert. dape in the defescive lise exiet as fellees:- (2 (a). Along ". besk ef ABBASSIrzm caKit the trecs and the 6). 2oo yerde vite estride the treck russing K.W. fros abovo Csmal . 20 yarde cico dce N ef (d). 300 yarde wide of jue urxo) nicht the o--sy was repertec to be mcceiag ce the Lect casal. Ihe Corpe Recesve is erdered to mev N.w. throuch teuld oppertemity offer. the line, with s viee te ettecking his Ihe Divieiee ie Pivieiosel Reverve to s Corps(Ihe Artillery,Kngincer t is the Exerei d Yrais do s e Foorth Brigede cill form up im lise of Bettaliose is Nece feeieg North, coch Omit in frost cestre of ite Cams liees, dreeeing isth. Bettalies, ready to N.vat 6e15 es Tte-y February Znd.- he folle- e.poreo Cmite te porede se etreag ae poesible. eill be takee, vis Sigmal pacte, Mechise Cosc on pecke, as pecke, et least three lisbered c.s. per Mettalien, doeble ose oeter cart per hattalioe, doeble bezces. The leth. nettalios prevides ose wates cart coch fer Aith asd leth Battalies hieday meal carried, wetertottlee filled, ose fo- for the l all marching erter. bet ock .. .. for all b..... Drees: weitios certifiestee to be fursieyo snal miti.e. t. Nrizade Mest--rter-. brigede Resdewartere, Siesal: isch, isth, 1 t. Lates ese Drigade ond preoedee the N.I. Riflee .1. tor Diex tesy. Ne. Aschie brigade staff "innmne eie Liene Eere styre ReAOR VIPR Im Nr aöt AOR. 1sth. Settalie- AUSTRALAN MPERINL FOROE ioc asch. 1-FEB1916 let Ordesiy officer fer c.o.c.
Cepy Ne.7 FOURTH AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY BRIGADE Divieienal Frerciee Feby. 2. 1916 Ref: Map:- ISMALLIA, 1:100,000 1. GENERAL 4 STECIAL IDEAS eENERAL IDEA 1) A Defensive line facing North and Nest runs from X120 on the SUEZ CANAL-point 1 mile s of Ko cn ABBASSIYEH CANAL-point le miles East ef K105 en CAIRO RALLNAX-thence to E ef EL MANAYIF. The Divisional Reserve of the Corpe holding the line was lecated near the Ferry, but has recently been moved to MOASCAR, with a view to making a counter stroke. The enemy has unsueceesfully attacked eur line frem the North along the ABBASSIYEH CANAL, and from the West along the Railway. He is now believed to be assembling his last available treops for a final offort. cape in the defensive lind exist as follews:- (2) (a). Along W. bank of ABBASSIYEH CANAL between the trees and the Canal. 200 yarde wide astride the track running N.W. from above Canal¬ 10) e). 300 yards wide due N of I in ISMAILIA (4). 300 yarde wide ef CAIRO RAILWAY. and, February 1918 sPECIAL IDEA Last night the enemy was reported to be massing on the ABBASSIYEH CANAL. The Corps Reserve is ordered to move N.W. through the line, with a view to attacking him should opportunity offer. Iwerzuorjons The Division is Divisional Reserve to a Corps (The Artillery, Engineer and Train de net take part in the Exeroise) The Feurth Brigade will form up in line of Battalions in Mass, Camp lines, dressing facing North, cach Unit in front centre of it on 15th. Battalion, ready to move at ools on February 2nd.- Units to parade as strong as possible. The follewing Transport only will be taken, viz Signal packe, Machine Guns en packe, ammunition packe, at least three limbered wagens G.S. per Battalion, deuble hersed, one water cart per Battalion, double horsed. The léth. Battalion prevides one water cart each for lôth and 1eth Battalions, for the day only. Midday meal carried, waterbottles filled, one feed for all herses. Dress: Full marching order, but packs to be empty. Ne ammunition. Usual ammunition certificates to be furnished by 0900 te Brigade Headquarters. Brigade Headquarters, Signals, löth, lith,13th, lith, OF MARCH: 3. ORDER Battalions in the order named. The Brigade follows the N.Z. Infantry Brigade and preeedes the N.Z. Rifles Brigade. Copy. No. 1. War Diary. Atben -/n 2 4 3 Brigade Staff owNenapa. Signals wi neghad Foros 13tn. Battalien- 1th [1-FE81976 15th. léth. e. .. Orderly officer for G.O.C. 2.
425 Bastralian (nlanten B3rugade Gumisisnal. Borererse Tel. 359 1916. Rer. Mae !:100.000 Mosss Sheer ISMRILIR 2. 2..16. 4) Deneral Sdea, Came as jeslärdang (2) Sgeral Ydea, Shen evenags eoneentratio om kKe HODRGOIJEH Canal frovect 6 tl eninnpootant and bhe kenarse nirthdren om Che ae o MORSCRR. Benreng thre night koweser heliable enfostmatonino Recerved af am eshendeng attach along bhe CHIR0 raulerasg. Iheere eoorderede do mooe out toplt West and attach if offostenetig Hers. emadnivns.- 3 Justenetons as bo hern-oul, eta. will be meesely tte name as veskærdans en alle renferk enrett Urut tüme fos ento tobe neadhn o mo O8?0 and the Battalsn af dirertin will be thas 142 battialon, Amm- eniton certefeealas andh vtatas 6o be furnshed byovso Order 2 Tarch: 44 Gegnalg ig 1? sct 162 1324 She oferatign es basadl om løtk 16 Lollanno enomation, a. Duer -moclntad wrosps repovt a hostila coneentatig am che dere op Et mawsams. Gneng pattols accompand Bu offneens have been oboervacl- nesnnortaneno onlve West of ISMEILIR Drerated bo Rdiutané 2l26 4yog Kochecatt
AUSTRALLAN IMPERIAL FORCE F[8 2,1916 a NEV ZEALAND AND AUSTRALLAN DIYELOLSAnTY 8Tgade. Rat 130 copy x.8 Divisienal Operstion Order Ne. 2 (Training). Ref: Map 1:100:000 MOASCAR, ISMAILLA. Sheet ISMAILIA. 2nd February, 1916. INronkariox. Our Kounted Troops report a hestile concentration in the direction of NL MAHSAMA. Enemy patrols accompanied by officers have been observed recenneitering our line West ef IsMAILIA. The N.Z. 4 A. Division (Less Artillery, Engineer Fiel INTENTION. Companies and Ambulances) will move out in a Nerth- westerly direction temerrow merning with a view to ettacking the enemy should opportunity offer. The nevement is being covered by the Otage Mousted Rifles Regt. (imaginary). Div. H.g. 8.30 om. Troope in order of ORDER eth AUST. Inf. Bde. 8.32 am. march as per margin OF MARCH. 2nd Battn. N.Z.Rifle Bde. 8.45 -. will pass the West N.Z.Inf.Bde. 8.50 am. Level Croesing over the Caire Ismailis Rail- way. The Battn. N.Z.Rifle Bde. will jeim the coluan on the N.side of the Rail way. Train Transport will remain in Camp. TRAIN TRANSPORT. Reports to head of Column. RXPORTS. (Szd.)bw.R.PINWILL, Lieut-Colonel Ceneral staff. N.Z. 4 A. Division. Copies as under to : War Diery cony Ne. Records a) C.R.A. C.R.M. A.D.M.S. N.Z.Inf.Bde. eth A.I.Bd.. N.Z.R.B. signals Div. Traim Admin.Staff 12 4 1 A.D.c. for c.o.c. ANZAC 15 Nofx The enemy's pesitios wil be indicated by flags - one flag represents ene Infantry Company.
Ir 6.c. 13th. Battalion. Please inform Major Storey that General Russell G.O.C. Division requires to see him at Divisional Headquarters at 1000 tomorrow morning 4th. inst. Acknowledge. Lieut-Col. Bert Brigade Major Moascar Camp, 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde. Ismailia 3. 2. 1916. Recaved Eoprot He atorse. Berso sae MAl 4 Mho Boig Trage
From C.O., 13th Battalion, A.I.F. To G.O.C., 4th Inf. Brigade. In connection with your 4AB/2512 I have informed Major Storey that the G.O.C. Division requires to see him at Divisional Headquarters at 1000 tomorrow morning ath inst. ren Ptbrg nns om. C.O. 3th Battalion, A.I.F. Nossear. 3:2:16.

(This page is the reverse of previous page)


Moascar Camp
N. Z. & A. Division/

Resubmitted for favor of reconsideration.
The accounts referred to relate to the Ration
allowance of 8½d a day- for the whole of the
Transport of this Brigade and the 4th. Field
Ambulance- of whom Lieut. Slater is the senior
 Officer. The Transport moved from Maadi at
short notice, leaving these accounts in
I am assured that it is impracticable to settle
this matter by correspondence. This is clearly xx
perfectly legitimate official business.
John Monash
Commdg. 4th. Aust. I.


Fr.                                                       No.79/4/2


Telephone Nos. 4255-6-7.
Teleg. Address:

Hotel Victoria,
8, Sharia Shawarbi Pasha,
CAIRO, 1st February 1916


Lieut-Colonel J.P. McGlinn, V.D.
4th Infantry Brigade,

I forward herewith for your information
copies of correspondence from Mr. G.C.Delaney
of Reuter's
Telegram Company Limited, Cairo, regarding
delay in
delivery of a cablegram addressed to General
Fouraib, Cairo.

It will be seen that every endeavour was
made in this Office in the case under question,
and the
usual action was taken with a view to the
delivery of the
cablegram direct to General Monash at the last

G.G.H. Irving B. G.
The Australian Imperial Force Headquarters.


The "AGE" FEBRUARY 1ST 1916 page 7 [newspaper cutting]

[headlines above article] 





How Our Soldiers Left.








Telegraphed from Perth


[See original article in Trove]



Copy No. 9
Divisional Exercise Feby. 2. 1916
Ref: Map:- ISMAILIA, 1:100,000


G E N E R A L  I D E A

(1) A Defensive line facing North and West runs
from K120 on the SUEZ
CANAL-point 1 mile S of K5 on ABBASSIYEH
CANAL-point 1½ miles East
of K105 on CAIRO RAILWAY-thence to E of KL

The Divisional Reserve of the Corps holding the
line was
located near the Ferry, but has recently been
moved to MOASCAR, with
a view to making a counter stroke.

The enemy has unsuccessfully attacked our line
from the North
along the ABBASSIYEH CANAL, and from the
West along the Railway.

He is now believed to be assembling his last
available troops
for a final effort.

(2) Gaps in the defensive line exist as follows:-
(a). Along W. bank of ABBASSIYEH CANAL
between the trees and the

(b). 200 yards wide astride the track running
N.W. from above Canal.
(c). 300 yards wide due N of I in ISMAILIA
(d). 300 yards wide N of CAIRO RAILWAY.

S P E C I A L  I D E A    2nd. February 1916
Last night the enemy was reported to be
massing on the
ABBASSIYEH CANAL. The Corps Reserve is ordered to move N.W. through
the line, with a view to attacking him should
opportunity offer. 

The Division is Divisional Reserve to a Corps (The
Artillery, Engineers
 and Train do not take part in the Exercise)

The Fourth Brigade will form up in line of Battalions in Mass,
facing North, each Unit in front centre of its
Camp lines, dressing
on 15th. Battalion, ready to move at 0915 on
Wednesday February 2nd. -

Units to parade as strong as possible. The
following Transport only
will be taken, viz Signal packs, Machine Guns on
packs, ammunition
packs, at least three limbered wagons G.S. per
Battalion, double
horsed, one water cart per Battalion, double
horsed. The 16th.
Battalion provides one water cart each for 13th
and 14th Battalions,
for the day only. Midday meal carried,
waterbottles filled, one feed
for all horses. Dress: Full marching order, but
packs to be empty.
No ammunition. Usual ammunition certificates
to be furnished by 0900
to Brigade Headquarters.

Brigade Headquarters, Signals, 15th, 16th, 13th,
Battalions in the order named. The Brigade
follows the N.Z. Infantry
Brigade and precedes the N.Z. Rifles Brigade.

JP McGlinn, Lieut. Colonel
1-FEB 1916

Copy. No. 1. War Diary.

                   2 & 3 Brigade Staff

                   4 Signals

                   5. 13th Battalion

                    6  14th  "

                    7. 15th   "

                    8. 16th   "

                    9. Orderly officer for G.O.C.


Copy No. 2


Divisional Exercise Feby. 2. 1916

Ref: Map: ISMAILIA, 1:100,000



    G E N E R A L   I D E A

    (1) A Defensive line facing North and West runs from K120 on the SUEZ CANAL-point 1 mile S of K5 on ABBASSIYEH CANAL-point 1½ miles East 

    of K105 on CAIRO RAILWAY-thence to E of EL MANAYIF.

    The Divisional Reserve of the Corps holding the line was

    located near the Ferry, but has recently been moved to MOASCAR, with

    a view to making a counter stroke. 

    The enemy has unsuccessfully attacked our line from the North
    along the ABBASSIYEH CANAL, and from the West along the Railway.

    He is now believed to be assembling his last available troops
    for a final effort.

    (2). Gaps in the defensive line exist as follows:-

    (a). Along W. bank of ABBASSIYEH CANAL between the trees and the


    (b). 200 yards wide astride the track running N.W. from above Canal.

    (c). 300 yards wide due N of I in ISMAILIA

    (D). 300 yards wide N of CAIRO RAILWAY.

    S P E C I A L  I D E A   2nd. February 1916

    Last night the enemy was reported to be massing on the

    ABBASSIYEH CANAL. The Corps Reserve is ordered to move N.W. through

    the line, with a view to attacking him should opportunity offer. 


    The Division is Divisional Reserve to a Corps (The Artillery, Engineers 

    and Train do not take part in the Exercise)

    The Fourth Brigade will form up in line of Battalions in Mass,

    facing North, each Unit in front centre of its Camp lines, dressing

    on 15th. Battalion, ready to move at 0915 on Wednesday February 2nd. -

    Units to parade as strong as possible. The following Transport only

    will be taken, viz Signal packs, Machine Guns on packs, ammunition

    packs, at least three limbered wagons G.S. per Battalion, double

    horsed, one water cart per Battalion, double horsed. The 16th.

    Battalion provides one water cart each for 13th and 14th Battalions, 

    for the day only. Midday meal carried, waterbottles filled, one feed

    for all horses. Dress: Full marching order, but packs to be empty.

    No ammunition. Usual ammunition certificates to be furnished by 0900

    to Brigade Headquarters. 

    3. ORDER OF MARCH:  Brigade Headquarters, Signals, 15th, 16th, 13th, 14th,

    Battalions in the order named. The Brigade follows the N.Z. Infantry

    Brigade and precedes the N.Z. Rifles Brigade.


    JP McGlinn, Lieut. Colonel




    Copy. No. 1. War Diary.

                       2 & 3 Brigade Staff

                       4 Signals

                        5. 13th Battalion

                        6  14th  "

                        7. 15th  "
                         8. 16th  "

                         9. Orderly officer for G.O.C.


4th Australian Infantry Brigade
Divisional Exercise Feb 3rd 1916

Ref. Map 1 : 100,000


(1) General Idea.
Same as yesterday

(2) Special Idea.
The enemy's concentration
on the ABBASSIYEH Canal proved to
be unimportant and the reserve
withdrew on the 2nd to MOASCAR.
During the night however reliable
information is received of an
 impending attack along the
CAIRO railway. The corps reserve
 is ordered to move out North
West and attack if opportunity

(3) Instructions:-
Instructions as to turn-out, etc.
will be precisely the same as
yesterday's in all respects
except that time for units
to be ready to move is 0820
and the battalion of direction
will be the 14th battalion. Ammunition
certificates and states
to be furnished by 0750

(4) Order of March :-
14th Bn
15th  "
16th  "
13th  "

(5) The operation is based on the
following information.
Our mounted troops report a hostile
concentration in the direction of
EL MAHSAMA. Enemy patrols accompanied
by officers have been observed
reconnoitering our line West of ISMAILIA
Dictated to Adjutants
2/2/16 W.J.M. Locke Capt



FEB  2, 1916
4th Infantry Brigade


Recd 1930
Copy No. 8


Divisional Operation Order No. 2 (Training).
Ref: Map 1:100:000                MOASCAR, ISMAILIA.
Sheet ISMAILIA.                     2nd February, 1916.
INFORMATION.  Our Mounted Troops report a
hostile concentration
in the direction of EL MAHSAMA. Enemy patrols
accompanied by officers have been observed
our line West of ISMAILIA.

INTENTION. The N.Z. & A. Division (Less Artillery,
Engineer Fiel [[d?]]
Companies and Ambulances) will move out in a
Westerly direction tomorrow morning with a
view to
attacking the enemy should opportunity offer.
movement is being covered by the Otago
Mounted Rifles
Regt. (imaginary).

OF MARCH              

Div. H.Q. 8.30 am. ) Troops in order of
4th AUST. Inf. Bde. 8.32 am. ) march as per margin
2nd Battn. N.Z. Rifle Bde. 8.45 am. ) will pass the West
N.Z. Inf. Bde. 8.50 am. ) Level Crossing over

the Cairo Ismailia Rail-

way. The Battn. N.Z. Rifle

Bde. will join the column

on the N. side of the Rail



TRAIN TRANSPORT. Train Transport will remain
in Camp.

REPORTS. Reports to head of Column.

(Sgd.) W.R.PINWILL, Lieut-Colonel
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division.
Copies as under to :-
War Diary  Copy No.   1

Records                         2 & 3         
C.R.A.                           4
C.R.E.                         4   5
A.D.M.S.                     5   6
N.Z.Inf.Bde.               6   7
4th A.I.Bde.                    8 √
N.Z.R.B.                            9
Signals                             10
Div. Train                          11
Admin.Staff                     12 & 13
A.D.C. for G.O.C.              14
ANZAC                              15

The enemy's position will be indicated by flags -
flag represents one Infantry Company.




13th. Battalion.
Please inform Major Storey that General Russell
Division requires to see him at Divisional
Headquarters at 1000
tomorrow morning 4th. inst. Acknowledge.

JP McGlinn Lieut-Col.
Brigade Major
4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.

Moascar Camp,
3. 2. 1916.
(*Received copy of the above.
Sydney CE Herring Lt-Col

J. Colvin Storey Major*)


From C.O., 13th Battalion, A.I.F.
To G.O.C., 4th Inf. Brigade.

In connection with your 4AB/2512 I have
informed Major
major Storey that the G.O.C. Division requires to
see him at
Divisional Headquarters at 1000 tomorrow
morning 4th inst.

Sydney CE Herring
Lieut Col.
C.O. 13th Battalion, A.I.F.


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