Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 8 January - 31 January 1916, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
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Vard + 24 Sac. On Right 5S X of & HG F35 belt 24 26 Bett 3EF
+ F.S + & Ro x 2x 3x +X 5X 10 X £t 54 B
3x 34 &X K3 Iol Mr 99 BC1 E that X 16 34 X 1684
28/16 Attached decision makes the orde of senority thus:- McCay Russell E tempy Maj. Lemene. Chanvel Hughes Hberytor Holmes 7e tempy. Big. Lent Monach Ryne Maclagan Johnston
AOAbAEEIRS DAYTGION 040 to Forwarded. the Clo.C. (Division recently decided that the organisation and administration of this Contact Camp develved entifely upon the Medical Services and it was therefore clearly understoed that this Brigade was relieved of 214 peopONSIp. 12447 in connection therewith. Lieut-Col. Brigade Wajer Mgasbay Camp. 4th. hust. Inf.Ed. Ifmailia. For 9. 0. C. 26.1.16
4N0 2811/ F..TF MSTARLRN REIRIHE HOREK HISSSIAETIRS. 24 28t4 January Dear Sir. 1 am in receipt of your letter of the 13th instant, regarding the nondelivery of a telegran for General Monash, and desire to thank you for placing your messenger at my disposal to get his evidence on the matter. The matter has now been cleared up and the following are the facts:- The messenger who brought the telegram in question on the morning of the Slst December, 1915, was conducted by the seldier orderly at the frent deer to the room of the Officer on duty, who sent his clerk with the messenger to the Warrant Officer in charge of Officers Records. This Warrant Officer informed the Officer on duty the destination of General Henash, whe was at that time on his way to Measear, recaddressed the envelepe, and handed it back to the messenger for tranemission to General Monash at Measear. Your messenger when questioned regarding the atateent that there was nothing nore to be done in the matter; stated that he clearly pointed out the address written on the envelepe to the clerk at your office when returning the cablegram. The arrangements made with the Eastern Telegraph and State Telegraph Companies are, that a cablegram or telegram, addressed to a member of the Australian Imperial Force, eare of this Base, is recaddressed and handed back innediately to the messenger for transmission. in viow of the above facts it is therefere
121 untrue that the telegran was tendered to this office, and was refused. This telegram was returned for re- atransmission as te done in all similar eases. There is no reason to doubt that your office te whelly at fault in the matter and it is considered that your action in writing to General Kenash in the terms you did, was quite unwarranted. Should you desire to say anything further in the matter I should be glad to know as soon as pessible, as a report is being sent to Lieutenant-Colonel J. P. MeClinn. V.D. Yours faithfully, Lieutenant. Assistant Military Secretary. The Australian Imperial Force Headquarters. G.C.Delancy Esq. Renter's Telegram Company Limited. C A I N c.
SSIAALT CNT STRY 291/16 wam CIIALL 123 IMPOTISI & (79 p12 Reuter's Felegram Company Limeti Cauro 28th January 1916. The Assistant Military Secretary, The Australian Imperial Force Headquarters, Cairo. Dear Sir, I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of this date, and I note the circumstances which led to the return to this Office of a telegram addressed to General Monash, which I had sent for delivery to the Australian Intermediate Base. You refer to certain arrangements with the Eastern Telegraph Company and to the Egyptian State Telegra) and these no doubt would have held good if it had been a messenger from the Eastern Telegraph Company that had tendered General Monash's telegram to you. As, however, it was a messenger from Renter's Agency, and as the instructions from General Monash to us are to deliver telegrams addressed to him to the Australian Intermediate Base, I regret that I cannot agree that our Office is molly at fault! It was the duty of your Office to have taken delivery of the telegram from my messenger. Yours faithfully, J
Or Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Office Stamp. Charges to Pay. H Fan yon 4 SETIISE MSSETOS 23368 116 26 c Office Handed in at X XI To Gnnnn 397281018 70 Smmmmommo e 1 4th nlentry Brigade. In PepIS to Mnt Do A MANR AAA th 56 Bf vry auting wrgat S ng tw with i vr sou On the wind t t en Wall 6 C to 7 1o 1the recpint ta Buigaster N9&B will wn a A &47 412ma prosantion detail 1a adi and as n Bin 2207 FRON New PLACE & THE
N2 D Reference Foothcoming weeks training programine, please notify which days, if any, are to be reserved fo Diviswual Fraining ana. I am proposing to hold a Wigade excecise on Monday 31st R.M please send above Ion RSSTRAAN IMPERIAL FORCE JAN 29 1916 Ath InEntry Erigads.

Bde H.Q.
Hand drawn diagram - see original 

H.Q.26 Bells
3 EF

Guard (On Right of 13th Bn) 45 bells



15th Bn
15 Bn
without isolation 
with Isolation 
17 E.P.
55 bells 
17 16 EP 55 bells   
Hand drawn diagram - see original


16 Bn
16 Bn
49 Bells 

20 EP
Isolation Nil 
Hand drawn diagram - see original


Attached decision makes the order of seniority
McCay   )
Russell   )   tempy Maj. Genrals.
Chauvel )

Hughes     )
Chaytor     )
Holmes      )
Monash     )   tempy. Brig. Genls.
Ryrie           )
Maclagan  )
Johnston   )


The G.O.C. Division recently decided
that the organisation and administration of this
Contact Camp devolved entirely upon the Medical
Services and it was therefore clearly understood
that this Brigade was relieved of all
responsibility in connection therewith.
Moascar Camp,

Brigade Major
4th. Aust.Inf.Bde
For G. O. C. 


Australia [IMPERIAL] Force
N0 79/4/2.

28th January 6.
Dear Sir,
1 am in receipt of your letter of the 13th
instant, regarding the nondelivery of a telegram for
General Monash, and desire to thank you for placing your

messenger at my disposal to get his evidence on the
The matter has now been cleared up and the
following are the facts:-
The messenger who brought the telegram in
question on the morning of the 31st December, 1915, was

conducted by the soldier orderly at the front door to
the room of the Officer on duty, who sent his clerk with

the messenger to the Warrant Officer in charge of Officers
Records. This Warrant Officer informed the Officer on

duty the destination of General Monash, who was at that
time on his way to Moascar, re-addressed the envelope,

and handed it back to the messenger for transmission to
General Monash at Moascar.

Your messenger when questioned regarding the
statement that "there was nothing more to be done in the

matter" stated that he clearly pointed out the address
written on the envelope to the clerk at your office when
returning the cablegram.

The arrangements made with the Eastern Telegraph
and State Telegraph Companies are, that a cablegram or

telegram, addressed to a member of the Australian Imperial
Force, care of this Base, is re-addressed and handed back

immediately to the messenger for transmission.
In view of the above facts it is therefore 


untrue that the telegram was tendered to this office,
and was refused. This telegram was returned for
re-transmission as is done in all similar cases.
There is no reason to doubt that your office

is wholly at fault in the matter and it is considered
that your action in writing to General Monash in the
terms you did, was quite unwarranted.

Should you desire to say anything further in

the matter I should be glad to know as soon as possible,
as a report is being sent to Lieutenant-Colonel J. P.
McGlinn. V.D.
Yours faithfully,
Assistant Military Secretary.
The Australian Imperial Force Headquarters.
G.C.Delaney Esq.
Reuter's Telegram Company Limited.
C A I R O.


Australian Imperial Force

No 79/4/2


Reuter's Telegram Company Limited

Cairo 28th January 1916.

The Assistant Military Secretary,
The Australian Imperial Force Headquarters,

Dear Sir,
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of this
date, and I note the circumstances which led to the return
to this Office of a telegram addressed to General Monash,

which I had sent for delivery to the Australian Intermediate
You refer to certain arrangements with the

Eastern Telegraph Company and to the Egyptian State Telegraphs
and these no doubt would have held good if it had been a
messenger from the Eastern Telegraph Company that had
tendered General Monash's telegram to you. As, however,

it was a messenger from Reuter's Agency, and as the
instructions from General Monash to us are to deliver

telegrams addressed to him to the Australian Intermediate
Base, I regret that I cannot agree that our Office is
"wholly at fault". It was the duty of your Office to have

taken delivery of the telegram from my messenger.
Yours faithfully,
G.G. Delaney


"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C. 2123.
No. of Message
SM Kam    [[WMC?]]
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay.
₤  s.  d.
Office Stamp.
Handed in at..... Office...... m. Received   1015 am.
TO H A [[?]]
JAN 28 1916
4th Infantry Brigade
Sender's Number    G 56.
Day of Month    28th
In reply to Number    --
The N.Z. Infantry brigade
will carry out firing with
ball  Ammunition on the ground
referred to in G 37 D/22 January
Keeping to the east of the
4th A. IB [[?]] Brigadier N.Z IB

& 4th A. IB will [[?]] [[through?]]  
details & [[take?]] any precaution
as previous safely aaa

BM 2207
FROM  NZ & A Div Moascar.
PLACE & TIME  1000 


N.Z & A. Div
Reference forthcoming weeks training
programme, please notify which days, if
any, are to be reserved for Divisional Training

and I am proposing to hold a Brigade
exercise on Monday 31st. -
please send above
Des. 1143.

JAN 29 1916
4th Infantry Brigade. 

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Annette KleinertAnnette Kleinert
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