Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 8 January - 31 January 1916, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
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A0 Thusday Copy No. N.1 OPERATION ORDEE N.A. 4 A 12306 TIt M F LIEUTENANT-COLONEL S. C.E.HERRING Fourth Infantry Brigade Commanding 13th Battalion,A. I.F. Head-Quarters 2611/16 MOASCAR, January 27th 1916. T RETERENCE MAP- Lower Eegpt 1:100, 000, Sheet C12 (Ismailla) LLPORMAFTON At 0700 on 27th January information has been received that the Advance Party of a Force BLACK, estimated strength, one Battalion, are in occupation of a line bearing 270 degrees from point X. 120 on ISMAILLA-PORT SALD railway; left flank approxinately two miles from that point. 2. INTENTION The 13th Battalionwill attack with the object of forcing them to retire, and if successful will take up an Outpost Position protecting ISMAILLA PENDING ARRIVAL OF REINFORCEMENTS. S.STMMIT NINT MIPISHA Railway Signal Cabin. A.DISPOSITION. (a) ADVANCED Guard :- Commander -Major E.TWINAN Dr Company TROODO (D) MAIN BODY :- JCommander -Daptain H.C. FORD Troops 13th Battalion less 1 Coy S.ORDER OF MARCH Advanced Guard will clear Starting Point at 0800 and march viz ISMAILLA to OASIS appror. 1½ miles N.E. from ISMALLLA RALLNAY STATION Advanced Guard will then push forward to mex locate and engage Force BLACK. Main Body will pass Starting Point at 0930 and rendezvous at OASIS. Orders for the attack will be issued at the OASIS on receipt of Information from O.C. Advanced Guard. G.REPORTS To head of Main Body Sylnyersorin Eepy. 3d Xp. Issued at 0800 ar advanced Fuers 3OC Mai Body c.o. BlhsHd 24/2 Pr p Sert 5wex Denr
Dary Thuosday 13th Battalion Scheme, for 27.1:16. General Idea The enemy have obtained temporary command of the SUEL CANAL at El Zedar, and have succeeded in throwing a small force, approsnately one Battation Infantry, and one Squadron Light Horse across, which is moving on 1SMAILIH with the object of cutting the railway at the Nifisha Junction. Special Idea The 4th Anst. Brigade will move out and hold the enemy while preparations are mady to despatch the remainder of the Dwision to drive them back and regain possession of the Caual.
CAY. N. I. 4 AB 4558 AUOTRMIIAY TIKENII FORC Operation Order mry Prigade Fourth 1. No 1 Head-Quarters 2611116 Major R. E. Snowden By 1250 C/o1Sh Battalion MOASCAR. Jany 27th 1916. REFERENCE. 1 100.000 TSMAILIA. INPORMATION I An enemys force estimated to be 1 Battaliors Infanory 1 Squadron of Light Horse has crassed the DUEE (ANAL at EL FEDAN & is reported to be moving on I SMAILIA. The 4th Anstratian Inf Brigade will move from MOASCAR to engage the enemy. INTENTION. The Battalion will form an advanced guard STARTINE POINT. t Level casssing ISMAILIA. STATION. VANGUART. & The Vanguard will pass the starting Capt Coombs point at 1030 and move in a B. Coy. NoRTH EAST direction. MAIN GUARD. Major MSharry. V Reports to head of man guard. CA7. Coys less 1 Plstoon. RIGHT FLANR. GUAET. No 16 Potoon. Copies to I Bde H. Ars. 2. Vanguard Commander 3. Mann Guard 4. Right Hank Guard 5. War Deny
2 Rth Bastalion - Scheme of Tactical Exercises Night Fraining for 27th January 1916. at NEFISHA CAMD Bfee - Map of Brrym1. Thee C12 $109,000 The enemy is in position by Geveral Idea 1SAANIN; his advanced broops being actually in the town. Our troops who are coming from AIRo are to oppose the enemy. The 4th Bde has avrued at Navrative: NETISHA At 1800 on the 27th Jan as advanced troops to take up positions across (HIRo - ISAAAILA Railway to Oppose the enemy 8 :The 16t Bo has received orders Special Idea from the G.O.C 4th Bde to take up an outpost position N. of CAIRo- 1SMAi Bailway at a point one nile due west from point marked on Map (I) - that is one mile North of Railway facing Ismailia- At 1830 the 16t Br moved off from peace of assembly with One Coy as Advanced Guard to take up position allatted. argli u
N.2. INFANTRY BDE MOASCAR CAMD. 27.1 1916 Headings for discussion on MACHINE CONS. ( ESTABLISHMENE. At present:- Suggested: 4 guns. Off 2. S9ts 2. Cps.2. OR. 24. (2) EGUIPMENT A TRANPPORT. Short rifle for detachment. Pack animals a wagons on both. (D) TACTICAL EMOLOYMENT. Guns only to be brigaded for a special (A) In the ADVANCE. purpose. a Front line Battns always to have all their own guns. and line Battno: 2 with them and 2 perhaps brigaded. (1) Formation during the advance. as Battn Guns. 6) Reserve Guns. Artillery formation (depends on ground (in) Position during the advance. a Behind reserve Coy or in front of it. (6 Guns for firing line, with supports o Suns of Reserve checked. o Suns in front line and When advance posted singly or in pairs o Employment of Brigaded Guns. (1n) Communication with Guns. (1) Division of Guns into grougs or singly (B) In DEFENCE (C) Should there be any Bde reserve of guns (III) In selected positions, gun by gun, 2 centre guns fire over front of own Battn. 2 Flank guns. 12 over own front & 1/2 over front of neighbouring Unit.
A05 GIFT STORES RECEIVED FOR ATH INFANTRY BRIGADE. 17 boxes addressed to - C.O.C. Aust. Ex. Forces, Anzac, MUDROS. Nos. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,18, containing Cookers, Tommy 136. do2. 136. Refills for -do- 1 case addressed to - B. Genl.Monash, O.C.4th Aust. Inf. Bde. containing No. 5. tine Biscuits, 144 Pastes, Christmas card marked B 1 case addressed to B. Genl. J. Monash, 0.C. 4th Aust. Inf. Bde. containing No. 12, 36 Writing pads tine Nuscatelles, dried Christmas card marked Cr. 1 case addressed to - B.Genl. Monash, 0.C. 4th Inf. Bde. No. 13, containing 66 Playing cards, 36 Writing pads, tine Muscatelles, 1 case containing cake addressed to - 0.C. 4th Aust, Inf. Bde. JAELOE MTSMN 136. do2. Cookers. 136. Refills for -do- large tins SBiscuits, SMuscatelles, Dox Cake 144. tins Pastes 72. Pads, writing 66. Playing Cards, Moascar. 28-1-16.
74 5 29 230 24 0 Ams Comforts sent to Sgypt
O0PYNO. I Briade N.O. O PERFTON ORDEE NSIRRIN MSERIH FOR Fourth Intantry Brigade Head-Quarters 27/1/16 Lieut-Colonel S.C.E.HERRING Commanding 13th Australlan Inlantry 0745 MOASCAR 28th January 1916. RETERENCE MAP- Lower Esypt 1:100,000, Speet Ciz (Ianailia) A Force BROWN, of which the 13th Battalion L.NARRATIUE forms part, has been defending the SUEZ CANAL. Meeting with a severe reverse, the evacuation The 13th of MOASCAR has been ordered. Battalion forms the Rear Guard of a force of Infantry without Artillery, which is the last to aross the ISMALLLA CANAL on the retreat from MOASCAR. The Enemy have occupied sLL ISMILLLI EMAAORATO and their patrols have penetrated as far as the bridge at Junetion of ABRASSIYA CANAL and The Bridge referred to has ISMALLLA CANAL. been blown up. To retreat over ISMAILLA CANAL at NIFISEA and S. INTENTION Tight a Rear Guard action in direction of ABU SUWEIR RALLNAY STATION. Head of Column to pass STARTING POINT A. STARTING POINY (Bridge of ISMALLLA CANAL at MIFISHA) at 8858. All troops to be clear of Starfing Point by The orders for the demolition of the 0008. Bridge have seen issued. S.ORDER CF LAACK:-REAR GUARD. Commander - Capt.H.C.FORD -DE Ct Company and Troops M.G. Section less half. MAIN GUARD. Commander - Major E.TWINAN -isth Battalion less Troops one Company, and half M.C. Section. Guard Main Rady will march on ABU SUMIR via Bridge Over BYXRSIXIr EL WAD DRAIN near EL ALL ABU RABI. As soon as Bridge nas veen cleared, Roar Guard will fall back on ALL ABU RABI. O.C. Main Guard will detail one Platoon to guard Bridge ever DRAIN near W in DRAIN until Main Guard is clear. S.MOMNS To Head of Main Guard. Sy Cstening Issued at 0700. Bde H.. OOOD Lieut Col. Major TSLLAM 28/1/16 Captain FORD Commanding 13th 8 Ac Company A.T.F 5 Br Company 6 C. Company 7 Dr Company 8 M.G. Section a. Der Deary
14th Battalion. Moascar Lamp. 2311116. Schene for Battallon Field Training on Friday 28th inst. GENERAL IDEA. Redland (Esypt) is at wer with Bineland. A Blue invading force has crossed the Suez Canal north of SUEL and has sent a force northward advancing on 1 ISMAIHIA.
SPECIAL IDEA. Redland has decided to send a force to intercept and hold the enemy until reinformements arrive fom The x inf pde together with one Squfdron PART SAID. of Light Horse has been, to intersept the enemy before he crosses the EL WADI DRAIN and protect the Railway Bridge at NIFISHA, until reinforcements arrive when it is intended to drive the enemy back. The Eneny were last heard of at Big EL MANAYIF this morning.

Copy No. No 1   Thursday

Fourth Infantry Brigade

O P E R A T I O N   O R D E R   No. 4  1.
Commanding 13th Battalion, A.I.F.
January 27th 1916.
REFERENCE MAP- Lower Egypt 1:100,000, 
Sheet C12 (Ismailia)

1.  INFORMATION  At 0700 on 27th January information has been
received that the Advance Party of a Force
BLACK, estimated strength, one Battalion, are
in occupation of a line bearing 270 degrees
from point "K. 120" on ISMAILIA-PORT SAID
railway; left flank approximately two miles
from that point.
2.   INTENTION The 13th Battalionwill attack with the object
of forcing them to retire, and if successful
will take up an Outpost Position protecting
3.   STARTING POINT NIFISHA Railway Signal Cabin.
4.   DISPOSITION.  (a) ADVANCED Guard :-
Commander  -  Major E.TWYNAM
Troops              -  "D" Company
(b) MAIN BODY :-
xCommander   -  Captain H.C. FORD
Troops                 - 13th Battalion less 1 Coy
Advanced Guard will clear Starting Point at
0900 and march via ISMAILIA to OASIS approx.
Advanced Guard will then push forward to mex
locate and engage Force BLACK.
Main Body will pass Starting Point at 0930
and rendezvous at OASIS.
Orders for the attack will be issued at the
OASIS on receipt of Information from O.C.
Advanced Guard.
6.   REPORTS  To head of Main Body
Issued at 0800
Sydney McSharry
C.O. 13th Battn

 Copy 1 Bde 7HQ.
2 O.C. Advanced Guard.
3. O.C. Main Body
4. File
5 War Diary

27/1/16. [[DML Captain?]]


Friday Thursday
15th Battalion Scheme, for 27. 1. 16.
General Idea
The enemy have obtained temporary command
of the SUEZ CANAL at El Zedar, and have
succeeded in throwing a small force, approximately
one Battalion Infantry, and one Squadron Light
Horse across, which is moving on ISMAILIA
with the object of cutting the railway at the
Nifisha Junction.

Special Idea
The 4th Aust. Brigade will move out and
hold the enemy while preparations are
made to despatch the remainder of the
Division to drive them back and regain
possession of the Canal.


Copy. No 1.

Fourth Infantry Brigade


26/ 1 /16


Operation Order
No 1.
By- Major R. E. Snowden
C/O 15th Battalion.
Jany. 27th  1916.

I    An enemys force estimated to
be 1 Battalion Infantry 1 Squadron
of Light Horse has crossed the
SUEZ CANAL at EL FEDAN & is reported
to be moving on ISMAILIA.
II   The 4th Australian Inf Brigade will
move from MOASCAR to engage
the enemy.
III   The Battalion will form an
advanced guard

IV   Level crossing ISMAILIA STATION.
Capt Coombs

B Coy.
V   The Vanguard will pass the starting
 point at 10.30 and move in a 

 NORTH EAST direction. 


Major McSharry
C & D Coys. less 1 Platoon
No  16 Platoon.
VI   Reports to head of main guard.

Copies to.
I. Bde H.Qrs.
2. Vanguard Commander
3. Main Guard              “
4. Right Flank Guard  “
5. War Diary.


16th  Battalion
Scheme of Tactical Exercises
Night Training
for 27th January 1916.
Rfce - Map of ISMAILIA - Sheet C12 - 1-100,000
General Idea:   The enemy is in position by
ISMAILIA;  his advanced troops being
actually in the town.
Our troops who are coming from
CAIRO are to oppose the enemy.
Narrative:   The 4th Bde has arrived at
NEFISHA at 1800 on the 27th Jan. as
advanced troops to take up positions
across CAIRO - ISMAILIA Railway to
oppose the enemy.
Special Idea:    The 16th Bn has received orders
from the G.O.C. 4th Bde to take up
an outpost position N. of CAIRO -
ISMAILIA Railway at a point One
mile due west from point marked
on Map (P) - that is One mile
North of Railway facing Ismailia.
At 1830 the 16th Bn moved off from
place of assembly with One Coy as
Advanced Guard to take up position allotted.
E. Margolin major


27. 1. 1916.
Headings for discussion on
(1)  ESTABLISHMENT.   At present :-
Suggested : 4 guns. Off 2. Sgts 2. Cpts.2. OR. 24.
(2)  EQUIPMENT & TRANSPORT.   Short rifle for detachment.
Pack animals & wagons on both.
(A)    In the ADVANCE.(i)     Guns only to be brigaded for a special purpose.
(2)    Front line Battns always to have all
their own guns.
2nd line Battns : 2 with them and
2 perhaps brigaded.
(ii)  Formation during the advance.
       (a)  Battn Guns.
       (b)  Reserve Guns.
Artillery formation (depends on ground)
(iii)  Position during the advance.
        (a)  Behind reserve Coy or in front of it.
        (b)  Guns for firing line, with supports
         (c)  Guns of Reserve

When advance checked. (i)  Guns in front line and
posted singly or in pairs
(ii)   Employment of Brigaded Guns.
(iii)  Communication with Guns.

(B)  In  DEFENCE (i) Division of Guns into groups or singly
(ii)   Should there be any Bde reserve of guns.
(iii)  In selected positions, gun by gun, 2
centre guns fire over front of own Battn.
2  Flank guns. ½ over own front & ½
over front of neighbouring Unit.



17 boxes addressed to -
Aust. Ex. Forces,
Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, containing -
Cookers,  "Tommy",          doz.    136.
Refills for     -do-                 "         136.
1 case addressed to -
B. Genl.Monash,
O.C. 4th  Aust.  Inf.  Bde.
No. 5,  containing -
Biscuits,                              tins        2
Pastes,                                 "          144
Christmas card marked "B".
1 case addressed to -
B. Genl. J. Monash,
0.C. 4th Aust.  Inf.  Bde.
No. 12, containing -
Writing pads                                    36
Muscatelles, dried                  tins    4
Christmas card marked "C".
1 case addressed to -
B.Genl. Monash,
0.C. 4th  Inf.  Bde.
No. 13, containing -
Playing cards,                                    66
Writing pads,                                     36
Muscatelles,                              tins    2
1 case containing cake addressed to -
0.C. 4th  Aust,  Inf.  Bde.
√ Cookers.  "Tommy"                 doz.    136.
√ Refills for     -do-                       "          136.
√ Biscuits,                         large   tins        2.
√ Muscatelles,                     "           "          6.
√ Cake                                   "        box        1.
√ Pastes                                         tins    144.
Pads, writing                                              72.
Playing Cards,                                            66.


[[Lon’s?]]  Comforts
sent to Egypt


Fourth Infantry Brigade
27 / 1 / 16

Copy  No.  I     Brigade H.Q.
O P E R A T I O N    O R D E R    No. 1
Lieut-Colonel S.C.E. HERRING
Commanding 13th Australian Infantry
MOASCAR.   0745
28th January 1916.
REFERENCE MAP- Lower Egypt 1:100,000, 
Sheet  C12  (Ismailia)
1. NARRATIVE    A Force BROWN, of which the 13th Battalion
forms part, has been defending the SUEZ CANAL.
Meeting with a severe reverse, the evacuation
of MOASCAR has been ordered.  The 13th
Battalion forms the Rear Guard of a force of
Infantry without Artillery, which is the last
to cross the ISMAILIA CANAL on the retreat from
2.2 INFORMATION   The Enemy have occupied 2.texxxxxx ISMAILIA
and their patrols have penetrated as far as
the bridge at junction of ABBASSIYA CANAL and
ISMAILIA CANAL.   The Bridge referred to has
been blown up.
fight a Rear Guard action in direction of
4. STARTING POINT   Head of Column to pass STARTING POINT(Bridge of over ISMAILIA CANAL at NIFISHA) at 0858.
All troops to be clear of Staryting Point by
0908.   The orders for the demolition of the
Bridge have seen issued.
Commander - Capt.H.C.FORD
Troops             -  tt  "C" Company and
                             M.G. Section less half.
MAIN GUARD -  xxxx
Commander - Major E.TWYNAM
Troops             - 13th Battalion less
                             one Company, and half M.G. Section.
Main body Guard will march on ABU SUMWEIR via Bridge
over 2) 22"  "43xxx  EL WAD DRAIN near EZ ALI
ABU RABI .   As soon as Bridge had been cleared,
Rear Guard will fall back on ALI ABU RABI.
O.C. Main Guard will detail one Platoon to
guard Bridge over DRAIN near "D"  "I" in DRAIN until 

Main Guard is clear.
6. REPORTS.   To Head of Main Guard.

Sydney McSharry  Lieut Col.
Commanding 13th  Bn

Issued at 0700.
Copy   1   Bde H.Q.
             2   Major TWYNAM
             3   Captain FORD
             4   "A" Company
             5   "B" Company
             6   "C" Company
             7   "D" Company
             8   M.G. Section
             9   War Diary



14th Battalion.
Moascar Camp.
Scheme for Battalion Field Training on Friday 28th inst.

Redland (Egypt) is at war with Blueland.
A Blue invading force has crossed the Suez Canal north
of SUEZ and has sent a force northward advancing on I


Redland has decided to send a force to intercept
and hold the enemy until reinforcements arrive from
PORT SAID.   The x Inf Bde together with one Squadron
of Light Horse has been sent to intersept the enemy
before he crosses the EL WADI DRAIN and protect the
Railway Bridge at NIFISHA, until reinforcements arrive
when it is intended to drive the enemy back.
The Enemy were last heard of at BIR EL MANAYIF  this

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