Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 8 January - 31 January 1916, Part 6

enemy at 1045 on right flank pushing
him westwards where another
battalion will attack him in
the rear. On receiving my
orders to move BN I ordered No2
Coys forward as Advanced
Guard and on coming in
touch with enemy No1 Coy.
to deploy and parry with No2 Coy in
attack, supported by No3 & 4
ELMargolin major
C.O. 16th Btt.
16th BN
Fourth Infantry Brigade
To Bde Major
4th Inf Bde
Herewith are forwarded
Specifications for Dust
protector for S.M.L.E. Rifle
by Capt A. P. Imlay. 16th BN
ELMargolin Major Lieut. Colonel
Commanding 16th Battalion
on 267/1/16
1 On Duties |
Divisional - |
Officers 2 |
Other Ranks. 112 |
Brigade - | 1 Orderly | |
Battalion - | 2 R.S.M - R.Q.M.S. | |
2 O.R.S. - O.R.C. | ||
4 C.Q.M.S's. | ||
9 Pioneers | ||
Shared train - | 19 A.M.C & S. Bs. | |
38 Transport Section | ||
4 Military Police | ||
16 Coy. Cooks. | ||
8 Sanitary Squad | ||
1 Storeman | ||
1 Butcher | ||
1 Bootmaker Sgt. | ||
1 Postman | ||
1 Armourer Sgt. | ||
7 Fatigues, Q.M. Rations | ||
4 " Water | ||
1 Bn Orderly Sgt. | ||
7 Sanitary Fatigue for M.O. | ||
1147 |
20 Guard -- ? |
2 |
259 | |
2 "Light" & "No" Duty |
20 |
3 Detached Duties |
6 Brigade H.Qrs (Band) | |
1 Divisional H.Q. | ||
1 Mule Transport. | ||
2 Police Maadi | ||
1 Office G.O.C. Canal Defences. | ||
1 " G.O.C. Army Corps. | ||
12 School of Instruction Zeitoun | ||
3 Escort Cairo | ||
13 Camel Corps. | ||
2 Detention Abbasiah | ||
42 | ||
4 Balance for training |
Officers |
(a) Specialists | 1 | 45 M.G. Section |
8 Signallers | ||
53 |
(b) Infantry | ||
Including Q.M. M.O. & Chaplain |
18 | 269 ORanks. |
[*2 - 112 147 20 |
27th Jany 16.
1 On duties |
Divisional |
2 Officers 112 Other Ranks |
Brigade | 1 Orderly | |
Battalion | 4 R.S.M. - R.Q.M.S. O.R.S. O.R.C. | |
4 C.Q.M.S's. | ||
9 Pioneers | ||
19 A.M.C. & S. B's. | ||
38 Transport | ||
4 Military Police | ||
16 Coy. Cooks. | ||
8 Sanitary Squads. | ||
1 Storeman | ||
1 Butcher | ||
1 Bootmaker Sergt. | ||
1 Postman | ||
7 Fatigues Q.M. Rations | ||
4 " Water | ||
20 Guard | ||
1 Bn Orderly Sergt. | ||
7 Sanitary Fatigue for M.O. | ||
6 Under arrest and in detention | ||
3 Absentees. | ||
9 M. G. School | ||
164 | ||
2 "Light & No" Duty |
19 Other Ranks. | |
Balance | (a) Specialists | 45 M.G.S. 8 Sigs 53 |
(b) Infantry | 253 | |
[* 164 19 306 603*] |
N.Z. Inf Bde
Dear General Monash,
Herewith copy
of headings for discussion
on Machine Guns which
General Johnston said you
would like to have
Yours sincery
Computation of Tentage for Brigade
On Basis of 10 per Bell Tent |
On basis of 8 per Bell tent |
Equivalents | persons | persons |
Battalion For C.O |
extra 9 |
extra 7 |
Major |
9 |
7 |
Adjt |
9 |
7 |
R.M.O. |
9 |
7 |
Chaplain |
9 |
7 |
27 Officers |
63 |
45 |
Mess Tent |
20 |
16 |
Orderly Rooms |
20 |
16 |
Q.M. stores |
40 |
32 |
Postal |
10 |
8 |
______ |
_______ |
Total |
198 |
152 |
mess |
20 |
16 |
post office |
20 |
16 |
Q.M. store |
20 |
16 |
B.M. office |
10 |
8 |
Band |
24 |
24 |
Extra batmen |
6 |
6 |
Signals Offcr |
154 |
128 |
9 |
7 |
Guards & pickets 5 tents |
50 |
40 |
Basis |
Basis |
Strengths |
War |
10% |
War |
War |
10% |
War |
Bgde H.Q |
25 + 154 |
25 + 128 |
Signals |
25 + 9 |
25 + 7 |
Guard & pickets |
50 + |
40 |
Battalion |
1023 + 198 |
1023 + 152 |
do |
1023 + 198 |
1023 + 152 |
do |
1023 + 198 |
1023 + 152 |
do |
1023 + 198 |
1023 + 152 |
5147 |
406 |
5553 |
4925 |
406 |
5331 |
Tentage required |
515 |
41 |
556 |
616 |
51 |
667 |
Tentage in hand on |
4AB/2349 EXTRACT from Intelligence Summary of 27th. January 1916
issued from General Headquarters M.E.F.
During November three deep depressions affected the weather
in the Aegean Sea. The first of these developed in the Gulf of Lyons
on the 13th. of November and travelling across Italy caused strong
Southerly and Westerly winds on the 15th. The second apparently
followed the same course developing on the 16th. and causing strong
southerly winds in the Aegean on the 17th. The third and most important
was first noticed over the South of Italy on the 26th inst. Its
track was across the Aegean where it caused a strong Southerly gale
during the day, changing abruptly to a Northerly gale as the centre
Simultaneously an Anticyclone spread over Southere Europe,
and as a result the Northxx Easterly winds remained strong for about
three days and very low temperatures were experienced.
Strong Northerly winds were also experienced from 20th. to
23rd. of November as the result of an Anticyclone which had its centre
over Southern Russia.
PRESSURE. The mean pressure for the month (30.01 inches) over
the Aegean was slightly below the average. The absolute values
recorded were:-
Value Date Value Date
30.54 inches. 21st. 29.34 inches. 26th.
TEMPERATURE. The mean temperature for the month (54°F) was about
the normal.
The absolute values were recorded as follows :-
Value Date Value Date
74.58 4th. 21° 29th.
The maximum diuranl range 21.5°F. occurred on the 18th of November.
Abnormally low temperatures were recorded during the storm at the end
of the month. Meteorological observations in the North of the Aegean
are scarse, but even during the month of January the lowest temperature
ever recorded at Kavalla was hitherto 22°F., and at Salonica 14°F,
so it may safely be stated that the minimum of 21°F at Kaphalos was
very exceptional.
The following are the temperatures recorded on the 28th, 29th and
30th. November:-
During day |
During night |
During day |
During night |
8hr. | 13hr. | 18h. | |||||
28th. | 32.6° | 33.0° | 32.0° | 34.5° | 39.0° | 31.5° | 32.5° |
29th. | 28.6° | 30.7° | 29.8° | 30.0° | 33.0° | 28.0° | 21.0° |
30th. | 30.2° | 34.7° | 30.0° | 35.0° | 31.0° | 30.0° | 27.0° |
WIND. Wind force 6 (Beaufort Scale) occurred on 11 days during
the month. Of these on four occasions the wind was Southerly and
South Westerly, and on the other seven occasions North Easterly.
On two days southerly gales (force 8 or over) and on three days
northerly gales were experienced. The maximum velocity reached by
Southerly gales was 66 miles per hour, on the 15th, and by Northerly
gales 62 miles per hour on the 29th.
RAINFALL. The rainfall during the month was 1.55 inches and of this
0.96 inches fell during the storm at the end of the month.
The mean rainfall for November at Kavalla is 2.72 inches, at
Salonica 1.97 inches, and at Athens 2.87 inches, so that probably the
rainfall experienced is well below the average.normal.
THUNDERSTORMS. Two thunderstorms occurred during the month and both
were associated with the passing of the centre of a depression. The
first occurred on the 15th. November about 7.15 pm, Rain began to
fall heavily about 7.30 p.m. but did not last long and the total rainfall
for the day only amounted to 0.07 ins. At 7.50 p.m. the wind
velocity was 20 miles per hours from the S.W. at 8.05 p.m. 67 miles per
hour (the strongest wind recorded during the month), and at 8.10 again
20 miles per hour. Thereafter the wind gradually died down and veered
to W. The thunderstorm was accompanied by a sharp fall in temperature
from 65° to 56°F.
The second storm occurred at 5 p.m. on 26th November and lasted
about 2½ hours. During the storm the wind attained a velocity of 63
miles per hour from the S.W. It died down after the cessation of the
Storm and suddenly veered to N.E. and increased in strength shortly
after midnight. This thunderstorm was not accompanied by any marked
fall of temperature.
Tactical Exercises
Thursday - Jany 27./16
14th is duty Battn - Field Firing
13th Area A west.
Advanced guard of 1 Co as far as oasis.
Attack on an enemy in position.
Pass Nifisha signal cabin at 0930
15th area A east.
Battalion acts as A.Gd
passing Ismaila Xg. at 1030
16th area B
Advance to meet enemy at Abbasiyah
Canal - "Move off at 0930

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