Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 8 January - 31 January 1916, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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MOASCAR CAMP, 22nd. January 1916 N.2. 8 A. DIVISION) Authority is requested for me to send the Staff Captain of this Brigade, Captain W.J.M. Locke to Caire on duty, for the purpose of hurrying up regimental equipment atill at depots, expediting rejoining of reinforvements and details at Zeitoun and eslewhere, and other Brigade business. Period of duty 48 hours. Im BRIUSONNL Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bd
2.258 CopY MOASCAR CAMPT 22nd. January, 1916. N.2. & A DIVISION) Reference to conversation today with G.O.C. Division, in presence of Army Corps Commander, 1 furnish herewith a complete list of the names of the Reinforcement officers, destined for this Brigade, at present in the Ne. 4 Training Battalion at Zeitoun. I also beg to refer to my letter of January 10th., copy of which is attached, which furnished full particulars of the junier personnel, amounting to 2602 other ranks, also now at Zeitoun, none of whom have yet Joined this Brisade. 1 require all the officers and about 1300 other ranks to bring this Brigade to war strength plus 10 per cent. sgd. John Monash. BRIG-GENL. Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inh Bde Encl. 2
Moascac - 23//16 42. My dear General About tents, - thanks for your note of 22nd - This is a charac. cuntic example of how a Commander can be let down by his staff. to begin with, Major Eandiner turned down my request for more tents because he had not got them, not because I already had my frll shoure, The latter question was not mentioned. Had it been, my stff offices would cpeadily have net Gardines right. - For in what he has told you he is proraly in error. - An L.F. tent is equivatent to 2 Bells, not 3 Bells, - my Battatins have in all 348 tents, not 500 as stated by Gardiner. - He dso entirely tougits that Freld officers, staff officers & medical officers are entitled to a tent each, subaltern officers to £ of a tent ench, & that a standing camp requires guard tents, company storetents, menstents, office tents, post office tents & so on. Moreover no platoon, or company is wver an even muttiple of the tent unit. - In short, accurate tigures, that on my present show strength I have now still a shade over 10 men per Bill tent.- Dut I clearly understood you to say that I was to draw tents for on Full was strength; - our reinforcements may come in any day now, & if the tents are avolable, it is only food hismess to have the tents realy for the men, instead of having them sleep out on the desert ill tents are drawn & pitched. – These remforcuents will be distributed throughout all plations & companies, so that every plation throughout the Brignle would then require extre tentss, & & nory is the time to make ready. the only result is that your washes have been theosoted, you & my time is taken up writing letter, and the proper establishment of this Brgunde camp has been hung up to still another day. sincerely your Shnhmonash Major -Send prt A. H. Russell
COUBIDENTIAL MOASCAR CAMP, 23rd. January 1916. N.2. 4 A. DIVISION) Upon the question of the relative senierity and precedenc of certain senier officers of this Army Corps, which I have submitte personally to the Divisional Commander, I beg to furnish the following particularst- This question was raised, for a ruling, on previous occasions. such rulings have been given at different times have not been consistant with each otherj and the doubt which exists on this subject appears calculated to cause embarrassment, pessibly at a eritical time. The fellowing entirely conflieting principles have been employ ed at various times:- (al Commonwealth of Australia originally ruled that officers would until promoted continue to rank according to their precedence i in the Australian Military Ferces. According to this (in which N.2. Officers are not involve. the order of seniority of those hitherte concerned would be 1- McCAY; HUGHES, CHANVEL, NONASH, RYRIE, HACLAGAN. (o) On arrival in Egypt the ruling was siven( through A.A. & Q.M.6. Division) that precedence depended on date of embarkation from home stations. According to this (including N.L. Officers cencerned) the order of senierity was:- McCAY, MACLAGAN, JOHNSTON, MONASH, RYRIE, HUGHES, CHANVEL. (e) Next followed Army Order 35 of 1915 stating that all officers belenging to a Unit take precedence therein, and in their respective ranks according to the date of appointments or premotions to these ranks. According to this the order of senierity would bes- McCAY, MACLAGAN, JOHNSTON, MONASH, RYRIE, HUGHES, CHANVEL. (4) It was next ruled by Army Corps (16.11.15) that officers grants the temporary rank of Brigadier General rank among themselves according to their substantive rank. According to this the order of precedence is:- MCCAY, HUGHES, CHANVEL, MONASH, RYRIE, MACLAGANj JOHNSTON.
N.2. 2 A. DIV. 2 (e) The Army List of September 1915 also sives the same erder of precedencei- McCAY, HUGHES, CHANVEL, NONASH, RYRIE, NACLAGAN, JOHNSTON. (7) The Commonwealth Gevernment has made definite promotions to rank of Bragadier General assigning the following erder of precedence (only Australian Officers being concerned) :- MeCAY, MACLAGAN, MONASH, RYRIE, HUGHES, CHANVEL. M BRIGAGENL. Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf.Bde.
COLL 35/839 From. To. 2812126. AIAIF Co 150 HEADGUARTERS 2A A ASSTRRIN DITTSSON Moascar Camp, 24th. January 1916. Headquarters, NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALLAN DIEISION Headquarters, Kustralian and New Zealand Army Corps. SUBTECT With reference to the attached letter from the 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade, I would be glad 1f a final decision could be given as to the relative seniority and precedence of the officers named. s8d. A.H. Russell Major General Commanding N.2. & A. Division. Headquarters 2 N.2. & A. Division. The ruling given in this office memo. of 20th, November clearly defined that the seniority of officers granted the temporary rank of Brigadier-General while hold- ing certain appointments is determined by the date of their substantive promotion to the rank of Colonel. s8d. T. Griffiths Majo M.S. A. 8 N.L. Army Corps.
AaT For O. MIS. aFor. No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Charge. Worde Prefir OO Reed at 215 O. m. This message is on a/c of Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Dato 24/1/16 So Service At in FromEFI To IMAE. B. WLENCF (Signature of Frynking Officer. By 3A 247916 T0 1444 mnt. 4 mes bo In reply to Number SeYAtoNR - AAA Qwentyfourd to required wire number Prease War te Bn conplete extra 100/0 ptas establishment X From i N2 Place 2040 Time < The above may be forwarded as now corrected. SEATETOLSIEN O MITMMIMSIE WISEEMELSSNINE Censor. This line should be crased if not recuired. CAATSL. M.R.Co.Ltd. WS. WAs/SAl. 50,000. 914 Ferms CAIMIl.
Dr. CAND. 24th January 136 Mohamed Xii & Bros. INDIAN TAILORS Civil & Military Tailors & Lady Dress Makers Sharia Suleman Pasha Brig General Monash 00 One Khahi Coat & Breeches 00 One Gobdin 60 Six Collars each 10P) 10 leather Buttons to Khaki Coat 70 Total Received the 701 B2os Raigh Dr.alr with thant
Yo. of box. 10 11 12 13 14 15 CONTENTS OF BOKES RECEIVED FOR G.O.C. -aL CoMtents Sardines, tins Sardines Toffee, £1b. pkts. Apricots, dried, Pipes Pastes tins Handkerchiefs Cocoa, milk and sugar, pkts. Magazines Socks prs. Mittens Mufflers Handkerchiefs Lemonade Powder pkts. Tobacco Cisarette papers Soap, cakes Playing Cards, small pkts. Cigarette Lighters Pipes Towels, prs. Toffee pkts. Dried Fruit tine Cocoa, Sugar and Milk, pkts. Toffee Jars Butter Skotch, tine Chocolate, cakes £10. Chocolate, tins Toffee, tins Toffee, Devonshire Butter Skotch, pkts. Creme de Menthe, Pascall’s pkts. Broadway Toffee tins Fruit Bon bons tins Lozengers, compressed, d02. Butterskotch, superfine, pkts. Jubes tins Chocolate and Confectionary Rations tans Toffee, Meadow Cream Jubes, Crystal pkts Cocoa, Sugar and Milk, Chocolate, nut milk, bars Toffee, Broadway tins Creme de Fruits, Pascall’s Nougat, boxes Biscuits, Peek Frean tine Socks. pairs Dried Fruits tine Toffee, pkts. 95 88 Lon 12 Son. Son 140 144 72 Lon 11 13 12 Feggn 12 Son 72 12 10 36 12 12 44 18 24 72 24 Lady Miles 12 3 Lady Miles Son 12 24/1/16
-2- COMEMS No. of bex. Creme de Fruits 16 Butterskotch, Army and Navy 22 Toffee, Fruit phts. 36 Swill 12 Almond Rock, Brench Nougat Gaufrettes Sweets, Assorted tins Toffee, Everton Broadway 12 Toffee, Cocoanut 17 Edinburgh Rock 12 pkts Toffee Fruit 72. bars Chocolate milk, nut milk Mint Rouleaux 144 Chocolate, 36 Butterskotch, K. & 9. 18 48 Toffee, assorted 30 tins Broadway, Butterskotch, malted 10 pkts. Cocoa, Milk and Sugar, 19 72 20 boxes large Cakes 21 to 26 tins 15 Butterskotch Thirst Quenchers pkts Toffee Assorted Butterskotch Almond Rock, French Mixed Gums tins Biscuits, 28 Biscuits 29 72 pkts Chocolate and milk 30 25 Toffee, tins 31 tine Chocolate, 24 Toffee, assorted 24 Broadway 2 Lady Miles Biscuits, 32 48 Lady Miles tins Sausages, 33 48 Lady Miles tins Lunch Tongues 34 3 Lady Miles Biscuits 35 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDN First 9 cases addressed personally to General Monash. to G.O.C. 4th Inf. Bde. Other 28 24/1/16

22nd. January 1916
Authority is requested for me to send the Staff
Captain of this Brigade, Captain W.J.M. Locke to Cairo on
duty, for the purpose of hurrying up regimental equipment
still at depots, expediting rejoining of reinforcements
and details at Zeitoun and elsewhere, and other Brigade
business. Period of duty 48 hours.
Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf.


4A.B. 2135
22nd. January, 1916.
Reference to conversation today with G.O.C. Division,
in presence of Army Corps Commander, I furnish herewith a complete list
of the names of the Reinforcement officers, destined for this Brigade,
at present in the No. 4 Training Battalion at Zeitoun.
I also beg to refer to my letter of January 10th., copy of which is
attached, which furnished full particulars of the junior personnel,
amounting to 2602 other ranks, also now at Zeitoun, none of whom have
yet joined this Brigade.
I require all the officers and about 1300 other ranks to bring this
Brigade to war strength plus 10 per cent.

sgd. John Monash.
Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf Bde
Encl. 2


Moascar - 23/1/16
My dear General
About tents, - thanks for your note of 22nd - This is a
characteristic example of how a Commander can be let down by his staff. -
To begin with, Major Gardiner turned down my request for more tents
because he had not got them, not because I already had my full share.
The latter question was not mentioned. Had it been, my staff officers would
speedily have set Gardiner right. - For in what he has told you he is grossly
in error. - An E.P. tent is equivalent to 2 Bells, not 3 Bells, - my
Battalions have in all 348 tents, not 500 as stated by Gardiner. - He
also entirely forgets that Field officers, staff officers & medical officers are entitled
to a tent each, subaltern officers to 1/3 of a tent each, & that a standing camp
requires guard tents, company store tents, mess tents, office tents, post office
tents & so on. Moreover no platoon, or company is ever an even multiple
of the tent unit. - In short, accurate figures, ^show that on my present
strength I have now still a shade over 10 men per Bell tent.-
But I clearly understood you to say that I was to draw tents
for our full war strength; - our reinforcements may come in any day
now, & if the tents are available, it is only good business to have the
tents ready for the men, instead of having them sleep out on the desert
till tents are drawn & pitched. – These reinforcements will be distributed
throughout all platoons & companies, so that every platoon throughout the
Brigade would then require extra tents, - & now is the time to make ready. -
The only result is that your wishes have been thwarted, your &
my time is taken up writing letters, and the proper establishment
of this Brigade camp has been hung up for still another day.
Sincerely yours
John Monash
Major-Genl Sir A. H. Russell )


23rd. January 1916.
Upon the question of the relative seniority and precedence
of certain senior officers of this Army Corps, which I have submitted
personally to the Divisional Commander, I beg to furnish the
following particulars:-
This question was raised, for a ruling, on previous occasions.
Such rulings ^as have been given at different times have not been
consistent with each other; and the doubt which exists on this
subject appears calculated to cause embarrassment, possibly at a
critical time.
The following entirely conflicting principles have been employed
at various times:-
(a) Commonwealth of Australia originally ruled that officers would
until promoted continue to rank according to their precedence i
in the Australian Military Forces.
According to this (in which N.Z. Officers are not involved
the order of seniority of those hitherto concerned would
be :-

(b) On arrival in Egypt the ruling was given (through A.A. & Q.M.G.
Division) that precedence depended on date of embarkation from
home stations.
According to this (including N.Z. Officers concerned) the
order of seniority was:-
(c) Next followed Army Order 35 of 1915 stating that "all officers
belonging to a Unit take precedence therein, and in their
respective ranks according to the date of appointments or
promotions to these ranks".
According to this the order of seniority would be:- 
(d) It was next ruled by Army Corps (16.11.15) that officers granted
the temporary rank of Brigadier General rank among themselves
according to their substantive rank.
According to this the order of precedence is:-


N.Z & A. DIV.      2
(e) The Army List of September 1915 also gives the same order
of precedence:-
 (f) The Commonwealth Government has made definite promotions
to rank of Brigadier General assigning the following order
of precedence (only Australian Officers being concerned) :- 
Commdg. 4th. Aust.Inf.Bde. 


No. 51/6 A/AIF
Date 25/1/16
Aust. & N.Z Army Corp
Moascar Camp, 24th. January
From.     Headquarters,
To.           Headquarters,
                Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
With reference to the attached letter from
the 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade, I would be glad
if a final decision could be given as to the relative
seniority and precedence of the officers named.
sgd. A.H. Russell
Major General
Commanding N.Z. & A. Division.

N.Z. & A. Division.
[*2 + 7*]
The ruling given in this office memo. of 20th,
November clearly defined that the seniority of officers
granted the temporary rank of Brigadier-General while
holding certain appointments is determined by the date of their
substantive promotion to the rank of Colonel.
sgd. T. Griffiths Major
A. & N.Z. Army Corps.


Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message..............
Prefix..... Code...... m  

Office of Origin and Service Instructions

Words.  Charge.
At.................. m
This message is on a/c of:
L255 Service.

(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at 2050m.
Date 24/1/16
From N.Z.&A.
By W Cort

JAN 24 1916
4th Infantry Brigade.*]
To 4th Aus Inf Bde
* Sender's number
Day of Month
In reply to number
Please wire number required to
complete Bns to war
establishment plus 10% extra


Place NZ&A Div.
Time 2040
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name
*This line should be erased if not required.
(34473). M.R.Co.,Ltd. Wt. W4343/341 50,000 9/14 Forms C3131/10


Cairo, 24th January 1916
Mohamed Ali & Bros.
Civil & Military Tailors & Lady Dress Makers
Sharia Suleman Pasha
Dr. Brig General Monash
One Khaki Coat & Breeches                      200

One Gobdin   "            "                                 400

Six Collars each 10 PI                                     60    

leather Buttons to Khaki coat                      10

                                      Total                            670


Received the 670 PT

Paid M. Ali & Bros

with thanks




No. of Box. Contents.      
1 Sardines, tins 95  
2 Sardines    " 88 Son.
3 Toffee, ½ lb. pkts   12  ) Son.
  Apricots, dried,    "  4  )  
4 Pipes   72  ) Son.
  Pastes tins 140 )  
  Handkerchiefs   144 )  
5 Cocoa, milk & sugar, pkts.   72 Son
6 Magazines     11 )  
  Socks prs.   13 )  
  Mittens     "   24 )  
  Mufflers     6  )  
  Handkerchiefs    12  )  
  Lemonade Powder pkts.  6  ) Peggy
  Tobacco    "  4  )  
  Cigarette papers    "  6  )  
  Soap, Cakes  6  )  
  Playing Cards, small pkts.  54 )  
  Cigarette Lighters    2  )  
  Pipes      2 )  
  Towels, prs.  6  )  
7 Toffee pkts.  12  ) Son.
  Dried Fruit tins  4  )  
8 Cocoa, Sugar & Milk pkts.   72  
9 Toffee, jars   12  
  Butter Skotch, tins    6  
  Chocolate, ½lb. cakes    6  
  Chocolate, ½lb. tins    6  
  Toffee, tins   10  
  Toffee, Devonshire     36  
  Butter Skotch, pkts.   12  
  Creme de Menthe, Pascall's pkts.   36  
10 Broadway Toffee tins   12  
  Fruit Bon bons tins    8  
  Lozengers, compressed, doz. 4 ½  
  Butterskotch, superfine pkts.    3  
  Jubes tins    6  
  Chocolate and Confectionary Rations tins   18  
  Toffee, Meadow Cream     24  
  Jubes, Crystal pkts    3  
11 Cocoa, Sugar and Milk,    "   72  
12 Chocolate, nut milk, bars   72 )  
  Toffee, Broadway tins   24) Lady Miles
  Creme de Fruits, Pascall's     36)  
  Nougat, boxes  12  )  
13 Biscuits, Peek Frean tins     3 Lady Miles
14 Socks, p pairs   71  
15 Dried Fruits tins   3  ) Son.
  Toffee, pkts.  12  )  


No. of Box. Contents.      
16 Creme de Fruits   6  
  Butterskotch,  Army and Navy   12  
  Toffee, fruit pkts 6  
        "      Swill   36  
  Almond Rock, French   12  
  Nougat Gaufrettes   6  
  Sweets, assorted   6  
  Toffee, Everton tins 3  
        "      Broadway   9  
17 Toffee, Cocoanut   12  
  Edinburgh Rock   6  
  Toffee Fruit pkts 12  
  Chocolate milk bars 72  
             "        nut milk    " 72  
  Mint Rouleaux   72  
  Chocolate,     " 144  
18 Butterskotch K. & Q. bars 36  
  Toffee, assorted   48  
        "      Broadway tins 30  
  Butterskotch, malted     " 9  
            " tins 9  
19 Cocoa, Milk & Sugar, pkts. 10  
20     "           "              "     " 72  
21 to 26 Cakes                 large boxes 5  
27 Butterskotch tins 15  
  Thirst Quenchers pkts 36  
  Toffee Assorted     " 6  
  Butterskotch    " 6  
  Almond Rock, French   12  
  Mixed Gums    " 3  
28 Biscuits, tins 2  
29 Biscuits    " 3  
30 Chocolate and milk pkts 72  
31 Toffee, tins   25  
  Chocolate, tins 6  
  Toffee, assorted     " 24  
        "      Broadway     " 24  
32 Biscuits,     " 2 Lady Miles
33 Sausages, tins 48 Lady Miles
34 Lunch Tongues tins 48 Lady Miles
35 Biscuits     " 3 Lady Miles

First 9 cases addressed personally to General Monash

Other 28 "              "          to G. O. C. 4th Inf. Bde.

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Lorraine DaviesLorraine Davies
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