Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 8 January - 31 January 1916, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
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Histerltian & Tents at egnivatents a0 Count a S. Maj, adjt 1.8 att other offices stores Men offie totel Battalwon thength 13 691 152 14 694 12 15 597 152 723 #152 16 Qnoton of personnal units CRF Present Fentage EP Total Unt Ball 13 31 14 5312 14 55 14 254 15 49 218 66 28 16 19 254 66 12 Totak 843 1 12 65 14 846 13 65 Allothment is t5 749 58 46 874 13 66 74 116 fonen extra 2. 46 70 152 84 846 49 12 Bell tymit 3peon per Bidtank. 12 13
B 13 14 15 16 bents possissing 59 63 66 6 Iusto 6 65 58 66 4C 8 Deptenes 74 116
6 90 14/1/16 4th A.1. Bd Work done by the 14th Battalion was excellent. Company Commanders showed great firmness in making their platoon carry out each movement time aftertime until the movement was done correctly The men had every. thing well explained to them and were taking an intelligent interest in the work in handd work done: (a) Company advansing in column of route with advance guards out. 161 Company in attack (C) close order drill. wf ry. Locke capt 14/1/16 - Staff-Captain
1. 2 3. 4. 5 5 8 12/4/6 X O exte week -propamine Fraining Br work Co for -Durrant Jeskett pe man 20 round 60 prman Blank Amm. Fi Manvenres date Camp Shifting 22 Way E Anb Start at once 82 Food Terten at offcer Reinforcement along to come Reinforcements absenter The tro 15 30
Odre de Battaille 46th Die. 1st Ast. 3nd Aust 10th Dis 29th Div. NELA. Reserve TX ANZAC Coops Corps in Reserve at Tel. Sl. Kibit VIIL = 10/16 11th Di. 31st Dis. 13t Dis. XV 42 Di 52 Dis. another Dis.
3 E2 Cable Senle Anstoatio Argent Oddmany Defered Week end her word F.7 7 16 84 4 2//16 tin thr 34 h 4p6 h Decd e 84 5
72 MoAsCAR CAMR 19-1-16 Monach General Dear General Johnston leas asked me to write and let you know wliat we have done with Fregard to bringing about a discussion re THE TAcTIGAL EMPLOVMEN T OF RACHINE OUNS A notice was first sent out to all CO asking them to wed the oo0 & to lving with them in writing the leadings under which they considered the subject could be most profitable discuned. To there the C.O.C added. bn own leadings. The whole were then collated and a copy sent to each Co for consideration and it is proposed to have a discussion unde the lhadings rent out either next week or the following, one Geal Jobnston trests it will suil you convenience and that of you C0 to discuss therculyed at the came time. He does not propose to send you a copy of our teadings as he wopes you will have been ones which we have Ct icied Cochemer Yours NE. Myrde
OST ano Words Tlat 23 -a Station i rab/6/ci EAWPTIN STATE IELEERAPRS Sent to Remarks Chet 515 3 Route 55 Copy Date E 5 H Als, Bros. Cohomad To:) A.) Sharia Longeinan Pasha. Davis Please. hevry clothing you are making for me. General Monash Aunailia Ap 1125411 16 1138 Sivende S.S.O.E.IST.S Catte Part RotEyEransmission. I beg that the above telegram may be forwarded according to the conditions printed hereon. D' Administration est price d expedier la depeche ci- dessus dapres bes conditions imprimees ci- contre. Address. Signature.
1/16 C.0s Camp offecrs Capts Sefe & Durmut & Coake Ship of Caunt I Tomorrow – Kitchews, latomes; huts, preliminary J. Friday – EWayons & all 1st live - pe Brs. Slnot load at 6 a.m. I Hatersupply & pooling of water casts. Tents – with drawaly & redistribution &extrn tent training - no official interference. Jashine Grons Subjects for disemsion Read up in Erf. Fo. & N.G. Monnags?
WAY FOT. Army Forn C. DISL. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. CO.AMCNNO Coto Words Charge This medgase ipon as of. Recd atM Office of Origin and Service Instructions. avoon Sent Date N Service 00000000000000000000 0 At m. N ProN Do Cisnaturoo Frantit C DLAN By IMPERIE 2CE T0 4 T.Bde JAN21 1916 PertoF Ditt MMAMON to ms attedtntap 28 WIREPI 20 4t A 1Bde will The - morr on to the new site camp conyrrow MORSCRR 213 nest From N2 AOmger Place Time The Clirs may be Sorwerded as now arreated (2) N H. Hastings Capt 000000000000000000uuooooooooo Sraature of ae Meal a peran groreg t p p Censor. This line should be erased if not required. [ AA -MR.ACL LL, LnAME- WIIREII MAM ArE MAN. OMNMC.

Distribution of Tents
To get equivalents: -
Count a C.O as        = extra 9 men
S. Maj., Adjt, & M.O  =         27
all other officers                 46
Mess, office, stores etc      70
                                     Total 152
Battalion Strength
13     691 + 152    =       843
14     694 + 152            846
15      597 + 152            749
16      722 + 152            874
Quota of personnel 3312
Present tentage (E.P. = 2 units, Bell = 1 unit)

  E.P. Bell Total Units
13   14   31      59
14   14   35      63
15   19   28      66
16   19   28      66
Total  66  122    254

—— = 13 persons
254      per Bell tent.

.. .  Allottment is
13     843 ÷ 13 = 65
14     846 ÷ 13 = 65
15      749 ÷ 13 = 58
16      874 ÷ 13 = 66






Bn Tents in possession Quota Excess Deficiency
13 59 65 - 6
14 63 65 - 2
15 66 58 8 -
16 66 66 - -



4th A.1. Bde
Work done by the
14th Battalion was excellent.
Company Commanders
showed great firmness in
making their platoons
carry out each movement
time after time until the
movement was done correctly.
The men had everything
well explained to them
and were taking an intelligent
interest in the work in
Work done: -
(a) Company advancing in
column of route with
advance guards out.
(b) Company in attack
(c) Close order drill.

W.J.M. Locke Capt


1. Training - programme - extra week
for Co & Bn work
2. Musketry - Durrant -
    20 rounds per man
3. Blank Amm. for Manoeuvres - 60 per man
4. Shifting Camp - date

                                    22 waggons
                                    F. Amb.
                                    Start at once
5. Food & 8 1/2 
6. Reinforcement officers at Zeitun
7. Reinforcements to come along,
8. The two absentees.


Ordre de Battaille

Suez                                                                                                                    Port Said
      10th Div.       46th Div.          1st Aust.       2nd Aust.       11th Div.          31st Div.
Reserve   29th Div.                               N.Z. & A.                                13th Div.
Corps             IX                                      ANZAC                                      XV

Corps in Reserve at
Tel-el-Kebir     VIII ≡  42nd Div.

                                       52nd Div.
                                       another Div.


Cable Scale
To Australia: -     per word        Time
Urgent                     49                 2 hrs.
Ordinary                  16 ½             3 to 4 hrs.
Deferred                  8¼            ? 4 to 5 hrs.
Week end                4                    weekend


Dear General Monash/
General Johnston has
asked me to write and let you know
what we have done with regard to
bringing about a discussion re "THE
A notice was first sent out to all
CO's asking them to meet the G.O.C &
to bring with them in writing the
headings under which they considered
the subject could be most profitably
discussed. To these the G.O.C added
his own headings.
The whole were then collated and a
copy sent to each CO for consideration
and it is proposed to have a discussion
under the headings sent out either
next week or the following one.
Genl Johnston trusts it will suit your convenience
and that of your C.0's to discuss the subject
at the same time. He does not propose to
send you a copy of our headings as he hopes
you will have new ones which we have


Yours sincly

R.O. Chesney
N.Z. Inf Bde


To: Mohomad Ali Bros.
A: Sharia Souleman. Rasha.
Please. hurry. clothing you are making
for me.
General Monash
Desp 1125 19/1/16


Camp officers
Capts Legge & Durrant & Locke
Shift of Camp
√ Tomorrow – Kitchens, latrines, huts, preliminary
√ Friday – 6 Waggons & all 1st line - per Bn.
Start load at 8 a.m.
√ Watersupply & pooling of water carts.
√ Tents – withdrawals & redistributions & extra tents
√ Training - no official interference.
Machine Guns
Subjects for discussion
Read up in Inf. Tr. }
& M.G. Manuals.    }  


"A" Form Army Form C.2121.


Prefix    Code    m   Words    Charge

Sent At    m. To   By  

Office of Origin and Service Instructions

This message is on a/c of:

4 AB/ 2107 Service.

(Signature of Franking Officer)

Recd. at     m.


JAN 20 1916
4th Infantry Brigade]
TO    4th A.I Bde
* Sender's Number.  NZQ.2281    Day of Month  20th     AAA
The 4th A.I Bde will move
on to the new site
MOASCAR Camp tomorrow
21st inst.

From NZA Division



The above may be forwarded as now corrected
JM Censor.

(Z) N H. Hastings Capt - 

For [[ATS & GMQ?]]

Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.

*This line should be erased if not required.


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Lorraine DaviesLorraine Davies
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