Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 8 January - 31 January 1916, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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ME M Divisional Headgwarters, No.0.1c. reasear Camp. 1th January, 1916. Te : All Brisades, C.R.A..C.R.E. ononarmn ex ERELENaRe.3. The fellowing notes are issued for the further guidance of these drawing up training presrammes i- (a) Tusketey vill be carried out on 4s yards ranges arranged for by Brisadiers and in the desert Nerth of Brigade Camps. No firing (except at 25 7d. range) will however be carrted out without definite pervission being first ebtained from Divisional Keadquarters. The allewance of ball annunition will be notified in due course. Gustetry Proatises will be salected with special reference to Lrench wazfarg 1.c. the repulse of an attack on our trenches and the attack on a hestile pecition from our trenches. Bouble deterbents are as far as possible to be trained xm for all Fachine (aad Lovis) Cuns. (0) Eagtieal Schoges vill invariably be carrted out so that Pattalion and a definite resson (or lessens) is taught. Brisade schewes will be practised on the ground beforehand In the ease of the ferner Company Officers witneut treeps. ond vonsor eFerking out the rchame under the orders of the Battalion Comnander: and in the case of the latter Battalien Commander and their Staffe werking out the schone under the erders of the Brigadier, should a further period of time be available for training. the following will receive attention, :- The training of observers, scouts, and patrols. 2) Treining in trench warfare, including siting and construction of trenches: imprevenent of trenches, after occupation: reconnaisance by periscope: training of Grenadiers (both offensive and defensive) training of catapult and trench mortar detachments, (3) Training in Intelligence Auties, may readins, and reconnsisance. EIYRTIIILL, Mo-Colon Seneral Starf. E.2. 4 A. Division.
2.A.343 Keadguaretrs. 48 .2. & A. Division MOASCAR, 13th January, 1916. 2o 4th Aus dup 15 SUBTECT: Inspection by General Sir A.J. Murray, K.C.B. K.C.M.S..C. v. c.. D.S.O. The Commandar in Chief will inspect the troops of the N.2 A. Division on Sunday next, the 16th inst., in the order, time and place shown belew:d Place Time Unit Group Near 4th A. I. Bds. Camp, to be 4th Aus. Inf. Bde. 10 a.m. selected by C.O.C.,pth A.I.Bde Group 1 4th Aus. Field Amb. On the Desert on the North 11 a.m. Divisional H.Q. side of the Railway Line, Div.Artillery opposite MCASCAR Railway Greup 2 Div.Engineers Station. Div. Train On the Desert on the North side 11.30a.m. Croup 3 N.Z. Inf. Bde. of the railway line, opposite N.L. Field Amb. the N.L. Inf. Bde. Camp. EACH GROUE will be commanded by the Senier Officer of each broup, anc the C. in C. will be received by each greup with the General Salute, TRouE COMLANDTRS will send a Staff Officer to their respective 3. parade grpunds half an hour before the times mentioned above, to form up the parade, and prepare a group parade state. EACH UMLY will send an Officer, with markers, and a copy of the 4. Unit parade state, to repert to the Staff Officer on the parade ground half an hour before parade. AlL UNITS to be in pesition in their respective groups at least 5. 44 minutes before the times stated in pars.I. INITS to parade in MASS fermation, with Cuns, Transpert, Herses etc 6. S to parade as strong as possible, only the sick and a 7. minimum of duty men to be left in Camp. All ranks vill parade in full marching erder. Packs to 8. bo cerried, Rations will not be carried. EAETS 2. [a) By Units to Div.K.Q. not later than 0800, (Note copy to S.0. vide para. (b) Group State to be handed to Staff Officer at time of inspection. Receint to be acknowledged. wellion Major. D.A.A. & Q.M.G. N.2. 8 A. Division.
13/1/16 decture to offices of Byde 14/1/16 Intended to be stars - istead short silection ask mestion Folated Subjects - Ismaifia Map - not enough Map reading take time to Head & HG.J.-N.. Scales1. Conventional Signs. Contours & Faxn lines. North - true, magnetic, - variation. Gratifate. raods o the map 182777 10002.36 Cousthnat a scale of Prismatic Compass. - prastice, not theory prism - & scales - line of sight foeussing prison influence of iron controls of needle eithe in hand or on a rest marching on a bearing - clamp. bath the compass practice Moon & bad weathe Star Value of Stare. Special Star Tolarrs Ooion - Betelgen Billatory Kiil Sapph Lirins Foveyou Aldibaran the Plerades Cassiopeial cnnstillation Regulus
Pease where Field Mersages. Oventation Distance time Name, apptment, wnit No indelible pencil Write planty soft B. No indifinite wndr - lagi, log distane Value o Information- mejstive, qqually Valuable. Bur Stond R.F. M. Grmns set up & five
O Renters Telegram Company Limita No79/417 11 13th January 1916. Cairo Lieutenant J.W. Donnelly, Acting Assistant Military Secretary, A. I.F. Internediate Base, CAIRO. Dear Sir, in reply to your letter of the 10th instant I beg to state as follows. Thd telegram referred to was not only addressed Fouraibt, but in addition bore the name of General Monash’. 1 added C/o Australian Intermediate Base and sent one of my messengers, Mohamed Aly Hamed, to deliver it at your Offices. This was on the morning of the Sist December last. He returned with the cablegram saying that he could get no one to accept it, and 1 questioned him as to what steps he had taken to effect delivery of the telegram. He stated that he had been directed to a room on the first-floor - the third room on the right. There was an officer in this room (pre- sumably a Major) and a soldier assistant. The latter took the messenger to a room in the basement - the last room on the left- hand side, and left him there. A soldier in this room directed the messenger back to the officer’s room. The latter, after APPSENRN
(2) apparently making some researches, made a remark to his assistant who wrote something on the envelope containing the cablegram and handed it back to my messenger. The latter then asked what he should do with the telegram, and it was indicated to him that there was nothing more to be done in the matter, and he con- sequently returned with the telegram to my office. I did observe a word written on the telegram, but it had no significance to me at the time. Having regard to the fact that the cablegram was distinctly addressed to General Monash, C/o Australian Intermediate Base, and taking into consideragion the steps that my messenger had taken to deliver it, 1 felt that there was no alternative but to address it by post under cover of a letter to Brigadier- General Monash with an intimation that we had been unable to effect delivery of it at the A.L.F. Internediate Base. Basing myself on the information that had been given to me by my messenger it appeared to me at the time that a responsible officer had seen the cablegram. Should you desire to interrogate my messenger an the matter, I should be most happy to place him at your disposal. 1 am, dear Sir, Yours faithfully, KDeCor
te Betl I X 2 a 13 18 1 14 46 sent Tent Chack stt FAME 4 Hid 16 13 159 34 24 36 2 18 127154 28 4 14 15 19 20 1 2 And 14Pnot evected 3 curtaind npoles & tt hops not terrected poles Apatern wishoutt plont without fly S5 ta 0
expertements i fat genvalents t0 exted Eoguts a C.O a t the 62 Sns Mayr At M.9 officer te mrentegut Office Sto by 1 Bustah 61 89 N5N A5 15 49 814 54 84 7l 8p4 Deta 12 35 142 12 281 Tents CAX 132 254 3312 Irote 254 9 46 25 15 o 15 16 72 15 of personnel 127 12741 136 6842 263 tent unnto 134 3312 263
1 3 19 45 4 Persa xnote 12 42 centge 65 Lete tnd Rohua Unit Reg 64 66 66 12 + 60 89 69 3319 127 13 unit 12 331 26 13 feit £ Excen 30

Divisional Headquarters,
Moascar Camp,
12th January, 1916.
To : All Brigades,
C.R.A., C.R.E.
The following notes are issued for the further guidance
of those drawing up training programmes :-
(a) Musketry will be carried out on 25 yards ranges arranged
for by Brigadiers and in the desert North of Brigade Camps.
No firing (except at 25 yd. range) will however be carried out
without definite permission being first obtained from
Divisional Headquarters. The allowance of ball ammunition
will be notified in due course.
Musketry Practises will be selected with special reference
to trench warfare i.e. the repulse of an attack on our trenches
and the attack on a hostile position from our trenches.
Double detachments are as far as possible to be trained fxx
for all Machine (and Lewis) Guns.
(b) Tactical Schemes will invariably be carried out so that
a definite lesson (or lessons) is taught.  Battalion and
Brigade schemes will be practised on the ground beforehand
without troops.  In the case of the former Company Officers
and senior N.C.Os. working out the scheme under the orders
of the Battalion Commander: and in the case of the latter
Battalion Commander and their Staffs working out the scheme
under the orders of the Brigadier.
(c) Should a further period of time be available for training,
the following will receive attention, :-
(1) The training of observers, scouts, and patrols.
(2) Training in trench warfare, including siting and
construction of trenches: improvement of trenches
after occupation: reconnaisance by periscope:
training of grenadiers (both offensive and defensive)
training of catapult and trench mortar detachments.
(3) Training in Intelligence duties, map reading, and
(Sgd.) W.R.PINWILL. Lieut-Colonel
General Staff.
N.Z.  & A. Division.


N.Z. & A. Division
MOASCAR, 13th January, 1916.
To   4th Aus Inf Bde
SUBJECT:  Inspection by General Sir A.J. Murray, K.C.B.
K.C.M.G., C. V. O., D.S.O.
1.   The Commander in Chief will inspect the troops of the N.Z. &
A.Divison on Sunday next, the 16th inst., in the order, time
and place shown below:-
Group   Unit                             Time        Place
                4th Aus.Inf. Bde.      10 a.m.     Near 4th A. I.Bde.Camp , to be
Group 1  4th Aus. Field Amb.    "            selected by C.O.C., 4th A.I.Bde
                 Divisional H.Q.         11 a.m.      On the Desert on the North
                 Div. Artillery                  "            side of the Railway Line,
Group 2  Div. Engineers             "             opposite MOASCAR Railway
                 Div. Train                        "            Station.
Group 3  N.Z.Inf. Bde.             11.30 a.m. On the Desert on the North side
                 N.Z. Field Amb.           "              of the railway line, opposite
                                                                        the N.Z.Inf.Bde.Camp.
2.    EACH GROUP will be commanded by the Senior Officer of each
Group, and the C. in C. will be received by each group with
the "General Salute".
3.    GROUP COMMANDERS will send a Staff Officer to their respective
parade grounds half an hour before the times mentioned above,
to form up the parade, and prepare a group parade state.
4.    EACH UNIT will send an Officer, with markers, and a copy of the
Unit parade state, to report to the Staff Officer on the parade
ground half an hour before parade.
5.    ALL UNITS to be in position in their respective groups at least
10 minutes before the times stated in para.1.
6.    UNITS to parade in MASS formation, with Guns, Transport, Horses etc.
7.    UNITS to parade as strong as possible, only the sick and a
minimum of duty men to be left in Camp.
8.    DRESS. All ranks will parade in full marching order.  Packs to
be carried. Rations will not be carried.
(a) By Units to Div.H.Q. not later than 0800. (Note
copy to S.O. vide para. 4.)
(b) Group State to be handed to Staff Officer at
time of inspection.
Receipt to be acknowledged.
W A Monroe
D.A.A. & Q.M.G.
N.Z. & A. Division.


Lecture to Officers of Bgde
Intended to be Stars - instead short selection.
Isolated subjects - ask questions.
Map reading - Ismailia Map. - not enough
Take time to read -  √
Scales 1. - R.F. - V.I.    √
North - true, magnetic, - variation. √
Conventional signs. √  
Contours & Form lines.  √    
Graticule.  √  
Construct a Scale of yards on the map | 1"=2777x;  1000x = .36"
Prismatic Compass. - practice, not theory.
prism - & scales - line of sight
focussing prism
influence of iron
controls of needle
either in hand or on a vest
marching on a bearing - clamp -
bathe the compass
Stars - Moon & bad weather
Value of stars.
Special stars - Polaris
Orion- Betelgeuse
The Pleiades
Cassiopeia (constellation)


Field Messages.  [[Place?]] where
Name, Apptment, unit
No indelible pencil
Write plainly & large - soft HB, -
No indefinite words - 'large', 'long distance'
Value of Information - negative, equally valuable.-
[[B? S?]] R.F.
M.Guns set up & fire 


Reuter's Telegram Company Limited
Australian Imperial Force No 79/4/2 *INTERMEDIATE BASE* Stamp
Cairo   13th January 1916.
Lieutenant J.W.Donnelly,
Acting Assistant Military Secretary,
A.I.F. Internediate Base,
Dear Sir,
In reply to your letter of the 10th instant I beg to
state as follows.
The telegram referred to was not only addressed
"Fouraib", but in addition bore the name of "General Monash".
I added "C/o Australian Intermediate Base" and sent one of my
messengers, Mohamed Aly Hamed, to deliver it at your Offices.
This was on the morning of the 31st December last.
He returned with the cablegram saying that he could get
no one to accept it, and I questioned him as to what steps he
had taken to effect delivery of the telegram. He stated that
he had been directed to a room on the first-floor - the third
room on the right. There was an officer in this room (presumably
a Major) and a soldier assistant. The latter took the
messenger to a room in the basement - the last room on the left-
hand side, and left him there.  A soldier in this room directed
the messenger back to the officer's room. The latter, after


apparently making some researches, made a remark to his assistant
who wrote something on the envelope containing the cablegram
and handed it back to my messenger. The latter then asked what
he should do with the telegram, and it was indicated to him that
there was nothing more to be done in the matter, and he consequently
returned with the telegram to my office.
(*Moascar Camp*)
I did observe a word written on the telegram, but it had no
significance to me at the time.
Having regard to the fact that the cablegram was distinctly
addressed to "General Monash, C/o Australian Intermediate Base,"
and taking into consideration the steps that my messenger had
taken to deliver it, I felt that there was no alternative but
to address it by post under cover of a letter to Brigadier-
General Monash with an intimation that we had been unable to
effect delivery of it at the A.I.F. Intermediate Base.  Basing
myself on the information that had been given to me by my messenger
it appeared to me at the time that a responsible officer had seen
the cablegram.
Should you desire to interrogate my messenger on the
matter, I should be most happy to place him at your disposal.
I am, dear Sir,
Yours faithfully,
G.C.D E [[Carey?]]


14-1-16                                                        46
Tent Check

  13 14 15 16 FAMB HQ & Sig  
Bells 34 36 28 29  9 18 154   127  154
EP 15 14 19 20  4  2  
SS  -  -  -  1  2  -  
Ind Pat  -  -  -  5  -  -  

13th Bn 1 EP not Erected    3 curtains
16th Bn  & 2 EP tops not errected   Extra poles & Curtains
1   A pattern without poles
1   SS tent without fly.
FAMB  1 Extra SS pole


13        4
14        3
15         3
[[18?]]  4


Tent requirements
To get equivalents:-
a C.O. counts as extra         9
a Senior Major  do do         9
Adjt.                                         9
(*13*) M.O.                                9
(*50*) Other officers           46
Mess Tent                              20
Office                                       10
Q.M. Stores                            40
                           extra            152

  13   14 15 16









  843 846 749 874
  3312 = Quota of Personnel

Tents  =   122 x 1 = 122             127 x 1 = 127
                  66 x 2 = 132             68 x 2 = 136
                                     _____                                _____
                                254 tent units       263

...    Quota = 3312                 3312
                            _____                    _____
                       254    = 13       263 = 13


Quota Personnel

Tentage    127 x 1     = 127
                    68  x 2    = 136
                                      263 unit
Quota/unit    =     3312  =  12.6
                                          =  13 

Bn Units
Actual Excess Deficit
13 66  64   -   2
14 66   64   -   2
15 60   64   4   -
16 69   69   -   -


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