Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 25 December 1915 - 8 January 1916, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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aily Mttnck Baerd Begs t 13 pt 16 vagiatted X joined Abseptees State Officers 24 $023 88 Off 37 tto 1 1900 Others 66 20 639 812 624 2868 Hanks 18 29/16 4 Totee 21 829 646 130 2956 Toke 18. 55
Daily Of thut X 00S Drs Rgs 17t M 144 Avacnato sick ajoined Absenties ttak wers o7 18 17 21 22 Officers 94 1900 Otherd 66 26 62 199 R 0 2892 Others 30 ape 30 16 sote 27 10 55 39 479 Total 307
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Daily the Bdes2rs. Drgs 13 Am om 164 An avacnakd Sick Rejoined Absenkes State neerd 20 24 24 9 Officers 5d 6 900 ethers 66 26 651 183 627 others 814 16 total 7 6 801 648 124 29 411 16 tal
Went det Lits 13 n 14 15 1t evacuations Sic transperred additions Kects Convalestents Taken on Strength Absentens Harty Htate to + 26 21 23 24 102 off 1 5 55 1900 1 oths 66 26 81 71717 8 64 3251 others 26 312 94 I weete S1S9t. detu 7 27 844 7798 80 Totab 26 27 317 44
Harty Anit Offis 1 sde HAs S195 134 28 On 14t 24 24 24 10 evatuations Sis Camel works A brentes Bolation State Othere 21 23 850 955 868 873 356 of othe 9 50 18 1900 31416 sotal 20 24 8 979 89 897 3697
o arly Affitcers tut ths Hill A8 a4 Mr 24 M 24 1o7 eoacuations Sick Additions Conoalscent Absenteed solation Stat Officer 16 to Athers 21 23 857 865 876 593 Others to tottae 214 4 909 108 the 15 20 -
Stak Paily Officers Wuch Hers 6 4 the 26 244 24 2l 10 avamations officers ACH Addition Convalesient 4i Absentues Bolation to Others 21 22 850 949 859 875 3578 others 34 1900 18 sohe 27 25 878 973 883 901 368 to be 34
 Daily State to 1900 29/1/16 
Unit Officers Others Total
Bde HQrs. 7 66 73
Sigs 1 20 21
13th Bn 20 18 639 657
14th  " 17 812 829
15th  " 22 624 646
16th  " 70 23 707 730
  88 2868 2956
Evacuated Officers O Ranks Total
Sick - 18 18
Rejoined   5 5
Absentees 37      




 Daily State to 1900 30/1/16 
Unit Officers Others Total
Bde HQrs. 7 66 73
Sigs 1 26 27
13th Bn 18 662 680
14th  " 17 799 816
15th  " 21 632 653
16th " 23 707 730
  87 2892 2979
Evacuated Officers Others Total
Sick 1 6 7
Rejoined - 30 30
Absentees 94      




 Daily State to 1900 31/1/16 
Unit Officers Others Total
Bde HQrs. 7 66 73
Sigs 1 26 27
13thBn 18 662 680
14th Bn 18 789 807
15th Bn 21 632 653
16thBn 24 704 728
  89 2879 2968
Evacuated Officers Others Total
Sick   16 }  
Killed 1 1 } 17
Rejoined 1 4 }  
Taken on Stgth 1  } 10
Absentees 56      


 Daily State to 1900 1/2/16 
Unit Officers Others Total
Bde HQrs. 7 66 73
Sigs 1 26 27
13th Bn 19 658 677
14th Bn 18 786 804
15th Bn 21 629 650
16th Bn 24 700 724
  90 2865 2955
Evacuated Officers Others Total
Sick - 26 26
Rejoined 1 12 13
Absentees 62      


 Daily State to 1900 2/2/16 
Unit Officers Others Total
Bde HQrs. 7 66 73
Sigs 1 26 27
13th Bn 19 651 670
14th Bn 18 785 803
15th Bn 20 623 653
16th Bn 24 701 725
  89 2862 2951
Evacuated Officers Others Total
Sick 1 17 18
Rejoined - 14 14
Absentees 62      




 Daily State to 1900 3/2/16 
Unit Officers Others Total
Bde HQrs. 7 66 73
Sigs 1 26 27
13th Bn 20 651 671
14th Bn 18 783 801
15th Bn 21 627 648
16th Bn 24 700 724
  91 2853 2944
Evacuated Officers Others Total
Sick - 9 18 18
Rejoined 3 2 9 11
Absentees 65      




 Daily State to 1900 4/2/16 
Unit Officers Others Total
Bde HQr 7 66 73
Sigs 1 26 27
13th Bn 26 818 844
14th " 21 777 798
15th " 23 857 880
16th " 24 687 711
  102 3231 3333
Evacuations Off Others Total
Sick - 26 26
Transferred 1 - 1
Reinfcts 5 312 317
Convalescents - 94 94
Taken on strength 7 45
Absentees 55      
Tweedie S/Sgt      


 Daily State to 1900 5/1/16 
Unit Officers Others Total
Bde HQs 6 21 27
Sigs 1 23 24
13th Bn 28 850 878
14th  " 24 955 979
15th  " 24 868 892
16th " 24 873 897
  107 3590 3697
Evacuations Off Oths  
Sick 1 8  
Camel Corps   9  
Absentees    50  
Isolation   118  




 Daily State to 1900 6/2/16 
Unit Officers Others Total
HQrs 6 21 27
Sigs 1 23 24
13th Bn 28 857 885
14th Bn 24 953 977
15th Bn 24 865 889
16th Bn 24 876 900
  107 3595 3702
Evacuated Officers Others Total
Sick - 15 15
Convalescent - 20 20
Absentees 54      
Isolation 118      




 Daily State to 1900 7/2/16 
Unit Officers Others Total
HQrs 6 21 27
Sigs 1 22 23
13th Bn 28 850 878
14th  24 949 973
15th  24 859 883
16th  24 879 901
  107 3578 3685
Evacuated Officers Others Total
Sick - 34 34
Convalescent - 17 17
Absentees 44      
Isolation 118      



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