Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 25 December 1915 - 8 January 1916, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
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se OMit 3H5 S165 3n th 14 15 16 Cvacuations Sick Doty Reporned Sick Dot Absentes absented DAt OHCS 15 12 18 14 66 50 State OHeS 4 pof to period 1900 1 Total Others 68 62 21 20 79 6 694 93 661 618 636 713 2 173 2839 Total Others 13 14 53 57 71 66 13 13 47 22 4 4 24 29 4
Tn.E Bde 195 SIC1S 32t 14 15 16 concunted Sick Duty Regornes Sict Dety trented Absentees DAlly State OHfc3 Others 61 6 19 69 14 13 17 61 14 109 79 65 Off Others 17 1 19 9. 2 13 24 to 1900 16 Total 6 20 10. 69½ 635 723 2844 new 26 D
Ont H6275 31615 14 cracuations Dick Outy Fomed Sict Duty Berves Offes 6 16 12 16 13 4 O4 2 81 d0 DAit State Others 61 19 64 64 675 Oths 24 2 12 2 tweethe to 1900 6416 Tolal of 20 706 689 629 720 2837 Tota 24 5 29 12 24 11
D4 State to 1900 Ont Offe3 Others de 5 61 DiCS 3r 13 14t 13 656 16 583 704 13 61 262 Exaluated Offes Others Sick 22 De Ly Clenatia 2 141 Carra 14 Hepined JicK. 14 Duty. HBscyfels Carro 26 Benters tetht 1116 Totat 66 21 586. 699 599 17 2688 to tat 22 14 76 14 24
A OnI OHE3 Bd. 485 9163 13t 14 oo 14th 13 15 14 16 64 tenatuated Dict Duty teave. epined Deck thnte Mry Guande leave Absenters Ahentes &. Off 25 Sta to 1900 Other 66 20 674 580 708 2732 Others 20 20 14 12 11 10t0 21 69 694 59907 722 196 Totel 20 21 Ti TI4 2 B
Unst BdeH. S165 13t 14 15 16 sracuated Sick Dety Leare legoured Iick Det Legve absented DAI OHES 5 15 13 17 14 65 4 State to 1900 26 Others Tolal 66 20 £1 666 681 690 703 602 619 723 709 2753 818 Others To1al Offes 21 21 21 3 38 38 1 2 42 43 Cabore totals do not inclode. (4Off 52 athers. tton Tende D
s Onit Bde 403 S165 13t 14 15 16 Cracuated Sick Duty Killed Rejoined Cick Wounded Doty fwade DAIlY OHCS 6 17 19 17 OHCS State 1900 Oths 69 19 692 49 64 745 2904 Others 11 1 12 107 56 Absentees 116 Total 173 20 718 742 664 762 297 tota 12 109 62 171 52 6
Onrt BdeHOS 016S 13 14 15 Examated oick Duty Reforned Sick. Daty Absenters DAI Offcs 6 1 11 13 19 Off State 1900 to Others 69 19 08 730 64 74 2919 others 12 tndo 61 6 13tal 20 725 74 66 63 2992 Total 8. 11 12 23.
Vnit BdeHtl D1S Both 14 18 16 Exacuated Sick Wounded Duty Regoured Lick Absenters Daity State Others Ofes 69 1 19 699 16 723 13 19 642 137 17 2889 73 Offis Oths 35 36 6 51 55 5 to 1900 Totat 76. 20 15 36 661 54 2463 Lota 35 36
nage On Bde 46 Sids 13 Bi 14 15 16 Examation oick. Duby Retorned Sict Duty Absentes Daity OHe 16 13 19 Ois 39 A we 190018 State to 10to Others 75 69 19 20 02 718 18 731 651 632 749 32 2944 2871 Total Others 31 31 13 18 8.


  — Daily State to period 1900 9/1/16 
Unit Offcs Others Total
Bde HQs 6 62 68
 " SIGS 1 20 21
13th Bn 15 679 694
14  " 12 681 693
15  " 18 618 636
16  " 14 713. 727
  66 2773. 2839
Evacuations - Offcs Others Total
Sick 1 13 14.
Duty 4 53 57.
  5 66 71.
Sick - 13 13
Duty 5 17 12
Absentees   4 4
  5 24 29.
Absentees 50      




  Daily State to 1900 10/1/16 
Unit Offcs Others Total
Bde HQs 6 61 67
 " Sigls 1 19 20
13th Bn 14 693 707
14  " 13 679 692
15  " 17 618 635
16  " 14 709 723
  65 2779 2844
Evacuated Off Others  
Sick 1 17  
Duty 1 2  
  2 19  
Sick 1 9  
Duty   2  
Absentees   13  
  1 24  
Absentees 36      




  Daily State to 1900 11/1/16 
Unit Offcs Others Total
HQrs 6 61 67
Sigls 1 19 20
13th 16 690 706
14th 12 677 689
15th 16 613 629
16th 13 707 720
  64 2767 2831
Evacuations Off Oths Total
Sick   24. 24.
Duty 3 2 5
Sick   12 12
Duty 2 2 4
Absentees 36      
L Tweedie      




  Daily State to 1900 12/1/16 — 
Unit Offcs Others Total
Bde HQs 5 61 66
Sigls 1 20 21
13th 13 573 586
14th 12 686 699
15th 16 583 599
16th 13 704 717
  61 2627 2688
Evacuated Offcs Oths Total
Sick   22 22
Duty (Ismailia) 2 141 143
Cairo 2   2
  4 163 167
 " Sick )   14 14
 " Duty )   9 9
 " Absentees }      
 Cairo ) 1 9 1
Absentees 36      
L Tweedie      

[large X overwrites entire table]



  Daily State to 1900 13/1/16  
Unit Offcs Others Total
Bde HQs 5 66 71
Sigs 1 20 21
13th Bn 14 677 691
14th 13 681 694
15th "  17 580 597
16th " 14 708 722
  64 2732 2796
Evacuated Off Others Total
Sick   20 20
Duty 13    
leave. 1   1
  1 20 21
 " Sick - 14 14
 " Duty (Ismailia
2 112 114
 " leave 2   2
 " Absentees      
  4 126 130
Absentees 43.      




  Daily State to 1900 14/1/16 — 
Unit Offcs Others Total
Bde HQ. 5 66 71
 " Sigs 1 20 21
13th 15 666 681
14th 13 690 703
15th 17 602 619
16th 14 709 723
  65 2753 x 2818
Evacuated Offcs Others Total
Sick   21 21
Duty - - -
Leave - - -
Sick   3 3
Duty   38 38
Leave 1 1 2
  1 42 43
Absentees 47 x (above totals do not include.
  (4 off 52 others). Instruction Zenton




  Daily State 
    to 1900 15/1/16 
Unit Offcs Oths Total
Bde HQs 6 69 75
Sigs 1 19 20
13th Bn 17 697 714
14  " 13 729 742
15  " 19 645 664
16  " 17 745 762
  73 2904 2977
Evacuated Offcs Others Total
Sick   11 11
Killed   1 1
    12 12
Sick }      
Wounded } 2 107 109
Duty 6 56 62
a     171
    Absentees 52




  Daily State to 1900 16/1/16 —
Unit Offcs Others Total
Bde HQs 6 69 75
SIGS 1 19 20
13 7 708 725
14 13 730 743
15 19 647 666
16 17 746 763
  73 2919 2992
Evacuated Off Others Total
Sick   8 8.
    8 8
Sick   11 11
Duty   12 12
Absented 61    




  Daily State to 1900 17/1/16
Unit Offcs Others Total
Bde HQ 7 69 76
SIGS 1 19 20
13th Bn 16 699 715
14 " 13 723 736
15 " 19 642 661
16 " 17 737 754
  73 2889 2962
Evacuated Offcs Oths Total
Sick - 35 35
Wounded ( - 1 1
Duty   36 36
Rejoined   6 6
Sick   6 6
Absentees 51    




  Daily State to period 1900 18-1-16.
Unit Offcs Others Total
Bde HQs 7 68 75
" Sigls 1 19 20
13th Bn 16 702 718
14th " 13 718 731
15th " 19 632 651
16th " 17 732 749
  73 2871 2944
Evacuations Offcs Others Total
Sick   31 31
Duty   - -
Sick   13 13
Duty   - -
Absentees 39      
L Tweedie      




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Beverley PaganoBeverley Pagano
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