Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 25 December 1915 - 8 January 1916, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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SECRET. 23 INSTRUCTIONS TO TROOPS ARRIVING IN THE CANAL DISTRICT, No.2. aDDDDDDSSDDDDDS 1. With roference to Office memorandum Instructions for Troops arriving in the Canal Defences, it is recognized that minor difficulties may arise when the time comes for putting paragraph 8 into effect. It is not possible to lay down in writing exactly what is and what is not a matter of detail. In all such questions the Gonoral Officer Commanding, Canal Defences, through his General Staff, is the dooiding authority. 2. Similarly with regard to paragraph 9 of the memorandum quoted above. The Chiof Engineor, Canal Defences, will make his application for workingmparties etc to the Goneral Officer Commanding, Canal Defences, who alone is in a position to know what demands are boing, or llkoly to bo, made upon the troops. N. Malwhe Br. General, Cairo, General Staff. 31/12/1915.
Moarcay Camp 2-1-6 From C.O. 13t Bartalin To the SOC 4 Aut Jnf Bergnall with reference to the proposest meeting of 6.0s to disens maclne Yu mathers the two items that particularly inpress me are Tramport Brigading of Suns Dur Stering al 13th Bayalior
63 wa
9/491-13-2 600 54-12-7 G811A 0B 0N6 OR 49N 5 5 &t NH &/3 882 14041
80 On 9 H0 S163 13B 14 52 6 DA 3 4 1 12 15 18 ate 5 Others 44 23 61 56 4 62 + 60 2 to gaysg 1900 344 101c 48 24 627 57 63 62 2544 D
17 DAILS State to 1900 16 Others OffCS 10tal Tr 44 48 4 H85 24 23 SIC 624 3 B 20 14 769 581 12 634 15 619 15t 18 614 16t 632 254 teratnater 14 18 Yfoured
i1t H6S D16 the 145 15 teratuated Yfoued 19t AI Of C 4 13 11 15 18 63 0ffis 4 State 1900 Others 62 23 61 61 2490 Others 20 10 r 116 10ta 11 66 23 13 34 632 35 2553 N
Bd. H8 5163 13 14 15 16 t tter Weld On duti Cral Sick 60 OAIIY State OHeS Others $ 62 23 14 558 11 70 12 608 18 616 240 4 5 4 offiters 22 6//16 to 190c Totat to6 20 62 63 249
Daily State to 1900 Others Vn 25 B4 4 18 62 D1C1S 23 12 56 15 te 14✓ 11 15 60 13 16 16 623 59 2438 tesentees Hoe 60 -tevac Aut 10 4 tefenest Sick Absenter 14 total 66 23 1 178 620 63 246 D
to 1908 DAIlY State 5/1/16 total OHc3 Others On 4 Bde H83 62 66 24 23 5101 905 14 691 13th Mr 696 709 14 15 62 15 16 611 750 732 18 66 2815 2881 Total Ois Others 13 134 134 Hemforets 137 14 135 15 25 23 108 16. 108 I 404 400 Repoured Od. Sick 73 12 9 Absentas Offir 42 426 evacuated Lick 21 16 is conts 34 t W 1708/116 Absentees 51 other C




1. With reference to Office memorandum "Instructions for
Troops arriving in the Canal Defences", it is recognized that
minor difficulties may arise when the time comes for putting
paragraph 8 into effect.
It is not possible to lay down in writing exactly what
is and what is not a matter of detail. In all such questions
the General Officer Commanding, Canal Defences, through his
General Staff, is the deciding authority.
2. Similarly with regard to paragraph 9 of the memorandum
quoted above. The Chief Engineer, Canal Defences, will make
his application for workingmparties etc to the General Officer
Commanding, Canal Defences, who alone is in a position to know
what demands are being, or likely to be, made upon the troops.

N. Malcolm
Br. General,
General Staff.



Moascar Camp
From C.O. 13th Battalion
To the G.O.C.
4th Aust Inf Brigade

With reference to the proposed meeting
of C.0.s to discuss Machine Gun matters
the two items that particularly interest me
Brigading of Guns

Sydney C E Herring
lt Col
13th Battalion



13.4.16 15



9 / 491-13-2

41-13-4 87-17-1
776-1 15 8-3
426-17-6 25
———— ————
1244-11-10 378-5-4










  — Daily State to 1900 3/1/16
Unit Offs Others Total
Bde HQs 4 44 48
SIGS 1 23 24
13th Bn 17 610 627
14th " 12 567 579
15th " 15 624 639
16th " 18 607 625
  67 2475 2542




  — Daily State to 1900 4/1/16
Unit Offcs Others Total
HQs 4 44 48
SIGS 1 23 24
13th Bn 17 607 624
14th " 12 569 581
15th " 15 619 634
16th " 18 614 632
  67 2476 2543

Evacuated 14
Rejoined 15
L Tweedie




  Daily State to 1900 5/1/16 
Unit Offcs Others Total
HQs 4 62 66
SIGS - 23 23
13th Bn 15 598 613
14th " 11 573 584
15th " 15 617 632
16th " 18 617 635
  63 2490 2553
  Offcs Others  
Evacuated 4 20  
Rejoined - 10  
L Tweedie Sgt      




  Daily State to 1900 6/1/16 
Unit Offcs Others Total
Bde HQ 4 62 66
" SIGS   23 23
13th 14 558 572
14th 11 570 581
15th 12 608 620
16th 18 616 634
  59 2437 2496

Absentees 75
On duty 4 officers
Evac Sick. 22.
L Tweedie




  Daily State to 1900 7/1/16 
Unit Offcs Others Total
Bde HQ 4 62 66
" SiglS - 23 23
13th Bn 15 556 571
14th  " 11 567 578
15th  " 13 607 620
16th  " 16 623 639
  59 2438 2497

Absentees Bde 60
Evac Sick. 10
Rejoined { Sick 4
Absentees { Absentees 5

L Tweedie



    Daily State to 1900 8/1/16 
Unit   Offcs Others Total
Bde HQs   4 62 66
Sigls   1 23 24
13th Bn   14 691 705
14th  "   13 696 709
15th  "   16 611 627
16th  "   18 732 750
    66 2815 2881
    Offcs Others Total
Reinforcts 13   134 134
  14 2 135 137
  15 2 23 25
  16.   108 108
    4 400 404
Rejoined Wd Sick 1 12 13
 " absentees 1 9 9
    5 Offcs 421 Other 426
Evacuated Sick 21  
 " Escorts 16  

L Tweedie
Absentees 1700 8/1/16 54


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Lorraine DaviesLorraine Davies
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