Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 25 December 1915 - 8 January 1916, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Open for review
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t t Troops Austratian & N2 Dur 291 308 & L Inf Bde 291 297 X 292 208 293 294 295 397 326 306 XX 291 B 291 291 Indian 29 29 and Inf Bde 291 293 288 299295 296 29 306 306 Ind Yound Batt 291 295 Light H Reg 13291 McArtBde 29, 297 291 Gurkas 5. 294 296 298 292 508 197 10 29+ Artillery 297 Schb 19th 299 New Yealand Me SA. Dwn P.2.A Mtd Rifles Bde 293 299 295 306 Int 293295 296 297 Reg. Anklard Asago Mtd Rifle 293 Infode Contirngant Maore 293295 Brs Atago Canterbiry Wellington. Battery 292 m Engineers 295 Field Noop 293
h England Commander HT. 299 Allamon ty et. 29 Endyminion HM8 299 Altham Lt Gen CB 307 Essex Reg, 1t Bn 29 Anderson May I207 East York Pwneers Br 852 Aspinall L Col 302 East Lancashire 6th 296 309 Ankland H Rifles 295. French Devns 1st 42nd 287 Sorsham LtW.T. Argyll Mt Batt. 304 & Godley Yqj. Gen Sir AT 292 298 Aster 299 298 226 297 Baldwin Borg. Gen AH Gilllspic 4 Col 294 297 E Beanchamp Col SinM Gloncisbhire B. 295 590 295 297 206 K Birdwood St. Gen 6298 303 304 Hell Borg. Gen S00 500 302 303 Hammersley Govs Brawthanhe May-GenWP 301 Bodrick Lt Hon GSt 5 307 Heter Werton Lt Gen 287 Byng Lt Gen The Hon JHG. 306 Herefordshire Br 502 Kem+C.B. MVO Highland Light If 257 Booder Regvt 300 502 Bucks B305 Hampshire Bt 10. 296297 Enouskillings 6th Royal Ess 32 Berkst. 305 293,295 X Whnstone Englin FE Asari Capt. 387 296 Eldyly Borg Gon. 299 Gonguil HM.S 302 Kenna Borg Gen PAV.CDSOADE Cooper Brig Gen 297 305 Cardin Lt Col J 397 Kerges Commodore Roger 2t 9 302 Christian Rear Adm. 289 Kingsown Scotish 282 XCose Bris GenHV 293 295 306307 Connang Riton 306 andwouryB 599 Douglad Max- Gen W 288290 Dowves St Gen Sin F.J. 290 304 Dorsers De Liole Majo Gen Hd B 304
m Gollen Hlal 307 Lorgford Brig Gen Sarl of K.D. MYO 103 cendlen Gen 303 Poblock McCall S Col IBS7 Levinge HCol 296 297 Peibles HCt WC S Portsmond Bt 28 Loyal Lorth Lanearhine 297 286289 Robect Wire Admirses Lincoln 6eg, 500 302 1293299 Russell Brg Gin Sx H 295 306 Lancashire Iusiliers 6t 170 209 290300 127 209288 Galcolm Col Peil 302 Street Stap Capt. 29 p9 e 299 soo ESopford S Gen Hon Em 2e AGorgor Brig Gen CRR. C8 307 302203304 Malone L Col 298 Shaw May Gun 288 297298 &Monash 295 Skeen Bng. Gen 290 Magkell Yo. Crokton Wontland S0 & Smyth Brig. Gon 29. 292 Gon 287 Masnon Lykes Major 291307 Mapyn. L Gon Six B 300 Shera Capt 293 Mcrchell Capt FH. Heremour Commander Claude 299 Millar L Col WS 287 Southaneashere Reg 1t 296295 296 Marshall Hay. Gen WR288 Fravers Brg. Gen 299 295 Thesirs HMS 299 McVaghton D. Col 291 Munster Royst Mulers 301 XWalker Maj-Gen HB 291 Manchesher 11 Reg. 300 301 Wilklire Reg 5t 297 Maorr Contugut Worcestshire Nunn S Col MN 297 Warwecks 298 West Yorkshire 9th Rig 300 Norfolks 5303 Welling fonD 295 Bealerd Yorkshires OLeary Col 557 Gorks B Olago Md Rifles " Br 294
Cash- 700 pt 20 pt Lamp im dos atept 36 10 Coth far pillon Slips Lanp Glun 62pt. 31 pt Chenge X cnccunceswew e unca 501
fess No. 26972. 86 M33 < < car Your own name and the name of the person to whom you wish the A.L.F. Christmas Book (-FROM THE AUSTRALLAN FRONT) to be sent must be written twice on this paper, once on the white book plate and once on the blue. When you have filled this form, do not tear it, but hand the whole form back to the officer from whom you received it, When you have signed the Acquittance Roll for 3/-, the officer will forward your book plate, together with the Acquittance Rolls, back to Mr. C. E. W. BEAN, Head- Quarters, ist Anzac Corps, France. The book will then be packed and posted to the address written on this book plate. No. 26972 ovevoo on FTOM on
A.DALBAGNI JAAKEN 5 CE SOIR 3 DEBUTS 17 LES3 PIEREI. Ilibri L.BO M The Royal Scottish Juggler MILE SIMGNE DERVAL Chanteuse Franga TROUr AKE Acrobates & la bascule 4S UNREAMS 4 1011 EMAT Frar Cnemtouse Etolle Itallenne FERRARI El1 Les Merveilleux Acrobates. so LonarO Les ROUSSIERESEANTONINO Matelots Acrobates DERRIERS, JOURS DU MCECHARLE Chimpanst Mattnses J G M. a.m.; Mercred, Toud, Samed at Olmanche PRIX HABITUELS x IIIIIIIII imp, de la Soc. Orieniale de Publicut thond ciits tire wiit t ti
Jary 1916 Exfidentendt W.2SH. Div It is desired to bring under, the notice of the G.O.C. the following Officer, N.C.OS & men of this Brigade for meaterious senrces in the period September to December 1915 – All the names now Submitted are of personnel not plesously reconmended to notice. For Consistent mentorious selvice throughout the perisn Margolin 16th Battahion KAZAR Major E #1439r. Who commanded the defensive line on the north bank of the Kharagik Deve, under difficult & trying circumstances, & be his example, kept efficient & in good spirits the parrison of this post, which was much weakened by Satigue & sickness, during the period Sop 1 to 12, - Inbrequently in November & Desember he commanded No 2 Inbaection of the Difensive Line held by this Drigule, & orgainged the improvement of the Defenses & the irgoron patrolling of the front most effec- on DecR twel. - During the Nembartlation (he commanded the read party of his Battalion in a most praisewvotting manner. Sergeant Michael John O'Bren N. 1542 of 14th Hattalion who has served continuously from the landing to the N-embarkation In the period under revrew he was chrifly responsible for the Excellent & efficient execution of the Engineering works, compossing improvement of trenches, tinnels & communications, in the norther portion of lower Cheshure Ridge. He was indefat.
egable in prosecuting these works by night & by day, & achewed most excellent + coults. In connection with the &e-embrrtlation of Dec 18/69. The following deserve special commendation to then service in conneation with the preparations ta & the execution of the opoation of re-embaokation. All those named were members parties:- of the Cedvic 13th Battalion Captain Herbert Cad Ford do No 1428 Sergeant James Young do No 1074 Sergegt William Herbert Schadel Captain t 1OreY? Black 16th Hattalion do. Lieut Senster Hamp. Adams a Ne 134 C.S.M. 3 Hearr. Felley to C.S. O Henry William Brsh N. 92 with the leadwship & conduct of patrol work by In connection & night, in the bront of the line Chestievc Bidge day Harick Castle No 2454 Private John Glorge Cossan 16th Bn do No 1220 L/ Ge. Fredorick Townsend Tohe. as. Whittle HC 2598 Coft of Baton Kikyo 13th B No 2618 Serft. John Byk Sent. Comp. at Fust dr. Whe
SECREY. (23 A JAH. 1916 GENERAL INSTRUOTIORS FOR TROOPS ARRIVING IN THE CANAL DISTRICT. CCCULLUAAUMOMNE 1. Under instructions from home the Suez Canal is being placed in a state of dofence. 2. Tho oxact numbers and composition of troops to be dotailed for tho defonco is not yet known. 3. Tho gonoral lino of dofonce was selected by Major- General Horne who was spocially sent to Egypt for this purpose. 4. Tho dotailed arrangements are now being made by Colonel Grant, who has also boon spocially detailed under the direction of the G.O.C., British Forco in Egypt. 5. To hold this front, and to maintain troops on the Canal, it has been nocessary to undortake a great deal of road and railway construction and to make elaborate arrangements for the supply of water. 6. Those and all other administrative arrangements are boing carriod out by the Director of Railways and the Diroctor of Works, under tho diroction of Major Genoral Sir H.V.Cox, who is acting as Staff Officer to Sir John Maxwell for this particular purposo. 7. Cortain spocifiod camps and fronts aro allottod to divisions in the schome of defonce. This allotment has boon drawn up after careful convideration of the factore which affoct tho problem. 8. The actual construction of the first line of defenco must bo undertaken by the troops thomselves as quickly
as possible after they can take up their allotted positions. It is recognized that more intimate acquain- tance with the ground will probably lead to development in the details of defonce. It is, howevor, necessary that the scheme as it has been drawn up by the officers seloctod for tho purpose must bo accepted and carried out by the divisions and smaller units as they take up their appointed places. 9. It is especially important that there should be no alteration in the arrangements which have beon made, and the ordors which have been given, for the supply of water and for tho road and m ilway constructions. Any change at this stage will not only affoct the whole schomo but will lead to delay and may possibly endangor the succes of the undertaking. To onsure that tho weik should proceod without inter- 10. ruption, all Engineor troope in the Canal Distriot, as well as the K.N.A.R. Urrdging Train, are placed at the disposal of the CWef Engineer, Egypt, and the Chief Engincor, Canal Dofcrves, is anthorisod to call upon all troops for such working parties as no may require. (sd) N.Nalcolm. Cairo. Brig Gonoral. Goneral Staff. 30/12/25. Copioe to:- Heads of Branches, All formations on Canal Defoncos.

Australian + NZ Divn 291 308
Inf Bde 1st  291  297
2  292
3  288
XX - 4 293 294 295 297 306 - 4th Bde 9 times
5  306
Bn 1  291
3  291
4  291                                   Indian
7  291                                      29 Ind Inf Bde  291 293
11  288                                 294 295 296
12  291
18  306
Light H Reg  1  291       2nd Mount. Batt   291  295
3 291                                       Mtd Art Bde     291  297
8 292                                      Gurkas  5  294 296 298
9 306                                                     6
10 307                                                   10 294
Artillery  297                         [[Sihks?]]      14th  294 

New Zealand
NZ & A Divn                                          ___  ___      
N.Z. Mtd Bde  Mtd Rifles Bde  293 294 295 306
Inf  "  293 295 296 297
Reg Aukland
Inf Bde Otago Mtd Rifle  293
Contingent Maori 293 295
Bn Odago

NZ  Battery 292
"   Engineers 292
"  Field Troop 293


Allanson Maj. CGL 296     England Commander H.T. 294
Altham Lt Gen CB 307     Endyminion HMS 299
Anderson Maj J 287         Essex Reg. 1st Bn 289
Aspenall Lt Col 302           East York Pioneers Bn 302
Aukland Mtd Rifles 295.   East Lancashire 6th 296 289
                                               French Divn 1st & 2nd 287
Argyle Mtd Batt. 304        Forsham Lt W.T.
Aster 299                          x Godley Maj - Gen Sen AJ 292 295
Baldwin Brg-Gen AH 296 297      Gillespie Lt Col 294 297
Beauchamp Col [[Sen H?]]      Gloucestshire Bn 295
Birdwood Lt. Gen Sen 290 295 297 306      Hell Brg. Gen 300

295 303 304
Brawthaite Maj. Gen WP 301      Hammersby Gen  300 302 303
Brodrick Lt Hon G S&J 307      Hunters Weson Lt-Gen 287
Byng LtGen The Hon JHG. 306      Herefordshire Bn 302
Border Reg. 6th 300 302      Highland Light Inf. 287
Bucks Bn 305       Hampshire Bn 10th-296 297
Berks Bn 305        Inniskilling 6th Royal (Sec 31st Bdg)
Cesari Capt. 307       xJohnstone Brg Gen FE 293, 295 296
[[Cayley?]] Brg Gen. 297       Jonquil H.M.S 302
Cooper Brg Gen 297       Kenna Brg Gen P.A V.C DSO A.D.C 305
Carden Lt Col J 297       Keyes Commodore Roger 289 302
Christian Rear Adm. 289       Kingsown Scottish 287
xCox Brg Gen HV 293 295 306 307
Connaught [[Ref?]] 306
Canterbury Bn 294
Douglas Maj-Gen W 288 290
Davies Lt Gen Sen F.J. 290 304
De Lisle Maj-Gen 4 de B 304



Lorgford Brig Gen Sarl of K.D. MVO 305    Pollen Lt Col 307
Lindley Gen 303     Pollock McCall Lt Col SB 287
Levinge St Col 296 297     Peebles Lt Col WC 287
Loyal North Lancashire 297     Portsmouth Bn 287
Lincoln 6th Reg. 300 302     Robeck Nav Admiral 286 289
Lancashire Fuseliers 6th & 7th & 8th 289 290 300     xRussell Brig-Gen Sir A 293 294
295 306
287 288
298 299

302 303 304
Malcolm Col Neil 302     Street Staff Capt. 297
McGregor Brg Gen C.R.R. CB 307     Stopford Lt Gen Hon Sir F
Malone Lt Col 295     Shaw Maj-Gen 288 297 298
x Monash 295     Skeen Brg. Gen 290
Magkell Maj. [[Anchton?]] Martland 307    xSmyth Brig-Gen 291 298
Masnon Gen 287      Sykes Major 291 307
Mahon Lt Gen Sir B 300     
Mitchell Capt F.H.     Shera Capt 293
Millar Lt Col WJ 287     [[Suppsery?]] Commander Claude 294
                                           South Lancashere Reg 6th 293 295 296
Marshall Maj - Gen WR 288     Travers Brig.Gen 294 295
McNaghton Lt-Col 291      Thesus HMS 299 
Minster Royal Fusellers 301    xWalker Maj-Gen HB 291
Manchester 11 Reg. 300 301     Wiltshire Reg 5th 297
Maori Contigent      Worcestshire "
Nunn Lt Col MW 297     Warwicks 298
Norfolks 1/5 303      West Yorkshire 9th Reg 300
Keargaland      Wellington Br 295
O'Leary Col 307     Yorkshire Br
Otago Mtd Rifles     Yorks Br
Otago Br 294


 Cash 100 pt

Lamp -                              20 pt
Kiwi 1 doz at 3 pt             36  " 
Coth for pillow Slips         3  "
Lamp Glass                        3  "
31 pt Change


No. 26972.
Your own name and the name of the person to whom you
wish the A.I.F. Christmas Book ("FROM THE AUSTRALLAN
FRONT") to be sent must be written twice on this paper, once
on the white book plate and once on the blue.
When you have filled this form, do not tear it, but hand the
whole form back to the officer from whom you received it.
When you have signed the Acquittance Roll for 3/-, the officer
will forward your book plate, together with the Acquittance Rolls,
back to Mr. C. E. W. BEAN, Head- Quarters, 1st Anzac Corps,
France. The book will then be packed and posted to the address
written on this book plate.
No. 26972





Equillibriates Acrobates
The Royal Scottish Juggler
Chanteuse Francaise
Acrobates a la bascule
Chanteuses et Danseuses Anglaises

Chanteuse Etoile Francaise
FERRARI Chanteuse Etoile Italienne
Les Merveilleux Acrobates de l'Empire de Londres
Matelots Acrobates
Mattinees a 6 h. a.m.: Mercredi, Jeudi, Samedi et Dimanche


Jany/ 1916
N.Z &  A. Div:
It is desired to bring under the notice of the G.O.C. the
following Officer, N.C.O's & men of this Brigade for meritorious services
in the period September to December 1915 xxxAll the names now
Submitted are of personnel not plesously reconmended to notice.
For Consistent meritorious selvice throughout the period
Major ELIAZAR LAZAR  Margolin 16th Battalion
Who commanded the defensive line on the north bank of the
Khaiapik Deve, under difficult & trying circumstances, & by
his example, kept efficient & in good spirits the garrison of this
post, which was much weakened by fatigue & sickness,
during the period Sep 1 to 12. - Subsequently in November
& December he commanded No 2 Subsection of the Defensive
Line held by this Brigade, & organized the improvement of the
Defenses & the vigorous patrolling of the front, in a most effec-
-tively manner. - During the re-embarkation ∧ on Dec 19 he commanded
the rear party of his Battalion in a most praiseworthy
Sergeant Michael John O'Brien No. 1542 of 14th Battalion
who has served continuously from the landing to the re-embarkation
In the period under review he was chiefly responsible for the
excellent & efficient execution of the engineering works, comprising
improvement of trenches, tunnels & communications, in the
norther portion of lower Cheshire Ridge. He was indefat-


igable in prosecuting these works by night & by day, & achieved
most excellent results.
In connection with the &e-embarkation of Dec 18/15.
The following deserve special commendation for their services
in connection with the preparations for & the execution of the
operation of re-embarkation. All those named were members
of the "C." parties:-
Captain Herbert Cedric Ford                       13th Battalion
No 1428 Sergeant James Young                        do.
No 1074 Sergeant William Herbert Schadel    do.
Captain ? Percy? Black                                  16th Battalion
Lieut Spencer Hamp. Adams                                do.
No 134 C.S.M. ?Oscar. Tilley                                     do.
No 92 C.S. M Henry William Bush                           do.
In connection with the leadership & conduct of patrol work by
day & night, in the front of the line Cheshire Ridge -
Warwick Castle: -
No 2454 Private John George Cossan 16th - 18th 
No 1220 L/ Ge. Frederick Townsend               do.
No. 2598 Corpl John Whittle                             do.
No 2618 Sergt. John Barton Kirkwood Barten  13th Bn
Bgd Leut.
Comp. 4th Aus Eng. Ade


1 JAN. 1916
1. Under instructions from home the Suez Canal is being
placed in a state of defence.
2. The exact numbers and composition of troops to be
detailed for the defence is not yet known.
3. The general line of defence was selected by Major-
General Horne who was specially sent to Egypt for this
4. The detailed arrangements are now being made by Colonel
Grant, who has also been specially detailed under the
direction of the G.O.C., British Force in Egypt.
5. To hold this front, and to maintain troops on the Canal,
it has been necessary to undertake a great deal of road
and railway construction and to make elaborate
arrangements for the supply of water.
6. Those and all other administrative arrangements are
being carried out by the Director of Railways and the
Director of Works, under the direction of Major General
Sir H.V.Cox, who is acting as Staff Officer to Sir
John Maxwell for this particular purpose.
7. Certain specified camps and fronts are allotted to
divisions in the scheme of defence. This allotment has
been drawn up after careful consideration of the factors
which affect the problem.
8. The actual construction of the first line of defence
must be undertaken by the troops themselves as quickly


as possible after they can take up their allotted
positions. It is recognized that more intimate acquain-
tance with the ground will probably lead to development in
the details of defence. It is, however, necessary that
the scheme as it has been drawn up by the officers
selected for the purpose must be accepted and carried out
by the divisions and smaller units as they take up their
appointed places.
9. It is especially important that there should be no
alteration in the arrangements which have been made,
and the orders which have been given, for the supply of
water and for the road and m ilway constructions. Any
change at this stage will not only affect the whole
scheme but will lead to delay and may possibly endanger
the success of the undertaking.
To ensure that the work should procced without inter-
ruption, all Engineer troops in the Canal District,
as well as the R.N.A.R. Bridging Train, are placed at
the disposal of the Chief Engineer, Egypt, and the Chief
Engineer, Canal Defenses, is authorised to call upon all
troops for such working parties as he may require.
(sd) N.Malcolm.
Brig General.
General Staff.

Copies to:-
Heads of Branches,
All formations on
Canal Defences.

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Annette KleinertAnnette Kleinert
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