Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 25 December 1915 - 8 January 1916, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Aos OFFICERS FOR NEW ARMY. REWARDS FOR THOSE AT FRONT. One of the important details associated with the raising of Australia's new army is that of efficient officering. As already an- nounced, the force will consist of nine brigades and divisional units, and it has all along been considered that the provision of sufficient officers would severely test the resources of the Commonwealth. A happ solution of the problem, however, has now been decided upon. Senior officers at the front with a certain term of active service to be invited to accept to their e ds. The fairn some of recognised by everyone decision & the nece of th precis 1d fitting rewar tions be who have borne given fighting at the of the the high thought that even if a number at the en to commands ar officers front there will still fom in Australia who ar tion o qualific IIIc Dec 31115 It 18 right that some of commands in the new Australian army should be reserved for officer. (already at the front. In the announce ment on the subject made this morning only sentor officers are mentioned in this regard, but the principle might well be given a fairly general application. The new army will afford a splendid chance for promoting officers and non commissioned officers who have shown conspicuous capacity in the Held. Man, of these have, of course, risen in rank where they are, but the opportunities will necessarily be greater in the force yet to be formed. Experience of hard active service is the best por ible quali fication for military command, and a liberal recognition of the fact will not benefit the selected individuals more than it will benefit the fresh levis The new soldiers will deem it a high privilege to have their energies directed by officers who have proved themselves in action. It is not too much to that this announcement of the authori will stimulate r
sl 1916 Mentions in Despetches (Jan Hamilton) Borhsh Avny Coops 9th Army Coops 298299306 Artillery R.F.A 69 Bdi 295 59t 300 Davsions 10,299300 302 304 N.H 15th Bath 304 2929930030130 3 11 58 Batt 309 12 291 295 297 298200 13 287288304 305306 308 29 288289290 308 42 285267 52 303304 288 53 59 303 308 208 Royal Navat 227308 2nd Counted 309305 291 295 296 298 306 29 Int. Bdes 30 303 500 2e 303 31 300 302305 32 300 502305 33 300 303 305 32 303 159 38 291 295 296 303 162 293294 295 39 303 163 40 291295.296 2nd South Gidland Bole 42 505 305 86 505 389 88 389 125 129 289 287 155 6 282 15

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