Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 25 December 1915 - 8 January 1916, Part 18

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Devation Fraining Fraining areas Bxpanine o murday time devoted to night werk )or to be decucted how the lae (of istinction 9. The total training o, for all classes] is to be 8 honor daily I.c. inclusive of night work, if any. - This period of E house includes the rest for midday meal, if taken in the The midday meal will be carlied and consumed in field.- at least the field on three days in each of the first and second weeks:- 10. For the time being & until the Brigade moves to Mouscar, the follow- -ing will be the Fraining Areas:- shon The boundary line is a Nath & South line, thro' Brigade H.Q.- Fraining Ava fw 13th & 14th Bn is between Boundary Line & Lucz Canal to 15th & 16th Br is between Boundaly Ling & Do. For said foishwite Caual.- All to the north of the ExW. Ismailia fresh wate Canal. 11h Bogramine No 1 in attached.
Monday Tuesday Hednesken Tursday Fiday Satdy m Date (a accompany Fraining order Ne 2. Bopannu N. 1 for week commencing Monday Jany 10. th 16th 15 14th 3th Samy Flatoon Boeld Fransing Duty Two honor might training Platoon Field Training Duty Plation faeld 11 training by Brigatie Lecture to officers Company dall Platoon field Duty Company Soll 12 Koute Marh training oute yarch Two honsr night Faining Two hour night Faming Duty and Route March Company dol 13 Company Held Fraining in - attack Mompany Duty 14 Brigadeer Lecture to officers by Epiny or dif ortpects. Duty Compny 15 act Your Commanding Battalions at disposal - night Company Frilt & Lecture by Kikke Battalion drill
date accomping Franng Ordr 152 Praining f Lignal D Pyllabus Aftenoon Forgnoon Erning Aloening. M Jan. 10th Station work Bugzer practlic - with belis oflage 11 do do W 12 do. do. hamp seading Lecture on telephowes 13 do. Buzzer pnchir 14 do Bugger patun Kamp reading. Decture on telephon Field station work Bugzer W 17 Night wortk with als 18 Bugzes (Hnony belie of hamp reading. unde Battalion signallers will be cla of thei senior N.C.O,- who will be responsible that the oabove work laid down by the syllabus of t is strictly carried out. Training grounds for Baltalion signallers will . She close to the camp eseact positions will be arranged by the Brigan Signal Officer in confelence with the Battation feb Dipnalling Deryeants. In all above Fraining, the principley laid down in the Faining Mannal by Lignging are to be strietty adheed to

time devoted to night work ∧ on any day  is to be deducted from the
Duration of Training     9. The total training of, for all classes of instruction & except any lectures is to be 8 hours
daily  i.e. inclusive of night work, if any. - This period of
8 hours includes the rest for midday meal, if taken in the
field. - The midday meal will be carried and consumed in
the field on at least three days in each of the first and second weeks:-
Training Areas     10. For the time being & until the Brigade moves to Moascar, the following
will be the Training Areas:-
The "boundary line" is a North & South line through this Brigade H.Q.-
Training Area for 13th & 14th Bn is between Boundary Line & Suez Canal
       Do.             for 15th & 16th Bn is between Boundary Line &
Port Said freshwater xxx Canal. -
All to the north of the E & W. Ismailia fresh water Canal.
Programme No.1      11. Programme No1 is attached.


To accompany Training Order No 2.
Programme No 1
for week commencing Monday Janry 10.

    13th 14th 15th 16th
Monday Jany

<__Platoon Field Training ________>

Two hours night training

Tuesday 11

Platoon field


Duty Platoon Field Training
Lecture to officers by Brigadier
Wednesday 12 Company drill
Route March

Platoon Field


Duty Company drill
Route March 
Two hours night training Two hours night
Thursday 13 Company drill and Route March Duty
Friday 14 Duty

Company Field Training

"The Company - in - attack"

Lecture to officers by Brigadier
Satdy 15 Company on attack Duty Company on day outposts
Battallions at disposal of Commanding Officers
M 17 Company Field Tr night     
T 18


Lecture by Locke    
W 19 Battalion drill      

T accompany Training Ordr No 2
Recd Syllabus of Signal Training

(see para 4(a))

                          Forenoon                      Afternoon                        Evening
                           (Morning)                          Afor

M Jan.10th     Station work                Buzzer practice                     -
                          with helio & flag.
T     "     11                 do.                                  do.                                    _
W    "    12                 do.                                  do.                           Lamp reading
Th    "    13                do.                         Lecture on telephones          -
                                                                 Buzzer practice
F      "    14                 do.                         Buzzer practice             Lamp reading.
M    "     17         Field station work     Lecture on telephones        -
T     "     18                 do.                           Buzzer                             Night work with helio (Afnoon)
                                                                                                              & Lamp reading.
Battalion signallers will be under in charge of under their
senior N.C.O;- who will be is responsible that the
work laid down by in theabove syllabus of training is
strictly carried out.
Training grounds for Battalion signallers will
be as close to the camp as possible.  The
exact positions will be arranged by the Brigade
Signal Officer in conference with the Battalion
Signalling Sergeants.-
In all above Training, the principles laid down in the
Training Manual for Signalling are to be strictly adhered to. 

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