Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 25 December 1915 - 8 January 1916, Part 17

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Uniti Headquarter. 13t Bn. En. 15th En. 16th Bn Ad. Dro. Sig. Section. Total t come Fleding 12 14 15 72 Heavy draught. 10 35 43 ✓ 35 37 (Light drought) 162 39 (Light Drayhl Pack 18 14 62 Blasitiation of Horses I 12 Live hantabe te. 3. Battalion Strength on embarking for Pallipoli was Riding Draught. 43 Hlb Pack 16 Total 76. 29 68 64 62 & unable to pull Synallers G. S. Wagon. which should be your horsed. 2416
14th Battalion 13Battation $00000000000000000000000 515 $50000000 $0000008 80000000 80000000 80000008 8 80000000 80000000 50000000 80000000 80000000 60000000 50000000 50000000 80000000 50000000 80000000 00000000 80000000 60000000 80000000 $0000000 60000000 60000000 $500000 00000000600000005000000050000000op CoOr100383 Coar po boe Harerace trs 40 HopSe pr65 L1HC Strength of Battaliors ss taken as 1280 of all ranks. At 12 thento a tent this would give 7tenfs, add 21 tents for officers & offices etc; this gives atotal of 128 tents per Batralion. The right hand edge of the paper represents a line drawn midway through Brigade sidges, hence the plan represents exactly half the space occupied by the Brigade Distance fom pole to pole of adjacent fenp) is taken as 7/2 yards, from peg of tent to foot of poleas Byards. Hence, frontage of plan _ 158/2 £4_ 234] add intefvals /-407 and we gef 274t) double has and frontage of Brigade ₤548" (approsimately S 50) Depth - 48. [ tent alone, plus (59 for spaces, giving 98 & from font offront fent to rear of last. and 15t to cookhouses, allow 72 for wiath of cooking places, thence 46 to Latrines, and toral depth, exclusive of Horse lines is 160 yards Horse lines might go fom 15 B 20£ in pear of Lattines, in which case men going to Lrpripes at night would not pass wrough the horse lines & disgurt the horses. In depth the actual distance from pole to pole is 11 yas or 16 yas according to spacing. Positions of Worse Liner o Latrines might be reversed 64
t 4/16 Plan of Setting out Moascao Camp 556 B A +127 127t 127th 50 X 127t of 13 14 15 H.8 167 centre AB.P Latrid62 at least 100 12Heap regt Coltivation CANA L In above:- the line A.B. To the Centre line Right Angle of the Font, as officers rou of tente 45 The lines AD, BC & all other 302 North & South lines are the Centre lives of the roads Ic. the heavy braken lines on the detailed plan. Scale 100 1m
Ad & Quile. I have arranged with Artillery (Captain Daltry) that 12 small huts and 2 cooking shelters be earmarked for 4. A1 Bde, and that Captain Daltry will show these to a representative of the 4th Bde any time on application. The huts can be moved intact wriduds. a c. mercall may afcker W Moascar Siv. 8.1.16 N2090 Adges Bdge. For your information J.B. Charkers Hol a/A. A.T.A.M. CF. N.L.FA.71V 1/6
OOFICERS 68880 $8888P plation 1POPP POCRS & 5 x 10 4 10 & 10 & 10 & 15 i X 1 & 10 4 p x 10 4 10 4 1644 platoon O D. Company 50 50 Company platoon Esqr y platoon) D O X H 74C Company 7 Company 10 2 116 H.Q details H.Q. details 1191 Centre LinE 2 Tents- H+ +- i1 HUES 12x25- 2o- Centre in Battalion asaitable KIEChenE Centre Lnc of- Cantcen Buildinge Centre Linc of-- 4t Scale; 20th ften lathines 111 Centre Lnc of NOTES:- Horse Lines, & Transport Tents will be spaced in rear according to Ground amitable, but aligned L.x W. Transport Vehicles will be parked in aline between Latrines & Horse LinOS. Canteen Boildings Comprise ONE WET CANTEGNTE B ONE EAKEEKS SHOP ONE GROCRRY BOOTH EFexEBTS ONE COFFAS STALL. 1h EP. Tents per Battalion to be Symmetrically disposed within Company Lines. the trontage of 50£ per Battation is unatterable, but as the srength increases, the lateral spacing of tents may be reduced from 10 to 8, later to 72 and finally to C2 OURTH AUSTRALIAN INEANTRY BRIGADE. Proposed Lax-out of Camp at MOASCAR. 1 2/1/16
woatmu. Mrissensh - aoire 21 Meseretmeral Eit A.H. MSML, F.C.N.S.. nending Nor Zealand and Anstrelian Birision. Fo0sguort ore. Feasear Camp, Saturday, 8 xth. January, 1916. The Folleving Dvisional stending Orders as iesued for the infermation of all concerned, and will come into foree forthwith. MUTME the following Rentine vill be ebserved:e Reveille 0030 First Pest 2100 B Rotreat 1700 Last Pest 2130 Lisnts out 2200, Camnp Areas vill be as marked out and handed ever to Units CANF ARE by the Dold. the whele of the tewnship of ISMAILIA ts out of bounds keept to these on duty or on lesve as in Pars, 3. the village of KEFICRA to strietly ent of bounds to allranke. The Railway Bridge leading to ISMALLLA may be used enly by Officers and parties under an Officer. the Acredreme is atrietly out of bounds, The Iamailia Read from the Camp to the Fraffie Bridge is for phoeled and pedestrian traffie enly. (a) unit Commanders mey at their dissretion, and sanject to the LEAVE. appreval of Brigadiors and Offfcers Commanding Divisional Units grant a linited aount of leave to Officers to preceed ton Caire or Alexandria on private business, (0) Ne ranks under that of an Officer vill be elleved in the town of Lanailis without a pase signed by the Commanding Officer concerned, and such leave should usually be linited to 1700 daily. Miees otherrise ordered leave may not at any time be granted to mere then 25 per sent, of a bait. At Least one third of the Officers in each Unit must (ways be present in Cam 41l ranks preceeding on leave must be properly treased. Efficers and other Fanks must year beits. The New Zealand Infantry Brisade and the 4th, Anstralian MUTIES. Infantry Brisade will furnish a Divisional Held Officer of the Day and an assistant Meld Officer on alternate woeks. the Divisional Field Officers of the Day vill report to Divisionsl Headquarters at 0000 daily. 11 other caties vill be tumnished as may be erdered from time to tine. Te prevent waste of vater each vnit vill pest peliemnen WAEER. on the ect of water tape adjacent to its orn lines, Ne washing to to be done under the tape, Horses being taken to water must not be taken though the lines of any other Unit. An OllsoOr Must vo ta CrRe Of OrOTY NASOTIRS PANIT. Rach Unit vill meintain an efficient systen of milttary, POEICE senitary, and water pelice within its own arese, he only Natives allowed in the lines ere these enpleysd enitary cuties. Te seeel residents should be permitted to enter the out a phetesrephte pa.D.
ISMALLIA 8th. January 1916. N.2. 4 A. DIVISION) Respectfully submitted that it is desirable to define more accurately the jurisdiction of the Brisade Commander and the AcD.M.S. respectively as regards the Administration of the Anbulances and Fedical personnel'attached teunits.- 1t is fully understoed that, in prefessional and ecientifie matters the A.D.N.S. has sele centrol, but it is not clear that he has sole control as regards Discipline, Administration Novement or Tactiendis esal. The A.D.N.S. has, I am informed, recently granted leave of absence, not only te members of the Fourth Field Ambulance but also to R.M.O's, - without in any one case notifying me. As regards the latter, I have always regarded the R.N. Officers as directly under my orders and these of the Battalien Commanders. The question is raised solely in the interests of amooth working. Im. BRIGAGENL. Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.
Cancellation General Geneval gsttustion Brignte Aae 10 360 (special) Fraining order No 2 by & &c H. a Ioomailia 8th Jany 1916 Training order No 1 of 5/1/16 is superseded, from and after Monday Jany 10th con 2(a) A training period of three weeks, com day Jany 16th, - The first week comprises Flatoon and Company Franing, the second week Company and Battalion Fraining, & the thiod week Brignle & Durnional A detailed propramine to each week Fraining.- will be promulpated, that for the first week is published hevewith. preserbed but (61 Each "week" will comprise five days, training; - Each Saturday will be at the disposal of Commanding officers th like. also he training, tand may, if pecisoney be partly emrployed for ritenot teonomy, Kit Inspections, or Each Sunday, except otherise for Divine Seece, will also be at the disposal of Comman. ding officers 3to the Battalion, for duty will conform to the general ar as is practicable with the pesonnel programine? not detailed for daties & tatigues. (b) Other Battalions will tun out for training every available man, the numbers retained in camp to any cause to be reduced to the absolute minimern (c) Except as regurds Battalion Staffs, Administrative work must be done outride of the hours allotted for training In connection with the investigation of Crimes &c peronnal must not be retained in Camp during hous of training.
Specialist Bygnert Frang 5. A (a) Signaller. - Regimental signaller will be trained under the superision of the Brigude Signals Officers, upon a Syllabus to be promulgated. - Signallers must train for 8 hours daily, this period being divided between daylight and dark. Special attention is to be given, in the early stages, to proficiency in sending & reading Morse, by Flag, Relis, + Repmental signallers will be at the disposet Camp. of C.Os during Battalion & highes training.- (61 Machine Guns - for the first week, the training will be under the Battalion M. G. officirs. Subsequently the training will be under the direction of the Dursional M. G. Officer. - The M.G. Sestions will be at the frieed disposal of C.Os during Battalion, training. - Under Battalion arrangements, all Company Offies (or N.C. Os acting his officers) will be instructed in catte instruction mounting & fiving the gun. Thes should be carried out at times which will not interfere with other training. Fild (C) Ambulances & Stretcher Bears. These will be Fainel separately until sequicl to Bingade of Diors- conal Fraining. There will be no time for the usual physical exercise but throughout all training, special attention is to be paid to improving physical efficiency, particularly in regard to
(a) Bayonet Fighting – 20 minutes daily actual work C) Rapid londing & Arming – shveral short periods, daily Marching on good & bad roads, for propessively (C) increasing distances, with propressively increasing loads. - After the first week, all ranks will trion out the men carying in full fighting order, 120 rounds of ammu. nition each. tending arrangements tor Miniature Kanges, & Field Firing, 6. Musketry Systematic Musketey Instruction will be gien daily. Special attention is to be given to Care of Aoms. Instiructors 7y on all cases, the instructors will be the im- mediate Commanders of the formation, who will work under his the closest supernsion of the next sen commander. - every such instructor must prepare, beforehand, in writing, a det¬ tis the day ailed propamme of work (etemising the subjects to be taught & the times to be devoted to each. Such programmes must be revwch These proprannies must be made high by the nexts Commander. as sarnd & interesting as possibly As cepant in the orey (6) The whole training ssneme is is be explained to Company Commander & by them to the subordinate personnel - so that all may understand the necessity for making the utmost use of the time available in all 5 S. During the first week at least 4 hours is to be devoted Fraining in Night operation to night wrok, between the hours of 6-30 and 8-30 p.m. For Exclosing the first week, this instruction will cover Marching, extending E night outfost marry on compan beating movements on extended order, juaging direction by sound) &c &c.
Unit Riding Heavy Draught

(Light draught)




Classification of Horses of 1st Line Transport 4 A.I.B.

Battalion Strength on embarking for Gallipoli was: {Riding 15

{Draught 43

{Pack 18

Total. 76

Headquarters 19 10   29  
13th Bn. 14 35 18 67  
14th Bn. 15 43 10 68  
15th Bn. 11 35 18 64  
16th Bn. 11 37 14 62  
Hd Qrs. Sig. Section 2 2* 2 6

*unable to pull Signallers G.S. Wagon

which should be four horsed.















13th Battalion


14th Battalion






oooooooo        oooooooo





oooooooo        oooooooo











oooooooo       oooooooo


oooooooo       oooooooo


oooooooo        oooooooo


oooooooo        oooooooo









oooooooo       oooooooo


oooooooo       oooooooo


oooooooo        oooooooo


oooooooo        oooooooo







oooooooo       oooooooo




oooooooo       oooooooo










Strength of Battalion is taken as 1280 of all ranks

At 12 men to a tent this would give 107 tents; add 21 tents for officers & offices etc;

this gives a total of 128 tents per Battalion.

The right hand edge of the paper represents a line drawn midway through Brigade

Hdqrs, hence the plan represents exactly half the space occupied by the Brigade.

Distance from pole of adjacent tents is taken as 7 1/2 yards; from peg of tent to foot of

pole as 3 yards.

Hence frontage of plan = 58 1/2 x4 = 234x; add intervals(=40x) and we get 274x ; double this,

and frontage of Brigade  = 548x (approximately 550x).

Depth = 48x for tents alone, plus 50x for spaces, giving 98x from front of front tent to rear of last.

Add 15x to cookhouses, allow 7x for width of cooking places, thence 40x to Latrines, and total

depth, exclusive of Horse lines is 160 yards. Horse lines might go from 15 to 20x in rear

of Latrines , in which case men going to Latrines at night would not pass through the

horse lines & disturb the horses.

In depth , the actual distance from pole to pole is 11 yds. or 16 yds. according to spacing.

Positions of Horse Lines might be reversed.





Plan of Setting out
Moascar Camp
centre AB.P Latrid62
at least 100
12Heap regt
In above:-
the line A.B. To the Centre line
Right Angle
of the Font, as officers rou of tente
The lines AD, BC & all other
North & South lines are the Centre
lives of the roads Ic. the heavy
braken lines on the detailed plan.
Scale 100 1m


Ad & Quile.
I have arranged with Artillery
(Captain Daltry) that 12 small huts
and 2 cooking shelters be earmarked
for 4. A1 Bde, and that Captain Daltry
will show these to a representative of
the 4th Bde any time on application. The
huts can be moved intact
a c. mercall
afcker W
For your information
J.B. Charkers
a/A. A.T.A.M. CF.




& 5 x 10 4 10 & 10 & 10 & 15
i X 1 & 10 4 p x 10 4 10 4 1644

7 Company

H.Q details
H.Q. details
Centre LinE
2 Tents-
HUES 12x25-
in Battalion
Centre Lnc of-
Cantcen Buildinge
Centre Linc of--
Scale; 20th ften
Centre Lnc of
NOTES:- Horse Lines, & Transport Tents will be spaced in rear
according to Ground amitable, but aligned L.x W.
Transport Vehicles will be parked in aline between
Latrines & Horse LinOS.
Canteen Boildings Comprise ONE WET CANTEGNTE B
1h EP. Tents per Battalion to be Symmetrically
disposed within Company Lines.
the trontage of 50£ per Battation is unatterable, but as
the srength increases, the lateral spacing of tents may
be reduced from 10 to 8, later to 72 and finally
to C2
Proposed Lax-out of Camp at MOASCAR.


Meseretmeral Eit A.H. MSML, F.C.N.S..
nending Nor Zealand and Anstrelian Birision.
Fo0sguort ore.
Feasear Camp, Saturday,
8 xth. January, 1916.
The Folleving Dvisional stending Orders as
iesued for the infermation of all concerned, and will come
into foree forthwith.
the following Rentine vill be ebserved:e
Reveille 0030
First Pest
Last Pest
Lisnts out 2200,
Camnp Areas vill be as marked out and handed ever to Units
by the Dold.
the whele of the tewnship of ISMAILIA ts out of bounds
keept to these on duty or on lesve as in Pars, 3.

the village of KEFICRA to strietly ent of bounds to allranke.
The Railway Bridge leading to ISMALLLA may be used enly by
Officers and parties under an Officer.
the Acredreme is atrietly out of bounds,
The Iamailia Read from the Camp to the Fraffie Bridge is
for phoeled and pedestrian traffie enly.
(a) unit Commanders mey at their dissretion, and sanject to the
appreval of Brigadiors and Offfcers Commanding Divisional Units
grant a linited aount of leave to Officers to preceed ton
Caire or Alexandria on private business,
(0) Ne ranks under that of an Officer vill be elleved in the
town of Lanailis without a pase signed by the Commanding Officer
concerned, and such leave should usually be linited to 1700
Miees otherrise ordered leave may not at any time be
granted to mere then 25 per sent, of a bait.
At Least one third of the Officers in each Unit must
(ways be present in Cam
41l ranks preceeding on leave must be properly treased.
Efficers and other Fanks must year beits.
The New Zealand Infantry Brisade and the 4th, Anstralian
Infantry Brisade will furnish a Divisional Held Officer of the
Day and an assistant Meld Officer on alternate woeks.
the Divisional Field Officers of the Day vill report to
Divisionsl Headquarters at 0000 daily.
11 other caties vill be tumnished as may be erdered
from time to tine.
Te prevent waste of vater each vnit vill pest peliemnen
on the ect of water tape adjacent to its orn lines,
Ne washing to to be done under the tape,
Horses being taken to water must not be taken though the
lines of any other Unit.
An OllsoOr Must vo ta CrRe Of OrOTY NASOTIRS PANIT.
Rach Unit vill meintain an efficient systen of milttary,
senitary, and water pelice within its own arese,
he only Natives allowed in the lines ere these enpleysd
enitary cuties.
Te seeel residents should be permitted to enter the
out a phetesrephte


8th. January 1916.
Respectfully submitted that it is desirable to define
more accurately the jurisdiction of the Brisade Commander and the
AcD.M.S. respectively as regards the Administration of the
Anbulances and Fedical personnel'attached teunits.-
1t is fully understoed that, in prefessional and
ecientifie matters the A.D.N.S. has sele centrol, but it is not
clear that he has sole control as regards Discipline, Administration
Novement or Tactiendis esal.
The A.D.N.S. has, I am informed, recently granted
leave of absence, not only te members of the Fourth Field Ambulance
but also to R.M.O's, - without in any one case notifying me. As
regards the latter, I have always regarded the R.N. Officers as
directly under my orders and these of the Battalien Commanders.
The question is raised solely in the interests of
amooth working.
Commdg. 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde.



Brignte Aae 10 360
Fraining order No 2
H. a
8th Jany 1916
Training order No 1 of 5/1/16 is superseded, from
and after Monday Jany 10th
2(a) A training period of three weeks, com

day Jany 16th, - The first week comprises Flatoon and
Company Franing, the second week Company and
Battalion Fraining, & the thiod week Brignle & Durnional
A detailed propramine to each week
will be promulpated, that for the first week is published
(61 Each "week" will comprise five days, training; - Each
Saturday will be at the disposal of Commanding officers
th like.
also he training, tand may, if pecisoney be partly
emrployed for ritenot teonomy, Kit Inspections, or
Each Sunday, except

for Divine Seece, will also be at the disposal of Comman.
ding officers
3to the Battalion, for duty will conform to the general
ar as is practicable with the pesonnel
not detailed for daties & tatigues.
(b) Other Battalions will tun out for training every
available man, the numbers retained in camp to any
cause to be reduced to the absolute minimern
(c) Except as regurds Battalion Staffs, Administrative
work must be done outride of the hours allotted for training
In connection with the investigation of Crimes &c peronnal
must not be retained in Camp during hous of training.


Bygnert Frang 5.

A (a) Signaller. - Regimental signaller will be trained
under the superision of the Brigude Signals Officers,
upon a Syllabus to be promulgated. - Signallers
must train for 8 hours daily, this period being
divided between daylight and dark. Special
attention is to be given, in the early stages, to proficiency
in sending & reading Morse, by Flag, Relis, +
Repmental signallers will be at the disposet
Camp. of C.Os during Battalion & highes training.-
(61 Machine Guns - for the first week, the training will
be under the Battalion M. G. officirs. Subsequently
the training will be under the direction of the Dursional
M. G. Officer. - The M.G. Sestions will be at the
disposal of C.Os during Battalion, training. -
Under Battalion arrangements, all Company Offies
(or N.C. Os acting his officers) will be instructed in
catte instruction
mounting & fiving the gun. Thes should be carried out
at times which will not interfere with other training.
(C) Ambulances & Stretcher Bears. These will be
Fainel separately until sequicl to Bingade of Diors-
conal Fraining.
There will be no time for the usual physical exercise
but throughout all training, special attention is to be
paid to improving physical efficiency, particularly
in regard to


(a) Bayonet Fighting – 20 minutes daily actual work
C) Rapid londing & Arming – shveral short periods, daily
Marching on good & bad roads, for propessively
increasing distances, with propressively increasing
loads. - After the first week, all ranks will trion out
the men carying
in full fighting order, 120 rounds of ammu.
nition each.
tending arrangements tor Miniature Kanges, & Field Firing,
Systematic Musketey Instruction will be gien daily. Special
attention is to be given to Care of Aoms.
Instiructors 7y on all cases, the instructors will be the im-
mediate Commanders of the formation, who will work under
the closest supernsion of the next sen commander. - every
such instructor must prepare, beforehand, in writing, a det¬
tis the day
ailed propamme of work (etemising the subjects to be taught &
the times to be devoted to each. Such programmes must be revwch
These proprannies must be made
by the nexts Commander. as sarnd & interesting as possibly
As cepant in the orey
(6) The whole training ssneme is is be explained to Company
Commander & by them to the subordinate personnel - so
that all may understand the necessity for making the utmost
use of the time available
in all
S. During the first week at least 4 hours is to be devoted
Fraining in
Night operation
to night wrok, between the hours of 6-30 and 8-30 p.m. For
the first week, this instruction will cover Marching, extending
E night outfost
marry on compan beating
movements on extended order, juaging direction by sound) &c &c.


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