Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 1 December - 25 December 1915, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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(2) and disappeared into the night at 2 houss notice. Dee 14th 1922. About 600 of 4th Brigade with all their impediments got eafely away last night, &although there was a half moen, 1 dont think the enemy could suspect any special activities out at saa, because, for months all our moves, both inwards and outwards, have been at night. Tesday we are engaged in making away with all kinds of steres, grenades, bembs, picks, shovels, sandbags, food supplies, ordinance gear, and everything else which we shall probably be unable to handle. The great problem will be to get away our heavy guns. They will have to be left to the last, because we must keep them in action until the last possible moment. I am now engaged in drawing up my plans for the rear Guard action of the Brigade, which it will have to fight, at the very last. I have selected the 13th and 16th Battalions (I.E. the pick of them) for this dut All the rest of my personal baggage and papers are packed ready for removal at short notice. Dee 12th 1912 1t is curious and interesting to watch the machine un- wind itself as methodically and systematically as it was originally The supply of fresh meat and bread stopped a couple of days wound up. ago, and as reserves of these are being used up, we are all going ateadily back to an emergency diet of hard biscuits and bully beef. A11 inward mails came to an end last week. The outward mail stopped yesterday, and all the Postal erganization has been disbanded. Defaulters and men undergoing Field punishment, were released and returned to their units yesterday, and tosday the whole organization of the Provost Marshall will be disolved, Military Polfce withdrawn, and men will rejoin their batt- All men on detached duty, such as cooks, clerks, telephenists, alions. etc., etc., loaned to or borrowed from other units are being released From to day the regular daily and sent back to their own Commands. mule train of supplies will stop, and the organization will be disbanded, after that it will be a case of fetching and carrying by hand, as we had Already fewer and fewer people to do in the first two or three weeks. can take off their clothes at night, and little by little new bulletins and other comforts and solaces of our semi-civilization, gathered together after months of effort and planning are disappearing one by one, and day by day. My Field Hospital is packing up and flits to-day,-after that it is goodbye to snall Medical comforts which a visit of inspection to a Supply of firewood stepped Hespital always seemed to materialize. so the men's camp meas tins are yesterday and with it collective cooking again in evidence, and each man is again preparing his food for himself. Although the move is still officially a secret, the men would be fools indeed if they have not already fully guessed what is in the wind. Vet, 1f you asked them, not a man would pretend that he suspected anything, and all ranks go about their day's work as if we were to stay here till the end of the War.
(3) Dec 22th (laterl TRe A furkher conference of Brigadiers is just over. actual date of the beginning of the move is not yet setteled. It may be tomorrow or not for a week or more. All depends upon the weather and upon the state of the moon. To-day there was a boisterous North East wind, and the sea has come up very rough, making it extremely difficuly to load baggage. The leading and landing Officers to day declared that we must all be prepared for the eventuality that all the remainder of our bagsage will have to be abandoned. This means that we will be able to take away only what we can carry in our hands or on our backs. It max mean the sacrifice of all our clothes and of everything else that money can replace, and 1 am getting to work to make up into small handy parcels such things as my letters, papers, and special articles of value. It was to-day decided that I am pot to go away in advance, at which I am very glad, because I want to be the iast man of the Brigade to leave, and I hope it will so turn out. To show how completely all the arrangements are being made, 1 will instance just one detail, which I sincerely hope will not At a suitable place we have established a Casualty clear- prove necessary. ing station to accomodate 12,00 patients, with a full staff of Doctors, dressers, and Hospital gear. In case there is any heavy fighting during the final stages of the recembarkation, all casualties will as far as possib- 1e, be brought to this station, and left there. The Medical Officers and personnel in charge will, of course, have to stay too, so they have been provided with interpreters, and with a despatch addressed to the enemy Commander calling upon him to carry into effect the provisions of the Geneva Convention, as regards taking over our wounded and red cross personn- el and administring same.; I have every confidence that, in such an event- uality, the Turks will play the game. Dea. 16th 1912. The day passed quite uneventually. We managed to get some baggage off to-day, as the wind has dropped and the sea is calner. The total strength at Anzac, has in the last 4 days been reduced from 45000, to 20000, and we shall continue to hold the lines against at least 170,000, Turks (10 divisions) until the second last day, and on the very last day we shall have only 19000. Everything is working out so far most smoothly, It has been tentatively arranged to carry out the two final stages on 18th and 19th, but a final decision will depend upon the weather prospects. 1 now have hopes that I will be able to get away my most valuable belongings. Today for the first time I took my staff and Commanding officere into my cenfidence, and explained to them the outlines of the general scheme and particulars of the particular role each would have to play. The rest of the day I spent in preparing a complete draft of my final orders. Dec i2th 12ls. In view of the steadiness of the Barometer and the gent. ally favorably conditions, it has now been decided to carry out the eper- ation of recembarkation tomorrow and Sunday. Today, therefore, we had our final divisional conference, and took mutual farewells of each otherlt- General Birdwood, himself, came over from Imbros, and specially picked my lines for a visit. He went along my whole line, and shook hands with all
(4) the Officers, and expressed the hope that many of them would come through I have already sent off about 800 of the Brigade, McGlinn goes alive. with another 800, and on the last night I take the remaining 825,—these I have divided into three echelons or groups, the first 400, the second 255, the last of all 170, moving respectively at 6 P.M. 10 P.M. and and 2 A.M. The last 170 or the die hardst, have been chosen from the most gallant and capable men in the Brigade. Even these will not all leave the Trenches in a bunch, but a few of the most daring men, who are good athglets will remain in the front Trenches, and keep up a fire for another 10 minutes, and then will make for the beach at best possiblen 1 am mysesf going as ordered with the first group of the last apeed. 170 as by that time the die will be cast, and I can do no good by waiting The men while very sad at having to give up for the last small handful. the ground, which has cost Australia so dear, are all very keen, and I am quite sure that not a man in the Brigade will move from his post, ne matter 1t has what happens, until the exact moment arranged for him to do so. been worrying me to think that if we get clear away, even without much loss, the enemy will nevertheless represent the incident as a great victory for them, even to the extent of alleging thatthere has been a great fight and that they have driven us into the sea with heavy losses and many Such news would travel to Berlin, and thence to America, and prisoners. would perhaps elip into Australia via Vancouver. So I made it my special business to explain my apprehensions to General Birdwood, and he has pro- mised me that, as soon as possible after the completion of the operation, he will himself cable to Australia, and New Zealand in order to allay 1 sincerely hope publie anxiety as to the wellfare of the Army Corps. that this little plan will come off successfully, and that the Australian Public will take no notice of reports from enemy sources, and wait for authentic reports from us. Dee 18th 1922. Everything is going smoothly the enemy is except 2p9223 A final conference to day with my staff and C.6s. -Lien? 1 quiet. Mc Glinn, left for the beach at 3. 30, to make arrangements in advance for my quota of 800, which is leaving today, Commencing at 9 O’clock this Corporal Palmer, my best typewriting clerk, was hit in the evening. les, while I was talking to him, outside the Brigade Office, by a stray This bullet, which passed clean through his calf, missing the bone. The signal traffie has been exceptionally happened only an hour ago. heavy teniabe to-day, — All sorts of communications now being done by field We have we telegraph, instead of by letters carried by messengers. out a very clever device for firing off a rifle automatiually at any determined time after the device is started. It is done by allowing a tin to alowly fill with water until it overbalances, falls and jerks I have 10 rifles fixed in this way etring which fires the rifle. will be started by the last men to leave, and will fire off respectively in this way the enemy will think we 5. 10, 15, & 20 manutes afterwards. are still in the Trenches after we have got over a mile away. Midnight. The last party of the first lChllon has embarked safely I have just had a note from McGlinn, sent back by one of my Police All O.K.- Dined with M.L.O. (Military Landing Officer) Currie and chicken, The real washed down with Burgundy. Everybody feeding out of my hand.- meaning of this message is that McGlinn has succeeded in getting off the last of our personal baggage, and that all troops have so far get away
(51 This now leaves me with just what I stand up in, and without less. only Locke, Firth (my new signal officer) and 2 signallersand 2 police at Brigade H.Q. and 800 men holding my front of over a mile. Everything is normal, just the usual shping, and occasional bombs and burats of machine gun fire. If we get through to night, I feel sure that all will As to the My bed to night will be a heap of old sand bags. be well. -die hardst, a lsit has been drawn up of the name of each of the last 170 Officers and men, showing for each man the exact time that he has to leave the front Trenchesp and exactly what he has to de, whether to carry a machine gun ex its tripod, or its belj, or to throw a bomb, or to start an automatio rifle, or to light a fuze which will blow up a jun cotton mine, or to complete a previously prepared barbed wire entanglenent on a track which might be used by the eneny. Every one of these 170 men, Officers and men, has been given a card, containing all these particulars, so far as they apply to himself, and the exact route by which he is to reach the All this means organization, and makes all the difference between beach. success and failure. 1 think now I had better try and get a couple of hours sleep, as everything seems normal, and not more than the usual neise for this time of night. Dee 29th 191½. neen Last night's moves The last day on Gallipoli. passed off smoothly and without incident, everything satisfactory and well The weather to-day is absolutely perfect for our purposes, ahead of time. perfectly calm air and sea, cloudy, feggy, and dull, with a very alight misty drizzle, so that everything in the distance is dim and blurred. During this morning the Turks treated us to a prolenged and heavy bombard- ment of the beaches, but it was not intense enough to indicate, that they hate had any suspicions, and it is probably only their usual morning but they are a little angrier than usual. EEM. Everything is going swimningly, and without a hitch. By this time the A. parties of tonight will have got off and at this present moment there are not mere than 5,000 troops in the whole of Anzac, thinly If the Turks only holding the front line against 170,000 of the enemy. This afternoon the Fleet carried out a most terrific bombard- Knew 11 ment at Helles, in order to suggest the idaathat we are contemplating an it ie clear to night, moonlight, but fey cold. One of our attack. Planes is buzzing everhead, mainly to keep any enterprising enemy Plave The next hour or from trying to be curious, and see what is going on. The B. parties start at 9. and then there w1ll two will be decisive. be enly a small handful left, but we shall have succeeded in withdri A wonderful piece the great bulk of the Army Corps without any 10ss. 1f it succeeds it will be due to of organization, beyond any doubt. eplendid preparation on the part of the Leaders, and splendid and intelli- gent obedience on the part of the men. 4 A.40 Dec 20th 1915. entexins Mudres Harber The last hours on Gallipoli were tense and exciting in About 9. my last patrol came in and reported that the the extreme. could plainly hear the Turks digging and pulling out wire, on the Hackney Wick & Green Knoll, two points at which my lines have been pushed out This meant that so far they suspected nothing very close to theirs. The last hours passed most wearily. Every crack of a rifle, every burst
(6) of rifle fire, every bomb explosion might have been the beginning of By 10 O’clock our final numbers a general attack all along the line. had been reduced to 170 in the Brigade 1e. 600 in the whole N.2. & A. Division. and about 17, 00 in the whole Army Corps, spread along a front of over 8 miles. This meant that if at any point along this great line the Turks had discovered the withdrawal of the Garrison, and if only a few of our men had given way and allowed our lines to be penetrated, the whole of this last 15,00 would have had a very hard fight of it, and many would have left their bones on Gallbpoli. As it was, the final withdrawal commenced at 1 35. then the balance of the Machine Guns, and 30 men came out;- at 1 45, another 60, and at 1 55 A.M. my last man left his foremost position, leaving only the automatic devices working. All other Brigades and divisions were aimilarly timed according to their distance from the embarking piers, of which we had formed down dezens of 1ittle gullies-head ing back from the front lines, came little groups of 6 to a dozen men,) the last in every case an Officer), Closing the Gulley with a previously pre pared frame of barbed wire, or lighting a fuze which an hour later would fire a mine, which would wreck a sap or a tunnel, by which the enemy could follow, 611 these little columns of men kept joining up, like so many riv- ulets which flow into the main stream, and so at last they woalesced into four continuous lines,— One from the South, two from the East, and one (that is purs) from the North. There was no check, no halting, no haste or running, just a steady silent tramp, in single file, without any lights or smoking, and every yard brought us nearer to safety. The heads of the four manching lines reached the Brighton, Anzac, Howitzer and North Beaches almost at the same instant, so well had everything been timed, and so well had all kept to the prescribed pace of three miles per hour, and then with- out check each line marched (like so many ghostly figures in the dim light in single file on to its alletted Jetty, the sound of marching feet having been deadendd by laying a floor of sandbags, and so on to Noter barges (buttes we call them) each holding 400. On to these, Generals, Staff OMA Officers, machine gunners, and privates, all packed up quietly. There was a short pause to make sure that no one had been left on shore, not a sound could be heard on the shore except the throb, throb, of the builete Butles engines, and on the distant hills, the spasnodie Then rifle shots of the enemy, discharged at our now empty Trenches, the Landing and Loading Staff, chiefly Naval Officers, stepped aboard. Right away was the last order, and slowly we moved Let so all overy Just before the barge at Anzac pier cast off, the last Engineer out. Officer on shore joined the terminals of an electric battery and thereby fired thess enormous gun cotton mines which, with a terrific explesion, blew upcRussell’s Popr which was the knoll at the head of the Western Branch of Monash Valley, and which, though we could never drive the Turks With the knoll a couple off it, we had succeeded in tunneliing under. of hundred Turks must have gone up into the air, but nothing could be seen except a volcane of dust. Instantly a most terrific tornado of rifle and machine gun fire burst forth along the whole length of Safs Bait; shewing that the Turks far from suspecting our real monoeuvre, had been actually expecting an attack, of which they took the firing of the mine to be the first signal. Thus dramatically, with the bullets (aimed at our trenches, high up on the slepes and spurs of the range, whistling harmlessly over head, we drew off in the light of the full moon, mercifully screened by a thin mist., and so ended the story of the Anzacs on Gallipoli. We had succeeded in withdrawing 45000 men, also mules, suns, stores, provisions, and transport to the value of several million pounds, without a single casualty, and without allowing the enemy to entertain the slightest suspic- it was a most brilliant conception, brilliantly organized, and brilllantly executed, and will, I am sure, rank as the greatest joke in the ion. whole range of Military history.
(71 Arrived at last on the little Transport Arran and packing closely on her two decks and her little cabins, and her little saloon, Officers and men of both Army and Navy, from upwards of 50 different units, who had not seen or heard of each other since the days of the War training in Egypt, or since leaving our Home lands. foregathered, The strain being over, the reaction came in wild and hilarious greetings, mutual felicitations and hearty handshakes all around. The Steamer got under weigh for Lemnos, and the sights and sounds of Gallipoli dropped back, into the past. Gradually the Ship's Company, worn out wita want of sleep, and the tremendous strain of the closing hours, fell asleep, in all sorts of attitudes, Saloon Tables, on decks, in alleyways, and on hatches, I got a bunk in the Pantryman’s Cabin, but found myself quite unable to aleep, so decide to write down my impressions while they were atill fresh. it is now 6 30 A.M. and we are just dropping anchor in the outer anchorage of Mudros Harbour, and a new day is breaking. E. Mudros- Dec 20th 115 6 P.M. There is little to add to the story Brig. Johnson (N.2. Chief of our Artillery) has just landed. He went on board a destroyer to direct Naval fire, in case we had been attacked. He relates that at 9 C’'clock this morning, and again at 12 O'clock noen. the Turks epened a furious bombardment on our empty trenches particularly at defe Fine, the apex and Hill 56 (the last two being So then they had not yet dis- the ends of my portion of the line) covered our departure even, though our Destroyers, had amused themselves all the morning in shelling gur beaches and Hospitals, which had been left standing) with incendiary shells, so as to burn up the debris/ of wreckage, which we had created, and deprive the Turks of anything This is the end of the story of Gallipoli of possible value to them. ao far as the Army Corps is concerned, and now we turn our energies to sathering up our details from all over the Island, to sorting out units and standing by for the next orders.. What forming Camps, refitting, they will be no one knows, may-be Helles, or Salonika, or France, or Cafdo, or the Canal. John Monash. (signed)
O FOT COMSRAN LAY PONO.MH MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Mesan Office Stamp. Received Sont, or sorbout c K NI Charges to collect By- £15 Service Instructions M. Received O902 AAS Office. t Cust an Bo Do A N In reply to Number AAA 86 79 21 General Teneral will meet Todley to Monash at hunants entrance Post 1000 at FroM W2 a Dw H9 MACESTIME This ths Mond be Fund II Cot Vertrel Mit te M M. C. M
SPECIAL ORDER OF THE DAY. GENERAL HEADOUARTERS, LIST DECEMBER, 1915. The Commander-in Chief desires to express to all ranks in the Dardanelles Army his unreserved appreciation of the way in which the recent operations, ending in the evacuation of the ANLAC and SUVLA positions, have been carried to an issue successful beyond his hopes. The arrangements made for withdrawal, and for keeping the enemy in ignorance of the operation which was taking place, could not have been improved. The General Officer Commanding Dardanelles Army, and the General Officers Commanding the Australian and New Lealand and 9th Army Corps, may pride themselves on an achievement without parallel in the annals of war. The Army and Corps Staffs, Divisional and subordinate Commanders and their Staffs, and the Naval and Military Beach Staffs, proved themselves more than equal to the most difficult task which could have been thrown upon them. Regimental officers, non-commissioned officers and men carried out, without a hitch, the most trying operation which soldiers can be called upon to undertake—a withdrawal in the face of the enemy—in a manner reffecting the highest credit on the discipline and soldierly qualities of the troops. It is no exaggeration to call this achievement one without parallel. To disengage and to withdraw from a bold and active enemy is the most difficult of all military operations; and in this case the withdrawal was effected by surprise, with the opposing forces at close grips—in many cases within a few yards of each other. Such an operation, when succeeded by a re-embarkation from an open beach, is one for which military history contains no precedent. During the past months the troops of Great Britain and Ireland, Australia and New Lealand, Newfoundland and India, fighting side by side, have in variably proved their superiority over the enemy, have contained the best fighting troops in the Ottoman Army in their front, and have prevented the Germans from employing their Turkish allies against us elsewhere. No soldier relishes undertaking a withdrawal from before the enemy. It is hard to leave behind the graves of good comrades, and to relinquish positions so hardly won and so gallantly maintained as those we have left. But all ranks in the Dardanelles Army will realize that in this matter they were but carrying out the orders of His Majesty's Government, so that they might in due course be more usefully employed in fighting elsewhere for their King, their Country, and the Empire. There is only one consideration—what is best for the furtherance of the common cause. In that spirit the withdrawal was carried out, and in that spirit the Australian and New Zealand and the oth Army Corps have proved, and will continue to prove, themselves second to none as soldiers of the Empire. A. LVNDEN BELL, MATOR GENERAL, Chief of the General Staff, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. The following telegrams are published for information: (D FRON HIS MAIESTT THE KIVO. It gives me the greatest satisfaction to hear of the successful evacuation of SUVLA and ANEAC without loss of troops or guns. Please convey to General Birdwood and those under his command my congratulations upon the able manner in which they have carried out so difficult an operation. 20-12-15. ( To HIS MIIESTT THE KINO. CEORGE, RL. I have communicated your Majesty's gracious message to General Birdwood and the Dardanelles Army. In their behalf and my own 1 beg to give expression to the deep gratification felt by all ranks at your Majesty's encouraging words of congratulation. The troops are only inspired by a desire to be employed again as soon as possible wherever their services may be used to best advantage against your Majestys enemies. SIR CHARLES MONRO. 21-12-15. C. in. C., M.E.F. 13 FRON THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR WAR. (Kitchener H.M. Government received your news with the greatest pleasure and wish immediately to express to you and all under your command their high appreciation of the excellence of the arrangements for the withdrawal from ANLAC and SuVLA and their warm admiration for the conduct of the troops in carrying out the most difficult operation of war. They appreciate as fully the effective help which Admiral Wemyss and the Navy as well as General Birdwood and the Corps and other commanders afforded you. The thanks of the Government for this fine achievement are due to you and to all concerned, and I wish also to congratulate you personally. 20:12-15.
TELEGRAPHIC ADORESS OUODEN STRALIS CAIRO A. 1. F. TEL. CaIke 2867 AUSTRALIAN GIFTS STORE AUSTRALIAN A Ar 13510 COMFORTS FUNDS THE SAVOY HOTEL INCLUDINE Caire 191 GITILENSWAR CHEST S.T.D. Depo FUND SYDNEY LAOY MAYORESS PATRIOTIC LEAGUE MELSOURNE Sarpi Camp & Mudros Hesr. 22.12.13 AUEENSIAND PATRIOTIC FUND. SRISSANE JICTORIAN SA To General T. WLonash. SCHOOLS P. LEAGUE ANRHINOREE OREANISATIONS 4t Suf. Brigadi N.2. & A D.V. STRALIA OTHER THAN THERED CROSS SOCIET A.1.F COMMISSIONEN HENRY E. BUDDEN,J.P. Ear Sir As APPOINTED DY THE NON S. F. PEAnCE From the Varions Australian Comfords MIRISTER OF DETENCE, AUSTRALIA COMMISSIONERS SECRETANV W. F. A. LAACOMDE Funds we are sending for distrikution terough you as commanding all the Australians in te H.Z.A Division 2550 Billies and 1275 Puddings wt itt represents onr Billy per man and one pudding to eveny two men We are also sending some cases of Magazmes and some hags of SGis and socks all from tee Busy workers of Various funds in every state of ye Commonweaete we can but realise, we at a deal ye good folk in Australia Jame done to wake His Cuistmas wore pleasant to our Fine officers and men and may we personally add our best wishes for a more toppy Christwas and Aud near To come. Captain T.H. Ingamells & as given us every defail uecessary Fassisted us preatly. Fo the Aust. Comforts funds S Seury. E. Butsni Commuine
22/12/15 Rir Harkaliar General Denashy 4t Int Bd. H9. Hudns Bart Please acknewledgy 100. enwilopes. if carrespondence relating to Xmas gifts. These were handed to me this morning by him Yourg for Dr Buddgn, I am tying to carange transpirt this afternoon, to got them

and disappeared into the night at 2 hours notice.
Dec 14th 1915.
About 600 of 4th Brigade with all their impediments got
safely away last night, & although there was a half moon, I dont think the
enemy could suspect any special activities out at sea, because, for months
we are engaged in making away with all kinds of stores, grenades, bombs,
picks, shovels, sandbags, food supplies, ordinance gear, and everything
else which we shall probably be unable to handle.  The great problem
will be to get away our heavy guns.  They will have to be left to the
last, because we must keep them in action until the last possible moment.
I am now engaged in drawing up my plans for the rear Guard action of the
Brigade, which it will have to fight, at the very last.  I have selected
the 13th and 16th Battalions (I.E. the pick of them) for this duty.
All the rest of my personal baggage and papers are packed ready for
removal at short notice.
Dec 15th 1915
It is curious and interesting to watch the machine unwind
itself as methodically and systematically as it was originally
wound up.   The supply of fresh meat and bread stopped a couple of days
ago, and as reserves of these are being used up, we are all going steadily
back to an emergency diet of hard biscuits and bully beef.   All inward
mails came to an end last week.   The outward mail stopped yesterday, and
all the Postal Organization has been disbanded. Defaulters and men
undergoing Field punishment, were released and returned to their units
yesterday, and to-day the whole organization of the Provost Marshall will
be disolved, Military Police withdrawn, and men will rejoin their battalions.
All men on detached duty, such as cooks, clerks, telephonists,
etc., etc., loaned to or borrowed from other units are being released
and sent back to their own Commands.   From to day the regular daily
mule train of supplies will stop, and the organization will be disbanded, -
after that it will be a case of fetching, and carrying by hand, as we had
to do in the first two or three weeks.   Already fewer and fewer people
can take off their clothes at night, and little by little new bulletins
and other comforts and solaces of our semi-civilization, gathered together
after months of effort and planning are disappearing one by one, and day
by day.   My Field Hospital is packing up and flits to-day,-after that
it is goodbye to small Medical comforts which a visit of inspection to a
Hospital always seemed to materialize.   Supply of firewood stopped
yesterday and with it collective cooking, so the men's camp mess tins are
again in evidence, and each man is again preparing his food for himself.
Although the move is still officially a secret, the men would be fools
indeed if they have not already fully guessed what is in the wind.   Yet,
if you asked them, not a man would pretend that he suspected anything,
and all ranks go about their day's work as if we were to stay here till
the end of the War. 


Dec 15th (later)
A further conference of Brigadiers is just over. The
actual date of the beginning of the move is not yet settled.   It may be
tomorrow or not for a week or more.   All depends upon the weather and
upon the state of the moon.   To-day there was a boisterous North East
wind, and the sea has come up very rough, making it extremely difficult
to load baggage.   The loading and landing Officers to day declared that
we must all be prepared for the eventuality that all the remainder of our
baggage will have to be abandoned.   This means that we will be able to
take away only what we can carry in our hands or on our backs.   It may
mean the sacrifice of all our clothes and of everything else that money
can replace, and I am getting to work to make up into small handy parcels
such things as my letters, papers, and special articles of value.   It was
to-day decided that I am not to go away in advance, at which I am very glad,
because I want to be the last man of the Brigade to leave, and I hope it
will so turn out.   To show how completely all the arrangements are being
made, I will instance just one detail, which I sincerely hope will not
prove necessary.   At a suitable place we have established a Casualty clearing
station to accomodate 12,00 patients, with a full staff of Doctors,
dressers, and Hospital gear.   In case there is any heavy fighting during
the final stages of the re-embarkation, all casualties will as far as possible,
be brought to this Station, and left there.   The Medical Officers and
personnel in charge will, of course, have to stay too, so they have been
provided with interpreters, and with a despatch addressed to the enemy
Commander calling upon him to carry into effect the provisions of the
Geneva Convention, as regards taking over our wounded and red cross personnel
and administering same.   I have every confidence that, in such an eventuality,
the Turks will play the game.
Dec. 16th 1915.
The day passed quite uneventfully.   We managed to get
some baggage off to-day, as the wind has dropped and the sea is calmer.
The total strength at Anzac, has in the last 4 days been reduced from
45000 to 20000, and we shall continue to hold the lines against at least
170,000, Turks (10 divisions) until the second last day, and on the very
last day we shall have only 10000.   Everything is working out so far
most smoothly.   It has been tentatively arranged to carry out the two
final stages on 18th and 19th, but a final decision will depend upon the
weather prospects.   I now have hopes that I will be able to get away my
most valuable belongings.   Today for the first time I took my staff and
Commanding Officers into my confidence, and explained to them the outlines
of the general scheme and particulars of the particular role each would
have to play.   The rest of the day I spent in preparing a complete draft
of my final orders.
Dec. 17th 1915.
In view of the steadiness of the Barometer, and the generally
favorably conditions, it has now been decided to carry out the operation
of re-embarkation tomorrow and Sunday. Today, therefore, we had our
final divisional conference, and took mutual farewells of each other!!-
General Birdwood, himself, came over from Imbros, and specially picked my
lines for a visit.   He went along my whole line, and shook hands with all 


the Officers, and expressed the hope that many of them would come through
alive.   I have already sent off about 800 of the Brigade, McGlinn goes
with another 800, and on the last night I take the remaining 825,--these
I have divided into three echelons or groups, the first 400, the second
255, the last of all 170, moving respectively at 6 P.M.  10 P.M. and
and 2 A.M.   The last 170 or the "die hards", have been chosen from the
most gallant and capable men in the Brigade.  Even these will not all
leave the Trenches in a bunch, but a few of the most daring men, who are
good athelets will remain in the front Trenches, and keep up a fire for
another 10 minutes, and then will make for the beach at best possible
speed.   I am myself going as ordered with the first group of the last
170 as by that time the die will be cast, and I can do no good by waiting
for the last small handful.   The men while very sad at having to give up
the ground, which has cost Australia so dear, are all very keen, and I am
quite sure that not a man in the Brigade will move from his post, no matter
what happens, until the exact moment arranged for him to do so.   It has
been worrying me to think that if we get clear away, even without much loss, 
the enemy will nevertheless represent the incident as a great victory for
them, even to the extent of alleging that "there has been a great fight
and that they have driven us into the sea with heavy losses and many
prisoners".   Such news would travel to Berlin, and thence to America, and
would perhaps slip into Australia via Vancouver. So I made it my special
business to explain my apprehensions to General Birdwood, and he has promised
me that, as soon as possible after the completion of the Operation,
he will himself cable to Australia, and New Zealand in order to allay
public anxiety as to the wellfare of the Army Corps.   I sincerely hope
that this little plan will come off successfully, and that the Australian
Public will take no notice of reports from enemy sources, and wait for
authentic reports from us.
Dec. 18th 1915.
Everything is going smoothly, the enemy is exceptionally
quiet.   _A final conference to day with my staff and C.Os. - Lieu . Col .
Mc Glinn, left for the beach at 3 . 30, to make arrangements in advance for
my quota of 800, which is leaving today, Commencing at 9 O'clock this
evening.   Corporal Palmer, my best typewriting clerk, was hit in the
leg, while I was talking to him, outside the Brigade Office, by a stray
bullet, which passed clean through his calf, missing the bone.   This
happened only an hour ago.   The signal traffic has been exceptionally
heavy tonight  to-day.   All sorts of communications now being done by field
telegraph, instead of by letters carried by messengers.   We have worked
out a very clever device for firing off a rifle automatically at any pre-determined
time after the device is started.  It is done by allowing a
tin to slowly fill with water until it overbalances, falls and jerks a
string which fires the rifle.   I have 10 rifles fixed in this way, which
will be started by the last men to leave, and will fire off respectively
5, 10, 15, & 20 minutes afterwards.   In this way the enemy will think we
are still in the Trenches after we have got over a mile away.
The last party of the first echelon has embarked safely -
I have just had a note from McGlinn, sent back by one of my Police "All
O.K. - Dined with M.L.O. (Military Landing Officer)   Currie and chicken,
washed down with Burgundy.   Everybody feeding out of my hand".-   The real
meaning of this message is that McGlinn has succeeded in getting off the
last of our personal baggage, and that all troops have so far got away 


without loss.   This now leaves me with just what I stand up in, and
only Locke, Firth (my new signal officer) and 2 signallers and 2 police
at Brigade H.Q. and 800 men holding my front of over a mile.   Everything
is normal, just the usual sniping, and occasional bombs and bursts of
machine gun fire.   If we get through to night, I feel sure that all will
be well.   My bed to night will be a heap of old sand bags.   As to the
"die hards", a lsit has been drawn up of the name of each of the last 170
Officers and men, showing for each man the exact time that he has to leave
the front Trenches, and exactly what he has to do, whether to carry a
machine gun or its tripod, or its belt, or to throw a bomb, or to start an
automatic rifle, or to light a fuze which will blow up a gun cotton mine,
or to complete a previously prepared barbed wire entanglement on a track
which might be used by the enemy.   Every one of these 170 men, Officers
and men, has been given a card, containing all these particulars, so far
as they apply to himself, and the exact route by which he is to reach the
beach.   All this means organization, and makes all the difference between
success and failure.   I think now I had better try and get a couple of
hours sleep, as everything seems normal, and not more than the usual noise
for this time of night.
Dec. 19th 1915. noon
The last day on Gallipoli.   Last night's moves
passed off smoothly and without incident, everything satisfactory and well
ahead of time.   The weather to-day is absolutely perfect for our purposes,
perfectly calm air and sea, cloudy, foggy, and dull, with a very slight
misty drizzle, so that everything in the distance is dim and blurred.
During this morning the Turks treated us to a prolonged and heavy bombardment
of the beaches, but it was not intense enough to indicate, that they
had any suspicions, and it is probably only their usual morning "hate",
but they are a little angrier than usual.
8 P.M.
Everything is going swimmingly, and without a hitch.
By this time the A. parties of tonight will have got off and at this present
moment there are not more than 5,000 troops in the whole of Anzac, thinly
holding the front line against 170,000 of the enemy.   If the Turks only
knew !!   This afternoon the Fleet carried out a most terrific bombardment
at Helles, in order to suggest the idea that we are contemplating an
attack.   It is clear to night, moonlight, but icy cold.   One of our
Planes is buzzing overhead, mainly to keep any enterprising enemy Plane
from trying to be curious, and see what is going on.   The next hour or
two will be decisive.   The B. parties start at 9. 30 and then there will
be only a small handful left, but we shall have succeeded in withdrawing
the great bulk of the Army Corps without any loss.   A wonderful piece
of organization, beyond any doubt.   If it succeeds it will be due to
splendid preparation on the part of the Leaders, and splendid and intelligent
obedience on the part of the men.
Dec. 20th 1915.   4 A.M. 
entering Mudros Harbor
The last hours on Gallipoli were tense and exciting in
the extreme.   About 9.  my last patrol came in and reported that they
could plainly hear the Turks digging and pulling out wire, on the Hackney
Wick & Green Knoll, two points at which my lines have been pushed out
very close to theirs.   This meant that so far they suspected nothing.
The last hours passed most wearily.   Every crack of a rifle, every burst 


of rifle fire, every bomb explosion might have been the beginning of
a general attack all along the line.   By 10 o'clock our final numbers
had been reduced to 170 in the Brigade i_e_ 600 in the whole N.Z. & A.
Division. and about 15,00 in the whole Army Corps, spread along a front
of over 8 miles.  This meant that if at any point along this great line
the Turks had discovered the withdrawal of the Garrison, and if only a
few of our men had given way and allowed our lines to be penetrated, the
whole of this last 15,00 would have had a very hard fight of it, and many
would have left their bones on Gallipoli.   As it was, the final withdrawal
commenced at 1 35. then the balance of the Machine Guns, and 30 men came
out; at 1 45, another 60, and at 1 55 A.M. my last man left his foremost
position, leaving only the automatic devices working.   All other Brigades
and divisions were similarly timed according to their distance from the
X embarking piers, of which we had formed down dozens of little gullies.   Leading
back from the front lines, came little groups of 6 to a dozen men, )the
last in every case an Officer),   Closing the Gulley with a previously prepared
frame of barbed wire, or lighting a fuze which an hour later would
fire a mine, which would wreck a sap or a tunnel, by which the enemy could
follow.   All these little columns of men kept joining up, like so many rivulets
which flow into the main stream, and so at last they coalesced into
four continuous lines, - One from the South, two from the East, and one
( that is ours ) from the North.   There was no check, no halting, no haste
or running, just a steady silent tramp, in single file, without any lights
or smoking, and every yard brought us nearer to safety.   The heads of the
four marching lines reached the Brighton, Anzac, Howitzer and North Beaches
almost at the same instant, so well had everything been timed, and so well
had all kept to the prescribed pace of three miles per hour, and then without
check each line marched ( like so many ghostly figures in the dim light )
in single file on to its allotted Jetty, the sound of marching feet having
been deadened by laying a floor of sandbags, and so on to Motor barges
( buttes" we call them ) each holding 400.  On to these, Generals, Staff
Officers, machine gunners, and privates, all packed up and
quietly.   There was a short pause to make sure that no one had been left
on shore, not a sound could be heard on the shore except the throb, throb,
of the bullets  Butles engines, and on the distant hills, the spasmodic
rifle shots of the enemy, discharged at our now empty Trenches,   Then
the Landing and Loading Staff, chiefly Naval Officers, stepped aboard.
"Let go all over"  "Right away"  was the last order, and slowly we moved
out.   Just before the barge at Anzac pier cast off, the last Engineer
Officer on shore joined the terminals of an electric battery and thereby
fired theseree enormous gun cotton mines which, with a terrific explosion,
blew up "Russell's Top" which was the knoll at the head of the Western
branch of Monash Valley, and which, though we could never drive the Turks
off it, we had succeeded in tunnelling under. With the knoll a couple
of hundred Turks must have gone up into the air, but nothing could be seen
except a volcano of dust.   Instantly a most terrific tornado of rifle and
machine gun fire burst forth along the whole length of Sairri Bair, showing
that the Turks far from suspecting our real manoeuvre, had been actually
expecting an attack, of which they took the firing of the mine to be the
first signal.   Thus dramatically, with the bullets (aimed at our trenches,
high up on the slopes and spurs of the range) whistling harmlessly over
head, we drew off in the light of the full moon, mercifully screened by a
thin mist., and so ended the story of the Anzacs on Gallipoli.   We had
succeeded in withdrawing 45000 men, also mules, guns, stores, provisions,
and transport to the value of several million pounds, without a single
casualty, and without allowing the enemy to entertain the slightest suspicion.
It was a most brilliant conception, brilliantly organized, and
brilliantly executed, and will, I am sure, rank as the greatest joke in the
whole range of Military history. 


Arrived at last on the little Transport "Arran" and
packing closely on her two decks and her little cabins, and her little
saloon, Officers and men of both Army and Navy, from upwards of 50
different units , who had not seen or heard of each other since the
days of the War training in Egypt, or since leaving our Home lands
foregathered, the strain being over, the reaction came in wild and
hilarious greetings, mutual felicitations and hearty handshakes all
around.   The Steamer got under weigh for Lemnos, and the sights
and sounds of Gallipoli dropped back into the past.  Gradually the
ship's Company, worn out with want of sleep, and the tremendous strain
of the closing hours, fell asleep, in all sorts of attitudes,  On
Saloon Tables, on decks, in alleyways, and on hatches,  I got a bunk in
the Pantryman's Cabin, but found myself quite unable to sleep, so decided
to write down my impressions while they were still fresh.   It is now
6 30 A.M. and we are just dropping anchor in the outer anchorage of
Mudros Harbour, and a new day is breaking.
E. Mudros - Dec 20th '15  6 P.M.
There is little to add to the story.   Brig. Johnson
(N.Z. Chief of our Artillery) has just landed.   He went on board
a destroyer to direct Naval fire, in case we had been attacked.
He relates that at 9 o'clock this morning, and again at 12 O'clock
noon, the Turks opened a furious bombardment on our empty trenches
particularly at Lone Pine, the apex and Hill 60 ( the last two being
the ends of my portion of the line )   So then they had not yet discovered
our departure even, though our Destroyers, had amused themselves
all the morning in shelling our beaches and Hospitals, which had been
left standing) with incendiary shells, so as to burn up the debris(
of wreckage, which we had created, and deprive the Turks of anything
of possible value to them.   This is the end of the story of Gallipoli
so far as the Army Corps is concerned, and now we turn our energies to
gathering up our details  from all over the Island, to sorting out units
forming Camps, refitting, and standing by for the next orders.   What
they will be no one knows,  may-be Helles, or Salonika, or France, or
Cairo, or the Canal.
( Signed )        John Monash. 


"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
Prefix    SM      Code    HK      Words    24
₤    s.    d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions.
From   NZ
By   TJA 
Sent, or sent out
At    m.
Office Stamp.
Handed in at NZ Office      m.   Received 0903 m.
TO       NZ    4th  Aust  Inf  Bde
* Sender's Number       Day of Month     In reply to Number    AAA
GOC 79                              21st
General Godley will meet General
Monash at entrance to Durrants
Post at 1000
FROM                   NZ &  A DIV  Hq
* This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123. 


21ST DECEMBER, 1915.
The Commander-in-Chief desires to express to all ranks in the
Dardanelles Army his unreserved appreciation of the way in which the recent
operations, ending in the evacuation of the ANZAC and SUVLA positions, have been
carried to an issue successful beyond his hopes. The arrangements made for withdrawal,
and for keeping the enemy in ignorance of the operation which was taking place, could
not have been improved.   The General Officer Commanding Dardanelles Army, and
the General Officers Commanding the Australian and New Zealand and 9th Army
Corps, may pride themselves on an achievement without parallel in the annals of war.
The Army and Corps Staffs, Divisional and subordinate Commanders and their Staffs,
and the Naval and Military Beach Staffs, proved themselves more than equal to the
most difficult task which could have been thrown upon them.  Regimental officers,
non-commissioned officers and men carried out, without a hitch, the most trying
operation which soldiers can be called upon to undertake-a withdrawal in the face of
the enemy-in a manner reflecting the highest credit on the discipline and soldierly
qualities of the troops.
It is no exaggeration to call this achievement one without
parallel.  To disengage and to withdraw from a bold and active enemy is the most
difficult of all military operations ; and in this case the withdrawal was effected by
surprise, with the opposing forces at close grips - in many cases within a few yards of
each other.  Such an operation, when succeeded by a re-embarkation from an open
beach, is one for which military history contains no precedent.
During the past months the troops of Great Britain and Ireland,
Australia and New Zealand, Newfoundland and India, fighting side by side, have invariably
proved their superiority over the enemy, have contained the best fighting troops
in the Ottoman Army in their front, and have prevented the Germans from employing
their Turkish allies against us elsewhere.
No soldier relishes undertaking a withdrawal from before the
enemy.  It is hard to leave behind the graves of good comrades, and to relinquish
positions so hardly won and so gallantly maintained as those we have left.  But all
ranks in the Dardanelles Army will realize that in this matter they were but carrying
out the orders of His Majesty's Government, so that they might in due course be more
usefully employed in fighting elsewhere for their King, their Country, and the Empire.
There is only one consideration-what is best for the furtherance
of the common cause.  In that spirit the withdrawal was carried out, and in that spirit
the Australian and New Zealand and the 9th Army Corps have proved, and will continue
to prove, themselves second to none as soldiers of the Empire.
Chief of the General Staff,
Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.
The following telegrams are published for information :
It gives me the greatest satisfaction to hear of the successful
evacuation of SUVLA and ANZAC without loss of troops or guns.  Please convey to
General Birdwood and those under his command my congratulations upon the able
manner in which they have carried out so difficult an operation.
20-12-15.   GEORGE, R.I.
I have communicated your Majesty's gracious message to General
Birdwood and the Dardanelles Army.  In their behalf and my own I beg to give
expression to the deep gratification felt by all ranks at your Majesty's encouraging words
of congratulation.  The troops are only inspired by a desire to be employed again as
soon as possible wherever their services may be used to best advantage against your
Majesty's enemies.
21-12-15.   SIR CHARLES MONRO,
C.-in-C., M.E.F.
H.M. Government received your news with the greatest pleasure
and wish immediately to express to you and all under your command their high
appreciation of the excellence of the arrangements for the withdrawal from ANZAC
and SUVLA and their warm admiration for the conduct of the troops in carrying out
the most difficult operation of war.  They appreciate as fully the effective help which
Admiral Wemyss and the Navy as well as General Birdwood and the Corps and other
commanders afforded you.  The thanks of the Government for this fine achievement
are due to you and to all concerned, and I wish also to congratulate you personally.


TEL:  CAIRO 2867
.A. I. F.
Cairo     191

[*Q.S. Try & get
arms to compete
with photos &
it will help
funds in

S. T. D. Depot
Sarpi Camp - Mudros East..  22.12.15
To General J. Monash.
4th Inf. Brigade N.Z. & A Div.
Dear Sir
From the various Australian Comforts
Funds we are sending for distribution
through you as commanding all the Australians
in the N.Z.A Division 2550 "Billies" and
1275 Puddings which represents one "Billy"
per man and one pudding to every two men
We are also sending some cases of magazines
and some bags of shirts and socks  All
from the busy workers of various funds
in every state of the Commonwealth  we
can but realise what a deal of good
folk in Australia have done to make
this Christmas more pleasant to our
fine officers and men and may we
personally add our best wishes for a more
Happy Christmas and New Year to come.
Captain F.H. Ingamells has given us every detail
necessary & assisted us greatly.  For the Ausn Comforts Funds
Yrs from  Henry. E. Budden  Commissioner 


Australian Pier
General Monash
4th Inf Bde. H.Q.
Mudros East
Please acknowledge two.
envelopes of correspondence
relating to Xmas gifts.
These were handed to me
this morning by Mr. Young
for Mr. Budden.
I am trying
to arrange transport
this afternoon to get them. 

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