Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 1 December - 25 December 1915, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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0013 C Readguarters, ath. Anstralian Infantry Brisade, Issued in Eriplionts i Nay Valiey, Ansac. LlankeCelenal Hermns. Gallinoli Peninsuls. 17th. December, 1815. Instructions to Commander of C ex hear Party (LtCal. Herringl. you are informed that a final covering position, extending from No. 1 Post via Walkers Ridge - Plugges Plateau to Maclagans Ridge vill be occupied by a Rear Party drawn from other units of the Dvision and Anny Corps, and comanded by an officer of the and. Australian Division (Colonel Paton). This party will be in position from 1s09 on the second aar. the verd retire; is not to be nade use of. - msure that orders for Kinal witndrawal are passed quietly. the tines for the connencenent of the witherawal of your (e) parties will be as follows, uniess altered by the erders of the Rear Guard Conmander, viz. s- Franklins, Warvick Castle and all to North of latter -8155. Becks, rensinder of No. a Subssection and Post No. 3 of No. 1 Subssection 0145 Nos. 1 and 2 Posts of Nc. 1 Subssection -0155 The respective machine guns and a selected portion of the personnel leave at the times naned; 10 minutes later another selected portion leaves, and 10 minutes later still the final parties leave. Renty - by mortest route to starting Point, mence by Chailak Dere and sap to Mule Gully, thence to North Beach. The only other troops using Chailak Dere about that time wll be 160 of N. 2. Infantry Brigade. to no that m tnt partes of ait mould ney be be orread thinly along the wnole line, but should rather be clustered at cmmanding forward points, so as to bring a good volune of fire to bear in a threatened advance. the first of your (e) party is tined to reach Form Beach at osse. earlier. The commanders of the (e) parties on your flanks are :- N. 2. Infantry Brigade - Mient.-Colonel Young. N. 2. M. R. Brigade. - Lieut.-Colonel Griger. you vill yourself exbark at the head of the first of the (e) Fchelon to arrive at the North Beach. Your Battalion Consanders will enbark at the head of the first of (e) Renelon of their respective Battalions to arrive at the Nermn Beach. Bthinn BCMoSl Bome Najer, Aie Anstralian Intentry Brigode.
AIPOMO.NSB. CO Pow Du MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message- Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Received A ow " a d. 8C Charges to collect Periee Hstcttons 182 2 Aane 1526 S S 4th Bde REOSSTSNSNNS DSS N ToNdOTS NMSS aaa 14 92789 17/12/5 Report for sy his endict 0500 (1 Smping Sally and N2517 FROST13 aad Bn one Pin Fench near 180F8 21 to date aae (2 Pasualitis ada 1 wounded 147 On 13) 100 feet of entanguments, placed in aghys dere blow confinence with BLACK SWan GULIX aad Prepared second line in frent of FORD) BARR.LADE and No movement of enemy observed ae Post lestening. 5 Patrolsa to report nothing Darrants Post FROM PLACEATIME 0505 The the Aand bo CandHAAtCAES CEASSe M.R.Ca.Lid. WE WISSSISTL 50,000 Pads- 1/1s. Forme/ C. 2122. Sp20
Ne2. Sers Section HOHYL DERE Seept Bepds T. 17/17 35 906 tat I taks ceraning lnmetting thanning eain posenac eag cde with as jusuall good pdgress being yaple few MewvergBegn superd. Raben abll pupers or duly Lodday na good taget were ofeng the day was apent in placing Tuglett (puts] perit cacsed comtum duen dake) uised fey qnemy Patrol Repert the no ey of Pado excManse spiick reported nearing diggnt bat Mandey tck All other patiol every as per dipontion reported nothing mnal an returnning to the lines except continuers) didging ent Hackney Biek duing the mgt 461 Pr aports 67 vouts throwing as fair amount Hafe fore Goot places an the rgtt (2) 54 further right continuous rifter Imachine giv fere was endent (o) or reparr re waking party noticed coming to a direction of Hackney mek see my E. 432 () Meachie Gun officer reports ysing bursts of fre on to Hacking mek to presen construction of new works otherwise nothing was imusual Eaniolimay sutfec. H2 0.C 25 t 6
Ary ForS O. MS. TO Row Biti MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message- Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Received Words 8 From £ " d. B Charges to collect T0 Service Instructions. 1B MRCOONEL ORO Handedin at. Boe BM. 4 LTTWNSSSS SASMSN aaa SenteioNANSE Bugzer OR All lines 0620 OTransmtter 14/12/15 enr tg at FROM PLACEATIME) The the Aandbt Cratkt HAIE 1es8se) M.R. Ca.Lid. WE. WISSSIIOTL 50,000 Pads-1/1s. Forms/ C.2122.
LM SON SMM OrForm (Original). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out poena Prefir Code Words Pron " a d D Charges to collect T0 Service Instructions. DRECONAL Office Bne LTOSS ISNSNSS DGSINONN SeAtGIONSNSS AAa X tn tern feet of In 100 out 16 tor in pat felor N3 tghy D BackSwarn with Consiner in Decor Gi Ado of Intanglements in taire Barrie for 1a FRoN Furrants Po. PLACESTIME The the Cand be CandHAAtRAE AA8Se) MRCo. Lid. WE WISSSIISTL 50,000 Pads-Vis. Ferms/ C. 2122
AM ORST 2 50 Jo. of MessaRe MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Words/ Charge pande This message is on a/e of: Janse CArnan ane Mntan Dato Servie No SOO LECMAATO. FMMHS OMATYIDI 500. HCDrygade Dispositions No. 1 Sub-section - Night 17th (18th December, 1915. Day of Monh LtrytoMt SenteFFiter AAA C0A. 782 17-12-15. Listening Posts 25 7ds in front of Nos. 1 and 3 Posts from 1800 to 0530. O.C. No. I POST Will detall twopatrots of 1 N.C.8. and 3 men to leave CONNORS TUNNEL at 1830 and 2030 patrol AGHYL DERE returning via No. 1 POST at 2039 and 2230. O.C. Noo 2 POST will detail two patvols of 1 N.C.O. and 3 men to leave No. 1 POST at 2400) and 0300 returning viz COMORS FONNL at 8130 and 8888. 29 9a 747 2d 24 TH No. L sub-dootion. C.OO Issued at 1330. (Communicated to Brigade Headquarters, adjoin- ing subssections and all Posts). - Pace No. I Subsection. Time The Abote May be Corverded as nW arridted I Danor ranno d em or m an w io t. 1. e "This line should be crase Hf not required. 0 S.B. Lid WI. WISAISH-50,100. 9/14 Forms CMnO TO. Po CS Ma FoNSR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. d Momse Charses to Pes. [ OHeS Si Ea - au 100 Pitlestoa 11 Bte £ SAASTEKOR DASSHON TTOSTWSSSNSN aaa 176 AA7A Hspositions Reference No 1 Sub Section time for 2330 Pava (3 Lac communicated commegated 0530 aad read Section N2 Sut brigade and posts att tr Oc 20 No1 Sub Section FROM PLACEATIME 1653 Aun NRCa. LId. WEWISSSOH S.A Pad MiS. FerOMM.
MO Por DlS L FN SIR No. of Message— MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. I Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Received aa From. 2 a d Charges to collect 23 Br Service Instructions. DROCONOL [ Office Handedin at LteSS WSNSDSS SATAMONN SenSioRANNE aaa Fight Dapsward ar 1 m Nos tutter 2048 FROM PLACEETIME The tae Aind be AanHAstMae (ADSD). M.R.Co., Lid. WE. WSSSSIGTS. 50,000 Pads-DIS. Forms/ C. 2123.
AO. Fon Dista SSONSINN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. L byMomase Charges to Pay. Oheo Beny £41 WSpin 16th "d pores p 16 Handedin at CRCCNO40 ORC 6t0 1th te SintbFHitor , Day of Month Tetot to Bant aaa 445 1714 24 Passwarrd Received & ot0 FROM Hrtak PLACEATINE 145 OASI MRCa,LEd. WLWISSSIST 50,000 PadDIs. FormaCMM TC. Fo D AgANSMNR OMESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Momase Charges to Pey. [OBes Stamg St Dpnve 15 2 " 8 Handedin at $ 4th BD DonderS Min TPATOINOAN In reply to Number aaa B4 50 Notr wer FROM of Lebre PLACESTIME 1115 Au M.RCa,Lid. WE. WISIST S0,000 Ped Dis. ForO21.
1. 2 Suection 155uld at/ 1539 Aghyl Dere Batn. 17-12 Dpations of WA Subsecton WNo1 Subrection V4 & Canterfury pouuted Riles (Rept) for might 1x187 Dear 1913 No 2 Subsection LNEORNAION (1) Apatrol of 14c0 2 men will leave MorsE IMVEL at 1908 proceeting through hostening Furches as Btcks to a pint aproximatly Prie 9227 Sor he pupse of listening & observing returning & preforting to Officer p N3 Post at 8030 this patrol will be split into two ochets Relief 100 to 2130. B2 Rly 2200- 2038 hrlush Ancont senes of two reliefs of this patrol Ct Coy. will leave stike going to came position with same object. 1 Renef 6200 B 0415 A Re19 O430 t 0680 hupded by Apatrol oINCD. Brron wil leave H. Coy FORDBARRICADE at 2200 proceed along ASTENNG Soorn BAAVLDERE to a point 150yct PKNOL bevond its confluence with Drls. Snow DtE ga the purpre of Astoning soberving Supphad by & will return, dt cose reporting teaving D Cay. & relurning to Officer p FonD BICADA Botpatrol of 1Wa 2 men will leave Wowevers going on a bearing of 135 LSIYnG to a pomy 50 4ds in advance o our JRON (5 PARON 3. fline for the purpose of listering HSEMIn observing. This patrol is a siries of 5relief Cona 1s. Relief 11930) to 12130 Do1 2/30 & 2330 d0 12330 to10130 do 6139 6 0330 do 0330 10/0530) BINON Dct patrol of Ince Hmon will leave SOANA BNRRICADE L INEKIHERW HGHTE DIRE proceeding to a pant 9221 thon up TATNERN SAWEH towards 9225 for the purpose of hetening & observing. this patrol will be a cenes of6 schiep 1s Relief 2000 12200 2 do 2200 2400 2400 0200 do 0200 -10400 do do 10400 8600 V0/ Sibsection CRight)) LNEORNAIION fiotening posts 254ds in gront of N31143503 from 1800 0830 (D) DC AI rest will detail to patrols OTNCO 3 men to leave CONNORSTUNNOL a1 1830 and 2030 patrol HGAH DERE returning Na N1 Post at Ro30 & 2230 (C)OCNo2 Pet will ditail two patrold 9IMCD 3men toleave No 1ra1a40O and 10300 returning Via CouORS TIWNEL A 0 a .
CMITERBURE. CMD I. 2 INEeRNALEN. c) of patrol 41 offices (or seryt) and 4 men will leave BARRICADE M Mr AGHVLIDERE a 92V3 and proceed pap, my NoMHEENBENCH 9 HGALLDENE HWEILat sunction of Creeks 9221/2 returning to lines (at Pos 41 OE The WAIL will be watched to note movement of the Enemy ROMEFSE R00 t 2100 127 /2100 ts 2400 32 2400 /13 0300 4th 030010 0600 PaSSnORD. HAKIEK grcer o/ rost will advise 1190 Not ather by phone or orderly of return of patrols. 47 Bde 16. Oc W91. Seib Sect ofEMs. D H O/c 1.2.B.U.& P ofe Machmn Gun 172Suf Sid.

Issued in triplicate to
Lieut.-Colonel Herring.
4th. Australian Infantry Brigade,
Hay Valley, Anzac,
.Gallipoli Peninsula,
17th. December, 1915.

Instructions to Commander of C or Rear Party ( Lt.-Col. Herring ).
1.  You are informed that a final covering position, extending from 
No. 1 Post via Walkers Ridge - Plugges Plateau to Maclagans Ridge will 
be occupied by a Rear Party drawn from other units of the Division and 
Army Corps, and commanded by an officer of the 2nd. Australian Division 
( Colonel Paton).  This Party will be in position from 1800 on the second day.
2.  The word 'retire' is not to be made use of. - Ensure that orders for 
final withdrawal are passed quietly.
3.  The times for the commencement of the withdrawal of your (c) parties
will be as follows, unless altered by the orders of the Rear Guard
Commander, viz. :-

Franklins, Warwick Castle and all to North of latter        -   0135 .
Becks, remainder of No. 2 Sub Section and Post No. 3  ) -
of No. 1 Sub section                                                                   )   0145
Nos. 1 and 2 Posts of No. 1 Sub-section                                 - 0155
The respective machine guns and a selected portion of the personnel 
leave at the times named; 10 minutes later another selected portion 
leaves, and 10 minutes later still the final parties leave.
4.  Route - by shortest route to Starting Point, thence by Chailak Dere 
and sap to Mule Gully, thence to North Beach. The only other troops 
using Chailak Dere about that time will be 160 of N.Z. Infantry Brigade.
5.  It is suggested to you that the final parties of all should not be 
be spread thinly along the whole line, but should rather be clustered at 
commanding forward points, so as to bring a good volume of fire to bear 
on a threatened advance.
6.  The first of your (c) party is timed to reach North Beach at 0250, 
or earlier.
7.  The Commanders of the (c) parties on your flanks are:-
N.Z. Infantry Brigade - Lieut.-Colonel Young.
N.Z.M.R. Brigade. - Lieut.-Colonel Griger.
8.  You will yourself embark at the head of the first of the (c) Echelon 
to arrive at the North Beach. Your Battalion Commanders will embark at 
the head of the first of (c) Echelon of their respective Battalions to 
arrive at the North Beach.
 J. P. McGlinn Lt.-Colonel,
 Brigade Major, 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade. 


"C" Form (Original).  Army Form C. 2123.
Prefix [[SJP?]]  Code EA   Words
Charges to collect  £  s.  d.  
Service Instructions.
From GA
Sent, or sent out
At   m.
Office Stamp. 33
Handed in at GA Office    m.  Received 0530m.
TO 4th Bde
*Sender's Number    QA 789
Day of Month    17th
In reply to Number    --
Report for 24 hours ended 0500 17/12/15
(1) Sniping tally aaa No 2517 FROST 13th
Bn one in trench near 80F8  aaa
21 to date aaa
(2) Casualties aaa 1 wounded 14th Bn
(3)  100 feet of entanglements placed in
Aghyl Dere below confluence with
BLACK SWAN GULLY aaa Prepared second
line in front of FORD BARRICADE aaa 
(4) No movement of enemy observed
5 Patrols & listening Post
nothing to report
FROM Durrants Post
TIME & PLACE    0505
[*DW Bm 2089*]
*This line should be erased if not required.
(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt.W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2124.


To G.O.C.
4 Bde H. Qrs
Progress of Works
1  Terracing, tunnelling & draining of
main bivouacs was proceeded
with as usual good progress being
made in Newbury's & Becks.
Snipers Report
2  All snipers on duty today
no goods targets were offering so
the day was spent in placing
bulletts into scrub caused concern -
align saps used by enemy
Patrol Reports
3  The first relief of Patrol No 1
ex Morse Tunnel reported hearing
digging on Hackney Wick.
4  All other patrols were as per
disposition, & reported nothing
unusual on returning to the lines
except continuous digging on
Hackney Wick.
5  No.1 Post reports during the night
a fair amount of bomb throwing 
& rifle fire took place on the right
& further right continuous rifle
& machine gun fire was evident
6  For report re waking party
noticed coming to a direction of
Hackney Wick see my QE.432
7  Machine Gun officer reports
using bursts of fire on to Hackney
Wick to present construction of
new works, otherwise nothing
was unusual.
E Margolin Major
O.C. N2 Sub - Sec.

Bn 2089*]


"C" Form (Original).  Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
Prefix          Code          Words
Charges to collect ₤    s.    d.
Service Instructions.
By ......
Sent, or sent out
At ............ m.
To ............
By ...........
Office Stamp. 31
Handed in at ...... Office.....m.  Received .....m
T0   BM  4th Bde 
*Sender's Number
Day of Month
In reply to Number

All lines OK Buzzer
& Transmitter 0630
L Kerr
Sig Master
*This line should be erased if not required.
(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt.W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Original).  Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
Prefix          Code          Words
Charges to collect ₤    s.    d.
Service Instructions.
From QA
Sent, or sent out
To .....
By ....
Office Stamp.
Handed in at QA  Office ...m.  Received 2102  m.
TO  4th Brigade
*Sender's Number
Day of Month
In reply to Number
100 feet of entanglements
put out in South
Aghyl Dere just below
confluence with Black Swann
Gully aaa second line
entanglements in front of
Fort Barricade repaired
Bn 2089*]
FROM  O.C.  G.L.E.
PLACE & TIME Durrants Post
*This line should be erased if not required.
(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt. W/9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123 


"A" Form.
Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
Prefix          Code          
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words    Charge
To ......
By ......
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer".)
Recd. at .......Date ...... (30)
From   Copy No. /
By ....... 
TO     G.O.C.   4th Brigade. 
Dispositions No. 1 Sub-section - Night 17th/18th 
December, 1915.
Sender's Number    Q.A. 794
Day of Month    17-12-15.
In reply to Number    ---
(1) Listening Posts 25 yds in front of Nos.
1 and 3 Posts from 1800 to 0530.
(2) O.C. No. 1 POST will detail two patrols
of 1 N.C.O. and 3 men to leave CONNORS
TUNNEL at 1830 and 2030 patrol AGHYL DERE
returning via No.1 POST at 2030 and 2230.
(3) O.C. No. 2 POST will detail two patrols
of 1 N.C.O. and 3 men to leave No. 1 POST
at 2400 and 0300 returning via CONNORS
TUNNEL at 0130 and 0330 0530.
(*see Qa797 [all?]]
L Marks Capt for Lieut-Col.
C.O., No. 1 Sub-section.
Issued at 1330.
(Communicated to Brigade Headquarters, adjoining
sub-sections and all Posts).
Place    No. 1 Sub-section.

"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay.
₤    s.    d.
Office Stamp.
Handed in at ....Office....m.   Received 1700 m.
TO          4th Bde
Sender's Number    QA 797
Day of Month    17th
In reply to Number    --
Reference dispositions
No 1 Sub Section.
Para 3 Last line for 0330
read 0530 aaa communicated
brigade No 2 Sub Section
and all posts
[[recd?]] Bm
FROM                    No 1 Sub Section
PLACE & TIME    1655


"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
Prefix    [[?]]      Code    [[?]]      Words...
₤    s.    d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions.
From   [[?]]
By    [[?]] 
Sent, or sent out
At .....m.
To .....
By ....
Office Stamp.
Handed in at ........Office...m.   Received  1418  m.
TO         4th  Aust  Bde.
Sender's Number   ZZA 211
Day of Month    17th
In reply to Number    --
The password for [[Wight?]]
12/18 is Havelock
(*O/C No 1 Sub Sec  )   BM
                 2      "           )   2098
FROM                     N Z  Inf  Bde
PLACE & TIME       1410 


"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
SM         BxJAM        16th
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay.
₤    s.    d.
Office Stamp.
Handed in at .... Office.... m.  Received 1450 m.
TO       Bde Major    4th  Bde
Sender's Number    GE 445
Day of Month    17th
In reply to Number    BM 2098
Password  Received & Noted
FROM                  O/C No 2 Sub-Section
PLACE & TIME    1435
"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
SM  BGM   15    13
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay.
₤    s.    d.
Office Stamp.
Handed in at .... Office...m.   Received  1422  m.
TO     BM    4th  Bde
Sender's Number    GA 794
Day of Month    17th
In reply to Number    BM 2098
Password  Noted
FROM                    No. 1 Sub Sect
PLACE & TIME    1450 


Issued  at  1530.
16th  Batn.                 No  2  Subsection
                                    Aghyl Dere
Dispositions of No 2 Subsection No 1 Subsection
& Canterbury Mounted Rifles (Left) for [[might?]]
17th - 18th  Decr  1915
No  2  Subsection
PATROL   (1) A patrol of 1 NCO  2 men will leave
MORSE TUNNEL at 1900 proceeding through
Trenches at BECKS to a point approximately
92 Z7 for the purpose of listening & observing
returning & reporting to Officer i/c No 3
Post at 0030.
This patrol will be split into two reliefs
Supplied by
"C" Coy.
1st Relief  1900 to 2130.  2nd Relief  2200 - 0030
at second series of two reliefs of this patrol
will leave BECKS going to same position
with same object.
Supplied by
"A" Coy
1st Relief 0200 to 0415 2nd relief 0430 to 0630
2. A patrol of 1 NCO.  3 men will leave
FORD BARRICADE at 2200 proceed along
SOUTH AGHYL DERE to a point 150 yds
beyond its confluence with BLACK SWAN
Supplied by
"D" Coy.
DERE for the purpose of listening & observing
& will return at 0030 reporting leaving
& returning to Officer i/c FORD BARRICADE
3. A patrol of 1 NCO  2 men will leave
NEWBURYS going on a bearing of 135°
to a point 50 yds in advance of our
3 line for the purpose of listening & 
This patrol is a series of 5 reliefs
1st Relief  1930 to 2130
2nd  do     2130 to 2330
3rd   do    2330 to 0130
4th   do   0130 to 0330
5th   do   0330 to 0530
4.  A patrol of 1 NCO  4 men will leave
proceeding to a point 92 Z1 then up
SOUTHERN BRANCH towards 92 Z5 for the 
purpose of listening & observing.
This patrol will be a series of 5 reliefs
1st Relief  2000 to 2200
2nd  do     2200 to 2400
3rd   do    2400 to 0200
4th   do   0200 to 0400
5th   do   0400 to 0600
No 1 Subsection (Right)
(A) Listening posts 25 yds in front of
Nos. 1 & 3 Posts from 1800 to 0530
(B) OC. No 1 Post will detail [[two?]] patrols
of 1 NCO  3 men to leave CONNORS TUNNEL
at 1830 and 2030 patrol AGHYL DERE
returning via No 1 Post at 2030 & 2230
(C) OC. No 2 Post will detail two patrols
of 1 NCO  3 men to leave No 1 Post at 2400
and 0300 returning via CONNORS
TUNNEL at 0130 and 0330.


(a) A patrol of 1 officer (or Sergt) and
4 men will leave BARRICADE in
Nth AGHYL DERE at 92 Y3 and proceed
to WELL at Junction of [[Gecko?]] Q2 Z1/2
returning to lines at Post 41.
The WELL will be watched to note
movement of the Enemy
1st    1800 to 2100
2nd  2100 to 2400
3rd   2400 to 0300
4th   0300 to 0600
Note. Officers i/c Posts will advice HQs
either by phone or orderly of return
of patrols.
To. 4th Bde. HQ.
O/C No 1. Sub Sect
O/C C.M.R.
O/Cs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Posts
O/C Machine Gun. No 2. Sub Sect.
E. Margolin major
OC No 2. Sub Sect.

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Stephanie EdgeStephanie Edge
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