Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 1 December - 25 December 1915, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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LanEnmadaaaMrAB Divisional Readquarters, 4o.6. 175 17th December, 1915. re :All Brieades A.A.C.A.R.A.D.M.S. the follveing instructions and notes for Culdance are issued in anplification of D.CLC.No.22 dated 19th Becember, 1915. 14 is of the (a)) With reference to Harch James Wtnoat Inportaace that the witndrewal of trooys is not ceen by the enery. should Ari adiers find that tho t1. ings Lold cown Por Mc Parties on each niht are suen trat on- to condition of light the neveneat to likely to be discevered, they are empowered to delay the time of st. to the extent that is nocessary. (D)) During the wiandrewal there will be ne running and all nevewents will be carried out in a steady and orderl CMNOT (o)) then telephone instruents are removed the telo hone line vill be out back and a pertion of the line reneved. (a)) the Ispertance of keepins a nernal number of fires going even in vacated Divouces must be kept in mind. Parties of men should be teld off to nove about in vacated Divounes and up and down the seres and to the weals alon two beach. (o)) the Haval Light on L4ttle Farle rop will be left bur ing, care beins taken that it is in theroughly seod erder. when tops timelly nothdows on last night (P). the fellowing is a distribution of Divisional staff Efficers srl wort abarkation Officer s Major H.G.RELD.A.G.A.6. Divisional At North Seach- tretates comiots aftor moonsunt Starf Urficers to seay ward Commander W.R.FIAWLLL, C.S.C NaJor. Captain KEAALDY. NAUCAUFR, Divisional Represntative at AMAC Captain MMVLLL.G.S.t. CEARGLY, Capt BAOTLADS,S.S.C Near Farey Commander - Coloned PArER, 7th a.LDde. (8 S.JW.a.FIAWILL, Mato eacrad starf H.EIA AdIDAVEANON.
AUSTRALLAN & NEY LEALAND ARNY CORPS. Headquarters, ANLAC, AA 656 16-12-25. N.2. & a. Division. NEMORANDUM. With reference to Army Corps Order No.21, I am to say that Remaining guns will be blown up and rendered useless (1) A party will be told off to do this after as trophies. the withdrawal of the Last men of C Parties. The C. Party Commander in whose area they are will give the order Breech looks and sights will be saved. For destruction. Troops leaving trenches will carry rifle at the trail (2) baycnets will not be fixed - all possible measures will be taken to prevent the sound of the tread of marching troops From reaching the enemy. Duerouts will not be dismantied nor dumps knocked down (3) Watches will be frequently checked and times corrected (4) In connection with the renoval of siok and wounded (5) ( a flag of truce will be sent ashore on the day after the final night. (sed). C.B.B.WHITE Brigadier General, General Staff NEM EEALAND AND AUSTRALLAN DIVISION. Divisicnal Headquarters, No.9154 18th December, 1915. To :All Brigades, C.R.A.,C.R.H.,A.Q.M.G. Forwarded for information and action where necessary. (ssd) W.R. PINWLLL, Major, General Staff, N.B. & a. DIvision.
Ner NEN EELLAND AND AUSTRALLAN DIVISION. Divisional Headquarters, NootG.147 17th December, 1915. To: All Brigades, C.R.A..C.R.E.,A.D.M.S., Signals, A.9.M.A., Conducting Officers. Reports of Movements. During the forthcoming operations, Reports will be sent in as Follows to Divisional Headguarters, OTAGO OULLY: By Brigadiers. (a) Report of departure of parties (a.B. & c) from Brisade areas, stating strength. (D) Periodical report of situation - 4 hourly starting Any special From 1800 on first night of embarkation. cocurence will be reported at once. Message at 0600 on sfoond day to Rearguard Commander, INEAD, stating that telephcne ocmmnications are intaot. Ao in deverture of 8 Party - seoond 8y - Fron Brisade ares, report that Brigadier has habded over to Ct Party Commander. e (0), Hourly report on situatten, trenornal or etherwise. Report of commencement of withdrawal of C Party (I) and closing of Brigade Signal office. By Divisional Representative at OTAGONOULLY (8) Reports sumnary of above messages (except o. which should go direct) to Rearguard Commander at ANLAC: and except (f) which must be repeated to ANLAC immediately on receipt. (ssd). W.R.PINWLLL, Major, General Staff, N.2. & a. Division.
POURTE AUSFRALIAN INTAPTRY BRIGaDY Cop NI 44 BauchoDs Kill December 17. 1915. operation order vc. 13. Brigadier-general J. Vonasn, C.B., ViD., INFORNATTON The A. 4 N. L. Anny Corps has been ordered to proceed to Mudros. The enbarnation will be effected on two successive nights on dates to be notified later. on each night there will be three echelons. The Connander of the Ammy Corps mn Rear Guard is Brigadier-General Sir A. K. Russell, K.C.M.G.. ORGANISATION The order of enbarkation of the units of this Brigade is set out in Table A annexed. The nimbers shewn as totals and for first day are apprerimate only. Tne latter will con prise the excess of strength over and above the numbers set down for second day. Table B annexed snews the Commanders of the Echelons and the march tables. ROUTE. From starting point (see headnote to Fable B) donn 3. Chailak Dere to Supply Depot at Nc. s Post, thence by the sap PRELIMINARY to Mule Gully and thence to North Beach. MEASURES. (a) Hill final noves everything is to be carried on 4. nomally - usual fires kept alight, usual blankets, speets and iron displayed, usual novenents in bivouacs and on roads, nsual volune of fire from rifles and guns. (D) Work in forward defences, such as putting out wire Cheveaur de Frises and throwing up of earth in asht of many to be vigorously continued. (e) Patrolling of our front to be nomally naintained till latest practicable moment. (a) Prepare receptacles for Mills and Pitcher grenades and surplus ammunition, Trench stores, all Brass, copper and guinetal etc. Display pariscopes in normal usual manner.n Tall off all personnel definitely to each Echelon. (s) Distribute reserve annumition along trenches, for use of C Echelon. (n) Renove offi cial papers, maps, kits, etc. and destroy notices and guiding marks likely to assist eneny. AGENDA FOR (a Keer Hotchkias gun in action till 1715 and then disable SECOND DAY by carrying away breach block and sights. (D) Bury surplus grenades, bonbs, annumipion, cupty cases, mortars and other trench stores, all at last possible mement on second day before A Echelon noves. No destruction by explosion will be permit ted. (o) As each H.C. noves, the telemone will be brought away by the men detailed for this duty; the wires will be eut back and knotted up and a portion renoved. (a) Concert special measures to ensure that orders for final withdraval anly reach every pan of L Rens MACHINE GUNS Six nachine guns to be left in each sunsection vill 6. second day. of these, three machine guns in each subssection will move with Echelon B. the renainder with Echelon C. mne machine guns of echelon B to be given fifteen (1s) minutes etart of renainder of Echelon. CENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 7. (a) Bvery nan to carry 150 rounds and two days rations. (D) C Rchelon of second day to be unhampered, by blankets, waterproof sneets, Kits or any other impedinents except greatcoats. (c) All novenent to be in formed bodies at a quick march (3 miles per hour) in perfect silence, no lignts. no snoking, en officer in rear of each body and at head also, latter if available. (a) The ercatest initistive and resonrce must be snewn by all leaders in assisting the M.L.Ois. to pass
wonmth O ECHELON. TME. REPORTS. Copy N.2 127 troops rapidly on to the barges and to pack then closely; and also in rapidly discharging the barges on reaching the trans- ports. The senior officer on each barge, on reaching the transport, will act as Staff Officer for unloading. (e) All troops, except O Rchelon of last day, vill march with capty magazines and unfixed bayonets. Lieut.-Colonel Kerring will report at Brigade Headquarters at 2000 on second day, to take over command of C Echeion. He will hand ever command of No. 1 Subssection to Captain Twynan, 15tn. Battalion, The orders for the final nove of C Echelon have been communicated to Lient.—Colonel Harring. All watches will be synchrenized with Brigade Headguar- tars at 1800 on each of the last two days. Reports to Brigade Headquarters intil Hinal nove of 6 10 Echelon. shad -St.-Col. Mbo, S it Man Bride. 17.10.15 rasued at 2166 War Mary. Copy No. 1 - . No. 8 - Brigade Staff including Signala. d0. 200 a0. No. 3 5 de. No. 4 - 15th. Battalion. No. 5 - 14th. Battalion. - 16th. Battalion. ". No. 6 Lient,-Colonel Herring. No.7
Issued with operation order No. 15 of 17/12/15. TABLE A. erner of Embaryation 628 AO APOSSTS Socond DAY First Vey. tobel inst. 20 H.C. Officers 11 others Siss. Officers 15 18 others 18th. officers 337 208 70 98 168 106 43 others 14th. Officers 877 377 377 others 16 18th. officers 130 115 87 823 228 35 554 others 332 383 270 1853 600 388 822 2228 (a) the personnel enbarxed on first day to be the least fiz and least effective in a combatant sense. - Ne nachine guns first daj. (3) No machine guns with Echelon I (a) of second day. Half the nachine guns go with (b) of second day. other half machine suns so with (el of second day. (3) parsonnel retained for (b) and (e) of second day to be selected from the most gallant and reliable men. - Those for (e) to be the very pick. (4) the tetal nimbers for second day must not on any account be excecded. Any variations, due to evacuations or men rejoining, will be made in the first day. (s) Battalions records, and all reginental or personal property of opecial valne, to go on first day. (8) If between Hirst and second day there are any casualties mong nen detailed for 6 Echelon, they will be made good out of (D) men, and similarly casualties among (b) men will be made good out of (a) nen. (7) the 70 men of (e) Echelon, 1sth. Battalion, for second day, includes one (1) man detailed to loor after light on Little Table Top. under the orders of the Staff Gaptain.
Issued with operation EADLDIP. order No. 13 of 17/12/15. KARCT ORCAUESATTON. Tne STARTING POINT is the intersection of CRALLAK DERE and HOTORKISS WALLEY. The Connender of each Echelon of each night will arrange to have determined (by actnal march tests) the time necessary for each quota of the Echelon to reach the Starting Point at the time named - allowing a margin of time for nnavoidable opening out and for the londs to be carried, as the case may be,; - and will notify these times to the units concerned :- AAOO Totel Teto No00 in pass start- OCMSIOT seneion DaY 14the rethe 1342. LEglOA Siss. Anspoint. WIl. First 388 10 396 2100 Lt.Col.Dare 118 108 227 2300 Lt.Puiling 228 171 400 1735 Lt.Parker SoCOMN 133 100 22 255 Capt.Wilton 2130 Lt.Col.Kerring See 21 74 Note 5 170 See Note NOTES. I. on second night A and C Echelons march direct to point where sas enters Mule Gully; all other Rchelons march to Dvisional place of assenbly, at Suprly Depot Nc. 2 Post. 2o. The nimbers set down against first night B and 6 Echelons are is on the They Will comprise all ar. abproxinate enly. strength of the unit over and above the nimbers set down for the second night. S. Includes Lieut.-Colonel Herring at Brigade Headquarters and not with 1sth. Battalion. A. Special Anbulance personnel are not included in above numbers; but these will nove with Exnelen B of second day. s. The time of withdrawal of C Echelon has been notified to Lieut.- Colonel Kerring, who will inform all concerned.

No.  G. 135
Divisional Headquarters,
17th  December, 1915.
To: All Brigades,
The follwoing instructions and notes for
Guidance are issued in amplification of D.C.C.No.22
dated 15th December, 1915.
(a) With reference to March Tables - It is of the
utmost importance that the withdrawal of troops is not
seen by the enemy. Should Brigadiers find that the timings
[*√*]  laid down for "A" Parties on each night are such that owing
 to condition of light the movement is likely to be
discovered, they are empowered to delay the time of starting
to the extent that is necessary.
(b) During the withdrawal there will be no running and
[*√ *] all movements will be carried out in a steady and orderly
(c) When telephone instruments are removed the telephone
[*√*]  line will be cut back and a portion of the line removed.
(d) The importance of keeping a normal number of fires
going even in vacated bivouacs must be kept in mind.
[*√*]  Parties of men should be told off to move about in vacated
bivouacs and up and down the Deres and to the wells along
the beach.
(e) The Naval light on Little Table Top will be left burning,
care being taken that it is in thoroughly good order.
When troops finally withdraw on last night.
(f). The following is a distribution of Divisional Staff
Officers :
Both / Nights.
Divisional Embarkation Officer : Major H.J. REID, A.Q.M.C)
At North Beach.
After first night Embarkation complete.
Staff Officers to Rearguard Commander :
Captain KENNEDY, G.S.O.
      "          WAUCHOPE,  G.S.O.
Divisional Representative at ANZAC Captain MELVILL, G.S.O.
         "                       "                 "  OTAGO GULLY, Capt HASTINGS, G.S.O
Rear Party Commander - Colonel PATON, 7th A.I. Bde.
(S d.) W.R. PINWILL, Major
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division.


GA 656
Headquarters, ANZAC,
N.Z. & A. Division.
With reference to Army Corps Order No.21, I am to
say that : -
(1) Remaining guns will be blown up and rendered useless
as trophies. A party will be told off to do this after
the withdrawal of the last men of "C" Parties. The C.
Party Commander in whose area they are will give the order
for destruction. Breech locks and sights will be saved.
(2) Troops leaving trenches will carry rifle at the trail
bayonets will not be fixed - all possible measures will be
taken to prevent the sound of the tread of marching troops
from reaching the enemy.
(3) Dug-outs will not be dismantled nor dumps knocked down
(4) Watches will be frequently checked and times corrected.
(5) In connection with the removal of sick and wounded
(para.13) a flag of truce will be sent ashore on the day
after the final night.
(Sgd). C.B.B.WHITE
Brigadier-General, General Staff.
Divisional Headquarters,
No.G154      18th December, 1915.
To : All Brigades.
Forwarded for information and action where necessary.
(Sgd) W.R.PINWILL, Major.
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division.


No. G.147
Divisional Headquarters,
17th December, 1915.
To : All Brigades
C.R.A.,C.R.E.,A.D.M.S., Signals,
A.Q.MG., Conducting Officers.
Reports of Movements.
During the forthcoming operations, Reports will be sent in
as follows to Divisional Headquarters, OTAGO GULLY : -
By Brigadiers.
(a) Report of departure of parties (A.B. & C) from
Brigade areas, stating strength.
(b) Periodical report of situation - 4 hourly starting
from 1800 on first night of embarkation. Any special
occurence will be reported at once.
(c) Message at 0600 on second day to Rearguard Commander,
ANZAC, stating that telephone communications are intact.
(d) On departure of B Party - second day night - from Brigade
area, report that Brigadier has handed over to "C" Party
By "C" Party Commanders.
(e) Hourly report on situation, i.e. normal or otherwise.
(f) Report of commencement of withdrawal of "C" Party
and closing of Brigade Signal Office.
By Divisional Representative at OTAGONGULLY
(g) Reports summary of above messages (except c. which
should go direct) to Rearguard Commander at ANZAC: and
except (f) which must be repeated to ANZAC immediately on
(Sgd). W.R.PINWILL, Major,
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division.


Copy No. 2
Bauchops Hill,
December 17, 1915.
Operation Order No. 13,
Brigadier-General J. Monash, C.B., V.D.,
INFORMATION 1. The A. & N.Z. Army Corps has been ordered to proceed
to Mudros. The embarkation will be effected on two successive
nights on dates to be notified later. On each night there
will be three echelons. The Commander of the Army Corps xxx
Rear Guard is Brigadier-General Sir A. H. Russell, K.C.M.G..
ORGANISATION 2. The order of embarkation of the units of this Brigade
is set out in Table A annexed. The numbers shewn as totals
and for first day are approximate only. The latter will comprise
the excess of strength over and above the numbers set
down for second day. Table B annexed shews the Commanders of
the Echelons and the march tables.
ROUTE. 3. From starting point (see headnote to Table B) down
Chailak Dere to Supply Depot at No. 2 Post, thence by the sap
to Mule Gully and thence to North Beach.
MEASURES. 4. (a) Till final moves everything is to be carried on
normally - usual fires kept alight, usual
blankets, sheets and iron displayed, usual
movements in bivouacs and on roads, usual volume
of fire from rifles and guns.
(b) Work in forward defences, such as putting out wire
Cheveaux de Frises and throwing up of earth in
sight of enemy to be vigorously continued.
(c) Patrolling of our front to be normally maintained
till latest practicable moment.
(d) Prepare receptacles for Mills and Pitcher grenades
and surplus ammunition, Trench Stores, all
brass, copper and gunmetal etc.
(e) Display periscopes in normal usual manner.n
(f) Tell off all personnel definitely to each Echelon.
(g) Distribute reserve ammunition along trenches, for
use of C Echelon.
(h) Remove official papers, maps, kits, etc. and destroy
notices and guiding marks likely to assist enemy.
SECOND DAY 5. (a)Keep Hotchkiss gun in action till 1715 and then disable
by carrying away breach block and sights.
(b) Bury surplus grenades, bombs, ammunition, empty cases,
mortars and other trench stores, all at last
possible moment on second day before A Echelon
moves, No destruction by explosion will be permitted.
(c) As each H.Q. moves, the telephone will be brought away
by the men detailed for this duty; the wires will
be cut back and knotted up and a portion removed.
(d) Concert special measures to ensure that orders for
final withdrawal duly reach every man of C Echelon.
MACHINE GUNS 6. Six machine guns to be left in each sub-section till
second day. Of these, three machine guns in each sub-section
will move with Echelon B, the remainder with Echelon C. The
machine guns of echelon B to be given fifteen (15) minutes
start of remainder of Echelon.
INSTRUCTIONS 7. (a) Every man to carry 150 rounds and two day's rations.
(b) C Echelon of second day to be unhampered by blankets,
waterproof sheets, kits or any other impediments -
except greatcoats.
(c) All movement to be in formed bodies at a quick march
(3 miles per hour) in perfect silence, no lights,
no smoking, an officer in rear of each body and at
head also, latter if available.
(d) The greatest initiative and resource must be shewn by
all leaders in assisting the M.L.O's. to pass


Copy No 2
troops rapidly on to the barges and to pack them closely; and
also in rapidly discharging the barges on reaching the transports.
The senior officer on each barge, on reaching the
transport, will act as Staff Officer for unloading.
(e) All troops, except C Echelon of last day, will march with
empty magazines and unfixed bayonets.
C ECHELON. 8. Lieut.-Colonel Herring will report at Brigade Headquarters
at 2000 on second day, to take over command of C Echelon. He will
hand over command of No. 1 Sub-section to Captain Twynam, 13th.
Battalion. The orders for the final move of C Echelon have
been communicated to Lieut.-Colonel Herring.
TIME. 9. All watches will be synchronized with Brigade Headquarters
at 1600 on each of the last two days.
REPORTS. 10. Reports to Brigade Headquarters until final move of C
JP. McGlinn Lt.-Col.
Brigade Major, 4th. Aust. Infantry Brigade.
Issued at 2100   17-12-15
Copy No.  1  -   War Diary.
   ' '     No. 2  -   Brigade Staff including Signals.
   ' '     No. 3  -   do.        do.       do.            do.
   ' '     No. 4  -   13th Battalion
   ' '     No. 5   -   14th Battalion
   ' '     No. 6   -   16th Battalion
   ' '     No. 7   -   Lieut-Colonel Herring.


Issued with Operation Order
No. 13 of 17/12/15.
Order of Embarkation. 



First Day.
Second Day


















Sigs. Officers










13th. Officers










14th. Officers










16th. Officers




















(1) The personnel embarked on first day to be the least fit and least
effective in a combatant sense. - No machine guns first day.
(2) No machine guns with Echelon X (a) of second day.
Half the machine guns go with (b) of second day.
Other half machine guns go with (c) of second day.
(3) Personnel retained for (b) and (c) of second day to be selected from
the most gallant and reliable men. - Those for (c) to be the very
(4) The total numbers for second day must not on any account be exceeded.
Any variations, due to evacuations or men rejoining, will be made
in the first day.
(5) Battalions records, and all regimental or personal property of
special value, to go on first day.
(6) If between first and second day there are any casualties among men
detailed for C Echelon, they will be made good out of (b) men,
and similarly casualties among (b) men will be made good out
of (a) men.
(7) The 70 men of (c) Echelon, 13th. Battalion, for second day, includes
one (1) man detailed to look after light on Little Table Top,
under the orders of the Staff Captain.


Issued with Operation
Order No. 13 of 17/12/15.
The STARTING POINT is the intersection of CHAILAK DERE and
HOTCHKISS VALLEY. The Commander of each Echelon of each night will
arrange to have determined (by actual march tests) the time necessary
for each quota of the Echelon to reach the Starting Point at the time
named - allowing a margin of time for unavoidable opening out and for
the loads to be carried, as the case may be,; - and will notify these
times to the units concerned :- 

Day Echelon Commander Time to
pass starting
made up of
H.Q. &





First A Nil. - - - - - -
" B Lt.Col.Dare 2100 396 10   386 -
" C Lt.Pulling 2300 227 - 109   118
Second A Lt.Parker 1735 400   172   228
" B Capt.Wilton 2130 255 22 100   133



Note 5




See Note




NOTES.  1.  On second night A and C Echelons march direct to point where sap
enters Mule Gully; all other Echelons march to Divisional
place of assembly, at Supply Depot No. 2 Post.
2.  The numbers set down against first night B and C Echelons are
approximate only. They will comprise all excess on the
strength of the unit over and above the numbers set down for
the second night.
3.  Includes Lieut.-Colonel Herring at Brigade Headquarters and not
with 13th. Battalion.
4.  Special Ambulance personnel are not included in above numbers;
but these will move with Echelon B of second day.
5.  The time of withdrawal of C Echelon has been notified to Lieut.-
Colonel Herring, who will inform all concerned.



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