Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 1 December - 25 December 1915, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Open to contributions
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120 aLacla -ssnendRaR. w M. A. C S heve to Herth Baach Bagineers vide attsohed Barch to se ist A.L.N.Ace. End A.L.M.Ade. Nead to te at Norte 2 A.L.M.A.nde. 00 800 204 Eodaf.Nee. an ach and ing mae. AMN RaJer AVaAt. consucting Ureisere, At.Col.4 Mone. DUELE AS Novee to North Baaot M.E.laf-nds. Barch Table. Kellows Indian Brd ade. from No. 2 Fent Road to be at North Beach at 18704 Dabll Assesbles at Ne. 2 rest af it A.S.AA.DA 2266 except let & Jre a.La. aen and Lng.Ade. Ales. wich Jein cesun at areillery tnits mouth of as B B at Modioad Fersonnel 2225. A.L.Inf.Ade. foe A.L.A.Ado. Ird AAAEAdO. L. HALLRH, NaJOF AUE in Connicting Utdcars slo Ratall A.E.M.A.As. ist A.La.dde Prd ADR Liv.N.G.1& Felice Divi.Frain Anvincers M.L.Anf.Bde. aen ans lng.Me. CcTardiee will be withdraw as directed in pare. 4 No withdrawal is to take place from Frent trenches till the diwe shewn in cclumn 3 of aftached Fo le which is given Farties to synehrenise the guide to onable Comsanders of 6 Line. movenents with these of other portions of DEAFI ter. aorad & e a.)Divisien. Birtstonst Cesonemor 1645 Decomber, 1725.
NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALLAN DIVISION. Day A Party Second of D.O.0. No 22 MARCH TABLE. Issued with App. 13 AAOOON BILLETHN UNIT REMARKS SD. ROUTE AREA HOUR First Party Saegth 30 5:35 pd Via Main Sep to North Beach Enbaik at 6.0 pe Dir HQ. & Frain No 2 Post Engineers Follow Engincers do No 1 Post 140 5.45 per do 1A.L.H Bde 5.30 pe Via S. B. Dere & Main Sap to do. 3A.LH Bde 100 3414 BL HA Via Chailah Dere & Main Sep to do. 5.20 p N.2. Luf Bde Bde H0 W.2.M.R. Bde 59 D. Ha. tia Bully Cut. Stodgers Lane. Taylors Follow N.2. lif Bl from No 2 Post 5.30 pn 280 aust, Valley Hollow & Mam Sup to Nork Beach about 5.45 pm. Barricade, In in 4th Aust Luf Bde Follow N.2. M. C Bd from No2 Via Chailah Dere & Main Sap to Chailah Dere w 525p0 400 Post about 5.50 pa North Beach of little Fable Top Secnd Party Follow Indian Bl. from N02 Vice Charlak Dere to No 2 Post & then 5.45p 300 N.2. Euf Bl. BH. HA. Post about po via Main Sap to Nork Beach Mantained at 3 puten pe how, which much be Abov time are calculakel Pinwill Megr 5d W. & genl thaft O16 December 1915 W.ESA Dir
NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALLAN DIVISION. Timings for first withdrawe WARCH TABLE. Isued with D00. No22 d/ 15 She 1y15. of C Parties. BILLETHG AMDAN UNIT e ROUTE REMARKS ARER HOUR leave AGHyL SENE & hor Pat to NoRIH BeaA an 2. 50an 1.400 CAARISRACORH CASTIE N2 MR Bde left of dine 145a dt 1.35 am WARWICR CASTLe oh 4 Aust Suf Bole ds Barncar 1. 45 an AGAYL DERE CHAILAR DEAE & do 1.55a DUAAAATS POS do 1.50a APLEX N.E. Iuf Bile SALLI BEIT DERE FAN Pot 2.0 an CANTENOURY/NN.S a 215am 3A.L.H. Bill Bile H.W. an 30an. o o as 2.35 a DESTRoYEOHIE 1A.L.H. Bill Trp of No4 sectiv at 1. 30p.n. Move starts in conjunction with Rate of march 2 m ph W. R. Cinme Mayn Gen. ltaf 18 Dec 1915. N.2.SH Si TEMOR
Secret C.O. 12th 16/12/15 C.O. 16 Please supply as soon as possible the name of the officer whom you will probably select to command thous geote of the f teowing cshelous of your moves as fer table issued confidentially this morning Firt Cty C. echelow 13t L. Pulling 16th Bn Lien Harkley Secnd day A cchelon 13th Law Henley 16th Bn Lient Parker b echelon Capt 13t Captwards to E16th Dr Capt Wilton should if be necessary to make any change in above spleation, please notify me at once. Spt Mayal
TO.POW DISSS AS PONSMNS MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message- Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Received B Han o FOm £68. d. 16 C M. Charges to collect D F.J.C LOmmmn Seprice Instructions. cumummmmumunumm aan n hemn ng ommemne mm onmumn OH CCmM. ROCOIVOA. L ILibdm M. Handed in at T0 1774 Te Breply to Number Tenders MembSt AAA 205 1 da BSchelow JCp Vere partle Lecoud Wal X RT sewed Parker Osthelon Capt Schelon ray 0 Hellow th BSS FROM PLACEETIME 1510 This tine should be crased it not required. (24332). M.R. Co. Lid. WE.W3668/1672. 50,000 Pads- 1/1s. Forms / C.2123.
MO. PoW, DiS Liny For, SIRS LY MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. 114 Office Stamp. Received Sent, or sent out oto FrOM.MMIMMMMNIMII £ s. d. 167 II L Cummun Dug. Charges to collect TOa mman Dervice hstructions. 04 M ROceivM. coumum OHHCCumn Handed in at I T0 te FSerderSMmber TOFTOMO AAA 15 BM 780 Spullin irst Sicet day. DP. DSeitt Secoust day. Capt Marks Hentey. thi FROM PLACESTIME 20 This te Santbo Frsst Tist Kesiirct (24932). M.R. Co. Lid. WE. W3668/1672. 50,000 Pads-1/15. Forms / C.2123.
-- Fa Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Worde Charge Cl Reed. at This message is on a/c of: Office of Origin & Service Instructions. - Date Service. From (Signature of Franting Officer) T0 G.O.C Hth Brigae - - AAA 16 Bm 2074 CA 482 first day Lient H.D. DVLLING HENLEY 2ns 2/ Lient day 1A MARAS Capt immm Songersterm Cl Lres communnmeen &Br c0. 1B Dunents Post 124/13 From Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Sienature of Addresser O Berson Autheried to Celebtaph in his Rame. JCNSON This line should be erased if not required.
a Mr Fon Ary Form C. 212l. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 10. OUCCNO Pretiz Codo Words Charge This message is on a/c of: Reed. at Office of Origin and Service Instructions. Sent Date Service A0 From Lo 00000000000000000000000000000 (Signature of Franking Officer.7 By T0 M 4th Anh - Sender's Number. In reply to Number TAKon AAA Sixteent B M. 2003 I Fiet day C. Eshelan St Hart lay St. Pasker Secand Dory H. 2 Capt Wiltum - From 10. tth Batt Place 157 Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (B) Adaenti 0000000000oooeococoo 00000000000000 Sirnature of Addresser or person anthersed to teegraph in Mis nama Censor. This line should be erased if not required (68SD) — MOO. & Co. Lid., London — W141421641. 225,000. 415 Forms O212170.
The Final Handicap for Rearguard Action in the Evacuation of Gallipoll. O’Comary. 146N. Boblall ON.A.L.P. 16/12/15. Stanto: 1. Leut.) will maintain a strict neutrality and be keenly alert in his dug-out. 2. Any man caught trying to find a short cut to the beach vill be summarily disqualified. 3. No man is allowed to got shoad of an N.C.O. 4. The 8th. Reinforcements will supply the patrol with Sgt. Twomey in charge. S. Please note MYVER PASHA is to be the Judge and his decision will be final. any disputes vill be fought with the Judge at competitors C. Special Note. own risk. Imit men S.M.Jacka, SSt.Garcia & Sgt. Edmondstone. 300 yds. Corporal Dawes with 6 men. Sgt. Ross with 9 men. 200 yds. Q.M.S.Larter will get going off this mark with 50 yds. rum. He will take a strong guard with him in ease of attack to save the rum. he cooks will go off this mark with dixies and 25 yds. will have a drink of not tea ready for the men when they reach the beach. The Batman will act as spy and will proceed to 971 and endeavour to penetrate the Turkish Lines and keep them busily engaged. Sergeant Herbert with reserve ammunition. Firing Line. Sergeant Thompson with Corporal Nanie as second in command vill have a plentiful supply of flares, and will hold the trenches, and will ring bell as men get off the mark. (He will have to get up early to see the limit men off). Sst.Tormey with 8th. Reinforcements will wait in front till Patrol. Sst.Thompson gives the signal he is going the vill have to square Set. Thompson if he wants to get away early). Prie. Smigga. He will convert himself into a howither and continue to throw bombs from the barricade until supply is exhausted. Prtee Coonan. Will as a trench mortar and throw all the bombs from Hammonds Hope. Penaltias. Prte. Rawett will be put 50 pds, behind seratch for attempting to pinch water from the cooks. Gen. Monash & Col. McGlyn will act as stretcher bearess sondonte to the patrols. The new Padre will stop behind and givo spititual comfort to the patrol. If the patrol does not arrive at the beach within two hours to be marked missing. A.M. S.Larter will act as Bill Poster till action starts. 0
The Final Handicap for Rearguard Action in the Evacuation of Gallipoli. 16/12/15. C'Company. 14th. Battalion.a. I.E. 1. Leut. .Stanton) will maintain a strict neutrality and be keenly alert in his dug-out. 2. any man caught trying to find a short cut to the beach will be summarily disqualified. 3. No man is allowed to get ahead of an N.C.O. 4. The 8th. Reinforcements will supply the patrol with Sgt. Twomey in charge. S. Please note ENVER PASHA is to be the Judge and his decision will be final. any disputes will be fought with the Judge at competitors C. Special Note. own risk. LImit men S.M.Jacka, Sgt-Garcia & Sgt. Edmondstone. Corporal Dawes with 6 men. 300 yds. SSt. Ross with 9 men. 200 yds. Q.M. S.Larter will get going off this mark with 50 yds. rum. He will take a strong guard with him in ease of attack to save the rum. The cooks will go off this mark with dixies and 25 yds. will have a drink of hot tea ready for the men when they reach the beach. The Batman will act as spy and will proceed to 971 and endeavour to penetrate the Turkish Lines and keep them busily engaged. Sergeant Herbert with reserve ammunition. Firing Line. Sergeant Thompson with Corporal Manie as second in command will have a plentiful supply of flares, and will hold the trenches, and will ring bell as men get off the mark. (He will have to get up early to see the limit men off). Sst.Tonmey with 8th. Reinforcements will wait in front till Patrol. Sst. Thompson gives the signal he is going (He will have to square Sst. Thompson if he wants to get away early). Prte. Smiggs. He will convert himself into a howither and continue to throw bombs from the barricade until supply is exhausted. Prte. Coonan. Will as a trench mortar and throw all the bombs from Hammonds Hope. Prte. Rawett will be put 50 yds, behind scratch for attempting Penalties. to pinch water from the cooks. Gen. Monash & Col. McGlyn will act as stretcher bearens Monon to the patrols. The new Padre will stop behind and give spititual comfort to the patrol. If the patro) does not arrive at the beach within two hours to be marked missing. Q.M. ScLarter will act as Bill Poster till action starts. 0 Gen. Chonash with compliments Chaclat Dae Sas COAHB

Embarkation Table - Second Day.
Detail                       Numbers
Div. H.Q. & Train        30  /
Engineers                   10  /         Move to North Beach
1st A.L.H. Bde.          140  /         vide attached March Table
3rd A.L.H. Bde.         100  / 
N.E.M.R. Bde.           280  /         Head to be at North
N.E. Inf. Bde.              40  /          Beach at 1800
4th Aus. Inf. Bde.    400  /        
Conducting Officers, Lt. Col. HAMILTON  Major AVERY
Lieut. BUTLER R.E.
N.E. Inf. Bde.             300     Moves to North Beach vide
                                                 March Table. Follows Indian
                                                 Brigade from No. 2 Post
                                                 Head to be at North Beach at
Detail                   Numbers.
N.E.M.R. Bde.             160  /    Assembles at No. 2 Post at
4th Aus Inf. Bde.       255  /    2200 except 1st & 3rd A.L.H.
Artillery Units             175  /    Bdes. which join column at
Medical Personnel     30  /    mouth of SAFLI BEIT DERE at
N.E. Inf. Bde.              300  /     2215.
1st A.L.H. Bde.            120  /
3rd A.L.H. Bde.            60  /
Conducting Officers Lt-Col HAMILTON, Major AVERY.
Detail                      Numbers.
N.E.M.R. Bde.              110
1st A.L.H. Bde.              90
3rd A.L.H. Bde.             40
Div. H.Q. & Police          18
Divl. Train                         2
Engineers                       10
N.E. Inf. Bde.                 160
4th Aus. Inf. Bde.         170
"C" Parties will be withdrawn as directed in para. 5 (d)
No withdrawal is to take place from front trenches till the
time shown in column 3 of attached Table which is given as a
guide to enable Commanders of "C" Parties to synchronise their
movements with those of other portions of the line.
(s d). W.R. PINWILL, Major,
General Staff
N.E. & A. Division.
Divisional Headquarters
16th December, 1915.


A Party Second Day MARCH TABLE. Issued with app. B of D.O.O. No 22

First Party
Div H.Q. & Train}
No 2 Post 30
5.35 pm Via Main Sap to North Beach Embark at 6.0 pm
1 A.L.H Bde No 1 Post 140 5.45 pm do do Follow Engineers
3 A.L.H Bde 3 ALH Bde HQ. 100 5.30 pm Via SB. Dere & Main Sap to  -do-  
N.Z. Inf Bde Bde HQ 40 5.20 pm Via Charlak Dere & Main Sap to 
N.Z. M.R. Bde 59 Div H.Q. 
Aust Valley
280 5.30 pm Via Bully cut & Stodgers Land. Taylors Hollow & Main Sap to North Beach Follow N.Z. Inf Bde from No 2 Post about 5.45 pm.
4th Aust Inf Bde Barricade, Jn in Charlak Dere W
of Little Table Top 
400 5.35 pm Via Charlak Dere & Main Sap to North Beach Follow N.Z. M.R Bde from
No 2
Post about 5.50 pm
Second Party          
N.Z. Inf Bde Bde H.Q.  300 5.45 pm Via Charlak Dere to No 2 Post & thence via Main Sap to North Beach Follow Indian Bde from No 2
Post about 6 pm
Above times are calculated at 3 minutes per hour, which must be maintained 
Sd. W.R. Pinwill Major
Gen Staff
N.Z.& A Div
16 December 1915


Timings for first withdrawal of "C" Parties    MARCH TABLE. Issued with D.O.O. No 22 [?d/] 15 Dec 1915.



AREA         S.P.









Left of line

1.40 am

1.45 am

AGHYL DERE & No 2 Post

do  do  do                          

to NORTH BEACH arr 2.50am

    "           "

4 Aust Inf Bde


AGHYL DERE Barricade 


1.35 am

1.45 am

1.55 am


do  do  do
do  do  do 

CHAILAK DERE  &     do


    "       "         "       "

    "       "                      


N.Z. Inf Bde



1.50 am

2.0 am

do  do  do



    "       " 
    "       "     


3 A.L.H. Bde Bde H.Q. 2.15am   do     do 
  do     do  
     "       " 
1 A.L.H. Bde DESTROYER HILL 2.35 am   do     do 
  do     do
  "       "       arr 3 0 am.

Move starts in conjunction with Troops of No 4 Sections at 1.30 p.m.

Rate of march 2 m.p.h.

W.R. Pinwill Major                                                                             Gen. Staff.    

15 Dec 1915   N.Z. & A Div 



C.O. 13th
C.O. 16th  /
Please supply, as soon as possible, the name of the officer
whom you will probably select to command your
∧ [[?]] of the following echelons of your moves as per table issued
confidentially this morning:-
First day C echelon  {13th Lt HD  Pulling    
            do                      {16th Bn Lieut Hartley
Second day a echelon {13th Lieut Henley
                                           {16th Bn Lieut Parker
       do           b echelon {Capt 13th Capt. [[Marob?]]
                                           { 16th Bn Capt Wilton  √
Should it be necessary to make any change in above
selection, please notify me at once.
Bgde Major


"C" Form (Original).                                   Army Form C. 2123.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS                   No. of Message ................


Prefix SH 
Code[[C.C/?]] Words

From 16th


Sent, or sent out





Office Stamp.


£     s.     d.

Charges to collect


To ........................



Service Instructions


Handed in at ............................................ Office ...............................m.  Received ..1510.............m.
TO  BM. 4th Bde                                                                                        

*Sender's Number.        

[[?]] E 431

Day of Month.           16th

In reply to Number           

BM 2055



First day C Eschelon

Lt Hartley Second Day A

Eschelon Lt Parker Second

day B Eschelon Capt.




O/C 16th Btn.                                                       1510

*This line should be erased if not required

(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd. Wt.W9668/1672. 50,000 Pads-1/15.    Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Original). Army Form C 2123.
Prefix SH Code [[CC/GM]]
From 13th
Sent or sent out
Office Stamp
Service Instructions.
Handed in at.....Office.....m. Received 1535 m.
TO 4th Bde
*Sender's Number  Day of Month  In reply to Number
GA 782.                        16th.                  BM 2074                   AAA
First day. C Lieut H.D. Pulling.
Second. day. A 2 Lt. Lieut
Henley. B Capt Marks

FROM Durrants 13th Btn
PLACE & TIME  1520
*This line should be erased if not required.
(24932). M.R.Co.,Ltd. Wt.W9668/1672. 50,000 Pads-1/15. Forms/C.21223.


"A" Form. Army Form C. 2121.
TO G.O.C 4th Brigade
Sender's Number  Day of Month.  In reply to Number.
QA 782                      16th                         BM 2074                     AAA
First day - C - Lieut H.D. PULLING
2nd day     A - 2/Lieut HENLEY
  "                 B - Capt. MARKS
[[SydneyMcSharry]] Lieut Col
CO. 13th Bn
Durrants Post



"A" Form. Army Form C. 2121.
TO B.M. 4th Inf
Sender's Number.  Day of Month   In reply to Number
                                     Sixteenth          BM 2055                     AAA
First Day C. Eschelon Lt Hartlay
Second Day A.  -          Lt. Parker
   -            -      B.  -          Capt Wiltan
From O.C. 16th Batt
Time 1510
(Z) E Margolin
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.


The Final Handicap for Rearguard Action in the Evacuation of Gallipoli.

                                         "C" Company .  14th Battalion .A.I.F.  16/10/15-



1. Lieut. Stanton will maintain a strict neutrality and be keenly 

   alert in his dug-out.

2. Any man caught trying to find a short cut to the beach will be summarily


3.  No man is allowed to get ahead of an N.C.C.

4. The 8th. Reinforcements will supply the patrol with Sgt. Twomay in charge.

5. Please note Enver Pasha is to be the Judge and his decision will be final.

6. Special Note.  Any disputes will be fought with the Judge at competitors 


                                own risk.


                                Limi t men S.M.Jacka,  Sgt Garcia &    Sgt.  Edmonstone.


                                300 yds.       Corporal Dawes with 6 men.  

                                200 yds.        Sgt Ross with 9 men. 

                                  50 yds         Q.M.S. Larter will get going off this mark with 

                                                        rum.     He will take a strong guard with him in 

                                                        case of attack to save the rum.

                                    25 yds.        The cooks will go off this mark with dixies and

                                                         will have a drink of hot tea ready for the men 

                                                         when they reach the beach.

    The Batman will act as spy and will proceed to 971 and endeavour to 

     penetrate the Turkish Lines and keep them busily engaged.

     Sergeant Harper with reserve ammunition.

     Firing Line Sergeant Thompson with Corporal Manie as second in command 

     will have a plentiful supply of flares, and will hold the trenches, and

      will ring bell as men get off the mark.  (He will have to get up early to

       see the limit men off.) 

       Patrol  Sgt Tormey with 8th Reinforcements will wait in front till 

                      Sgt. Thompson gives the signal he is going(He will have to square

                        Sgt. Thompson if he wants to get away early ).

        Pvte Smiggs          He will convert himself into a howitzer and continue to 

                                Throw bombs from the barricade until supply is exhausted.

       Pvte Coonan      Will as a trench mortar and throw all the bombs  from

                                   Hammonds Hope. 

        Penalties   Pvte.  Rawett will be put 50 yds,    behind scratch for attempting

                                to pinch water from the cooks.

        Amendments*.  Gen. Monash & Col. McGlynn will act as stretcher bearers

                                  to the patrols.

                                  The new Padre will stop behind and give spiritual comfort to 

                                   the patrol.

                                   If the patrol does not arrive at the beach within two hours

                                    to be marked missing.

                                     Q.M.S. Larter will act as Bill Poster till action starts.


                                                                             -  :   C    :   -



             The Final Handicap for Rearguard action in the Evacuation of Gallipoli.     

                                                    "C" Company.  14th. Battalion. A.I.F.      16/12/15

1.  Lieut.                 .(Stanton) will maintain a strict neutrality and be keenly

    alert in his dug-out.

2.  Any man caught trying to find a short cut to the beach will be summarily


3.  No man is allowed to get ahead of an N.C.C. 

4.   The 8th Reinforcements will supply the patrol with Sgt. Twomay in charge.

5.   Please note Enver Pasha is to be the judge and his decision will be final.

6.   Special Note. Any disputes will be fought with the judge at competitors


                                 own risk.

                                 Limi t men S.M. Jacka, Sgt. Garcia & Sgt. Edmonstone. 

                                 300  yds.  Corporal Dawes with 6 men. 

                                  200 yds.  Sgt. Ross with 9 men.

                                   50 yds.  QM S. Larter will get going off this mark with

                                                   rum.  He will take a strong guard with him in

                                                    case of attack to save the rum.

                                    25 yds.  The cooks will go off this mark with dixies and 

                                                    will have a drink of hot tea ready for the men 

                                                    when they reach the beach.


       The Batman will act as spy and will proceed to 971and endeavour to 

        penetrate the Turkish Lines and keep them busily engaged.

        Sergeant with reserve ammunition. 

        Firing Line.   Sergeant Thomson with Corporal Manie as a second in command 

        will have a plentiful supply of flares, and will hold the trenches, and 

         will ring bell as men get off the mark.  (He will have to get up early to

          see the limit men off).

        Patrol.      Sgt. Toomey with 8th Reinforcements will wait in front till 

                            Sgt. Thomson gives the signal he is going (He will have to square 

                            Sgt. Thomson if he wants to get away early).

         Pvte. Smiggs.   He will convert himself into a howitzer and continue to 

                            throw bombs from the barricade until supply is exhausted.

         Pvte. Coonan.     will as a trench mortar and throw all the bombs from

                             Hammonds Hope.

          Penalties .   Pvte Rawett will be put 50 yds , behind scratch for attempting        

                                 to pinch water from the cooks.

          Amendments.  Gen. Monash & Col. McGlyn will act as stretcher bearers 

                                     to the patrols.

                                     The new padre will stop behind and give spiritual comfort to

                                      the patrol.

                                      If the patrol does not arrive at the beach within two hours

                                      to be marked missing.

                                      Q.M.S.Larter will act as Bill Poster till action starts.


                                                                              -    :   O   :    -

                                  Gen Monash

                                        with compliments

                                               Chunack Dare    












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