Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 1 December - 25 December 1915, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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t bod an abbtad te s Divisional Readquarters, No 0. 91 15th December, 1915 From : General staff N.2p & a. Division. To; All Brisades. CPRER. 1 am to say that the General Officer Commanding desires: that partioular attention be paid to the display 11) of a normal number of periscopes in the trenches especially on the day of the final nicht. amunition should be placed handy in various places in the trenches to assist the men of 4, party to fire From various points in the leneth assigned to them. Under Brigade orders arrangements may be made for (3) men of 7, party to be speoially told off to piace obstacles, on the defined routes by which an enemy might atke attempt to follow. (38d) W.R.ALANLLL, Najor, General staff, N.2. 6 ac, Division. AupIBAl
Or Form (Original). Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Message ORco Sam Received Sent, or sent out Words From G A 2 " d. A6 Charges to collect or Herr Service Instructions. 1er D. RocoNed DSSOD On Handed in at. 4t Bde LWENT TONSNSS Seaero DAn DS O S aaa 15 24775 16/2713 Report for 24 his ended 0500 aaa MASON () Smping tally aaa No 1068 No 2517 13th Bh ohe nefar 80F5 aad saa FRest 73 Bn one near 80F8 20 to Dale Aaa 127 Hokhkiss saa 20 at positions near 80t6 demolishing one & partly demolishing 2 others lada 10 Rds at position son ypur near 80F3 demolishing it ead 8d at loopholes near demolishing 2, aad 80FP Kil add (37 Casualities & Pakols a listening Posts nothing to report FROM Durrant Post PLACEATIME Te teMentbo Han HAst Ratc Cisse) M.R. Ca. Lid. WE.WISSISTL 50,000 Pads- DIS. Forms/O. 2124.
We Se Secias AGAVL DERE $02012 40 58 16/2/5 66 Te Da Frogur of $t Warks generally tunettins chaining tenacing ets proceected with as fe special report No 36 ond 14/12/15. Senpers Report All onr supers or duty to cay. A.C.O. in charge reports) that no encury increment is visible & no good shots are obtainable just this tast few days our smper emplay themselves pulting shots into corred in communcation Saps which must to used to camy the enciy trate Captane & Prisoner At Tink gave himself up at N Sat Port M Pat as par my Ot 453 Datrots All Pattol teven foars as ter chopesmon an return reported that everything was very quiet in fron beyard a fio I digning of he eneng Lrnch nothing was send at Gray Youre Machins Gant trepart detgnes Officer Xvery Lite foring. atm ttha Ol 545
A Form. & Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message P Collem M/ Wore CaS Reed. at This message is on a/c of. Oce ACh Sir MEE Date Servic ORUME From Copy No. LSENATE OT. FISINE OMECTT/BY O.O.C.. At Aus. Inf.) Brigade. Dispositions No. 1 Subssection Night 16th/17th December, 1815. SettGtSNnt D AMon in reply to Number. AAA CoA 776 16-12-15 Listening Posts 25 (yds in front of (4) Nos. 1 and 3 POSTS. (11) 13th BNL PATROLS IIN.C.O. and S pen Will Leave CONNORS TUNNEL at 1930 and 2230 patrol AGHYL DERE returning via. No. 1 Post( at 2130 and 0030. De- tailed Hy O.C. No. 1 Post. A.C. (No. 2 POSTwill detail two (411) patrols consisting of 1.N.6.0, and 3 men to leave No. 1 HOST at O100 and 0300 patrol AGHYL(DERE returning viz CONNORS TUNNEL at 0330 and 0530. Menestrin Chiont- Colonel. C.Oo, No.I sub-section. Issued at 1330. (Communicated to Brigade Headquarters, adjoining sub-pections and all Posts). - No. I subssection. PacC Lime The Aore Mat be Sararded as now Corrected ConrSGIIMOMIMMM WIANNLLAL Te te Ad i t eu. AForm. Army Form C. 2121. 10. of MeaSC MESSAGES AND SIONALS. ChGISE Recd at This message is on a/c of: Thee ACnH Siri LMME Da (o) Service OU From Copy No. JiMMWTOT TMTI OMICT DY 2 G.O.C, 4th Hus of Brygade Dispositigns No. 1 Subjsection Night 16th/17th Decemper, 11815. in reply to Number. SentGtGNn Ses AMont AAA C.A. 776] 16-12-15. Addends. O.C. 4o. 1 Post will detail p3 pen to report) to Engineeys at FORD BARRICADE at 1830 for purpose of fixing) cheveus-des-frises and a party of 1 M.C.0. and 8(men same time and locafity to act as corpring party. Granges sternny Lieat-Col. C.O0, No. I subssection. Issued at 14451. (Communicated to Brigade adjoining subssections and all Posts) Pace No. I Sub-section. Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. SoE AM O N . HMA WWAINLL Co Te ond e Ce MA SCMud
1625 No2 Sus Feti ACHYI DERE 16 B Ird at 139 16/12/1520 Dispositions of Ma2 Ses Section No. SuS SECt CANTERDURY MR. flet) for night (R14I) 16-17 Dear 1915 No2 Sus Sectian IWEARNNTIAN L5Da At patrol of INCG Smen will leare MarGE IOMNEL at 1900 proceeding PTRAL through trenches at Becks to a point approsciately 9227 for the purpose of listening & obserning returning & reporting ta Officer / M3 MSt at 1030 This patrol will be splet unto two reciep 1s relief 1990 to 2130 2 do 2200 to A139 It second series of two relief of this patiol will lease Becks going to same postion with the same object 1 relief o2 to O4415 2 relief (4430 to 0630 LSENINE (2) A patrol of 1NCAT 3 men well leare Faxs BARRICADE at 2209 proceeding AIRAL alaig Sauit pCHYI DERE 19 a porent 1597 veyond its confluence with the Block Suan DE8E for the purpose of ristening & obserning & will return at 9030 reporting leaving? returning to Officer Je taxo BARRICADE A panol of IMEA & Leent will leave 1482 NEWSEREYS going on a bearing of 1350 LISIENINE to a point 5470 in advance of our live for the purpose of lolening (2) Drspartions of Ma2 Sub Sechar 16 - 17 Dec 15 &obserning This patrol is a series of I relief asder I relief 1930 to 230 2139 3 do to 2339 3 do 2339 to 6130 4 do 0130 to a30 Sd 9339 to 230 A patrol of INCOF4men will leave Patiel DARRICADE, E INARTHERN AOHYL. DERE ASEWINE proceeding to a point 9221 then up SantHEEN BRANCH towards 9225 for the purpose of tstening + observing. This patiol will be a series of Irelief 1t relief 2009 to 2200 2nd do 2200 to 2u09 3rd do 2409 to O202 to (A200 to 9492 5 da A109 to 0690 Wa1Du SECT RSH () Leolening posts 20yds in prent of Nas 1 & 2 62518 () 13t Br IAIRSLS INEAT Senew will leave CANNARS TUNNEL at 1939 & 2239 patrob ACHYL DERE returning na No Pa51 at 21307 9239 Dalailed by OC NoITAT (C) OC. No2 B.t will delail lno Palrots consisting of J.MAT Swen to leave Na1 R5t at 0100 & 0300 patrol Noriyl DERE reluring via CO 0330 and A530
(37 Dropartian of Ma2 Sob Section Cart. 16-1t Canten Duy Mon an R100 (141) D) A pated of 10fpcer [ar Serg) and four ien will lease. BARRICADE Patm in the MACHYL DERE at 92737 proceed up the NARTHORN BEANCH of ACHL DERE to WELL at TincTian. CREEKS 9d L B returning to lines atFS41 O319 the well will be watched Duote increments of the enemy. 42. bele to 2000 2 do 2100 to 2409 3402 to 0300 300 40 10300 t 2525 Note for 4 Relief To the m tenes by 302t 2 endar Eptan Shinmmp 10.1.1e Ham H. C. 4t ser 2. O/C.CANY. 4 F11C 509. 0/c11.23,4/5 Posts 18. D/c Machin Munget No 2 salset FSWO SIRAWBERRTE MEMOR NoQ. Subsection Br 16 AGHYL DERE 16-12 101. Piteot op 12 men 118 Of. WoWst wi detarl report to Engmeers at TO /SHRRIAADS Chevadis at 1830 for purpose of Sixine hise and a party of 1Nc0 & 8mew same tume & Ccality (Hack covering party M 15 86 (HAM O/e N0/ Subject 14 2 31 DCICoR File O/c/23/41/5 rot 5A9 of a Machin Run Eat. N02. Supset
AMy ForO. MIS. Wo Pow Crisna MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message 4 Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out oRecorred tyces moe From 2"d 58 8 O Careow CoNoo Service Instructions. 115 1B ORCO BaA Bde this 20 LWSG WNSSS Da O Jop Sender's Number aaa 5 for sou ght exclard 14 Nawle 10 16/17 nor is FROM PLACESTIME 525 T teAAWAAN SAAM AASSD M.R.Ca,Lid. WE. WASSIIGTL 50,000 Pads-D1s. Forms C. 2122.
A Pn BiSti M Fom SM MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No Message Benty Or Bent out / Otee Bramg. Received nt fan Words. Gt " a Lan Charges to collect 6 Service Instructions. 2 Handed iat O M Rocored 1630 m 4 Bol SerlGISNSN Ds o pt HiCSSESNSNSS aaa 30 BM 20Y5 Noted tassword FROM OC No1 Sut Sect PLACESTIME 1615 The theNandbs ManAAAtteatel (24832). M.R. Co. Lid. WL WISSIGT 50,000 Pads 11S. Forms/ C. 2122. AD MOMS OSRN Ly torne M. PMESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mossase Received Bent Or Sentout [Ofee Sramg. y Ds D. Nor I From GE 2. Charges to collect 16 or aicr Service Instructions. Handed in at 2 Aanre 1655 ORC N Bote B M Senders Munber Day of Mouth TEST TNSSSS aaa Bm 2021 2E 433 Password Noted Received FROM BNo 2 Sub Sect PLACEATIME 162 ThiteCo & not reoure CASSD). M.R. Co.LAd. WL.WISSSISTL 50,000 Pads-11S. Forms C2122.
Army Form C. 2123. Or Form (Original). No. of Message— MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Received ty and on ro93 " a en Charges to collect 20 Service Instructions. or M. Rocorred 1U 93 Onc Handedin at. Bett H M B RWESYWNSSSS Day o AAa SMSISDSNSN TE 432 that enemy reports Smper ovserved wa about 200. Bedford Ridge moving from Hackry Wisk tawards farring be appeared Crovss Spor Ewe Dir 2081 3 But Sect 103 on PLACEATIME 1613 The teMentb Mald HAttRAE (24332) M.R. Co. Ltd. WL.WISSIISTL 50,000 Pads-41s. Forms C. 2122.
SECL NEM LEALAND AND AUSTRALLAN DIYISION. No.9.117 Divisional Headquarters, 16th December, 1915. To : All Brigades, C.R.A., C.R.E., A.D.M.S.,Admin. Staff. ANLAC, 2nd Ausdralian Division, No.4 Section. Reference Divisional Operation Order No.22 dated 15th Deor. The following amendments and additions to the above quoted Order are issued: (a) Para. 5 (e).- Substitute the following :f 2. Commanders of C parties will be informed that a final xx oovering position extending from No. 1 Post viz WALKERS Ridge HUGGE's Flateau - to McCLAGANS Ridge will be ocouried by a Rear Party drawn from certain C parties of the Army Corps. The Commander of the Rear Party is being furnished by the The portion of the rear party draw 2nd Australian Division. from the N.2. & a. Division is 75 all ranks, which will be Furnished from the . , party, lst A.L.H. Brigade. It will be in position, in accordance with orders to be issued by the Rear Party Commander, at 6 pm on the seoond day. (D) Para.S(al. - last line : ForDivisional Representative read Commander of Rear Partyr. (0) Para9 The Divisional Representative will be at the place where the main sap enters Mule Gully. Appendix B Amended Embarkation Table - Second day - is attached, also March Table for Ar Parties. Instructions to Brisadlers. Number last two paragraphs 8 and 9 respectively and add to para. 9 - Particular care is to be taken that orders to withdraw are siven and passed quietly and that the word Retire’ is not made use of. (39d). W.R-PINWLLL, Major) General Staff, N.2. & a. Division. 2.


No G. 91
Divisional Headquarters,
15th December, 1915

From : General staff,
N.Z. & A. Division.
To : All Brigades.
I am to say that the General Officer Commanding
desires :
√  (1) that particular attention be paid to the display
of a normal number of periscopes in the trenches
especially on the day of the final night.
√ (2) ammunition should be placed handy in various places
in the trenches to assist the men of "C" party to fire
from various points in the length assigned to them.
√ (3) Under Brigade orders arrangements may be made for
men of "C" party to be specially told off to place
obstacles, on the defined routes by which an enemy might atke
attempt to follow.
(Sgd) W.R.PINWILL, Major,
General staff,
N.Z. & A. Division.

4th A.I.Bde √



"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
Prefix    SM      Code          Words
£   s.   d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions.
From QA
By L Kerr
Sent, or sent out
At .....m.
To .....
By .....
Office Stamp.
Handed in at..... Office.....m.   Received 0550 m.
TO                4th Bde
Sender's Number    QA 775    
Day of Month    16th   
In reply to Number    --    

Report for 24 hrs ended 0500  16/12/15
(1) Sniping tally aaa No No 1068 MASON
13th Bn one near 80F5 aaa No 2517
FROST 13th Bn one near 80F8 aaa
20 to Date  aaa
(2) Hotchkiss aaa 20 Rds at positions
near 80F6 demolishing one & partly
demolishing 2 others aaa 10 Rds at
position on Spur near 80F3 demolishing
it aaa 8 Rds at loopholes near
80F8 demolishing 2 aaa
(3) Casualities Nil aaa
(4) Patrols & listening Posts nothing to report
FROM                       Durrants Post




To  G.O.C.
4th Bde HQrs
Progress of Works
1.  Works generally, draining, tunnelling,
terracing, etc. proceeded with as per
special report No. 36 on 14/12/15.

Snipers Report
2.  All our snipers on duty today.
N.C.O. in charge reports that no enemy
movement is visible, & no good shots
are obtainable just this last few days,
our snipers employ themselves [[faulting?]]
shots into [[connect ?]] in communication Saps
which must be used to carry the

enemy traffic. 

Capture of Prisoners :-
3.  A Turk gave himself up at No. 1
Sub Post No 5 Post as per my QE

4.  All patrols went on as per
disposition, & on return reported
that everything was very quiet in
front, & beyond a bit of digging

[[Lizards?]]  Grey Trench nothing was heard
of the enemy

Machine Guns
5.  Officer i/c M Guns reports all quiet
today  little firing.

E. Margolin major
O.C. N 2 Sub Sec

[[JM ?]]


"A" Form.
Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
Office of Origin & Service Instructions.
Words    Charge
At .......... m.
To .......
By ......
This message is on a/c of :
SECRET   Service.
(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Recd. at .........
Date ......
From   Copy No. 1
By ......
TO    ( G.O.C.,  4th  Aus.  Inf.  Brigade
          ( Dispositions No. 1 Sub-section - 
          ( Night  16th/17th  December, 1915.

Sender's Number    Q.A. 776
Day of Month    16-12-15
In reply to Number    --

(i)    Listening Posts 25 yds in front of
Nos.  1 and 3  POSTS.
(ii)   13th BN.  PATROLS   1  N.C.O. and 3 men
will leave CONNORS TUNNEL at 1930 and 2230
patrol AGHYL
DERE returning via No. 1 Post at 2130 and 0300.
Detailed by O.C.  No. 1  Post.
(iii)   O.C.  No.  2  POST will detail two
patrols consisting of 1 N.C.O.  and 3 men to
leave No. 1  POST  at  0100 and 0300  patrol
returning via CONNORS TUNNEL at  0330 and


Sydney McSharry  Lieut- Colonel.
C.O.,  No.  1  Sub-section.

Issued at 1330.
(Communicated to Brigade Headquarters,
adjoining sub-sections and all Posts).


Place           No.  1  Sub-section.


"A" Form.
Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message...
Prefix          Code         m.
Office of Origin & Service Instructions.
Words   Charge
At ..........m.
To ............
By ............
This Message is on a/c of :
SECRET   Service
(Signature of "Franking Officer").
Recd. at ........... m.
Date ...................
From   Copy No. 1
By ........................
TO  (  G.O.C.  4th  Aus  Inf  Brigade
        (  Dispositions No. 1 Sub-section - 
        (  Night  16th/17th December, 1915.

Sender's Number    Q.A. 776
Day of Month    16-12-15.
In reply to Number    --

Addenda.    O.C.  No.  1  Post will detail 12 men
report to Engineers at FORD BARRICADE at
1830 for
purpose of fixing cheveux-des-frises and a
of  1 N.C.O. and  8 men same time and locality
to act
as covering party.

Sydney McSharry Lieut-Col.
C.O.,  No.  1  Sub-section.

Issued  at  14451
( Communicated to Brigade adjoining
sub-sections and all Posts )

Place     No.  1  Sub-section.


16th  Bn     Issued at 1530
Dispositions of No. 2 SUB SECTION
CANTERBURY MR. (left)  for night
16 - 17 Decr 1915.

(1)  A patrol of  1 NCO & 2 men will
leave MORSE TUNNEL at  1900 proceeding
through trenches at BECKS to a point
approximately 92 Z7  for the purpose of
listening & observing returning & reporting
to Officer i/c No. 3 POST  at  0030.
This patrol will be split into two reliefs
 1st relief  1900  to  2130 
2nd   do.   2200  to  0030,
A second series of two reliefs of this

patrol will leave BECKS  going to same
position with the same object.
1st relief  0200  to  0415
2nd   do.  0430  to  0630.
(2)  A patrol of  1  NCO & 3 men will
leave FORD BARRICADE at  2200  proceeding
point 150 yds  beyond its confluence
with the BLACK SWAN DERE  for the
purpose of listening & observing & will
return at  0030  reporting leaving &
returning to Officer i/c FORD BARRICADE.
(3)  A patrol of  1 NCO & 2 men will leave
NEWBERRYS  going on a bearing of 135°
to a point 50 yds  in advance of our
line for the purpose of listening



Dispositions  of  No.2 Sub Section 16-17 Dec 15
& observing
This patrol is a series of 5 reliefs  [[as under?]]
1st relief     1930  to  2130
2nd   do.     2130  to  2330
3       do.      2330  to  0130
4       do.      0130  to  0330
5        do.     0330  to  0530

(4)  A patrol of  1 NCO . 4 men  will leave
proceeding to a point  92 Z1 then up
SOUTHERN BRANCH towards 92 Z5  for the
purpose of listening & observing.
This patrol will be a series of 5 reliefs.

1st relief    2000  to  2200
2nd   do.    2200  to  2400
3rd    do.    2400  to  0200
4th    do.    0200  to  0400
5th     do.    0400  to  0600

(A)  Listening Posts  25 yds  in front of
Nos  1  &  3  POSTS

(B)  13th  Bn  PATROLS   1 NCO  & 3 men will
CONNORS TUNNEL  at  1930  &  2230
patrol  AGHYL DERE  returning via  No 1
POST at  2130  &  0030.   Detailed by
O.C.  No 1  POST.

(C)  O.C.  No 2  POST  will detail two Patrols
consisting of  1 NCO  & 3 men  to leave
No 1  POST  at  0100  &  0300  patrol  AGHYL
DERE  returning via  CONNORS TUNNEL at
0330  and  0530


Dispositions of No 2 Sub Section 
Cont 15-17 Dec

(D)  A patrol of 1 Officer (or Sergt.) and
4 men  will leave BARRICADE
proceed up the NORTHERN BRANCH of
GREEKS  92 Z1/2  returning to lines
at  POST 41.

The well will be watched to note
movements of the enemy.
1st Relief        1800  to  2100
2      do.           2100  to  2400
3      do.           2400  to  0300
4      do.           0300  to  0545
Note for 4th  Relief
To be in lines by  0545.

E Margolin major
O.C.  N 2   Sub-Sec 

To   1.   4th  Bde HQrs
        2.  No 1 Sub-sect
        3.  O/C  CMR
        4.  File
        5  to  9.  O/C  1, 2, 3, 4, [[5?]]  Posts
       10.  O/C  Machine Gun Sect  No 2 Sub-Sect


"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
Prefix    SM      Code    CMJ    Words
₤    s.    d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions.
From   NZA
By    ALP
Sent, or sent out
At ................. m.
To ...............
By ...............
Office Stamp.
Handed in at ....... Office.....m.  Received   1335  m.
TO              4th   Aust   Bde

Sender's Number    BM 251
Day of Month    16th
In reply to Number    --
The password for tonight
16/17  is   Strawberry

(*Nos  [[ Sub? Sect? ]]   )
                                            )  Bm 2075
           2            "                *)

FROM                     N Z  Inf  Bde
PLACE & TIME      1525


"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
Prefix    SM      Code          Words
₤    s.    d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions.
From  GA
By  L Kerr
Sent, or sent out
At ................ m.
To ................
By ...............
Office Stamp.
Handed in at ............Office....m.  Received 1630 m.
TO                4th  Bde

Sender's Number    QA 773
Day of Month    16th
In reply to Number    BM 2075


Password Noted

FROM                  OC  No  1  Sub  Sect
PLACE & TIME    1615

"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
Prefix    SM      Code    DD      Words    21
₤    s.    d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions.
From   QE
By    L Kerr
Sent, or sent out
At ...................... m.
To ......................
By .....................
Office Stamp.
Handed in at ........ Office ......m.  Received 1635 m.
TO               B M    4th  Bde

Sender's Number    QE 433
Day of Month    16th
In reply to Number    BM 2025

Password Received & Noted

FROM                   OC  No  2  Sub Sect
PLACE & TIME     1621


"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
Prefix     SJ      Code    DCW      Words
₤    s.    d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions.
From   Q 3
By   L Kerr
Sent, or sent out
At ..................... m.
To .................
By .................
Office Stamp.
Handed in at ......... Office ......m.  Received 1533 m.
TO            B M   4th   Bde

Sender's Number    QE 432
Day of Month    16
In reply to Number    --

Sniper reports that enemy
about 200 was observed
moving from Bedford Ridge
towards Hackney Wick
appeared to be carrying

(*Div Enemy report
Bm 2081*)


[[W/MC ?]]

FROM                   OC   No  2   Sub Sect
PLACE & TIME    1615  


Divisional Headquarters,
16th December, 1915.

To  :  All Brigades,
         C.R.A.,  C.R.E..,  A.D.M.S.,  Admin. Staff.
         ANZAC,  2nd Australian Division, No.4

Reference Divisional Operation Order No. 22
dated 15th Decr. 
The following amendments and additions to the above quoted Order are issued :-
√ (a)  Para. 5 (e).- Substitute the following :-
"Commanders of "C" parties will be informed
that a final an
covering position extending from No. 1 Post
via WALKERS Ridge
PLUGGE'S Plateau - to McGLAGANS Ridge will
be occupied by a
Rear Party drawn from certain "C" parties of
the Army Corps.
The Commander of the Rear Party is being
furnished by the
2nd Australian Division.   The portion of the rear
party drawn
from the N.Z. & A. Division is 75 all ranks, which
will be
furnished from the "C" party, 1st A.L.H.Brigade.
It will be
in position, in accordance with orders to be
issued by the
Rear Party Commander, at 6 pm on the second

√ (b)  Para. 5(d).  - last line :-
For "Divisional Representative"  read  
"Commander of Rear Party".

√ (c)  Para  9  -
The Divisional Representative will be at the
place where the main sap enters Mule Gully. 

2.  Appendix B
√  Amended Embarkation Table - Second day -
is attached, also
March Table for "A" Parties.

3.  Instructions to Brigadiers.
√  Number last two paragraphs 8 and 9
respectively and add to
para. 9 - "Particular care is to be taken that
orders to
withdraw are given and passed quietly and
that the word "retire" is not made use of.

(Sgd).  W.R.PINWILL,  Major,
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division.    

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