Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 1 December - 25 December 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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MatCaRS 131 wounded on the 2nd day. 3oenbulance creonnel have been distributed to Bricades to assist Recimental sadtn Redical Officers. The following hoapitals will be available. No. 1 Australian clearins station. No. 17 casualty clearing station. at the compe of vaated hespitals, and Dressing stations, bandages and certain appiiances have been deporited in the tents. Reports to Divisional headquarters GFACG, CULLY till cownencwent of final withdrawal of , parties. The Sivisional representative will then proceed to North beech. the place when the man cap enters Mule Gully on N. side. (). ARFAAA, Najor Ceneral staff. A.2. 4 a. Division. copies issued at 2100 to War siary Records 243 1st AcL.M.Ble. 3rd Acnck.Ble. AEpAO BIO H.2pinf.Sie. a Aue.Inf.Aie GpRDRS 24.8 CORS. 14 ACDOROD. Advincstaff 12 a 17 ANER 14 2nd aus.siv. No.8 section
40 Appendin A Now Zealand & mustralien Sivisien. tIWt BIUAN Rene of AbONLY supply seret, Ne. 2 Fest. hour of assently 1000 Hour of enbarkation 1830 condusting Officers Captala Bestiars socall Mumbers For enbarkation. arvillery untts anxincer Units 66 Nodieal Units 188 Aristonal Readeverters Divisienal Fraia (a Festal terpe) trinance setails 1e Sberis. Hase of acceably Mpply Lopet Ne. 2 resi- (excent lat a..A. Brigade which hour of Assenbly 21ye (geins eolumn at mouth of sasli (Boit Dore nead. to be ao (but clear of sain sap at 2205. Hour of enbartation 2230 consusting Effieere LouE.eolonel Rsilton, Mafor Avery, and Lieut. sutler. Number For embarkstion. socall A.E.A.R Ara 156. with 23 of sc.5 sectien. an 10t i. 2. K. srisase a madineer Vaits 140 t agr. Lafare Origate at an an Now realand latentry Brirade GbeT e ofently.I test except ist and r ofy (3r6 a. 2. a. saes. which Bour of onbarketton (Join celum at mouth of a. gfficer. C.dedioll. (sarii seit Lere head of (ccluan to be at but elear (or sale oap at 232. Tumber Fer Enbarkatien. socall Ire aa. 0 ne ds Now Eodand Las. Brince w
Bat HexLesland amatmalisa Mraten. ambarkation Vable— aord M Calann. ae ofsembly.2 rost (except ist a JraaeH. our of sently (ades. which Join coluan Hour of Ambarkatien (at mouth of Larli seit bery Consueting Officers..At.-Col. Hamilton (head of cclumn to be at Rajor Red Avery, but clear of main par Hiout. Dutler. (172. For iwbarkation. menter of broone Dotall with Rety 2nd austDiva. e 0000000o Divi. Headquarters & Train.J anyineers0000000005 N.Ee Infantry Bricade40 1st s. L. a. Brisade140 rdrde unfantry e of asently o oposite our ofsenly w1 fello troope fro (s0. 4 section. our of ombarktion conducting officer Seie Number of Froops Fer Ebarkation. Dotall with p troope No. 4 seatien. N. 2p Infantry Bricuss ace of esentlyt sepot de. 2 rent - exeert 002206 (ist and 3rd a. Brieades which Joi hour of assenbly toolurm at mouth of sarli sett Lere owr of onertion (head of column to be at but clear: (main sap 22 00 endutie fer Afout-Celonel Hamilton Major Avery. unber of troope for embarkation. Seass 256.- with 206, troops &c.4 section. ach ded. Mnr. Brigade ath guat. arry s a llrne New Loaland Inf. Brigade a a Jr d 166, (with Base detaile). c r Cpfarty. Parties will be vitndram as directed in para. 314). He vtthdrewal from the frent trenches is to take place before 1-76, a.n. the attached March Fable is LinanaLamidd to Afficers command ing Cc Farties as to the tine at which the last sen - exclusive of erecially selected snipers - mist leave the line in erder to reach the Beach in time to enbark. Cuerch Table to beforwarded leter) STRENGTH Engineers - 10 Dirnt. H.C. & Ponice 16 N.2.M.R.Bde -110 13t AL HBde - 30 N.2.1. Bde - 160 Diml. Fain 1sALHBde - 40 9n4.1 Bde-170
MoFCOA 6 TREMH SIURES ATU. AMUMION & RALICN. C SARTIES. MACRINE GUN LELEARUNES. Ns Owithdrawal 9 Ad EELADaDaBELaNMMLN INIHIUM 20 BLIGAULan issued with Himaieml Eperatien erder Ne. 22 dated 15th Decenber 1915 Dvery offort is to be made to varry on on mormal vaoated 1ines throughout the period of evacuation bivounos will have fires kept goin blarkets displayed. nenwill be sent to am men moving about in them. move up and down the Deres - but no baggage or Kitwill be moved during the hours of daylight. treparation will be made to bury or otherwise dispose of Tremh Mortars, Ammumtion, Bombs, and other tremh atores that cannt be carried sway. aills & titcher bombs should as far as possible be taken sway by A am B parties the 2m right. Troops will embark with 156 rouns per rifle am (0) two iron ration. (D) Troops embarking on the final right will not be hampered with blamets, Mts, or waterproof sheets. They will retain their reatooats am pack ony: the remaimer of theirppit will be sent off the Irevious mh right. Brigadiers will submit as soon as possible to Divisioml All N.Q. the names of the commamers of parties. party should be officers detailed to form part of a. parties as they tortion of specially selected. withdraw will invariably be formed up on the way down by the officer in charge who will be respomsible for haming over his men on reaching the embarkation ares. men will be detailed from B parties on the seoom day to destroy or bury mortars etc. amd to bury ammumtion This will be done at the last possible moment but all preparation will be made beforeham for carrying it out offeotively amd expect ti ously without nise. No destruotion by explosion will be permitted. all machim guin will be removed : now will be left The anti-airoraft machin gum will be at the Dehimd. disposal of the Brigades to which they belong from 5 on the seoom day. Brigades comerned will issue ary Emy those machine guns which necessary orders to them. are normally used at night should be kept with Ccparties all others will be evacuated with a am B parties. as each headquarters moves, men will be told off to remove amd take with them their telephone in truments. All ammals will be destroyed on the last everng uner arrangements to be made by the C.R.A. in the case of artillery armals amd by the 6.c. Di isboml Train in the case of all others. when ordering the fiml withdrawal of C & parties From the front tremhes officers Commanding Fim Dwill In addition to telephom ig, sem messergers to emure xk that the message to withdraw has reached the troops. All ranes must be warned of the absolute necessity of carryin out the withdrawal in all its stages silently amd without talking or any unnecessary nise. Car to betake that order to with dran as given spasnd justly. Word vatire not by (wsd) W.R.GINLLL, RajOr General Staff. be made use of. N.s. & a. Division.
MO. PoW BISS LTRONSPR LOMESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Hod NovaSe] Regired or bent ou Othce Btompr Profr Codb. DWords MMPEPAAL FORCI Froml 2 2." d Charges to collect R OfCiSISIS BS 62 Service Instructions. Hh MPAtY CrISANE. ARCCONEN ORC Handed in at In Bde Aust RTOSTWNSNS oser & MS aaa MRD Of Passwford mo ht $ Tre Contscrew Ns FROM In Bde PLACEATIME 1020 Tha tas Mand t Msdd HAtM CAOSE). M.R.Co. Ltd. WA. WISSSIISTL 50,000 Pads-11S. Forma C.212s.
10 ORSN. A SONSMNR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Nooy 18980 Received Jat OF CMION OO S eart D No 16 From GE 22/18 40 Kerr Charges to collect 14 Service Instructions. Bl Handed in at -ORe B 4th Bde HRS Bondero Mimber Do twoa A Matenp 7 O2 9E 409 aad B.M. 2853 Passwords Noted FROM O.B. No 2 Sub Section PLACEATIME 1120 The te Mend be CanHMIESSE (19se) M.R. Co. Lid. Wi. WAb88 167L 50,000 Pads-DIS. Forms C.2123. A. SAN BISEAN AA FTOM SA MESSAGESAND SIGNALS. No of Messase Reberted n A semibut JOReoSt P oo t Wore MEIAY FORCE 2 4H Charges to collect Service Instructions. 1821 4th Intantryofcirade. SAWOB Ofco 115 Reconed H37 BM Bde SenerONEMNE DASANG BOSSWNSNS AAa Bm 205 24704 15 Password Potea FRON O.6. N 1 Sub Section PLACEETINE 1130 The te Atnd be CandHAatMcl Cusse M.R. Co. Lid. WE.WSSSSIISR 50,000 Pads DiS. For C 2123.
aeannanaAAAMAAA AAAAnAMAAAAALAAAMNAUAAAAAA Ar Form Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Im/ Words CaKE This message is on a/e of: Reed at 2 O O STS IMNCON. Senl P0 SECRET. Servict From To. 18r SIFMAATSTI-FTRAINE ORCT F.O.C. t of urgad 10 Dispositions No. 1 sub-section— Wight 18th/16th December, 1915. FSMAEISRN Day of Morth. in reply to Number. AAA E.A. 768/ 15-12-15 (4) Wire fiftng in Front of No. 3/ POST from I p400 to 0060. (2) Listening Posts 25 Pds in Front of Nos. 1 and 3 POSTS Ffom 1800 to 0530. 14th BN PATROL I N.G.O. and 3 men Leave (3) No. 1 POST at 1800 patroL AGHTL DERE peturning via No. 1 POST at 2000. (4) 13th BN. PATROES I N.C.O. and 5 pen Leave CONNORS TUNNEL at 2000, 2300 and 0300 patrol AGHYL DERE returning via No. 1 POST at 2200, O109 and 0500 respectively. Sny Asbernn Lieut-Col. Issued at 1330. C.O. No.1 sub-ecotion (Communicated to Brigade, adjoining sup-sections and 4ll Poste). FOM Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Conor. SAMEAM Of WAM MIEDWAINLNAILE This line should be crased if not required
10 No 2 Tu Section Issued at 1530 en B AGHYL DERE 15 Dec 1915 14th Bdo $190 266 No 1Sut Section 3 CANTERBURYMR. 4 FILE 5809 60 Nos 12345 Posts 10 CC Machine Tun No a SusSestion Dispositions of No23v0 SEcTON N1S SECTION(Hgut) CAWTERBURY MR(Aft) for night 10-16 December 1915 Nod SUB SECTON INEORNATION PATROL CD AA patrol of 14co &2 men writ leave LISTENINE MORSE TUNNEL at 1900 proceeding through trenches at Becks to a point approvimately 9227 for the purpose of. listening & observing returning & reporting to Officer /e No 3B57 at 0030 This hasrol will be split into two reliefs 1 Reluf 1900 to 2130 2 Do 2200 t0 0030 A second series of two retups of this patrol will leave Becks going to same position with the same object. at retuf. 0200 l00415 2 Do. 0430 N0 0630 15TenIE (A) A perol of 14c0 &3 men will leave FORD. BARRICAOK at 2200 procceding PATROL along BoUTHAGHYLDE T a v 1505 beyond ito confluence with the BlAck SWADERE for the purpose of lestening 25 244 42 (a 15-16 Decr continued. Dispositions & observing & will return at PATEA(A) 0030 reporting leaving + returning LCHTD to Officer /c FORD BARRIERDE PATROL (3) ex patrol of 14c0 & 2 men will LISTENINC. Leave NEWBURYS going on a bearing of 135 s0 a point 507DS in advance of our line for the purpose of lestening & observing tat This parrol is a series of 5 reliefs as follows st relief 1930 to 2130 2n do 2130 to 2330 3rd do 2330 to 0130 to 0130 to 0330 5th do 0330 t 0530 e patrol of 14c0 & 4 men will PATROL LSTENING. Care BARRICADE In NORTHRRN.AGHYL DERE preceeding to a point 9221 then up SOUTHERNBRANCH. Howards 9275 for the purpose of tistening + observing This hanol whe be a series of 5 rereife pt relief 2000 do 2200 2h do 2200 to 2400 3rd do 2400 to 0200 wth do 0200 to 0400 5th do 0400 0600 SECTON (RISRT) NO1 SUE INFORNATION () Were fixing in hront of 110 3P0St st from 2400 &60400 FILINE CORR
Despoditions 1516 Dec. consinued LSTENINE Listening posts 25/05 in BSTS front of N051 and 3 p05ts from 1800 400530. (B)14h Br. PROL INCO & 2 men leave PATRAS. cO1 Post ar 1800 parror ACHYL DERE refurning via NOIBSTAt 2000 C) B BEPIIRRS INCO&Smen leave CONNORSTUNNRL at 2009 2300. and 2300, natrol ACHYLDERE returning Via No 1P057 at 2200, 9100 and 0500 respectivey. ANTERBURV NN T TNFORNATTON PATRE (D at patrol of 10fficer (or sexer) & four men will leave BARRICADE in the NEHAGHYLDERE At 92Y5& proceed up the Worthern Branch of AGH7t. DERE HOWELL at function of LREERS 9221 a returning to lines at HOL INWALL The well wrll be watched to note morement of the enemy. This habrol is a series of i relief 1s relief 1800 to 2645 2n do 2100 to 2400 5t do. 2400 to. O350 do 0300 to 0600 st relief to be in lines bey 2045 107E PS MIRO CORSCREW. OManydinmal O
Aiy For O. MS. JO Pow OISA No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Received R S P 38 £8 d o Kerr Charges to collect Service Instructions. or M Rocored 1920 Office Handedin at Fote B) # BSS THSM Dos A o Sender& Mimber aaa 8E413 himself gave a Turk Post at psul in X up slightly M5 1ost he is will attend wounded Doctor then will to his wounds to sde send prisoner on 1.8 N02 Aut Sect FROM OC PLACESTIME 1908 RecladbEranHMNAE (24832). M.R.Co., Lid. WE WASSSIST 50,000 Pads-Dis. Forms C. 2123

wounded on the 2nd day. 30 ambulance personnel
have been distributed to Brigades to assist Regimental xxxxx
Medical Officers. The following hospitals will be
No. 1 Australian clearing station.
No. 13 casualty clearing station.
At the camps of vacated hospitals, and Dressing stations,
bandages and certain appliances have been deposited in the

REPORTS.  Reports to Divisional headquarters OTAGO, GULLY till
commencement of final withdrawal of "C" parties. The
Divisional representative will then proceed to North Beach.
the place when the main sap enters Mule Gully on N. side.
(Sgd). W.R. PINWILL, Major,
General staff.
N.Z. & A. Division.

copies issued at 2100 to

War Diary 1
Records 2 & 3
1st A.D.H. Bde. 4
3rd A.D.H. Bde. 5
N.Z.M.R. Bde 6
N.Z. Inf. Bde 8 √
C.R.A. 10 9
C.R.E. 10
A.D.M.S. 11
Admin Staff 12 & 13
2nd Aus. Div. 15
No. 4 Section 16



Appendix A
New Zealand & Australian Division.
- Embarkation State -
First day.
"A" Party.

Place of Assembly Supply Depot,  No. 2 Post.
Hour of Assembly 1800  
Hour of embarkation 1900 1830  
Conducting Officers Captain Hastings  
Detail Numbers for Embarkation.  
Artillery Units  


Engineer Units



Medical Units



Divisional Headquarters



Divisional Train (& Postal Corps)



Ordnance Details



"B" Party.

Place of Assembly Supply Depot No. 2 Post - 
Hour of Assembly 2130  (except 1st A.D.H. Brigade which
           (joins column at mouth of Sazli
           (Beit Dere Head to be clear at
Hour of embarkation 2230 2300 (but clear of main sap at 2200.
Conducting Officers Lieut.-Colonel Hamilton, Major Avery
and Lieut. Butler.
Detail Number for embarkation
N.Z.M.R. Brigade                                150 with 250 of No. 4 Section.
         "     "         "                                 400
         "     "         " 50
1st A.L.H. Brigade 200
Engineer Units 100
4th Aust. Infantry Brigade 50                          400
   "      "             "              "                                  400
New Zealand Infantry Brigade                                  400

"C" Party.

Place of Assembly . . . . . . . . . .. . Supply Depot, No. 2 Post except 1st and
Hour of Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . .  2330.                  (3rd A.L.H. Bdes. which
Hour of embarkation . . . . . . . . . xxxxx 2400.      (join column at mouth of
Conducting Officers . . . . . . . . .  Capt. McNiell. (Sazli Beit Dere head of
                           (column to be at but clear
                           (of main sap at 2330.
Detail Number for Embarkation
1st A.L.H. Brigade . . . . . . . . . . . .  117
3rd A.L.H. . . . . . . . . . . . .  183
4th Aust. Infantry Brigade . . . . . . . . . . . . 100                                  400
   "      "             "              "         . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
New Zealand Inf. Brigade . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200                              400

New Zealand & Australian Division.
- Embarkation Table -
Second Day.
"A" Party.

Place of Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Supply Depot, No. 2 Post -
Hour of Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1715  (except 1st & 3rd A.L.H.
Hour of Embarkation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1800 (Bdes. which join column
Conducting Officers . . . . . . . . . . 

Lt.-Col. Hamilton         (at mouth of Sazli Beit Dere
Major H.S. Avery, and (head of column to be at
Lieut. Butler.                 (but clear of main sap at
Detail Number of Troops for Embarkation
N.Z.M.R. Brigade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        200             with 200 2nd Aust. Divn.
         "             "        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Divl. Headquarters & Train . . . . . . . . . .  30
Engineers 10
N.Z. Infantry Brigade 40
1st A.L.H. Brigade 140
3rd A.L.H. Brigade 100                    400
4th Aust. Infantry Brigade                            400
-2- Place of Assembly  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Head of Column CHAILAK DERE opposite 

Hour of Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1800.       (No. 3 Post - will follow troops from
Hour of Embarkation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1830.        (No 4 Section.
Conducting Officers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Captain McNiell.
Detail Number of Troops for Embarkation
N.Z. Infantry Brigade 300  with 500 troops No. 4 Section.

 "B" Party

-2- Place of Assembly  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . Supply Depot, No. 2 Post - - except
Hour of Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2200. (1st and 3rd A.L.H. Brigades which join
Hour of Embarkation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . 2230.  (column at mouth of Sazli Beit Dere
            (head of column to be at but clear of
            (main sap at 2230. 2200
Conducting Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Captain Hastings,
Lieut. Colonel Hamilton
Major Avery.
Detail Number of Troops for embarkation
N.Z.M.R. Brigade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
4th Aust. Inf Brigade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 40          200 - with 200 troops No. 4 Section.           
4th Aust.   "        "          . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 215
Artillery Units      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Medical Personnel   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10            400
New Zealand Inf. Brigade 300
1st A.L.H. Brigade 100          400
   "      "            " 20
3rd A.L.H. Brigade 60
Medical Personnel 20            100 (with Base details)

"C" Party
"C" Parties will be withdrawn as directed para. 5(d).
No withdrawal from the front trenches is to take place before 1-30 a.m.
The attached March Table is given as a guide to Officers Commanding
:C: Parties as to the time at which the last men - exclusive of
specially selected snipers - must leave the line in order to earch the
Beach in time to embark. (march Table to be forwarded later)


N.Z.M.R. Bde - 110 Engineers -    10 Divnl. H.Q. & Police 18
1st A L H Bde -  90 N.Z.I. Bde  -   160 Divnl. Train                  2
3rd A L H Bde - 40 4th A.I. Bde - 170  



issued with
Divisional Operation Order No. 22 dated 15th December 1915
1.   Every effort is to be made to "carry on" on normal
lines throughout the period of evacuation. Vacated
bivouacs will have fires kept going, blankets displayed
and men moving about in them.   Men will be sent to
move up and down the Deres - but no baggage or kit will
be moved during the hours of daylight.


Preparations will be made to bury or otherwise dispose
of Trench Mortars, Ammunition, Bombs, and other trench
stores that cannot be carried away.
Mills & Pitcher bombs should as far as possible
be taken away by A and B parties the 2nd night.
(a) Troops will embark with 150 rounds per rifle and
two iron rations.
(b) Troops embarking on the final night will not be
hampered with blankets, kits, or waterproof sheets.
They will retain their great coats and pack only; the
remainder of their kit will be sent off the previous nig
Brigadiers will submit as soon as possible to Divisional
H.Q. the names of the commanders of "C" parties. All
officers detailed to form part of a "C" party should be
specifically selected. Portion of "C" parties as they
withdraw will invariably be formed up on the way down
by the officer in charge who will be responsible for
handing over his men on reaching the embarkation area.
Men will be detailed from B parties on the second day
to destroy or bury mortars etc. and to bury ammunition
This will be done at the last possible moment but all
preparations will be made beforehand for carrying it
out effectively and expeditiously without noise.
No destruction by explosion will be permitted.
All machine guns will be removed : none will be left
behind. The anti-aircraft machine guns will be at the
disposal of the Brigades to which they belong from 5 PM
on the second day. Brigades concerned will issue any
necessary orders to them.   Only those machine guns which
are normally used at night should be kept with "C" parties
All others will be evacuated with A and B parties.
As each Headquarters moves, men will be told off to
remove and take with them their telephone instruments.
All animals will be destroyed on the last evening under
arrangements to be made by the C.R.A. in the case of
Artillery animals and by the O.C. Divisional Train in
the case of all others.
X Withdrawal
When ordering the final withdrawal of C 8 parties
from the front trenches Officers Commanding Final ^ X Withdrawal will,
in addition to telephoning, send messengers to ensure it
that the message to withdraw has reached the troops.
9. All ranks must be warned of the absolute necessity of
carrying out the withdrawal in all its stages silently
and without talking or any unnecessary noise. Care to be taken
that orders to withdraw are given & passed quietly. Word "retire" not to
be made use of.
(Sgd. )  W.R. PINWILL, Major
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division. 


"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message 5 
Prefix    SM      Code    KE      Words    16
Charges to collect          ₤    s.    d.
Service Instructions.
From  NZ
Sent, or sent out

DEC 15 1915

4th Infantry Brigade.

Office Stamp.

Handed in at NZA  Office........m.  Received 1005 m.
TO 4th  Aust Inf Bde
 Sender's Number
Bm 882
Day of Month
In reply to Number
The password for night
is Corkscrew.

(*Sent to nos 1 & 2 S Section 1110
FROM N Z Inf Bde
PLACE & TIME    1020


"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message 3
Prefix    SM      Code    LD      Words    16
Charges to collect     ₤    s.    d.
Service Instructions.
From   QE
By LKerr
Sent, or sent out
Office Stamp.




DEC 15 1915

4th Infantry Brigade.

Handed in at QE  Office 1120m.  Received 1122 m.
TO 4th  Bde  H.Q.
*Sender's Number
QE 409
Day of Month
In reply to Number
B.M.  2063   AAA
Password Noted
FROM O.C.  No 2 Sub-Section
PLACE & TIME      1120

"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message 4
Prefix   SM      Code  F LG    Words   ......
Charges to collect    ₤    s.    d.

Service Instructions.
From  QA
By LKerr

Sent, or sent out
DEC 15 1915
4th Infantry Brigade.
Office Stamp.

Handed in at QA Office 1135 m.  Received 1137 m.
TO BM   4th  Bde
Sender's Number
QA 767
Day of Month
In reply to Number
BM 2053

Password Noted

FROM  O.C.  No 1  Sub Section
PLACE & TIME    1130


"A" Form.
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message 6
Prefix          Code         m.
Office of Origin of Service Instructions

4AB/1827      1350
Words     Charge

To ....
By ....
This message is on a/c of

SECRET.   Service.

(Signature of Franking Officer)
Recd at ........m.

From   Copy No. 1

By .................. 
TO G.O.C. 4th Inf Brigade
Dispositions No.  1 Sub-section - Night  15th/16th
December, 1915.
Sender's Number
Q.A. 768 
Day of Month
In reply to Number


(1) Wire fixing in front of No. 3 POST from
1   2400 to 0400.
(2) Listening Posts 25 yds in front of Nos. 1
and 3 POSTS from 1800 to 0530.
(3) 14th BN PATROL  1 N.C.O. and 3 men leave
No. 1 POST at 1800 patrol AGHYL DERE returning
via No. 1 POST at 2000.
(4) 13th BN.  PATROLS  1 N.C.O.  and 3 men leave
CONNORS TUNNEL at 2000, 2300 and 0300 patrol
AGHYL DERE returning via No.  1 POST at  2200,
0100 and 0500 respectively.
C Sydney [[McSharry??]]  Lieut-Col.
C.O.,   No.1 Sub-section
Issued at 1330.
(Communicated to Brigade, adjoining sub-sections
and all Posts).


4AB/1827    1600
Issued at 1530                     No 2 Sub Section
6th  Bn                                   AGHYL DERE
To    1  4th  Bde  HQs              15 Dec 1915.
        2  OC  No 1 Sub Section
        3  CANTERBURY M.R.
        4   FILE.
        5 to 9  CO Nos 1 2 3 4 5  Posts
        10  CO Machine Gun No. 2 Sub Section

Dispositions of No 2 SUB SECTION  No 1 SUB
SECTION (right). CANTERBURY MR. (left) for
night  15-16th  December 1915
PATROL (1) A patrol of 1 NCO & 2 men will leave
LISTENING MORSE TUNNEL at 1900 proceeding
through trenches at Becks to a point
approximately 92Z7 for the purpose of
listening & observing returning &
reporting to Officer 1/c No 3 POST at 0030.
This patrol will be split into two
reliefs. 1st Relief 1900 to 2130  2nd Dv.  2200 to 0300
A second series of two reliefs of this
patrol will leave BECKS going to same
position  with the same object.
1st relief. 0200 to 0415  2nd Dv.  0430 to 0630

PATROL. (2) A patrol of 1 NCO & 3 men will
leave FORD BARRICADE at 2200 proceeding
along SOUTH AGHYL DERE to a point
150 YDS beyond its confluence with the BLACK
SWAN DERE for the purpose of listening


Dispositions  15 - 16 Decr  Continued
(2) & observing & will return at
0030 reporting leaving & returning
LISTENING  (3) A patrol of 1 NCO & 2 men will
leave NEWBURYS going on a
bearing of 135° to a point 50 yds
in advance of our line for the purpose
of listening & observing.
This patrol is a series of 5 reliefs  as follows.
 1st relief   1930  to   2130
2nd   do.    2130  to  2330
3rd    do.    2330  to  0130
4th    do.    0130  to  0330
5th    do.    0330  to  0530

LISTENING.  (4)  A patrol of 1 NCO & 4 men will
proceeding to a point 92Z1 then up
SOUTHERN BRANCH. towards 92Z5 for
the purpose of listening & observing
This patrol will be a Series of 5 reliefs
1st  relief 2000  to  2200
2nd  do. 2200  to  2400
3rd   do. 2400  to  0200
4th   do. 0200  to  0400
5th   do.  0400  to  0600

FIXING   (A)  Wire fixing in front of No 3 POST
from  2400  to  0400.


Dispositions 15-16 Dec. Continued
POSTS (B) Listening posts 25 yds in
front of Nos 1 and 3 POSTS from
1800 to 0530.
(C) 14th BN. PATROL INCO & 3 men leave
PATROLS. No 1 Post at 1800 patrol AGHYL
DERE returning via No 1 POST at 2000
(D) 13th Bn PATROLS INCO & 3 men
leave CONNORS TUNNEL at 2000, 2300.
and 0300 patrol AGHYL DERE
returning via No 1 POST at 2200, 0100
and 0500 respectively.
PATROL (E) A patrol of 10 officer ([[ovSergt??]) & four
men will leave BARRICADE in the
NTH AGHYL DERE at 92 yd & proceed
up the Northern Branch of AGHYL
DERE to WELL at junction of CREEKS
92Z1 - 2 returning to lines at

The wall will be watched to note
movement of the enemy.
This patrol is a series of 4 reliefs
1st  relief 1800  to  2045
2nd  do. 2100  to  2400
3rd   do. 2400  to  0300
4th   do. 0300  to  0600
NOTE. 1st relief to be in lines by 2045
E Margolin Major        ELH
O.C. NZ Sub Sec.


"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message....
Prefix   SB      Code GD PM    Words 38
Charges to collect    ₤    s.    d.

Service Instructions.
From  QE
By LKerr

Sent, or sent out
Office Stamp.

Handed in at .... Office ....... m.  Received 1920 m.
TO BM 4th Bde
*Sender's Number
QE 412
Day of Month
In reply to Number
A Turk gave himself
up in No 1 Sub Post at
No 5 Post he is slightly
wounded Doctor will attend
to his wounds then will
send prisoner on to Bde
Sent on
to Div
FROM O.B. No 2 Sub Sect

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Jasmine HatharasingheJasmine Hatharasinghe
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