Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 1 December - 25 December 1915, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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e 2 AGHY 10 Fa MAEK CATHE NSRN 5 46 40 SCALE 000 SOMPS TELEPHONE 43.007 50 MEN HH SOPDORTS ME AltorCO T Nco ANE wTo MEa Wo M NDPOST nught NONRS 16 WEDPOS HIGH 16 4 siring position only 131 16 14 62 47 2Hammorpe 4oe 57 100 16 6E30AY B7 (19) MC Cosrion Conppro Dete MGP 161 t
ConS) Vituitor Office thos Telephone Office thes Reition or thar tes. (32Xo) Station Calls thes Cable thes Telephone lines thes Emergency lines thus KAH Hmont t (52V3/2)X Mcandt (eavsss) ---5-- 2s Kecton N6227 Faa co Le 50 (eave) 1 0 NLLMD and meEm C ABM 158 (e2Ke) BN2 AlaAMon (80Be) 13.1215 Ar DIRGRAM COMMUNICRTIONS 4t Aost. Inf. Bde.
0 T. 12/12/158 Re-embarkation Packing for Madows- Lange Chaste, Maps, French Maps in ore lage toll to B. anga & Fracing Cloth & paper. went with 15th Text books, pamphlets, small maps to R. Majn in brown paper packet 12492 4 Went with 15th New Siit Case - packed with Simer Clother, as pet list, & all remainet papsor & went with 15th plans &c that were in S.H.A boa Leathes Holdall with all oute clothes, usual contents, all E went with 15.0 Spax leather & toilet articles, & some spare Tobacco Stationly bose, with Leather (belts, top boots, compan) & I went on 16/12/15 & with Frivate Water all usual contents - except documents I Sent down with A.D Table, Golding charl, Armshart, & folding bedstead fatione, by mmile at 7prm. o 16/12/15 goeen tent castiel aways Calipe Layce Ld Kitbog, stiken on Deldy bnat nigght wlthe Dec. 181 by B.M. (Collapsible Santion in Vapilo/ Hurican Sanp a to) inbox Cum boots Carried by Toret Cape, toacp, Lan for oli Faray dgement sel FDanron Sadffebags, Overfor herefeett &stift & Doyle & 2 Olpukets &afst
4 Australian Infantry Brigade dist of Stores at Brigade Reserve Decr 14th 1915 Shovels 412 Periscopes 22 Periscope Rifle Rests 10 Bombs - Mills 204 Cricket Ball. 1704 Jam Sin. 4442 Ignition Sticks 129 Matches 183 Verey's Pistols 2 Verey's Castridges 282 Parachutes 12 Flares 166 Flares Daylight) 5. Sandbago 1100 Wheelbarrows. 9 Ground Sheets Gas Sprayero Larpaulins Equipment. H Bags Kiples 7 Hotchkin's Gun empty shell cases. 300 Ammunition. Mark VI 226.480 Mark VI1 84,.000 Fistol 546
15/12/15 A.C. Orders 21. 1. Re embarkation to Mudoos 2. Two successive nights 3. Remove papers, maps, Kits, bagfage. (Chance of anything ging is nit] 4. First night - tolat N.2 3350 5. Remeral of troops - gradually Di. Comdes Embark atte 1st night. 6. Div. H.Q. telephone remains her (Finwell) [Knssd is Pen Guadl Commander] 7. List MEa, b &c parties. (last to have snees &c with them) 8. Timetable of exacuation tooops will be given to Hrignder. H.C 9. Final night 300 1st Di. 2400 2d 3000 1M Inlin Hyde gve with 7th Coop NEAA 3000 A Sectin 1240 10. A & C partie mach unde order of Rgde Commondes to Div. Rendgions. embark as hored bodies + 11 Byde Connander go with lust of 6 parties. 12. Bade Cande appoint a commande to his (o) party - at Bode H.Q. (o) partie withdranggnadually by (C) party Commander - a protion 13 composed of gallant, active men 14. Final evacnation - right blank - 2 a.m. conmence lift Fank 1.30 a.0 15. Silence, - no light, smoking all nornal. 16h Offloading at ships-rapedly 17. Demolition parties (Mills bouk - cally one af two sprice (keep twas going during days before) Impress on evely man his responsibility [Confine men to reprented areas] 18. No mine except cetain one at Russels top. 19. All M. Femis removed. Bring some juns with 161 parties) 20. Dectroy all animals (but no shooting) (hold wer] 21 150 round & 2 days ford. 22. diat night traops - not hampered by blankets, sheets &c EWithdraw I blanket per man truight [a. C, &c. partie to keep I blanket for last night) 23. To lamalties to be left, if pecessary,- Medical: - No 1 Anst Go. Clearig Sto hr 1200 No.13 10 per mgude - dressers & axter M. Os To C) paty
Anit W.L.M.R 1st ALA arty hss W. 2. 24 4 Burst Aub Drr H.R. Ders Friy Annncr 1574 £3 102 36 Total 750 8r5 1573 1736 161 it don 600 317 183 405 166 741 750 188 51 80 3490 a 405 66 - 188 51 80 800 b bos 207 100 400 450 1750 C 1 183 - - 200 300 - 800 Tuke. 141 141
2nt day Allotment to parties t No 46 emburked Unt 160 260 550 N.2.M. K 120 140 350 1st A.C.H 60 100 200 3 175 - 175 Arty 10 Sugt 20 300 800 340 N.2. S. 400 255 825 4th Du 30 30 Amb. 25 4 DirH. C. Dio Fai 1 3000 1100 1300 Totil a 6 oclock b 11 leave truches 1.30 C+ am X includes lent men 5 110 90 40 10 160 170 18 2 600
15/12/15 Notes for Conference with C.OS at 1030 n 16/2/15 1. Read & explain Clving Corps & Div. Orders.- 2. Descrbe & isone secret tabulation. 3. Toints to bear in mind:- Father in outlying persoune. Earmack everybody into cchllous. I Send Valuable records & stoes f mght.I ovlene & preqency of fi sboabs I Absolute nomelity of everything patrol works & wee I Hotchkins fireI M.G. froe display of perseopes keep indevatons & fins soing& Rennie telephones. Hotch Kiss gm breich block March as frmed budies - office in read - silence, no lights,no I doading + opploading barges I dast twop not hampered 4. Telmenary measures: Dutibite Amunitin to use tell of peronnel to officers I Deemolitir - Mills bombe-carly & pitd int see I Bomb howitzed - brry I 150 23- 2 days foot I Officers last party to recomnoitoe water I S. Special Medical & dasses - no attempt to rem lage body gute. I C. Rontes
LATUAdARld. ReLadda Enasbin EdN 1st 41 At. as ando AN and AICRt. an demontiall anmsblshh 0YS0. 8 SAVLeAGda GAHAGA G No. 22. NeferamaEan- ULACU, GULLY, AAERL. Liea ohsha 15th December, 1915. The Australian and Hew Esaland Army Corps Las been the ordered to recesbark and proceed to adrs. reconbarkation vill be offecte in two niahts and will 1t will comsence on a date to be notified later. offected priacipally at AALAECGEd and ACAAH BLACR. Tew troops on the flanks recembarking on the seond night at AELCAAd BAAH and Opposite the AAA Dde. innediate steps will be taken by Brigades and 6. sivisional troops for the renoval of anl offictal tapers, nape, Kits, and Bactace. And dotices or cuiding parks likely to be of use to the eneny will be destroyed on the second day under astrs Bricade arrangenents. (a) The total number of troops of the Aivision to be embarked on the first night vill be ap proxinately as under Proops vill be leaded in three parties a a Ist A.L.N.a0. 317 AOEpAORODLO. ou 3rd A.L.k.Nde. & Artillery 187 741 ancineers 166 W.Epinf.Ade. 750 Ambulance 183 4th A.Laade. Div.Frain & Fostal Div.R.G. & solios e0 Grdnane (D) The order of erbarkation and instructions regarding a senbly of parties on the First nicht are set forth in appendix a. of these eriers. (9) The removal of troops from Bricsde areas will be made gradually. (d, shen all troops of the Division destined for renoval firat nicht have embarked, the Livisional Commander moves to AdEa. and assumes command of the Arn A representative is being left at atsh Corpe nearguard. Divisienal-neanquarters. (a) The remaining troops of the Aivision will embark on the second night - numbers as under. These will Torm part of the Army Corps wearuard under the comnand of Bris-eneral SIF Achons Moo Troops will embark in three parties a.s., 4 6.
abl and RiChT. AtAnDde SUAPF GPTL. H61 KADN 121 1st A.C.A.Me. 550 H.EpA.A.Ade. 33 artillery 200 3rd AcL.MeAde. en H.2pInf.Ade. 20 andineers. Anbulance 5th Aus.Inf.Ale. 82. Fersonnel 30 Div. M.G. & tolice Div. Frain (D) the order of enbarkation and instructions recarding acamebly of parties are sct forth in Appendix s of these orders. (0) in no account are the above anaars nurbers to be excceded: ail troope in excess are to be exbarked the First night. in the second night a and A parties vill be noved (0) under Brigade arrangements in sufficient time to reach the place of aesenbly, or join the column, vide The withdrawal of each party will be Appensix B. cradual and enbarkation vill be in forwed andank bodies. (D) sach Grigade Commander will enbark with the last of his 3 party. On quitting his Brirade h.&. he will hand over command to a specially as pointed commander of the 6r party; this officer vill establish hinself at Brigade &.t The Reginental and sattalion orsanisation will be (0) kept intot and existing communications retained. Battalion Comnanders will eabark with theFC,,, artics. 0.- perties vill be retained, in the Firs treaches 10) 6ill ordered to withdraw by C.c C7, party, vitharswal No withdrawads from aAKats, AMa will be cradual. (Lower portion,, or Nc. 1 roat will be made exue, t under erders of the svtstonal representative. comnande of the Keat party o) C party commanders will be informed that a kee, provided with Food, water, and anmunition has been prepared by the 2nd Australian Division covering North Beach from SALKELRLDd to Ar BO: the'ase. and tDtA includes a all novenents will be made expeditiously and in silence and the utmost care will be taken to mintain the appearance of normal conditions throughout the ejeration The necessity for rapid loadins and of withdrawal. close packing of troops on to motor Lichters an: for rapid evacuation on to troepships, is to be in ressed on ald ranks. surine the nights of withdrewal no fires or 11.hts other than those kept nornally burning, 1.c. incinerator are on any account to be 11t. starf Officers have been detailed to reculate traffi at varous points vide apen s-etable The A.t.s., will detail pelice to assist these affi officers. No attempt will be made to renove larce numbers of

Page 1  Hand drawn Sketch

with some words in lower panel


Page 2 
Sketch /  a Diagram of Communications



Packing for Mudros -
Large Charts, Maps,    )     in one large Roll
Trench Maps &              )     to B. Major
Tracing Cloth & paper )     went with 15th

Text books, pamphlets,      )    to B. Major 
small maps in brown          )     went 
paper packet 12” x 9” x 4”   )     with 15th

New Suit Case - packed with      )    Went
Summer Clothes; as per list, &    )    with
all [[remaining?]] papers plans   )
 etc that were in S.A.A. box           )    15th  Bn.

Leather Holdall - with all outer     )    Went
clothes, usual contents, all             )    with
Spare leather & toilet articles,        )
& some spare Tobacco                     )    15th Bn.

Stationery box, with leather     )  Went on
(belts, top boots, compass)       )   16/12/15
 & all usual contents - except    )   with 
documents                                     )  Private Waters

Table, folding chair, armchair,  ) Sent down 
 & folding bedstead  & green    ) with H.Q.
 tent                                                 ) fatigue, by road
                                                          ) at 7pm on
                                                           ) 16/12/15

O.K (Valise,√  Kitbag,√  xxx Sauce,√  xxx )  Taken
        (Collapsible Lantern in [[?]]               )  on
        (Gum boots in [[?]]                               )  Dec. 18
         ( [[American? Lamp?]] in box           ) by B.M.

O.K  (Toilet [[ca?]],√ cap, Sauce,√        )  Carried
         (Portfolio, [[Par?]] document,√  )  by self,
         (Saddlebags,√ overcoat,√             ) Dawson
         ( [[ horse?√ ...?√ ]] & 2 blankets √  ) &
          ( &  [[sheets? √]]                               ) Doyle



4th Australian Infantry Brigade
List of Stores at Brigade Reserve Dec 14th 1915

Shovels 412
Periscopes 22
Periscope Rifle Scopes 10
Bombs - Mills 204
                  Cricket Ball 1,704
                   Jam Tin 4,442
Ignition Sticks 129
Matches 183
Verey’s Pistols 2
Verey’s Catridges 282
Parachutes 12
Flares 166
Flares (Daylight) 5
Sandbags 1,100
Wheelbarrows 9
Ground Sheets 8
Gas Sprayers 1
Tarpaulins 1
Equipment 4 Bags
Rifles 7
Hotchkins Gun empty shell cases 300
Ammunition - Mark VI 226,480
                              Mark VII 84,000
                              Pistol 546


A.C.Orders 21
1. Re embarkation to Mudros.
2. Two successive nights.
3. Remove papers, maps, Kits, baggage. - [

6. Div. H.Q. telephone remains here [[ (Pinwill)?]] [[ (Pinwill is ? General Commander)? ]] Commander]
7. List pump ? a, b & c parties. [[ (last to have Engineers to with them)? ]]
8. Timetable of evacuation toops will be given to Brigade.
9. Final night   A. C.               300
                            1st Div.         2400
                            2nd  "            3000

                            NZ & A          3000
                            4 Section      1340
    1 NZ Indian Bgde goes with 7th Corps
10. a & c parties march under order of Bgde
embark on  Commander to Div. Rendezvous.
embark as formed bodies.
11. Bgde Commander go with list of b parties.
12. Bgde Commdr appoint a Commander for his (c) party - at Bgde H.Q.
13. (c) parties withdraw gradually by by (C) party Commander - a portion composed of galllant, active men -
14. Final evacuation - right flank - 2 a.m.      )
                       conmence left flank - 1.20 a.m. )
15. Silence, - no lights, smoking - all nornal.
16. Offloading of ships-rapidly
17. Demolition parties -
(Mills bombs - carry one or two spares)
(Keep fires going during days before)
(Impress on every man his responsibility)
[Confine men to regemental areas]
18. No mines except certain ones at Russels' top.
19. All M. Guns removed.
(Bring some guns with (b) parties)
20. Destroy all animals (but no shooting) (hold over]
21. 150 rounds & 2 days food.
22. Last night troops - not hampered by blankets, sheets etc
(Withdraw I blanket per man tonight )
[a. b, & c. parties to keep I blanket for
last night)
23. To Casualties to be left, if [[necessary?]] in
Medical: - No 1 Aust [[?]] Clearing Stn)  for
                    No.13   "        "          "           "  )  1200
(10 per Brigade - dressers )   go in
& extra M.O's                         )   (c) party


Page 6         1st day


Table of distribution of troops




Page 7           2nd day


Table of distribution of troops 


Notes for Conference with C.O's
at 1030 on 16/12/15
1. Read & explain Army Corps & Div. Orders.- √
2. Describe & issue secret tabulation. √
3. Points to bear in mind :-
Gather in outlying personnel. √
Earmark everybody into echelons. √
Send Valuable records & stores first night. √
Absolute normality of everything -
volume & freqency of fire & bombs √
patrols √
works & wire √
Hotchkiss fire √
M.G. fire √
display of periscopes √
keep excavations & fires going √
Rennie telephones. √
Hotchkiss gun beach block √
March in formed bodies - officer in rear - silence, no lights,no smoking √
Loading & offloading barges √ 
Last troops not hampered √
4. Preliminary measures :-
Distribute Ammunition for men √
Tell off personnel to officers √ 
Demolition- Mills bombs-carry & pitch out sea √ 
Bombs Howitzer - bury √ 
150 rnds - 2 days food √ 
Officers last party to reconnoitre routes √ 
5. Special Medical & dressers - no attempt to remove large body wounded. √
6. Routes


[[ ? ]]

Copy No. 8

DIVISION [[ ?  ]]  ORDER No. 22.

Reference Map.
sheet [[ ?...? ]]

15th December,  1915.

The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
has been
ordered to re-embark and proceed to MUDROS.
re-embarkment will be effected in two nights
and will
commence on a date to be notified later.   It will
effected principally at ANZAC COVE and NORTH
few troops on the flanks re-embarking on the
night at BRIGHTON BEACH and opposite the
Immediate steps will be taken  by Brigades and
[[ ? ]] 
Divisional troops for the removal of all official
papers, maps, kits, and Baggage.
All Notices or Guiding Marks likely to be of use
the enemy will be destroyed on the second day
under under
Brigade arrangements.
(a) The total number of troops of the Division to be
embarked on the first night will be
approximately as under.
Troops will be loaded in three parties A.S. & [[?]]

N.Z. & A.Bde.      600     1st A.L.H.Bde.             317
3rd A.L.H.Bde.     183      Artillery                     405
Engineers            166      N.Z.Inf.Bde.                741
4th A.I.Bde.         750      Ambulance               188
Div.N.Q. & relics     51      Div.Train & Postal      80
Ordnance               10
(b) The order of embarkation and instructions
assembly of parties on the first night are set
forth in
Appendix A. of these orders.
(c) The removal of troops from Brigade areas
will be
made gradually.
(d) When all troops of the Division detained for
removal first night have embarked, the
Commander moves to ANZAC and resumes
command of the Army
Corps rearguard.  A representative is being left
at sixth
Divisional Headquarters.
2nd NIGHT.

(a) The remaining troops of the Division will
on the second night - numbers as under.  These
form part of the Army Corps rearguard under
the command
of Brig-General Sir A.H. [[ ?  ]] K.G.M. [[ ?  ]].
Troops will embark in three parties A.B. & C.



N.Z.M.R.Bde.       550          1st A.O.H.Bde.       350
3rd A.L.H.Bde.      200        Artillery                   175
Engineers.               20        N.Z.Inf.Bde.           800
4th Aus.Inf.Bde.   825        Ambulance
Div. N.Q. & relics     47             Personnel           30
                                                Div. Train                    3
(b) The order of embarkation and instructions
assembly of parties are set forth in Appendix B
these orders.
(c) On no account are the above xxxx  numbers
to be
exceeded : all troops in excess are to be
embarked the
first night.
2nd NIGHT.
(a) On the second night A and B parties will be
under Brigade arrangements in sufficient
time to reach
the place of assembly, or join the column, vide
Appendix B.  The withdrawal of each party will
gradual and embarkation will be in formed
xxxx  bodies.
(b) Each Brigade Commander will embark with
the last of
his [[ ?  ]] party.  On quitting his Brigade H.Q.
he will
hand over command to a specially appointed
Commander of
the [[ "?" ]] party.  this officer will establish
at Brigade H.Q.
(c) The Regimental and Battalion organisation
will be
kept intact and existing communications
Battalion Commanders will embark with their
"C" parties.
(d) "C" parties will be retained in the fire
till ordered to withdraw by [[C.O.?]] "C" party,
will be gradual.  No withdrawals from WALKERS
(lower portion), or No. 1 Post will be made except
under orders of the Divisional-representative.
Commander of the Rear party.
All movements will be made expeditiously and 
in silence
and the utmost care will be taken to maintain
appearance of normal conditions throughout
the operation
of withdrawal.  The necessity for rapid loading
close packing of troops on to motor lighters and
rapid evacuation on to troopships, is to be
on all ranks.
During the nights of withdrawaal no fires or
other than those kept normally burning,
i.e. incinerators,
are on any account to be lit.
Staff Officers have been detailed to regulate
traffic at various points vide Appendix D.
 [[ not ? - see Tables ? ]]
The A.P.M. will detail police to assist these xxxx
No attempt will be made to remove large 
numbers of

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