Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 1 December - 25 December 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Expectations of Percils Box (per Cox) of Kit & toilst article fre Nalte. Sisons lop tiilip atticter Acitulene Lamp & 50 NvilsI 1916 Diars Spictade Cuinghaw Igifying Perscope timas parcels (from Husts) Aust. Schmalty Co Blar Sous sift storer, & case pft in kind, Jovva Cipratter 30lo Epstan S. boot, timples mitteng, soy thee & torlt repuin Nor 12/2/16 I Monas Lmas poueus Ppf Buts onginal tin of Tot. Came b H.C.Ds amen Knwgafto 28/12/15 Date of Advissof Date asked for Despatch. Sep 27 Sex C (L.B.3/p.3) (due Oct. 27) Sent byfor Nov 14 Oct 17 (t B. 482 21/2/15 itbp85 2/12/15 Mar. 11 (2A 4/55 BC pt sige Ocr 5 Horr21 (6ll 4/12) Ler Halter Na 14 o ea Walle Na. 30 to to Arout 25/14/1
2 TEPoN BISSS EAAN SN MESSAGEG ANHSIGMANAN No. of Mesase IILKEE JAC BANN IMPERIAY SC.OR 18 B9 3e9 1915 SANETMN 112 Brigade. 4th intant Handedin at aorc commun 4th Boe BDe Major RASSWNNN SetFGREME D A AAA 4 A4 623 IEM 1951 taken chanledgeacti FROM etion Iut RACSA TME 1E 1000) N.8058-1812 D A0 lad 1814. P.T. 4 Ca, Ltd -Forme Os12s.
TO PON CORSSN MIS MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. of Nome Regeived SAA II IAMSi a I ar E WMPEPIAE FPRGE Curps to wrast DEC 9 825/1½ LsL 189 Ath Inlant CAGade. Handed in at M. ReceivedM. 12 Aus. BD AASTNSR Daso Wr t Hg AAA BM X chrangements hav uen mad presk anme t Post PLAOR STIS 12
MO PON PASS TSONSEN se m JSSOS UATRAY o 31 c IMPERHL-FOACE HOrcS 15 caneingy Inlantry Brigpdo. m. Received Handed in at Oaave Bete ctajor BWTSE RESSNNSN SACISONE 1957 AAA 30 1951 Br3 199 Hau recende fect naw Petcy rc ancy caused taking necessary semflying o measures Fon 1951 with Your Set Sect No FROM PLAORA TIMR 1227 P.I. 6 00 1 8 OAM
Bty Re that 31 18 1447 M St 15 64 65 21 I 199 men Jewish Sait Babuttle Ote Ogt Sancia 6l Kind angstoul Se I Ni M ago Masgolen Hest. S.M. Splstein Pe Ottliek i
D. 488. Headquarters, 54 143/1738. 4th. Aust. Infantry Brigade, Hay Valley, Anzac. Gallipoli Peninsula. 11th. Decenber, 1915. Headquarters, N. 2. and A. Division. 1. Referring to General Staff Memorandun of 10/12/15 re Systen of Obser- Pation, the organization in this Brigade comprises :- (a) Sentries in Hire Trenches. (D) observers at Machine Cuns. (e) Observers at Sharpshooter posts. (a) Artillery Observer - F.O.O. (e) Patrolling of our Front. 2. The Section held by this Brigade has exceptional advantages of Command and distance of viex. The Section extends from a point in Opper Ches- Megss (Warwick Castle), From 8) fown chesnj. stwee hire Riage, gacress the Aenys bere, & 82. admost any point in this line, a clear view can be had of the Sari Bair Ranye, from the Pinnacle Northwards, and of the wnole of the basin of the ACKYL DERE. There are also forward Posts at Becks Bluff (intersect. ion of Squares 32. V. 2. and 80. d. f.) and at Franklins Post (near 92. 2. 4). From the latter point there is an extensive view to the North and North East. In addition, & Machine Cun position at Rose Hill (just S.E. of 3z. v. 7.) affords a connunding observation point to East. 3. The sentries, in the firing line, are, by day, maintained on look-out duty, at average intervals of 20 yards. But principal reliance is had upon the Machine Cuns, of which there are 16 distributed almost uni- fornly along the Section. Most of these guns are in tunnels; all are provided with telescopes, and at each there is always an observer with telescope. 4. Apart from this, there are 4 specially organized sniper's posts, with Special telescopos, binoculars and mane rifles - two South and two North of the (AGKYL)
55 (3) AGHYL DERE. These men are constantly on the look out for enemy novenent and targets. Meny trenches, and communications are kept under special observation by both these men and the machine guns. S. The Artillery observing Station is situated about midway between 80. D. S. &s. It is underground, with four loopnoles, and from it, the whole range and basin previously referred to, on be observed. This F. O. 0.s. station is in direct teleppone connunication with :- (a) the allotted Patteries (D) Brigade Headquarters (o) No. 1 Sub-section of Defence South of Aghyl Dere. (a) No. 2 Sub-section of Defence North of Aghyl Dere. Artiliery co-operation is practised by means of a code of signals, pre- arranged with C.R.A. - on night lines already laid out. 7. All detached posts, and both Subssections are connected by telephone with Brigade Headquarters, and through the Headquarters station there is complete lateral inter-communication between these posts and sub-sections thenselves. No observer, in any part of the line, is more than 100 vards from the nearest telephone. Most of then are within only a very few yards of a telephone. 8. At night, as observation from all above positions is interfered with by darkness, the country to our frent is kept regularly patrolled from dusk to dann, in the villeys respectively of the AGHYL DERE, the LITTLE DERE and BLACK SWAN GULLY, and the intervening spurs. Tese patrols are sent out, in succession, during the night, their times and routes being nightly varien and altemated. Whnkonash PMSNIOE-CONORI Conmanding Ath. Australian Meantry Prigado.
11/12/1 SOUARE 130 2 FAR BIVEE X MUTTLN JANCA 0 1 1 AORMEY WICR M.G. 10n 1ae6POS OO 40 pour 65 MCPOPIFION MOECRS SION 292D.Cn Rotn Ana aa HEAVY MRIS HAINGLINE IND PENCIL Cogione 42 EAEM MG 6 H Dal Skitch asedirecter Oc No2 Sublection Daud &
N. E. W7. F. a1 X 515 N.2:24 416 800 A.1.B 6 £ die
N02 808 29F1ON AG1YL DERE 12/10/15 Speciat Report 46 4 t Bek thed that report the to garrison 0 Aucklan the A has been Mounder Hls relieved by the quata ditaile HN from the 174 & that everything 1 order present Approy At have sadel men tne Frencher in 90 support. mtt & about 60 22 lll HAMERSLEY save 75 X Ata ost to help the Cook 15 t to AUHamAN of 14 B4 17 Heleyf bt pletee was rou 930 tought Te tck Collod SRe Nf will excplain lar pose & C PubSectio 2200 31



Expectations of Parcels

  Date asked for

Date of Advice &


Box (per Cox) of Kit & toilet articles per Walter.

Sep 6 (L.13.3/p.s.)


Sep 27 


Oct 27)

Second lot toilet articles} -


{Sent by Nov. 14

Acetylene Lamp & 50 Novels} Oct. 17 (L.13.3/p.s3  
1916 Diary ib. it p.85 21/12/15
Spectacles. (Cunningham) Nov.11 (L.1.4/55 21/12/15
Magnifying Periscope  off -15 (is p.67 & Dec 3 repeat  
Austr. Xmas parcels. (from Austr)   Oct. 5
Schmaltz. (off Nov 21 (L.R. 4/p.75)  
13 Care. Low's gift stores, & case gifts in kind, 10000 cigarettes, 31lbs Capstan}    --- Gen Walter Nov.14
Record -books, muffler, mittens, [?], [?] & toilet [?] Recd 13/2/16} per Cox per Walter Nov 30

Mona's Xmas souvenirs

Berts original tin of Tob.} Re:13/2/16

Case for N.C.O's & men- Xmas gifts - Arrived 25/12/15

"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...

DEC 9 1915
4th Infantry Brigade.
EM   SC   M 15
Service Instructions.
₤    s.    d.
Office Stamp.

Handed in at .....Office...m.   Received 1125 m.
TO             Bde Major  4th  Bde  

Sender's Number    QA 683
Day of Month    9th
In reply to Number    BM 1951

Acknowledged actions taken

FROM                        No  1   Sub-Section
PLACE & TIME         1115


"C" Form (Original).
Army Form C 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
DEC 9 1915
4th Infantry Brigade.
Prefix    SM      Code    F Kerr      Words    24
₤    s.    d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions.
From  FK
By   ACN
Office Stamp.
Handed in at ......Office,,,,m.   Received 1205 m.
TO            4th  Aus   Bde
Sender's Name    FK 2
Day of Month    9th
In reply to Number    BM 1952

Arrangements have been made
as required and programme
all understood

FROM              Lt. Opie   Durrants Post
PLACE & TIME       1145


"C" Form  (Duplicate).
Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...
DEC 9 1915
SB    MF    31
Service Instructions
Office Stamp.
Handed in at .......Office....m.   Received  1230  m.
TO                 Bde  Major
Sender's Name    QE 305
Day of Month    -
In reply to Number    BM 1957

Your BM 1951 received
and noted  aaa  Delay
caused by taking necessary
measures in complying
with your BM 1951

FROM              O.C.  No 2  Sub Sect
PLACE & TIME       1227


Ref. BM/ 
               1997      11-12-15

List of men Jewish Faith
13th  Bn     Pte  Mabuttle
11th    "        Sgt. Garcia
14th   "        Cpl. King
14th   "         Pte. Livingstone
15th   "          Nil
16th   "          Major Margolin
16th    "          Regtl. SM Golstein
16th    "           Pte. Gotlieb




P.480.                                                                  54
4th. Aust. Infantry Brigade,
Hay Valley,  Anzac,
Gallipoli Peninsula,
11th. December, 1915.

N. Z. and A. Division.
1.   Referring to General Staff Memorandum of
10/12/15 re System of Observation,
the organisation in this Brigade comprises :-
(a)  Sentries in Fire Trenches.
(b)  Observers at Machine Guns.
(c)  Observers at Sharpshooter posts.
(d)  Artillery Observer - F.O.O.
(e)  Patrolling of our Front.

2.  The Section held by this Brigade has
exceptional advantages of Command
and distance of view.   The Section extends from
a point in Upper Cheshire
Ridge (between 80. D.  6 & 9) down Cheshire
Ridge across the Aghyl Dere, to 92. T. 6 (Warwick
Castle).   From
almost any point in this line, a clear view can be
had of the Sari Bair
Range, from the Pinnacle Northwards, and of
the whole of the basin of
the AGHYL DERE.   There are also forward posts
at Becks Bluff (intersection
of Squares 92. Y. Z. and 80 d. f.) and at Franklins
Post (near
92. Z. 4).   From the latter point there is an 
extensive view to the
North and North East.   In addition, a Machine
Gun position at Rose Hill
(just S.E. of 92. y. 7.) affords a commanding
observation point at East.

3.   The sentries, in the firing line, are, by day,
maintaned on look-out
duty, at average intervals of 20 yards.   But
principal reliance is had
upon the Machine Guns, of which there are
16 distributed almost uniformly
along the Section.   Most of these guns are in
tunnels;  all are
provided with telescopes, and at each there is
always an observer with

4.   Apart from this, there are 4 specially
organised sniper's posts, with
telescopes, binoculars and xxx   special rifles -
two South and two North of the


(2)                                                                    55

AGHYL DERE.   These men are constantly on
the look out for enemy movement
and targets.   Enemy trenches, and 
communications  are kept under special
observation by both these men and the
machine guns.

5.   The Artillery Observing Station is situated
about midway between
80. D. 5. & 9.   It is underground, with four
loopholes, and from it, the
whole range and basin previously referred to,
can be observed.

6.   This F. O. O's. station is in direct telephone
communication with :-
(a)  the allotted Batteries
(b)   Brigade Headquarters
(c)   No. 1 Sub-section of Defence South of Aghyl
(d)   No. 2 Sub-section of Defence North of Aghyl
Artillery co-operation is practised by means of
a code of signals, pre-arranged
with C.R.A. - on night lines already laid out.

7.   All detached posts, and both Sub-sections
are connected by telephone
with Brigade Headquarters, and through the
Headquarters station there is
complete lateral inter-communication between these posts and sub-sections
themselves.   No observer, in any part of the
line, is more than 100
yards from the nearest telephone.   Most of
them are wiithin only a very
few yards of a telephone.

8.   At night, as observation from all above 
positions is interfered with
by darkness, the country to our front is kept
regularly patrolled from
dusk to dawn, in the valleys respectively of
intervening spurs.   These patrols are
sent out, in succession, during the night, their
times and routes being
nightly varied and alternated.
John Monash Brigadier-General
Commanding 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade.




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Handdrawn sketch to be included






G.O.C..  4th  Bde  HQ
Sketch as directed
O.C.  No  2  Sub-Section
per  R R Paull Lt


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Handdrawn sketch to be included



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Handdrawn sketch to be included




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