Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 11, 1 December - 25 December 1915, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Special Army Corps Order. Australian & New Zecland Army Corps. 1st December, 1918. Boys. I cannot toll you how really serry I am to be leaving Ansae', as I have to do on shifting over to Army Hendquartere. I have not, however, any intention of saying "Goodbye" to anyone, for I trust it is by no meant Goodrye', as I still hope and intend to see as much of all my old friends in the Army Corpe as 1 possibly can do. Nor am I going to express my thanks to officers and men, even if I could find words to do so. 1 feel it would only be presumption on my part; for it 16 for the British Epire to de that; and I well know it will do so. My one wish is to be able to finish this war alongside of all my old comrades of anzac’ - having begun it together alose on a year ago now in Egypt, I sinceroly trust that many of us may be spared to see it through together, when the time comes to make an end of our German enemies, though that day may be yet Par distant. Mr G Endwood Licutenant-General, Commanding Australian & New Zealand Army Corps.
Pittsbbrion ath (Australian) infantry Brigadef 8 Hay Valley, Anz.c, Callipoli Penin. and. December, 1815. Headquarters, N. 2. and A. Division. sumitted herewith two letters from Major J. S. lazarus, 14th. Pat- talion, of November aath and 30th; also a medical report (from Captein Winn, A.A.M.C.) This officer reported at Ansse on November 15th for duty with l4th Lbattalion, as reinforceent officer - nothing being previously mom of him. He was posted in Command of C. Conpany, 14th Battalion. In his letter of Novenber 24th he puts forward a claim to the command of a Battalion, or, in the altemnative, evacuation to Egypt for duty there 1 did not consider it advieable to recommend either Course. In his second letter of Novenber soth he pleads age and physioal infimities as a reason for his release from further duty at the Front. I think it will be evident from those letters alone that this officer is not likely to be of any atility, at the Front, either as a Battalion Comnander or in any other capacity. I am of opinion, further, that, if that view is concurred in, he should cease to be a charge upon the Com- monwealth. 7 recommend, therefore, that this officar be returned to Australia as medically unfit for further service and for discharge at the first opportunity. Bris.-Gcheral, Commanding ath (Australian) Infantry Brigade.
CopY. Durrants Post, C.M.D.23. 2112115. AAB/i3i2. Brigede Major, 4th. Infantry Brigade. he Major J. Lazarns. I beg to report that this officer is practically useless to me. He complains that he is too unwell to do any night shifts in the trenches or in cold weather, thus putting extra work on to the other officers. In the past four days he has only done one daylight shift in the trenches and no night shifts. In place of looking after his Company he spands most of the day about his dug out, and in my opinion the Company would be better looked after if put in charge of a Subaltern. He has made up his mind he cannot stick it here, and an officer of that description is worthless to me. (Signed) Chas. M. N. Dare, Major, C.O., 14th. Battalion.
Gramophone Record (of Capt. Socke 2/12/15 at Benchop's Hill Bingy you, ttn bigt man Anoganytarn. pinggo, fot df foo taffon oynon Birgypn, man piffut Krgyon ma! ofn Tyorff, Iin foyt fo neort Biiggyun, In Romngt fo way and fam Bingyn, ont; neonof on doy bloys main Buggfon, man piffort pryeyan to fflory voy him, Fay mpt in And mandar main!
2/12/15 Recipe for Rum Frnch The relative prantities of tem & Water are those bex an ordinary nobbler & to taste Fer fule tumbler of the Funch. Water (warm - to save heating) Rum I dessert spoon of sugar or ICump. leman squeezed lemon siced I teaspoonful of Curacoa take a Funch Bowl, capable of being heated by spirit Campe, Add the ingredients in the above order, while the whole is being treated, & ster with the ladle.- but do not let it come to the birl Sere, with ladle, into deep punch peasse of available
SASNO. URGEN7 210/1818. ath (Aust.) Infantry Brigade, Hay Valley, anxac, Gallipoli Peninsula, Srd. December, 1815. Headquarters, N. 2. and A. Division, Further to my 4AB/1312 of yesterday, 1 forward herewith report from O.C., 14th. Battalion, re Major J. S. Lazarus. As it is very undersirable to retrin, in a position of responsible connand of a Defence Post, an officer mo cannot be absolutely depended upon, 1 consider that he should be at once relieved from duty, pending a decision as to his ultimate dispossl. Submitted for favour of concurrence of G.O.C., Division, by telegraph. BrissGenl. Commanding 4th. (Australian) Infantry Brigade.
5/12/15 - A Maltese Cross, points enamelled argent, edged B. gold, terminating small gold balls, in each angle a lion passant guardant or; in centre, on a ground argent, the rose, thistle + shamrock, is sant from a sceptre between three imperial crowns, all within a circle gules, thereon the motto of the Order His i juncta in Uns in gold letters, and encompassed by two branches of laurel proper, From an escroll agure, insinbed Ich dien in letter of gold.
MSIOTS. Copy. AAB/1312. Australian and New Zeeland Arny Corps. Keadguarters, Confidential. 6th. December, 1915. Headquarters, N.2. and A. Division, With reference to your A 19/71, of 5rd. inst., relative to Major J. S. Lazarus, 14th. Battalion, 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade, the Army Corps Commander directs that this Officer be instructed to return to Egypt and report on arrival there to the O.C., A.I.F., In- termediate Base, Caire, who will arrange for hin to be brought before a Medical Board. Please inform wi we of date on which 1t 1s proposed Major Lazarus should leave anzae so that arrangenents for transport may be made. (Sed.) T. Griffiths, Major Wilitary Secretary, A. & N. 2. Army Corps. ----- ------000000 (3) Copy. 2.A.19171. AAB)1312. GoDoCo, Copy of Field Message 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade, B.M.1934 dated stn. t0 For your information and return please. 9.Cee 14th. M. Kindly inform me date on which it is proposed Major Lazarus should leave Anxac. Please instruct Major Lazarus to hold himself in (Sed.) C. N. Bentinck, Lt.-Col readiness return Egypt AcA. Go, N. 2. & A. Division. 7/12115. short notice AAA on receipt of notice he will call Brigade Headguarters for papers AAA Acknowledge. From Brisade Najor, 4th. Inf. Bde. 1002. -- 131. AA8/1312. AMS. 1075. Headquarters, N. 2. and A. Division, He could leave at any time after tomorrow sth. instant. hubnor Brigadier-General, commanding sin. (Australian) Infantry Brigade. Hay Valley, Anzac. Gallipoli Peninsula, 8/12115.
33 Anzac Gallipoti Dec. 8/15 The Modevator Fresbgteran Assumbly Melbonone My dear Sir- I am writing to you once again, on the subject of the Cte Rev. Andrew Gillison, Chaptain of thes Brigadi, to express to you the sorrow & indignation which we have feet, at the slar which has been cast (quite unconsciously perhaps) upon the memory of a brave & noble man, by the very tactlers asticle which appeared in the Lrgies of OCt 2, describing his end. - This article can be judged by the array o maccuracies as to the time & manner of place of the late Chaptains and:- I do not believe, for a moment, that he abused the protection of the Teneva Brawnard which he always ware; by becoming a combatint & killing turks; - or even by shorting at them. - No one knew Lunderstood or practiced, I the them he, the rules of honorable waof are, and his friends may dismiss at once the suggestion thant he could have acted in such violation of his calling. I have every reason to believe that the jouralat, who wrote that article, erronems. by atteduted to Chaptain Gillison a story told him of quite another man - not a chaptain. - I trust that this disclaimer, which may be taken to be authoritative from those who know all the facts will prove some comfort to his friends in Anstralia Yours very sincerely Thukonast
9/12/15 Agenda in Egypt he . Craig.- Rrochase for Brigadier:- 2 packets (1 doz. enchy of Gilette Razor Blades (ay 100 Egyptian a Twkisk Cigarettes - (Abdullah preferred) (6) Two dry battery refills for Electric Torch – Known (C) as the "Ever reapy" - Battery N. 1547 – sold by Daviis Bryan - Alexandra Service Cap, soft, with red staff band, plain (d) Khater peak - Size] - made in Cairo - as per particulars which Brigade Major has. Send from Alexandria - at week end rates- 2 by Eastern Extension Telepraph Co - following cable:- ToyN MOURSH MELBOUENE IWELFTH WELL SEASONS GREETINGS. MONASH Get into touch with Capt. Seclenmeyer, Brigade Vet. office 3 at Madi Camp / to ascertain on what dates since N.r.I he has dispatched the fortnightly consignments of Mess Stores. If one of these consignments is due to leave when you do, it might expedpte matters for you to bring it along with your own Cargo. Herewith $2 on 7/ of expenses of afove 4 Ohnhonash

Special Army Corps Order.
Australian & New Zealand
Army Corps.
1st December, 1915.
I cannot tell you how really sorry I am to be
leaving "Anzac"', as I have to do on shifting over to
Army Headquarters.
I have not, however, any intention of saying
"Goodbye" to anyone, for I trust it is by no means

"Goodbye", as I still hope and intend to see as much

of all my old friends in the Army corps as I possibly 

can do.
Nor am I going to express my thanks to officers
and men, even if I could find words to do so. 1 feel
it would only be presumption on my part; for it is

for the British Empire to do that; and I well know it
will do so.
My one wish is to be able to finish this war
alongside of all my old comrades of "Anzac" - having
begun it together close on a year ago now in Egypt, I
sincerely trust that many of us may be spared to see
it through together, when the time comes to make an
end of our German enemies, though that day may be yet
far distant.
WR Birdwood
Commanding Australian & New Zealand Army Corps.


Headquarters,                                                    48

4th (Australian) Infantry Brigade,                     

Hay Valley, Anzac, Gallipoli Penin.

2nd. December, 1915.


N.Z. and A. Division.

Submitted herewith two letters from Major J. S. Lazarus, 14th. 

Battalion, of November 24th and 30th; also a medical report (from Captain
Winn, A.A.M.C.)
This officer reported at Anzac on November 13th for duty with l4th
Battalion, as reinforcement officer - nothing being previously known of
him. He was posted in Command of C. Company, 14th Battalion.
In his letter of November 24th he puts forward a claim to the command
of a Battalion, or, in the alternative, evacuation to Egypt for duty there
I did not consider it advisable to recommend either course.
In his second letter of November 30th he pleads age and physical
infirmities as a reason for his release from further duty at the Front.
I think it will be evident from those letters alone that this officer
is not likely to be of any utility, at the Front, either as a Battalion
Commander or in any other capacity. I am of opinion, further, that, if
that view is concurred in, he should cease to be a charge upon the
I recommend, therefore, that this officer be returned to Australia
as medically unfit for further service and for discharge at the first
Commanding 4th (Australian) Infantry Brigade.



Durrants Post

Brigade Major,
4th. Infantry Brigade.
Re Major J. Lazarus.
I beg to report that this officer is practically useless to me.
He complains that he is too unwell to do any night shifts in the
trenches or in cold weather, thus putting extra work on to the other
officers. In the past four days he has only done one daylight shift
in the trenches and no night shifts. In place of looking after his
Company he spends most of the day about his dug out, and in my opinion
the Company would be better looked after if put in charge of a Subaltern.
He has made up his mind he cannot "stick it" here, and an officer of that
description is worthless to me.
(Signed) Chas. M. M. Dare, Major,
C.O., 14th. Battalion.


Gramophone Record (of Capt. Locke)
at Beauchop's Hill    2/12/15
[[Puppchen, du bist mein Augenstern.

Puppchen, hab dich zum Fressen gern.

Puppchen, mein subes Puppenchen, ?]]

[[ ?? ]]

[[Puppchen, du kannst so reizend sein ?]]

[[Puppchen,  ? ? ? mein?]]

[[Puppchen, mein? ? Puppchen?]]




Recipe for Rum Punch
The relative quantities of Rum & Water are those for an
ordinary nobbler & to taste.
Per full tumbler of the 'Punch'
Rum Water (warm - to save heating)
I dessert spoon of sugar or 1 lump.
¼ lemon squeezed
¼ lemon sliced
I teaspoonful of Curacoa
Take a Punch Bowl, capable of being heated by spirit lamp,
Add the ingredients in the above order, while the
whole is being heated, & stir with the ladle.-
but do not let it come to the boil

Serve, with ladle, into deep punch glasses
if available
Hand drawn diagram - see original


4AB/1312.                                 U R G E N T            


4th (Aust.) Infantry Brigade,

Hay Valley, Anzac,

Gallipoli Peninsula,

3rd. December, 1915.
N. Z. and A. Division,
Further to my 4AB/1312 of yesterday, I forward
herewith report from O.C., 14th. Battalion, re Major J. S. Lazarus.
As it is very undersirable to retain, in a
position of responsible command of a Defence Post, an officer who cannot
be absolutely depended upon, I consider that he should be at once relieved
from duty, pending a decision as to his ultimate disposal.
Submitted for favour of concurrence of G.O.C.,
Division, by telegraph.
Commanding 4th. (Australian) Infantry Brigade.


C.B. - "A Maltese Cross, points enamelled argent, edged
"gold, terminating small gold balls, in each angle a lion
"passant guardant or; in centre, on a ground argent, the
"rose, thistle & shamrock, issuant from a sceptre between three
"imperial crowns, all within a circle gules, thereon the motto of the
"Order 'Trio in juncta in Uno' in gold letters, and encompassed
"by two branches of laurel proper, from an escroll azure, inscribed
"'Ich dien' in letters of gold."



Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.



6th. December, 1915.

N.Z. and A. Division,                                  
With reference to your A 19/71, of 3rd. inst., relative to
Major J. S. Lazarus, 14th. Battalion, 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade,
the Army Corps Commander directs that this Officer be instructed to
return to Egypt and report on arrival there to the O.C., A.I.F.,
Intermediate Base, Cairo, who will arrange for him to be brought before
a Medical Board.
Please inform xxx me of date on which it is proposed Major Lazarus
should leave Anzac so that arrangements for transport may be made.
(Sgd.) T. Griffiths, Major
Military Secretary, A. & N. Z. Army Corps.

(2) Copy.
Copy of Field Message                     
B.M.1934 dated 8th.                          

O.C., 14th. Bn.                                      
Please instruct Major                          
Lazarus to hold himself in                                                    
readiness return Egypt                                                         
short notice AAA On                         
receipt of notice he will
call Brigade Headquarters
for papers AAA Acknowledge.
Brigade Major,
4th. Inf. Bde. 1002.



4th Australian Infantry Brigade,

For your information and return please.

Kindly inform me date on which it is proposed

Major Lazarus should leave Anzac.

(Sgd.) C.N. Bentinck, Lt.-Col

A.A.G., N.Z. & A. Division.
AMS. 1075.
N. Z. and A. Division,
He could leave at any time after
tomorrow 9th. instant.
John Monash   Brigadier-General,
Commanding 4th. (Australian) Infantry Brigade.
Hay Valley, Anzac,
Gallipoli Peninsula,


Dec. 8/15
The Moderator
Presbyterian Assembly
My dear Sir,
I am writing to you once again, on the subject of the
?te Rev. Andrew Gillison, Chaplain of the Brigade, to express to you
the sorrow & indignation which we have felt, at the slur which has
been cast (quite unconsciously perhaps) upon the memory of a brave &
noble man, by the very tactless article which appeared in the Argus of
Oct 2, describing his end. - This article can be judged by the array
of inaccuracies as to the time & manner of place of the late Chaplain's
end. - I do not believe, for a moment, that he abused the protection
of the Geneva Brassard which he always wore; by becoming a combatant
& Killing Turks; - or even by shooting at them. - No one knew
or understood or practised, better than he, the rules of honorable warfare,
and his friends may dismiss at once the suggestion that he
could have acted in such violation of his calling. -  I have every
reason to believe that the journalist, who wrote that article, erroneous.
by attributed to Chaplain Gillison a story told him of quite another
man - not a chaplain. - I trust that this disclaimer, which
may be taken to be authoritative from those who know all the facts
will prove some comfort to his friends in Australia
Yours very sincerely
John Monash


Agenda in Egypt for xxxx Capt . Craig:-
1. Purchase for Brigadier:-
(a) 2 packets (1 doz. each) of Gilette Razor Blades
(b) 100 Egyptian or Turkish Cigarettes - (Abdullah preferred)
(c) Two dry battery refills for Electric Torch – Known
as the "Ever ready" - Battery No. 1547 – sold by
Davies Bryan - Alexandria
(d) Service Cap, soft, with red staff band, plain
Khakee peak - Size 7 - made in Cairo - as per
particulars which Brigade Major has.

2. Send from Alexandria - at week end rates -
by Eastern Extension Telegraph Co - following

[**10/- for cable**]

3. Get into touch with Capt. Seclenmayer, Brigade Vet. Officer
at Maadi Camp - to ascertain on what dates since Nov. 1
he has dispatched the fortnightly consignments of Mess Stores.
If one of these consignments is due to leave when you do,
it might expedite matters for you to bring it along with your
own Cargo.
4. Herewith £2 on a/c of expenses of above
John Monash

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