Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 25 November - 30 November 1915, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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O TOM AN A SS MESSAGES AND SIGNALS An of Moooaso raced So OCAUSTREEEER c 13 rsarover o Charges to collect orpl Seres Etenton M Cnty Bose -m. Received Handed in atL ORC 446 JJ AMISI apresin TENONGWSNSNNN AAa 150 tolicy Rseprence of taa Ditence fire fened or He Mhat really facoural any offera target that to be and it respected to such largets and thee i to nc TROM FLAORATME ad Oa JWea MARASILARL O. TO OAAN A TSON TNESSAGES AND SIGNALS Na. of Mossage— Office Stamp Recate Sent, or sent out OreA Codo Words Charges to collect Service Instructions Received Handed in at SEASOTTKENNE SATAMONE RNONGWSNSNSE firs o u arle t on open hat ali Enemyman enthe uing 3 No 1 Jan 1756 No 2 Ncy TROM O TLACRETMN 1213 MM ANNOAMEN a awno on 12i
MJ TASSNR OFerm (Orifinal. No of Messase. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Offce Stamp Boot or coaton Received For From. Charges to collect Pertes Rtteane ct handed bat STOSY ESSENSSN P TNlEESTE AAA conf r X t X r TROM 128 FLAORATIME t i m Fon i amon M ABL-TorasEMM
O TONCONANN My TONSINE MISSACRS AND SIONARS. Hecure Recotte Sent, or sent out Office Stamp ffan Words Charges to collect ( t Corme horonore Handed in at Recotred 12 Bde 4t6 ES SAYONON WEONGWSSANSS aaa GW 226 27th 341756 Acknowledged Fom Turrank Dost PLACEATIMN 1358 ad be craned i not required. WM MABd-SIL. A B.Lid- TO. Ton OMSNA LAY TANSSR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Message Sent, or sent out Received Office Stamp m ppfese ane ar DS 476 Sores Luttenton 198 OD00 Reca B 56 Handed in at Mafor 1 Bote SMN SATAN tWSNN AAA 7hBM17 A0 1728 McSage received and Hoted TOM till D/c PLACEATMN Faa anN
OTON ONSNA T S MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Meso Office Stamp Sat Sent, or sent out m Ppeeo ofut 27 AB cwfhr GAMPERRLFORCE 407 at 1584 15 Handed in at Wilof JIth Mnrry Ertgate Ide Mafor 4th Hde SA Day of Mooth 29772 AAA 7thBM 17598 Bass Word received and N0/20 FROM C/o 40. 2. Tub rection PLACESTIME 453 1to nd Aat Mt W MPad-Si ABLld-Fo TC Tow Costonsh LAYKOND.DE MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Message— Ofice Stamp Charges to Pay. 27 SH 1312 " a 79 SATESRMSSMON 106 £5 O000 a Handed in at 117 Nde FTONGWNNSS DATANENN SCAAESSANN AAA Bn 1758 2714 9a 528 Fave word foted Surrants CoS.C FnoM PLAONATIME 1506 W 200 Pad 816 ABLtd-FamGMM 150
35 Ar FORM Army Form C. 2121 Do. of Mes MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. CAE Na Reed atI This message is on a/o of: Office of Orisis and Service instruction yurs s Dc cn nnu Dor 1391 A2 DrOM7.6 To ommmmmmmmm o Craro d Frtira Ohe 189 56 T0 Bde 4th Aust tt to t Do a ta Js T 27th 84 tor night The Password CHATHAM 27/2812 43 Fut BP Br norSI 1758 No2S5 t Bde 2 Tuf From Place 1300 Time The Aow My to Crnten A M Anritt 12) major 8: Convor. I Siaetre d HArenFT & Frren Wvitend w iIerRND i. MIAA. E.T. 11. INFANIRY BRICL. This line should be crased I as rouired
MSHSSSIN 404 IMPERIAL FOREE 586 SACE NOYETE Co No. 6.A. 6273 4th Inlantry Brieate geld G.0.0. 1850 Bruigade 4th Hspositions Nd.2 sub-section. 27th)est Horr. () A patrol 61 1 N.C.O. and 2 men will leave MEUAS at 0200 going in direction of GREEN KNOLL and returning at 6460 for the purpose of listening and ovserving. (D) A listening patrol of 1 N.C.O. asa 8 men will leare No.5 Post at 1730 proceeding up LLTLLE DERE to a spot 40 yds in advance of as imaginary lise, arawn from FRANKLIRD to BECRe for the purpose of listening and observing. Returns at O0s0. (c) a listening patrol of 1 N.C.O. aau o nen vill Leave NEWDURIS at 1730 proceeding on a bearing of 158 degrees avout 50 pds in aavaace of our line for the purpose of listeniag. Returns at 6530. Dispositions No. I suesection. Erta/2sts novr. Listening posts in Truat of No.1 Post. Patrols to leave No. 1 Post at 1800 and 2400, patrels AGALL DERE and Feturn viz No. 1 Post at 2030 and 0230. (Communivated to prigage, No. 2 sub-sestion and all Fuete. Srtmerta MaSOr. No.1 Suo-section. so0od Looned at 1500. Fr No 2Sua Sectan 16th Bi Boal of 1402 ACHYL DERE 27-11-15 Despatlon of No2 SoD SeEIIa for anght 24-2 A 44 09) tracngtion.A. It prude & tabet Iuen will leane Dects a as going in LATRALS direction of C2ecn Knolt and returning at ower for the purpose of istening & sorring B Aislenig panot of IND6 fuen will leare N03 por at 1739 LDTerwa P30 proceeding up LTHE DERE tga for nya an advaance of an unagurary line, chawn from Fhanklins to Becks, for the purpose of Crling observing. They will return at 0532 & C. H Caslening patret of INEAX Singe will lease NEWBERRYS L1StEnM Pln a 1730 proceeding, or as bearing of 155 about 50ya in actrance our line for the purpose of ltening 12B.& They will return at 15391 4Bel Maj SvS SEcTian it
SrFor Onstorsh LAy For O.VI MESSAGES AND SIGNADS. JA MPEErFonen t 63 40 NovEdis 363 SurLMon 4th Intantry Sronde A 9 4Ap 4363 7495 63 AAA 7070 1186 the tuestin improved the Wyl& receiveng the t attention of Ropever GR D aaa it dowbtful if tabout is avaitable for the constucted as you high Pevel Road Suggest X Levis 4 Ryan 1815 a ammon s.AM ma
Sente Hstctions Handed in at S FII h FRON PLACRSTIME 30 the ta CPowEM SrForn Dosteae No of Mossage MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. JOMOSAN EALK igERI Noredis 88 Ath Intaner AAA Put LS.ALL-PINSE
for CopY. SPECLAL FAREYEL ORPER. Mejer-General Sir A. J. Grdley, K.C.M.Ge, CoB.. on vacating Command of the New Zealand and Australian Division, Sir Alexander Godley wishes to thank all officers non- commissioned officers and men of it, for the loyal support they have invariably afforded hin, since the Division was formed under his Comnand, nearly a year age. He esteens himself specially fortunate, in that it was formed of troops from both Australia and New Zealand, and is very prowd to have conanded a Division, which has to its credit the driginal land- ing at ANEAC, the subseguent repulse of several determined counter- attacks by the eneny, and Hinally the successful operations, which resulted in the occupation of all the Turkish territory) between and Including the APEY and HILL 60. His great consolation in leaving the Division is) that, in ms new arpointment, he will still be in close touch with it, and he has no doubt that under his successor, it will earn fresn laurels and continue to take a conspicuous share in bringing the War to a success- Tul conclusion. ANEAG. (Sgd) C. C. BENTIHCK, Ment,-Colonel, 27111125. Ac A0 G0
Copy V. G.O.C. 4th Brigade AUSTRALLAN INFANTRY BRIGADE. FOURTA SWURET N. I SUD-SEITION. Of DEOEMD SCRENE The following notes on the defence of No.1 Sub- L. CENERAL. section are intended primarily as a guide to all concerned and as such, their literal reading is not to over-ride the initiative of Pest Commanders. No deviation is however, to be made from an expressed principle without reference to the O.c. Sub-section. Connencing at a spot on 2. DESCRIPTION OF DETENSIYE POSITTON. CHESHIRE RIDGE avout 50 yds NORTH of 80 d 9, the nain defensive line follows the ridge which forms the watersned between the AGAYL DERE and CAALLLK DERE, trence through KNOLL 110 (Durrants Bed of DERE exclusive. Post) to the ved of the AGALL DERE. The sub-section is pounded on the right by the defensive line of the n. s. X. prigade and on the LEFT by that of It includes a HOTCRKISS, three pounder G.F. Ne. 2 Sub-section. which is situated NORTH WEST of ROSE ALLL at tae spot where HOTCRKISS GULLY junetiens with the AGAYL DERE. The Suo-secties is alvided for S. ORGANTEATION AND DISTRIBUTTON tactical and administrative purposes into four posts:- Fron the right of Suc-section to BOUNDARY No. 1 POST. Includes an Artillery Observation station ROAD (inclusive). but no Machine Guns. Cr and Dr Companies, lsta Battalion. Garrison, Capt. H. C. FORD. O.C. Post. From BOUNDARY ROAD to TOWNSUILLE STREET. Ne.-2 POST. Includes four Machine Guns which are placed on conmanding points on KNOLL R 1I0. Dr Company 13th pattalion and Ar Company Garrison. 13th pattalion, less half. Sapt. G. G. GARDINER. O.C. Post PrON TONMSTILLE STREET on the LETT to the BED of Ne. 3 POST. the AGHYL DERE (exclusive). Includes four Machine Guns. 14th pattalion. Garrison. Major. C.M. DARE, C.O., 14th pattalien. O.C. Post A three pounder a.r. manned by a Ne. & (HOTCNKISS) POST. crew of 15th and 14th Battalions and under orders from Brigade Machine Gun Officer. The garrison of each post is divided POST ORGANTEATION. inte, firing line, supports and local reserves. Divouaced in Fear of Ne.2 Post., Inten- WE. OUSDUIONE dod prinarily to reinforce posts where needed, though they will not be drawn upon until all local reserves are used by the They are under the direct orders of the post concerned. O.C. Sub-section. Half of Ar Company istn Battalien. Troops. No. 2 Field Conpany, N.L. Engineers. (1).

"C" Form (Original)                                  Army Form C.2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS                           No. of Message
Prefix SM   Code [[?]] Words 15  
£ s. d.   
Charges to collect 
From SS
Sent, or sent out
at ........m.                
Office Stamp.  
NOV 27 1915 
4TH Infantry Brigade
Service Instructions   
Handed in at NZE          Office ....m               Received at ....m  
To 4th A I Bde
*Sender's Number     Day of Month     In reply to Number              AAA 
G928                                            27
Reference policy of  
silence aaa fire 
may be opened on 
any really favourable 
target that offers area 
and it is to be 
restricted to such 
targets and there is to 
be no
*This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.

"C" Form (Original)                                  Army Form C.2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS                           No. of Message
Prefix   Code      Words  
£ s. d.   
Charges to collect 
Sent, or sent out
at ........m.                
Office Stamp.  
Service Instructions   
Handed in at          Office ....m               Received at ....m  
*Sender's Number     Day of Month     In reply to Number              AAA       
promiscuous shooting aaa our 
Guns open shortly on 
enemy manning trenches 
No 1 SS } Bm 1756 
No 2  "  } 
FROM                       NZ A Div 
PLACE & TIME         1215
*This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


 "C" Form (Original)                                  Army Form C.2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS                           No. of Message
Prefix SM   Code [[?]] Words 25  
£ s. d.   
Charges to collect 
Sent, or sent out
at ........m.                
Office Stamp. 
Service Instructions   
Handed in at NZ          Office ....m               Received at ....m  
To 4th A I Bde
*Sender's Number     Day of Month     In reply to Number              AAA 
G929                                            27
Reference G925 can 
you confirm presence 
of Turks in trenches 
in considerable numbers 
Reply Urgent 
Can't confirm 
Bm 1755
FROM Reply urgent 
PLACE & TIME N Z  A Div 1225
*This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Original)                                  Army Form C.2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS                           No. of Message
Prefix SM    Code         Words  
£ s. d.   
Charges to collect 
From  xx4th
Sent, or sent out
at ........m.                
To  80
Office Stamp.  
Service Instructions   
Handed in at          Office         m               Received at 1358m.  
To 4th Bde
*Sender's Number     Day of Month     In reply to Number              AAA               
  QA 526                           27th                      BM1756
FROM                       Durrant's Post 
PLACE & TIME         1355
*This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.                  
"C" Form (Original)                                  Army Form C.2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS                           No. of Message
Prefix SM    Code         Words  
£ s. d.   
Charges to collect 
From  15th
Sent, or sent out
at ........m.                
To  79
Office Stamp.  
Service Instructions   
Handed in at          Office         m               Received at 1356m.  
To Bde Major 4th Bde
*Sender's Number     Day of Month     In reply to Number              AAA               
  QE 1720                           27th                      BM1756
Message received and 
FROM                       O/C No 2 Sub Section 
PLACE & TIME         1355
*This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.    



"C" Form (Original)                                  Army Form C.2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS                     No. of Message
Prefix SM   Code     Words 
£ s. d.   
Charges to collect 
From No 2 Sub
Sent, or sent out
at ........m.                
NOV 27 1915 
4TH Infantry Brigade
Office Stamp.  
Service Instructions   
Handed in at          Office         m               Received at  1440pm  
To Bde Major 4th Bde
*Sender's Number     Day of Month     In reply to Number              AAA 
QE 173                                 27th                  BM. 1758
Pass Word received and
FROM                  C/O No. 2 Sub Section 
PLACE & TIME   1355
*This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123. 
"C" Form (Original)                                  Army Form C.2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS                     No. of Message
SM                                13th
Charges to Pay.   
£     s.     d.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at          Office         m               Received at  1537m  
To  4th Bde
*Sender's Number     Day of Month     In reply to Number              AAA 
QA 528                                27th                  BM. 1758 
Pass word Noted
[*recd 13th 1435*]
FROM                         Durrant's Post
PLACE & TIME                   1500 1500  KH
W.2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


"A" FORM                                        Army Form C. 2121 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS         No. of Message
Prefix               Code            m.
Office of Origin And Service Instructions
Words   Charge
At                       m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Recd. at                                  m.
Date 4ab
From 1378
TO  4th Aust Bde           108
Sender's Number          Day of Month          In reply to Number      AAA
BM 784                              27th  
The password for night
27/28th is CHATHAM.
Recd  21317   27/11/15
No 1 SS{     BM
No 2 SS{    1758
JPMcG 1400
From    NZ      Inf       Bde
Time    1300
The above may be forwarded as now corrected
 (Z) R O CHESNEY           Major
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name
*This line should be erased if not required.


NOV 27 1915
4th Infantry Brigade
Q.A. 527.            SECRET              Copy No. 1 
 (110) (*recd 1555*)  
4th Brigade. 
Dispositions No. 2 Sub-section.   27th/28th Novr. 

(a)  A patrol  of  1  N.C.O. and 2 men will leave 
BECKS at 0200 going in direction of GREEN KNOLL 
and returning at 0400 for the purpose of listening 
and observing.  √ 
(b)  A listening patrol of 1 N.C.O. and 6 men will  
leave No. 3 Post at 17.30 proceeding up LITTLE DERE 
to a spot 40 yds in advance of an imaginary line, 
drawn from FRANKLINS to BECKS for the purpose of 
listening and observing. Returns at 0530. √ 
(c)  A listening patrol of 1 N.C.O. and 3 men will 
leave NEWBURYS at 1730 proceeding on a bearing of 
135 degrees about 50 yards in advance of our line 
for the purpose of listening. Returns at 0530. √

Dispositions No. 1 Sub-section.   27th/28th Novr. 
(a) Listening Posts in front of No. 1 Post. 
(b) Patrols to leave No. 1 Post at 1800 and 2400, 
patrols AGHYL DERE  and return via No. 1 Post at 
2030 and 0230. 
(Communicated to Brigade, No, 2 Sub-section and  
all Posts. 
          Sydney CE Herring     Major 
             C.O., No.1 Sub-section 
Issued at 1500 
   (*Show  Brigadier 
24  XI  15*) 
16TH Btn  [*OA43*]     ISSUED AT 1400           AGHYL DERE 
Dispositions of No 2 SUB SECTION for night 
27-28 NOV 1915                                                                  (109) 
A.  A patrol of   1 NCO & 2 men  will leave BECKS at 0200 going in                 direction of GREEN KNOLL and 
returning at 0400 for the purpose 
of listening and observing. √
B.  A listening patrol of 1 NCO & 5
men will leave NO3 Post at 1730
proceeding up LITTLE DERE to a 
spot 40yds in advance of an  
imaginary line, drawn from 
FRANKLINS to BECKS, for the purpose 
of listening & observing. 
They will return at 0530 √

C.   A listening patrol of 1 NCO &  
3 men will leave NEWBERRYS 
at 1730 proceeding, on a  bearing 
of 135° about 50 yds in advance of 
our line for the purpose of listening.
They will return at 0530 √ 

TO 16 Bde                       
       4 Bde                        
PRPaul  LT  


"C" Form (Duplicate).                                Army Form C. 2131 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS                        No. of Messages
[[?]] 46        45     NZ 
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay
£     s.     d.
NOV 27 1915
4th Infantry Brigade 
Office Stamp.
 4aB/ 1363
Handed in at   NZ       Office         m               Received at  1907m  
To  4th Aust Inf Bde
[[(CAG)?]] 4 AB/1363 4aB/1306
*Sender's Number     Day of Month     In reply to Number              AAA 
G9372                              27th                     4xxxBd3
4/1863                              29 
The question of improving 
the AGHYL DERE is receiving 
the attention of the  
C R E aaa it is however 
doubtful if labour is available 
for the construction of a  
high level road as you 

FROM (* JM*)      NZ A DIVIS
PLACE & TIME    1815
W.2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Duplicate).                                Army Form C. 2131 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS                        No. of Messages
NZ  NZ C Gray
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay
£     s.     d.
NOV 28 1915
4th Infantry Brigade 
Office Stamp.
Handed in at            Office         m               Received at      m.  
To  4th A I. B            132
*Sender's Number     Day of Month     In reply to Number              AAA 
GA1                                  27th                     
In view of  Turks having 
filled their trenches with men 
today troops are to be 
 warned to be specially on 
the alert AAA  Post Commander 
will be instructed to see 
that arrangements for securing 
artillery support rapidly are complete 
AAA  Addressed all Bdes and 
C. R. A. 
No. 1 Sub Sec}     Bm 1772 
No. 2   "      "    }    Bm 1793 

FROM    Recd NZA                   N Z &  A DIV 
PLACE & TIME  Sig 9pm         2045
W.2384-583.  30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123. 


                                         SPECIAL      FAREWELL      ORDER. 
                    Major-General Sir A. J. Godley, K.C.M.G., C.B.. 
On vacating Command of the New Zealand and Australian 
Division, Sir Alexander Godley wishes to thank all officers non- 
commissioned officers and men of it, for the loyal support they  
have invariably afforded him, since the Division was formed under 
his Command, nearly a year ago. 
He esteems himself especially fortunate, in that it was formed 
of troops from both Australia and New Zealand, and is very proud to  
have commanded a Division, which has to its credit the original land- 
ing at ANZAC, the subsequent repulse of several determined counter- 
attacks by the enemy, and finally the successful operations, which 
resulted in the occupation of all the Turkish territory, between and  
including the APEX and HILL 60. 
His great consolation in leaving the Division is that, in his  
new appointment, he will still be in close touch with it, and he has 
no doubt that under his successor, it will earn fresh laurels and 
continue to take a conspicuous share in bringing the War to  success- 
ful conclusion. 
ANZAC        (Sgd)   C. C. BENTINCK, Lieut,-Colonel, 
27/11/15                                    A. A. G. 


[*Copy No. 1   G. O. C. 4th Brigade*] 
No.  1   SUB-SECTION. 

  1. GENERAL.    The following notes on the defence of No, 1 Sub- 
    section are intended primarily as a guide to all concerned and  as 
    such, their literal reading is not to over-ride the initiative of  
    Post Commanders.
    No deviation is however, to be made  from an 
    expressed principle without reference to the O. C. Sub-section.
  2.   DESCRIPTION OF DEFENSIVE POSITION.   Commencing at a spot on  
    CHESHIRE RIDGE about 30 yds NORTH of 80 d 9, the main defensive 
    line follows the ridge which forms the watershed between the 
    AGHYL DERE  and CHAILIK DERE, thence through KNOLL 110 (Durrants 
    Post) to the bed of AGHYL DERE.  Bed of DERE exclusive. 
    The sub-section is bounded on the right by the  
    defensive line of the N.Z. R. Brigade and on the LEFT by that of 
     No. 2 Sub-section. It includes HOTCHKISS, three pounder Q.F. 
    which is situated NORTH WEST of ROSE HILL at the spot where HOTCHKISS 
    GULLY junctions with the AGHYL DERE. 

    3. ORGANIZATION AND DISTRIBUTION   The Sub-section is divided for 
    tactical and administrative purposes into four parts:- 
    No. 1 POST.  From the right of the Sub-section to BOUNDARY 
    ROAD (inclusive). Includes an Artillery Observation Station 
    but no Machine Guns. 
    Garrison.  "C" and "D' Companies, 13th  Battalion, 
    O.C. Post.    Capt.  H. C. FORD 
    Includes four Machine Guns which are placed on commanding 
    points on KNOLL 0 110. 
    Garrison.  "B" Company 13th Battalion and "A" Company 
    13th Battalion, less half. 
    O.C. Post   - Capt. G. G. GARDINER. 
    No. 3 POST.    From TOWNSVILLE STREET on the left to the BED of 
    the AGHYL DERE (exclusive). Includes four Machine Guns. 
    Garrison.   14th Battalion 
    O.C. Post       Major.  C.M.  DARE,   C.O., 14th Battalion

    No. 4  (HOTCHKISS)  POST.   A three pounder Q. F. manned by a  
    crew of 13th and 14th Battalions and under orders from 
    Brigade Machine Gun Officer.

     POST ORGANIZATION.  The garrison of each post is divided into, firing            line, supports and local reserves. 
    SUB-SECTION RESERVE.   Bivouaced is rear of No. 2 Post. Inten- 
    ded primarily to reinforce posts where needed, though they will 
    not be drawn upon until all local reserves are used by the  
    post concerned.  They are under the direct orders of the 
    O.C. Sub-section.
    Troops.    Half of "A" Company 13th Battalion. 
    No. 2 Field Company, N. Z. Engineers. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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