Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 10, 25 November - 30 November 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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TC Pow Cnstanc A PONO.NR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. a of Mossage. Charas to Pal Office Stamp. R Senteo Miteon Handed in at. Ofice .m. Received. at Pte NY tate Le 172 sonep as 1736 A4s feswotd ceived noted and Flerse Enplain fir dline tly messof St recont 60 t Bn 1900 co hre 15/23 ty tcam BRIGAEE M H OAe AUSTRAYAN MIPERIRL F. As Orderly19 in this office other nex of sectief were have sa Adept it fill ordery had finted Herr 10 FROM on PLAORATME 1640 Wes ass. 80, an Pads 81l. A. R. Lid-FarmaC aad OTow Cnstand LyKan D.R MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Nosenso Charges to Pay. ORESSAN 94 "d B38 146 Sertes HAteton 2 M AAC TTOO Handed in at OBco 4th Bde pepese p 117 239 AAa 7.100 taknowtet yetl 73th Br FROM PLACR A TMME 1655 WAsd ses. 50,000 Pads 8/1. S. B.Led-FormyCAIM
St0 Atlgt A 70 e will 2300 PlbOE OrFom Vosloae ae MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. TIANN CAMISTS TaS JR Gats NoV? 15 4th Oa M Received 7 t t D FtENSWONN AAA al en Berre a 20 Esi before nigh BIWPASI. A.S.M, SENSE
boay Por C.A C'Form Duplicate No. of Mossage. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Oaco blamr Charges to Pay 26/1/15 M 15 m. Received Oraco Handed in at 30 MISSSNS egre n AAA 11740 A 122 CWe to. e er on V0 1729 # 2300 receive tell has Put. Secto tis FROM PLACESTIME WA 688. 50,000 Pads 8/1l. S. B. Ltd-FormaCLIA WHYOL E0 E <3
TO Pow ObSiSS MATTONONA MESSAGES AND SIGNALSVXn ChaEADELKILA Viam sat IMPERIAL FOREE In H. 23 N31331 nor 2/20 SASHMMN 4th Mantry BrEAdE orco -M. Recoived Mtte 2154 Tust 4 & DeTAMoN SAAACOTARN aaa 911 naa 710 Cance my policy ttence will of 21 Contin till allton th O 1744 ton 21 TROM RuonaMy Div A oeae
Or Form (OrisinaD. JSN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mesase Recoted Sent, or sent out Office Stamp ce Words. O LAUSLEAI Charges to collect 108 WPERIAL SArteo Muttecton I0 0Nov 272/ Handed in ntt TonderONN SATAINON WTONGWSNANSS AAA BM ITH4 Acknowledged TROM Dunarh Po0 PACRETME 971 A tat te new ne Oll C.G l 0. Ton 1 A JSCR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Moasase— Received Sent, or sent out Onco Bamr a Charges to collect 30/4/4 4 Sores Htcton Handed in a Recorrd Ble BM RENSSISRENE DATANON TIOSGWUSNSS AAA recept BM Eedge Acknow 1744 FRoM PLAORSTIME FeaanonaM A.B.M
Charges to collect SArESMMMon FRon PlAORATMR W.M MAPed-S. S.B.Lld. AO. TON COMS L TNSIRE MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Movaso Reete AMO Office Stamp o From c Bd M DATAINON D t 225 2 1744 received 22 te n C TON SRSR A S MESSAGES AND SIONALS. No. of Memre Rocatrog RANHOAMNON Ofice Stamp ae ae From Q 36/4/13 3 Charges to collect SAFtSTibator catd Handed in at B17 SACSONONEN WTONYWONANSS SATANSN AAA received BM7 1744 TRoM Bt PLAORATIMR W.M E MANEAd-AIL AB.LIL-I
Or Form COrisinaD. in MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mossase Received Sent, or sent out Office Stamp Mrn t Ce Worde 144 Charges to collect Service Instructions 6 Handed in at. SoeSEANER SAYSINONN RESYWNSSSN AAA enddos0 ir casaad Bastle 3 A sat ctor Taket un FRO uban RACNETR WMI MAR SIL ARL-TGHM
M02 R FAa 33 1616 HGHH DERE 24/15 Aob. Yourth Barky Alley 1 yunl I Special Report srrains carried an successfully during the Baylight. Tunnet of Newburys pert further N. Fath to Newburys was further unfrober. &he rew fire meuch near Parricalin almost conpases. The wun was further improved by arming. toward Ader. New HyLaaurRoad From Kyl Seri to 22 or Broswas was ts3 through lost night &now ond requirs improvyg. Slelters for the thenwre worked at at Newban Granklins, Barricasl & Becks Bluff. Franklin Saf Commnn y was nuch improved by overhear cover almos all the way to Derwisk. A New Binanac was Harte Yesterday for Bcoy on the wistern plopes of Daruicklaste Hosontenan thaw communisation Sat from the Bivohao of to addresent lasth
II repers were as 3 abserving duri the Nim Turds were seen on the Sousternsisi of Hackney Wick about Y400. They were afarently abserving ao they are not atten to fere ove using his glasses. Acting on instructions, we refraired from firmy untell permission was abtained from Bor H.D. bythat me Eneny Lad dsapeared nto ms treuch. Barowere entandit were cresd in from of H pick on ill af 10/. 1 were further streng in last night. 0 Eneunt were very quiet auring the Day and indimance noveme being abserved. Patral went ant as her my dispositions & repoy everyiting quiet. The firmg lin personally ispecter of ogo0 everyiting sdustertory M m a No2 Sub Section 0030 27/
Sr Forn Doslons bay Po O.RI No of Mossage. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. CMTONTE FStndenS 38 Si ACSTRALLAN TAMPERYS CE nopto Sentee HMcton Ath tanten Orate. Office MA te tust Inf 70 TIOSGIOTE Senal ana observer reports Artillery at 1045 from 42 trenshes Curk that Farm re Southwa ines aca Both of men full Manry very strongt of Dtenches Pi Mon Dw PLACEA MIME 1122 WAa 30,000 Pads 8/16. S. B.Lld-FormaC MAL

"C" Form (Duplicate).              Army Form C. 2123.
No. of Message
Service Instructions.
Charges to Pay.
£  s.  d.
Office Stamp.
Handed in at   Office   m.  Received 1700 m.
TO Bde [[Ag?]] 4th Bde
[*Recd at Base
07C 1723*]
Sender's Number      Day of Month.    In reply to Number       AAA
QE 158                            26                                  BM1736
Password received
and noted
[*OC Bde Sigs
Please Explain delay in delivery
of this message; shown as receivd
from CO. 16th Bn 1700, recd here
at 1753
JP McGlinn Lieut. Colonel,
26 NOV 1915*]
[*As Orderly in this office in this office &
other men of section were having tea I
accept it till orderly had finished. L Kerr
FROM C.O. 16th BN
W.2384-588   30,000 Pads-8/14.   S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C 2123.

"C" Form (Duplicate).                Army Form C. 2123.
QA                    Charges to Pay.            Office Stamp
RAS                    £   s.   d.                               BQ
                                74                                 26/11

Service Instructions.
Handed in at   ....Office  .... m.   Received 1700m.
TO 4th Bde
Sender's Number          Day of Month    In reply to Number      AAA
QA315                                26                           BM1736
FROM           13th Bn
PLACE & TIME    1655
W.2384-583.   30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C 2123


"C" Form (Duplicate).                           Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                  No. of Message
                                                  Charges to Pay.                   Office Stamp. 
SB                     4aB                   £   s.   d.                              97
Service Instructions. Priority
NOV 26 1915
4th Infantry Brigade.*]

Handed in at ... NZA Office ....m.  Received 1617m.
TO  N Bde
4th Inf Bde
Sender's Number                  Day of Month    In reply to Number      AAA
NZ911                                            26th
The period of Silence
will Not be broken before
2300 Tonight.
[*Already promulgated  }  Bm 1729
to all Concerned              }  Issued 1225
+ 17
75 *]
JP McG L. Col
26 XI 15                                             

W.2384-583   30,000 Pads-8/14.   S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C 2123.


"C" Form (Duplicate).                Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.        No. of Message
QE                                            Charges to Pay                    Office Stamp.
PHraj                                         £   s.   d.                                26/11/15
Service Instructions.                      83                                     
Handed in at   ....Office  ....m.   Received 2115 m.

TO B.M. 4th BDE

Sender's Number              Day of Month             In reply to Number           AAA
QE 161                                        26th                             BM 1742
We received message BM 1722
Re extension cessation to 
2300 AAA to BM NO 1729
has been received
[*This refers to
FROM                O C No 2 Sub-Section
PLACE & TIME      2005

W.2384-583.   30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C 2123.


"C" Form (Duplicate).                  Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message
SM JD 23     4aB                  Charges to Pay.                                      Office Stamp.
                        1331                          £   s.   d.                                                      98

                        NZA                       AUSTRALIAN
                       TJa                        IMPERIAL FORCE
                                                        NOV 27 1915
                                                     4th Infantry Brigade
Handed in at .....NZ Office  .....m.  Received 2134 m.
TO 4th Aust Inf Bde.

Sender's Number       Day of Month                   In reply to Number    AAA
G916                                 26th
Cancel my G910 aaa The 
policy of silence will be
continued till 2400 24th / 28th.
Bm 1744 1745
out to all Bns
JPMcG 2145  26-XI-15

FROM                  NZA Div
PLACE & TIME   2115
W.2364-583   30,000 Pads-8/14.   S. B. Ltd. - Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Original).               Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                     No. of Message
Prefix   Code   Words        Received         Sent, or sent out                              Office Stamp.
From QA           At  AUSTRALIAN                                        26/11/15

By PH              IMPERIAL FORCE                                             90

                                                4aB                      NOV 27 1915

                                                1331                       4th Infantry Brigade

Service Instructions
Handed in at   ......Office     ......Received [[2200?]]

TO    4th Bde
*Sender's Number              Day of Month     In reply to Number        AAA
QA520                                       26                              BM 1744

FROM  Durrants Post
*This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583.   30,000 Pads-8/14.   S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Original).               Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.            No. of Message
Prefix    Code    Words                       

Received                     Sent, or sent out          Office Stamp.
From Q.C.                      At

By P [[Hrdg?]]            To     89                         26/11/15.           

Charges to collect   £   s.   d.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at   ......Office   ....m.  .... Received 2224 m.
TO  B M 4th Inf Bde
*Sender's Number      Day of Month                       In reply to Number                           AAA
                                         26th                                                             BM1744
Acknowledge receipt BM

FROM                            14th BN
PLACE & TIME             2215
* This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583.   30,000 Pads-8/14.   S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Original).             Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.        No of Message
Prefix   Code   Words                Received        Sent, or sent out               Office Stamp.
                                                        From QD                                                        BQ

                                                        By PH                   88                                  26/11
Service Instructions.
Handed in at   ....Office  ... m.   Received 2230 m.
TO  B.M. 4th Bde
*Sender's Number   Day of Month     In reply to Number                      AAA
                                         26th                                   BM1744
B.M. 1744 received

FROM               O.C. 15th BN
PLACE & TIME   2220
* This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583.   30,000 Pads-8/14.   S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Original                            Army Form 

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                    No. of Message
Prefix   Code   Words           Received                 Sent, or sent out             Office Stamp.
                                                  From QE                  At
                                                  By  P.H & agn         To                                        26/11/15
                                                                                      By 87 
Handed in at    ....Office   ..... m.  Received 2230 m.
TO  BM 4th In Bde
*Sender's Number       Day of Month      In reply to Number              AAA
QE163                                26th                              BM1744
BM 1744 received

FROM                           OC 16th Bm
PLACE & TIME                  2224
* This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583.   30,000 Pads-8/14.   S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Original).                                               Ar
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                       No. of Message  
Prefix SM Code 28  Words     Received          Sent, or sent out       Office Stamp.
                                                             From QA           At                                      27/11/15

                                                              By LKerr           To    116                              BQ

Charges to collect
£   s.   d.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at    ....Office    .....m.  Received 0605 m.
TO  4th Bde
*Sender's Number             Day of Month             In reply to Number   AAA
QA525                                          27th
Report for 24 hrs ended 0500
27/11/15 aaa
(1)  No sniping aaa
(2) Turks moving freely in their
trench xx sand & are exposing
themselves mor than usual aaa.
Sniper at apex has command of
portion of our ∧line of approach aaa
(3)  Casualties one wounded 14th Bn
(4)  Engineering works progressing
satisfactorly aaa
(5) Patrols nothing to report

FROM                           Durrant Inf Post
PLACE & TIME              0300  W.J. M. L

* This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583.   30,000 Pads-8/14.  S. B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


No 16                                                       52
No 2 Sub, Section
115            27/11/15
Fourth Bde HQ
Hay Valley
Special Report
Terracing carried on
successfully during 
the Daylight.
Tunnel of Newburys
put further in.
Path to Newburys was
further improved.
The new fire trench
near Barricade is
almost completed.
The well was further
improved by driving
towards Aghyl Dere.
New High Water Road
from Aghyl Dere to

114                           53
our Bivouvac was put
through last night & now
only requires improving.
Shelters for the men were
worked at at Newbury
Franklins, Barricade
& Becks Bluff.
Franklin Sap (communication)
was much improved by
overhead cover almost
all the way to Darwick.
A new Bivouac was
started yesterday for
BCoy on the western
slopes of Warwick Castle
It is intended to have
& communication Sap
from this Bivouac up 
to Darwicks Castle


113                         54
nipers were only
observing during the Day
Nine Turks were seen
on the Southern side
of Hackney Wick about
1400.  They were
apparently observing
as they did not attempt
to fire, one using
his glasses.  Acting
on instructions, we
refrained from firing
until permission
was obtained from
Bde H.Q. by that
time Enemy had
disapeared into his
Barb wire entanglements
were erected in front
of Hackney Wick


on night of 25th / 26th &
were further strengthened
last night.                                         112
Enemy were very
quiet during the day
only individual movement
being observed.
Patrols went out as per
my dispositions report
everything quiet.  The
firing line personally
inspected at 0200 everything
E Margolin   Major
OC No 2
Sub Section


"C" Form (Duplicate).                       Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                                 No. of Message
SM LF 35                                                Charges to Pay.              Office Stamp.
                         NZ                                   £   s.   d.                               110
NOV 27 1915
4th Infantry Brigade
Service Instructions.
Handed in at...                NZ  Office   .....m.  Received [[1124?]]m

TO 4th  Aust Inf Bde
Sender's Number            Day of Month        In reply to Number     AAA
G 925                                        24th

Artillery observer reports at 1045
that Turk trenches from 92
trench 9 southward to Farm are
full of men aaa Both lines
of trenches very strongly manned
[*Capt Marks to No 1 SS
Maj Margolin  No 2 SS
informed JP McG Lt Col
1200 - 1204
26 XI 15*]
JPMcG 1210
26 XI 15
FROM                   NZA Div
PLACE & TIME      1120
W.2384-583.   30,000 Pads-8/14.   S. B. Ltd.- Forms/C 2123.

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